How Paranoid Am I Being?
I know I’m being ridiculous. Obviously there’s no conspiracy … and yet, given what’s happening in this country, I felt an unsettling chill this afternoon.
First, Amazon ‘Suppressed’ my anti-Trump book. That’s what they call it! ‘Suppressed.’
I suspect that a Trumpist complained about the content. I spoke with Amazon and got a little heated on the phone. They claim they’re reloading the paperback version of the book, but it hasn’t happened yet.
And then, two hours later, Twitter banned my account from advertising my anti-Trump book:
No explanation. The book is a bunch of ‘fractured fairytales’ parodying Trump; nothing, frankly, that hasn’t been done a hundred times … with different subjects
Obviously, this is just coincidence. I’m not within a million miles of important enough to bother with. Still, I started wondering if there’s a growing institutional unwillingness to support anti-Trump screeds right now. That’s clearly paranoid, right?
And yet, for a moment this afternoon, I felt a chill. And now the fact that I felt that way felt … even chillier.

It's possible
that overkill exterminated the Dodo.
Nope. That's a fact.
Many are tired of the election and hearing about the queen or the jester.
Take a few weeks off and wait until the inauguration is over.
Might work. Might not.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I hope is was just bad luck but know how you feel.
The two stories I read were really funny and not at all mean. If the rest of the stories are like that your book is just good political satire.
I, too, am wondering what the future will be like for those of us who care about the world and tend to speak our minds. I think we will all be looking over our shoulders more.
I'm sure it was just luck,
but I paused for a second and thought, 'Hm.'
Frankly, my pause is the part that makes me most nervous. Well, that and the word 'Suppressed.' Such a strange term for them to choose.
Luck? I don't think so.
Luck is when you lose at blackjack or win betting on the home team.
Someone, or several someones, made a conscious decision to blacklist your book. They looked at it, talked to superiors, possibly searched the Internet, and banned you. That's not luck. And I didn't misspeak when I used the word blacklist. The fact that two separate corporations nixed you smells of blacklist.
Maybe they consider it a fake book ... kinda like fake news.
You may well be right
But censors are cowardly megalomaniacs. It is also distinctly possible that some little old lady in tennis shoes (who is also a Trump supporter) got 1 customer complaint and used it as an excuse to hammer someone less powerful. Voice of experience.
On to Biden since 1973
And yet, Drumpf can say anything at all
Whatever he wants, no matter the consequences, real or perceived. Don't give up. Think of it like a letter of rejection from a regular publisher. Everyone gets rejected many times before it falls into the right hands.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
They just said it this time.
"My name is Jack Frost, baby."
This is an outrage!
However, I just checked my account, having already "bought" your book, and the Suppression has not yet gone so far as to claw it back from Kindle accounts. Have you asked them what's up?
Oh, the Kindle version is fine!
It's just the paperback version that's gone. That's why it says 'Out of Stock' or whatever.
I'm 95% sure that someone just saw 'Sleeping Beauty' and 'The Three Pigs' and thought, "Wait a second! I recognize those titles! They must be plagiarized!" (Though it's a bit hard to imagine anyone even tangentially aware of books not knowing that retellings of fairytales are not exactly uncommon.)
But the word 'Suppressed' ... yikes. And my own reaction sort of alarmed me.
And I _still_ don't know why Twitter isn't letting me advertise the book. They won't say.
Paranoia. Not if they really are out to get you. I jest sort of
Have you searched Amazon for other anti-Trump merchandize? Bezos met with the mighty one yesterday and they may have decided to take down anti-Trump merchandise in general. Or of course since we haven't heard back maybe they really are loading it. It's difficult to say if Twitter and Amazon have an interlocking advertising agreement. You may have become part of the fake news blowback. Efforts to kill fake news will undoubtedly have an impact on satire or forms of expression that might take two brain cells to rub together to tell if it's real or not.
In fact the whole fake news thing is a perfect setup for censorship. Now you've done gone and got me paranoid. Damn, where did I put those pretty little smooth pills?
Yeah, there's other stuff up,
and I'm certainly not worth shutting up. I am shielded by unimportance! I'm sure it'll return tomorrow. (If not, I'll update!) Though Twitter is standing firm in its refusal to let me advertise the book ...
I like your thoughts about fake news, though. (And by 'like,' I mean 'hate,' of course.) Very well paranoided!
I tend to think they're more concerned about
"plagiarism" than Trump disrespect. But I would think the copyright had run out on fairy tales long ago. I'm on Twitter but don't know all the ins and outs. How would I put out a general tweet about your book being banned from Twitter? It might get you lots more readers! There's nothing like telling people they can't do something to make them want to do it.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I absolutely agree!
I mean, even in my most paranoid ravings, I'm still not important enough to silence. For a book that I'm struggling to get people to read for free? Ha! I wish!
And yes, fairytales aren't copyrighted; it's why there are so many 'fractured fairytales' out there. Hell, this book is probably most like 'Politically Correct Bedtime Tales' from the 90s. So it's hardly a new thing. I kind of wonder if it wasn't a case of, 'this is getting flagged as a copyright violation. Oh, it's pointedly political. Well, let's take it down and see if the author objects.'
Unless there was some kind of complaint, which is possible. I did mention it a few times on Twitter (er, @BabyfingerTrump is my handle for this book), and I get trolled by wingnuts every now and then, so at least that's possible. And of course I'd very much appreciate any tweeting you did.
A small but important point--
Titles do not enjoy copyright protections. One can title anything they wish to title it. So, you could write a book about a disenfranchised used space ship parts dealer who is coming to terms with competition coming from the International Association of Beauty Queens who want to horn in on the business and then title it "JAWS" or "The Sound of Music" and it would be perfectly legal.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
BTW, note at the bottom of the right-hand side here.
Send Admin a message and an image, you can have your book posted there for an extended period of time. We can also list you in the Caucus Catalog, if you'd like to join.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I don't see the note, but I
I don't see the note, but I feel like I'm being a bit too self-promotey already? And I'd love to be listed in the Caucus Catalog, though the book will only be free for another few days. And the paperback is still waiting for friggin' Amazon to re-upload ...
Your James Dachshund mug is great/horrible. I took some liberties, in my book, with Goldilocks, and gave her a sidekick called Tuppence who wants to skin the three bears, to address the same issue, but I'm not sure it's as powerful as it should be.
Your work is funny and people need a laugh.
When the promised jobs don't appear there will even be a lot of Trump voters who will be ready for some parody about him. The rest of us already need it.
If you look at Amazon Seller Forums there are discussions about
what "suppressed" means. Would be worthwhile for you to take a look. From about 30 seconds of reading, I got that it was often related to quality issues like a missing image and they suppress the product from searches because they think until the issues are settled it detracts from the consumer experience, or something like that. You mentioned that you had trouble with your title art, didn't you? So maybe something as simple as that is holding things up, especially since the Kindle version is having no issues, right?
I don't have a Twitter account, although I might start one, so I am no expert on that, but I did notice that they gave you a link about their advertising and promotional policies, so I would look through that and see what sub paragraph of a subparagraph I had violated and remedy it and get back up and running.
Whenever I get into a paranoid mindset, I invariably find later that no, the bank didn't make an error, the secret police didn't move my car keys, and the file I'm looking for always turns up in the last place I look (joke). I understand how unnerving the two events would have seemed , coming one after the other like that, but I bet it's simply coincidence based on this being your first outing into self-publishing.
Please do follow up to help the rest of us who are thinking of self-publishing on Amazon. Best wishes on lots of success with your book and hope many others follow.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
That was my first thought, too.
But they confirmed that it was 'Suppressed' on account of content. Apparently there's two kinds of suppressed. The kind where they remove you from search results, and the kind where they remove you for content violation. Why they only remove the paperback and not the Kindle? No idea! I think they're just two different departments.
I'm sure it was a coincidence. But what really alarmed me was that moment when Amazon and Twitter both blocked the book, and just for a second I felt a very specific chill. Unnerving, like you said. Though in the end, no doubt innocuous.
What are you thinking of self-publishing? This is my first foray, so I don't know much (obviously) but I'm happy to share the little I learned.
So they confirmed it was your content?
As in your content being anti-Trump? That's so bizarre I can't bend my head around it. Political satire and commentary is a fundamental part of literature. Could it be something more esoteric, like maybe Trump has trademarked "Make America Great Again" and they feel like you impinged on that trademark? But again, my understanding has always been that satire and parody is a protected fair use and Free Speech. Additionally I thought I specifically learned long ago that titles can't be copyrighted which is why you'll find books and movies and songs with similar if not identical titles that are completely unique.
I guess I'm clutching at straws, but I still trust and hope you'll be able to straighten it out. If the reason for your suppression is not some technical trademark or copyright consideration within the content and if a major book publisher and retail outlet is truly suppressing creative output for political considerations, that would be a big big story. Huge.
I personally feel that people today are informed and media savvy and they will not take kindly to the new censorship paradigms that are currently evolving.
I'm writing a short story collection. I thought when I have enough, and I have quite a few, I would release them on maybe a weekly basis through Amazon and/or other platforms and then put them together in a collection.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Oh, no! They never said it was the 'anti-Trump'
part that was the problem. Just 'the content.' So it's not formatting/graphics. I think someone there doesn't know that you can write retelling of fairytales without running afoul of copyright laws? That and/or there were complaints from Trumptrolls.
But good news!: I got an email saying they'll straighten it out!
You're right about parody being fair use, but of course Amazon is a private company, so can reject anything for any reason, as I understand it. Still, it looks like they're going to bring the book back. Though it's not there yet ...
Good luck with the story stories. Apparently the people who make a few bucks on Amazon are the ones who release series of smaller books, or even novellas or stories. So there might be a market for it. Drop me a note when you're ready to go, and at least I can warn you away from the mistakes I've made. Though I'm the farthest thing from an expert!
That is good news.
I loved your story, it was very witty and sly. It deserves a large readership.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Just found this
maybe if enough of us keep putting it on our Wish Lists ?
I like this plan!
The tRump Effect Is Active
Everyone has become afraid of retaliation from Trump. Selling a book he doesn't like could cause problems later when the rat bastard has real power. Get used to it. The Emperor Will Not Be Mocked - nor parodied.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Yeah, the moment of fear struck me.
Speaking of the Emperor, I hope you'l forgive me for posting a monster ...
In a fine city on a craggy coast, lofty towers rose overhead and grassy parks spread wide between the avenues. At all hours of day and night, the city rang with music and trade, art and sport. And in the commercial district, bustling boulevards echoed with the cries of fishmongers, costermongers, and ironmongers.
Except one peddler didn’t shout in the boulevards.
One peddler wasn’t allowed.
He woke early every morning to secure a good spot for his stall, and every morning the other vendors chased him into an alley, between a heap of refuse and a tannery wall.
“Unfair!” he muttered. “I’m the real victim here ...”
He glowered at the other peddlers. Selling fish, apples, and iron was easy! But he was a hatemonger, and peddling hate took real effort. Even people who enjoyed a good, bracing hate in private still shied away from buying his wares in bulk—or in public.
The hatemonger scraped together a meager living from a small-but-fervent following, until one day his best customer pulled him aside. This customer was a clever man named Bartholomew, and he suggested a plan.
“The Emperor,” Bright Bart said, “is a shallow, vain man. He loves nothing except himself, and is loved by nobody except himself.”
“How can a man like that help our cause?” the hatemonger asked. “We are men of principle and purpose, not self-regard.”
“We’ll use his vanity to make him our puppet.”
So they bought two looms and began to weave a web. Not of cloth, but of lies. They spread word that they were super-classy weavers, the most popular and high-energy weavers in the city. Soon the palace buzzed with the news, and the Emperor summoned the ‘weavers’ to meet him in the throne room.
“We weave the most amazing clothes, Your Magnificence,” Bright Bart told him. “The colors will make your head spin, believe me. And the patterns? Huge. Huge patterns. Beautiful. “
“Tremendous,” the hatemonger said, then lowered his voice. “And that’s not all, Your Worship.”
“What?” the Emperor asked, absently stroking his daughter, who was sitting on his knee. “What else is there?”
“We only use the rarest fabric, Your Supremacy,” Bright Bart said. “Fabric so very, very great that it’s invisible to anyone who isn’t great.”
The courtiers gasped in amazement, but the Emperor merely said, “I’ve heard of that fabric. I know all about it. I have so much knowledge, I know more than anyone.”
“Of course, Your Perfection.” Bright Bart bowed, and then addressed the courtiers. “You lesser lights may not understand exactly how useful this material is. Our fabric is utterly solid and impeccably sourced ... yet absolutely invisible to anyone who is disgusting or low-energy.”
“It cannot be seen by losers or clowns,” the hatemonger added, “nor by anyone who is third-rate.”
“What we weave on our loom is the truth,” Bright Bart told the courtiers. “For those of superior blood and unfettered sight, we embroider everything except the facts.”
“You will see the world as it truly is,” the hatemonger promised. “For we never cut our cloth on the bias.”
The Emperor rubbed his stubby hands together. Using this wondrous fabric, he could easily check if any of his people were losers or dum-dums.
“Make me your finest outfit!” he declared, and told his treasurer to give the weavers a chest overflowing with gold.
“Yes, Your Magnificence,” the treasurer said, though knowing his Emperor well, he only gave the weavers a promissory note.
The so-called weavers didn’t care: men of principle don’t work for a payment, but for a cause. They were hatemongers, and hate does not mong itself. So they set up the two looms and pretended to weave, though they used no thread save that of their curdled imaginations. They danced around the empty looms, making minute adjustments and sweeping generalizations.
For weeks they wefted and wove. Word of their unstinting drudgery spread through the palace to the city, until every one of the Emperor’s subjects knew about the wonderful properties of their cloth.
After a time, the Emperor wondered how his new garments were coming along. Did he feel a faint sense of unease, that perhaps he wouldn’t see the new clothes? A niggling worry that he would prove to be a loser or a clown?
No. Not even for the tiniest fraction of an underfed second.
Still, he was curious. Not just for himself, but because he enjoyed a spectacle—and he knew that his subjects were impatient to discover which of their so-called friends were disgusting pigs and low-energy losers.
“I’ll send my old guard to have a look,” the Emperor decided. “I can trust him, for he grovels better than anyone in the palace, even the Scribe.”
“You called, Your Highness?” the Scribe simpered, stepping forward.
The Emperor scowled at the smug, ink-stained wretch. “Go with my old guard to inspect the weavers’ work. I can’t stand the sight of your ugly face.”
So the old guard knocked on the workroom door while the Scribe stood beside him, quill hovering over parchment.
“Before you come in,” called the hatemonger, “promise us one thing.”
“What’s that?” the old guard asked.
“Don’t be too kind,” the hatemonger told him through the door. “If you spot a single flaw, you must tell us immediately.”
“Of course,” the old guard said, relieved at this trivial request. After all, he prided himself on his hard-won ability to never spot a serious flaw in any respectable party.
Bright Bart ushered him and the Scribe inside. “The pattern is amazing,” Bart said. “The very, very best. And the colors are beautiful, believe me. So beautiful.”
The old guard stared at the empty looms, a brittle smile covering the breaking of his heart. He’d always suspected the truth, but he’d never known before: he truly was a loser, a third-rate clown. Without the Emperor, he was worth nothing at all.
Still, before he said anything, he glanced nervously at the Scribe. Maybe—he barely dared hope—maybe the looms truly were empty?
“What do you think?” the Scribe asked him.
“Oh!” The old guard swallowed. “Um. It’s tremendous? So, so amazing?”
“How very true!” the hatemonger said.
The old guard took comfort from the scratching of the Scribe’s quill, as the ink-stained functionary recorded his words. After all, if the Scribe saw empty looms, he wouldn’t simply transcribe the quote, would he?
Of course not. The very idea was laughable.
Bright Bart told the old guard about the ‘clothes’ in lurid detail, mentioning every imaginary seam and non-existent button. The old guard memorized his words, while the Scribe recorded every boast and brag. And when they returned to the throne room and repeated the breathless description to the Emperor, the courtiers fluttered with excitement.
The Emperor decided he’d wait no longer. With his court at his heels, he rushed to the workroom to see for himself.
“So beautiful!” the old guard cried, throwing the doors wide. “Amazing! Terrific!”
For a terrible moment, the courtiers stared in dismay—then they broke into a chorus of praise, each one seeking to prove that they, at least, were high energy and first rate.
The Emperor approached the empty looms, his brow furrowed. The courtiers quieted. Even the hatemonger held his breath as the Emperor circled the workroom.
“At long last,” the Emperor thought, “a set of clothes that truly reflects the inner me. An outfit that encapsulates my very soul.” For the Emperor could see clothes on the looms, where no thread existed. His self-regard was so mighty that it painted a breathtaking picture for him, shimmering with his favorite colors: red, white, and blue … but mostly white.
“Huge,” he uttered, and the room erupted in cheers.
“Your Superlativeness,” said his old guard. “Perhaps you’ll grace the city by wearing your new clothes during the procession tomorrow?”
The Emperor agreed, and the ‘weavers’ worked through the night, inventing a few last challenges for themselves, then proposing a few final solutions. And as dawn broke, they finally announced, “The Emperor’s new clothes are ready!”
When the Emperor entered, the ‘weavers’ bowed low and gestured to the empty racks. “Here are the trousers, Your Magnificence,” Bright Bart said. “Here is the shirt and the belt, here the hood and here the robe.”
“All of them together as light as a spider web,” the hatemonger added.
“Look how it sways,” one courtier gasped. “So delicate, so airy.”
“And the colors!” another gushed. “Like an autumn sunset over a lavender field.”
“Like the fresh fall of snow,” Bright Bart murmured, “over a wintry field.”
With a steady stream of flattery, the ‘weavers’ pretended to dress the Emperor. When they finally stepped away, the Emperor surveyed his naked self in the long mirror … and gasped in delight. And after a scant hour enjoying his court’s groveling praise, the Emperor marched from the palace, leading the procession through the streets.
Nobody in the city wished to be proven a loser or clown, of course. So the gathered throngs cried, “The Emperor’s new clothes are beautiful! They fit him so great! The best!”
“Look at his long train!” called the people leaning from the windows. “That’s the longest train. Nobody’s ever had a longer train!”
Praise and exultation sounded all around ... except from the costermonger. “He’s naked!” she blurted. “He’s not wearing anything!”
The courtiers sneered and the guardsmen snorted, but whispers spread like wildfire: “Someone says the Emperor is naked! He’s not wearing anything at all!”
“There isn’t a single stitch on his flabby bum!” the ironmonger agreed.
“And small hands or no,” the fishmonger tittered, “apparently there is a problem. I guarantee it.”
Neighbors turned to neighbors. Friends turned to friends. Was it true? Were they not lightweight losers and disgusting pigs? Could they trust what they saw with their own eyes? In a moment, half of the crowd started shouting, “The Emperor has no clothes! The Emperor has no clothes!”
Laughter rippled through the streets ... until the rest of the crowd jeered, “Liars! Crooked liars! He is wearing clothes! The best clothes!”
“You losers just can’t see his clothes,” the hatemonger called, pushing forward. “Because you’re terrible, disgusting people.”
“Look at him!” the fishmonger said. “He’s naked.”
“Treason!” cried Bright Bart. “Who dares mock the Emperor?”
“Ask anyone!” the ironmonger shouted. “Ask ... ask the Scribe!”
The crowd turned to the Scribe, who puffed out his chest and stroked his chin. He looked to the costermonger, then to the hatemonger. He consulted his parchment for a thoughtful moment then gazed at the Emperor, standing naked in front of the parade.
“Tell us!” the costermonger demanded. “Is the Emperor wearing clothes?”
“Some claim he is,” the Scribe informed her. “And some claim he’s not.”
“I’d like to punch them in the face!” the Emperor bellowed, his jowls wobbling. “So obnoxious! So loud! Treat them very, very rough. They ought to be carried out on stretchers!”
“Your wish is our command!” the hatemonger cried, and he and Bright Bart beat the costermonger with cudgels until her bones snapped.
“I hate to intrude, Emperor,” the Scribe said, with a trace of alarm. “But perhaps you should stop them?”
“My followers have tremendous love for their country,” the Emperor explained. “They’re very passionate, and they’re sick of losing.”
While the costermonger bled to death, Bright Bart took the old guard’s place at the Emperor’s side. He bowed his head in perfect deference, whispering assurances of loyalty into his puppet’s ear. Meanwhile, the hatemonger glared at the frightened crowd. Why weren’t they cheering louder? Why did they still resent him, after everything he’d done?
“I’m the real victim here,” he muttered.
And the Emperor led the procession away, his new clothes resplendent in the sunshine.
Very well written!
I look forward to more of your work.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
This is an excellent story. I enjoyed every word.
Although it is clever beyond words.
Is this your fiction that was suppressed by Amazon?
Assuming that it is, I feel a thrill of fear, too.
Yep, that's one of 'em!
I wrote 21, in an obsessive fever after the election. But they say they're going to return to the book to the page, so fingers crossed. I'm sure it was nothing. I just hate that I felt that moment of 'uh-oh.'
May I share this story on my FB page?
It's quite (horrifyingly) clever & I think maybe if more people saw a sample of your stories it could drum up some business for you.
Please do!
Share anywhere! Writing satirical stories feels so inadequate, considering the disaster we're facing, but ... it's the only stone I know how to throw. I'd really appreciate any sharing you do.
This convinced me to "buy" free Kindle version
Too freaking funny! Also linked to the Emperor comment and shared it, via text, with my brother, who, other than my son, is the only person in my family who would "get" any of the funnies. I'll try my millennial daughter, but not sure if she'll "get" it.
Good luck with the paperback version! I'll leave a verified purchase great review, as well.
Yeah, there are few things in there that you've got to be unhealthily interested in politics to catch. I thought 'Bright Bart' was too obvious, but a reader suggested that 'Bad Bart' might make a better name! So glad you liked it.
Daughter sitting on Emperor's lap caused son to gasp!
He thought Bright Bart was completely appropriate as well, so I guess we both have that unhealthy fixation on politics. At least I can understand these delicious little tidbits.
All the World is a Safe Space now
We just run a dinky subreddit, and I can't count how many times a day we get 'reports' complaining about partisans from both sides being "allowed" to post there.
Now multiple that by 10,000.
They shouldn't be bothering, but I fear this is the cultural backlash from decades of an open web.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Backlash from an open web?
You mean people have been exposed to things that are, shall we say, outside of their comfort zone? So they're striking back?
Everyone wants their Safe Space
And they get offended when they don't get it.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
The fruits of "Safe Space"
..... are always the complete cessation of all dialog and discussion.
I'm still associated with the Yahoo Group INDOPAGAN, which is supposedly a place for discussion of modern Neopagans who feel the call of the Deities of Southern Asia.
The only postings there in over two years have been the Rules, posted monthly on the first day of the month. Why? The Admins blame Facebook, but the real cause is those Rules which come out every month. The restrictions guaranteeing "Safe Space" have resulted in the complete cessation of all communication. None dare post anything at all.
I've dealt with some of those Admins before. The Safe Space demands killed their prior channels, too.
Honest communication has risks which cannot be removed. Attempting to remove these risks guarantees non-communication. It really is that simple.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I feel the chill too
and while this could be a mistake or whatever, when I read the headlines in the NYT this morning about Hillary taking revenge on Russia for "interfering with our election" and trying to destroy "our democracy" I'm right there with you on feeling like we're going down a dark road and yes, the Emperor has no clothes but the NYT "sees" those clothes and we could end up at war with Russia.
And I do think censorship is in our future. While Trump is a nasty vindictive and thin skinned bully, so is Hillary and most of the Democratic party. They'll want to shut down dissent and what better way than this fake news bullshit. Scary times.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Yep. I mentioned elsewhere that my custom Google News
…feed scared me to death this morning. Specifically the Russia kabuki. I bet Putin is really sorry he picked up the phone when he saw Trump's caller ID.
Live and learn, Vlad. Never answer the phone when a failing empire is calling.
I was just able to add the paperback to my Amazon cart...
...and when I hit "Proceed to Checkout," I didn't get any message about it not being available, so I think you're good to go. (At least on Amazon. Can't speak for Twitter as I don't have an account.)
Good luck!
It's back!
And hey, I sold one! Thanks! I am happy out of all proportion!
Contact MSNBC. I bet they'll have you on some show as a
guest. They love them some anti-Trump screeds, demonstrations, riots, whatever.
I thought the stories were cute, too
I dunno what really happened, but you should know that you have support out here.
Keep up the good work!
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett