Obama dashes Democratic hopes of finding a leader


Well, that was something. That something was Obama's press conference, where many expected bombshells and outrage, and instead, we got a full-serving of calm bipartisan Obama... Democrats hoped their leader would finally step-up and lead, to help Democrats build a case against both Donald Trump, Russia, Vlad, the FBI, Wikileaks, Republikans, uhhhh, I know I am forgetting a few, anyhoot, as expected, we got a full serving of the "adult in the room" that used to be such a clarion-call for the centric minded. Well, that didn't go over well...

I am not sure what people expected, after watching the Nyquil Prince for 8 years say a lot, and do very little, or why they would expect anything different... maybe they were hoping the 2008 fightin' Obama would make a reappearance, but unfortunately for all of us, no dice. Instead we got a full serving of nuance, innuendo, smiles, scolds, reconciliation and good ole bipartisan muck Obama. Even now. Sure, he mentioned Russia and Putin, but it almost seemed to pain him to think they were outside forces working against his interests... then he remembered the Republikans, and told them off by thanking them for putting up such a good fight...ugh, I just can't take it anymore.

I know, I am paraphrasing here, but when the press conference ended my neoliberal batsignal was going nuts, so I headed over to the Orange Irrelevance to see the reactions... and apparently I'm not the only one who noticed. It seems more than a few were expecting Patton to walk onto that stage, and blow chunks of flak all over the place, damned if the media caught a few... it was to be a glorious day, and finally, a victory seemed at hand. (which is unclear, just ANY victory, OBAMA was here!)

After the smoke cleared, the disappointment was thick. Where is Obama? Where is our leader? Where are the Democrats? Who will help us fight all the strategies we have put forth (see rec. list with appropriate tinfoil apparel), to thwart this election, install another President, or, or, ANYTHING!!! We need help, we need organizing, we need a general, we need a leeeeeaaaaaaddderrr!

Um, where the fuck have you been for the last 7 and a half years? Only now the toothless tiger disappoints you? A bubble is popping over there, that Obama will be considered a great President, a great guy, BUT... but what you ask? Fine I will say it: They are all starting to figure out, as we know, that after the Republicans destroy any and most of his legacy, history in the end might not be so kind to Mr. Obama, who had planted the sure-fire seeds of his own demise in many ways, and his Presidency, like this press conference, will go down in history as a side-note of nothingness... but what a great guy.

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Jazzenterprises's picture

... in with a bang, out with a whimper.

What could have been...

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Progressive to the bone.


Bernie scared them, now all is back in order

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Bollox Ref's picture

It's no wonder that Status Quo are an awful band.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Republicans will soon be the only people with the money necessary to fund Barry's LIEbury. He's not about to say anything which would cause them to renege on any promises made to him about donating to that project, right? After all, the GOP is days away from completing Ronnie Raygunz' wet dream of total Republican dominance of America, and they just might still want to reward the toady who made it all possible with his incompetent mismanagement of the national government, right?


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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

Hillbilly Dem's picture

All three branches of government. Coupled with cowardly, compliant Vichy Democrats. "Yes, the Republicans almost destroyed Social Security. But we kept a few crumbs for you. It was the best we could do." I gonna be sick.

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

travelerxxx's picture

Perfect description:

...cowardly, compliant Vichy Democrats.

Sadly, it appears they remain so. Vichy Democrats. Stealing this, Hillbilly Dem.

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Bollox Ref's picture


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from a reasonably stable genius.

Hillbilly Dem's picture

Tell them to take back that murdering Henry Kissinger's Nobel Prize too.

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

Bollox Ref's picture


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from a reasonably stable genius.

Alligator Ed's picture


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might want their Indian name back, too.

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sojourns's picture

I took particular note upon his self congratulatory answers to questions about his role in the failure of the Democratic party from everything to major losses of State Governors to State Legislators. "I worked hard blah blah"

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

detroitmechworks's picture

Don't pay any attention to what Obama says.

Look at who his agent is talking to.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

Eight years of BSing a nation takes it toll.

I'm convinced that all the guy ever wanted to do as President was simply survive and retire with a cushy payday. He was a good soldier for the PTB, said all the right things, followed the script, straddled every controversy, had some fun, played some golf, never said no to anybody important...

And now, just when he sees the finish line, Hillary, who he's never liked, has blown the easiest campaign imaginable and is now trying to drag him into overturning the results.

Sure he'll read whatever lines you put in front of him, but Hillary has truly the plot if she thinks he's cancelling his Christmas trip for her Hail Mary soft coup attempt on Monday.

Best thing he can do is get out of DC while all the nonsense goes down.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

ZimInSeattle's picture


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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

melvin's picture

Brown should look into this possible power source.

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Amanda Matthews's picture


They expected something different from Barack Obama? The guy in the White House who is carrying out the same agenda as the worthless SOB who was in there before him? The guy who bailed out rich bankers but gave the rest of us, particularly the poorest amongst us, Austerity? The guy who has lied to us consistently, starting from the time he decided to run for the presidency to the present?


Dumb asses.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

snoopydawg's picture

Some people were saying that he should have put troops in Syria.
The shark has certainly been jumped when a site that was built because of the Iraq war is now upset that more American troops weren't put into harm's way so that Saudi Arabia and other countries could install pipelines.

Here's one of Obama's statements

Says Clinton was not covered fairly during the election, the coverage of her and the issues was troubling.

I have no idea what he was talking about, but I don't remember the media covering the contents of Podesta's emails.
In fact I remember that it was Bernie that wasn't covered fairly by the media.
I'm glad you mentioned DK, or I would have missed the coverage and the comments.
But he is still the best president since FDR, right?
Even after all the wars, extending the Bush tax cuts and renewing the unconstitutional Acts.
And of course everyone is better off economically and millions didn't lose their homes and pensions because Obama put a stop to the banks nefarious cheating.
Oh wait......

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

struck me as completely clueless.

The MSM was all in on Hillary. The lack of objectivity in the press was downright PAINFUL this past election because it was so f'ing OBVIOUS.

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Deja's picture

I hope someone didn't actually die!

And he's all, "Where was I? Oh yeah. . ."

Thanks Obama! At least everyone who heard it knows where your doctor's office is, and only knows that because your uber importante bullshit conference kept getting interrupted by that annoying person in the back with the POSSIBLY life-threatening medical emergency.

Lord only knows what the bill for POTUS doc (OUT OF NETWORK) treating you in a NON NETWORK facility is gonna be!

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Shahryar's picture

with 53% of the vote to your main opponent's 46%, winning the electoral college 365-173, with a national popularity at 70%?

Personally I'd have immediately pushed for the things I campaigned on.

Way back when, we figured out quickly that it was a sham. We were told "hey, calm down. He's only been in office two weeks", then "a month", then "a couple of months".

I tend to dislike double-crossers more than straight shooters who I happen to disagree with.

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gulfgal98's picture

I tend to dislike double-crossers more than straight shooters who I happen to disagree with.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

same positions as the double crossers with whom we disagree and lie, too.

Who was a greater danger to Troy, Greek soldiers on the battlefield or Greek soldiers inside the Trojan horse? Not to mention their cowardice, dishonorableness, deceptiveness, etc. What's to like?

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dystopian's picture

I was taken too. Turned out Obama had a different definition of the words hope and change that we did. What he meant was that there would be no change, or hope. His legacy, like Hillary's, should be that they got Trump elected. Just like W. Bush's should be that he got the first person of color elected to president. Whooda thunk the Republican from TX would do that? We just didn't see the change we hoped for, and were promised for our votes. The words Democrat and liberal have also taken on new meanings apparently.

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

We thought we had a Democrat who was not a Clintonite or had not turned Clintonite, like Kerry (a founding member of the New Democrat Coalition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Democrat_Coalition)

Until Obama named Rahm, who was hoping to be Mayor of Chicago, as his Chief of Staff. And filled his administration with other Clintonites, including Hillary, who seems to have gotten the job by promising to campaign for him in 2009 and 2012.

At least Bill Clinton didn't pretend to be anti-Clinton. He even campaigned on ending "welfare as we know it." http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1997/03/the-worst-thing-bill... (Apparently, welfare been partially replaced by the thousand points of light Poppy Bush promised would replace government concern for its citizens, also known as "gofundme.")

Later, Obama fulfilled his promise to make Rahm Mayor of Chicago, including by hiring the son of Chicago boss thug Daley of "The Whole World is Watching" fame) to succeed Rahm.

So many times in 2008 I told myself, "He doesn't mean it. He needs to do this to get elected. Once he's President......"

When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.

Mayangelou, as quoted by Oprah Winfrey - Oprah's Thank You Game https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Maya_Angelou

(I've never heard Mayangelous speak ungrammatically. It's possible that she said, When people show you who they are, believe them the first time, but Oprah's recollection was not 100% accurate.)

So, either believe him/her/them the first time, or know that you are voting for someone who will lie or worse to get what he or she wants and all you can trust about him or her is his or her self-interest.

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Yellerdog's picture

It will be mighty hard to be disappointed by him. Unless of course you supported him. Actually it seems now that we didn't just elect a President we elected a Presidential family, something like a high commission or ruling council, except for a 1st Lady who seems left to fend for herself in NY. We do have a 1st daughter who appears to be pimping herself off for a $100,000 or so. I wonder if they're all going to just bring in sleeping bags and camp out and have pajama parties in the WH.

I was just thinking about Obama and realized he was good looking, smoothing talking and had a pretty good jump short. In other words the kind of guy you would warn your daughter about. I admit it. I got suckered big time. In all fairness he did say one time during the campaign that he would disappoint many of us. Got that part right. So sad.

Remember 11 dimensional chess. We were such children.

He was however better than GWB. Before the next 4 years are past we may pine for he days of good old Shrub.

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my fathe in law's intestines burst from cancer. That year, I learned never to say "At least, it can't any get worse." Actually, I think I always knew that (rough childhood), but that year, I learned to contradict people who said that to me.

Trump is a 70 year old, vulgar, thin-skinned spoiled child with money (we assume) and near zero impulse control who will soon be the most powerful and pampered man in the world. When I do the math, it doesn't tell me he can't disappoint me.

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Cassiodorus's picture

is that none of your vast reserves of cleverness will actually give you something to sell. Remember, this is the guy who appointed his cabinet based on the recommendations of an executive at Citigroup.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

He won. Get over it. I don't like him either, but he won. If an elite is going to select the President ala 2000, then we might as well dispense with the farce of elections.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

jwa13's picture

... the farce has been apparent for all to see, for some time now (since the 2000 presidential, IMO; but certainly since the demoRatic primaries in 2016) --

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When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.