Standing Rock: Class Action Suit and Other News
The Civil Liberties Defense Center, on the behalf of the water protectors, has filed a class action suit seeking an emergency restraining order against the cops and mercenaries.
The request [asks for] an order prohibiting Defendant law enforcement agencies from using excessive force in responding to the pipeline protests and prayer ceremonies and asks specifically for a prohibition on the use of SIM, explosive grenades, chemical agents, and water cannons or hoses, as means of crowd dispersal. The civil rights complaint seeks justice against the constitutional violations perpetuated against the mostly Native American water protectors, including claims of retaliation and police brutality by law enforcement, as well suing the Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier, and City of Mandan Chief of Police Jason Ziegler for maintaining policies, customs, and practices that led to grave violations of Plaintiffs’ rights secured by the U.S. Constitution. This Court must decide whether the poorly trained defendant law enforcement agencies used SIM, freezing water, chemical agents, and explosive grenades to harm the Water Protectors and chill or deter them from their lawful exercise of the rights to free speech, association, and religion in violation of the First Amendment.
Here is an early report from a veteran who is already in Standing Rock. He is reporting what he told the cops and mercenaries at the Highway 1806 blockade.
I am a 10 year, 2x war veteran. . . . I am here to protect these people from you. . . . I am a defender of the constitution. I came to see this for myself. . . . I seen the riot gear and the violence inflicted on so many U.S. citizens. I see how you've been mistreating my people. I am the first of many warriors to come. . . . The captain and the other officers [the cops] said to me they appreciated my service. I said, "I wish I could say the same."
Individual People Taking Action
I find these inspiring.
During the night of the water cannon attacks, Sandi Andersen took it upon herself to call the Morton County Sheriff's Department. Here is audio of her phone call. No, she didn't get a great response from the person answering the phone, but her approach is worth emulating for those of us who are unable to be present in person on the frontlines.
Vivian Medithi wrote an op-ed in her local paper about the threatened eviction.
The Corps’ suggestion that violent clashes between law enforcement and protesters are inevitable as long as protesters remain in the area is predicated on an assumption that the protesters are the violent element in the equation. But this simply hasn’t been the case.
Any reporters present at the protest have not substantiated the idea that protesters have been violent. However, violence by law enforcement has been widespread, from the recent use of water cannons on protesters in below-freezing temperatures to horror stories such as Sophia Wilansky, who had a huge chunk of her lower arm blown away by a concussion grenade. Excessive use of pepper spray, rubber bullets, and Tasers on otherwise peaceful protesters has been common.
Ultimately, the violence at Standing Rock has been one sided. The responsibility of de-escalation lies with the police as agents of the state.
An article in Forbes (!) questions the legality of the FAA no-fly zone.
Keeping the media from documenting law enforcement actions is not part of the FAA’s mission. Nor is it a legal basis for issuing flight restrictions.
[Peter] Sachs, a well-known authority on drone law, raises the question whether the TFR issued over the Standing Rock protests in North Dakota was issued . . . to prevent journalists, specifically photojournalists using drones, from flying over the protest site and documenting the events. Because of the FAA’s flight restrictions, “neither the mainstream media, nor citizen journalists, nor activist hobbyists may fly in that area to document what law enforcement is doing.”
Some Suggestions from Amnesty International for Non-Indigenous People Heading to Standing Rock
How to Help Standing Rock: Links for Donations, Phone Numbers to Call, Talking Points

what camp is like
a couple of videos showing the camp and structures
This video shows a little glimpse of what life at Standing Rock was like on November 20th when more than 200 water protectors were injured on the bridge in a confrontation with police, and on November 21st when the camp was recovering.
(6 min)
Jordan from TYT interviews Josh Fox and others about how the camp is being winterized (14 min)
The Governor is ordering the camp to be abandoned. He wants to protect people from the winter cold. What a load of crap. He wants to help his corporate buddies finish this pipeline...that's what he is after plain and simple.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
RoseAnn DeMoro on Twitter...
This is not the Morton County sheriff
It's good that a sheriff was removed, but please note that this is not Kirchmeier, the guy in charge of the Standing Rock attacks.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
Try dialing
a variation of this number, 3331 got me through , then I got dropped into the abyss. When I redialed, it went straight to the black hole.
Gonna keep trying though.
edit to add: after 90+minutes of calling I finally got through and talked to a male who seemed willing to exchange views and I actually had him laughing, humoured out of robotic voice for a few seconds. I think they know history won't be kind.
Be persistent, be polite. The tribes lead the way with prayer. We should follow.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Message to Sheriff in Morton County
Thanks to TBaU, I dialed the 3331 number and immediately got through to the sheriff's office. Phone was answered by a pleasant-sounding woman. I left my message of disapproval of the abusive, injurious behavior of his staff to the Standing Rock gathering.
In addition, I called my lame duck D representative, a retired nurse, telling her receptionist of my feelings and urging her to relay this sentiment to Present Obama.
Several years, my husband and son helped to direct cars
into parking areas for our local country fair. That was a big job, involving some yelling. The camp must have been conceived beforehand and on-the-spot. And it looks pristine, no floating plastic bags apparent. The deadline to bug out is silly. I happened to see a pickup with truck camper for sale, used to have one that we lived in, with two dogs and one kitten (tragic ending) for three months while our house was built. I thought about buying and heading to the camp, semi-seriously.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thank you for the continued updates
I've notices that this is conveniently fading from MSM. I fear that someone will have to die for this to get the attention it requires.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Ugh... the "Thank you For your service"
From a guy pointing a gun at you is a mixed message at BEST, and an insult to any reasonable person.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I just love that vets reaction
and what a polite way to put it too!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
"Thank you for your service."
What a stupid thing to say nowadays. We do nothing but invade and kill civilians along with a few combatants for our corporate masters. Then we have young people suffering all kinds of ills when they come home. So many on the street physically and mentally damaged as well. I have nothing but contempt for our politicians.
I was a Marine a little over 60 years ago and have never expected anybody to thank me for what I thought was my duty at the time. I have since reconsidered. So, when a nice lady thanked me for my service not too long ago, I replied that it wasn't necessary because I just did it for the oil companies.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
LOL, oh that is a good one!
I may need to steal that one. I was in the Army, did my 4 years, got out right before Gulf One and used every dime of that GI Bill and college fund. The first time I ever heard that "thank you" bit was in a mall in TX with my niece, who's in the Air Force. I didn't know what in hell to say at first, just nodded and smiled. I found it insipid then, and now I deal with it on Veterans Day a bit at work. I've tried saying that I am uncomfortable with it personally because I was not in a war time military, but some insist.
I'll have to be careful using that oil company thing, but that is priceless. I was engaged to my ex husband during Gulf One and he went. You did not dare speak of war for oil around a military base during it, at least not where I was. And when he came home I stood in a gym full of people shouting "USA, USA, USA." Ick. My ex didn't like that either, just too cult like for either of our taste.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
This is an excellent series
I really appreciate all the work you put into writing this every day. Our first nations people are on the front line of environmental action. They stand strong where so many others of us would not have had the strength to stand up to life threatening actions against them for standing against environmental destruction by a faceless corporation. They and you are to be commended . Thank you.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
thank you, gulfgal
You're kind to say so.
I'm not suited for cold weather, and I would just be a burden if I was there, but my heart is with the water protectors. This blog feels like I'm at least doing something useful along with the C99 community. When I read in a comment that person X made a donation, person Y made a phone call, person Z reposted a link (and the amazing fact of Bisbonian heading to ND to join the veterans!), I think we've all helped. I couldn't sleep at night if I didn't, and the good hearts of the people here are evident every day.
Thx for reading and sharing.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka