The Oakland Fire: Music of the Dead -- industrial hardcore -- housey -- dream pop -- Tekno, get loud
I don't know who has been paying attention to this, but it's really a huge hit to the community. Ghost Ship was a space for queer radicals, among others. A lot of them made music. A lot of them participated in Occupy in Oakland. I'm so angry with this all right now that I can hardly write. These were my people. I had an art space about ten blocks down, and we got shut down for safety reasons.
That's the DIYLGBT motto these days. Because the fire department is required to report you to the city for any problem.
Property is nine tenths of the law and surveillance is nine tenths of tech.

what took you so long?
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
You're the only people who would really listen right now. I'm sorry.
Are you listening?
Unintended consequences of 36 dead.
The eye of Sauron is now turned on all similar spaces. Never forget what Prudhon said. "Property is theft." Low interest rates and big money, including the Chinese trying to get assets out of China are driving a property bubble in the Bay Area and elsewhere on the West coast. It has only recently in the last few months seen a slight easing. Meanwhile the working poor are being pushed out of even many run down and cheap spaces.
very true
People I work with are sleeping on friends couches in Portland because their rents have doubled. Even at our $15.00 base starting wage they are priced out of everything.
The house I rented in a very lousy neighborhood in Vancouver for $500 many years ago is now $1500 and it still has hole in the floor if the closet.
I have been considering converting my model T garage into an apartment just because people need places to live. To some extent it is artificial someone or many someones are still sitting on foreclosed houses that are not for sale or rent in spite of the rising housing market.
AoT my heart & sympathy go out to you.
We lived in Oakland, still work there and can see the space from the BART. My wife works with someone who had a space there, they were away at the time.
I see how gentrification is changing Oakland, since 2009 it has been dramatic. A look at Zillow prices should give non-locals an idea of just how insane it has become. Driven by San Francisco becoming a dormitory city. I was down on Clement at 5pm the other day and it was almost empty. 5 years ago the sidewalks would have been thronging at that time. My read was that all the residents in the buildings in the Inner Richmond are occupied by tech workers and they are still at work at 5pm.
Luv the
big jibbah at the end of the video.
As for the links to the music, not my cup of tea, but I clicked on all and gave a good listen to each song. The talent is obvious to me, even if I Don't get the music. My bad, not theirs.
My wife's daughter goes to college in Oakland and these were/are her people. She most definitely Could have been there. Tragic.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I'm haunted by the fire
And I agree with people saying the underlying cause is gentrification and the lack of affordable living and work spaces for artists.
I always wonder with all the shutdown bigbox stores dotting so many landscapes why some enterprising groups don't try working with a municipality and the owners from the getgo to get some live/work/retail/performance sites going that are safe. In some areas I bet the Kickstarter response would be pretty good.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
The main problem is price
When a space is legitimized and brought up to code the owner has no reason to keep the rent affordable. If it is safe enough for an art space then it is safe enough for a business or for lofts. We can only afford unsafe spaces. That doesn't mean that they have to actually be unsafe, but they can't be officially safe. It's a catch 22 in a lot of ways.
We're forming a group that will help the venues improve their safety without having to go through the city.
Adventurous art
does not thrive in a regimented and regulated milieu. It does best in somewhat chaotic, permissive environments -- on the fringes of, or just outside the purview of mainstream society. Preferably, such environments are in densely urban areas, near the centers of high culture. Spaces suitable for developing new art also need to be dirt cheap, because during its inception and often long afterwards, seriously adventurous art almost never makes any money. Obviously, places like this are becoming increasingly rare and hard to come by, as property speculation eats up the core of all our major cities.
These kinds of "underground" spaces have long needed be forged by artists themselves -- from the raw materials of an urban society and landscape that in most cases is either ignorant of, or hostile to their existence. They are transgressive by their very nature, it is unavoidable. Careless, absentee landlords like the Ngs have often been a godsend for artists needing cheap space with little or no supervision. I have spent the better part of fifty years living either in or around such spaces, by my own choice.
That being said, they do not need to be as irresponsible, slovenly, and chaotic as Derick Ion Almena's operation apparently was. Too many drugs, taken too often and too indiscriminately, combined with a total lack of self discipline and an utter disregard for the welfare of others, has little to do with the creation of art... attractive though it may be to much of today's alienated youth.
The lead is self-evident
and will no doubt be widely publicized.
beautiful yet deadly
Just check out the photos from their own website. I continue to be perplexed that not a single news outlet has bothered to post any of these, especially the "pallet staircase" which can be seen in the photos that show the electrified old GMC truck grille (just to the right and behind it). The space was gorgeous, and unfortunately a massive firetrap waiting to combust:
So sad in so many ways.
a couple more
Well you did reply to my comment.
Sorry, I didn't realize this was all about you
I only saw what people make
when they love to be alive.
(For every home anywhere constructed of wood, built to code or not, one could say "the space was gorgeous, and unfortunately a massive firetrap waiting to combust.")
A labor of love
One can tell that a lot of artists, musicians, performers, etc. helped create and loved to use this space. There are so many others like it around Oakland, all part of the vibrant world of creativity that thrives there. I been blown away to see some of these work spaces, although this was one I never visited.
Pallet staircase
crazy drug-fueled rave at the Ghost Ship
Did not know of this. Thanks for stopping by to grieve, AoT.
So sorry to hear of such a loss to the community and to you personally.
It's particularly heartbreaking to hear from an activist standpoint. The opportunities for such spaces are so few and practically non-existent today. In such a no holds barred capitalist environment in which the global financial elite Economic Terrorists have taken all their heisted money from the gov't bailout and just gorged themselves on gobbling up real estate there is hardly any place left for a community space to open and thrive.
It's the same here in NYC and the world over. Nothing but new, gleaming fucking banks on every corner, franchise food and grocery chains, corporate monopolies and upscale boutique food and frivolous trinkets. Retail space has been jacked up beyond its market value so that the only people who can afford them are the ones who don't care what the price is, especially the banks who just set up one empty husk after another with the strategy of it being free advertising in hopes that they'll soften their image with the public by mere attrition. Naturally, the only affordable places available are those that either have fallen into disrepair, fixer uppers, or some other not ideal situation. But because people are so hungry for such engagement these factors are often overlooked.
My heart goes out to everyone who was part of that collective. I know how difficult it is to even get something like that off the ground, let alone one that had become a thriving part of the community (as can be seen in the photos - thanks astral66). A group I started locally with two others inspired by Occupy tried here to do something similar. After a couple of years of sweat and toil, done with a lot of love and participation of so many who answered the call, the guy who offered the space got cold feet, made up an excuse and in the end we had nothing to show for all that work (we were ultimately able to at least get a home for the activist/counterculture book collection which was the catalyst for the space). In a different age there were many to be found all over the country (see the film "Sir, No Sir" about the huge proliferation of anti-war coffeeshops that cropped up in response to the war in Vietnam, in some cases started and in many cases patronized by vets). Because of the global financial conglomerate's stranglehold of even our local economies today they are far too few and far between these days.
Are there any decent stories of what Ghost Ship was and what just happened to which you could refer us?
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
A part of me
says how tragic(which it is) yet, another part of me says what were you Thinking doing a fire dance(in one photo) inside the joint?!?
And the casket photo unfortunately proved to be prescient.
Have been in smaller, but similar, spaces back east and have always tried to have an exit plan when inside.
In this case it seems it wouldn't have mattered once it caught fire. The old, Oiled warehouse floor would have gone up in seconds. I know 'cause I have removed similar floors and used the scrap in a sauna stove and it Cranked up the heat quick.
Condolences all around.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march