Mommy, Where Does Fake News Come From?
There's been a big brewhaha about "fake news" lately, with "journalistic heavyweights" like the Washington Post running stories suggesting that fake news caused Hillary Clinton to lose the recent election, and the "newspaper of record," the New York Times demanding that Facebook and Google police fake news and prevent its placement in their media. Needless to say, Hillary Clinton's campaign says that Democrats will target fake news and call out Facebook for it, too.
The powers-that-be seem quite desperate to reclaim the narrative and get the work of creating fake news back into the hands of the professionals - the government, that is.
You can bet your bottom dollar that the fake news that these powerful people and institutions want to stop has nothing to do with the propaganda that official sources create with the help of a team of liveried journalists.
I wrote a pair of articles back in 2012 about fake news, calling out Obama for his despicable practices. Sadly, they didn't get much attention, because, well, the audience that I was writing for was incapable of dealing with any criticism of Obama. I'm going to repost them here to illustrate the barrenness of the claims of the power elites calling for censorship. I hope that the crowd here enjoys them.
President Obama's Propaganda Wars
Mar 20, 2012
In the last week or so two news stories have broken that are both quite important and remarkably underreported. First is the story about the issuance of an official accusation by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture that the Obama administration has engaged in cruel and inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning and the rapporteur cannot say whether torture has occurred because of the refusal of the Obama administration to grant him the usual and customary access to Bradley Manning for evaluation purposes.
Second, there is a journalist, Abdulelah Haider Shaye, who is being held in a Yemeni gulag at the behest of President Obama. Despite the fact that major human rights and journalism organizations are standing up and calling out the President on this, the issue has gotten little attention from the mainstream press.
These two stories add to the growing body of evidence of the Obama administration's extraordinary actions to chill the speech of journalists and whistleblowers in an effort to control information about US actions in the Global War on Terror.
To put these current stories in context, consider that the Obama administration since taking office has shown a remarkable "forward looking" laxness in prosecuting the possible war crimes of the previous administration, some say for political reasons. That said, the Obama administration has been quite zealous in prosecuting those from the previous administration who have blown the whistle on potential criminal activity by the government to the press. Ironically, the Obama administration recently formally charged a former CIA officer for revealing information to the press about the capture, brutal interrogation and waterboarding torture of an al-Qaeda suspect. It's somewhat ironic that a fellow who leaked information to the press about illegal government torture is going to be prosecuted for spying, while the people who performed the torture, ordered the torture, approved the torture and created the false legal justification for the torture will likely never be prosecuted for those terrible crimes.
Since Mr. Obama took office, his administration has prosecuted twice as many cases under the Espionage Act as all previous administrations put together since its enactment in 1917. As one government whistleblower writes:
That Act has a sordid history, having once been used against the government’s political opponents. Targets included labor leaders and radicals like Eugene V. Debs, Bill Haywood, Philip Randolph, Victor Berger, John Reed, Max Eastman, and Emma Goldman. Debs, a union leader and socialist candidate for the presidency, was, in fact, sentenced to 10 years in jail for a speech attacking the Espionage Act itself. The Nixon administration infamously (and unsuccessfully) invoked the Act to bar the New York Times from continuing to publish the classified Pentagon Papers.
Yet, extreme as use of the Espionage Act against government insiders and whistleblowers may be, it’s only one part of the Obama administration’s attempt to sideline, if not always put away, those it wants to silence. Increasingly, federal agencies or departments intent on punishing a whistleblower are also resorting to extra-legal means. They are, for instance, manipulating personnel rules that cannot be easily challenged and do not require the production of evidence. And sometimes, they are moving beyond traditional notions of "punishment" and simply seeking to destroy the lives of those who dissent.
So in this climate of extreme actions toward whistleblowers by an administration that apparently feels that torture is not such a big deal but whistleblowing is, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture reveals that the Obama administration has subjected Bradley Manning to cruel and inhumane treatment in violation of article 16 of the UN Convention on Torture treaty to which the US is a signatory.
The UN special rapporteur on torture has formally accused the US government of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment towards Bradley Manning, the US soldier who was held in solitary confinement for almost a year on suspicion of being the WikiLeaks source.
Juan Mendez has completed a 14-month investigation into the treatment of Manning since the soldier's arrest at a US military base in May 2010. He concludes that the US military was at least culpable of cruel and inhumane treatment in keeping Manning locked up alone for 23 hours a day over an 11-month period in conditions that he also found might have constituted torture. ...
Mendez, who runs the UN office that investigates incidents of alleged torture around the world, told the Guardian: "I conclude that the 11 months under conditions of solitary confinement (regardless of the name given to his regime by the prison authorities) constitutes at a minimum cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment in violation of article 16 of the convention against torture.
President Obama declared Manning guilty about a year ago, which is also about the time that the special rapporteur publically complained about the Obama administration blocking his access to Manning for evaluation:
Juan E. Méndez, the Special Rapporteur on Torture, said in a statement to the press that the US has refused to grant him an official visit to Private First Class Bradley E. Manning, despite repeated requests since last December. ...
Mr. Méndez said it was standard practice for the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture to have private, confidential and unsupervised interviews with detainees or anyone alleging torture or ill-treatment to ensure the credibility of those interviews.
He noted that such forms of interview had been carried out by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture in at least 18 countries during the past six years.
In the US, the Obama administration interestingly has not moved against journalists, but has moved against the whistleblowers that provide the journalists with information (though the administration has been working on a means of prosecuting Julian Assange of Wikileaks).
Outside of the US, journalists are clearly targets.
Obama certainly didn't originate the targeting of journalists in the GWOT, certainly the Bush administration pioneered in this area with the arrest of Sami al Hajj, a Sudanese journalist and cameraman for Al Jazeera, who was imprisoned for six years in Gitmo and released without charge. Then there were the attacks on unembedded journalists in Baghdad and the missile attack on Al Jazeera offices in Afghanistan, and more, demonstrating a clear pattern of questionable detentions and hostile (sometimes lethal) attacks by the US on journalists.
The Obama administration continues the Bush administration's pioneering work with the questionable detention of a Yemeni journalist. The story of Abdulelah Haider Shaye's detention was broken by Jeremy Scahill in the Nation under the title, Why Is President Obama Keeping a Journalist in Prison in Yemen?
It's well worth a read, here's an excerpt:
On February 2, 2011, President Obama called Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The two discussed counterterrorism cooperation and the battle against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. At the end of the call, according to a White House read-out, Obama “expressed concern” over the release of a man named Abdulelah Haider Shaye, whom Obama said “had been sentenced to five years in prison for his association with AQAP.” It turned out that Shaye had not yet been released at the time of the call, but Saleh did have a pardon for him prepared and was ready to sign it. It would not have been unusual for the White House to express concern about Yemen’s allowing AQAP suspects to go free. Suspicious prison breaks of Islamist militants in Yemen had been a regular occurrence over the past decade, and Saleh has been known to exploit the threat of terrorism to leverage counterterrorism dollars from the United States. But this case was different. Abdulelah Haider Shaye is not an Islamist militant or an Al Qaeda operative. He is a journalist. ...
While Shaye, 35, had long been known as a brave, independent-minded journalist in Yemen, his collision course with the US government appears to have been set in December 2009. On December 17, the Yemeni government announced that it had conducted a series of strikes against an Al Qaeda training camp in the village of al Majala in Yemen’s southern Abyan province, killing a number of Al Qaeda militants. As the story spread across the world, Shaye traveled to al Majala. What he discovered were the remnants of Tomahawk cruise missiles and cluster bombs, neither of which are in the Yemeni military’s arsenal. He photographed the missile parts, some of them bearing the label “Made in the USA,” and distributed the photos to international media outlets. He revealed that among the victims of the strike were women, children and the elderly. To be exact, fourteen women and twenty-one children were killed. Whether anyone actually active in Al Qaeda was killed remains hotly contested. After conducting his own investigation, Shaye determined that it was a US strike. The Pentagon would not comment on the strike and the Yemeni government repeatedly denied US involvement. But Shaye was later vindicated when Wikileaks released a US diplomatic cable that featured Yemeni officials joking about how they lied to their own parliament about the US role, while President Saleh assured Gen. David Petraeus that his government would continue to lie and say “the bombs are ours, not yours.”
The story goes on to detail Shaye's arrest and sham trial in Yemen followed by his sentence to 5 years in a Yemeni prison. After pressure from tribal sheiks in Yemen and the condemnation of Shaye's sham trial by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Committee to Protect Journalists, the International Federation of Journalists and Reporters Without Borders, the president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, was prepared to release Shaye. What apparently changed Saleh's mind was a phone call from President Obama.
The article also details Shaye's independence as a journalist and the respect for his work not only in Yemen and around the world and the importance of his work to American's understanding of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Penninsula.
There is no doubt that Shaye was reporting facts that both the Yemeni and US government wanted to suppress. He was also interviewing people Washington was hunting. While the US and Yemeni governments alleged that he was a facilitator for Al Qaeda propaganda, close observers of Yemen disagree. “It is difficult to overestimate the importance of his work,” says Gregory Johnsen, a Yemen scholar at Princeton University who had communicated regularly with Shaye since 2008. “Without Shaye’s reports and interviews we would know much less about Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula than we do, and if one believes, as I do, that knowledge of the enemy is important to constructing a strategy to defeat them, then his arrest and continued detention has left a hole in our knowledge that has yet to be filled.”
There's much more to this story and if you're interested, Democracy Now has a very good feature about it here.
This though, is probably the most important line in the whole Scahill, Nationpiece for understanding why Shaye is in jail and the significance it has for Americans:
Unlike most journalists covering Al Qaeda, Shaye risked his life to travel to areas controlled by Al Qaeda and to interview its leaders. He also conducted several interviews with the radical cleric Anwar al Awlaki. Shaye did the last known interview with Awlaki just before it was revealed that Awlaki, a US citizen, was on a CIA/JSOC hit list. “We were only exposed to Western media and Arab media funded by the West, which depicts only one image of Al Qaeda,” recalls his best friend Kamal Sharaf, a well-known dissident Yemeni political cartoonist. “But Abdulelah brought a different viewpoint.”
Perhaps the real reason that an independent journalist is in jail in Yemen at President Obama's request is that the information warriors at the Pentagon don't want an independent (hence uncontrollable) voice operating in Yemen. The absence of an independent journalist in a place like Yemen has a powerful effect on what Americans learn about what is actually happening in the places where our military operates. Without independent journalists, all we get is a feedback loop of regurgitated Pentagon narratives placed in foreign media and reported by "embedded" friendly journalists whose lives and ability to move about and access to events and sources is largely dependent upon their military handlers.
Controlling the information about the US war efforts has been a powerful interest of the military throughout the run up to and course of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Those that have been paying attention will no doubt remember the contracts awarded to outfits like the Rendon Group (who organized the Iraqi National Congress, vetted reporters who requested to be embedded in Afghanistan based upon the friendliness to the military of their prior reporting, handled PR aspects of U.S. military strikes in Afghanistan and provided PR support to Hamid Karzai's regime among other things) and the Lincoln Group to plant stories in the Iraqi media to ensure "that the Coalition gains widespread Iraqi acceptance of its core themes and messages."
Here in the US, the Pentagon hatched a little scheme that went even further than the usual game of restricting access to top military sources to friendly reporters. The Pentagon created a pool of "military experts" given special briefings, junkets to Iraq and Afghanistan and armed with talking points to take with them onto network television shows where their special status and often their financial interests as military consultants and suppliers were rarely if ever disclosed to the networks or the viewers. David Barstow of the New York Times won a Pulitzer prize for the revelations in this series about the Pentagon propaganda machine.
In 2011, Barstow reported in his article about the Pentagon's self investigation Pentagon Finds No Fault in Ties to TV Analysts:
The results of the new inquiry, first reported by The Washington Times, confirm that the Pentagon under Donald H. Rumsfeld made a concerted effort starting in 2002 to reach out to network military analysts to build and sustain public support for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The inquiry found that from 2002 to 2008, Mr. Rumsfeld’s Pentagon organized 147 events for 74 military analysts. These included 22 meetings at the Pentagon, 114 conference calls with generals and senior Pentagon officials and 11 Pentagon-sponsored trips to Iraq and Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Twenty of the events, according to a 35-page report of the inquiry’s findings, involved Mr. Rumsfeld or the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or both. ...
The inspector general’s investigation grappled with the question of whether the outreach constituted an earnest effort to inform the public or an improper campaign of news media manipulation.
The inquiry confirmed that Mr. Rumsfeld’s staff frequently provided military analysts with talking points before their network appearances. In some cases, the report said, military analysts “requested talking points on specific topics or issues.” One military analyst described the talking points as “bullet points given for a political purpose.” Another military analyst, the report said, told investigators that the outreach program’s intent “was to move everyone’s mouth on TV as a sock puppet.”
Lest one think that a change of administrations and commander-in-chief has changed the way that the military operates here is evidence in the form of a 2011 Rolling Stone article by Michael Hastings that describes military psyops run on visiting US Senators that little has changed since the Pentagon exhonerated itself:
The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in "psychological operations" to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling Stone has learned – and when an officer tried to stop the operation, he was railroaded by military investigators.
The orders came from the command of Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, a three-star general in charge of training Afghan troops – the linchpin of U.S. strategy in the war. Over a four-month period last year, a military cell devoted to what is known as "information operations" at Camp Eggers in Kabul was repeatedly pressured to target visiting senators and other VIPs who met with Caldwell. When the unit resisted the order, arguing that it violated U.S. laws prohibiting the use of propaganda against American citizens, it was subjected to a campaign of retaliation. ...
The list of targeted visitors was long, according to interviews with members of the IO team and internal documents obtained by Rolling Stone. Those singled out in the campaign included senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman, Jack Reed, Al Franken and Carl Levin; Rep. Steve Israel of the House Appropriations Committee; Adm. Mike Mullen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; the Czech ambassador to Afghanistan; the German interior minister, and a host of influential think-tank analysts.
Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis has recently released a report Dereliction of Duty II: Senior Military Leaders’ Loss of Integrity Wounds Afghan War Effort 27 January 2012, a longish, unclassified (84 page .pdf) analysis of the failure of military leaders speak truthfully to the public about the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan, for the purpose of prolonging a war that it is evident that the public will for has largely expired.
Among the many interesting things the report covers, the military attitude toward the role of Public Affairs and Information Operations is very enlightening and somewhat disturbing.
Davis explains here the military's idea of the role of information operations:
For most people, it is quite simply irreconcilable with what we think we know, to seriously consider any senior military leader would intentionally tell the American public something that was untrue. In all probability our leaders do not consider what they are saying to be "lying" per se, but an effective part of "Information Operations (IO)" designed to protect the support of the American people for our troops in contact.
Evidence suggests our leaders genuinely believe eventually we will wear down the insurgents and if the generals just get a little more time, we'll succeed. If the American public were to know the truth, the thought goes, the people may "incorrectly" judge we aren't going to succeed and "prematurely" demand a withdrawal. ...
"IO becomes a core competency. The importance of dominating the information spectrum explains the objective of transforming IO into a core military competency on a par with air, ground, maritime and special operations." It is a remarkable development to suggest that using information in combat is on par with ground and air forces.
Considering the way the military views information operations and the need to maintain "dominance of the information spectrum," the actions of the Obama administration with regards to Bradley Manning or Abdulelah Haider Shaye take on a new meaning.
The Obama administration is at war. In order to maintain "dominance of the information spectrum" President Obama must make war on whistleblowers, war on Wikileaks and war on foreign journalists in order to control the flow of information and maintain control of the narrative or conventional wisdom, not just at home, but also in foreign countries. People like Bradley Manning, John Kiriakou or other whistleblowers that expose corruption, fraud, abuse and even war crimes - regardless that the information is wrongfully classified are enemies of the state because they challenge the official narrative and information dominance. Independent journalists like Shaye interfere with the narratives created by our paid propagandists and psyops personnel and (like the whistleblowers) regardless of their good intentions to expose the truth and fully inform the public, their work is unwelcome to the military and the administration.
"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies."
-- Winston Churchill
Warriors vs. Journalists, Obama vs. Truth
Apr 02, 2012
This past week, several stories appeared which indicate the degree to which true investigative reporting about US efforts in the Global War on Terror is at odds with the desires of the Obama administration and the lengths to which the administration will go to create their preferred narrative and suppress reporting that fails to fit. At the same time, the President and other administration officials have made public statements, unsupported by documentation, that they refuse for alleged "national security reasons" to release to the ACLU and journalists.
This post will continue some of the themes developed in a previous essay, "President Obama's Propaganda Wars" regarding the Obama administration's attempts to "dominate the information spectrum."
Let's start with what looks like pure propaganda. This past week an article appeared in the Washington Post about the CIA's "dronemaster." The article presents a man who converted to Islam as the "chief architect" and "driving force" of the Obama administration's targeted assassination program:
For every cloud of smoke that follows a CIA drone strike in Pakistan, dozens of smaller plumes can be traced to a gaunt figure standing in a courtyard near the center of the agency’s Langley campus in Virginia.
The man with the nicotine habit is in his late 50s, with stubble on his face and the dark-suited wardrobe of an undertaker. As chief of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center for the past six years, he has functioned in a funereal capacity for al-Qaeda.
Roger, which is the first name of his cover identity, may be the most consequential but least visible national security official in Washington — the principal architect of the CIA’s drone campaign and the leader of the hunt for Osama bin Laden. In many ways, he has also been the driving force of the Obama administration’s embrace of targeted killing as a centerpiece of its counterterrorism efforts.
This article goes to great lengths to impress us with "Roger's" capacity as the guy running the drone assassination campaigns from the CIA; it's one corpulent, chain-smoking, irascible man's war against his co-religionists, apparently.
One might wonder what happened to the secret panel which was a subset of the National Security Council that "several current and former officials" and the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Dutch Ruppersberger, described to Reuters:
The process involves "going through the National Security Council, then it eventually goes to the president, but the National Security Council does the investigation, they have lawyers, they review, they look at the situation, you have input from the military, and also, we make sure that we follow international law," Ruppersberger said.
Perhaps the disappearance of the group has something to do with this (also from the Reuters article):
Several officials said that when Awlaki became the first American put on the target list, Obama was not required personally to approve the targeting of a person. But one official said Obama would be notified of the principals' decision. If he objected, the decision would be nullified, the official said.
A former official said one of the reasons for making senior officials principally responsible for nominating Americans for the target list was to "protect" the president.
I guess getting those controversial decisions out of the White House entirely and over to Langley really helps "protect the president" even better.
If one didn't know better, one might say that this looks like one of those stories that get planted in the media by manipulative governments to change a narrative. Of course the US would never do that. It would be unprecedented. The Obama administration would never stand for that; Mr. Obama would demand accountability. Pffffttt!
Apparently, it's a matter of getting the images correct. If the action is popular, we get, "Engaged-Commander-in-Chief-sweating-the-details Obama." If the action is controversial, or perhaps questionably legal, we get "Spectator Obama," watching the action from the stands along with everybody else.

To add further ironic quality to the appearance of this story in the Washington Post, it seems reasonable to assume that the CIA has made its super-duper secret, targeted killing program public knowledge by cooperating with the creation of this article and has allowed its undercover agent who allegedly "single-handedly" runs the program to speak to a Washington Post reporter. At the same time the Obama administration is fighting an ACLU FOIA request and the CIA is trying to get it thrown out of court on the basis that it cannot confirm any details about the program because it would compromise national security! Go figure!
Glenn Greenwald describes the situation in this report:
Numerous Obama officials — including the President himself and the CIA Director — have repeatedly boasted in public about this very program. Obama recently hailed the CIA drone program by claiming that “we are very careful in terms of how it’s been applied,” and added that it is “a targeted, focused effort at people who are on a list of active terrorists, who are trying to go in and harm Americans, hit American facilities, American bases and so on.” Obama has told playful jokes about the same drone program. Former CIA Director and current Defense Secretary Leon Panetta also likes to tell cute little jokes about CIA Predator drones, and then proclaimed in December that the drone program has “been very effective at undermining al Qaeda and their ability to plan those kinds of attacks.” Just two weeks ago, Attorney General Eric Holder gave a speech purporting to legally justify these same drone attacks.
So Obama officials are eager to publicly tout the supposed benefits of the CIA’s drone programs in order to generate political gain for the President: to make him look like some sort of Tough, Brave Warrior single-handedly vanquishing Al Qaeda. The President himself boasts about how tightly controlled, precise and effective the CIA drones are. Everyone in the world knows the CIA has a drone program. It is openly discussed everywhere, certainly including the multiple Muslim countries where the drones routinely create piles of corpses, and by top U.S. Government officials themselves.
But then when it comes time to test the accuracy of their public claims by requesting the most basic information about what is done and how execution targets are selected, and when it comes time to ask courts to adjudicate its legality, then suddenly National Security imperatives prevent the government even from confirming or denying the existence of the program: the very same program they’ve been publicly boasting and joking about. As the ACLU’s Jameel Jaffer put it after Obama publicly defended the program: “At this point, the only consequence of pretending that it’s a secret program is that the courts don’t play a role in overseeing it” – that, and ensuring that any facts that contradict these public claims remain concealed.
While when Mr. Obama promised to have "the most transparent administration ever," it seems a fair bet that he did not mean for transparency to be the result of the artlessly guileful manner in which requests for corroborative facts for the administration's public pronouncements are handled, this however, is what seems to be happening. The current record seems to show that Mr. Obama's administration will go to great lengths to retain control of information and the "official narrative" of events. The administration seems all too eager to place their carefully chosen information into the hands of embedded reporters who can be trusted to present an approved narrative in return for access to sources and stories.
This past week there was also an interesting story about the obstacles and dangers government creates for those reporters who do independent reporting and sometimes report inconvenient truths. Chris Hedges at Truthdig has updates about a lawsuit brought Hedges, Noam Chomsky and other journalist and activist plaintiffs against President Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Pannetta seeking to have the NDAA, also known as the Homeland Battlefield Bill, declared unconstitutional. Hedges reports on his recent deposition given to government lawyers who are trying to decide whether they will challenge his standing to bring the case. Hedges describes the reason for his legal action:
The NDAA implodes our most cherished constitutional protections. It permits the military to function on U.S. soil as a civilian law enforcement agency. It authorizes the executive branch to order the military to selectively suspend due process and habeas corpus for citizens. The law can be used to detain people deemed threats to national security, including dissidents whose rights were once protected under the First Amendment, and hold them until what is termed “the end of the hostilities.” Even the name itself—the Homeland Battlefield Bill—suggests the totalitarian concept that endless war has to be waged within “the homeland” against internal enemies as well as foreign enemies. ...
The 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force Act, the employment of the Espionage Act by the Obama White House against six suspected whistle-blowers and leakers, and the Homeland Battlefield Bill have crippled the work of investigative reporters in every major newsroom in the country. Government sources that once provided information to counter official narratives and lies have largely severed contact with the press. They are acutely aware that there is no longer any legal protection for those who dissent or who expose the crimes of state. The NDAA threw in a new and dangerous component that permits the government not only to silence journalists but imprison them and deny them due process because they “substantially supported” terrorist groups or “associated forces.”
This Guardian article points out the the Obama administration's denial that the law doesn't broadly apply to civilians :
Controversy centres on the loose definition of key words in the bill, in particular who might be "associated forces" of the law's named terrorist groups al-Qaida and the Taliban and what "substantial support" to those groups might get defined as. Whereas White House officials have denied the wording extends any sort of blanket coverage to civilians, rather than active enemy combatants, or actions involved in free speech, some civil rights experts have said the lack of precise definition leaves it open to massive potential abuse.
Unfortunately, the Supreme Court in its 2010 decision in Holder v Humanitarian Law Project, has already ruled a slightly less vague wording, "material support," to mean that many kinds of speech and actions that one might instinctively think are protected by the First Amendment, according to the ruling, are not. As the Center for Constitutional Rights, which argued the suit explains:
The decision marks the first time that the Supreme Court has held that the First Amendment permits Congress to make pure speech advocating lawful, nonviolent activity-human rights advocacy and peacemaking-a crime. Doing so can land a citizen in prison for 15 years, all in the name of “fighting terrorism.”
The Court's ruling leaves it unclear whether publishing an op-ed or submitting an amicus brief in court arguing that a group does not belong on the list is a criminal act is prohibited. What is clear is that the Court's decision is likely to cast a broad chill over political speech and the activities of humanitarian groups and journalists.
Interestingly, an editorial in the New York Times states that the FBI has threatened journalist's sources with arrest for "material support":
The case arose after an American human rights group, the Humanitarian Law Project, challenged the law prohibiting “material support” to terror groups, which was defined in the 2001 Patriot Act to include “expert advice or assistance.” The law project wanted to provide advice to two terrorist groups on how to peacefully resolve their disputes and work with the United Nations. The two groups — the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party — have violent histories and their presence on the State Department’s official list of terrorist groups is not in dispute.
But though the law project was actually trying to reduce the violence of the two groups, the court’s opinion, written by Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. on behalf of five other justices, said that did not matter and ruled the project’s efforts illegal. Even peaceful assistance to a terror group can further terrorism, the chief justice wrote, in part by lending them legitimacy and allowing them to pretend to be negotiating while plotting violence. ...
The court at least clarified that acts had to be coordinated with terror groups to be illegal, but many forms of assistance may still be a criminal act, including filing a brief against the government in a terror-group lawsuit. Academic researchers doing field work in conflict zones could be arrested for meeting with terror groups and discussing their research, as could journalists who write about the activities and motivations of these groups, or the journalists’ sources. The F.B.I. has questioned people it suspected as being sources for a New York Times article about terrorism, and threatened to arrest them for providing material support.
It seems unlikely that the government would be less aggressive in using the term "substantial support" than the term "material support" in an effort to pressure journalists and other citizens exercising their traditional first amendment rights. It is also quite likely that the existence of this uncertainty regarding how this unclear wording will be applied will have a chilling effect on speech, which in turn will have an effect upon the independent information that the American public has available to it with which to evaluate the activities of the administration. There is, of course, no way of telling how these legal uncertainties might be exploited by future administrations, as well.
This is what we tell developing countries about the importance of press freedom:
Access to information is essential to the health of democracy for at least two reasons. First, it ensures that citizens make responsible, informed choices rather than acting out of ignorance or misinformation. Second, information serves a “checking function” by ensuring that elected representatives uphold their oaths of office and carry out the wishes of those who elected them.
Perhaps we should do a better job of living up to that ideal in "the homeland."

What do you call those prophetic Onion articles then?
Gulf War I would be worth doing side-by-sides of NYTimes, BBC, Iraq & RTE with what we now know to be reality. The propaganda was obvious to anyone who wanted to see, few did then, few do now.
Sometimes it seems little ever changes, until it all does.
i call it "psychic news"
it's been ironic
to hear the fake news like WaPo, NYT, etc call out other sources as fake. It's our good propaganda that you need. Theirs is fake propaganda. What a joke.
I really found it funny how they responded to T-rump's dogwhistle this week...heeled on command and ready to obey.
Blindman's bluff, and as your essays confirm...round and round we go.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The NYT is in no position to lecture
The New York Times is in no position to lecture on the subject of fake news.
How The Iraq War Still Haunts New York Times
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
absolutely, and neither are other major media...
Eleven Years On: How ‘The Washington Post’ Helped Give Us the Iraq War
How the Media Fueled the War in Iraq
Iraq and the Media: A Critical Timeline
When was the last time the last time you heard about the grand
military campaign in Mosul? Two weeks ago? I guess the inevitable magnificent conquest of the ISIS forces there must be somehow delayed. But how?
Meanwhile, not much news in eastern Aleppo. I guess nothing's happening there. And reading Russian news would be unpatriotic or something. Oh, New York Times, let us know when something happens.
heh, the us media stenographers are too fixated on...
president-elect trump to pay attention to a war that isn't in the white house talking points today.
And let's not forget CNN & MSNBC
Just for grins...
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Al-Nusra controlled eastern Allepo is in the process of being
cut in two. The Al Qaeda connected groups are disintegrating as we speak. Thousands of civilians are taking advantage of this and are fleeing towards government controlled West Aleppo.
Al-Nusra (al-Qaeda) Defenseses Collapse, Syrian Army Ready to Split Eastern Aleppo Pocket into Two
You may want to view the following report by Vanessa Beeley concerning Aleppo.
Just yesterday...
... on RT. Patrick Cockburn posts regular reports on Counterpunch... the damn commies!
Is it wishful thinking
to suppose that US spin meisters have lost much of the control they once enjoyed, over the flow of information? By far the greater volume is still being directed along approved channels, but leaks are now appearing with ever greater frequency, and counter-narratives proliferate, disrupting and contradicting the orderly dissemination of "all the news that's fit to print".
The very structure of the MSM monolith seems to be disintegrating, as the credibility of its uniform, and previously binding narrative comes under attack from multiple directions via the internet. Edward Bernays must be rolling over in his grave.
it's probably not wishful thinking...
the official narrative has gotten to a point where it so strains credulity that it is going to be hard to tamp down msm alternatives. not that they won't try.
In their typically arrogant way,
they have overestimated the stupidity of the public.
The more we can bring the truth to the forefront, the stronger we get. How can we do that without a national mouthpiece?
Obama hired Cass Sunstein for that specific purpose!
As Glenn Greenwald (yeah — that Glenn; did they really think no one would raise this point?) reported back in 2010, Sunstein wrote a paper in 2008 advocating very creepy stealth measures against “conspiracy theories.”
In 2008, while at Harvard Law School, Sunstein co-wrote a truly pernicious paper proposing that the U.S. Government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-”independent” advocates to “cognitively infiltrate” online groups and websites — as well as other activist groups — which advocate views that Sunstein deems “false conspiracy theories” about the Government. This would be designed to increase citizens’ faith in government officials and undermine the credibility of conspiracists. The paper’s abstract can be read, and the full paper downloaded, here.
Sunstein advocates that the Government’s stealth infiltration should be accomplished by sending covert agents into “chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups.” He also proposes that the Government make secret payments to so-called “independent” credible voices to bolster the Government’s messaging (on the ground that those who don’t believe government sources will be more inclined to listen to those who appear independent while secretly acting on behalf of the Government). This program would target those advocating false “conspiracy theories,” which they define to mean: “an attempt to explain an event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role.”
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
CT police (shills) out in force at TOP!
I've never seen more of it screamed than at Orange State. Used against Berners too.
And then add the Hill shills.
Now the fake news talking point - all over website comment sections as I type this.
Gyah, I feel like such a sucker - except now when I see the same phrase repeated, I realize it's a talking point.
Cass Sunstein, another 1% advocate from Harvard, is, like Obama
a certified Harvard constitutional scholar - His stint at the U. of Chicago was icing on the RW cake.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
This is a very diabolical thing going on with this fake news
narrative. I noticed Merkel from Germany coming out against fake news, Russian propaganda from RT and Sputnik, saying it needs to be regulated. In Britain they're passing a new law to allow ultra spying on everyone including police powers to hack journalists computers. All the top power brokers are on the same page. It's obviously a planned, coordinated maneuver with planned purposes and actions to come.
It couldn't be more Orwellian considering the lies and propaganda spread by the corporate media and our own government, but of course it's the reason, they can't take the competition much longer, it's having an impact.
People should be boycotting the corporate media as much as possible, especially what is on the TV. Turn this on its head.
afternoon al...
the narrative is being lost by western governments all over. their next move, should they not be able to recapture the narrative will be to bring out the bigger hammers. there's a reason why they have developed all that domestic spying capacity and it has little to do with actual terrorism.
Where do you think that's headed?
In other words, in your eyes, what constitutes "bigger hammers"?
I'm thinking China/N.Korea style online censorship
Orwell, man oh man!
I'm not convinced they could go there without causing a lot of extra blowback they don't need. That's a huge risk.
I figure they'd get around to it eventually (Because Freedumz, Stoopid!!) but I have been trying to think if there's any "in between", and I really can't come up with anything else.
Boiling frog, little by little. We won't notice until BAM!
At least that's my theory.
Or, if not censorship, making the internet too expensive or
too slow for most users. Let the corporations drain some money from it, before people abandon the last forum for free expression.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Corps have already suggested that too.
Greedy bastards.
going after journalists sources...
using the various means of "persuasion" that are available to thug governments everywhere to compromise, discredit or dispose of persistent voices that are out of tune with the official narrative. the whole orwellian toolchest is at their disposal.
do you have a link in which Merkel speaks out against
Russian propaganda on RT (in Germany) and Sputnik and uses it as excuse to regulate (ie oppress) their voices?
See, it already starts, Merkel wouldn't need to do that, she can express her concerns directly with Putin. You can't blame Merkel for "getting" Russian propaganda, if it occurs. I think she understand US propaganda as well. And both stink.
People start messing with Germans. What else is new. I just start watching a bit German TV here in Germany. We are far away from oppressing free speech. And very close to see mind manipulation where it occurs, if from the Russians or from the US.
Be aware that our correspondents, who work out of Moscow and out of Washington DC, have always worked on both sides, ie both studios. They are not "uninformed" or "naive ideologically".
The reporting is still quite factual and not "fluffy" or "sensationalistic", may be also not too "courageous in speaking up truth to power", but that is not the task of public TV news reporting. They are there to report as factual and carefully as possible to inform the viewers. News and opinion reporting is different and strictly adhered to. you always have to know what is opinion and what is news. There are talking heads on German TV as well. I haven't watched them yet. Because I am sick of all of it.
Oh well, the script is already written.
Here's what I read mimi,
thx, Al and lotlizard, I wonder what happened
that she accepted to follow this path of manipulative influence, which I think must have come through some US "gentle mindful armtwisting".
Ok, I rest my case and wait what's coming out of all this "bs".
DW: Merkel warns about Russian cyber attacks on German elections
They're trying to complete a
They're trying to complete a global corporate coup here. It's a lot harder to pull cons (as with transient public servants signing privately made Trojan Horse 'trade deals' handing over The People's rights, country, law and democracy to hostile and destructive outsiders, while claiming that this is 'legal' and binding on the betrayed publics, rather than the traitorous conspiracy it is,) on an aware and informed population, and the US PTB have never yet managed to win a 'war' against an invaded/attacked population which never stops fighting them, have they?
Yup, you are so right! Boycotts of all abusive corporations are imperative, wherever remotely possible.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
who is claiming fake news? who is claiming "russians"?
as far as I can tell it's a phony story cooked up by the Democrats. Hillary's emails got leaked and they created a story that the Russians did it...and refused to deal with the contents of the emails, only stressing their concocted tale.
As every big deal email emerged ("two policies" for example) they, the Dems and the Hillary campaign, reacted by saying how terrible it was that the Russians were hackers.
Now they're stuck with that story. Ooh, Putin! Oooh, Russians! Doubling down, as the expression goes.
And this fake news thing is a continuation of that. Nevermind that the Clinton campaign planted their own phony stories. "Occupy Democrats" was so ridiculous and annoying I had to block it from my facebook feed.
Anyway, what are the Republicans saying? Nothing that I can see. So all the complaining is coming from the Democrats. Bunch of whiners! If we read between the lines they're saying people (the riff-raff, the 99%, us) are too dumb to distinguish between satire, planted stories and the truth. Therefore speech must be re-defined as "the truth that the 1% want us to see".
It's all projection.
The greatest continual purveyors of disinformation on the planet now claim a monopoly on the truth.
Do they even hear themselves?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Don't be silly!
One would have to have a conscience to listen to themselves spew such garbage without being grossly offended.
All they give a shit about is that WE hear them. And so far, not too many people are really buying it. It helps that the US press has long been assumed to be peddlers of various and sundry bullshit and propaganda. That's kind of a handicap that works in our favor to a certain extent, at least IMO...
I don't think they do
hear themselves. They've grown so accustomed to being seen as the authoritative "Voice of America", and being very handsomely rewarded for it, they actually believe that is what they are. Collectively, they have formed the very skin of the DC bubble. They seem unaware that many people are now able to see right through them.
afternoon shahyrar...
while it is the democrats that are playing the mccarthyite trolls right now, there is considerable support for this sort of activity in the corporate media sector. i don't think that this is going to go away in january 2017 (assuming that trump and the republicans take over the government).
surely the republicans (neocons particularly) will continue this bluster and the same, few, principled media sources that have reported the revelations that make democratic power uncomfortable will also irritate the republicans once they are in power. surely, the republicans will find a use for this sort of hysteria. imagine their satisfaction at being able to trade in their old "you can't trust the liberal media" rhetoric for new, improved, shiny, as-seen-on-teevee, "this is propaganda from enemies of the state" rhetoric.
sauce for the gander.
The Russkies totally rigged the election
MSNBC told me. Based on the absolute certainty of irrefutable, totally reliable unnamed sources armed with tons of evidence that of course can never be revealed because it's oh-so-secret.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
If anybody "rigged" this election
it was the American people, as is their right.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
and mommy sez: from the 'evil doers' ...
thanks. Shockful with truth-telling links, will continue to read ...
Have a good Sunday.
C99 is not yet on the list!
Come on everyone.
We are all going to have to try a lot harder.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
heh, maybe soon...
in the intercept's article on this, Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group greenwald and norton point out that the washington post is promoting a list of "fake news sites" that include leftwing sites that i frequently abstract in the evening blues news roundup:
surely, if we could just get noticed by propornot, we could make the list as fellow travellers.
Maybe we should contact them.
And request inclusion.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Probably help traffic.
Nothing like being blacklisted by the mainstream media to give a site credibility.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Jack Pine Radicals made the list
there was much gloating there, a couple days ago.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
PropOrNot -- the New McCarthyists
I just today ran into the PropOrNot site, in fact spent a lot of time reading there. I had followed a link from my every-Sunday email from The Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities (Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY). They link to thought provoking articles not often seen. This link took me not to the New McCarthyists at PropOrNot, but rather to the Facebook page of Timothy Snyder. I don't do FB, but was still able to read the post. It was at the Snyder FB page that I noticed PropOrNot mentioned; I'd never heard of them.
I quickly noticed what they considered Un-fake News© -- their suggestion:
As you might expect from your friendly local McCarthyists, they intend to blacklist sites not fitting their idea of Un-fake News©. The campaign to do this is mentioned here:
If this reminds you of certain anti-Semantic groups attacking posters they considered Jewish (by placing parentheses (((like this))) around posters names, you're not alone. Real original there, PropOrNot. This is quite dangerous, as mainstream filtering software may be
blackmailedpressed into using PropOrNot's blacklist. Very likely, you may not be able to access a blacklisted site from work, a library, etc.But! They claim they will not tolerate McCarthyism when they themselves are the New McCarthyists.
I hadn't read far on their site before I knew I had to do an essay here about it for C99. Naturally, I came here and found I was a day late and and dollar short.
And yes, I'm certain C99 will very soon be on their List of Russian-directed sites. They are following crosslinked sites, etc., in order to create their list. Many, if not most, of these are alternative news sites that try to speak truth, no matter the origin. I noticed that I read many of them, although some are rabid right-wing sites known for publishing falsehoods -- Russian or not.
thanks for the heads up on the yyy campaign...
it looks like the rest of us need to help them.
YYYIs It Propaganda Or Not?YYY
Heh.. Wink, wink
I think I catch your drift, joe. I know a good place to start (or two...).
Last I went there
was the first I heard of propornot. There was a comment area, but zero comments. Now there isn't even a comment area that I can see.
Must not have had a good response and they had to censor all those Russian's comments!
Wait! (((username))) is antisemetic, not a hug?
I feel like a fool! I feel like the woman on ParentsShouldNotText who announced Aunt [name] died with "lol" at the end. Kid asked Mom why she was laughing at something horrible. Mom said she wasn't. Kid explains lol. Mom reveals she thought it meant 'lots of love' and that she sent it to everyone on her contact list.
I never, ever knew that what I thought was a hug was actually an antisemetic dig. Freaking wonderful. NOT!
OK, so, who'd read this propaganda outlet's vague claims and swallow this without gagging? It sounds like some kid pretending out loud without noticing the contradictions introduced. Did Hillary write this during one of her hissy fits?
I'm guessing that following this muddle of bizarre nonsense is a list of what most offends various predatory corporations/billionaires/TPTB and therefore what people should be reading for factual information and to avoid the offended corporations/billionaires/TPTB's propaganda sites, since I know that some of these certainly are good sources.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
oh, man, that is so bad ...
Germany is worried about fake news and bots ahead of election - Angela Merkel says lawmakers must confront and regulate the spread of misinformation
How many folks are still in denial that free speech rights on online social media has enabled hate speech and brutality in conversational speech. Volksverhetzung (sedition) ... is happening and should imo not be protected under the fig leaf of free speech rights, imo, but I guess I am alone in that opinion here. YMMV.
hi mimi...
a functioning democracy depends upon an educated, well-informed electorate, fully-functioning media - free from government coercion or domination by powerful interests.
in such an environment, the answer to hate speech and sedition is more speech, an airing of the issues in free debate amongst people who have access to the public square.
in a "democratic" society where people lack access to good education, good information, open institutions free of corporate/monied/partisan domination and the means to consider and debate the issues openly in public fora - you are right to fear that people may be manipulated by those of a seditious bent.
i would suggest though, that in such a situation focusing on the superficial problem of "too much free speech" being used improperly avoids dealing with the disease at root of the symptoms.
yes, I expected this answer, but I have a little disagreement
Sure, but your government is not independent, the people who enforce the coercion are the corporate lobbyists with the influence on the government employees and their dependency on corporate money.
So, I think, at least in Germany, that our government is not (yet) in the game of coercing ideological propaganda. So far the politicians CAN be voted out of office, there are tools that voters have to defend themselves again governments who overstretch their power and oppress a free press.
We have a weak public TV that tries to talk and analyze from various sides and are careful expressing their opinions, but they are not oppressing or falsifying news for ideological reasons. They would have an opposition. In the US the oppositional voices are pushed into blog sites like this one or other atlernative media outlets.
I see what is happening in the US as oppression, manipulation by corporate powers, who undermine and mingle into any entity to control it, and the government acts as the serfs of the corporate powerful, who control them completely.
surely you know the social conditions and polity of germany far better than i do, so perhaps we are talking past each other here, each speaking from a different frame of reference.
i would offer this, though. it seems to me from this distance that one thing that the us and germany share in common is a class system along whose lines there is significant economic inequality.
in the us, one of the great drivers of the trump movement was class and economic inequality. in both states, there is a tradition of blaming immigrants and racial groups for the symptoms of that inequality and trump certainly made use of that as are movements across europe. it is shocking and awful to see.
the reasons for the economic decline in europe are not the sort of thing that the powers-that-be really want to admit to and forcefully argue (as it is the same here). the self-serving silence about the economic corruption in both the us and europe by the elites allows these right-wing, racist, anti-immigrant movements' propaganda to dominate the public mind. so, in effect, the propaganda gains by these despicable movements is a common project of the elites and the alt-right.
I don't know the German social conditions and polity better, I am 40 years behind. So, I had my misconceptions probably.
But I really don't think that the US and Germany shared and still do not share the same class system. The significant economic inequalities are not comparable. Germany was flat after wwII. Class differences reappeared during the fifites during the "Deutsches Wirtschaftswunder" and some aristrocratic families had still some wealth in their undestroyed real estate like castles etc.
But the social security and health care programs were stronger and protect the working class from losing their rights quite well. We always had a communist and socialist party in the fifties and sixties and they were not oppressed. People voted for them.
Of course communists had never a chance to convince the Germans with their propaganda, literally many Germans having family members living in East Germany and "getting" the loss of liberties and democracy under socialist or communist regimes.
But strong socialist and democratic socialists were always in the mix of parties in West Germany and could expressed their opinions freely. They were not bashed and put down or forcefully marginalized. The labor laws were stronger than in the US.
We had the racist burden of our past in the Nazi Regime, the US had the racist burden of slavery. The difference was that ours was so horrendous that no Jewish population was left to live in Germany, whereas in the US the Afro-Americans were enslaved and their civil rights taken away, but they were not killed, they were living citizens among you, who fought for their rights in the sixties.
I can't evaluate it and am not educated enough, but it looks, even though they achieved much, they didn't achieve much of economic equality compared to white US citizens. So, the economic inequality in the US between working class (especially the black working class) and the middle and upper class never disappeared and was stronger than the German economic inequalities between the upper, middle and working class. Ours class inequalities were interrupted and erased and during the fifties to mid eighties pretty much contained due to stronger labor laws and another voting system. A Bernie Sanders would have won his votes, he wouldn't have been "tricked" out through a duopoly and electoral college and direct corruption during the campaigns.
Our German economic inequality re-appeared with full force after reunification. There the Germans showed their true colors. The Westerners (rich and safe) bashed the Easterners. Despite lots of efforts the economic inequality gaps between the former Eastern Germans and the West Germans are still there. Our angry white man are Eastern Germans, they feel the hardships, they have no jobs, their retirement benefits are calculated differently. They don't like much the arrogance of Westerners.
So, the West Germans are too greedy to share with enthusiams (which they should) with East Germans, the East Germans are miffed because they are disadvantged still, the West Germans blame the East Germans (which are the victims ) and say it's an attitude problem etc. The usual pissy human failures in character are abundant. In all this mess, the refugee crisis has brought the economic inequality gaps even more into the open.
The West Germans try to stick to their generous asylum (though stupid laws in there too, i only learn this now) and Merkel stuck to her convictions of letting them all in and helping them to get a roof and health insurance and food, all the nice things, the East Germans also have, but don't like the refugees to have "just like that".
So East Germans are more jealous of well taken care of refugees than West Germans, and West German conservatives (and I am not sure even Social Democrats) started attacking Merkel for the human rights Merkel tried to hold up for the refugees.
Now everyone starts to be angry with one another. Clearly this is a brew in which propaganda manipulators like the Breitbars and some leftists can incite and use for propaganda purposes. Free speeck everywhere can boil over online and end up in hate speech. That's messing up people's attitudes. Hate speech incitement is not welcomed and certain forms not allowed. That's what I believe Merkel recognizes and tries to find ways to contain it from bubbling over.
All I am saying is that the economic inequalities between classes were uninterrupted and consistantly present in the US and higher in their gaps than in Germany, which had as a unintended consequence of being defeated by the Allies, gotten more equality between the classes as a consequence and quite frankly a better new Basic Law that protected our electoral system and check and balances of powers somehow more strongly.
I just comment as a "undereducated housewife" who hadn't insight to the post-reunification Germany and I might have had opinions that are out of la-la-land of the sixties and seventies in Germany.
I hope you don't mind me defending a bit the German social security system, their stronger labor laws and unions. I think it's all going downwards and the EU stuff, Germany's rich guy's attitudes of the conservatives towards the Southern European countries etc, which are more stubborn represented by certain German conservatives than necessary, is complicating everything beyond my comprehension.
I can tell you only this. I was confronted with "safe rich folks, who had to fear nothing economiclly" when I arrived here. (I am way not part of them) and when I, a bit under shock, understood some conditions I and them were in, I just thought to myself, I rather donate all I have to some poor black folks in the US than to the refugees I see in Germany. They are better off than the homeless and jobless poor of Baltimore and Washington DC. US poor folks have less chances for upward mobility than working class Germans and the incoming refugees or foreigners, who are allowed to work in Germany, if their asulum is granted.
feel free. my intention was not to indicate that the us and german social and economic inequality is in all ways the same, but that the inequalities are under pressure from similar effects currently, ie., corruption (banksters and the global economic crash) and neoliberal plotters (austerity).
germany is in a different stage regarding its manufacturing economy than the us, which is a huge difference. the us has been experiencing deindustrialization due to globalization for decades, while german manufacturing seems to be doing pretty well, generally speaking.
Germany has still hundreds and hundreds of small companies, who offer pretty much, independent of global corporations, services, crafts- and construction jobs independently. They are by law they are forced to train their employees, dependent on their size. The little town of ca. 35 000 I am in right now is full of companies that pretty much offer all services one would need.
Sorry for me being a little shaky in my opinions these days. I hope I find my "balance" again in the future. It's a bumpy ride right now.
Is there a difference between "fake news" and
Propaganda from those in power dished out to us has been going on forever. "Fake News" as I interpret it, is a spawn of the internet and social media. Fake News is total fiction that gains traction with lightening speed and is accepted by millions as factual.
Thank you for the essay Joe, there's a lot to think about here. I'm so grateful also to my dad who taught me the word "propaganda" as I was learning to read.
To thine own self be true.
is there a difference between "real news" and
our information environment is awash in half-truths, falsehoods, spin, blatant manipulation, obfuscation, balderdash, malarkey and bullshit.
i'm not sure that we have settled into a solid definition of "fake news" yet. looking at it through my jaded, cynical old eyes, what the whiners appear to be saying is that "fake news" (for example john podesta's emails) can be true information that is presented by a source ("putin") for allegedly nefarious purposes.
so, fake news might just be the truth when it implicates the powers-that-be in wrongdoing.
The Onion
flake news, better than msm imo
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
another tool...
they use is omission. Just don't cover occupy, bernie, nor standing rock...they'll never know...hahaha
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That is the unredeemable sin--omission
And once the readership senses omission as a tool, that device fails and readership or views dry up. An unforgivable sin. Much worse than "fake" news is no news. That was in common use in the Bernie campaign and the were caught at it. Editorial mistake.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The Intercept: on Fake News connection to Trump
This is what I think of when I see the term. It's so bizarre and far from the truth that no reasonable person could take it seriously. Millions of Trump supporters did and even some mainstream media. I mean they printed "real Fake News" as if it were true. Propaganda twists the truth but Fake News makes up stories from scratch.
To thine own self be true.
Joe, THIS is the entire point, imho:
It's certainly my take, anyway.
It does not have to be
online to be "Fake News", but that's where most people get info outside the "mainstream", so that's where the focus is being deliberately aimed.
IMO, a lot of what I think of as "fake new" seems simply meant to be no more than Noise, more crap that one has to wade through to get to something resembling "fact". Much of it is also propaganda at the same time. Think Buzzfeed and TMZ; those kinds of garbage noise sites will be held up as "excuses" to point to with censorship and then of course everybody that's not Corporate-Affiliated will be slapped with censorship.
Are we some part of most people?
Sometimes, I think the messages are still sent beyond the control of msm & ptb organized propaganda machines. Personal contact, social media, local discussion groups include many of us. The social mind is more aware.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Yes and yes
absolutely, we're part of "most people" in that instance, and yes, "the message"--or "information", if you prefer--can be spread at will, person to person and on (for lack of a better term) "local" info spread on Facebook or Twitter. But all that information has to start somewhere, doesn't it? Seems they're after the "sources" more than "the messengers", which is what we all are socially.
And that's what's so dangerous here. IIRC, there are provisions of the PATRIOT Act still in force that so broadly define "terrorist" (or something tangential to this discussion) as to include "discussing online". And now the state is going to blur that line even further by coming up with the concept of Fake News?
Not to mention that
none of this even begins to address the concept of
Seriously, where do they even get off, positioning themselves as The Arbiters of Fake News?
understand the source idea
only in a small way does the primary idea emanate from ptb. it is the response to original ideas that get the abash. the primary flow is not inhibited.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Well that's the problem for them, isn't it?
They want their "flow" to be the only "flow" there is. Corporate-Government-approved information, to coin a phrase. You know, as opposed to the Fake News all us proles keep getting suckered into believing...
not sure that is their problem
the challenge for "them" is distilling the information. the challenge for us is to keep the original idea alive. btw, thanks for helping me work out these unsound ideas.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
That's exactly their problem
--whether or not we can get "original information" outside of their control. Referring to any information or messaging they can't control as "Fake News" is their attempt to address it.
You might be missing the part where it is assumed we *always* get the original information to begin with, and we don't. Even with all these extra sources, we still have to work to get at something resembling "accuracy" of the original information. If the government cracks down on that large information flow, how do you know you're getting it? You don't. You can't. This place is way too big for us to know what's going on outside our local purview, and that's the overall problem, in a nutshell. Put another way, short of actual local, in-our-backyard activities, we pretty much only know what we're told, information-wise (or messaging about that information, ie. spin). So the more information we have access to, the better a chance we have to find "fact".
The fewer outlets you have for information, the easier it is to control the flow. If you smear a whole bunch of outlets as "fake", where else you gonna go?
you may be right about information flow being controlled at the source. my feeling is that we possess a group mind where new information is unmasked massively. whenever I thought I came out with an original idea, I found out about 2400 people around the world came up with the same one at about the same time. how that is controlled, they have the waves to manipulate the message. I don't buy it, but I don't watch TV or listen to the news. to put forth the original pulse before it is channeled is getting harder to do.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
reminds me of this song
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
is the new word of the year, having supplanted "truthiness" as the descriptor of the widely recognized condition in which we find ourselves.
Thanks for the excellent essay, Joe. Still
'under the gun' regarding enrollment deadlines, so I'll have to pass for now on commenting--except to say that I've seen a plethora of
propagandaarticles on this topic, and it's really scary to see the determination and relish with which the MSM and PtB are tackling the topic of 'Russian propaganda'/fake news.Mollie
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Two Essays!
An Obama "legacy" contained within the pair.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
"fake News" is a perfect example of fake news.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Germany's Merkel vows to regulate "fake news"
Thanks for the link. LL. It's incredible that Merkel
would actually own up to being distressed that,
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The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Off topic, Mollie, but Taro has a beautiful smile! n/t
Thanks, Deja--I think so, too! ;-) EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
The hypocrisy ain't the point.
I'm scared that this might be a prelude to a real crackdown on indie media. Now would be a good time for us to get together with other sites and discuss what, if any, backup plans we can conceive.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
it really depends on how far they want to go...
the executive branch has at its disposal a range of tools that it can use to virtually disappear the left's web presence if they want to go so far as to misuse the various terrorism authorities at their disposal.
i don't think that it will come to that, but you never know. i remember these things called underground newspapers that we used to have...
agreed joe
we will find another medium to share ideas
the signal will not be stopped
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I think some IRL meetings might be in order...
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Now, that's just silly...all Obama and the Dems have... do (and, you can bet they'll do it EXACTLY this way) is let the GOP get rid of Net Neutrality, and that'll do more to undermine independent websites like C99P than just about anything else. I'm so NOT looking forward to all the Democratic status quo kabuki about this in coming months--as those same Democrats will continue to take those big bucks, hand over fist, from the likes of Comcast, TimeWarner, etc., etc.--while they're all simultaneously practicing Hillary's "public versus private positions on the issues!"
I JUST CAN'T WAIT! (Pardon me, but I have to go throw-up now!)
By the way, Joe, OUTSTANDING POST. Thanks for this!
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Luckily, they made a list of allies for us...
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thanks joe shikspak, missed these jewels when you first
published them but JB and I are devouring them over supper just now. Thankfully we have copious amounts of wine to wash them down with.
FWIW we have given some support to this Roots Action effort:
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.