Be Patient... Til The Last. (Eulogy for a website)

Liberals, Countrymen, and Dreamers! Hear me for my
Cause, and be silent so you may hear. Believe me
For mine Honour, and have Respect to Mine Honour, that
you may believe: Censure me in your Wisdom, and
Awake your senses, that you may better judge.

If there be any in this assembly, any dear Friend of
DailyKos, to him I say that Detroit's Love to Kos
was no less than his. If that friend demand
why Detroit rose against DailyKos, this Is my answer.
Not that I loved Kos Less, but I loved
the community More. Had you rather I was posting pablum,
and be blamed as dirty fuckin' hippies, than that DailyKos was still relevant,
and hiding in fear of the hiddens?

As DailyKos loved me, I weep for it
as it was fortunate, I rejoice at it. as it was
Influential, I honour it, but as it was arrogant, I
quit it. There is tears for the site's love; joy for its
fortune; honour for its valor, and irrelevance
for its arrogance.

Who is here so base as to be a Third way?
If any, speak, for him I have offended.
Who here is so ignorant that they would not be a Progressive?
If any, Speak! For him I have offended.
Who here is so vile that will not stand against a war?
If any, speak, for him I have offended.

I pause for a Reply.

Then None have I offended. I have done no more
to DailyKos than you shall do to Detroit. The question of
his site is enrolled on the forums. His glory not
extenuated, wherein he was not worthy, nor his offenses
enforced, for which he suffered irrelevance.

Here comes the new website, praised by Hillary, who
though she had no hand in his redesign, shall receive
the benefit of his largess.
With this I leave his site. That as I withheld my attention
for the good of the country, I have the same criticism for
myself, when it shall please the internet to demand my

(Haven't posted a Shakespeare tribute in years. With all that's been going on recently, seemed like a nice, fun intro to the new site, and a way to express my frustrations. Looking forward to talking to my friends again here. I missed you all.)

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The "fear of the hiddens" doesn't exist here. It is nice to be in a place where people can disagree and say outrageous things without fear of the hiddens. Welcome to our refuge.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.

Welcome dmw, the front page doth beckon.

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smiley7's picture

What to do with the cheep shots from the back and front rows...provide them more tomatoes for slinging or ignore? Ignore suits me. How bout you?

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suits me just fine, my friend. How goes it smiley?

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smiley7's picture

A week before boarding the plane, the plane, for 35 days in Europe, my 88-year-old-Mom travels to hospital with congestive heart failure which somehow triggers "onset dementia" or something similar to sun-downing. I, an only child, (it) cancel the trip and nurse her 24/7 for months back to a better place; knocking on wood as I write. With no estate plans to work with and of modest means, I engaged the notorious healthcare system, learning much, mostly govt. regulations disguised as financial quagmires, rules to feed the system, not the patients. Preparing for the worst, memory units of salt-peter-like-drug-induced being, beings for mom, my blood pressure began boiling for the first time in my living.

Compounding it all and found nearby were my by-marriage relatives on the farm moving in for the financial kill, bastards, everyone: Eldercare abusers of the first degree stroking every opportunity, stumbling over their lack of vocabulary as they puppet-ed Iago and Cassius; buzzards smelling silver.

Did what I could to expose them and finger the dike...ongoing still.

Damn the pusher man/women.

Thankfully, Mom has improved physically and good times and heartfelt dinners of Southern fare were enjoyed.

Returned to work the winter that has yet to arrive; our ski slopes are closed. No Santa?

And, I learned Monday that I must take appropriate steps to stop the cancer that's moving fast in my prostate.

Guess, I'm busy, my friend. But I have friends and that makes all the difference.

Once more onto the breach.

All will be well that ends well.

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so sorry, brother, sorry for everything. You are too good of a man to deserve so much, too much, all at one time. My thoughts will stay with yourself and your mother, you have my email if you need to talk, if need be I can give you my phone number. Once more unto the breach indeed, good man, you will get through. Peace to you and your mother, sincerely.

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smiley7's picture

Been an extraordinary time, JtC. I've missed C99 and our morning chats. Been reluctant to share all this news as I didn't wish to be a downer. But hey, i purchased a $30 speaker system today to go with my Macbook and I'm reveling in good sound again, my Pandora being well stocked. Thanks for being there, here. I needed to share with you.

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smiley, and we've got your back. If you need anything just shout.

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joe shikspack's picture

i'm so sorry to hear about the troubles that have been after you and yours. i hope that your troubles let up and the snow comes down and everything works out happily. please take care and be well.

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smiley7's picture

I've missed you and all. The intertubes have yet to invade the farmland i came from. The library in the nearest community/town did provide wifi, but it was a drive of several miles.

Sad to return to an old mill-town that's devastated; the two small grocery stores charging high prices and dirty with produce forever wilted.

Much more to share, in time.


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joe shikspack's picture

i have a lot of friends that live in rural areas where high-speed broadband is virtually non-existent. the telecomms that own our congressworms are not all that interested in spending the capital to bring broadband to areas that aren't population-dense. a lot of people that are just a couple of dozen miles outside of baltimore have to go to (very expensive) satellite internet in order to get anything like broadband speeds.

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So sorry for your troubles. What about a satellite ISP? I have Hughesnet at our place up north. That's Michigander speak for anyplace 100 miles north of Detroit. Hughesnet involves contracts, is expensive, but beats no internet. Good mojo being sent to you and your mom.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

smiley7's picture

Thanks for the mojo. I recall skiing in that North Country; those folks love to take saunas and then run naked in the 40 below snow.
I'm back in the High Country for the winter; fingers crossed that Mom can make it through the winter with me and my son taking turns visiting and some help at her home. A good cousin on my Father's side has invited Mom to stay the month of Jan in North GA.
For me, the question is surgery or radiation; have appointments coming up with Docs to help make the choice. I am fortunate to have insurance and feel motivated to write something about the lack of healthcare in our repug state. In fact, had I not gone for the annual physical, I wouldn't be aware of my condition.
Sure feels good to share with you c99er's; y'all lifted my spirits last evening and this morning.

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gulfgal98's picture

I am just catching up on my reading and saw that you have been undergoing some trials with your mother and your own health. I am sending as much good karma to you for your treatment. It hope it was caught early and hopefully all will be well for you going forward regardless of the route you choose. >>>> to you!!! Give rose

My family dealt with my father's Alzheimer's for nearly twelve years and elder care is a rough road for families in this country. The profit motive sucks so much life out of what should be a humane was of dealing with the problems of aging. We saw that in the first place my father was staying which was a corporate run nursing facility. We were extremely fortunate that a social worker from hospice was able to get my father into a locally owned and operated small nursing home in which the owners lived on the premises. He had wonderful care there for the last two years of his life, but places like that are very hard to find any more.

All best wishes to you. We have missed you here, my friend. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

share what you need ... people want to be your friends and help you carry on.

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smiley7's picture

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JayRaye's picture

Please know that we are here to listen, when needed.

Or when you want to forget for a little while, we're here for that too.

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

mimi's picture

That should tell you something about your capacities... Smile
Awesome entry diary. Thank You.

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0 users have voted.

"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

I have found a nitch on BNR

Most people have campaign news

I publish comments on issues that get a fairly good response

I don't think that DK people read or follow national security types on twitter

nor follow with their 3 times a week articles

I have not been attacked for a couple of years

i was attacked when I made a screw up on the INIT or whatever it is which is the diary for dead soldiers. I posted an article that the special ops people are rarely covered in the press so my comment was that it was a propaganda move to get more boots on the ground in the middle east

OPOL is doing a great job to bring up the taboo subjects like peace and Hillary is a kiss ass to the 1%

the tide is turning

can you imagine what we would be talking about if the Bernie movement was not underway??

good to see you here and not get the hide ratings that the trolls hide behind ...

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shaharazade's picture

I've always liked your comments over at dkos. They are always a refreshing cool breeze from the left of the party royalists. Hope you come back and post some more here at caucus99. I accidentally wandered into an INIT dairy years ago and wrote a big anti-war rant that got me NR'ed for about a month. I had no idea it was a dead soldier eulogy community and off limits to peaceniks.

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gulfgal98's picture

Absolutely top notch. Welcome again, Detroit.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

shaharazade's picture

post and welcome. Hope you give us an encore.

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snoopydawg's picture

I think you will like it here since as dk mentioned, we don't do hiddens here. I think most of the people here agree with each other about how the Democratic Party has let us down so often it's hard to actually call them progressives. They sold out to the banks and corporations, let the GOP set the rules even when they are the minority party. I don't remember the last time I heard any dem place a hold or filibuster any bills. They meet the GOP in the middle and we still get screwed

DK's new format is horrible and J Volvo wrote in one of her comments that Kos thought us old fogies were bringing his site down. I guess he forgot that it was us old fogies were the ones who made his site successful.
I will try to find his comment that he wrote last election about how Hillary wasn't fit to be president. I haven't seen her change her ways since then that would make her more acceptable now.
And Don you're right, OPOL is kicking ass with his diaries and it's fun to watch Hillary's supporters come into them and tell him and the rest of us how wrong we are for supporting Bernie.
I do read Common Dreams each morning, and they truth dig, truth out and Counterpunch each evenings.
And of course, Joe's EBs!

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

joe shikspack's picture

an excellent rant!

i think that you will find the atmosphere here a relief after so long at the big orange. i find it relaxing not to have to deal with people who are intent on "winning the site," scoring points or silencing others. the number of comments is generally smaller here than at a big site, but the quality is pretty high.

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detroitmechworks's picture

It's really nice to see all the faces that I've been missing. Smile

Yeah, a lot of folks still praise OPOL over at kos, but it seems that anybody who has his same feelings,
often gets ignored unless they couch their words in non-offensive / non-challenging language.

I am glad to be here, and really appreciate the feedback for my work. Nice to get it without having to wade through an ocean of crap.

Again, thanks for the welcome, and apologies that I'm not responding to everyone individually... But hey, with 20 comments, I think folks will read this far.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

LapsedLawyer's picture


Hopefully that didn't freak you out too much Wink

A Laurel & Hearty Welcome!

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

JayRaye's picture

thx, dmw

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons