The Evening Blues - 12-15-16


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Scrapper Blackwell

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features blues guitarist Scrapper Blackwell. Enjoy!

Scrapper Blackwell - Down and Out Blues

“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power.”

-- Malcolm X

News and Opinion

Labelling Dissenting Media As ‘Fake News’ Is The Same As Telling Us That Our Grievances Are Imaginary

A bill was quietly passed with a veto-proof majority in both the House and the Senate the other day, locked in by the Senate on the eighth of this month. Called the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act. ... As Zero Hedge noted after the Propaganda Act passed in the House at the end of last month, “It is easy to see how this law, if passed by the Senate and signed by the president, could be used to target, threaten, or eliminate so-called ‘fake news’ websites, a list which has been used to arbitrarily define any website, or blog, that does not share the mainstream media's proclivity to serve as the Public Relations arm of a given administration.” ...

We can get an idea of how we can expect the government’s definition of “propaganda” to be used by looking to the Washington Post, which is owned by the fifth wealthiest plutocrat in the world and which has served as the neoliberal establishment’s most unabashedly vocal advocate this election cycle. AlterNet correctly identifies it as “essentially an arm of the American deep state,” so we can learn a lot from what it’s saying. WaPo recently ran a very serious article wherein a McCarthyite blacklist of hundreds of alternative media outlets, many of them highly respected, was held up as evidence compiled by “experts” that Russian propaganda pervades all levels of all media that runs counter to the Approved Story. The evidence for being added to this blacklist was never revealed by the extremely shady organization cited, but was described as “behavioral”, meaning that a site was added to the blacklist if the organization decided that it appeared to behave in a way that benefitted the Russian government. ...

This is nothing other than textbook gaslighting. The near-monopolized mainstream media is refusing to tell dissenting stories and look at dissenting points of view, and when other outlets try to tell those stories they get attacked, marginalized and silenced for being “fake”. Don’t like what the president is doing? That’s fake. Nervous about the implications behind something you read in WikiLeaks? Fake. Want more transparency in government? Scared of the warmongering against a nuclear superpower? Don’t like the Democratic party’s rampant corporate cronyism and aggressive suppression of progressive voices and candidates? Fake, fake, and double fake. Your concerns are fake, your grievances are fake, your stories are fake. You believe a fake thing. It’s only in your head. You’re crazy.

Well I’m not crazy, and neither are you. Our concerns are valid, and we’re getting better and better at sharing information about them and telling the stories that we want to tell. It is urgent that we refuse to be gaslighted into silence and keep speaking our truth loud and proud.

Tucker Carlson SHREDS Adam Schiff On Russian Election Hack

Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after agencies refuse to appear

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after the CIA declined to provide a briefer for the session, Fox News is told.

Amid concerns about reports that conflict with details previously provided to the committee, Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had requested a closed, classified briefing Thursday for committee Republican and Democratic members from the FBI, CIA, Office of the Director of National Intelligence and National Security Agency.

But Fox News is told the CIA declined citing its focus on the full review requested by President Obama, and the other agencies did not respond to the committee’s request, which is unusual given the panel is the most-senior committee with jurisdiction.

"It is unacceptable that the Intelligence Community directors would not fulfill the House Intelligence Committee’s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber-attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign," Nunes said in a statement. "The Committee is deeply concerned that intransigence in sharing intelligence with Congress can enable the manipulation of intelligence for political purposes."

Nunes also had given the agencies until Friday to address conflicts in the record.

Heh, it looks to me like the CIA leadership may be the worst enemy of the CIA, having seriously damaged the agency's credibility.

Donald Trump risks damaging intelligence agencies, warns former CIA chief

Donald Trump’s public disparagement of US intelligence agencies would have a discouraging effort on the country’s spies and undermine the moral authority of their leaders to send them “into harm’s way”, a former CIA director said on Wednesday

Michael Hayden, who served as director of the NSA and then the CIA during the George W Bush administration, entered the growing controversy over the president-elect’s attitude towards the US intelligence community. Trump has questioned its conclusion that Russia had hacked the Democratic National Committee and the CIA’s reported finding that Moscow had meddled in the presidential election in Trump’s favour.

It also emerged that Trump had only met intelligence officials to receive what is normally a daily briefing, four times since the election. “I get it when I need it,” he said. An aide said on Wednesday that he would from now on receive a presidential daily brief three times a week instead of just once.

NBC news makes an entry into the anonymous, evidence-free news sweepstakes.

Vladimir Putin 'personally involved' in US hack, NBC News claims

US intelligence officials believe that Vladimir Putin was personally involved in hacking during the American election campaign as part of a vendetta against Hillary Clinton, NBC News has claimed.

The Russian president personally instructed how material hacked from US Democrats was leaked and otherwise used, the US television network said, quoting two senior officials with access to this information.

The officials said they have a “high level of confidence” in this new assessment, NBC reported. ...

Putin has reportedly never forgiven Clinton – then secretary of state – for publicly questioning the integrity of parliamentary elections in 2011 in Russia, and accused her of encouraging street protests.

The intelligence officials told NBC that Putin’s goals in the alleged hacking began as revenge against Clinton. ...

In preparation for possible retaliation, US intelligence agencies have intensified their investigations into Putin’s personal wealth, NBC said, citing US officials.

[Ooooh! Ooooh! International mudfight! Invest in popcorn futures now! - js]

Ex-British ambassador who is now a WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Clinton emails - they were handed over to him at a D.C. park by an intermediary for 'disgusted' Democratic whistleblowers
  • Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and associate of Julian Assange, told the he flew to Washington, D.C. for emails
  • He claims he had a clandestine hand-off in a wooded area near American University with one of the email sources
  • The leakers' motivation was 'disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the 'tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders'
  • Murray says: 'The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks'
  • 'Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that,' Murray insists

Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and a close associate of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, told that he flew to Washington, D.C. for a clandestine hand-off with one of the email sources in September.

His account contradicts directly the version of how thousands of Democratic emails were published before the election being advanced by U.S. intelligence.

Murray is a controversial figure who was removed from his post as a British ambassador amid allegations of misconduct. He was cleared of those but left the diplomatic service in acrimony.

Trump renews questions about U.S. hacking tied to Russia

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday raised more questions about Russia's reported role in cyber attacks on U.S. political parties and individuals as well as the timing of the White House's response under President Barack Obama.

NBC News reported late Thursday that U.S. intelligence officials have "a high level of confidence" that Putin was personally involved in the Russian cyber campaign against the United States.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lvarov told state TV channel Rossiya-24 that he was "dumbstruck" by the NBC report.

"I think this is just silly, and the futility of the attempt to convince somebody of this is absolutely obvious," he said.

David Brock continues the post-election anti-Russian propaganda campaign. Looks like the Democrats have reinvented themselves as the new party of Joe McCarthy.

Super PAC starts 2018 spending attacking GOP over Tillerson

American Bridge, the super PAC founded by Democratic strategist David Brock, is launching its first 2018 campaign with an ad targeting several GOP senators over Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson.

The effort includes promoted Facebook posts specifically targeting Sens. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Dean Heller (R-Nev.), and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) in major metropolitan areas within each state.

The separate posts ask if the individual senators will “bow down to Russia.” ...

“American Bridge is launching these ads to highlight the alarmingly close ties between Tillerson and Vladimir Putin and the grave threat a pro-Putin State Department would pose to our nation’s security,” said American Bridge President Jessica Mackler.

Journalist Iona Craig: The U.S. Could Stop Refueling Saudis & End Devastating War in Yemen Tomorrow

Perhaps someone should ask the "humanitarian bombing" coalition (Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power and Susan Rice) if the starvation of half a million children in Yemen is "worth it," as it was in Iraq according to the ghoulish Clintonite, Madelaine Albright.

Nearly half a million children in Yemen risk starvation, according to UNICEF report

The war still raging in Yemen has pushed the country closer to collapse and on the brink of famine . Now, new figures released by children’s charity UNICEF show that more than 462,000 children are coping with severe acute malnutrition and are at risk of starvation — a staggering 200 percent increase since 2014 — and 2.2. million children require urgent care.

“Malnutrition in Yemen is at an all-time high and increasing,” said Dr Meritxell Relano, a UNICEF representative in Yemen. “The state of health of children in the Middle East’s poorest country has never been as catastrophic as it is today.”

A child dies in the country every 10 minutes as a result of malnutrition and associated conditions like diarrhea and infections, the international organization said.

The latest figures point to an increasingly dire humanitarian situation in Yemen. The United Nations reported in July that nearly half of the country’s population is “food insecure,” with at least seven million facing emergency levels of food insecurity.

[See also Medea Benjamin's essay: Starving Yemeni Children, Bloated US Weapons Makers - js]

‘You haven’t succeeded once’: Reporter grills US State Dept over failures in Syria

Syria: ambulances on the move as Aleppo evacuation operation begins

Ambulances and buses have transported wounded people out of besieged districts of east Aleppo to a rebel-held rural area, and are returning to the city to pick up a second group, as a long-awaited evacuation operation got underway.

Thirteen ambulances and 20 buses were involved in the first wave of evacuations, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) told the Guardian. Footage of a long convoy of ambulances and green buses driving out of the city was broadcast on Syrian state TV.

The vehicles had arrived in rebel-held areas of the city earlier on Thursday, almost five hours after the evacuation was due to begin, when medical teams waited amid reports of gunfire.

About 1,000 people had left in the first convoy, a World Health Organisation official in Syria told Associated Press. The evacuation is being overseen by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and ICRC, which said it would include the wounded and all civilians.

The UN humanitarian adviser for Syria, Jan Egeland, said the operation was three pronged, involving the evacuation of the sick and wounded, vulnerable civilians, and fighters. “Thousands of people are in need of evacuation, but the first and most urgent thing is wounded, sick and children, including orphans,” he said.

Separately, Russia’s Tass news agency, citing the Russian defence ministry, said Russia had begun the evacuation of 5,000 Syrian rebels and their family members along a 20km humanitarian corridor.

War Manual Revised, Now Limits US Attacks on Human Shields

The US “Law of War Manual” has undergone a substantial change from its 2015 version, aiming to avoid at least some of the loudest condemnations from lawyers and human rights groups about the manual’s advice on US military personnel attacking innocent civilians in war zones, which is supposed to be the whole purpose of the guide in the first place.

The 2015 version of the manual suggested a broad collection of civilians could simply be killed with impunity, and that their deaths could safely be ignored when deciding if an attack was “proportional” under international law. This included civilians being forced into being human shields, along with civilians working at a facility whose continued operation “helps the enemy.” ...

The new book insists that “unvoluntary” human shields now must be given full protection under the laws of war, though the manual continued to insist that people who voluntarily remain in an area where they are shielding something the US wants to bomb are not afforded such protection.

Rep. Honda, Survivor of Japanese Internment Camp, Decries Trump Proposal for Muslim Registry

Facebook Finally Says It Will Not Help Build Muslim Registry

At the beginning of December, The Intercept reported on eight major American technology firms unwilling to state on the record that they would not help the Trump administration create a national Muslim registry. Since then, 22 different advocacy groups petitioned those companies to respond —today, Facebook breaks its silence.

The following statement was issued to The Intercept by a Facebook spokesperson:

“No one has asked us to build a Muslim registry, and of course we would not do so.”

Trump and a bunch of Silicon Valley CEOs sat at a table and pretended to like each other

Silicon Valley was very loud during the election cycle about the dangers that a President Donald Trump could pose to the United States. But now that the billionaire businessman has been elected, many prominent tech leaders are softening their tone, meeting with the president-elect, and some are even joining his team of advisers.

The meeting centered on job creation, trade, and the economy; cameras in the room and limited time didn’t allow for a deep dive into tech industry concerns on issues like user privacy or immigration.

The thinking in Silicon Valley is that on policy, Trump is malleable. One Republican operative who advises a tech company with a CEO in the meeting (the operative was not authorized to speak on the record) told VICE News that “every CEO here is feeling like there’s an opportunity to inform the president-elect’s views on the issues at stake.” ...

Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk and Uber CEO Travis Kalanick are set to join Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum, a collection of business community leaders who will advise and meet regularly with Trump.

Security experts: 'No one should have faith in Yahoo at this point'

Experts have attacked Yahoo’s weak security after the revelation it suffered a hack in 2013, which exposed the personal data of 1 billion users, just months after revealing a 500-million-user data breach from 2014.

The hack saw the potential theft of login details, personal details and any confidential or sensitive information contained within email correspondences. Yahoo provided the email services for BT and Sky customers, as well as other services.

Bruce Schneier, a cryptologist and one of the world’s most respected security experts, said: “Yahoo badly screwed up. They weren’t taking security seriously and that’s now very clear. I would have trouble trusting Yahoo going forward.”

Not only did Yahoo fail to prevent the breach, it also failed to detect the breach when it happened in 2013, only realising the intrusion and data theft after recently being notified by a third party. That left users unknowingly compromised for at least three years, vulnerable to identify theft among many other potential criminal uses of their personal data and passwords.

Keiser Report: Healthcare Monster

Trump Receives Right-Wing Wish List to Gut Rules on Climate, Nutrition, Wages

A wish list from the conservative House Freedom Caucus delivered to President-elect Donald Trump recommends dismantling a whopping 232 Obama administration rules and regulations that govern everything from school lunches and ceiling fans to net neutrality and the minimum wage for federal contract workers.

It would overturn restrictions on oil exploration and coal extraction on federally owned land, repeal the Affordable Care Act's birth control mandate, and end executive actions protecting undocumented immigrants who arrived to the U.S. as children. It would "cancel U.S. commitments to the Paris Agreement," move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and ax recent guidelines from the Office of Civil Rights related to transgender and gender-nonconforming students.

It also proposes eliminating the Office of Global Climate Change; the Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights; and the Special Envoy for Climate Change, all within the State Department—which is set to be headed by ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson.

The 21-page list, posted Wednesday by caucus chair and Trump supporter Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), seeks to "undo Obama's harmful regulatory regime," according to a tweet from the caucus. This is in keeping with Trump's campaign promises.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post reports, caucus members "advise several measures for allowing lower wages, including waiving the Davis-Bacon Act, ending the Obama administration's overtime rule (currently tied up in court), and ending tougher classification of contractors in part because it 'disproportionately hurts independent contractors like Uber and Lyft.' Republicans also suggest ending paid sick leave for federal contractors."

Lesson unlearned - America looks ready to embrace the kinds of policies that prevailed before the Great Recession

Exotic mortgages are receiving triple-A ratings. Former Goldman Sachs bankers are swarming the nexus of government and economics. Share prices for bank stocks are surging. Markets are pricing in a series of interest rate hikes. Stock valuations are nosebleed high. Drill, baby, drill. Is it late 2016 or early 2008? ...

Trump is expected to loosen the rules governing fossil fuel production, offshore drilling, and exploration on federal lands and the Arctic. Relaxing EPA fuel efficiency regulations would boost gasoline sales over time. The agglomeration of oil and gas industry titans in Trump’s cabinet – most notably Trump’s pick for secretary of state, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, and for energy secretary, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry – has energy shares screaming higher (the recent rebound of oil prices has also helped push those stocks up).

Shares of financial institutions are rising on expectations that Trump will fulfill campaign promises to “dismantle” the sweeping 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, which overhauled regulation of a U.S. financial system that had essentially melted down.

Regulation adds costs, at the margin, which have made it less profitable to run giant oil companies and banks in recent years. But lack of regulation also has costs. And when bankers run amok, those costs are almost always borne by the public, at least at first.

[There were 6 to 14 trillion dollars in damages done to the economy as a result of the recession according to the Dallas Fed bankers. - js]

the horse race

Georgia asks Trump to investigate 'failed cyberattacks'

The state of Georgia is asking President-elect Donald Trump to investigate what it described as "failed cyberattacks" on its secretary of state's network that it traced to the U.S. Homeland Security Department.

In a letter Tuesday, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp said his staff has uncovered nine more instances this year in which computers they traced back to the Homeland Security Department apparently attempted to infiltrate the state's network between Feb. 2 and Nov. 8. His letter followed earlier complaints that his office had detected what it called "a large attack on our system" one week after the presidential election. Trump's transition team did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Kemp said the additional scanning activity from Washington didn't raise major red flags because it was considered less intrusive, but he said the timing was concerning because it corresponded to dates and times he spoke critically about the department's plan to designate elections systems as "critical infrastructure."

The dates include the date Kemp testified against the agency's plan before the House Oversight Committee, the day of a conference call discussing the designation a critical infrastructure designation with Georgia officials and Election Day, he said.

Colorado Republican Threatens State Electors With Felony Charges If They Fail to Cast Votes as Instructed

In an interview with Politico,  Colorado’s Republican Secretary of State said he will administer an oath to electors prior to  Monday’s official meeting of the Electoral College and ask for felony perjury charges to be filed  against them should they change their vote or abstain from voting.

In a phone interview with Secretary of State Wayne Williams, the lawmaker said that he is attempting to keep Clinton delegates from not voting for the Democratic nominee as part of a national strategy to tie up the Electoral College and block the election of Republican Donald Trump.

According to Williams, the electors who violate their oath and are hit with perjury charges could face up to six years in prison and a $500,000 fine. Prosecutors could also choose to file a misdemeanor perjury charge, carrying a maximum of 18 months in prison and a $5,000 fine.

the evening greens

Trump’s Carbon-Obsessed Energy Policy and the Planetary Nightmare to Come

Scroll through Donald Trump’s campaign promises or listen to his speeches and you could easily conclude that his energy policy consists of little more than a wish list drawn up by the major fossil fuel companies: lift environmental restrictions on oil and natural gas extraction, build the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, open more federal lands to drilling, withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, kill Obama’s Clean Power Plan, revive the coal mining industry, and so on and so forth ad infinitum.  In fact, many of his proposals have simply been lifted straight from the talking points of top energy industry officials and their lavishly financed allies in Congress.

If, however, you take a closer look at this morass of pro-carbon proposals, an obvious, if as yet unnoted, contradiction quickly becomes apparent. Were all Trump’s policies to be enacted -- and the appointment of the climate-change denier and industry-friendly attorney general of Oklahoma, Scott Pruitt, to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggests the attempt will be made -- not all segments of the energy industry will flourish.  Instead, many fossil fuel companies will be annihilated, thanks to the rock-bottom fuel prices produced by a colossal oversupply of oil, coal, and natural gas. ...

As Trump imagines the situation, that “war on coal” is a White House-orchestrated drive to suppress its production and consumption through excessive regulation, especially the Clean Power Plan. But while that plan, if ever fully put into operation, would result in the accelerated decommissioning of existing coal plants, the real war against coal is being conducted by the very frackers Trump seeks to unleash. By encouraging the unrestrained production of natural gas, he will ensure continued low gas prices and so a depressed market for coal. ...

As president [Trump] will undoubtedly be able to make enough of his energy program happen to achieve both short term and long term energy mayhem. He won’t actually be able to reverse the global shift to renewable energy now under way or leverage increased American fossil fuel production to achieve significant foreign policy advantages.  What his efforts are, however, likely to ensure is the surrender of American technological leadership in green energy to countries like China and Germany, already racing ahead in the development of renewable systems.  And in the process, he will also guarantee that all of us are going to experience yet more extreme climate events.  He will never recreate the dreamy America of his memory or return us to the steamy economic cauldron of the post-World War II period, but he may succeed in restoring the smoggy skies and poisoned rivers that so characterized that era and, as an added bonus, bring planetary climate disaster in his wake.

Trump transition says request for names of climate scientists was ‘not authorized’

The Trump transition team appeared to back away from a controversial questionnaire sent to the Energy Department last week that asked for the names of department staffers who had worked on several climate-change initiatives under President Obama.

“The questionnaire was not authorized or part of our standard protocol,” Trump’s transition team said in a statement to The Washington Post. “The person who sent it has been properly counseled.”

The disavowal marked one of the earliest apparent instances of the Trump transition team changing course and seeming to acknowledge a mistake, although even that is unclear. Also Wednesday, Trump transition adviser Anthony Scaramucci had appeared to defend the inquiry on CNN’s “New Day” with Chris Cuomo, saying, “This is an intellectual-curiosity expedition.”

The issue of the potential political interference with science has risen quickly to the top of many minds, with scientists demonstrating in the streets of San Francisco outside a major scientific meeting of the American Geophysical Union, and some beginning to download publicly available government data for fear the new administration will make it difficult to access or will wipe some of it clean.

Chorus of Groups and Citizens Demand 100% Percent Renewable Energy by 2050

More than 450 organizations and individuals on Wednesday delivered a letter (pdf) calling on U.S. Congress to pass legislation that would work toward a 100 percent renewable energy economy by 2050.

The twin bills—known as H.Res. 540, introduced in the House by Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) and S.Res. 632, introduced in the Senate by Sens. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.)—would set the goal of meeting the country's energy needs with 100 percent renewable energy and ensuring that all people, especially those in frontline communities, have access to clean resources.

"We need to transform the way we power the country, and we still have a long way to go. That is why we are calling for swift action to transition to 100 percent renewable energy and to ensure that the transition to clean energy helps lift up low-income and minority communities that have suffered some of the worst impacts of pollution," the letter reads. ...

The letter and the legislation come as a new poll conducted by Yale University and George Mason University finds that fully seven in 10 Americans believe that the U.S. should cut down on greenhouse gases and pursue renewable energy goals. The survey, which polled more than 1,200 people nationally, found that the respondents supported limiting C02 emissions from coal-powered plants even if that meant raising the cost of electricity.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

"These Are Fake Parties" — Or, Here’s Who Gets to Vote for DNC Chair

'Fake News' Just Got Real -- My Second Brush With Internet Censorship

NBC Evening News in Denver Defames Naked Capitalism

Here’s the Public Evidence Russia Hacked the DNC – It’s Not Enough

James Clapper Has a Classified Blog. It’s Called “Intercept.”

The Democratic Party Allies with the CIA

Scoundrel Time: Lessons in Patriotism and Journalism From a Master

Senate Specifics on Why Goldman Sachs’ Gary Cohn Should Not Have a Role in the U.S. Government

Trump’s Coming Confrontation with Yellen and the Federal Reserve

Greece and Creditors in Showdown Again

Blood and Land: The Story of Native America by JCH King – review

Justin Trudeau: 'Globalisation isn't working for ordinary people'

Hat tip divineorder:

The Great A.I. Awakening

Austrian politicians pass law to seize house where Hitler was born

Travel Photographer of the Year 2016: the winners – in pictures

A Little Night Music

Scrapper Blackwell - Shady Lane Blues

Scrapper Blackwell - E Blues

Scrapper Blackwell - Blues Before Sunrise

Leroy Carr And Scrapper Blackwell - I Believe I'll Make A Change

Scrapper Blackwell - My Dream Blues

Scrapper Blackwell - Hard Time Blues

Scrapper Blackwell - Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out

Scrapper Blackwell - Little Boy Blue

Leroy Carr And Scrapper Blackwell - Papa Wants A Cookie

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OLinda's picture

This was a few days ago, but I missed it. Just seeing it today. Maybe it has been posted around C99, but in case not:

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OLinda's picture

Also, if anyone missed it, Shahryar posted an open thread this morning on this subject. Well worth checking out, and the comments as well.

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joe shikspack's picture

thanks for that. i had read the speech, but i hadn't seen the performance of it.

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OLinda's picture

Part of a comment I posted at elsewhere:

Don’t think I’m buying Craig Murray’s account of his receiving the DNC leaks and passing them on to WikiLeaks. True or not true, WikiLeaks can’t be very happy about his remarks. Even though it is not specific, if they get the reputation of giving out clues to their sources, it will kill future leaks to them.

WikiLeaks Tweet from this morning:

Only Julian Assange, Sarah Harrison (and sometimes WikiLeaks’ lawyers) are authorized to speak on behalf of WikiLeaks.

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joe shikspack's picture

than wikileaks (assange especially) would like.

on the other hand, assange has stated clearly that the docs were not from a russian source. i see no particular reason to doubt murray. i also see no particular reason to assume that russian hackers (not necessarily directed by official sources) were not also attempting to hack a variety of american political targets that were involved with the elections. it seems quite possible that wikileaks, guccifer and dcleaks all got their information from different means/sources.

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Roy Blakeley's picture

The Democratic Party leadership is so clueless about IT that it was probably hacked a lot of times and there was probably a DNC leak as well. These people were seriously idiotic. On top of the bad passwords and falling for a simple Phishing email, there was a report today that the DNC continued to use a hacked account long after the FBI told them it was compromised. This on top of Hillary's insecure server

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OLinda's picture

Part of Jeremy Scahill's and Jon Schwarz' co-authored article on Russia trying to influence the U.S. election:

And if there were ever a situation in which it was crucial to lean in the direction of more rather than less disclosure, it’s now. Obama should make that clear to the intelligence agencies, and that if forced to he is willing to wield his power as president to declassify anything he deems appropriate.

The current discourse on this issue is plagued by partisan gibberish — there is a disturbing trend emerging that dictates that if you don’t believe Russia hacked the election or if you simply demand evidence for this tremendously significant allegation, you must be a Trump apologist or a Soviet agent.

The reality, however, is that Trump’s reference to the Iraq War and the debacle over weapons of mass destruction is both utterly cynical and a perfectly valid point. U.S. intelligence agencies have repeatedly demonstrated that they regularly both lie and get things horribly wrong. In this case they may well be correct, but they cannot expect Americans to simply take their word for it.

It’s also the case that the U.S. has a long history of interfering in other countries’ elections, and far worse: The U.S. has overthrown democratically elected governments the world over. In fact, in 2006 Hillary Clinton herself criticized the George W. Bush administration for not doing “something to determine who was going to win” in Palestinian elections. It would not be shocking in the least if Russia sought to interfere in the U.S. electoral process.

But let’s have some proof.

Hello everybody! Hello Joe! I feel alone here tonight!

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joe shikspack's picture

i had to go out and do some chores after i posted, but, i am back, warming my bones in the living room now. Smile

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Knucklehead's picture

I have a fire going also while listening to the blues & the falling rain outside.
I also just passed my drivers license driving test today. YAAAY
People would always tell me, "You can`t drive without a drivers license"
Well now after 27 years of driving without one, I`ll see if it really makes a difference.
I`ve been real busy making furniture & a surprise desk for Teri for christmas.
All`s well at Knucklehead Knolls.

Here`s what it looks like.

A little dries in the space of 10 mins maybe.





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I`m already against the next war

joe shikspack's picture

hey, congratulations on passing your drivers test! i presume you did it to check out the axe-murderer filter that the dmv uses on their camera. Smile

those are some beautiful, wispy clouds in those shots. thanks for sharing!

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MarilynW's picture

There's enough for us to suspect the Russians but it is still unclear without definite proof. However I don't think it's wise to completely dismiss these suspicions. No one can say for certain that the Russians were not involved. We need to see more proof from the White House. I am also afraid that this is a major distraction from what is actually happening now while Trump is intent on destroying the country and the planet.

Evidence 1 from Arstechnica

After Crowdstrike and the DNC revealed the hacks and attributed them to Russian intelligence-connected groups, some of the files taken from the DNC were posted on a website by someone using the name Guccifer 2.0. While the individual claimed to be Romanian, documents in the initial dump from the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 were found to have been edited using a Russian-language version of Word and by someone using a computer named for Felix Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Soviet secret police. (The documents are linked in this article by Ars' Dan Goodin.)

Language and location. Artifacts in the code indicate it was written by Russian speakers in the same time zone as Moscow and St. Petersburg, according to a FireEye report.

the only way that the full scope of Russia's involvement in the hacking campaign and other aspects of the information campaign against Clinton (and for Trump) will be known is if the Obama administration publishes conclusive evidence in a form that can be independently analyzed.

Evidence 2 from The Intercept

Here’s the public evidence Russia Hacked the DNC - It’s not enough
I asked Jeffrey Carr what he would consider undeniable evidence of Russian governmental involvement: “Captured communications between a Russian government employee and the hackers,” adding that attribution “should solely be handled by government agencies because they have the legal authorization to do what it takes to get hard evidence.”
Claudio Guarnieri concurred:
All in all, technical circumstantial attribution is acceptable only so far as it is to explain an attack. It most definitely isn’t for the political repercussions that we’re observing now. For that, only documental evidence that is verifiable or intercepts of Russian officials would be convincing enough, I suspect.
Given that the U.S. routinely attempts to intercept the communications of heads of state around the world, it’s not impossible that the CIA or the NSA has exactly this kind of proof. Granted, these intelligence agencies will be loath to reveal any evidence that could compromise the method they used to gather it. But in times of extraordinary risk, with two enormous military powers placed in direct conflict over national sovereignty, we need an extraordinary disclosure. The stakes are simply too high to take anyone’s word for it.”

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To thine own self be true.

MarilynW's picture

answer your demand:

But let's have some proof

See my comment for what I came up with, not exactly proof.

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To thine own self be true.

Roy Blakeley's picture

Not the Russian government but run of the mill crooks. If it were the FSB, they would not have left the clues you mentioned--too clumsy. Either run of the mill crooks that came up with something good in a routine Phishing expedition and sold it to someone who wanted to leak it or someone that wanted to make it look like Russia was involved (pissed off FBI people who hated Hillary??). The DNC and Podesta leaks may have come from different sources so there could be multiple explanations.

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divineorder's picture

The Great A.I. Awakening

was a great read, a look inside Google's culture, and what has happened to Google Translate as they have advanced their work with artificial intelligence. Have always been a bit of a science fiction buff so this was fascinating stuff.

For those of us concerned about changes in the job market due to automation the article did not bring comfort.

Once you’ve built a robust pattern-matching apparatus for one purpose, it can be tweaked in the service of others. One Translate engineer took a network he put together to judge artwork and used it to drive an autonomous radio-controlled car. A network built to recognize a cat can be turned around and trained on CT scans — and on infinitely more examples than even the best doctor could ever review. A neural network built to translate could work through millions of pages of documents of legal discovery in the tiniest fraction of the time it would take the most expensively credentialed lawyer. The kinds of jobs taken by automatons will no longer be just repetitive tasks that were once — unfairly, it ought to be emphasized — associated with the supposed lower intelligence of the uneducated classes. We’re not only talking about three and a half million truck drivers who may soon lack careers. We’re talking about inventory managers, economists, financial advisers, real estate agents. What Brain did over nine months is just one example of how quickly a small group at a large company can automate a task nobody ever would have associated with machines.

FWIW we mostly use DuckDuckGo search via Firefox in order to support 'the little guy' but on some things had to go to the Googley to get what we need.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture

i've only had a chance to get a little way into that article, but it does look very interesting.

it's funny, back in my youth, when the world seemed a more promising place, we viewed the coming of robots and automatic brains taking over even many complex tasks as a good thing. lots of folks thought of it as an opportunity to free mankind from the mindless drudgery of so many occupations, leading to free time and the end of the dog-eat-dog world of capitalism.

now, it looks more like a further opportunity for the oligarchy to concentrate wealth even further and expand their real estate holdings by starving out and dispossessing much of the world's population.

it seems a darker, uglier world today.

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solublefish's picture

I share your sentiment on the former and current promise of technology. Time to give away used copies of E.F. Schumacher to everyone on my holiday list. Economics as if people mattered.

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janis b's picture

for the link to the travel photos, all of which are remarkable.

I especially liked "walking through the Jonas snowstorm" ...

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Just stopping by to say hi! I've been too busy at work, but my break is coming up!

Have a beautiful evening, folks! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

joe shikspack's picture

howdy, good to see you! i hope that you have a good evening.

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Thanks for all the info and I enjoyed Scrapper Blackwell after a gawdawful 12 degree day with 33 mph winds. Sweet baby Jesus my ancient mutt was actually blown over like a tumbleweed. Won't complain if there's poop in the house tonight. Another night of feeding the fire which ensures I'll be a zombie manana.

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OLinda's picture

Wish I had a fireplace to feed. I always worry about losing power and heat when the temps get like this. Seems it never happens during summer!

In the 60s F today and high 40s tomorrow, then suddenly dropping to 3 degrees tomorrow night, with a high of 8 degrees F during the day Saturday and a low of 4 over Sat. night. Such a fast dip! Always freaks me out when I see numbers like that in the forecast. I have emergency stash for everything except heat.

My little town had the Christmas parade scheduled for Saturday, and naturally, it has been canceled.

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OLinda's picture

Meant to include - you and your doggie stay warm, GB. Take care.

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joe shikspack's picture

overnight it got damnably cold here, with the same sort of nasty winds that you're experiencing. it's supposed to get to be a warmer shade of cold in a couple of days and maybe snow on sunday into monday.

sorry to hear about your poor hound's struggles and your sleep deprivation. i hope that you both stay warm and get through this cold snap ok. there'll be more music tomorrow if that helps any. Smile

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Crider's picture

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OLinda's picture

Republicans love WikiLeaks now too. Smile

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Crider's picture

When I saw that Julian Assange was interviewed by Sean Hannity today!

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joe shikspack's picture

that's pretty incredible, it makes me want to check out their sample size and methodology, but i guess that the general trend of the dems becoming frothingly livid over putin and the repubs reaching a slightly less negative opinion (though still lower than 0 - equanimity?) is probably true.

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Crider's picture

is OK with them, I imagine. I haven't read what the wingnut media is saying about this Russian hacking meme.

I can't wait for the Secretary of State confirmation hearing!

[edit: added image]

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MarilynW's picture

Trump is lying in this tweet. In October 2016:

“Why did they only complain after Hillary lost?” Mr. Trump asked, ignoring the fact that the director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr., formally blamed Russia on Oct. 7 — a full month before Election Day — for the cyberattack on the Democratic National Committee and other organizations. In September, meeting privately in China with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, Mr. Obama not only complained, the White House says, but warned him of consequences if the Russian activity did not halt.

“If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long to act?” Mr. Trump wrote.

I don't know why people believe a word that Trump says.

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To thine own self be true.

joe shikspack's picture

thanks for posting that. i assume it comes from this nyt article: Trump Falsely Says U.S. Claim of Russian Hacking Came After Election.

while trump is utterly without credibility, his detractors are also lacking.

in my view, what we are watching is an evidence-free information war, where all sides in this mudfight sling unfounded accusations and anonymously-sourced "high-confidence analysis," trying to make something stick to their opponents.

while i despise donald trump, and he seems quite indebted to his imagination for his facts, the other side of this has worked assiduously to obtain my mistrust.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

"what we are watching is an evidence-free information war, where all sides in this mudfight sling unfounded accusations and anonymously-sourced "high-confidence analysis," trying to make something stick to their opponents."

All of this blather about Russian hacking (which was mentioned months ago, but dropped) is, IMO, either meant to lay the grounds for holding a 're-do' election, or, to give FSC the veneer of 'reasonableness,' in the event that she should decide to make a third run for President in 2020.

IOW, she was 'robbed.'

[Edited Typo - 'lay' the grounds, instead of 'law']


“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

MarilynW's picture

since you consider them a "fake news" outlet now. I remember Judith Miller and that newspaper's support of the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2002-3. But times change and I think they do some good investigative reporting today. Not that I accept everything they write. They did give evidence on the hacking but as the writer in The Intercept correctly states "it was not enough."

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To thine own self be true.

divineorder's picture

1984 was gradually arriving but seems to have been given a boost here now.

Perception Management has been a thing for some time now. Watched a bit of Psywar documentary just now about it's use along with invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Gotta love those private/public partnerships!

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture

more and more, the folks at the oxford dictionary who determined that "post-truth" was the word of the year, seem to be at the ready to define our era.

truth seems to have been rendered obsolete as harmonization with approved narratives is the basis for evaluating and filtering information. once again the earth has become the center of the metaphorical universe where the sun rotates around it.

we may need some more words to help us appropriately define our information environment, for example (pulls word out of hat) counterfactualization - describing a condition where juxtaposed mutually-exclusive non-facts are the only available basis from which to conduct a debate in the public mind.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

take down Schiff. For Pete's Sake, one could easily charge admission to watch that video. Mr M and I are both appreciating Jimmy Dore, more and more. I gotta say, it's surreal to *find ourselves on the side of Tucker Carlson.


BTW, thanks for presenting (especially) the material on the faux Russian 'hacking' saga, Joe. We're aghast at some of what we hear---it is so obviously propaganda. Lately, we're doing good to catch a little 'news' on the radio, as we go about our business/chores, or are traveling.

We've been in torrential rain and flooding for a couple of days, only to be traveling north into single-digit temps, now. Of course, this Fall was one of the nicest that I can remember in years, so I suppose I shouldn't complain.

Hey, Everyone have a nice evening, and good luck to those in the especially frigid temps--stay warm!

*Edited Typo - 'find' ourselves, not 'found' ourselves. Whew! Two comments, two typos--time to retire for the evening. Wink



“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)

The SOSD Fantastic Four

Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Taro, SOSD

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

joe shikspack's picture

i watched the full video (below) of carlson's takedown of schiff yesterday, i think.

i was horrified to find myself rooting for that sleazy weasel tucker carlson. but, it is what it is. i was forced to admit to myself that it is possible for carlson to perform journalism.

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MarilynW's picture

I don't get the praise he is getting. An interviewer is supposed to get information from the interviewee but he just keeps harping. Yes I agree that the US government has not released solid proof of the Russian hacking but that could have been said in a more coherent way. Anyway, Obama is giving a press conference tomorrow and just maybe he will reveal something that might put this controversy to bed.

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To thine own self be true.

divineorder's picture

However this aggressive pushing allowed him to illustrate that congessman what a liar and manipulator pushing us into a new red scare cold war .

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Lookout's picture

I've been thinking of late we need to distinguish between democracy and capitalism (4 min)

Seems we equated the two (democracy and capitalism) as a result of McCarthyism in the 50's. Makes me a little nervous with the new round of Red Baiting.... this time driven by the democrats.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

joe shikspack's picture

i've been thinking for quite a while that it might be more productive to do a little culture-jamming by borrowing some of the right's sacred words and fight for the right-wing working class by distinguishing between capitalism and freedom.

for example, how can a person who is compelled to work to enrich the oligarchs be free? by extension, how can a nation where the vast majority of people is consigned to a life where they have no choice but to work to enrich a bunch of oligarchs be called the home of a free people?

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janis b's picture

I hope you're all finding comfort and peace in a troubling world.

In yearning for good news, I found these …

When horses are in trouble they ask humans for help

Cellular reprogramming slows aging in mice

Hoping that the possibility of prolonged life offers something worth living for, and greater understanding between all forms of life.

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joe shikspack's picture

thanks for the more cheerful news! i like the idea of slowing aging, but i wonder how it would change the nature of the arc of aging, whether we would experience a longer healthy lifetime followed by a prolonged decline or if we could arrange to live long and healthy and get the decline and demise over with quickly. Smile

i hope that all is well in your neck of the woods. have a great evening (or whatever part of the day it is where you are).

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janis b's picture

I wonder how much is really our choice. But of course, I hope we all have the strength of spirit, and good health to influence it, positively.

In my neck of the woods, the afternoon sun is shining ; ).

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joe shikspack's picture

well then, perhaps today is the day that the sun is shining in your backdoor. Smile

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janis b's picture

that my back door faces NW, which in this hemisphere is the direction of the warmth of the setting sun ; ).

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

as they are handsome.

Hey, glad you're enjoying decent weather.



“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

janis b's picture

Great combination ... smart and handsome ; ).

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Azazello's picture

Samantha Power made the Jimmy Dore show:

[video: width:500 height:300]

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

joe shikspack's picture

heh, thanks! whenever i hear samantha power speak these days, i just want to throw things.

i think that she may be the most odious person whom has ever represented the united states.

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One of my horses met me at my gate, turned his ass toward me, and I saw he had a 4 ft. long thorn bush frond entangled in his tail. I got it out, patted him on the butt, all good.
He is free on 12 acres, no halter, no tether. No reason for him to come to me, other than for help. I spent 10 minutes disentangling the thorn bush. He was standing still, free to go anywhere on the 12 acres he wished.
He wished to be rid of the thorns that banged up against his hocks.
I sat my brief case and 2 bags of groceries on the ground, and yanked and spoke to him.
In a 12 acre field.
When I finished, he kissed me right on my lips.
A good horse will do that.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

janis b's picture

and for the image of him kissing you, right on your lips.

We all need these affirmations of trust and gratitude.

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Shahryar's picture

they were pretty important to me in my youth. You see....

when I was in high school there was this blues revival. I just loved that John Hammond album, "Big City Blues", which included his version of a Leroy Carr song, "Midnight Hour Blues". So I went to the source and found a Carr LP with Blackwell playing guitar. Loved it!

As for Hammond, well my older cousin came over the house one day and I pulled out "Big City Blues" (because I was excited about it and thought my cousin would like it) and he said "oh, John. I know him. I went to college with him." And that is THE reason I chose that college. If it was good enough for John Hammond then it was good enough for me.

But anyway, Leroy Carr and Scrapper's one I learned and played in a high school assembly.

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snoopydawg's picture

The headline was different then it is now. I think it was
US intelligence agencies have proof that the election was hack!
Now the headline is
Report says that Putin was directly involved in Russia's interference in USElection
But inside the article is this

U.S. intelligence officials say they believe Russian President Vladimir Putin was directly involved in efforts to disrupt the 2016 U.S. presidential election, NBC News reported Wednesday.

NBC’s bombshell story comes days after The Washington Post reported that the Central Intelligence Agency believes Russia sought to influence the election and help secure President-elect Donald Trump’s victory. Those efforts reportedly included hacking the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, and providing them to WikiLeaks. The New York Times, in an extensive report on the hacks, offered details on how the attacks were carried out and reported that Democratic House candidates were also targeted.

Notice that in this article there isn't any proof that Russia or Putin actually hacked the DNC or Podesta's emails nor has any agency showed us the proof that Russia or Putin hacked into emails.
And what was never discussed was that those emails showed how Bernie's campaign was sabotaged in order for Hillary to win the primaries.
Oh well, if one runs such a horrible candidate then the only way for her to win was by cheating. Smile

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

It was a great loss when he passed at 59 just as the Great Folk Music Scare was getting rolling.
Thanks Joe, another fine EB tonight.

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chuck utzman

TULSI 2020

snoopydawg's picture

And now the CIA has added a new, politically-motivated Chapter entitled ‘Regime Change at Home” including those democratically-challenged Democrats who refuse to accept responsibility for the election loss they themselves created, are now publicly identified as willing pawns and co-conspirators with the CIA. What a way to rebuild the party!

It's interesting isn't it that since the CIA and those 17 other intelligence agencies have proof that the election was stolen there hasn't been anyone arrested for it or any names mentioned of who needs to be extradited to the US for prosecution.
And why the hell is our government spending billions of dollars and has over 800 private companies to keep us safe if they can't do their jobs?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Yellerdog's picture

Tonights good news has been canceled due to lack of content. We substitute this lovely natural chorus in it's stead. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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