Democrats are so deeply in denial they may be past saving
The DNC had it's first post-election-debacle meeting, and the news is that one staffer named Zach had the temerity to speak up.
A third attendee told HuffPost that, despite Zach’s blow-up, there was “overwhelming” support for Brazile in the room. Her motivational words “had some staffers in tears,” per this attendee, and Brazile spoke to Zach’s concerns after he left.
Jeesh! The Democrats are on the verge of irrelevance, and that's it?!?
The meeting should have resembled a near-riot, with angry calls for an immediate change of leadership.
Instead it looks more like re-arranging chairs on the Titanic while the band plays on.
Do Democrats even realize how much trouble they are in? This is from last year.
the vast majority — 70 percent of state legislatures, more than 60 percent of governors, 55 percent of attorneys general and secretaries of state — are in Republicans hands. And, of course, Republicans control both chambers of Congress...Not only have Republicans won most elections, but they have a perfectly reasonable plan for trying to recapture the White House. But Democrats have nothing at all in the works to redress their crippling weakness down the ballot. Democrats aren't even talking about how to improve on their weak points, because by and large they don't even admit that they exist.
If you think that this defeat might finally wake up the Dems, might finally get them to question what they are doing wrong, well, consider what they did after the 2014 debacle.
But instead of approaching this dynamic honestly, Democrats instead adopted a strategy of distraction. Both the Democratic Party and their big outside groups tried talking about nearly everything except what voters considered most important in this cycle — the economy (which still gets low marks from voters), jobs in an era of historically low workforce participation, and competence in government.
In a stunning display of denial of the mood and interest of the electorate, Democrats instead launched broadsides against the Koch brothers, spent tens of millions of dollars to talk about climate change, and continued their demagoguery about a "war on women."
Does that sound familiar? It should, because we just had another election debacle after the Dems tried to push another "War on women" while the top concern of the electorate was, once again, the economy.
Once again it was the economy, stupid.Despite lots of focus on Donald Trump’s remarks about women and Hillary Clinton’s emails, it appears that the election might again come down to jobs and GDP. According to early exit polls from Edison Research, the economy was the top issue with voters again in 2016. The economy, well, trumped foreign policy, immigration, and terrorism as the leading issue among voters.
After the 2014 debacle, Dems had a chance to exam why it happened. Do you know what problems they discovered? None.
Democrats released an official autopsy of their defeat in the 2014 midterm elections over the weekend. It's a document that reveals a party largely unshaken by its stinging defeat in the midterm elections. Just nine pages long, if you include the front and back covers, the report from the Democratic National Committee is not a particularly detailed dissection of the November drubbing. Its conclusions boil down to a familiar refrain from losing parties: The problem is the packaging, not what's inside the box...
Perhaps Democrats are just going through the motions. In releasing the preliminary report on Saturday, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz warned that Democrats were in for some "tough love." But aside from twice labeling the last two midterm election results "devastating," the autopsy didn't find much fault. That may be a reflection of the party's confidence heading into 2016. Democrats have had much more success turning out their voters in presidential years. They have, in Clinton, a presidential nominee-in-waiting, and many remain convinced that demographic trends favor Democrats over the long term in key states.
Ah yes. The famous demographic trend that will make Democrats a "Permanent Majority", as the 2009 studies predicted.
How's that working out?
A healthy response to getting your ass kicked three out of four times would be to figure out a way to avoid getting your ass kicked in the future. Instead, Democrats have just retreated deeper into denial.
This is all a “whitelash,” you see. Trump voters are racist and sexist, so there must be more racists and sexists than we realized. Tuesday night’s outcome was not a logic-driven rejection of a deeply flawed candidate named Clinton; no, it was a primal scream against fairness, equality, and progress. Let the new tantrums commence!
That’s the fantasy, the idea that if we mock them enough, call them racist enough, they’ll eventually shut up and get in line.

Ah yes... I know these tactics.
Because of course, the Democrats will never feel the sting of their decisions, so of course feel free to just use the same ideas as last time and knock off early.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Oh what a lovely election
Please help support caucus99percent!
It's nice someone is taking my suggestion and protesting the
Building tomorrow. It would be better if they literally burned it down.
Or occupied the building. Then we could finish reading their emails and find out the details of their lobbyist agreements.
They won't.
Curious if you think there's anything that can be done to apply pressure from the outside.
Don't tell them. Don't criticize them to their faces. Don't force them to realize there's a better way. Far better they continue their terminal march to extinction. The Democratic Party is a bigger threat to the republic and the planet than the Republicans are. This week should have taught us this, if nothing else. The sooner the party dies and its rotting carcass carted off to the landfill, the sooner we can build a successful people's party.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I don't know
I might post this on TOP tomorrow just for the lulz.
Post it, but they are so deep in denial and Trump SCARY!™
I doubt they will understand.
If You Do, Please Include the Black Adder Video. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
1580 comments and still climbing
It looks like I touched a sensitive nerve on TOP.
Maybe I started something. Especially after DOV's post.
i'm mildly interested to know what anastasiap has to
say about all this.
i'm afraid it will be nothing but "misogyny, misogyny, misogyny," but i can hope for some sort of epiphany.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
But on a more hopeful note...
Clinton Dynasty is not dead after all! According to New York Post:
Chelsea Clinton being groomed to run for Congress
Of course, the Clintons never think small, so after the obligatory two or three terms, can Senator Clinton be far behind? The fun just never ends with this family!
inactive account
New York has got to
stop this. The Clintons should be purged from the party - they essentially destroyed it.
I would support some sort of law that prevents generations of families from taking over elective positions. I am sick of seeing layers of families in political positions, both locally and nationally.
God these people are predicatable.
And let me guess... she's going to run on her "Experience" with the Clinton Foundation.
If there's ONE campaign promise I wish Trump would keep, it's to put these fools away for a LONG time.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
And in other news...
Again from the Post:
White House open to a Clinton pardon
Got ya covered, Hills! And who said there's no honor among thieves?
inactive account
Called it.
Called it the minute that Trump won.
But can the president issue a blanket pardon that covers charges that haven't been filed yet?
I mean, it's not like a fucking "Get out of Jail Free" card that she can just hold onto and then go on a murder spree...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
In a word, yes
the president can issue a blanket pardon. That's exactly what Gerald Ford did when he pardoned Richard Nixon.
Naturally, he can only pardon her for potential crimes committed in the past, not for anything that might occur in the future.
inactive account
Wonder how many murders they will no longer have to worry about
When Barry decides to let em off.
Yep, it's my paranoid conspiracy theory. I fully believe American politicians assassinate their opponents. Because they have no problems assassinating people overseas.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Won't that be great?
Giving a pardon for crimes ...cough.... that haven't ...burp... been committed yet?
"We have to look forward".
If there's one thing the orange man has said he would do, going after the Clinton crime family would show something we haven't seen in a long time.
Not holding breath.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
blanket pardon
Only the acts themselves have to be in the past. The President can issue a blanket pardon to preclude criminal prosecutions, and has done just that in at least one case: Gerald Ford to Richard Nixon, September 8, 1974. Wikipedia's exact words:
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
"Get out of jail free" card
She's had one of those for a long time.
A pardon for what?
I thought HRC hadn't committed any crimes.
A pardon for what?
I thought HRC hadn't committed any crimes.
He'd better pardon Chelsea
the embezzlement/inurement from the Clinton Foundation, and concomitant tax evasion will make her Senate campaign more challenging, though even from a cell, she'd have a lock on the primary win, because 'Clinton'.
Hold on there now. Chelsea has a meeting planned
Yes, before she throws her hat in the ring (if she does wear a hat), she will have to dance with RICO. AG Giuliani has a party planned for all CGI officials.
A genuineClinton
That will earn her her stripes in the Clinton crime family.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Oh Good Gawd...
Lightning Bolts Please...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
The party can rot
but never say we don't need the people.
That didn't work out so well for someone.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Then let it die.
No sense in worrying about the Dem party now, unless you're a democrat I suppose. If we don't change this system the same things will keep happening. They're already talking about who to run in 2020. That should be irrelevant now.
Love those legislative maps
If this was a basketball game, it for sure would be the Harlem Globetrotters vs. the Washington Generals.
Kind of a sweet scam for the plutocrats. The most reactionary and nakedly pro-oligarchy party nearly always gets its way, using hatemongering, bigotry, scapegoating and fear to easily slap down the fake populist party that everyone can see is no more on the side of the little guy than Thurston Howell the 3rd was. And Thurston at least was moderately amusing.
inactive account
Reality Versus Politics
Everyone here know this state should be colored red. It is so "terribly funny" when you know the truth.

And the dems
continue to ridicule the republican party and insist that it is imploding.
I can only wish the dems were imploding as bad as they are.
The entire dem establishment is looney; there is no other description that fits. They've ridiculed and mocked the repubs through at least three dem electoral disasters, and the establishement dems still think they should be running the party.
I had a hunch all along that Trump would win, because he spoke to a couple of core issues.
There should have been overwhelming nausea in that room.
"Democrats" could have one seat left in the House and one seat left in the Senate and the DNC still wouldn't change a thing.
Whig way did they go?
The oldest political party in the world is on life support.
The entire Dem establishment threw all their eggs into Hillary's basket of deplorables and she dropped it.
Now what do they have?
They've broken all trust with their small donor base. Their large donor base has no reason to fund losers who are out of power.
They have no message. No theme. No unifying purpose. No ideas. The Dems offer nothing positive, and noone would believe them even if they did.
The stale, decrepit leadership remains corruptly entrenched. They have no bench. No bright young stars. Heck, no young people at all except a few obnoxious culture warriors in training. No future.
It's a zombie party. And while it may stagger on for a while as the anti-Trump brigade, hard to see any positive signs of resurrection taking place any time soon.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Reading DK alone predicts two terms
2nd amendment remedies anyone? /s (or is it? /s)
I'm so glad that I burst into song about the failure of the
I'm so glad that I burst into song about the failure of the DumbocRATs. Right now Hillary and co. are walking around (or falling, as the case may be) like a bunch of zombies. Zombies, for those of you who don't know, are the walking brain dead (synonym: DumbocRATs). Though the zombies move or lurch, they never learn a thing.[video:]
The DNC is deep in denial.
The DNC is deep in denial.
But US national political parties are really just cobbled together alliances of state political parties, so what it takes to change the DNC is enough successful rebellions at the state level. Until then, they are a reflection of the same out of touch state party establishments which threw this election to Trump.
-- Virtually, etc. B)
Re: Brazile spoke to Zach’s concerns
With the same excuses she always uses.
Hey, LSM,
Nice to see you!
Olinda! {{{HUGS}}}
It's nice to see you, too.
good god, but the denial is deep.
they're doubling down to keep up-fucking with the same plan.
here's a representative comment. it is wrong in so many ways that i could literally write a book about it:
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
In 2017,
New Mexico will not be split anymore. The dems won the house back, which is good because Susanna Martinez, our rethug gov, needs to be kept in check.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Increased the state senate as
Increased the state senate as well. I did my part and at least the senate candidate won. Shame the house candidate didn't win for the double flip.
There Is No "May" About It
The Democrats ARE past saving. Better to exert our efforts into building the Greens or a new party to represent those abandoned by the Democrats in their pursuit of Republican wealth and status.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Yeah, it really is beyond saving.
I would like to see Bernie announce the formation of a new party and start registering across the nation. I don't think he would have any problem getting people to re-register.
But I don't know how that would impact his congressional efforts, probably not so well
, so he again would be stuck between a rock and a hard place, like he was when he campaigned for HRC. But Bernie has always been stuck between a rock and hard place.
Then again, with dems so weak in the states, maybe now is the right time. After all, with repubs dominating Congress (including the dinos), how much can dems do anyway? May as well get their (the dems) replacements ready to go.
I, for one, will be calling my D reps.
Debbie Stabenow first up. Gary Peters next. Their office people will get an earful. Though I no longer consider myself a D, I will craft some snarky, calm, yet angry message to have passed on to them.
I will probably call the WH too, just to rub it in-mention D Brazille. I know these calls will only log in as negative on tally sheet, but it will make me feel better.