November 14, 2016 Open Thread; Day of the Colombian Woman

November 14 is the 318th day of the year. There are 47 days left.
Today's number is 14
14 is the product of 2 primes, 7 and 2
Alrighty. If 14 = 7 x 2, then x/14 = x/(7x2). As we learned in last Monday's Open Thread, fractions of the form x/7 where x is a whole number not a multiple of 7 or 999,999 have an interesting property. For any even numerator x, x/14 will factor down to (x/2)/7, so even fractions of the form x/14 have the same interesting property. Interestingly enough, heh, for odd numerators, x/14 has a variant of that property. Last Monday = crossposted to
Briefly, the fractional part of x/7 is the number sequence 142857 repeated endlessly in that order from a varying but determinable starting point within that series. Thus 1/7 = 0.142857142857..., 2/7 = 0.2857142857..., 3/7 = 0.42857142857..., etc. 2/14 = 1/7 = 0.142857, etc. When x/14 has an odd numerator, the 142857 repeat kicks in, but not necessarily in mid series as it does with x/7. Instead, 1/14, for example = 0.071428571... and 3/14 = 0.214285714..., 5/14 = 0.357142857... etc.
14 is the atomic number of silicon
There are 14 days in a fortnight. I suspect that there are also 14 nights in a fortnight.
Cambrian animals of the genus Hallucinogenia (wikiCommons picture) had 14 legs.
Title 14 of the US Code is COAST GUARD
14 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Crassus and Lentulus.
Claudia Pulchra was born. She became the 3rd wife of Publius Quinctilius Varus. (Yep, that Varus again.)
14 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Pompeius and Appuleius.
On August 19, Caesar Augustus died. He was succeeded by Tiberius on September 18. He was also declared to be a god, but I don't know the date. Being a god was easier then - just die with a lot of fans. Augustus' grandson, Postumus Agrippa, was slain by his own guards on August 20, but that isn't why he was named Posthumus.
On this day in:
1851 -- Moby Dick was published
1889 -- Journalist Nellie Bly started her trip around the world
1910 -- Eugene Burton Ely successfully flew an airplane off of a ship
1922 -- The BBC began broadcasting
1957 -- The heat bagged many high ranking mafia leaders fleeing the raid on their "Appalachian Meeting"
1960 -- Ruby Bridges became the first black child to attend an all-white elementary school in Louisiana
1967 -- Theodore Maiman received a patent for his ruby laser (the first laser)
1973 -- The Athens Polytechnic uprising occurred
1991 -- Prince Norodom Sihanouk returned to Phnom Penh
2008 -- The first G-20 economic summit began. It was long on hot air and short on real reforms.
Born this day in:
1567 -- Maurice, Prince of Orange, aka Maurice of Nassau who organized the Dutch rebellion against Spain and kicked ass.
1765 -- Robert Fulton, an engineer credited with inventing the steamboat
1797 -- Charles Lyell, geologist, premier proponent of extreme uniformitarianism
1840 -- Claude Monet, impressionist painter who liked water lillies
1856 -- Madeleine Lemoyne Ellicott, activist & suffragette
1889 -- Jawaharlal Nehru, politician
1897 -- John Steuart Curry, painter and academic, liked Kansas
1900 -- Aaron Copland, composer, conductor, and educator
1906 -- Louise Brooks,
1908 -- Joseph McCarthy, nasty politician whose red-baiting style is making a modern comeback.
1922 -- Boutros Boutros-Ghali, politician & diplomat
1929 -- Jimmy Piersall, bipolar baseball player and sportscaster who wrote Fear Strikes Out
1934 -- Ellis Marsalis, Jr., jazz pianist and educator best known for his kids
1935 -- Hussein of Jordan
1936 -- Carey Bell, singer and harmonica player
1936 -- Cornell Gunter, singer (The Coasters and The Flairs)
1939 -- Wendy Carlos, keyboard & synth player, also composer, went public in 1979 with the fact that she had had gender reassignment surgery; one of the early "celebrities" to do so. Much of her work is credited to Walter Carlos.
1943 -- Peter Norton, programmer and author, developed some utilities.
1947 -- P. J. O'Rourke, political satirist and journalist
1947 -- Buckwheat Zydeco, accordion player
1949 -- James Young, singer, songwriter and guitarist (Styx)
1954 -- Yanni, pianist, composer, and producer, alternative medicine to sleeping pills
1954 -- Anson Funderburgh, guitarist and bandleader
1954 -- Condoleezza Rice, liar, war-monger, war criminal who conspired to lie US into war against Iraq
Died this day in:
0565 -- Justinian I, Byzantine emperor, religious despot
1263 -- Alexander Nevsky, Prince of Novgorod, savior of the Kievan Rus, subject of Eisenstein's Alexander Nevsky. Now that NATO denies that there ever were Kievan Rus he might be declared a myth.
1687 -- Nell Gwyn, royal mistress & more
1716 -- Gottfried Leibniz, mathematician and philosopher, invented calculas
1746 -- Georg Wilhelm Steller, botanist, zoologist, physician, and explorer
1817 -- Policarpa Salavarrieta, seamstress and revolutionary spy. Celebrated by the Day of the Colombian Woman.
1831 -- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, philosopher, author, and academic
1915 -- Booker T. Washington, educator, essayist and historian
1972 -- Martin Dies, Jr., another red-baiting SOB (the HUAC was originally "The Dies Committee"). Modern role model.
2012 -- Martin Fay, Irish fiddler (The Chieftains)
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such:
Day of the Colombian Woman
World Diabetes Day
So, for music we gots:
Aaron Copeland
Ellis Marsalis, Jr
Carey Bell
Cornell Gunter
Wendy Carlos (switched on)
Buckwheat Zydeco
James Young
Anson Funderburgh
Martin Fay
Aaron Copeland
Ellis Marsalis, Jr
with Bradford
Carey Bell
Cornell Gunter
Wendy Carlos (for Kubrick)
Buckwheat Zydeco
James Young
Anson Funderburgh
Martin Fay (The Chieftans)
OK, what's on your minds?
Just for grins:
The original Wendy Carlos Switched on Bach (part 1) from the archive ((
The part you probably think of (if you remember this at all) starts about 6:22

I will add one more, after a clear and moony night here
I have a walk of windows around my bedroom. 7 facing S then W. No curtains, I live in the woods. And I do not tolerate much light when sleeping, even my clock is push-to-illuminate. So before 6, moon to the W. Thus, dancing, I got up.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I heard tonight
is supposed to be the superest moon in 68 years. Wear a sleep mask.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
That Switched-on-Bach was an lp, dust sounds
I do hope that is digitally remastered. And cleaned up. Mr. Moog lived across the Lake from me. I have or had this LP, some have been sold, the music died with my husband. AH, Trumpet Voluntary! Sweet!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Bob Moog was one of
the finest people I ever met- I worked closely with him while I was a design engineer at Kurzweil Music Systems, and he was acting as the Chief Scientist there, taking some time away from Big Briar. He was the one who sponsored me for membership in the IEEE- I wish I'd saved a copy of the application, just so I'd have his signature... He is very much appreciated and missed by this nerd. He had a lot of wonderful stories of the era. Cool memories.
Good morning, el,
my niece and my friend's grandson are born this day. My niece in 1962, the grandson in 2011. Big day for them!
Hard to believe 2016 is almost done. What a wild ride it has been - from the get-go! What will 2017 have in store? Hmm....
Have a beautiful day, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Rep. Jared Huffman rebukes men with Confederate flags
at Petaluma’s Veterans Day Parade
Typical! Go on and fuel the fire, and pour some gas on it while you're at it. Fuck social media where brain dead followers echo echo echo.
"more ugliness is coming" Is he guaranteeing it or what? Maybe it is him and it is already here. There are no teachable moments for Ds anymore, I guess they died with the last Confederate soldier, who was never a veteran, because racism. Everything in California is the R's fault now. Everything!
I had the opportunity to meet John Steuart Curry's sister.
She was married to Stan Fike, Stu Symington's AA the entire time that Symington was in the Senate.
The Fikes were nothing like modern Washington players even though Symington was a powerful Senator. They lived in a modest little house in Silver Spring in which several of her brother's paintings hung. Stan was a Latter Day Saint (not Mormon, exactly), so there was no drinking or smoking in the household. Retiring when Symington retired, he never made the fabulous sums people in his position make now when they pass through the revolving door. Having had the privilege to get to know Fike pretty well, he would never have dreamed of profiting off his public service.
HenryWallace's essay re: Harry Truman has me thinking about Missourians from a different era who had a very different understanding of what it meant to be a public servant.
There's Wilson's 14 point plan ...
Happy 14th to all of you. We are in the middle of an exceptional drought and now have fires all around. Smoke fills to air. No rain forecast till next week and only 20% chance. Climate is the very real threat to us all... Time for a rain dance.
Fire on the Mountain run boys run...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sympathies on drought conditions.
I have a downed wood pile that I have yet to burn, too dry this spring and summer. Now I have to rake leaves around the firepit to feel safe about it. I do have fire extinguishers in the house. And water, not turned on on that side of the house. Conundrum. Downed wood is always in abundance.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Sorry about the drought & fire. Nice vid, but one good
"Fire on the Mountain" calls for another:
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The Cannifornian: Oy here comes Track and Trace
Won in a landslide, total surveillance of all cannabis everywhere in California. Meh.
LOL just what the world needs, happy oligarchy happy investors.
Medicated populace, it could be worse I guess. Maybe my neighbors addicted to opioids will find relief with cannabis. Hope springs eternal.
In all fairness
Anyone can paint Kansas. A horizontal line separating green from blue or gray from yellow, depending on season.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Good morning caucus people
I haven't been online for a bit as it's way too painful and makes me mad, literally. Partisan politics are nothing but internecine infighting among the party factions who lost with good reason. With all this Chicken Little'ing about The Hairball and the R's being the end of the world the fact that The Mad Bomber and the Demorat's winning would have been better is delusional. Democratic 11th dimensional chess is once again the mode the so called left see's as a way forward. Rehashing the same old partisan Red vs. Blue ground over and over only empowers the entrenched ruling class. Our revolution my ass.
When Chuck Schumer starts endorsing a 'progressive' like Ellison you just know that it's a big waste of time to try to take back the party, either one. I realize it's too early after such a stunningly bizarre display of thugs vs. thugs that they had the nerve to call an election to grasp the fact that the Democratic Party is not a viable vehicle or democratic and means us all harm. So does the lunatic RW. What's so hard to grasp about a duopoly? A lot of people did not vote because they knew so why are so many Caucus99percent'ers touting the Bern and the lame progressives as the next 11th dimensional Democratic savior?
I look at the world and see people outside the gates of USA, USA,USA partisan politics standing up to the horrific 1% global rule. Where where all these current Trump protestors during BLM, Occupy or NoDAPL or any of the movements globally that are trying to stop this shit? Such misplaced fear. I'm not going to participate in the blame game or the game of pretend that tries to fix the Democratic party from within. It has no redeeming value and is a sham regardless of what level city, state or federal the so called progressive Democrat's run as candidates in.
Who cares when it get's to a point where all sides including the so called Dem. progressives refuse to stand up and actually fight tptb? War is peace and ignorance is strength. Calls for civility coming from the criminal political perpetrators including the 4th estate is absurd. Acquiescence to this 'inevitable' world as we find it seems pathetic in the light of what is being done. I mean who cares which asshole the Davos crowd and their chest thumping war/ death monkeys decide is going to be the leader of us. 'Were So Screwed- 2016' We've been screwed for a long long time and Bernie and the so called progressives are not going to put this Humpty back together again. Why would they they broke it and called it victories for compromise. The 'esteemed colleagues' who caucus with the devil and call it Yankee Doodle Dandy.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Thanks EL I always enjoy your Monday number riffs.
Obama’s half brother celebrates Trump as “the white Malcolm X”
An assessment not at all like what we’re used to seeing and hearing.
That's surprising
Thanks for the link lotlizard. We do live in interesting times.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”