Trump is a Russian Agent
Talk about scoring a big one, Pooty-poot has just had one of is KGB agents win the White House. It's no secret that Trump has shown an affinity for Vladimir, a boy crush so to speak. But now, we understand from the Washington Post, that Vladimir and his merry band of hackers helped Trump win.
Now anyone with a keen sense of smell, can already pick up the aroma of kaviar and Vodka from DJT. From his withheld tax documents showing Russian transactions to his recent pick of Russia's "Order of Friendship" medal winner Rex Tillerson of Exxon Mobil, Pres to be Donnie is ass deep in borscht.
Now I know what you're thinking, Blueslide is drinking too much of the DKos Kool aid. He has fallen for the Dem trap that Hillary should be President, by any means necessary. Well no, not really. But this meme about Trump as a Russian troll deserves all the airplay and column inches it can get. Our birther President deserves no less and whether the evidence of this frame up comes together or not, no one deserves to suffer from an unsubstantiated allegation more than Donald J Trump.

I am not a liar.
Can't help you out, Blueslide.
And that's the truth.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
My sentiments exactly
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I like just the bolded title...sums it up
How About Instead Of Babbling About Russian Hackers, Politicians Just Stop Being Evil Scumbags?
LOL, so simple. Reminds me of a recent thread/post here by LaFeminista. Baffles me how this simple explanation doesn't seem to break through the thick: "Um, the Russians wouldn't have undermined (which of course assumes the baseless accusation, which is not necessarily true) anything if those emails didn't clearly illustrate all the dirty dealings and manipulation, and non-democracy. Don't do that, there is nothing to hack and expose. If you do, and it is exposed, the only one who 'undermined' it, was yourself, dumbass!"
Stop doing stupid shit, and you won't get caught.
Yes, the shoot the messenger on display here
Is epic. They want to ignore the contents of WikiLeaks by conjuring up a tried and true boogeyman from the Cold War. The desperation for deflection reeks.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
an excellent piece. i salute comrade "special agent caitlin johnstone, director of non-psychotic solutions."
Excellent rant, that!
provoquer un tollé
You win the provoquer un tollé prize.
Yes - c'est du pipeau
If this is fake, who would be behind it.
Maybe there is truth to it, which we shouldn't discount, but if not, one motivation for faking it would be to set Trump up for impeachment soon. I know there are Republicans in Congress who hate Trump, such as McCain.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Look back at the history of our very own
CIA and ask that question again. They have more than enough capability to plant such stories and they've done that in the past many, many times. And really, while we pay billions of dollars every year for 17 "intelligence" agencies, they can't stop Putin from hacking? And when he DOES hack, they can't prove it? Billions of dollars for that? Talk about staggering incompetence, or willful ignorance, you decide....
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Who is telling the CIA to plant stories?
Too much conjecture everywhere.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I am not knowledgeable or sophisticated enough
to venture a public guess BUT I have been paying attention for at least 60 years and CIA lies to us and that their statements are usually propaganda.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
WMD, babies thrown from incubators Gulf One, Tonkin Gulf, El Salvador and Iran-Contra, arming Osama Bin-Laden to fight the Ruskies in Afghanistan, Cuba and the Bay of Pigs, the overthrow of Iran's democratically elected leader in 1953 and installation of the Shah, Pinochet in Chile, too many "actions" in Latin America to count, etc, etc, etc. Do you really think the CIA shows its chain of command and just who it takes its orders from? Do you not see that not being able to "prove" these things is a huge part of the issue? After action reports on just what our CIA has done in the world over the years ought to show you that whoever is "giving the orders" it ain't one person and it ain't isolated to just this one instance. You're smarter than that Timmethy. Those "orders" come from the Deep State, the group that really runs this country, and it isn't just one guy.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I can't tell
Is this snark?
I can't decide if Blueside is just a troll
Or really believed that if they posted it as a "isnt this hilarious" piece instead of a serious one, they'd get more eyes to look at it. Hard to tell, but they do seem to believe that Trump is going to nuke the world, so maybe they really do believe the Russian hacking story too.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I don't know. Does 'snark' smell like bullshit?
Speaking of propaganda, I would like to pass on an interesting report from the UN. If you aren't aware, Canadian reporter Eva Bartlett, is one of the very few reporters who has actually been to the Middle East countries she reports on.
It's fairly long but it's well worth the time. She schools western reporters like a master during the presser.
You may want to fast forward to 14:00 for Eva Bartlett
Thanks, CB.
That was an incredible news conference.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
WOW! Powerful press conference!
Thanks for posting this. Ms. Bartlett is confident in her knowledge, which enables her to credibly school that one arrogant reporter. This needs to be seen by many eyes!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Powerful video
Shared on FB and already that video has been shared by 4 of my friends.
We are now treading in unchartered territory where a greater number of people are questioning the authority of what was once the standard of journalism. It does not surprise me that the screeching from TPTB about "Fake News" comes on the heels of an election where that authority was seriously questioned. Ms. Bartlett puts to shame the same authority's attempt to discredit her. On camera in this informative piece.
Should be shared WIDELY.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Thank you for posting this.
Eva's testimony @15:30 is the truth of Syria familiar to most here, and it showcases the propaganda force fed to the American people. It is even present here, to some degree.
The comments at 40:40, however, were important at a meta level:
Here we are, in the UN, at an open meeting, where the world can and does discuss US Terrorism in its quest for Empire. We can openly acknowledge the fact that the US is run by the PNAC folks-gone-rogue. The World at the UN is familiar with the septic pool of rabid Neocons from which the US President must select his toxic UN Ambassador. Like a Mob Boss, the US threatens the credibility of UN with its shocking lies in the assembly. Who can object? The US is actively bombing more than a few currently seated member nations. This charade is normalized and it is understood that the US is the single greatest threat to world peace.
If the US were not isolated from the world by two vast oceans … it wouldn't be here now.
But Putin's help back fired and helped Clinton
Now, I don't think the Russians gave Assange anything, but let's say they did. The results of the meddling backfired on Putin.
The Assange/Russian axis could have given the nomination to Bernie if they had published the emails showing that the DNC was tipping the scale against Bernie much earlier. They revealed too late the conspiracy against Bernie to matter. Russian dumbshits.
Clinton used the Assange/Russian axis to attack Trump as a Manchurian candidate who will be weak on Russian designs on Lithuania and the rest of the world. It helped generate endorsements by the neocon war establishment for Clinton.
The mass media en mass took up the theme that the evil Assange/Russian axis was out to get Hillary by any means necessary. This in no way was a negative on Hillary but a positive as it showed that evil dictators hated her strength and foreign policy experience.
I was watching the mass media, and it started to completely ignoring Wikileak dumps after the third one dump (for example, I saw no references to it on CNN and Huffingtonpost). Instead the constant theme of the mass media was that the evil Russians were against tough-guy Clinton. The mass media fully brought into the theme that the emails were fake so they could not hurt Clinton by revealing such gems that she supported Simpson-Bowles.
The emails in no way divided the democratic party as Bernie endorsed Clinton and campaigned for her.
Wikileaks counted the most subjects in the debates and it was Putin/Russian. So Hillary did get out her message that the Trump was a Putin lackey. And nobody thinks being a Putin lackey is good.
Clinton could use the Russian threat to further the righteousness of her beliefs. For example, in supporting and promoting fracking, she claimed that Putin was behind anti-fracking protests.
Biden promised and ensured retaliation against the Russians showing the dems were strong on defense.
And now, instead of developing a progressive agenda and leadership to counter Trump, the democrats can divert attention from their failed pathetic leadership and blame everything on Russia/Putin.
More like the reincarnation
Of Warren G Harding. But that's just my opinion.
What fucking nonsense are you peddling here?
The US spends more than the entire Russian defense subject on 17 three-letter agencies that are supposed to prevent and secure America against exactly what you have said has occurred:
without leaving a trail?
Do you really think Putin is some kind of Master of the Universe or Jedi mind control expert, that he could possibly have accomplished that magical feat?
And to insult to injury, you cite the fucking WaPo - the
newspaperrag that holds major responsibility for US citizens being suckered into a war against a 3rd rate military that had been bombed and sanctioned for a decade to the point that a half million children lost their lives as well as many millions of innocent civilians killed, maimed and displaced, continuing to this very day.Here, I'll let "Pooty-poot" personally explain to you what the fuck is going on.
Peddling more fucking shit here. ExxonMobil has been doing business with oil companies within Russia for 20 years. Starting when Bill Clinton was president and continuing to this very day under Obama's "all of the above, drill-baby-drill" energy policy. You may also want to look up how many awards Tillerson received within the US during the last 20 years.
Sorry for all the FU's but this shiite pisses me off.
Sorry...I never said it was true
I said it is an excellent tool to use against Trump. A tool he uses often...propaganda.
But I know people are too sensitive here. Their moral outrage can't handle the notion that Donald Trump be subjected to disinformation to sully his reputation. I mean after all, why would anyone want to spoil his momentum from "Making America Great Again". How unfair of me to suggest that what he
mightpromised to do will damage millions of people in this country.So over the next four years, I suppose you will all sit around and say, well Trump shit would have happened anyway because... Democrats.
What the fuck are you trying to say here????
Read the title of your post:
No. What I will say is that much of the Trump shit has ALREADY happened in the LAST four years.
Hillary Clinton has been busy dry-humping corporations for cash during the last decade & more and you expect change from her?
If you really want to understand what people here think watch these.
The title is snarky
...I explain myself in the last paragraph.
I am very familiar with your populist anti-CU information. I brought Ronnie Dugger to my community in 1995 to speak to the corruption of money in politics.
When one willingly spreads lies
and people are aware that one is knowingly lying, people have no reason to listen to one, even in the event when one speaks truthfully.
Since you have made it clear that you will willingly spread lies, nobody here has any reason now to listen to anything you have to say in the future, as your reputation now is that you are a willful liar. Even should you speak truth, what reason do people have to trust that you are speaking truthfully?
There's a fair amount of Putin Derangement Syndrome
…at any blog with this demographic. There are occasional irrational outbursts at the mere mention of Putin's name. What did Putin do that threatened and scared them so much? Some have mentioned the fear may be connected with "duck and cover" fear experiences from childhood. Exacerbated by the current anti-Russia propaganda push — it embeds a paranoia trigger that simplifies public mind control. Critical thinking is bypassed. After Snowden ended up in Russia, the American people have been swamped by corporate-media-delivered false intelligence and misinformation.
It's funny because the narrative of "Russian Control over the fragile US elections" is comically absurd on many levels. Anyone at all skeptical about the surreal, evidence-free, propaganda telling Americans that their sacred democracy is under attack by Russia. When you encounter the damage it is doing to people's political judgement within society, it's infuriating.
No need to apologize
You're good
No thanks, if only because it reinforces the myth that
Russia is out to get us, a lie promoted by the US and NATO elites and oligarchs to ty to justify our obscenely excessive defense budget and military establishment.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thank you for your post
It's quite valid.
I expect in the next 4 years...
Trump Tower Moscow
Trump Tower St. Petersburg
Trump Tower Kiev
Paid in full.
Progressive to the bone.
So let me see if I have this straight
we're supposed to fight the big boogeyman Trump by believing what our own CIA tells us, but they can't really substantiate it either. Isn't that what we on the Democratic side have been victims of this last 30 years or so? Believe the lie, don't think critically, and act accordingly? And we're going to sell out to using blatant propaganda and disinformation to do that because we're on the "right side" of that?
While I agree it would be tempting to get rid of Trump, what is the alternative to him? More lies? More wars? More "fake news" that we should just spew all over the country in order to beat back one liar and install another? At a time when what we truly need is MORE critical thinking and not less, you're basically saying we should go with the lie? And a comforting lie too, it isn't Obama or Hillary who are at fault, it isn't a Democratic party that sold its soul out long ago to moneyed interests and basically made someone like Trump almost inevitable, nope, it is all the fault, once again, of those evil Russians. Do you hear yourself? Let the plutocrats off the hook and blame Russia?
As for anyone on this site being "too sensitive" I believe you're correct there - we are highly "sensitive" to lies out here so if you can't handle that, I suggest you find a site that will tolerate the lies and the partisanship too. NO ONE OUT HERE on this site considers Trump a win, and while you think installing Hillary Clinton will "fix" the problems of a Trump administration, you would be incorrect there. You'll only give credibility to the fake shit she's selling, and haven't we done enough of that?
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
We don't have to believe it to spread it
I don't think he is an agent, but I do think if its in his best interests to adopt pro-Russian policy he will do so.
If opposing Donald Trump at every single opportunity and turn makes me "partisan" then fine. I'm good with that. I have no interest in installing Hillary or Pence as you seem to suggest in your 2nd paragraph. I have every interest in subverting the power of a man that has normalized "alt-right" ideology. If continuing the suggestion that Trump is pro-Russian at the expense of his resources than I am good with that too. Let's let that message advance itself or not, on it's own merits. That's why I say publicize the hell out of it.
There are probably lots of good reasons to not use the messaging I am suggesting. But while most on C99 may not think Trump is a win, they spend far less time opposing him than they do Democrats. That is really sad.
What is truly pathetic and sad
is watching supposed progressives still not get that Democrats gave people NOTHING to vote FOR, and only something to vote against. Just what do you think will be accomplished by spreading this lie? Do you not see the war drums beating for Russia? And you'd be willing, in the service of being noble I suppose, to engage in spreading deliberate lies out through the MSM to thwart Trump? Do you think it's only Trump that has this hideous agenda in mind? Do you really think that if you try to somehow weaken his resources that's going to really change anything? You think those Tea Bag right wing loons who want to dismantle anything that might truly pull this country out of the shitter would just capitulate and give that up because there's a rumor that Trump is KGB? And what would our ConservaDem friends do there? Become progressive overnight? See the light that they have not done one damned thing to make people not vote for a narcissistic buffoon who's maybe KGB?
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
What is pathetic and sad
is that all people can do is knee jerk react and refer back to what Democrats said and did. I never said anything about Democrats, others including you have though. Why ?
Yes I do think it will weaken Trumps resources. It will erode his base. Yes, those T partiers won't like it one bit unless there is some vast admiration for Putin I am unaware of. Trump will have to take an adversarial posture with the intelligence community which makes him weaker - GOOD ! The war drums with Russia have been beating long before this, but at least that is an argument with merit which I acknowledged else where in this thread. Trump is dying to pick a fight with China, how does that make you feel ?
As I am just a supposed progressive, what is the progressive plan for taking control of the government and making it responsive to the people it serves ? Taking over the Democratic Party ? Trying to elect Jill Stein again ? Seriously, I am all ears on how it gets advanced, but until then, your criticism on how it shouldn't get advanced is a bit hollow.
By blaming Trump on Russia
you deflect attention from the truly pertinent issue - the fusion of Government and Corporate, the stealing of a primary by Hillary Clinton and a thoroughly corrupted DNC, the absolute failure of Democrats to appeal to voters after 8 years of "hope and change," and you push that all off on those evil Russians? This whole thing just deflects attention from our non functioning government and yes, you also appeal to those who'd like more security in this country, and perhaps even those who'd like to shut down a free internet. And you destroy any credibility your arguments may have in the future.
We already know better than to jump on the bandwagon of the latest "outrage" propaganda here, and we've had MANY discussions about the credibility of this place and this group. How in hell do you think spreading more lies helps this at all? Why would anyone take the "progressive" side if all we do is lie when we don't like an outcome? And for heavens sake, what IF Hillary and Bill talked that Rump into running in the first place?
As for your remarks about the Tea Bags hating on Putin, not necessarily so. Just look how Trump talked glowingly of Putin and look how many Repugnants find Putin a strong leader of his country?
Trump is not the one picking the fight with China either. While he HAS indeed made remarks, do you really think he's the only one with hard on for war with China? We're in the process of building up our own Navy just for that purpose, did that just start this month after his win?
As for MY plans for taking back our government, how dare you discredit an argument by laying that responsibility on anyone who disagrees with you? My criticism may be hollow, but your entire POINT is hollow, and might, from now on, be based on nothing but lies. Who knows?
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
There will plenty of time to oppose Trump
Most on C99 are currently more interested on how the DNC and Hillary Dems managed to fuck things up so bad that someone like Trump actually became president-elect. That's the REAL story. You are confusing the issue with your Putin did it messaging. The only fix this problem is for the pro Hillary Dems to take responsibility and admit they put a shit candidate on the table. To try to scapegoat Putin as the reason for their lose just prevents them from seeing the truth.
All you are doing is bringing the DKos circle jerk here.
Where's subir?
I miss him.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
that's funny!
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
It shows how the ruling class factions are going at it.
It's definitely propaganda against Russia but it's also pressure directed at Trump to ease off his "rapprochement" talk. Maybe a shot across the bow.
But no, Trump isn't a Russian agent, he's a secret agent man.
In his beautiful mind, anyway.
The foaming at the mouth of Hillary-supporters is beginning to grate on me. The woman proves again that she makes up the rules to
pantsuit herself. Ignore the EC? Ask all electors to be faithless to their states' final tally? And which tally? The first or second count? Ask for a do-over? Mrs 2% more of the popular vote (we are endlessly reminded)?Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.