Put me in, coach.
I've seen it before. The high school football coach who plays the inept son of the Boosters' Club president, leaving the team's best QB on the bench. "Midvale High? They're awful. 2-7. I'll let Third String Theo start and play the whole game. It'll be a laffer. Besides, the Boosters Club has made some very nice promises to me if I let Theo play."
Ah, but Midvale had a secret weapon or two. For one, they weren't talented, but they were tenacious. The other secret weapon was Theo. He was terrible. Midvale knew it and they played like they knew it. Not one of the local newspaper or TV sports guys saw this coming. But both teams saw it, Midvale and Theo's team, too. (Note: Ask any kid on any team who should start. They know who's the best. I've been there.)
It galled the RNC and Reince Priebus to let Trump be the nominee. Many national level Republicans publicly said so. But they listened to their voters. The RNC didn't stack the deck and they abided by the decision that their voters made. Their team (i.e. the Republican primary voters), for better or worse, said collectively "Trump is the guy who should be starting at QB."
Not so with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazile and company. They didn't listen. Bill Clinton was president of the "Boosters' Club" and by God, Hillary was going to be the nominee and by God, she would win. Bernie, who deserved to be the starter, wanted to beat Trump (or Midvale High) so badly that he embarrassed himself in front of his teammates by allowing himself to be demoted to Hillary's cheerleader. He appeared to be cheering hard, but his heart didn't really seem to be in it.
Of course Theo's team lost, just like Hillary lost. The coach, the boosters and the sportswriters were shocked by the outcome. But they didn't put any of the blame on Theo, they chose to blame the team. The DNC, the insiders and the media were also stunned by the loss. Most of the "Dem friendly" portion of the media and insiders won't blame Hillary, they'll blame the voters. It would never even occurto the DNC to blame Her Heinous. They will say they were defeated because of 3rd party candidate(s), complacent voters, etc, but not because she was a horrible candidate with no campaign skills and enough baggage to sink a battleship.
But like the other members of Theo's team, we know exactly who to blame.
Excellent analogy.
You really nailed it. I blame her heinous who would be queen and the minions who would be her court.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I got 2/3rd of the way through this and decided I wanted to say
those exact same two words, but since you beat me to it I will have to use three..
"What she said!"
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
The usual analysis, never their own fault
just like the midterms
Yeah, put me in, Coach
Nepotism leads to awful performance.
We've seen it time and time again, yet the myth of the "Son of the Great hero" continues to perpetuate itself with fiction writers.
It takes hard work to be a hero. A LOT of grunt work, and practice. You don't get that by being the winner of the lucky sperm club.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Just when I thought Rachel
Just when I thought Rachel Maddow couldn't sink any lower, there she is blaming third party voters. I loved one person's comment that went something like, unless Hillary is about to undertake a coup, Rachel, you can stop shilling for her now. I have a more cynical view of what Rachel is doing, and to what I heard on NPR this morning. It seems that the establishment sanctioned, MSM message is to fuel divisiveness and fear. Commenters on NPR spoke of not only fearing what Trump may or may not do but also the perception of what his next moves might be. There is nothing said about the desperation of the great numbers of people who voted for Trump as a means to thumb their noses at the power elite who were certain if they made the alternative bad enough, the poor and working class would vote for their candidate. The DNC, the moneyed interests, the MSM, etc. refused to hear the people's voices, even though Bernie warned them that these American voices needed to be heard, respected and included. Hillary's campaign knew this and disregarded it because it would have been too difficult for their candidate to take up the issues with any credibility and so they formed their message around Trump's character. And the people voted for him anyway because to them, the status quo offered no hope whatsoever.
What the oligarchy does not want us to see, and the reason we are hearing all these mouthpieces spewing fear (in addition to the fact that it sells) and divisiveness is that this election exposed real hope for collective change. Tremendous change. There is a good article at http://www.cracked.com/blog/dont-panic/ that addresses this. We need to rally together with the people who felt so disenfranchised that their vote for Trump was the only option they saw to say, no mas. It is the greatest fear of the establishment that we will join forces across the false party lines and demand equity and justice serving the common good for all people. That is why they will be stoking fear and hatred. Don't listen. Remember the power of the people working to elect Bernie with no corporate money or MSM support. I think he won and even if you don't, we came awfully close. We got this. But we need to come together to get the job done.
This is Plan B
And the reason for it. Nicely stated, by the way.
If she's not in place as fearless leader, they will have to use Other Means.
PS: I guess I thought Rachel gave up on facts before you thought she did; I just avoid her.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Re the theoretical coup
I have been reading in at least five places how Her could still win with faithless electors. If I were an elector I would be in hiding, afraid for my ears and other appendages.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
"Faithless electors" were NOT going to support Her!
Two had already come out and said as much. So if Team Her thinks they can pull off a switcho-changeo, they're so far up Denial they'll never find their way back, and/or they're on some really heavy drugs.
Given Her known/suspected health problems, there's also the non-zero chance for a Greeley disaster. (Look up the 1872 election to see what I mean.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I know, deep denial, the local paper mentioned one from Texas
Yep, that will give her the White House.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Call me crazy but...
Ain't gonna happen DJR isn't even going to try.
This is the core of his victory--not racism, xenophobia. It was not a vote on morality (a vote Hillary would lose anyway). This is America's Brexit.
That hand with the dagger was first wielded by Bernie--Bernie broke the buillshit ceiling.
My crystal ball is swirling--I believe in a better day--better than most think.
Trump may just be the Chester A. Arthur we have needed for decades.
Oedipus was the son of a hero.
Yet he ended up being just another Mother Fu...never mind.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Ok, MUST post this...
Because... you know. Mel.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
There you go again, ghotiphase....
...... making things all complex again!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I don't feel as terrified today... I can see the work needed to be done. I think things can be accomplished now.
Work to be done. With hrc it would have been more wars wars wars wars to be done.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Love it! Thanks. nt.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Clinton, The DNC and the MSM whore all played in concert
And what a terrible performance they gave. Glad I voted for Stein.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I was invited today to help eliminate the Electoral System.
It seems Hillary won the popular vote but must lose because Electors!!
My understanding is that the Founders were hedging their trusting the Ordinaries to make prudent choices, so the left open the possibility of the Electors (un-ordinaries) applying their better judgement and becoming The Deciders.
Well many years have passed, and many things have changed in the interim, but we still have these Electors standing by to save the electorate from making a terrible choice. This would have a pretty good chance of riling up the electorate, who used to wield pitchforks and cudgels but now have AR-15's.
Interesting times, these.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I'd love to get rid of the Electoral College
...and the similar "Super Delegates" that go with it. How does your "inviter" feel about Super Delegates?
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
No complaint from them about the Supers, cause they were Her's.
The invitation came from staunch local Dems who were were feeling cheated that Hillary had more votes, but Trump won.
I replied that I was more interested in building new parties, returning our ballots to their original verifiable and recountable paper form. I also told them that I had demexited, that I did not believe the Democrat Party was salvageable and therefore probably did not belong on their email list.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Why, we need...
whatever it takes to get Hillary elected!! Superdelegates helped, so we keep them. Electors hurt, so we get rid of them. Voters in a majority of states hurt her, so we get rid of them. It's really simple once you realize exactly how the DNC and Democratic Party operate.