America Will Kick Trump's Ass!
Submitted by Meteor Man on Thu, 11/24/2016 - 1:47am
Cause Keith Olberman sez so!
Keith Olbermann has much to say about the President-elect's thin skin, and his threats to silence dissent during his presidency.
You won't be able to do it, Donald.

Olbermann came out of Retirement to $hill for Hill...
Can't they just all crawl back under their bridges and go away?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Shoot The Messenger?
I have no idea what Olberman said about Hillary. Is he wrong about America kicking Trump's Ass?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I'm not shooting any messenger here...
But I am heavily discounting all of the $hills For Hill that became part of the David Brock Propaganda Machine throughout this election cycle...
Their input has no value to me and I'm done hearing what they have to say...
They are trying to spin the Popular Vote as something other than nothing...
They are talking recounts that will be equally ineffective...
Floating trial balloons like Chelsea running in NY-17...
Advancing the Alt Right crap...
Advocating violence...
Really the Clinton Machine is done...
Drive a wooden stake into its heart and move on...
I've officially tuned them out...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
HEAR FUCKING HEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
America, if you believe the polls
doesn't want Trump or Hillary, but when forced to choose a lesser of two evils, grudgingly chose Trump, probably because he didn't cheat in the primary, says he wants to end the job-ending trade agreements, and doesn't want to get us into a nuclear war. There's also the little matter of Hillary being treated as above the law. Americans don't like that.
What's "kicking Trump's ass" right now has little to do with "America" if by "America" you mean people who make less than 1 mil a year. What's "kicking Trump's ass" is the corrupt machine that backs Clinton and that is trying to rewrite her as a victim of election fraud and not a perpetrator of it. That includes the corrupt press and whoever that machine can bribe or bully.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I listened to half of the first video in Olbermann's new series named "resistance" (which is ironic when the anti-Hillary folks have been calling themselves the "resistance" for over a year), and was so disgusted at seeing him promote the DNC/CTR David Brock Party line lies and slander that I had to stop watching. Lost all respect for Olbermann, and he had been one of my heroes. I guess he is just another dim talking head. Olbermann spreads the lies about the Russian Hacks (and everyone knows it was NSA insider whistleblowers), criticizing Trump for calling everyone's attention to the danger of Hillary rigging the general election, when EVERYONE KNOWS that Hillary rigged the Primary Election, but where was Olbermann THEN, fucking silent! And now Olbermann has the nerve to speak about rigging, when, yes, Trump is correct, Hillary would have rigged the general election, in fact, Hillary most certainly DID rig the general election to make it appear as if she had won the popular vote, but she just did not rig it enough to win the electoral vote, probably because (a) Trump won in a such a landslide and (b) the Military and Intelligence Agencies took action behind the scenes to SHUT DOWN HER CORRUPT BLACK BOX rigging to prevent it, because they refused to let a known traitor become Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces.
Okay, so now I listen to the first few minutes of this video, and what bs is Olbermann attacking now? The Hamilton protest, but Olbermann fails to quote what Pence said to his daughter at the event itself.
Pence turns to his daughter and says, "This is the sound of freedom."
Yeah, so rather than Olbermann acting like a REAL JOURNALIST and giving ALL sides of the story, he uses it to portray Trump in a decidedly negative light, which has been the HEART AND SOUL OF TRUMP'S CRITICISM all along, and furthermore, Trump's complaint was NOT the substance of the protest, it was the forum and appropriateness of the timing. Also, Trump's criticism of the Liberal-MSM Hillary Propaganda machine was the ONE SIDED coverage of the election and the lies and slander which the DNC/CTR David Brock minions were spreading about Trump, being a racist sexist misogynist etc, which were all debunked, but which they tried to do yet again against Bannon and Sessions, which were again debunked. All of their slander and smear lies were debunked.
THAT is the problem.
They take comments OUT OF CONTEXT, and they lie and they misquote. The MSM has lost ALL CREDIBILITY. And then the MSM fucking ignores the REAL CRIMES which were committed by Hillary.... the treason, the racketeering, the selling arms to foreign brutal regimes which commit sadistic mass murder, the money laundering via a bs non-profit "foundation", and what about the frightening growing list of body bag "suspicious deaths" linked to Hillary going back 30 years, and what about the sickening #PizzaGate story.... does fucking Hillary Shill Olbermann say one fucking thing about THOSE real crimes? Those REAL stories? False allegations of Russia helping Trump? What about the REAL connections of Hillary to Russia and to China? Those REAL FASCIST COMMUNIST dictatorships, which is what Hillary is conspiring with.
Yes, btw, Trump is "making peace" with Putin to have a civil relationship with him, which is FAR BETTER than Hillary's saber rattling threats that, given Hillary's very real well known unstable emotional problems and psychotic explosive temper, would probably have led to WW3, but is THAT what Olbermann or the liberal MSM is talking about? No, they are demonizing Trump, which marginalizes and makes the entire MSM and Olbermann liars, loosing all credibility, which is my real problem here. Because, while I did vote for Trump and do firmly believe that Trump will be one of the greatest Presidents we have ever had, I could be wrong, and Trump may need to be "checked" and called on to the carpet for his actions, but now, Olbermann and MSNBC and CNN and NY TIMES, the fucking lot of them have ZERO CREDIBILITY, because they are CRYING WOLF spewing LIES after LIES after LIES.
THAT is my problem.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Why do you feel Trump will be one of the best presidents ever?
Any particular reasons.
Many many reasons. For one, I think he is honest.
Whether you agree with him or not, at least he is honest... so you know where he stands.
Have you listened to any of his complete speeches? If not, then you have not given him a fair shake. After Comey betrayed his oath of office and Bernie endorsed a known traitor, I listened to over 25 complete speeches of Trump's and found that I agreed with virtually everything he said, anyone who cares about this nation is grossly negligent if they did not take the time to actually listen to his entire speeches and merely assumes that the DNC/David Brock/CTR sound bite propaganda is in any way factual.
Is there a topic you wish to discuss? Or am I supposed to write a lengthy essay, because I could, and have on other occasions. If I look around, I am sure I have something I have written previously, but it may not speak to issues that are salient to you.
I could tell you that the fact that he is the first politician, in a very long time, if ever, who became POTUS without having had to make any promises to any wealthy donors, so he is beholden to NO ONE but the people of this nation, and he loves more than anything being praised by his fans, so I think he will do the best job he can, to win the praise of as many Americans as he can.
He has run a billion dollar corporation, which means he knows how to hire and delegate and fire. He has suffered defeat due to recession, and saw it through to a recovery, so he is seasoned. He is a savvy ruthless NYC businessman, which I think is a good thing. He is NOT a war monger, because he doesn't make his money from selling arms, and doesn't need to, so he won't be selling out to the Military Industrial Machine. He has treated the women and minorities in his companies very well. He knows how to foster and train and groom employees. He is a tough, but fair, boss, by all accounts. That kind of acumen is sorely needed in this nation's leadership. He has no ties to either side of the [political] establishment, neither the Republican nor the Democrat, so he is perfectly positioned to #DrainTheSwamp. He doesn't cater or cowtow to the SJW PC thought police bullshit, but he DOES care about people. I think he cares about this nation and is an honest to goodness patriot, which is more than I can say for most politicians today. He is a New Yorker and has the support of the NYPD, and he has the support of the Law Enforcement and the Military and the Intelligence communities, because he honestly genuinely cares about this nation. He has no anti-2nd Amend ulterior motives, or warmonger motives, so he will expose and prosecute any and all deplorable false flags actions, which, from the evidence and reports I have seen, seem to be frighteningly possible, including and especially, 9/11 WTC. In fact, he is a 9/11 Truther, which I love. He will stop the TPP and end NAFTA. He will restructure NATO, along with, our relations with all nations, along a far more equitable and efficient wise sensible framework, unlike what it is now, which is outdated and wholly wrong for our current age, which Trump explains in great detail in a number of his speeches. Trump will invest HEAVILY in the USA infrastructure, and as a businessman, he knows more than any politician in generations, possibly, ever, the importance of infrastructure, which will foster the greatest job growth and prosperity this nation has had, possibly ever. He will eliminate ALL TAXES for people making 40k or less. He will eliminate corporate loopholes, because having exploited them, he KNOWS THEM better than ANY politician. He will build a wall, halting the central and south american gangs from invading our nation, and he will halt the massive influx of Islamic Sharia law proponents, who want to replace our US Constitution with their religious law, which many PC SJW folks falsely claim is racist, it is not, it is an honest genuine danger, I believe, and that belief of mine doesn't make me racist either.
Shall I go on, or is there a specific topic you wish to discuss?
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
His experience traiing his employees,
makes him experienced and able to [do the same for] the inner city lower income minority communities to [help them] become prosperous and successful, which is what he has said in his speeches, and I believe him. Trump understands supply chain and operational efficiency and market commerce and resource allocation and technology innovation and industry trends, etc etc etc ... which no politicians before him ever really understood. Trump is a true businessman, nothing like that suit, Romney, who was nothing but an Investment Banker. Trump is a true entrepreneur, so he knows how to foster and stimulate the economy, and in many ways, a nation is akin to a business, in that, the aforementioned elements of "supply chain and operational efficiency and market commerce and resource allocation and technology innovation and industry trends" all play a key role. And while, yes, there is a legislative branch, that really is no different then stock holders in a corporation, and so are voters, so in many ways, running this nation is rather akin to running a billion dollar corporation. II don't think ANY politician is a fraction as prepared for POTUS as Trump is.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Well I gotta say I think that's as big a line of shit
I've heard on this blog. I'm not going to debate you about it, you've obviously got very strong feelings about a republican president and republican administration. But just for the record so people might not think everyone here believes such bullshit.
You use the word "republican" like it is an insult.
The word "democrat" became an insult to me watching them flagrantly lie and cheat and steal the nomination this past primary, and further, watching the Democrat Leadership in the Judicial Congressional Oversight hearings lie and lie and lie, caused me to lose any remaining respect I had for them. Gone. In fact, watching those hearings, it was the Republicans who, to a number, renewed my faith in this nation. And, Obama's silence regarding the rigged primary, praising and endorsing a traitor, was the icing on the cake. I was done. No longer call myself a Democrat. I now call myself a Republican. So when you insult Republicans, you are insulting me. I am a liberal Republican. I think the Republican Party are the true liberals today. Not Corporate Republicans, mind you, they LOST the primary and they LOST their party to Trump, when he won the primary. Those are the UniParty / GOPe folks. While we were busy being robbed of our populist leader, Bernie, the Republican went through a rebirth. Republicans support Freedom of Speech and Right to Bear Arms, and taking care of the people, especially the minorities and the poor. Democrats are the criminals. And the GOPe is dead.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Ya, it is. And I feel the same way about the dem party.
The duopoly is the key aspect of the oligarchy that keeps them in power, therefore it is the opposition, or my enemy in this class war we're waging. So you're on their side.
That's the way it is man.
As buddhist (Jew), I...
As buddhist (Jew), I try to not view the world through the "us-vs-them" prism. As stated in other comments, I also believe the Green Party must rise to become the liberal/progressive political coalition to replace the Democrat Party. I support both. I do not see the "duopoly" as the evil, and if I may borrow the taoist "yin/yang" analogy, that "duopoly" is merely the opposing forces in nature. Even if the Green Party rises and replaces the Democrat Party, it will again be a "duopoly" .... so is that evil? I don't think so. I think that is natural evolution. I don't like certain policies within the Republican Party, so we do need an opposing force, but the Democrat Party has failed in that regard, hence I say that the Democrat Party is evil and corrupt and needs to die, and from its ashes, the Green Party needs to rise. Or if not the Green Party, then the Progressive Party. Something. Anything. I don't know, but what I do know that is that the Democrat Party is TOO CORRUPT to salvage and must die, and if that means aligning myself with the Republican Party, for now, than that is what I will and have done. Hence, I voted for Trump, and told everyone I know to vote for Trump.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
You won't "debate" me but you will take a "shit" on my words,
and you will claim that my action of taking the time to explain my well researched position, rationale, and thinking, is "bullshit" ... well, I would prefer that you "debate" me, because at least then we could have a productive intelligent informative mutually respectful discussion, rather then you merely setting me up for abuse. Next time, I will be ignoring any and all questions and comments from you, Big Al, I had enough of that kind of abusive game from the ilk at DailyKos. And here I thought this community was trying to distance itself from the DNC/Brock trolling tactics. As I have been saying, I have found the Republicans at The Conservative Treehouse far more respectful then liberals have been in many years. It is no wonder that blog is growing and thriving. You are driving opposing viewpoints like myself away from c99, just like Markos/MB/BB/Armando/Elfling drove us away from DailyKos. I have been distrustful of this c99 site and community since first joining, hence I am still hesitant to really embrace this site, and always think twice before commenting, fearing it would just become another DailyKos, where abuse was acceptable behavior, and abusive comments get rec'd, just likes yours were. Thanks for showing your colors. And here I was innocently trying to be nice and naively share my innocent honest thoughts.... but "that's as big a line of shit you've heard on this blog." Yeah, thanks for revealing your colors, Big Al. Would just love to know who rec'd your comment too. But alas, just like on DailyKos in the end, we could not know who was HR'ing us.
Thanks for making me feel welcome..... not.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
You forgot one important thing:
President-elect Trump saved us from having the Clintons back in the White House.
Makes me sick to think of her SHOUTING, even with a microphone, and him standing there biting his lip, and look vague, both are really are a mess. We were spared.
He will do nothing to stop climate change
And it sounds like he plans on making it much, much worse. Getting rid of NASA's climate research because of the "politicization of science"?????. The way to get ahead in science is by proving stuff. The only politicizing scientists are the ones who work for the oil companies.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I agree he will do nothing. Obama has done nothing. What may
be a plus is that Trump's pronouncements will be so outrageous that other countries may be forced to isolate the USA and work on their own. Obama's lies gives a country like the UK a certain amount of cover - Trump may not provide this.
It's not much but we're not getting much now.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Whatever Obama did or didn't do has no bearing
on Trump's support for profit over people while pretending to his supporters to be otherwise.
Beware the bullshit factories.
No, thanks for the response though.
I understand now.
I hope you're right.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I listened to many Trump speeches
I watched a lot of MSNBC during the election, and they ran many Trump speeches live without interruption. Trump produces grade A bullshit, but it's still bullshit.
Now he has seemingly forgotten about building his idiotic wall, indicting Hillary, protecting Medicare, or creating jobs. Now he wants a HIRING FREEZE as America heads into another recession. His so-called infrastructure plan won't create a single job, it's just a privatization and corporate giveaway program. But I bet he will keep his promise of more and bigger tax cuts for the rich, and NOTHING will trickle down!
George W. Bush will soon lose the title of Worst President Ever.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
You are gonna have to wait until AFTER his first 100 days,
and after his first year in office to be making those judgments, to do so now, today, is about as dishonest as they come. And you wonder why liberals lost this election?
NEWSFLASH: Transparently dishonest narratives don't fly anymore.
In the future, I won't even bother responding to such inane comments.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
be very careful with the insults.
JtC... I just reread my comment 3 times. Saw no insult.
Predictions about the future? How can anyone KNOW with CERTAINTY, about the future? Calling attention to the fact that "predictions" about the future CANNOT be known, and as such, are "inane" is an insult? Was THAT the insult?
Here I thought that calling my words "shit" and "bullshit" was ME being insulted, and you are calling MY words an "insult" ...?
Sorry, what am I missing? Please explain.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Where Can We Find Trump's Economic Plan?
Do you have a link handy?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
some interesting claims there...
the infrastructure plan is a work in progress, which is at this point mostly hot air:
Five things to know about Trump's infrastructure plan
trump's tax plan shows no indications that i can find of eliminating "all taxes" for people making 40k or less, in fact, it appears that he intends to raise them.
Trump's tax plan: massive cuts for the 1% will usher 'era of dynastic wealth'
Pipelines = infrastructure
I heard pipelines referred to as infrastructure on the radio and cringed. It brought back hearing about how Trump was supposedly going to improve infrastructure. Made me wonder if we'll continue to have crumbling bridges, but a pipeline buried under every backyard and river.
Not only that...
Trump has also come up with a very ingenious solution to the global warming problem. Basically, he is simply "denying" it out of existence. Poof! Gone!
inactive account
"Trump softens climate stance..."
Of note...
I am heartened by that news.
I'm not a fan of his position on environmental policy, that is my one main problem, however, good environmental policy makes good business sense, I believe, so I do believe this problem will work itself out. We shall see. But, this is why I feel strongly that the Green Party must become the liberal political coalition in this nation. The Democrat Party is NO BETTER than Trump, in fact, they are worse.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Actions, as always...
speak much louder than words. Trump may yet surprise us, but forbidding NASA to even study climate change is not too reassuring. Regardless, as long as the moneyed interests control public policy I don't expect any meaningful action to be taken on this issue, irrespective of which of the establishment parties controls the executive. Obama's record on climate change has been as pathetically inadequate as I fully expect Trump's to be.
Trying to determine which of the major parties is worse is akin to pondering whether it would be preferable to add either arsenic or strychnine to my cereal in the morning. My basic preference is just not to go there at all.
inactive account
Trump has taken a firm denialist stance
vis a vis global warming, but it happens to be counter-factual. Regardless of what Trump and his cohorts believe, the world actually is rapidly heating up. Trump's opinion is shared by only a shrinking minority of diehard obstructionists, whose erroneous theories are bound to become ever more obviously false. It is possible that Trump's extremism and recalcitrance regarding this issue might in fact help to galvanize the public's sense of urgency, and the growing global consensus in favor of sustainable energy
I have actually thought this identical thought:
Which is, I believe, a Buddhist perspective.
We shall see. Democrat Party was MORE of an enemy of the environment, I believe, because they are "wolf in sheep's clothing" ... At least with Trump we all know where he stands and we can openly challenge him. Democrats, with Hillary and Obama duped the liberal movement into thinking they "got it handled" and then fucking stabbed us in the back, but the liberal populace believed them and ignored the facts due to "party loyalty" stupidity. Environmental Policies are the one thing I do not like about Trump.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Well, I agree with some
of your analysis here, regarding the possible benefits of a Trump presidency. But I'm in a "wait and see" mode. I don't think your wholehearted endorsement of Trump is warranted at this time, despite my antipathy toward his most powerful enemies. Lauding Trump unconditionally may well be like jumping from the frying pan into the fire... it is simply too early to know with any degree of certainty. In any event, you present your case for Trump well, and I for one am glad to hear it.
Thank you.
And let explain something.
I am giving Trump my wholehearted endorsement, because I am sick and tired of people judging cynically the opposition, without even listening to them, or worse, outright freakin' lying about them.
To wit: Big Al admits, when I ask, to NEVER HAVING LISTENED TO A SINGLE SPEECH of Trump's, and yet, what I wrote is "as big a line of shit he's heard on this blog..." .... and that comment of his gets 7 tips? If I didn't know any better, I would think that I am still on DailyKos.
People called Bannon a racist. Haven't seen a single shred of evidence to support that slander.
People called Session a racist. Why? Because of comment taken out of context, 30 years ago, yet they completely ignore 30+ years of impeccable service fighting major battles for racial equality.
Trump is never called a racist prior to running, but all of sudden, now he is a racist. Why? Two main reasons, from what I have identified.
#1) Because Trump gives a speech where he identifies a problem with a massive influx of illegal immigrants wherein a sizeable portion of the illegal immigrants from Mexico are gang members or criminals or rapists. He did NOT say that Mexicans are rapists. He was explicitly speaking about illegal immigrants who are coming across the border. So, Trump's response is to build a wall, which is the only 100% fail safe method to stop that. Trump also identifies a problem with illegal immgrants who are known criminals, but their home nation refuses to let us send them back. This is not okay. This is a problem. Is Trump a racist for TALKING about it? No. That's just "shooting the messenger" ... Trump wants to DO SOMETHING. And, clearly, "doing nothing" is not working.
#2) Trump identifies a problem with Islamist Terrorists and Islamist Sharia Law. He has a solution. A temporary freeze on Muslims who come from nations who support Islamist Terrorists. Is Trump a racist for calling attention to this problem? Again, I say, no. Again, that's just "shooting the messenger."
We have an immigration problem. The Democrats and the GOPe are both "doing nothing" and that is just unacceptable. Trump proposes that we set up a special "exit and re-entry" process for illegal immigrants so that the can enter this nation legally. I cannot say that he is wrong.
Now, honestly, I have not even pondered the immigration issue prior to listening to Trump's speeches, which I only began to do during the RNC Convention, and so I am relatively new to this topic, but everything I have read about this, it appears to me that Trump is making sense.
Here's a 14min speech Chris Matthew gave on it:
Here's a short clip where Chris Matthew's discusses it with Maddow:
Hardly worthy of being called a racist for.
And given Trump's long history of fair and equitable treatment of women in his company, there is no evidence of sexism.
Trump's locker room boasting was also not "sexual abuse" .... because he did say, "she let's..." --- in other words, "she consents".
The bottom line is, of course, what will Trump ACTUALLY do when he is in office. My approach is that I will "take him at his word" --- and then I will watch and see. "Trust, but verify." I have paid very close attention to his proposed policies, so yeah, you can bet your life I will be following whether or not he follows through and keeps his word. Whereas, those people who DID NOT LISTEN, they are just not qualified then to be holding Trump accountable.
I. AM.
So, while it may appear that I am "drinking his kool-aide" .... and the ignorant can claim that, but anyone who suggests that could not be more wrong. The fact of the matter is, I am listening BECAUSE I fully intend to "hold him accountable." Anyone who has not listened to Trump's speeches and made explicit detailed notes of what Trump is proposing cannot even participate in that validation process. And they criticize me? I am the responsible citizen. They are not.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Sorry to disappoint you but there will be no wall
Trump's wall is a fantasy, it was a rhetorical device. Most Trump supporters understood all along that a 2,000 mile wall on the Mexican border is not a practical idea. And it would do nothing to address the 40 percent of undocumented immigrants who arrive legally and overstay their visas.
Net migration from Mexico has been negative for years. The Obama deportation machine has thrown 2.5 million people out of the country - I doubt if Trump could top that.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Not without concentration camps, he couldn't. Obama's
dismal record is safe I think
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
So you have a crystal ball and know what the future will be?
When you make transparently unfounded statements about the future, as if you know what Trump will do, BEFORE HE HAS EVEN TAKEN OFFICE, then you lose all credibility.
If you cannot speak in this present day reality, it is pointless to even read your comments, much less, bother responding.
If you are wondering why liberals lost --- the WH, the House, the Senate, and numerous down-ticket races all across this nation --- it is because of people like you. You think you dictate the narrative? lol ... this echo chamber is a marginalized community, and I only frequent it due to nostalgia, but it is fast losing its appeal with comments like yours. I am beginning to wonder if c99 has become overrun with DailyKos/DNC/CTR minions.
You don't own the narrative. You do get that, right?
If this is not a reality based community, that deals with ACTUAL facts, in present day, no one will listen to you. No one. Least of all, me.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
that's enough. rmwarnick's comment did not warrant this insulting response.
I suggest watching some nice football or TG show
and have a rest-of-a-good Thanksgiving.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
You're New Here, Right sensetolisten?
Maybe you have caucus99percent confused with another website:
Your characterization is laughably off base. You won't find any Hillary both or Brock fans here. Try circling the block and checking to see if you are at the wrong address.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Kick ass? With baseball bats, perhaps?
Whatever It Takes
Speaking poetically:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Speaking as a Jew, with strong close personal connections
to the Holocaust and to Israel, and having researched the alt-right for the past several weeks, it is clear to even me, with just a brief research, that the alt-right are not anti-semite, they are ANTI-POLITICALLY CORRECT SPEECH, and they are just the 4chan online trolling culture who like to throw shit in your face to "get a rise" and "push your buttons" but what really concerns me today is that the SJW liberal assholes actually ARE going out and bashing heads and trashing cars and breaking windows and destroying people's homes and businesses, and issuing death threats, and we all saw the roaming gangs of thugs on DailyKos harass and censor anyone who was not PC... and all the while, the REAL fascists, like those assholes Markos., BBB, Armando, MB, elfling, etc are fucking either silent, or worse, jumping in and verbally bashing people and banning people. THEY are the enemies of freedom and justice and respectfully honoring and treating people with love and kindness. They ignore and gaslight you, and they slander you, and they lie about you.
And for every ONE instance of a Trump supporter doing something racist, I can post ONE FUCKING HUNDRED examples -- videos/stories -- of Hillary SJW/BLM folks bashing a Trump supporter. THEY are the bullies now.
Sessions makes a passing comment, taken out of context, 30 years ago, and his 30 years of impeccable service, fighting racial injustice, is ignored. THAT is the SJW bullshit we are seeing.
And death threats against electoral college? For honoring the constitution? If the vile deplorable actions like this do not prove who is on the wrong side of history, what will?
And yes, Islamic culture's support for Sharia law is a serious problem because it is anathema to this nation's core values, it is anathema to the US Constitution. And Islamist terrorism is evil and should be denounced and repudiated, by everyone. And Trump is not racist for saying this and anyone who claims that he is a liar.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
We must break out of the us vs them mentality
We're all us and them approves of and encourages our fighting each other. It keeps us from noticing all the nihilistic crimes of them.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Totally agreed. I wrote that identical thing upthread
about the "us-vs-them" mentality, and it's one of the most profound lessons in Buddhism that resonates with me.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Who will have the best boots for ass kicking?
Congress may actually kick Orangehead's ass because there is a still present but muted Paul Ryan faction and a Rand Paul faction just5 waiting to dismount their knight with yellow hair. Or at least so says Stuart Lichtman of G.W. Univ. who has correctly predicted every presidential election since 1984, including this one. However, S.L. admits this is speculation since he doesn't have a model for this type of event.
But will any of them champion Social Security and/or Medicare?
Somehow I doubt it. Goodbye, benefits.
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Speculation is the name of the game,
since there is no model for this type of event. Trump seems to have broken the mold.
Gotta Love the Clintonista's Advocating Violence...
Today I had a response to a comment I left at The Orange Stain on 11/20 where the diarist "Johnny Freedom" in "Teabagger Fashion" doubled down on his lies resorting to name calling and theats of violence...
I'm really done with these idiots...
They are a pox on this country...
Here is the exchange over a claim in his diary that Trump admitted to assaulting women in the Infamous Billy Bush Tape...
I in no way advocate that what he said wasn't extremely distasteful and a lot of other things but it was not an admission of guilt this diarist claimed it to be...
I guess I'll eagerly await his reply... LOL
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Olbermann, like so many of his ilk, is an overrated,
underperforming has-been. Let the market treat him as it treats other overrated underperformers.
Buh bye.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Well Keith Olberman Speaks Highly Of You 2andfro
Have you and Olbermabn discussed your concerns about his show? I'm sure the two of you can work through your differences
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Getting vicious on FB, much "Othering" of Trump voters
and name-calling, etc. So the Hillarians are now whipped into a froth of spew, signifying nothing good. Sigh. I tried to be a Voice of Reason, used to work in the lab as one of the more, um, mature researchers, doing that. I guess that flew off with my forced retirement.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
A Couple Of Corrective Links For You
Because science is stupid:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn