Protesters Arrested Asking Chuck Schumer to Step Asside
We're re-claiming the party!
From The Hill:
Protesters block Schumer’s office, call for new leadership
Seventeen demonstrators were arrested on Monday while staging a sit-in against Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) at the incoming Senate minority leader’s office in Washington, D.C., according to a new report.
The arrested protesters were from a group of roughly 40 people urging Schumer to step aside and hand the party’s leadership to either Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) or Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) instead, Roll Call said.
“People here are either going to meet with Schumer or get arrested,” said Waleed Shahid, the leader of the group, before authorities moved in.
“Our goal is to show the Democratic Party needs new leadership and they failed to protect us,” he added of All of Us 2016 group. “We want Chuck Schumer to withdraw his name.”
When the shock wore off last Wednesday morning, I realized that there's a REAL opportunity for pushback and protest. These guys are doing it - they claim to be going after Wall Street Democrats. Worth clicking over to read it...

Just over a week ago, Chuck was planning
on moving into the Majority leaders suite and passing all that Wall street legislation that he promised.... I wonder how awkward those Wednesday donor calls went?
Now there is a worthwhile protest...
one that actually has a purpose other than "We didn't win!" *pout*
Note: That "we" does not include me as I didn't want HRC to win, even given the alternative.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Agreed: I'm ready to protest specific actions.... which President Teh Donald engages, but protesting that he
And too the most effective push will be in building a competent opposition like these folks are doing. At this point I have not yet the confidence sinking effort into the corrupt Dems is worth it.
I've said a gajillion times the R's could do not what they're doing if the corrupt, Machiavellian Dems didn't do what they're doing.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
The thing that worries me is that the
"protesting that he won" crowd will most likely even protest when (if) he does something good. They are that blind.
While I prefer that a new party is formed, it would still behoove us (I think) to have the Democrats as a third party. Although, that may be redundant as there is already a party whose whole platform has been built on assisting the wealthy. I don't think that "genteel" rhetoric makes enough difference between the two.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
They will act exactly like Republicans do when Obama is pushing/enacting Republican ideas: whine and complain and protest and tantrum.
There is a worthwhile protest right now...
The fucking Democrats are losers. All they've done since Bill Clinton sold the party to wall street is lose voters, states, Congress, Senate, Supreme Court and the now the WH. This is enough of a bitch.
I am all over my FB and Twitter blaming and calling out Dem leadership and my superdelegates. Everybody should be doing something to create chaos up there and not just sitting on their asses snarking and complaining.
Disclaimer. This is not personal to you or anyone else on this blog. My point is, do something.
Edit: I am all over their FB and Twitter bitching them out. I am not on my page spitting into the wind.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Yup. Me too!
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
Me three!!!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I view this ginned up sense of extreme urgency to get people out in the streets to protest the outcome of the election as a call to action by the Clinton campaign which is intended to distract the attention of their minions away from the one thing they really need to be doing at this time: gazing at their navels, reflecting on the political debacle they just witnessed over the past year.
I see the emotion being expressed as a very clever way to focus the attention of disappointed Democrats on something other than the failings of the the party’s Centrist leadership.
Does Trump need to be opposed with very loud opposition, even in the form of street protests? Of course. But why now is it receiving such emphasis?
At the current moment, Trump is utterly powerless to harm people. He won’t be in a position to do so until the end of January. There is nothing tangible for us to protest; only our projections and fears.
Can we reasonably expect that the emotion being currently invested in these protests can be sustained over the next couple of months? It’s doubtful. Why not save it until the first outrageous proposal he makes after his inauguration?
Between now and then, the Democratic Party should be looking in the mirror and asking themselves what went wrong? What assumptions were made that were ultimately proven to be delusional?
Defeat can actually be a catalyst to bringing about important changes to an organization that is important to you; especially if the evidence is that those who were in charge of it were utterly wrong in their analysis of the political landscape.
Why should we be rushing past this important opportunity to identify the mistakes that were made and the changes that ought to be pursued?
There is only one end that is served by rushing past self- and party-reflection, and that is its value as a distraction away from the kind of thinking processes that would surely subject the Centrist leaders of the Dem Party to a lot of biting criticism, some of which they might not be able to recover from.
James Kroeger
Well said.
Protesting now is ridiculous...
Save it for an issue when it really counts rather than faux outrage in support of a sore loser...
Want to protest?
How about #NoDAPL?
Eminent Domain and Bulldozing Sacred Burial Grounds of the Standing Rock Sioux...
And direct that effort where it counts President Obama, the standing Congress, and Army Corps of Engineers!
Bullshit Protests will only be a case of The Little Boy Who Called Wolf by the time a real protest and outrage is needed!
Protest for reform of the hierarchy of the Democratic Party and the Failed Candidate and her Influential Supporters in the party to Stand Down and allow the reformation of the party to proceed unimpeded!
Schumer is a just target for protest!
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
It's obvious, without a lot of navel gazing,
that corporate dems are the problem, so the timing of this effort to oust Schumer is good.
This is sad if true - father dies b/c access to Hospital blocked
by protests of Trump election. Zerohedge has sure looked reliable lately, but they are hostile today, and the source for this story looks sketchy:
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Best thing I've heard all week.
Take it right to these fuckers' front door. For too much of their time they live in hermetically-sealed worlds of being on a direct line to donors and their lavish parties.
I hope Bernie activists/volunteers across the country are having a renewed sense of things and the significance of Bernie's campaign now that everyone is living with what we knew all along, and that that emboldens them to take on these venal corporate assholes like Schumer head on.
What is a completely disconnected clown like Schumer thinking right now?
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Noticed Bernie is everywhere
Pushing for change in the democratic party. We will see how successful it is.
Go, Bernie, go!
He might not have realized it a month ago, but I'm pretty sure Bernie now recognizes that there currently exists a window of opportunity for him to push for the kinds of reforms within the Dem Party he's championed since forever.
Contrary to what he might once have believed, Hillary's defeat was the best thing that could possibly have happened in order for his Political Revolution to have a chance of becoming a reality.
James Kroeger
diddley bow! :-D
I guess that's a safe thing for him to do now that the candidate
he supported lost.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
After decades as a public servant,
Bernie knows the power of perseverance.
The way he was treated by those that should have had his back (I am calling out you CBC and HRC {Human Rights Campaign} and unions of all strips) would have broke a lesser human, it certainly broke my heart, but the dude still keeps going.
CBC = Congressional Bought Caucus?
After decades as a public servant,
Bernie knows the power of perseverance.
The way he was treated by those that should have had his back (I am calling out you CBC and HRC {Human Rights Campaign} and unions of all strips) would have broke a lesser human, it certainly broke my heart, but the dude still keeps going.
Schumer is most likely thinking how do I maintain my status
"Chuckles the Clown" Schumer will be wanting to keep what power and influence he can maintain during "Rump's" time in office. I'm sure he will do "whatever it takes" to accomplish that. That includes playing ball with the fascists.
Tired and True
Give the guy a break. I've heard he's preparing to lead the Dems into pitched battle: word has it he's stocking up on the finest stationery for the essential Sternly Worded Letters as well as hauling in loads of desiccant so that Democratic powder will continue to be the driest on the planet. The GOP is probably shaking in their Guccis.
Oh no!
Not the sternly worded letter! That would useless as its always been and totally representative of the token fight all those corporatists will put up while working behind the scenes to give their employers what they want: unfettered access to pillage and plunder this country until there's literally nothing left.
I like Keith Ellison, but even if he is the DNC chair, if Chuck is still in place as Minority Leader, I'm staying away from the democratic party (left them a long time ago, but as of now, the Green party isn't viable here in NC, so I'm kind of in limbo). They learned nothing and its still just a fucking game to them to keep all their pieces in place and point people's outrage in the wrong direction.
If you are interested in making Bernie Senate Min. Leader,
please sign:
It seems to be getting a lot of traction, very quickly.
I got nothin' so did not sign but looked it up
What kinda power does minority leader have? Bigger mic? LOL go Bernie, if he wants it, more to him.
Edit: Bernie is Independent, would break status quo (since the roaring twenties):
Bernie with the mic drop, neo-liberal-cons would plotz!
Edit: deleted the stone broke whinge, matters not.
Bernie campaigned on taking complaints to their DC doors
Somebodies remembered.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Pincer action! Trump from the top, Bernie from below —
Truly interested in “draining the swamp”? Right and Left = truly “stronger together” . . .
Fresh litter
A metaphor meaning to destroy wetlands seems inappropriate. Maybe "lancing the boil" or "cleaning out the cat box" would be better?
Put on the old Happy Helmet
Turn up and scoop out. So. So. Happy!
You can make people do anything once the Happy Helmet goes on. Cheers
“Clean out the cat box” — I like it. n/t
Or how about “cleaning out the cat-HOUSE”
The Congress-cum-K-Street cathouse.
Right on lotlizard. "Right AND Left = truly 'stronger together'"
Wrote a mass email to a bunch of friends laying this and a few other things out in an effort to get people to stop being led by the nose by the corporate media so they can see what just happened and what is really going on.
Attached at the end the Greenwald piece, Thomas Frank and the Matt Stoller piece in the Atlantic, "How Democrats Killed Their Populist Soul."
And ended with the cherry on top, which just for good measure let's put in this thread (and maybe every thread going forward because it is that good and we should make sure every single person sees it!):
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
NVDA! Non violent direct action means progress
That's what I think. It is the unstoppable force, the sand in the gears. After a while the machine just cannot take anymore and it breaks completely so must be replaced.
Wish people could occupy Feinstein and
BoxersHarris offices, sleeping bags and tents appropriate because they are the senate millionaires with so many homeless. SF and NY represented by heartless bubble dwellers. Meh.Peace and Love
Edit: LA representin'! omfcc the whole state is covered now.
Schumer = Turd Way
I doubt many $hrillbots were in on this one. Schumer has been so bribed to death, he looks like a walking Franklin$$. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Maybe I've become a total cynic...
but I think this 'protest' is just another Dem put up job.
There's a video posted at Joe's open thread here.
The funny thing is, while the protesters make it clear they don't want the Dems to be the party of Wall Street, they spend much more time arguing that the Dems should not negotiate with Trump (because he's a racist, misogynist, etc.).
So while they are attacking the leadership on one hand, they are promoting the leadership's strategy with the other. Maybe shuck-a-buck-Chuck is taking his turn as the rotating villain this season?
What's also notable is that the speakers are reading statements off their phones, and those statements are suspiciously consistent. It would be helpful to know who wrote those lines.
Of course, this could also be part of an internal power struggle to discredit Schumer (which I'm all for), but the idea that this is somehow an organic protest of Occupy/Identity Politics types (a funny mix of themes in itself) instead of a professionally coordinated in-house effort is dubious at best.
I think we all need to start demanding labeling for DMO (Democratic Modified Occupy).
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
More and better democrats, man.
Come on.
And how's that been working out for you?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
it's going just as I thought it would, particularly here.
I think that the phrase is pronounced "more or better Democrats". Easy to mispronounce it when you're a "f--ing retard" of the professional left.
Or we could just move to Iceland. All hydrogen powered cars, nice.
Take a warm coat though.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
And wool socks
...or just buy them there. They make beautiful sweaters, too.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X