Canadian Tory speaks on compassion

Michelle Rempel (Calgary) voted against transgender protections last time they were before the House of Commons. That Bill was introduced by NDP MP Randall Garrison.

She spoke in favor of Bill C-16 last Friday.

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What often unifies our weakest moments, the moments when we inflict damage upon others, the moments that linger in our minds as regret long after they happened, the moments we later need to ask forgiveness for or make recompense for, is a failure to seek to grant compassion to others.

Compassion ought to be the goal of legislators. It's a common thread in religious faith. It requires humility, empathy, and a departure from dogma.

In our worst moments, it is compassion that saves us.

Our rights are so precious and so fragile and for us as legislators, if we cannot acknowledge when inequality exists and we cannot rectify that, then we are doing something wrong.


Rempel voted against Garrison’s bill, she said, because she thought the changes it proposed would only result in symbolic action.

I was wrong. In the last three years, I have watched this community face bigotry, more discrimination, and becoming a flashpoint for fights we should no longer be having in Canada.

It’s clear that provinces, employers, and transgender Canadians cannot move forward without the law in place

All 40 votes against C-16 last month came from Tories.

Brad Trost, contending for Tory leadership, claimed passing the bill would endanger children in public restrooms.

it is wrong to make a value judgement that trans Canadians are more likely to prey on people in public washrooms.

The bill fits squarely with what it means to be a Conservative. The party’s guiding principles promised progressive social policy and a commitment to individual rights as well as fiscal accountability.

I believe in the capacity of my colleagues across party lines to be compassionate, to be strong, to stand up for Canada, and to stand up for what is good, what is just and what is beautiful.


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tapu dali's picture

(i.e. Conservative) from Calgary!

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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

The Cons could not be again cheated in without riots; now, I suspect, they are trying to fake humanity - in a Harper-headed corporate party having nothing to do with conserving anything except profits and power entirely for Those Who Matter and who would not allow an actual human to take office in his party. And it is his party, just as he had the nerve to term the Canadian government 'the Harper Government' on official stationary - despite that broken promise to resign as party head 'should the votes not be there' when the Liberals, I suspect, stood in as place-holders for them in a highly suspect election occurring after Harper passed a 'law' gagging Elections Canada from its duty of informing Canadians of Harper's/Harper's paymasters continuing electoral fraud.

If this speech was not made under orders from Those Who Matter to try to 'rehabilitate' the Con image, Rempel's attempt to walk back having voted against this bill in concert with the rest of Harper's Cons, while merely using words to cover 'mistaken' actions a la Hillary Clinton, will no doubt result in severe punishment for the fallen soldier-bot. But I'd trust none of the tightly controlled Con-bots - they are not only corrupt but pathological or they would not be in that party at all.

By their chosen companions shall you know them.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.