The Evening Blues - 11-10-16
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features r&b singer and piano player Floyd Dixon. Enjoy!
Floyd Dixon - Hole in the Wall
"For many years, the U.S. — like the U.K. and other Western nations — has embarked on a course that virtually guaranteed a collapse of elite authority and internal implosion. From the invasion of Iraq to the 2008 financial crisis to the all-consuming framework of prisons and endless wars, societal benefits have been directed almost exclusively to the very elite institutions most responsible for failure at the expense of everyone else.
It was only a matter of time before instability, backlash, and disruption resulted. Both Brexit and Trump unmistakably signal its arrival. The only question is whether those two cataclysmic events will be the peak of this process, or just the beginning. And that, in turn, will be determined by whether their crucial lessons are learned — truly internalized — or ignored in favor of self-exonerating campaigns to blame everyone else."
-- Glenn Greenwald
News and Opinion
It was the Democrats' embrace of neoliberalism that won it for Trump
They will blame James Comey and the FBI. They will blame voter suppression and racism. They will blame Bernie or bust and misogyny. They will blame third parties and independent candidates. They will blame the corporate media for giving him the platform, social media for being a bullhorn, and WikiLeaks for airing the laundry.
But this leaves out the force most responsible for creating the nightmare in which we now find ourselves wide awake: neoliberalism. That worldview – fully embodied by Hillary Clinton and her machine – is no match for Trump-style extremism. The decision to run one against the other is what sealed our fate. If we learn nothing else, can we please learn from that mistake?
Here is what we need to understand: a hell of a lot of people are in pain. Under neoliberal policies of deregulation, privatisation, austerity and corporate trade, their living standards have declined precipitously. They have lost jobs. They have lost pensions. They have lost much of the safety net that used to make these losses less frightening. They see a future for their kids even worse than their precarious present.
At the same time, they have witnessed the rise of the Davos class, a hyper-connected network of banking and tech billionaires, elected leaders who are awfully cosy with those interests, and Hollywood celebrities who make the whole thing seem unbearably glamorous. Success is a party to which they were not invited, and they know in their hearts that this rising wealth and power is somehow directly connected to their growing debts and powerlessness.
Donald Trump speaks directly to that pain. ... Neo-fascist responses to rampant insecurity and inequality are not going to go away. But what we know from the 1930s is that what it takes to do battle with fascism is a real left. ... The Democratic party needs to be either decisively wrested from pro-corporate neoliberals, or it needs to be abandoned. ... So let’s get out of shock as fast as we can and build the kind of radical movement that has a genuine answer to the hate and fear represented by the Trumps of this world.
Glenn Greenwald: Why Did Trump Win? Blame the Failed Policies of the Democratic Party
White Women Pushed Trump to Victory
For months, the image of the Donald Trump’s supporter has been the face of an angry white man. But it was white women who pushed Trump to victory.
Rejecting the candidate who had aimed to be America’s first female president, 53% of white women voted for Trump, according to CNN exit polls.
White women without a college degree supported Trump over Hillary Clinton by nearly a two to one margin. White women with a college degree were more evenly divided, with 45% supporting Trump, compared with 51% supporting Clinton.
Women of color, in contrast, voted overwhelmingly for Clinton: 94% of black women supported her, and 68% of Latino women. While exit polling data has flaws, the early responses underline a stark racial divide among American women: the majority of white women embraced Trump and his platform, while women of color rejected him.
Planned Parenthood receives “outpouring of support” after Trump’s win
In the hours after Donald Trump’s election, anecdotal evidence pointed toward a loud chorus of support for an organization that will likely find itself the target of a Trump administration: Planned Parenthood.
And sure enough, the nonprofit organization has seen an “outpouring of support” from both longtime and first-time donors since Hillary Clinton conceded the election, a spokesperson for the organization told VICE News. In addition to cash donations, that has come in the form of volunteer sign ups and phone calls of support. ...
Women who donated to Planned Parenthood in the wake of Trump’s election said they needed to do something to address a sense of panic or hopelessness. ...
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards responded to Trump’s victory by reassuring people that the organization would continue its mission.
Silicon Valley investors call for California to secede from the US after Trump win
As Donald Trump’s shock election victory reverberated around Silicon Valley late on Tuesday night, some high-profile technologists were already calling for California to secede from the United States.
The broader west coast is a stronghold for the Democrats, and significantly more politically progressive and racially diverse than large swathes of central US. California is also the biggest economy in the US and the sixth largest in the world with a gross state product of $2.496tn for 2015, according to the IMF.
The campaign for independence – variously dubbed Calexit, Califrexit and Caleavefornia – has been regarded as a fringe movement. But support was revitalized by influential Uber investor and Hyperloop co-founder Shervin Pishevar, in a series of tweets announcing his plans to fund a “legitimate campaign for California to become its own nation” – posted even before the full results were in.
Pishevar was supported by others in Silicon Valley. Angel investor Jason Calacanis said that California succession would be simple in the wake of both Brexit and a Trump win. Evan Low, a Democrat serving in the California state assembly, said that he’d support the introduction of a bill to start the independence process. Pishevar’s comments add weight to the Yes California campaign, which launched in late 2015 calling to create a free, independent California Republic. Led by political activist Louis Marinelli, Yes California proposes a 2019 referendum, following the model adopted by Catalonia to gain independence from Spain.
Bernie Sanders: Donald Trump harnessed anti-establishment anger
Bernie Sanders has acknowledged that Donald Trump managed to become US president by tapping into the anti-establishment anger of “a declining middle class” but said he will continue to challenge him.
As thousands of people crowded into streets in major cities to protest against Trump’s victory, Sanders, who defied expectations by running a close race against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, said he was prepared to work with the president-elect to help working families.
But the self-styled “democratic socialist” said he would “vigorously oppose” the “sexist, xenophobic and anti-environment policies” that featured prominently in Trump’s campaign. ...
Sanders’s reaction to Trump’s victory echoes many on the left who have been alarmed by Trump’s extremist statements, but share the apparent rage of his supporters against the elite.
In Britain, the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, said: “Trump’s election is an unmistakable rejection of a political establishment and an economic system that simply isn’t working for most people. It is one that has delivered escalating inequality and stagnating or falling living standards for the majority, both in the US and Britain.”
Greenwald on "Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit"
An excellent article worth a full read:
Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
The parallels between the U.K.’s shocking approval of the Brexit referendum in June and the U.S.’ even more shocking election of Donald Trump as president last night are overwhelming. Elites (outside of populist right-wing circles) aggressively unified across ideological lines in opposition to both. ... Afterward, the elites whose entitlement to prevail was crushed devoted their energies to blaming everyone they could find except for themselves, while doubling down on their unbridled contempt for those who defied them, steadfastly refusing to examine what drove their insubordination. ...
The institutions and elite factions that have spent years mocking, maligning, and pillaging large portions of the population — all while compiling their own long record of failure and corruption and destruction — are now shocked that their dictates and decrees go unheeded. But human beings are not going to follow and obey the exact people they most blame for their suffering. They’re going to do exactly the opposite: purposely defy them and try to impose punishment in retaliation. Their instruments for retaliation are Brexit and Trump. Those are their agents, dispatched on a mission of destruction: aimed at a system and culture they regard — not without reason — as rife with corruption and, above all else, contempt for them and their welfare.
After the Brexit vote, I wrote an article comprehensively detailing these dynamics, which I won’t repeat here but hope those interested will read. The title conveys the crux: “Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions.” That analysis was inspired by a short, incredibly insightful, and now more relevant than ever post-Brexit Facebook note by the Los Angeles Times’s Vincent Bevins, who wrote that “both Brexit and Trumpism are the very, very wrong answers to legitimate questions that urban elites have refused to ask for 30 years.” Bevins went on: “Since the 1980s the elites in rich countries have overplayed their hand, taking all the gains for themselves and just covering their ears when anyone else talks, and now they are watching in horror as voters revolt.”
Low-income rural white voters in Pa. voted for Obama in 2008 and then Trump in 2016, and your explanation is white supremacy? Interesting.
— Tim Carney (@TPCarney) November 9, 2016
Nigel Farage claims to be catalyst for Trump’s presidential election victory
Nigel Farage, the interim Ukip leader, was increasingly open in his backing for Trump after he spoke at at a rally for the Republican candidate in Mississippi. Trump himself referred to the shock vote for Brexit in the UK as an inspiration for his campaign.
During the occasionally raucous late-evening phone interview with presenter James Whale on Wednesday, Farage was asked if he had “a lot to answer for” over Trump’s victory.
“I’m the catalyst for the downfall of the Blairites, the Clintonites, the Bushites, and all these dreadful people who work hand in glove with Goldman Sachs and everybody else, have made themselves rich, and ruined our countries,” Farage replied. “I couldn’t be happier.” ...
Farage appeared to welcome the prospect of more surprise electoral successes across Europe, where some pundits have raised the idea of a National Front victory in France’s presidential vote in 2017.
“Brexit, and now Trump, and now the wagons roll on to the rest of Europe for all the elections next year,” Farage said. “This is a really exciting time. As someone who has now become a demolitions expert I’m thoroughly enjoying what’s going on.”
Mackey goes way over the top here. Obama bombed at least seven countries, assassinated a bunch of (brown) people and murdered a 16 year old kid (because he made a poor choice of parent) but by by golly he never grabbed anybody's pussy. It's funny that these awful characteristics are only a problem when exhibited by modern Republicans. After all, many Democrats revere horn-dogs like Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, Franklin Delano Roosevelt - all of whom had trouble keeping it in their pants. There's a long history of Presidential philandering going back to the founding fathers, among whom we have significant evidence that Thomas Jefferson enslaved a black woman and had sex with her, fathering a bunch of children whom he also enslaved.
So, yeah, if you ignore all of the bad things that Obama has done, the contrast between Obama and Trump is pretty amazing.
Liberals Wonder What to Tell Their Children. The Truth: America Is Not a Fairy Tale.
It was in Spain, Albert Camus wrote of a civil war war lost to fascists, that his generation learned “that one can be right and yet be beaten, that force can vanquish spirit, and that there are times when courage is not rewarded.”
In more or less functioning democracies, election nights like the one we’ve just lived through can provide a version of the same lesson, at infinitely less cost. Many American liberals, for instance, still recall the feeling of shock that struck them on November 2, 2004, when George W. Bush was re-elected with surprising ease, after it had become obvious, even to Donald Trump, that the war in Iraq was a disaster.
But as many of those dismayed by Trump’s victory struggled to come to terms with it, another question entered the discussion of the results: how could parents explain to their children that a bigoted, sexist bully with no impulse control and no qualifications to do the job had been elected president of the United States?
Breaking it to children that such a man would soon replace Barack Obama, who has been held up as a role model and a paradigm of personal decency even by many of his political opponents, seemed daunting even to observers as far away as Ireland.
How do you explain to your kids that Trump was elected? Feels like Voldemort won
— Lorna Sixsmith (@IrishFarmerette) November 9, 2016
In the early hours of Wednesday morning, video of a CNN commentator, Van Jones, grappling with the question struck such a chord that it was shared, in various forms, hundreds of thousands of times on social networks.
“It’s hard to be a parent tonight for a lot of us,” Jones said. “You tell your kids, ‘Don’t be a bully.’ You tell your kids, ‘Don’t be a bigot.’ You tell your kids, ‘Do your homework and be prepared.’ And then you have this outcome."
"Not My President": Tens of Thousands Take to Streets, Block Freeways & Rally Against Trump
Democrats once represented the working class. Not any more
Wealth, power and crony capitalism fit together. Americans know a takeover has occurred, and they blame the establishment for it. The Democratic party once represented the working class. But over the last three decades the party has been taken over by Washington-based fundraisers, bundlers, analysts, and pollsters who have focused instead on raising campaign money from corporate and Wall Street executives and getting votes from upper middle-class households in “swing” suburbs.
Democrats have occupied the White House for 16 of the last 24 years, and for four of those years had control of both houses of Congress. But in that time they failed to reverse the decline in working-class wages and economic security. Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama ardently pushed for free trade agreements without providing millions of blue-collar workers who thereby lost their jobs means of getting new ones that paid at least as well.
They stood by as corporations hammered trade unions, the backbone of the white working class – failing to reform labor laws to impose meaningful penalties on companies that violate them, or help workers form unions with simple up-or-down votes. Partly as a result, union membership sank from 22% of all workers when Bill Clinton was elected president to less than 12% today, and the working class lost bargaining leverage to get a share of the economy’s gains.
Bill Clinton and Obama also allowed antitrust enforcement to ossify – with the result that large corporations have grown far larger, and major industries more concentrated. The unsurprising result of this combination – more trade, declining unionization and more industry concentration – has been to shift political and economic power to big corporations and the wealthy, and to shaft the working class. This created an opening for Donald Trump’s authoritarian demagoguery, and his presidency. ...
The power structure is shocked by the outcome of the 2016 election because it has cut itself off from the lives of most Americans. Perhaps it also doesn’t wish to understand, because that would mean acknowledging its role in enabling the presidency of Donald Trump.
'Wall Street Plus Identity Politics' Formula is Over for the Democrats
THOMAS FERGUSON: I think we really are at the end of the classical democratic formula of the Clinton period which was Wall Street plus identity politics. I think this is it. You're never going to be able to put that humpty dumpty back together again. They are going to actually ask if the democrats want to win they're going to actually have to make a strong appeal to working class Americans. Now you know the problem this is going to create. There's a ton of money in the democratic party. It is not going to sit there and tolerate candidates like Sanders. You know they just really despised and hated. And overall they don't like Elizabeth Warren either. So we're now going to have a very interesting situation where you've got a top heavy party with cash at the top. Then you have no mass base at all basically or very little.
Heh, profiles in cowardice:
Speaker Paul Ryan pivots and heaps praise on President-elect Trump
House Speaker Paul Ryan repeatedly heaped praise on President-elect Donald Trump in a press conference in his hometown of Janesville, Wisconsin, the morning after the real estate mogul’s stunning win. Ryan had abandoned the Republican nominee a month ago to focus on congressional races after a 2005 tape leaked of Trump bragging about groping women without their consent.
But after Trump rocked the political establishment by winning the presidency Tuesday evening and winning Ryan’s home state of Wisconsin — the first Republican presidential candidate to carry it since 1984 — Ryan described Trump as a man who “heard a voice out in this country that no one else heard.”
Trump had accomplished an “enormous feat” and “turned politics on its head,” Ryan reiterated several times in what appeared to be pre-scripted talking points. He gave Trump credit for “coattails” that helped Republicans win their congressional seats.
Judge accused by Trump of bias to hold university case pre-trial hearing
A US judge accused of bias by Donald Trump because of his Mexican heritage is to hold a pre-trial hearing on Thursday in a class-action lawsuit over the president-elect’s now-defunct Trump University.
US district judge Gonzalo Curiel is holding the hearing to instruct the jury and examine what evidence to allow at trial, which begins on 28 November. Trump could be called to testifying before his inauguration as the 45th US president.
Among the flurry of requests from both sides is a highly unusual petition by Trump’s legal team to exclude any statements made by or about their client during the presidential campaign.
The request would apply to Trump’s tweets, a video of him making sexually predatory comments about women, his tax history, revelations about his private charitable foundation and public criticisms about Curiel. ...
The lawsuit, filed in 2010 on behalf of former customers, alleges that Trump University, which was not accredited, gave seminars and classes across the country that were like infomercials, pressuring people to spend up to $35,000 for mentorships and, in the end, failing on its promise to teach success in real estate.
Trump has 'every intention' of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital
Israeli government ministers and political figures are pushing the US president-elect, Donald Trump, to quickly fulfill his campaign promise to overturn decades of US foreign policy and recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv.
Their calls came as one of Trump’s advisers on Israel and the Middle East, David Friedman, told the Jerusalem Post that Trump would follow through on his promise.
‘It was a campaign promise and there is every intention to keep it,” Friedman said. ‘We are going to see a very different relationship between America and Israel in a positive way.”
Other political figures – including Israel’s controversial far-right education minister, Naftali Bennett – went further, suggesting that Trump’s election should signal the end of the two-state solution and aspirations for a Palestinian state.
The US election campaign has been closely watched in Israel, not least Trump’s promise to scrap the Iran nuclear deal drawn up by Barack Obama and fiercely opposed by the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
Trump Likely to Back Off Pledge to Derail Iran Nuclear Deal
While a lot of people were reacting hastily in expecting dramatic shifts in US policy based on President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign speeches, the talk from some analysts of the Iran deal being effectively dead because of the reaction results seems particularly premature.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was particularly quick to downplay the risks to the deal, noting that as a multilateral deal between the entire P5+1 and Iran, no single government can practically overturn the deal. This has been a common misunderstanding by US Republicans seeking to derail the already signed deal with Congressional resolutions, and appears to have spread into the presidential primary.
While the US could conceivably renege on its obligations under the deal, and indeed that has been what some Congressional resolutions suggested doing, it wouldn’t overturn the entire deal so much as render the US the sole violator of it. If anything, such a move risks an international backlash from the other P5+1 nations, particularly those in Europe.
As Trump Transitions to Power, 'Cabinet of Horrors' Takes Shape
As President-elect Donald Trump began his transition to power on Thursday, early reporting has opened a window into what the nation can expect as his "cabinet of horrors," as AFP put it, takes shape.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, Ben Carson, Newt Gingrich, Florida Gov. Rick Scott, and former Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin are among the more high-profile individuals named on a shortlist of potential appointees leaked to several news outlets.
On Wednesday, BuzzFeed News published a list of 41 names suggested for 13 positions, including attorney general, secretary of state, White House chief of staff, and White House counsel.
And while some, like Christie, were unsurprising, as Salon's Brendan Gauthier wrote, "The people whose names you don't recognize are as bad or worse as those whose names you're sick of hearing."
For example, Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who is being considered to head the Department of Defense, "was fired from his post as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014, which he attributed to his hawkishness," Gauthier reports.
Oil executive Forrest Lucas is favored to take over the Department of the Interior, multiple outlets have reported. "That's a position that oversees land management, national parks and wildlife reserves, and Lucas at the helm would represent a nightmare scenario for environmentalists," AFP reported.
Also being considered for that position is Palin, the former vice presidential candidate made famous for her love of hunting and frequent chants of "drill, baby, drill."
It has previously been revealed that top climate skeptic Myron Ebell, who serves as director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute, is spearheading transition plans for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)—a department Trump repeatedly vowed to dismantle during his run-up to the election.
"In some cases," BuzzFeed reports, "it appears the transition team is looking to find a home for a particularly loyal ally—Ben Carson, for instance, is listed as a potential candidate to be the secretary of education and secretary of health and human services, while Sen. Jeff Sessions is listed as a possible attorney general, head of the Office of Management and Budget, or secretary of defense."
As for the heavy-hitters, former Republican House speaker Gingrich is being floated for the position of secretary of state, which AFP notes, "would have major implications for U.S. foreign policy and Washington’s role in the international community."
Gingrich, who has lauded Trump's approach to foreign policy, has had his own international views described as "unpredictable," "hawkish," and "shameless."
Meanwhile, Christie and Giuliani—each with their own questionable interpretations of the law—are reportedly in competition for the role of attorney general. This particular appointment, Maurice Chammah wrote at the criminal justice-focused Marshall Project on Wednesday, is "poised to upend...[o]ne of the Obama administration's most aggressive civil rights tactics—the investigation and forced reform of local police departments."
Isis forces 1,500 Iraqi families to march to Mosul
Islamic State militants have forced 1,500 Iraqi families to march to Mosul from the village of Hammam al-Alil, where advancing soldiers have found a mass grave feared to contain dozens of bodies.
As Isis loses control of areas, summary executions and forced marches of civilians have become a grim feature of the military campaign to oust the militants from their last major stronghold in Iraq, now stretching into its fourth week.
Nearly 300 former members of the security forces and 30 sheikhs, or local leaders, had reportedly disappeared from other villages around Mosul, a senior United Nations official said. ...
The families were expected to be used as human shields by the group, which has repeatedly used civilians to try to protect its fighters, while some had been shot for trying to escape. Most of those killed were former members of the security forces, apparently targeted by Isis over fears they could form the core of an uprising against its rule as other enemies close in.
Pentagon releases details of casualties in Iraq and Syria
Sixty-four civilians were killed and eight injured in 24 US airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria between 20 November 2015 and 10 September 2016, the US military said in a statement on Wednesday. ...
Including the latest disclosure, the Pentagon has assessed that 119 civilians have been killed in US airstrikes since 2014, while 37 have been injured, Major Josh Jacques, another spokesman for US Central Command, said.
Last month a report from Amnesty International said that about 300 civilians have been killed in 11 coalition attacks in the past two years.
Jacques said the latest release did not include an investigation into a coalition air strike in mid-July near Manbij, Syria, which groups say killed dozens of civilians, but that it was near completion.
Pentagon revealed only 5-10% of coalition airstrikes’ civilian casualties – Amnesty researcher
Pentagon Again Dramatically Under-Reports Civilians Killed in Airstrikes
Central Command has issued a new report on civilian deaths in US airstrikes against Iraq and Syria, this time covering 10 months of strikes from November of 2015 into mid-September of this year. They claimed 64 civilians killed and eight wounded in 24 strikes over that span.
Previous reports from Centcom were a dramatic under-count, and that trend continued with this new report, which carefully omitted some of the biggest and most well-documented incidents, which apparently fell into the category of strikes that the Pentagon decided not to investigate at all.
The most conspicuously absent figures are from mid-July, when a flurry of US airstrikes against the city of Manbij and the surrounding area killed an estimated 200 civilians. At least 56 civilians were killed in one single incident, which at the time the US claimed they “mistook for ISIS.”
US Airstrike Kills 20 Civilians North of Raqqa
The first reported civilian casualties of the US-backed invasion of the ISIS capital of Raqqa occurred overnight in the nearby village of al-Heisha, just 40 km north of the city, where a US airstrike hit a large number of civilians.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported 20 civilians killed in the attack and 32 others wounded, again all civilians. The Pentagon has confirmed that it conducted the strikes that were reported in the area to have caused the casualties.
NATO to Trump: Here’s Your Marching Orders
The election of President-elect Donald Trump in the United States has sent a shockwave through NATO, and fearful of losing US support for their latest costly attempt to return to a Cold War-era has set the alliance’s leadership on a new campaign of hyping the need for an anti-Russia campaign, with Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg publishing a new article playing up the idea of NATO needing to be ready to mobilize against Russia in Eastern Europe, above and beyond the 300,000 troops already there.
Stoltenberg also addressed a news conference during which he pointedly warned against Trump’s talk of making US military force in Europe conditional on European funding, insisting that all NATO members have to provide “absolute and unconditional” security support for one another. ...
During the campaign, Trump expressed major doubts about the relevance of NATO in a post-Cold War world, comments which fueled considerable anger from officials deeply invested in the recent military buildups in Eastern Europe in recent years, and a major backlash which saw the rest of NATO crossing their fingers for a Clinton victory that ultimately did not come.
Trump continued to emphasize the need for European nations to pay more of the cost for their defense, saying the United States could no longer do so. This was not well-received in Europe and is likely to continue to be a source of tension between NATO and the incoming Trump Administration, with NATO determined to maintain the status quo.
Moscow accuses Dutch sub of monitoring Med fleet
Russia on Wednesday accused a Dutch submarine of trying to monitor its aircraft carrier and escort vessels in the Mediterranean, denouncing such manoeuvres as "dangerous".
According to the Russian defence ministry, the Severomorsk and the Vice-Admiral Kulakov, two of its anti-submarine ships, had "spotted a submarine from the Dutch navy... which tried to approach the Northern Fleet's aircraft carrier group in the eastern Mediterranean." ...
"The vessels followed its manoeuvres for more than an hour and forced it to leave the deployment area of the aircraft carrier's group," a ministry statement said.
"These clumsy attempts to carry out dangerous manoeuvres in the immediate proximity of a group of Russian vessels could have had grave navigational consequences," it said.
Russian warships "regularly" detect NATO submarines on their way to the Mediterranean, the ministry said.
Report: Trump Backtracks on Pulling US Troops Out of South Korea
New reports from South Korea’s Yonhap news agency suggest President-elect Donald Trump is already reneging on one of his key campaign promises, to make nations like South Korea pay more of the cost for their own defense or face the loss of US troops.
Sources quoted by the news agency say that Trump called South Korean President Park Guen-hye today and promised her that he will not withdraw US troops and will continue the US security commitment to South Korea exactly as it currently exists.
Trump had made the US spending too much money defending other nations a centerpiece of his campaign, complaining that rich nations like Japan, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia have more than enough money to pay for their own defense, and that the US should be willing to withdraw its support if financial compensation wasn’t forthcoming.
Obama’s Final Arms-Export Tally More than Doubles Bush’sThe Obama administration has approved more than $278 billion in foreign arms sales in its eight years, more than double the total of the previous administration, according to figures released by the Pentagon on Tuesday.
Many of the approved deals — most but hardly all of which have become actual sales — have been to Mideast nations, including key allies in the campaign against Islamic State militants and countries that have been building up their defenses in fear of a nuclear Iran.
Saudi Arabia has been the largest recipient, reaping prospective deals worth more than $115 billion, according to notices announcing the deals that were sent to Congress for approval. ...
Obama has brokered more arms deals than any administration since World War II. For immediate comparison, the George W. Bush administration approved $128.6 billion in arms export between 2001 and 2008.
Defying Obama Request, Dakota Access Co. Mobilizes to Drill Beneath River
In defiance of both the Obama administration and ongoing Indigenous protests, the company behind the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline announced Tuesday that it would soon begin drilling under the Missouri River.
The pipeline operator, Energy Transfer Partners, made the announcement late in the afternoon on Election Day, when most media outlets were preoccupied with the presidential election.
The Guardian reports:
Energy Transfer Partners, the company overseeing the North Dakota oil pipeline, has already completed construction up to the river that provides water to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and announced on Tuesday it would soon begin drilling at the site.
The company said it would not halt construction, despite requests by federal agencies to delay the project as the US government reassesses permits and considers possible reroutes.
In a statement, Energy Transfer Partners said it was "mobilizing horizontal drilling equipment" in preparation for tunneling under Lake Oahe, a reservoir on the Missouri river by the protest camps and Native American reservation. The corporation said it would be ready to start crossing the water in two weeks.
"I'm in shock. I'm speechless," Cheryl Angel, a Sicangu Lakota tribe member who has been at the Standing Rock camps since the spring, told the Guardian. "It's unconscionable and devastating. It's almost as though they have no soul."
Meanwhile, industry experts are saying that the election of Donald Trump all but guarantees the construction of the pipeline that would transport fracked oil from North Dakota to a terminal in Illinois, crossing the Missouri River upstream of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe reservation. ...
"Trump's support of U.S. oil and gas development and his close ties to Harold Hamm, CEO of key Bakken producer Continental Resources that stands to gain from improved netbacks from Dakota Access, make it highly likely he will greenlight the project," Bellamy said, according to Platts.
'Game Over' for Climate? Report Warns Warming Is Still Underestimated
Greenhouse gases are rising so fast that it could soon be "game over" for the climate, a leading scientist warned in response to a new study published Wednesday that finds the planet could be heading for more than 7°C warming within a lifetime.
The study, published in the journal Science Advances, reported that the United Nations' most accurate estimates on the "business as usual" rate of global warming may actually be vastly underestimated.
The U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently estimated that continuing to use fossil fuels at current rates would put the Earth on track for an average temperature rise of 2.6°C to 4.8°C above pre-industrial levels by 2100.
But the authors, a team of climate researchers and scientists at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the University of Washington, the University of Albany, and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, say the range for that same time period is actually 4.78°C to 7.36°C. That's because the climate has "substantially higher sensitivity" to greenhouse gases during warm phases, they write—which ultimately means that "within the 21st century, global mean temperatures will very likely exceed maximum levels reconstructed for the last 784,000 years."
Bill McKibben: Trump's Presidency Comes When the Warming World Can Least Afford It
Conservatives elected Trump; now they own climate change
It is now virtually certain the world will not meet any of its climate targets. If Trump (and the Republican-controlled Congress) stand by their pledges, we will see a major rollback of the tremendous progress that has been made on reducing emissions. A Trump presidency will likely set us back at least a decade, perhaps longer. And that is a decade we can’t afford.
The world will blow past the 2C (3.6F) target set in Paris. This means it will be difficult to avoid the worst consequences of climate change.
The election also affects how we should talk about climate change. In the US, and in many other countries, opposing steps to cut carbon pollution has become a litmus test for conservative politicians. So, in this sense, conservatives now own climate change. I can just imagine the slogans, “Climate change, brought to you by your neighborhood conservatives.” ...
Now, we can look forward to the US going backwards. Becoming the world’s laggard on climate change (again). Once again, America’s leaders will describe climate change as a hoax or as a non-threat.
So, I’d like to rename climate change to “Climate Change, brought to you by Conservatives”
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
Be calm: Trump is not the worst and won’t go unchallenged
Many Middle East countries will welcome Trump’s victory
Ha ha, it was Podesta's fault:
New WikiLeaks Email: Podesta May Have Cost Democrats the Election With Push for Obama Legacy
Trump’s Data Team Saw a Different America—and They Were Right
Will Trump Be Rolled by the Republican Establishment?
Defense Industry Stocks Surge Following Donald Trump Victory
American Women Are Preparing for a War on Reproductive Rights Under President Trump
Trump’s promise to deport millions of people won’t be easy to keep
I Would Love to Share in Your Incredulity
Spoiled Americans Now Want to Flee What They Created
Worried about the NSA under Trump? Here's how to protect yourself
A Little Night Music
Floyd Dixon - When I Get Lucky
Floyd Dixon - Let's Go Smitty
Floyd Dixon - Houston Jump
Floyd Dixon - OOH EEE! OOH EEE!
Floyd Dixon - Ooh Little Girl
Floyd Dixon - Sad Journey Blues
Floyd Dixon and Johnny Moore - Real Lovin' Mama
Floyd Dixon and Johnny Moore - Lovin'
Floyd Dixon - Let´s Dance
Floyd Dixon - Wake Up And Live
Floyd Dixon W/Port Barlow and Full House, 1994 Chicago Blues Festival

Evening Joe
Tough day today.
I've been casting about for something uplifting and inclusive.
Peter always does the trick.
I want a Pony!
evening arrow...
heh, there's a lot of processing going on out there and a lot of post-mortems. today seemed to be mudslinging day for the newly-not-so-sure-of-why-the-voters-sent-them-packing. shields up!
it may take a while for this thing to settle out.
here's one that is oddly appropriate:
evening y'all
Floyd's fun Joe...enjoyed the songs.
Lots of interesting interviews around today. Thought the stuff with Glenn Greenwald was great. McKibben was good too.
Ralph Nader had an interesting take on Hartmann's show (13 min)
Paul Jay's take (6 min)
Jimmy Dore thinks Trump might not be so bad (8 min)
Here's a piece that suggests we shouldn't panic
My big fear is the environment and climate change. It will be a war with T-rump. But maybe that's better than meaningless fluff like the $hill's DAPL statement.
There is no doubt of difficulty...just look at the cabinet suggestions.
Here we go...President Hairball

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
evening lookout...
yep, i think that we have our work cut out for us in opposing trump's intended plans for environmental policy. much of our environmental law requires an executive branch that enforces the laws in good faith. i don't think that we can expect much from a trump administration left to its own devices.
joe shikspak for Congress !
Hey joe, want to run for Congress? Would love to nominate you.
Caucus99'ers should send in some names...'
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
evening do...
heh, i'd have to move. maryland is one of the most gerrymandered states in the us and my district looks like a rorschach spot. that spot includes 3 large military bases and the NSA - which is the largest employer in the area.
it would be a waste of time and money for somebody with my politics to run in my district.
but thanks for asking!
I understand that the ACLU and NAACP are looking to challenge
gerrymandering. Get in touch with them; perhaps you would give them standing.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Thanks for your comments about Obama's record.
I have shocked some of my highly educated friends on Facebook by being critical of him when they share the glowing posters of how wonderful he and his family have been. Like most in this country they are chronic sufferers of what Nobel Winner Dr. Helen Caldicott calls 'physic numbing.' They have no source for news but the TV and just love the idea of a handsome family who cares.
The Dem Party has kept up a steady flow of history rewrites on him. We have to learn how to offset that.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
of course obama is far from alone in that sort of record...
it really amazes me how well the propaganda works in fumigating the records of obama's and previous administrations.
divineorder, in last nights EBs
joe included a video where a guy is asking people if they could name the countries that the US is bombing.
Not one of them could name more than one and for some of them it was a guess.
That's why Obama has such a high rating.
People don't know what he is doing or has done.
How many times have you read that he ended the Iraq war and hasn't started any new ones?
I don't understand how so many people can be this misinformed or ignorant about what their president and military is doing.
It just boggles my mind.
I don't think history is going to be kind to him.
It shouldn't. If he had kept half of his campaign promises this country would be better off and people wouldn't have been so angry that they voted for Trump. Maybe.
But I think a lot of the anger is over the ACA and how much money people are shelling out and not getting much in return for it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
snoopydawg your comments are among the most incisive here
and always appreciated.
Jakkalbessie and I have never watched TV news in the home since we married back in the day. We only saw it at family and friends homes. We knew the score back in the 60's, and chose not to expose ourselves.
Most of the people we know ONLY get their news through the corporate press. Most of them never studied propaganda or debate or logic .
A few read periodicals and another few get their news over the net.
It is not surprising to us that so few have a clue. We are viewed as oddities by most.
So cannot be to hard on them. Harder on myself, for not persisting in trying more to educate them.... Would they have listened? Will they listen, even now?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
don't talk to me about the cabinet
I still remember when Obama started naming his cabinet, and I was appalled. Geithner, Summers, and friggin Rahm Emanuel. smh
Anyone remotely good (Van Jones and the energy sec'y -- was his name Chu?) left almost immediately. Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch two of the worst AGs ever.
Who do people think Hillary would have named?
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
evening blaz...
from the speculation that i was reading, hillary's appointees would likely not have been much better than trump's rumored appointees. i'm sure that her cabinet would have been dominated by wall street insiders, neocons and people eager to become war criminals. her environmental appointees would probably have been significantly better than trump's, but far short of adequate.
Someone better than Sarah Effing Palin!
I know, a Clinton Cabinet would have had problems, you're right. But Trump's is just sickening.
We're in for a wild ride.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
One thing is clear to me; media was on Trump's side
First you got Faux News, One America, Limbaugh and all the other right wing radio pundits. Their audiences are much greater than MSNBC and Amy Goodman.
Local TV news was neutral but they gave Trump much more exposure
Certainly the traditional press endorsed Hillary but my guess is they are losing significance based on their circulation.
And then you got , and . Their readership dwarfs TOP (Check it out in
Audiences of all this media are extremely polarized IMO.
The "liberal" media MSNBC and newspapers went for Hillary, the most disliked Dem ever, and not Bernie most of the time.
We need an alt-left, but who will fund it? Perhaps the solar and winf energy industries.
Just thinking aloud.
The political revolution continues
evening shockwave...
it appears to me that you may be shortchanging clinton's support in the media. see for example:
New Email Leak Reveals Clinton Campaign’s Cozy Press Relationship
the other thing that you might consider is the relationship between the traditional press and the broadcast media. the trad press reports things that are then picked up by the broadcast media, and newspaper reporters are frequently featured to catapult the propaganda on broadcast media.
anyway, yes, we do need to develop an alternative-left media, but despite the low cost of setting up digital media, the employment costs for reporters and researchers is high - which is one of the reasons that the trad press is struggling so much these days.
i wish that i had an answer to the problem.
Good points joe
Hillary's emails and Wikileaks will go down in history. I wonder if Trump/Putin/Brexit will let Assange go to Ecuador and Snowden return. Just another crazy thought. Lots of them nowadays.
The political revolution continues
i'm not sure that trump can afford to piss off the nsa as much as releasing assange would. they would be a formidable institutional enemy.
Hey, Joe
That article about Trump getting rolled by the bureaucracy was interesting. I hadn't known that Jimmy Carter had so much difficulty with it. When I read the NPR's article pointing out Trump's desired first 100 days, it struck me that the old farts that run the two legislative bodies aren't gonna do all that Trump wants, either. From his list
They'll NEVER do that.
By the way, here's the Humane Party's candidate Clifton Roberts concession speech dated on Facebook just before midnight on election night. He waited until he was absolutely positive that he was mathematically eliminated as President Elect I'm sure!
evening crider...
i would imagine that much of what trump has been spouting off about on the campaign trail is not likely to get through congress. the question is how committed trump is to those things and is he willing to motivate his base to force congress to enact them.
certainly obama made a lot of promises and on the day he took office he had a viable movement of political activists ready to smooth the way for obama's stated agenda. he sent them packing. he had no intentions of making the sort of change that he talked about in his campaign.
Hey Shockwave, good points.
The Intercept has some ideas that dovetail with what you are saying. They are blaming Facebook in part, and calling for it to clean up it's act.
The following piece has ideas worth considering.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
We can't "engage in a holding action"
until young Americans are running things. We and every critter on Earth will be dead from climate change before then. Sheesh. Blind.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Conclusion: Trump being now a vessel for the Mandate of Heaven,
like it or not, if we want anything done we have to consider how to use his advantages as a non-politician for progressive aims.
Take the things that opinion research has shown 70% of people across the spectrum want.
Aim to get Trump on the right side of those issues (“what a win for America it’ll be when you . . .”).
Frame them as “Trump together with the American people, against corrupt Congress.”
Get out on the street. “Protest racism, hell yes, we do! But on this we’re with Trump. Congress, get with the program or get steamrolled. It’s that important.”
I am so confused these days and don't know if
this comment makes sense, but I remember my "tribes" elderly (those who were consciously thinking during the 1930ues) saying "of course we knew that Hitler was a "little crazy with the Jews and stuff", but then they were just "so enchanted about the prospects to have jobs and an income" and they just put that "little craziness" aside and opted for the prospects of food, roof over their heads and jobs.
So, I guess that means, if you have to choose between being a decent human being, who supports equality of men and fights racism, sexism and exploitation, a more not so decent human character trait, who sells out that ideal in order to have a job and a livelihood, is what is being the result. The decency is sold out and the job is bought.
Many arguments reminded me of that lately. Trump et al. could make whatever racist slurs, folks believe he can "change" for the better and deliver them "jobs" and national "dignity". "America will be great again". Of course. And he works for "all of you". Appealing to the "little people". What is so different from the 1930ies?
People are rather racists than unemployed and hungry and homeless. So whatever racist comes along and manages to give people the hope for a job, a roof over their head, can otherwise do and say whatever he wants. And possibly kill and hurt millions of people outside the US. The bombs fall over there, not over here.
Nothing noble in that, but I guess these are the realities.
Yes, I think this is at least part of what Jill meant when she
said that the LOTE enable greater evil. When people become increasingly desperate and disappointed, they lash out. Eventually many will put their survival over anyone else's.
Dems rejected the populist economic message. That gave room for Trump to adopt it. However falsely.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
These two statements are exactly the reason why Hillary lost
As this article started off stating the Democratic Party was destroyed by the Clinton's DLC politics and I think it's fitting that it was the reason why Hillary lost.
They decided to work for the banks, the corporations and installed the neoliberalism and neoconservative ways that the DP was going to operate in and screwed over the poor and middle class people.
As the saying goes, "What goes around comes around" and the boomerang hit the Clintons square in the ass. Yes both Clintons because Bill was going to be in charge of the economy. Look at what he did to it the first time.
Then there's this one.
I'm hoping that the Clintons and the people like Podesta are gone for good but I'm afraid that they are just buying time and waiting in the wings for their chance to strike again.
We saw that the DNC and most of the DP, including Warren would have rather lost to Trump then let Bernie win because of of all the money that they would have lost if he won.
As others have mentioned, those are the people we need to get out of the party if the DP is ever again going to get back to representing we the people.
No one should be able to make a career by being a congressional member.
Orrin Hatch has been in congress for 40 years and others have been there far too long. (This was after he said that the person he replaced had been in congress too long and said he would only serve two terms. But the people in Utah keep sending him back)
The money and the power has corrupted them thoroughly and until we get that out of congress and not let the lobbying groups buy them nothing will ever change.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
the working class is insistent on being fed.
the two parties have been captured by rich people who have no interest in feeding the working class and are willing to pay their lackies in government handsomely for the favors they arrange.
the one problem for the parties and their sponsors is the problem of votes. the working class is a large pool of votes and neither party has done much to earn them.
the working class apparently outnumbers the wealthy, the politicians and the delusional camp-followers of the two parties.
on the other hand, trump is a con-man and it cannot be put past him to cynically pander to the working class and rip them off when it's time for him to make good on his end of the bargain.
things may get ugly if he reneges.
Could political parties be obsolete?
I'll bet there are a number of billionaires with big egos who saw what Trump did and are thinking they could do the same. The thing is, parties are a pain in the ass. Trump was lucky that the Stop Trumpers didn't have an RNC chairman like Debbie to do their dirty work. So what will the next billionaire who wants to be immortal do? Just fund a ballot drive to get her/his name on the ballot in fifty states.
As we saw this year, parties are horse-and-buggy. These Silicon Valley guys talking about CalExit could more easily just make an independent, self-funded run for the Presidency. Once that succeeds, all that money to the legacy parties will dry up. No need to waste your money on Ds or Rs.
evening gs...
bypassing the middleman sounds great and it might work for the presidency. on the other hand, party aggregations in the legislature would make life pretty difficult for independents that are a bit too, um, independent.
Am I a bad person because I think that
Designated Survivor is my favorite show?
That was one way to remove the corruption in our government and drain the DC swamp
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A guy whose only expertise is in housing almost accidentally
becomes President and is faced with his own cluelessness. The creators of that show were prescient.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Thanks Joe
Just a note
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
evening qms...
Leonard Cohen, rest in peace
"Never lament casually. If one is to express the great inevitable defeat that awaits us all, it must be done within the strict confines of dignity and beauty."
Give me a Leonard Cohen afterlife
So I can sigh eternally
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
thanks for the sad news.
Leonard Cohen said he was ready to die. I thought he was joking
what a dire year. Thanks a lot, Reaper.
Hola, Joe & Gang! Quick drive-by
to say thanks for tonight's edition of News & Blues.
I'm pretty busy trying to set up a system of Google Alerts, in the hopes that I won't miss too much news regarding the Lame Duck Session.
I'm not liking what I'm hearing--especially, the noise that Speaker Ryan is making. From what I'm reading, his 'poverty' proposals will require all able-bodied individuals to work--not just for cash benefits (TANF)--but for housing vouchers, Medicaid coverage, etc. But, IIRC, his work requirement cuts off at age 64--so, I guess most of the retirees/participants will be spared.
Here's a link to his proposal, below.
Poverty, Opportunity, and Upward Mobility
My understanding is that PBO and DT met for about 1-1/2 hours this morning. Initially, it was announced that they would meet for only about 15-20 minutes. Would love to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting.
We're actually going to have temps that hover at freezing this evening. But, still, can't complain, since today was beautiful.
Hey, Everyone have a nice evening!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Chris Hedges 2020
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
evening mollie...
yep, this could be quite a dangerous lame duck session as it may be the last opportunity for obama and ryan to get their grand bargain on so obama can collect his post-presidential biscuit from pete peterson.
fsm only knows what evil plans they are hatching.
Obama & Trump with press.
UL, here is a short video of Trump and Obama speaking to the press after the meeting you mentioned. In case you missed it, are interested. It's about 3 minutes long, with Trump speaking for the last minute.
Ok, I need some help here!
How in the heck do I upload one of my own photos and get it to post here. I've uploaded to Google Photos, Flickr but can't seem to figure out how to make them post here. I use the insert image box and enter the link but when I hit preview, I get a little image box but no photo.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush