When Will Democrats Stop Talking About Trump?

Since his announcement to run for the Republican primary it has been non-stop, the only one who bucked the trend was Bernie Sanders who actually proposed something substantive and different to the usual braying politics, a variation on the American Dream.

Trump is a vile narcissistic liar, I know, I know. He is racist, I know, I know. He is Sexist I Know, I know. He will be a fucking disaster, got it. Now whose mind is it that you are changing, nobodies that's who.

Now apart from having fun running around screaming and threatening Republican style blockus totalis, what are you going to do?

Wait for the white folks to die out because you don't believe you can help change their minds?

Create a Republican Style Southern Strategy in California and New York City. Hasn't been reducing your multi-State appeal handed you this defeat? Losing Governors and State legislatures hand over fist has taught you nothing?

Stop fucking whining and whining is all it is. I hear some of the self annointed "leaders" of the soft chewy centre calling for "revolution" yet when presented the opportunity to do so they fled and hid under the establishment's togas. Oh such brave little warriors! I'll send them some wooden swords.

Take up the challenge at the grass roots and fight the battle there in every State. Don't just sit there and chew the cud of common wisdom and repeat that the white working and middle classes are lost, they are all racists/sexists, they are not. [The vile pig at the centre of this came from the uber-wealthy East Coast Aristocracy after all]

For fuck's sake drop the we are not Republicans/Trump attitude and come up with something real and not the usual triangulating bloviating bipartisan bullshit. Bernie had the right idea until you shouted him down and gave us the ultimate in unpopular establishment "ever evolving" when it suited candidate.

Stop with the "Trump this Trump that", you are convincing nobody but yourselves.

Stop Trump! With what? Just because you say so? Totally vacuous and unconvincing.

Pray he fails epically? You will replace it with what? More bipartisan crap that fed income inequality with the fat of the land?

It is going to be important who you present as your policy face at the top, but even more so setting up a convincing grass roots campaign to change the point of view that you have nothing new to offer but more corporate asset stripping.

Also stop pretending to be so fucking superior to those of us in fly over country/rustbelt/biblebelt/redneck territory/the sticks, it does not help, in fact it will keep kicking you in the teeth.

Want a revolution? That starts between your own ears.

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detroitmechworks's picture

And they think like lawyers.

If Justice is against them, they'll argue the law.
If Law is against them, they'll argue for justice.
And if both are against them, they'll call those against them names.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

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It's not cheap if Hillary's doing the talking.

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sorry, lawyers are people, not a monolith
some of them are actually among us here

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I just argue the law. I do so for the purpose of seeking justice. Name calling of a judge, jury, opposing counsel, or any court officer is punishable by jail, fines, suspension of license, or disbarment.
My hope for everybody is that when they hire an attorney, that they will hire a good one with whom they can communicate and that the attorney will work with diligence and professional ethics.
I live in a town of 700 people. I want handshakes and hugs when I see my clients in the grocery store aisle.
Geez Louise.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

ZimInSeattle's picture

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

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My theory, lots of folks have to do it, to try to deny the fact Shrillary really blew it, MI, WI, her "Blue Wall" ( sez who?) and PA = about 80,000 votes away from her being POTUS.
WHEW! That was close Smile Can you imagine the poor people in her campaign who managed that part of the operation. Ouch! The almost billion of dollars wasted, the stupidity of thinking TV ads meant anything, her donors can not be happy. Once again, the Arrogance, the greed, the "we know best" of all the sycophants trying to e as close as possible to the eventual winner.

Hideous judgement, ignorance, coming up with "Stronger Together" & thinking it actually meant something. Reckless Smile

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Pray he fails epically? You will replace it with what? More bipartisan crap that fed income inequality with the fat of the land?

The lack of ability to self-examine is the Dems Achilles Heel.

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Markos is angry and blames everyone.
But won't admit to a flawed candidate or bad policy.

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Steven D's picture

Hoping to get back the traffic he lost because a Republican, and one worse than Dubya even, is going to take office.

I am willing to bet a lot of that is fake outrage. Gotta get them clicks.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

at prognosticating.

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riverlover's picture

No direct action (too early, IMO) but just whine. The left-ish side of the US grew weak. Partly because they voted left-ish for HRC, one of the most dismal campaigns ever. Meanwhile us at True Left, although not agreeing on much of any way forward have been smugly silent, or doing 'I told you so's' But we did and they did. I am becoming enamored of left-ish to describe many who bailed when Bernie was beaten back.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

sense of the terms or East Coast Republicans with "laissez-faire" credentials if you prefer.

To me what the US calls "the right" are just extremist nutcases.

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riverlover's picture

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Birchers/extreme rightwing/extreme nutcases; you say tomato, I say, tomato... except that in the latter case the spelling stays the same, while the way it's said doesn't... Still, extreme nutcase would be the traditional description, and I'm kinda conservative that way, myself.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

when Bernie was beaten back.

Bernie has collaborated with the Dems since 1990.
He was ready to quit- he was never there to win the nomination. (imo)

I say this as someone who bought it all, and then fell for Stein.
A chump.

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1] Highlight the issues that would decide the campaign.
2] Push established Democratic Party principle.

As for the man himself, I first met him at a Vermont fair when I was six, he is a fair and honest man and I can say that about so fucking few.
He honestly believes the Party can be changed, I don't

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I don't think he ran from bad motives.
I do think he ran with "restrictions" on what he could say, and with the expectation that HRC win nomination.

Don't know if that was a good thing. I sure didn't agree to it when I sent him my money.
Thought Sanders and Stein were anti- Dems!

To me, he is now one of the "tin soldiers" you mocked so skillfully in your essay.
They can have all the "good fight" against Trump.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

…they could never take her out or shake the self-satisfied Party.

The only one who could topple the Party and beat Hillary, is Hillary, herself.

Actually everybody knew that in the beginning. Only one in a thousand voters were informed about her war criminal activities in Libya and Syria, which strip away all her humanity. What turned Democrats off and suppressed the turnout was her pandering for their votes, her word-salad lies, her ever-present hypocrisy — and above all, her repellent form of feminism. The deflected "Trump" outrage simply couldn't mask it.

She almost ruined the future Presidency of enlightened and authentic leaders who happen to be women.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

Actually, Bernie did a little tour before declaring his run to be sure that the support was there first. He wasn't going to run if he figured that he had no chance but he did win the Dem nomination and would have won the election - if these had been honestly run. But there's always a reason why fraudulent election results have to be left to lie as a 'done deal', something 'to be fixed next time' by the self-interests who rigged it in the first place to 'gain/maintain power' over the people and country their public offices exist to serve.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

before his run. In May 2015 Mook refers to "the deal" HRC campaign has with Sanders and"leverage" to enforce it.
I think the expectation of all parties at the time of deal was that Clinton would be the nominee. Sanders was offered a chance to make "the speech' on the big stage. Dems used him to attract and hold those repulsed by Clinton, believing we would vote for her in the end. It took off in a way no one predicted. Sanders may have been a little stubborn about bowing out, but he saw the light eventually.
Bernie has a long history of cooperation with Dem Party of Vermont. Making this sort of race would not have bent his "principles' too much. But I would not have given him a cent, much less volunteer for him, knowing what I know today.
In my opinion. the doings of Sanders and now Stein have torn the guts right out of the progressive left in US.
I am feeling burned, for sure.

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as it is.


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ggersh's picture

then to show us they'll change they give us Schumer and Pelosi

I've always hated groundhog day.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Steven D's picture

because it's a distraction for all the shit Obama and the Dems are pulling right now, Rule 41, Standing Rock, Syrian no fly zone vote in Congress (nicely bipartisan) etc., etc.

I've seen some good stuff from Nina Turner not focusing on Trump but on what the Dems should do going forward. About the only person in the party who hasn't engaged in scapegoating or fear mongering about Trump since the election.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

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boriscleto's picture

Had to admit that TPP was dead.

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" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "

Fri, 12/02/2016 - 6:34pm — boriscleto

Even Schumer

Had to admit that TPP was dead.

This s the second time in a short period that he's claimed that, and both times Obama has tried quietly pushing it through. Obama's 'legacy' consists of handing the country - and everyone else's - over to corporate/billionaire control under a false and traitorous claim that anyone, anywhere, can 'legally' betray their country and people simply by terming that betrayal as a 'trade bill', when it pretends a non-existent right of whoever transitorily holds a certain public office to transfer control of domestic law from the public to hostile outside agencies purportedly to 'protect' their investments but instead making the country and people subject to their predation by what's claimed to be 'law' to be determined by the corporate lawyers of these self-interests in an off-shored court in which the public interest has no standing even when lives are directly hazarded for increased profits.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

For crying out loud, there is one writer on Smirking Chimp whining that Trump will bring back trickle-down economics - omg!omg! Well, when did trickle down ever stop?

Dems are even whining about Trump and Carrier. Oh the horror! Trump kept 1000 jobs!! He may have cut taxes for the parent company and agreed to give it more federal funding for whatever!!

As if dems aren't at the head of the line giving their buddies rivers of government gravy.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

…on the way out? I only have the Clinton's final act to compare it to.

Both were looking at a Republican takeover, and both trashed the place and buried IEDs during the transition.

Perhaps it's a Washington tradition to "payback" the People for their non votes.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Lady Libertine's picture

but I cant help myself!

[from markos' diary entitled "Filibuster Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee for FOUR years"]

When a government is legitimately elected, you oppose it. You are the loyal opposition. When a government is illegitimately elected, you resist it. Today, we are the resistance. And that means standing in the way of everything that illegitimate government does.

Democrats should stand in the way of everything Trump does, and especially his Supreme Court pick. As Republicans have taught us over the past few years, with hundreds of President Barack Obama’s judicial picks languishing unconfirmed, there is no penalty for such obstruction. So now, it’s our turn.

brilliant? oh no doubt the sychophants think so.

Revolutionary? nah.

Effective? I mean effective in a significant way that will turn all this kabuki boolshit on its head? Not a chance.

I mean, gimme a break. Ya know not only is this the wrong approach, its just plain boring.

Im still mildly astonished that, after having their asses handed to them in this election, and its obvious af to anyone with half a brain that Bernie's message and approach was (is) the antidote this country needed (especially against Trump), the neolib Dems are just ... sigh ... doubling down on the same stupid shit that has them losing election after election for several cycles now.

It really is NOT funny, we're all in for a world of pain but get f'n real ferchrissake.

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Steven D's picture

Now that is funny.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

riverlover's picture

Come ON, talented artists here!

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

reflectionsv37's picture

They didn't have Lexus's back in Che Guevara days, but this photo is screaming to have Markos's mug shot put on the face of Raul Castro, the one in the middle. Unfortunately, it's actually an insult to Fidel and Guevara to place such a tool as Markos with true revolutionaries.

Fidel, Guevera and Markos.jpg

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

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detroitmechworks's picture

But it was out of the mouth of Rush Limbaugh, who declared america "Under Siege" during the clinton years.

Yes, I consider TOP to be the equivalent of a Democrat Rush Limbaugh.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

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reflectionsv37's picture

They need a name as ridiculous as most of the comments over there. How about the Arugula Party?

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

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is getting off his fat ass to lead a revolution? Sure he is.

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who designed the latest iteration of his website.

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that's what selling out means.

Im still mildly astonished that, after having their asses handed to them in this election, and its obvious af to anyone with half a brain that Bernie's message and approach was (is) the antidote this country needed (especially against Trump), the neolib Dems are just ... sigh ... doubling down on the same stupid shit that has them losing election after election for several cycles now

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Pluto's Republic's picture

… than have you win.

It must be some kind of Neoliberal auto-immune mental illness. They would do it again exactly the same, given a chance.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

Lol, to fight Republicans, you must become Republicans and copy all of their behaviours, so adored by TPTB... that way, you might win the big funders from the Repubs, as Her Royal Coronation did in their big competition prior to the selection. Although apparently even they couldn't stand her in the end.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Lookout's picture

at developing a proactive agenda. They might (just might) fight the impending tax cuts, but I'm not expecting much. And they'll support almost any war.

We need to reinvent the country, but all we do is fiddle while it (and the world) burns.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

their ears, now they just look like a snowflake lost in hell

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Azazello's picture

You gonna' cross-post it ?

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

well, some of them are reachable, the rest are too busy with the lighter fuel since some hair remains.

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Big Al's picture

Some of us have no idea what is being said at that blog, although now I've got an idea.
At the upper levels in the party, that's their role in the duopoly theater production, there has to be an opposition even though they both work for the same things.

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and the "DNC Common Wisdom" apparatchik.

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Big Al's picture

was Hillary "The War Criminal" Clinton.
Can't wait until they whine about Trump's wars. That should be hilarious.

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to have General James "Mad Dog" Mattis [ret] as his defence secretary.

Obama's wars and war crimes were just fine and dandy.

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according to wikipedia. Didn't hear any protests then. IOKIYAD?

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

boriscleto's picture

The Marine Corps officer corps isn't all that big. And Mattis had seniority because he stayed in for 40 years...

All the really able officers in the military got out when W's wars of choice bogged down into quagmire...then became lobbyists...

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" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.


Another excuse for Her Heinous not taking responsibility.

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BTW, I voted for Stein. If the only choices were Trump and Clinton, I would not have voted at all. No way would I ever vote for Clinton, even if you stuck burning matches under my fingernails. (That would get me to vote for Trump.) They don't want me in their stinking Party? Fine with me. I didn't vote for DWS' hand-picked Congressman, either. I voted for the (R), even though he was dumb as rocks.

I used to say that GHWB turned me into a Democrat and his son turned me into a Liberal Democrat. Well, Obama and Hillary Clinton turned me back into an Independent. If they would just ditch those religious crazies, I just might turn into a Republican, seeing as how the Democrats hate old white men in flyover country so much.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Bollox Ref's picture

is dwarfed by those who didn't bother voting at all............. but Clinton's loss is the fault of the Greens.

Riiight!!! Blame people who actually voted.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

I suspect most Dem politicians want to try and work with Trump for the good of the country. They fall into the trap of thinking there is a time to campaign, and a time to govern. The Tea-GOP understands the permanent campaign, that's why the 2020 campaign is already underway. The Dems expect Trump to start making sense, but he won't.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

the Republicans propose, it like double dog dare games.

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The Democrats clearly haven't learned that working for -not with- the Republicans only makes the GOP stronger. If the most recent election proved anything, the Democrats need new lies to tell the voters if they ever expect to regain power again.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

They've retained Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi as the leadership. They will never stop talking about Trump because Trump is all they have to talk about.

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Distracted yet, now back to business as usual

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would stop assuming that the dems are interested in learning anything.

They aren't.

They are and have been fine with the way things are, and were fine with the downward trajectory of the country, or they would have, for example, been an opposition party during Reagan, not supported some of the legislation that Clinton passed, and not supported Obama's efforts to gut soc sec.

The dems no longer serve the public, and they couldn't care less about the people. The dems do not have a learning deficit - nor are they stupid. Their harmful actions are deliberate and intentional.

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Lily O Lady's picture

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

karl pearson's picture

"But with labor unions in terminal decline, liberals have few other places to turn outside of direct activism. The typical liberal urbanite can’t help but approach close-knit communities with some mixture of suspicion and ironic detachment. In rejecting the content of social conservatism, liberals have also rejected its form—and thus the ability to construct grassroots organizations that last longer than a flash in the pan."


Although this author represents a Republican viewpoint, there is some truth in it. The Dems are not in denial, they just don't know how to fix their problem, since they have concentrated more heavily in cities, rather than rural/suburban areas. Also, the Clintons dominated the party for so long and did not concentrate on a 50 state strategy. (Obama was successful in getting elected since he did concentrate on a wider voter base. However, winning the Presidency was all that mattered.) The Dems will have to concentrate on "fly-over country" or they are politically dead. Their arrogance has resulted in a colossal defeat

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to vote for Trump [over 53%] they are not bad people, nor stupid, conservative yes, anti-government for sure, forgotten for a very long time. It is not an easy life in the NEK.

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fix anything. They love it they way they are. Who wouldn't want to cash in like the Clintons did? Stab the electorate in the back and get millions from TPTB.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

that they've exposed the New Democrats dirty laundry to the voters and to the world and they're outraged that the curtain has been opened. The scam they've been running on us since the early 90s has come to a halt and as a result they have absolutely no power and no credibility. And they're own little peccadilloes are now being exposed, from Slick to Hopey-Changey to the Vagina candidate. They HAVE to talk about and berate Trump because they have no record of honesty or concern for the American people for them to fall back on.

There is at least one good thing that came out of this election. Millions have finally put the squelch to the 'New Dems' claim of honesty and of being the Party of the People. And that is why all they've got is fingerpointing at Trump and telling us what a stinker Trump is.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Bollox Ref's picture

along with identitysplaining things.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

In reading the reactions to Trump and Carrier, lots being made about this being corporate welfare. Sure, but democrats have also done the same. In blue Oregon Nike and Intel got huge tax breaks aimed just at them--under democrats.

All fine and good, but what do the democrats offer in place after bashing Trump?. The answer is NOTHING or some lame BULLSHIT. What do Obama and then Hillary offer Carrier workers (or me after my job was shipped to much less experienced people in India): "don't fight globalization. lose your job. learn a new skill. now vote for me and fuck off; Clooney has a fund raiser".

What in effect the democrats offer after hypocritically bashing Trump, is partisan gibberish which goes nowhere and does nothing. But at the end of the day, what many people will see is an president (if he continues) keeping jobs in America, and arguments from corporate democrats about "corporate welfare" won't mean flying shit.

At the center of it. Cornell West on the post election democratic party.


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I heard Stephanie Miller complaining that Carrier kept the jobs here because Pence engineered a $700,000 payment from the state of Indiana. That's $500 per job. If that's all it takes, I say the federal government should allocate a billion dollars and save 20 million jobs!

For a union job that amounts to about three days pay per employee. Obviously, it's just face saving for the company, so the CEO doesn't look like the douchebag he is.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Here is what democrats got in Oregon giving Nike a tax break as compared to Trump:


America has a subsidies problem. We’ve looked at the rising amount of money poured into megadeals and railed against Apple and Google, companies so flush with cash they shouldn’t be considered for a tax break in the first place. But no American company (non-sports-franchise division) is fleecing taxpayers worse than Nike.

The global shoe brand — which made $25.3 billion in revenue during fiscal year 2013 — threatened to leave Oregon, where it has deep roots in the community, without tax breaks. This past December the state passed a bill that will only tax Nike on a portion of its sales over the next 30 years. The deal, which should total $2 billion by Good Jobs First’s calculations, is contingent on Nike investing $150 million in a project that will produce 500 jobs. That’s $4 million per job.

Trump got a better deal it seems. And yes, at Trump's price, let's do it.

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A few years ago.

Seems like Democrats are more free with the blackmail than the Republicans.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

boriscleto's picture

When they decided to end manufacturing in Syracuse, NY (where Carrier was started) they turned down $210 million in incentives and concessions from the union. 7 years ago they turned down $7.8 million and a $4/hr pay decrease from warehouse workers when they closed down the warehouse operation in Syracuse.

Carrier has removed about 6000 jobs from Syracuse since the days of Reagan/Bush/Clinton...

http://www.syracuse.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/12/when_carrier_killed_m... (Don't read the comments if you want to keep your sanity)

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" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "

Was it still cheaper to move the company off-shore so the company refused any incentives?

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boriscleto's picture

To get rid of all union workers.

Syracuse had the most experienced and loyal workers, but North Carolina and the other places they moved to were "Right to Work" or over seas...

Much like Boeing trying to move production to South Carolina, and having a lot of problems...

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" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "

I think they were scared to death of losing those defense contracts.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

We got to stop letting them prod us into fighting each other. We have to come together, share information, figure out what everybody wants and focus everybody's money and efforts towards those goals. No more partisan crap.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Lady Libertine's picture

Caitlin Johnstone... excellent piece by her today on this very topic


The only thing we need to get the Republicans out of the way is votes. The only thing we need to get votes are candidates that aren’t slobbering sycophantic minions of Wall Street running as Democrats against Republicans. As we saw clearly in the Democratic presidential primaries, the people will joyfully rally around a good person with good ideas, but the Democratic establishment will fight tooth and claw to silence, sabotage and subvert them. As we saw clearly in the presidential general election, that kills voter turnout, putting the Republicans in power. So that is plainly the real problem here. If we can get good candidates running as Democrats, we can make the Republicans our bitch every time, but the Democratic establishment, since it is pervasively immersed in corruption and cronyism, stops that from happening. This has been the case for a long, long time, and will continue to be the case until we force it to change.

So if we can fix the Democratic party, the Republican problem solves itself. If we can’t fix the Democratic party, we’ll have to rally behind a party that better represents our interests, in which case we’ll still be fighting the Democrats first and foremost, since they’ll be competing for the votes on the political left. Either way, joining with the Democratic elites and their media pawns in opposing Donald Trump is a waste of progressives’ time and energy right now.

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The primary shows that only half of Dem voters are Progressive. The other half like the neoliberals. It's all symbolism and social stances for them, although I don't know what was wrong with Bernie's social stance.
I don't know why black voters overwhelmingly went for the woman raised in a lily white suburb and never did anything of substance for black people and against the guy who actually marched with MLK when it was a dangerous thing to do. Was it just because he is a Jew? or just because he is an old white man in a party that hates old white men?

So, only about 25% of the voters are Progressive.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Pluto's Republic's picture

…and do as they bid, vote for who they say. They rallied behind Hillary because of something clever that Bill did while President.

When the Democrats came into office under Clinton, they saw that black leaders faced a hassle when they tried to get government funding that was already coming to them for their political movement and grants. So, the New Dems opened a money window for the Blacks inside the Democratic Party. They streamlined the process so that Black leaders could get the money that the government had granted to them.

The money wasn't coming from the Dems, but Black leaders associated the flow of funds with the New Dems. It was all going as planned after the Clinton's left. The Democrats continued to help with the money and grew the Black coalition and Hillary got some time in the Senate to build credibility for her Presidential run. But when campaigning began for 2008, Barack Obama was in the Primaries. She remained hopeful that it was too soon for an AA President, but the Black coalition the Clinton's had carefully developed could not resist the opportunity to see Obama crash the gates.

That's why 2016 was her turn. It really was. But there was pushback inside the coalition from BLM and the very real slaughter of black men by newly militarized police under the Obama administration. The Democratic Left peeled off from the New Dems due to a lack of representation that was finally revealed to them, and the coalition alone couldn't put her over the top.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

The largest voting block consists of Indies, because the Dems and Repubs are both corporate parties consistently acting against the public interest.

Many Indies and some Repubs switched to vote Dem to vote for Bernie, as did many Dems, only to be deprived of their votes through voter suppression or vote flipping, apart from massive levels of other cheating, including likely Bernie-votes not being counted - or being shredded - before the Coronation, not to mention that the DNC and corporate media declared for Hillary before the final primary voting had even taken place in order to reduce voter turn-out and voter expectations.

Bernie nonetheless won the primary - the voters were ripped off, the country was ripped off, the world was ripped off.

So even if a lot of the remaining still-Dem voters did vote for Hillary, (many because, even though Bernie represented their/the public interests better, they fell for the PR con that 'he couldn't win', which would have been true had nobody voted for him,) that's not really a high percentage of total voters, since so many progressives had left the Dem party.

If a party does not stick to their platform or consider that platform to be meaningful except as a voter con, what's the point of them calling themselves a party at all, or of citizens expecting a group of self-serving self-interests to identify with voters who definitely have no reason to identify with them?

What's being termed progressive now is what represents the concept of a sane and sustainable civilization...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

and I agree that he probably did, it was with roughly 50% of the Democrats. You see how the Hillary voters are blaming Bernie for Trump, even though he quit fighting and kissed her (I'll say) ring. They never would have voted for him in the general election. Heads they win, tails we lose. I'm through with voting for Democrats and the Greens don't know how to campaign. I don't think they are serious. I never received one piece of paper or one e-mail from a Green candidate, nor saw a Green ad. They were on the ballot, but that's all. If you look for them on the web, you will find them. In contrast, (R)'s and (D)'s kept my mailbox stuffed.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

MarilynW's picture

although one would never know it by the recent content.

Right now, it's pretty hard not to worry about the harm that Don is doing to the US and the world and to suppress the need to talk about that.

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To thine own self be true.
