According to NYT, Obama "aides" opposed to Ellison as DNC
Submitted by Zenza on Thu, 11/24/2016 - 6:23pm
Chair because it would hand the party over to Sanders. No, let's keep the"legacy" alive and back the charismatic and effective Tom Perez or the like .Sadly I am too computer illiterate to copy the link and post it here,but I'm sure someone else can do so. Wonder how soon Schumer will pull back his support for Ellison? The party is doomed anyhow, and the outcome of this will just be another nail in the coffin. This should likely be a comment rather than an "essay" but I didn't see anywhere logical to put it.

Here's the Link...
Democrats’ Leadership Fight Pits West Wing Against Left Wing
If it ends up behind a Pay Wall I suggest using the TOR Browser...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
If you use a TOR browser
they will think you are a Russian.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Anyone Subversive to the Clinton Cause...
Is Russian...
Haven't you figured that out yet? LOL
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Many of them actually believe that
I came across this crazy site. They indict a wide range of news sites as "Russian propaganda", and include most elements of both the Left and the Right.
From what I can gather, the criteria for being a Russian propaganda mill is opposing an aggressive neocon foreign policy based upon intervention, regime change, and direct conflict with Russia (ie the Clinton plan).
We didn't make the list yet, but maybe if we keep trying...
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Looks about like What The Orange Stain Hillbots...
Believe in, perhaps with a slightly smaller list...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Very interesting - the link I'm copying doesn't take you to the right page!
Maybe this will: just click on the first one:
Why would anyone care who the DNC selects? Seems a real waste of time & energy.
You can Download the Tor Browser...
At This Link...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
It’s because that link contains parentheses.
You have to fiddle a little with such links to make them work here.
To be precise, the left or opening parenthesis "(" has to be replaced with "%28" and the right or closing parenthesis ")" has to be replaced with "%29".
I find it interesting as a sign the neolibs just cannot let go,
further cementing the demise of the party. Meanwhile, Trump is in control of the Rs and it will be interesting to see how far offline he takes that party once he and his family are settled in. The times they are a'changin' and those who do not change will die. Unfortunately many innocent people will also be negatively affected in the extreme as well. That is the true tragedy, the party shenanigans are interesting, but a mere distraction.
Please excuse my overuse of the word "interesting" brain is a bit fried from moving prep.
I care to the extent I want some
personal validation of my belief that the duopoly is strangling we poors. I want it out there. So noted.
I want this fight to be obviously up and down, not left and right.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Of course the WH (Obama) doesn't want Ellison as the chair
Obama and the democrats were quite happy with the results DWS got while she was the chairwoman.
After all she over saw the democrats not just lose so many seats in congress but so many states have republican governors too.
It's part of the plan to move the country more right and removing a lot of the protections workers have.
Right to work has long been a republican goal as well as removing the protections for LGBT people and anyone else they don't like.
Plus with the republicans in charge of the house, it gave Obama the cover he needed to not have to pass decent legislation.
But here's another reason why I don't want Ellison to be the DNC chair.
I'm f'cking tired of reading about more deaths in the Middle East
Hehehe, if the democrats actually do want real change in the direction of the Democratic Party, they'd hire Kusinich. But just like they would have rather have lost the election to Trump then let Bernie win, they don't really want the party to go back to protecting workers or any of the other things that they used to stand for.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I'm also not crazy about Ellison as DNC chair for same reasons
. . . and neither is Jimmy Dore.
Keith Ellison Has Questionable Funding Sources & Even Worse Foreign Policy Duration 9:07
[video: width:460]
He mentions that Ellison has received 250k from Super PACs and while Obama considered Libya his biggest mistake while in office, Ellison supported it, as well as the no-fly zone in Syria.
I love how Dore describes the current Democratic Party as a graveyard for Progressives.
But what about R. T. Rybak as DNC Chair?
He's the former mayor of Minneapolis (and was mayor when the IH-35 bridge collapsed.) He is currently Executive Director of Generation Next, an organization seeking to help close the achievement gap for minority students. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Nice Ride Minnesota, a public bicycle sharing program
He's already a DNC Vice Chair and he and Tulsi Gabbert were the only ones who publicly came out against having only 6 Democratic debates. See his Facebook post from back then.
More articles from The New York Times:
Top Party Official Accuses Democratic National Chairwoman of Lying and Questions Her Leadership
The Hill:
DNC officer: Chairwoman's statements 'flat out not true'
Many may not remember, but according to this article:
I really liked this from the Wikipedia page about him:
The part in bold is something every Progressive believes in. He was also a journalist before he got into politics, so it seems like he would have good communication skills. It sounds like he was really "connected" to his constituency when he was mayor.
This cycle has certainy shown that the true
architect of Democratic failure over the past eight years is not Clinton, heads up their asses billionaires, Emanuel, nor even the frat boy, Ivy League financial drones; but rather, the totally inept and crypto-fascist Obama.
We have had a bad run of presidents since 1968, but he is inarguably the worst.
Obama may be one of the worst
because he is a corporate, money-grubbing, empty suit, but I posit that Bill Clinton IS the worst because of the carnage he created. And now his psychopathic wife is (not so) surreptitiously aiming her wrecking ball at the Constitution by unleashing her surrogates and hired media guns to corrupt the Electoral College. All to keep the Clinton Foundation afloat and gain unlimited global power.
Obama will have no "legacy" to keep alive
His legacy will be that when the water protectors were being crushed and beaten, he ignored them, and instead occupied himself with handing out fake medals to celebrity supporters. His reputation and approval numbers will collapse once he leaves office.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Turd Way is just another name for fake Democrat.
I rest my case. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Whomever takes the DNC chair ---
Obama should not have one word to say about it after the Wasserman-Schultz debacle.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage