When Will Democrats Stop Talking About Trump?
Since his announcement to run for the Republican primary it has been non-stop, the only one who bucked the trend was Bernie Sanders who actually proposed something substantive and different to the usual braying politics, a variation on the American Dream.
Trump is a vile narcissistic liar, I know, I know. He is racist, I know, I know. He is Sexist I Know, I know. He will be a fucking disaster, got it. Now whose mind is it that you are changing, nobodies that's who.
Now apart from having fun running around screaming and threatening Republican style blockus totalis, what are you going to do?
Wait for the white folks to die out because you don't believe you can help change their minds?
Create a Republican Style Southern Strategy in California and New York City. Hasn't been reducing your multi-State appeal handed you this defeat? Losing Governors and State legislatures hand over fist has taught you nothing?
Stop fucking whining and whining is all it is. I hear some of the self annointed "leaders" of the soft chewy centre calling for "revolution" yet when presented the opportunity to do so they fled and hid under the establishment's togas. Oh such brave little warriors! I'll send them some wooden swords.
Take up the challenge at the grass roots and fight the battle there in every State. Don't just sit there and chew the cud of common wisdom and repeat that the white working and middle classes are lost, they are all racists/sexists, they are not. [The vile pig at the centre of this came from the uber-wealthy East Coast Aristocracy after all]
For fuck's sake drop the we are not Republicans/Trump attitude and come up with something real and not the usual triangulating bloviating bipartisan bullshit. Bernie had the right idea until you shouted him down and gave us the ultimate in unpopular establishment "ever evolving" when it suited candidate.
Stop with the "Trump this Trump that", you are convincing nobody but yourselves.
Stop Trump! With what? Just because you say so? Totally vacuous and unconvincing.
Pray he fails epically? You will replace it with what? More bipartisan crap that fed income inequality with the fat of the land?
It is going to be important who you present as your policy face at the top, but even more so setting up a convincing grass roots campaign to change the point of view that you have nothing new to offer but more corporate asset stripping.
Also stop pretending to be so fucking superior to those of us in fly over country/rustbelt/biblebelt/redneck territory/the sticks, it does not help, in fact it will keep kicking you in the teeth.
Want a revolution? That starts between your own ears.

You mean political or party political?
I would say it is political.
It might have changed but initially this site welcomed
any contemporary topic. We can discuss art, science, climate, history, philosophy, anthropology, social issues, gardening, photography, personal issues, you name it. Politics is just one topic.
It is definitely not a partisan site.
So what interests you Lafeminista besides politics?
To thine own self be true.
"When Will Democrats Stop Talking About Trump?"
If it isn't evident yet, talking is what Democrats do best. They sure as hell demonstrated over the past 8 years that they can't DO anything, even with Congressional majorities, however weak. Talking is all that remains for them to look like a viable option for the voters.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
You nailed it, Brother, that
Nominate this for 'Comment Of The Week!'
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
The Demorat's will never
stop talking about the 'bad cops' Republican pols. This is a duopoly and all this election jive is just theater. They will do what they did with Obomber and reach across the aisle. "Victories for compromise" brought to us by Obomber. Who compromises with RW lunatics?
If you read The Mad Bombers e-mails and bankster speech's they tell the real tale. The partisan divide is just hooey. The Dems guilt trip so called 'progressives' with their fake PC and identity politics but under the skin they are almost worse policy and agenda wise then the lunatic RW's. On the socially liberal level, the only place they can claim to be then in reality they implement policy that is racist sexist, classist and the rent's too high.
Do you want a vagina probe along with your austerity and bloody endless war? If not you better vote for us because otherwise ....... I remember Mary Landerieu saying during the public option dirty dealings saying nastily 'there is no such thing as a free lunch ' She lost with good reason. Same with HRC's saying that free college was not going to happen and that we would never have single payer healthcare in the US. Fear of the right does not work when all the so called left offers is the softly gloved version of the iron fist.
The private face of the 'New Demorat's is showing as people are forced to live in their nightmare fascistic globalized world. Kos used to say that issues were not important in politics. Guess what you asshole people care about the real issues they have to live with. The public face of the arrogant Dem. pols is no longer believable. Because their real agenda is obvious to all but the willfully ignorant who are in denial and the freaking so called progressive yuppies that are doing okay and gate keeping under the technocratic meritocracy.
All this hand ringing, blaming and carrying on by partisan Democrat's and the Democratic machine's apparatchik is useless as they have no intention of actually representing we the people's common good, restoring the rule of law, getting rid of the mad police state or even being effective as the 'loyal opposition'. They are not opposed to austerity, deregulation, privatizing, endless bloody war, no justice or global oligarchical collectivism. They can not put this rotten to the core Humpty back together by bamboozling or extortion via fear and I say that's a good start. There is no left, left they managed to turn partisan Democrat's into radical centrist's as the Third Way bills themselves. Divide and conquer and empty ideology did not win the day.
I say it's time to let the Democratic party go the way of the Whigs or the Dodo. Let go of fake partisan politics and turn instead to social movements outside their gates. Maybe this farce of an election is a good thing as it might just enable people to see what they are really up against and join in solidarity to oppose this madness. Some of us will hang onto the status quo and the idea of reforming the Demorat's but it not going to happen. Even on a local, state level they are corrupt, bent run and owned by the real public enemy, the global oligarchical owners of the world. Play it like it lays and quit trying to resuscitate the left hand of the duopoly. How many times do we have to keep doing this dance of death and fear. Why not write and talk about existence outside the pathetic farce of politics defined by the duopoly?
Great rant thanks, La Feminista.
Everybody wanted change
Except for Hillary supporters. The DNC forced the status quo on us and Trump, being a good con-artist, filled the void. I have hope for all of us once Trump voters start feeling the betrayal.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I agree about this being a 'change' election
for most folks (except FSC's/PBO's supporters), but, if DT keeps his promise, or a veneer of his promise, to protect/bring back manufacturing jobs, my 'guess' is that unless he guts Social Security and/or Medicare, a large number of his base will be content with his 'performance.'
I've tried debating them--they could truly care less if wealthy billionaires make up his entire Cabinet, etc. And, I've long ago lost count of the times that I've been scolded with, 'a poor man doesn't create jobs--rich men do.'
I 'think' that the Dem Party Establishment realizes this, and that's why they're in near panic mode. If DT gets a huge ($1T) infrastructure bill through, and it creates a lot of blue collar work, and he then follows through with stopping more companies from outsourcing jobs, I believe that the Reagan Dem vote may be lost forever.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.