Standing Rock, November 12
Hello, friends.
First, a reminder that November is Native American Heritage Month. Here's how the United States "honors" its first peoples.
The water protectors continue to try to stop construction on the pipeline with a variety of tactics. They have been blockading roads to prevent construction vehicles from getting to the various sites. They have been praying at the waterways and at the sacred places where ancestors are buried. They are working through the courts and on the governmental level. And they keep asking us to amplify their voices, to join local actions, to sign petitions, make phone calls, move our money out of the banks that are financing the pipelines, and talk to our friends and neighbors about the issue.
Here's some on-the-ground footage from November 9. This is the same waterway in the image above, where earlier the cops stood on the shoreline and maced people in the water. In this video, you can see that the cops have retreated to the top of the hill (where there are at least two graves that they're trampling on), and the water protectors are moving up. (5:18)
That video looks kinda hopeful, to me. But here's another that is completely terrifying. November 10, just under 3 minutes. The bravery of the water protectors is awe-inspiring.
Here's contact info for the main camp.
Earlier today, hundreds of water protectors were on their way to blockade a road when a pickup truck with an armed driver tried to drive through the people. This 4-minute video shows the reaction of the folks who tried to slow him down, stop him, and turn him around. They keep telling him not to be afraid, to put away his gun, to stop -- but he is determined, frightened, and angry. If you want to contact his employer, the name and phone number are clearly visible on the side of the truck.
A couple of days ago, Politico reported that the Obama administration was going to "green-light" the pipeline on Monday. Several news outlets then picked up the story. Today, Politico has walked that back, saying that the administration denies that it's going to do that. Obama is such a corporatist that I wouldn't be surprised if he gave his blessing -- although he is likely to blame the Trump election. I can imagine him signing off on the DAPL and then shrugging, "Well, Trump was gonna approve it anyway." Basically, we don't know what's going to happen on the governmental level.
If you want more background information, or if you want some sources to share with schools, there's a Standing Rock Syllabus.
There's a new livestreamer who's just arrived in Standing Rock. He covered a lot of the uprising in Ferguson, and his Twitter is another good one to follow for live coverage.
I've seen two reports about buffalo being rounded up by pipeline mercenaries and caged, not being allowed to reach drinking water. Here's some drone footage (1:27) that seems to confirm that. These images are a couple of days old, and we don't know what condition the buffalo are in today.
Finally, I leave you with this. Thanks for supporting the Standing Rock Sioux and all indigenous peoples. Thanks for supporting the planet. Thanks for standing against greed, capitalism, and destruction.

Thanks for the update
This is the moment for the movement - if we could get all the left to unite and focus on this struggle. I'm afraid T-rump's election does make the hill steeper, but Obummer has offered NO help.
Peace to all water protectors!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Maybe since the anti-war movement has
started back up again after an 8 year hiatus, maybe the absent lefties will again come out into the sun and play and protest for our water and for justice?
You mean ...
The Republican President Only Anti-War Movement™.
After all, it's okay to bomb the shit out of people as long as it's a Democrat doing the bombing.
Thanks for keeping us up to date.
Too bad dumb asses are out destroying my city
rather than supporting the true heroes and protectors... those at Standing Rock.
And who has allowed this to happen at Standing Rock? Obama and the fucking Democrats. They are the enemy for me now.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Thank you blazinAZ.
The water protectors at Standing Rock deserve the support of every progressive in this country.
We must help them in every way we can.
Whoa, the second video
was truly scary. So the government 'of the [rich] people' has now have escalated to the use of military personnel in full battle gear? And Obama is where on this?
Thanks for the update.