Facebook Didn't Lose the Election for Hillary. Fake News by MSM Did
Too tired to write, but short video because I'm pretty pissed:
Stop. Just stop. People have been posting CT crap on Facebook for years, but now the MSM outlets, like the Diane Rehm show on NPR today, are suddenly concerned that these Facebook posts lost the election for Hillary Clinton.
I call BULLSH$T. The Corporate Maintream Media pushed Trump and Clinton on us and ignored Bernie Sanders. They spread lies about Sanders the Clinton campaign gave them. They pooh-poohed the criminal investigation of Clinton and the Clinton Foundation by the FBI. They ignored the wikileaks disclosures that show Hillary and the DNC rigged the Dem primary and encouraged mainstream outlet to promote Trump. They ignored the plight of millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet to wallow in the mudslinging that this horrible election became.
Well, MSM, you're the ones who generate the most fake news. You're responsible for promoting the Iraq War based on lies told you by sources in the Bush administration. You're the ones who refused to discuss the polls that showed Sanders would easily defeat Trump. Look in the mirror if you want to blame anyone for Trump's victory, one even he didn't see coming. You're the ones who told us Hillary was the only possible right choice despite her many glaring flaws as a candidate and the pay to play scandals that swirled around her and her husband, Bill.
Stop insulting the intelligence of the American people who you ,lie to on a daily basis. Because the biggest purveyors of fake news our the infotainment outlets pout by the big media and entertainment companies: Fox, MsNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and I might add NPR who is beholden to their corporate sponsors.
Why should anyone get their "news" from you folks?

Please ignore them all!
Seriously - the rage is bad for your health, doesn't do any good, and won't make a bit of difference to any of the corporations which own all those "news" outlets.
IGNORE. IGNORE. They're 24/7 desperate to make up something to write, say, blog - nothing else for them to do, and they have to please their masters.
I feel sorry for them, but doesn't mean we have to pay attention to them. Useless people, imagine having to do what they do. Hideous! In case you've forgotten - the Clintons raised and spent about a Billion dollars, hired awful people like David Brock, John Posdesta, Huma Abedin - and she LOST the election
Shrillary's last desperate attempt - no more, gone, toast, done, over, bye bye! We don't have to hear her shouting any more. Never Again! Must be a lot of people who aren't happy with how the Clinton campaign spent their money. Soros behind "closed doors." Let them all stay there, behind closed doors. No use for them. None.
Actually I feel much better now
Sometimes it's good to vent.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Nah, its Hillary's fault.
Hillary lost because of who she was (her character) and what she stood for (her policies). Can we start some truth based propaganda here? Not Bernie's fault, not Trump's fault, not mainstream or social media's fault, not FBI's fault.
Hillary was corrupt. Hillary supported policies that favored the few rather than the masses. The voters refused to let her cover that up, no matter how much money she put into her propaganda arm.
The NY Times hasn't printed an honest story on our foreign wars
in decades.
Whether I'm more sensitive to it or it's just that much more prevalent, the propaganda has been spread on thick lately. For example, the seven-dimension chess game we're playing in Syria is being exposed now.
I am still waiting to see an actual name who is a source about Putin's spying and hacking of Hillary. It's all absurd.
In days like these truth is decided upon in the backrooms, foisted on the public and then, judging on how much the public accepts or rejects, another modified limited hangout is released for the hoi polloi to chew on.
Glad the venting helped. Now do something wonderful FOR YOURSELF
Let all the losers keep doing what ever they're doing, making up, no value there!
Gonna take a nap.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
She lost to a buffoon......let that sink in
It should not have been close enough for fake news to make a dent.
Fake news shouldn't have been an issue anyway, if people could get real news......anywhere.
This is all on Clinton: Her arrogance, greed and incompetence is what brought us President Trump. Remove even one of those characteristics and she would be Madam President.
She lost to a buffoon......let that sink in
It should not have been close enough for fake news to make a dent.
Fake news shouldn't have been an issue anyway, if people could get real news......anywhere.
This is all on Clinton: Her arrogance, greed and incompetence is what brought us President Trump. Remove even one of those characteristics and she would be Madam President.
They have to have someone to blame besides themselves.
Because if they laid the blame where it belonged, on their own shoulders, that would require introspection and admitting to not being "right".
I think they are physically incapable of self reflection and totally devoid of all conscious.
I have nothing but disdain for the Democratic Party.
They had one last chance. ONE! To correct the damn course and instead they doubled down, declared full speed ahead while shouting at the iceberg, "Bring it on you fucking pussy!!!!".
They are beyond clueless.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Hillary Lost Her Election, No One Else
Hillary had every advantage, called in every favor, rigged the primaries, exploited the frauds and criminals in all industries, engaged in quid pro quo with human rights abusers and terrorism sponsors, she was aware of the electoral college and she still couldn't pull it off because of who and what she is. Hillary commanded and made deals with her vast resources to install her as POTUS. Hillary lost because she doesn't look at the 99% as people who have lives, have hopes, have dreams, have needs, have inspirations, and have every right to exist just as she does.
Hillary lost the election because she is an irredeemably vile person who is so impaired that she didn't realize a few lies out in the Mid-West were all she needed to win. That is an epic level of contempt for people.
Personally, I would've added NPR without hesitation.
It's always good to know that
an algorithm named ADA helped in her demise. ADA actually helped get out Trump voters using her heinous's volunteers.
Me I only watch local news, the corporate stenographers club reminds to much of Germany in the 30's and 40's.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Thanks for link-interesting analysis of election resuts . /nt
Well yes...
Mistakes were made, no one can deny it, but yet.... but yet.... there were undeniably some special, magical moments along the way. I mean really, who can watch this video detailing the Dem convention roll call without getting at least the tiniest bit misty eyed?
Edit: /snark
inactive account
If it was Nina Turner or Tulsi Gabbard ... well I'd hope there was hot sauce around for plausible deniability.
Me three.
Hillary's nomination made me feel ill.
What DID bring tears was 1) the Tulsi ad against regime change that her husband created [video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QEy0mxfFaM]
and 2) Bernie's America ad [video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nwRiuh1Cug]
Just looking at the size of the crowd in the first video
and knowing that many people went to all of his events should be proof enough that the election was fixed for Hillary.
She never got close to half the size of the numbers Bernie did and most of the speeches she gave were behind closed doors.
The exit polls told the true story.
But the democrats would rather have lost to Trump then let Bernie win.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The crowd size says it all!
Someone had a great link yesterday to the top 100 wiki leaks negative to Hillary, and one was email that showed her campaign had a strategy for events with less than 100 in audience! Geez!
Sorry, I didn't get misty eyed over nominating Clinton
or over anyone who thought that rewarding that cheating, lying, arrogant woman with the Presidency, for God's sake, would have been somehow meaningful for other women. I did, however, weep in sympathy when I saw those beautiful young Bernie supporters crying as Nina Turner was turned away from the stage. What a monstrosity that convention was.
Twain Disciple
A really righteous rant!!
That was great. Cuss words appropriately placed for emphasis!! Made me feel good too.
A Tim Black rant I watched yesterday similar to yours, slightly different topic.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Fake Facebook news came from Macedonia
How Teens In The Balkans Are Duping Trump Supporters With Fake News
But...but...they didn't make a difference, agreed.
The political revolution continues
(No subject)
The "Fake News" censorship is another power grab.
Corporations don't like that more and more people are tuning them out.
So, when you can't sell your product even to suckers, there are two ways to still sell it.
1. Eliminate the choice.
2. Legislate mandatory purchasing.
Depending on the product the corps use one of these two. With Health insurance it was the second, and with the Internet they're going to go with number one until it people continue to seek other options.
Then they'll go with number 2.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Good one.
And underlying all of it are two more government/media corruptions which were laid down during the Reagan years:
1. Ignore antitrust laws and allow monopolies to form, especially in businesses that are essentially public utilities, like broadcasting or banking.
2. Make it legal and penalty-free to allow broadcast news to use the public airwaves to lie to the public and deliberately deceive them about issues they will be voting on. Allow broadcasters to withhold and omit news about candidates they, personally, do not support — and about manufactured wars the Neocon government does support.
Hey Steve. Lee Camp did a great segment on this.
There's so much obfuscation, red herring bullshit and purposeful distraction going on by both the pestilent Neoliberal cesspool of the Democratic Party and the complicit lapdog MSM it's hard to keep it all straight.
Never have I been so glad that I've been off Farcebook for over a year than for this election season, and we jettisoned cable tv years ago. But from what I read the latest manufactured controversy du jour are these anti-Trump/pro-Hillary protests these media bastards are using to deflect from everything else. Anything to make sure they don't have to engage in some self-reflection of their own outsized responsibility for Drumpf. And not a journalistic word on the gargantuan failures of Neoliberalism at the core of Democratic philosophy these past 25-30 years.
Can't get this video to embed but Gary Null played it on WBAI today and it is right on. A little poem with images by someone named Carey Wedler, called "This Is Why America Will Get The President It Deserves" (for some reason it won't embed. Please check it out; it's pretty kick-ass).
And just one more time...because it's sooo good:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Don't forget the Russians
The Hillary camp got the corporate media all stirred up, seeing Russian hackers everywhere. But the e-mails were genuine, not one was proven to have been altered by WikiLeaks, evil Russians, or anyone else. The real story was utter lack of information security by John Podesta and others in the campaign and the DNC (effectively the same organization).
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Answer: D All of the above.
MSM spins positive for a shitty candidate aided further by the worst in social media with derogatory fake news. I'm still happy she remains unelected. Now to get rid of Trump before he completely fucks up the internet.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Here's my favorite line from Billary supporters.
"But 30 percent of Bernie's supporters said they would vote for Drumpf if he was running against him!!!11!!1!"
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Rehm is such a
Villager. Prolly lives in Chevy Chase, just off Conn. Ave., or Silver Spring, just off Georgia Ave., to be as close to the Beltway as possible while still maintaining deniability by claiming, "I live in Maryland."
Of, by and for the Village - the little people be damned.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
(No subject)
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Hills lost for two reasons, (1) the Clintons and (2) Third Way
Media did all it humanly could to prop her up, but it was hopeless.
Sounds as though someone got to Zuckerberg and Pichai. (I think google is the worst of this, not facebook.)
As far as fake news, heaven help us if the owners of facebook and google, who aren't even trained journalists, become the arbiters of truth. It's bad enough, mass media NYT holds news stories for a year or more upon government request. All the News That's Fit to Suppress.
What's next? Will internet service providers soon be deciding what is sufficiently truthy to be on the internet? Will twits tweet no more?
Hillary lost for THREE reasons
Obama reneged on most of his campaign promises.
He put Wall Street over Main Street and millions of people lost their homes and pensions and even though there was clear evidence that the banks weren't negotiating in good faith on refinancing people's homes he did nothing to stop them.
He didn't end the Iraq war like he promised, he tried to keep the troops in after the SOFA would have made them leave.
The f'cking war in Afghanistan is continuing even though Bin Laden has been dead for years and AQ isn't in Afghanistan anymore.
Now we are fighting the Taliban.
The Libya and Syria wars, his use of drones and the coups in Honduras and Ukraine.
The list of things he didn't accomplish is endless as is the list of things he did accomplish that helped the people who financed his campaigns.
Now people are concerned that Trump is going to get all that illegal executive power.
Too bad that they weren't concerned when Obama was abusing it.
From the commondream link in tonight's EBs
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Three reasons...
1. Hillary
2. Bill
3. Hillary
Obama is Third Way.
Or DLC, or New Democrat, or whichever name you prefer. They have more aliases than professional check forgers.
Diane Rhem is one to talk
I caught the talk about fake news on the Diane Rehm show today and tried to call in to remind her of her interview with Bernie, when she asked him about his dual citizenship, which she later tried to justify by stating she found out about it...on the internet.
It wasn't just that she said it, it's that she argued with him
after he said it was not true.
I think she said she had seen it on facebook, but I never believed that.
She also said it was Bernie who replied to "Black lives matter" with "All lives matter." In fact, that was Hillary and O'Malley. The truth: Of the three Democratic candidates, Bernie was the only one who did NOT reply with "All lives matter."
According to Rehm's wiki, she began her broadcasting career in 1973 (forty three years ago, for the math-challenged, like me). In all that time of meeting famous people, which two human beings impressed her most? Coincidentally, the surname of both those people is Clinton and their first names are Bill and Hillary. So, are we surprised that the "mistakes" she made during the primary were detrimental to Sanders and protective of Hillary?
Reminds me of 'Bernie invited himself to the Vatican'
The late Gwen Ifil and her lady friends on Washington Week having a very snarky discussion about how Bernie invited himself to a Vatican conference.
Let's be blunt, if you're a *cough* 'journalist', and you hear the words 'invited himself to the Vatican' leave your mouth without pausing for contemplation. You're probably not really a journalist. You're a spoon-fed teleprompter hack with no scruples.
Very astute. It's not as though they just make up
the guest room for everyone who invites himself or herself, now, is it?