Standing Rock Update: November 28
If you do nothing else today, watch this 10-minute video from Kash Jackson, a veteran who is on a righteous rant. As he says, there's a lot of profanity in this video, but he's angry. He also is connecting all the right dots.
Official response from the water protectors' legal group on the "eviction" can be found here. Some quotes are below (my emphasis added).
The events over the past weeks have not been clashes. They have been the unlawful use of excessive force and arrests without probable cause in a vain attempt by local law enforcement to quell Native resistance to the pipeline. As hours of live-streamed videos have shown, the violence over the past months has been perpetrated by law enforcement and DAPL security against unarmed Water Protectors in blatant violation of their constitutional rights and treaty rights.
The District Commander is absolutely correct in one crucial respect: something must be done to halt the ongoing human rights abuses at Standing Rock. But the District Commander’s proposed action—to invite additional police involvement against the Water Protectors—is not it. If the District Commander is truly concerned about the safety of the Water Protectors, he will ensure that the Dakota Access Pipeline is not constructed. So long as the Dakota Access Pipeline is being constructed, Water Protectors will continue to pray and demonstrate and otherwise participate in protected First Amendment activity.
Coalition response from the Camp of the Sacred Stones, the International Indigenous Youth Council, the Indigenous Environmental Network, and Honor the Earth: "The U.S. Army Cannot Evict Us From Treaty Lands."(my emphasis in quotes below)
We are a coalition of grassroots groups living and working at the encampments, and we will not be moved. We stand united in defiance of the black snake and are committed to defense of water, our Mother Earth, and our rights as Indigenous people. We call on all people of conscience, from all Nations, to join the encampments and stand with us as we put our bodies on the line.
The Army Corps has no authority to evict us from these lands. The Oceti Sakowin encampment is located on the ancestral homeland of the Lakota, Mandan, Arikara, and Northern Cheyenne -- on territory never ceded to the U.S. government, and affirmed in the 1851 Treaty of Ft. Laramie as sovereign land belonging to the Great Sioux Nation. The encampment is, in many respects, a reclamation of this stolen territory and the right to self-determination guaranteed in the treaties. Our water protectors are not trespassers and can never be trespassers. The Army Corps also has no authority to diminish our right to free speech -- where in the Constitution does it establish zones for the right to free speech? Do corporations now decide whether the Constitution applies? We are not moving, and we will not be silenced.
Some interesting mainstream coverage from the Nation. "Police Attacked Standing Rock Activists for Hours. Why Are They Calling It a Riot?" Unfortunately, as with so many other analyses since the election, it focuses more on Trump than on Obama, but it's still good to see some attention being paid.
More mainstream coverage from Reuters: "Sunoco, behind protested Dakota pipeline, tops U.S. crude spill charts" The article is from September, but is still relevant. Boycotting Sunoco and telling them why would be a great thing to do.
**edited to add this link**How to Help Standing Rock: Links for Donations, Phone Numbers to Call, Talking Points

Thank you, on this side of the pond it is hard to keep
up to date with the ongoing abuse of power.
Thank you so much
for keeping up with all of this, blaze! I have been watching this and am horrified at the lengths that the US enforcement has gone to thus far. They are totally in the wrong. The pipeline company, their security goons and the cops are completely trespassing on land that is not theirs, period.
We cannot let our government bust this longstanding treaty. If we sit by and do noting, we're next. And if I am not mistaken, there is a certain someone named President Barack Obama who could stop *all of this* with the stroke of a pen on an executive order. We might continue leaning on the WH en masse as well, as often as possible by phone, email and snail mail letter.
If this brutality were to occur in a foreign country
our self-appointed guardians of virtue (aka TPTB) would demand a UN investigation. So why don't we ask for one. Isn't this an example of ethnic cleansing (if being washed in oil can be so described?
UN has condemned inhumane treatment
The UN cares. The US government, not so much.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
Oh! The humanity!
Or precisely the opposite.
First the good part, at least for now: temporary truce declared by Army "Corpse" of Engineers
Now for a rhetorical question: are there any people here that believe American Nazism has only just begun?
Obama's brown shirts
The Obama Nazis are coming out of the woodwork, eager to crush skulls, break limps, suffocate people etc. For this bounty you have bestowed upon us, Herr Obama, we give thanks.
Is it too late to impeach this miserable son of a bitch?
Thank you...
that video is well worth watching! Thank you for bringing it here so that it gets more eyes.
Please share it
If you have a FB feed or a twitter account, please post it. I agree that Kash's statement needs more views.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
I hope veterans continue....
to go the Standing Rock. Thanks blazin for the regular updates.
I sent another cash donation this weekend, and encourage those who can afford it do the same:
Sacred Stone Camp
PO Box 1011
Fort Yates, ND 58538
Chris Hedges went to ND this weekend and put together a nice piece (30 min)
Jordan from TYT has some good on the ground coverage, but I found his 5 min call to action quite good too -
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This series has been very important
While this is my first comment, I have been reading your essays on Standing Rock and I truly appreciate them. It is great to see our veterans are becoming involved to support the First Nations in defending their land and water. Many of the veterans that I met during a weekly local Peace vigil told me, based upon their own experiences, that they now understand how the military has been used mainly to protect corporate interests rather than just for defense. This is probably why the veteran in this video along with many more like him want to use their experience to stand with the First Nations and help protect their lands and water from our government acting on behalf of private corporations whose only interest is maximizing profits at the expense of real people.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
All those beautiful flags
I just watched the videos about Standing Rock and had to wipe tears from my eyes several times. I was amazed by all the flags flying at the encampment, especially those of the different Native American tribes. They are so beautiful and symbolic. I wish I could buy some of them to run up my flag pole. If those flags could be manufactured for sale, and if those images could be transferred to T shirts and sweat shirts I think thousands of dollars would be raised for the cause.
Flags for sure would sell well, tribal celebration
My husband insisted post-9/11 that we flew a flag. That segment of the house has now radically changed. But I revisited proper flag folding, learned at GS camp. It would be overstatement to say we are all NA tribes now, but we sensitives are right there. That UN reflection struck me as well.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Jimmy Dore - Police Terrorists at Standing Rock Destroy Woman's
More on the brutaility by Police Terrorists and how Obama is looking the other way.
WARNING Photo: at 8:22 photos of the woman and her arm are shown. Shows bone exposed.
Length: 9:46
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Thank you for covering Standing Rock
I just sent the link above to a friend. It is a good, concise Intro, with a well-made video.
Your efforts have allowed me to understand Standing Rock and the issues at stake there, and to keep up with developments there. Thank you! I've also found links at KFS and TPW.
You had a article about how to contact/donate recently; I wonder if you would consider including a link to that in each of your articles?
Thanks you for your work and effort.
that was exactly my original intent, and then I didn't do it
Thank you for reading and thank you for the reminder to include that link every time. I'm going to edit this essay to add it.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
I love this vet.
Thank you for posting. The cursing adds to the impact. Ty
Don't believe everything you think.
The time for pitchforks and torches is rapidly approachung
If I could go to Standing Rock I would. Peaceful protesters are being brutally attacked. I do not advocate violence, but if someone punches me in the face, I will retaliate. The water protectors have been shot in the face with rubber bullets! They've been blown to shreds by the police's brutal tactics! I have much love for the protectors, and going the peaceful route, truly it's taking the high road. I just feel that a "Braveheart" style defense of the land and the people that are entitled to own that land is soon going to be required. I hope I'm wrong, but NO national politician has taken a stand against this brutality.
Hello? Obama? Liz Warren? Bueller? Fucking silence!
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
It is...and I am quick to reach for the pitchfork.
So I am going up there this weekend, in a very controlled Vet weapons allowed. I can't even take the knife I have been hiking and camping with for over 30 years. No violence...from our side. We'll see how it works out.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Bisbonian, will you send us firsthand reports?
I don't know if you have the technology to take photos or videos, but I, for one, would love to hear your responses and reactions to the situation there and your experiences.
Also, do you need any economic support from your C99 community?
Wishing you and the other veterans a safe journey and an effective campaign.
Thank you so much for going!
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
Thank you for your service, Bisbonian.
I (and I'm sure I can speak for all here) and we will be with you in spirit. I hope you will be able to update us on your experience.
This is so important. I can't be there physically right now, but will continue to send material/financial assistance.
...will have some meaning to me, in a few days.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
good journey...
and best wishes. Dress warm. Everyone says the spirit in the camp is enlightening and powerful. Share what you can when you return. In solidarity...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good luck.
You are taking the banjo, I hope. That machine also kills fascists.
I AM taking one.
Not my most precious one, but a "backpacker" I built for a hike a few years ago. It's had a few knocks already, and can take a few more. Thanks, solublefish! It's good to be understood.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
music is important
My only caution is to be aware of where you are when you're playing. And probably ask the people within earshot if it's OK.
Some of the indigenous people are posting on FB and twitter that visitors to the camp are not understanding when and where music should happen, since it's so much a part of the ceremonies and prayers that the whole movement is based on.
I hope this doesn't sound scolding or dampening of yr enthusiasm. I do know how important music is. I'm just passing along some concerns I've heard, especially as the camp grows, there have been some insensitive, unaware folks showing up.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
I am totally in agreement, blazinAZ
I am pretty used to making sure it's okay, on a regular basis...moreso under these circumstances. Fortunately, it's a very quiet sort of didn't know there was such a thing, did you? And I don't anticipate much time to play, and may not play at all. But I always have a banjo with me.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I am taking a waterproof camera,
and will get what shots I can. I am doubting that I will take any sort of computer, though. My iPad was issued to me by my employer, and I am concerned about it's safety...and lack of internet connection for the most part. I will do what I can. And I am set for funding.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
The governor has now issued an evacuation order:
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Kash Jackson...
telling it like it is and what many of us are feeling. Every point was spot on. People are angry and I was not one bit offended at the profanity.
The Chris Hedges video from the camp was very, very good as well-watched it last night.
Thank you so much, blazeinAZ
work, for all your work and time spent on bringing this issue to us here!Edited for correct name. My apologies blazeinAZ!