I won't go over there...
Submitted by bunsk on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 11:02pm
But I'm savoring a feeling of schadenfreude about how dailykoolaid jumped the shark when they went all in for the loser. I just wonder whether the owner has any second thoughts about driving all the thoughtful people away. I also wonder how many of his sneering new members will turn out to be fair weather friends and fade away now that the party's over... Doesn't matter. I'm not going back. There may still be good people there, but the owner showed himself to be a clown, and he let his site become a waste of time. Who's he useful to now? He can always hang around and scream about trump, I suppose. Hopefully he'll join the Clintons in well deserved obscurity.

You're not missing anything
Yes, Kos is concerned that he has fatally damaged his brand, and that he won't be enjoying the Clinton campaign gravytrain anymore. I'm not sure how many of David Brock's CTR trolls are still hanging around, but the site's a useless and hollow shell of it's former self.
Just to place a marker
Right now, Quantcast has DailyKos ranked 157 with 11.6 million monthly US uniques and 34 million visits and 78.3 million views. It will be interesting to see where they are a month or two from now. I expect traffic there will drop off quickly not the CTR paid Hillary trolls are no longer getting checks and the Hillary supporters he solicited to tell the site "Why I love Hillary" and "Why I left Bernie to Become a Hillary Supporter" go back to whatever it was they were doing before being called to duty.
My thoughts on that website and it's political moron of a leader...
Markos is the carnival barker of a 3 ring circle jerk!!!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
you should go over there and lay it on
I'm doing my best to get banned. A few days ago it would have taken 10 minutes.
They're having a nervous breakdown but Kos REALLY needs us to come back (traffic is down and I guess his DNC profit center is gone?) He's flailing and he doesn't have a clue.
It'll be fun. Do it and come back and report.
I was never a "lay it on" type
Most of the time, if I made a diary, I would just speak my piece, usually metaphorically; I grew tired of the predictable swarming of the defenders of the authority and their seemingly ignorant contempt.
I ended up getting sucked in
I ended up getting sucked in for a few hours today. Initially it was to recommend some "I told you so" diaries. Shame on me.
In those diaries there were enough reasonable people that I actually wondered if it would be a place I could return to. A couple of hours later, the majority of what I saw was the same ol' group think.
Nothing introspective from any of the front pagers. The site owner kinda sorta suggested Bernie, Elizabeth Warren or Van Jones for DNC Chair. It felt tactical rather than heartfelt. The same people who were so sure Hillary was battle tested are convinced that Bernie still had no chance. They just want us to look forward and work together. No mention of the rot at the DNC. No mention of the corruption. Some acknowledgement that the age of the Clintons is over. Again, felt more tactical than sincere.
I don't want to dislike DOV, but I do. The worst kind of identity politics. Almost cult like. Not everyone on the site, of course, but a significant contingent.
Meteor Blades is still the adult in the room.
There were some welcome back comments and some genuine attempts at introspection by users. I may check in once in a while, but I ultimately ended up still feeling disappointed. The place ain't what it used to be. Maybe a few more days, after the shock dissipates, the fog will start to lift.
MB needs to leave --
for his own well-being. The rest of the place is a sa** of sh** --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
"The Beard"
One of the first group of exiles, Marisacat and her friends who left during the pie fight, always called MB "The Beard" because he covered the fact that Kos was a right-wing Propertarian. MB would actually come over to Marisacat's site from time to time in an effort to win them back. He really took a lot of abuse, most of it hilarious.
I can empathize with MB's position, assuming it's a paying one. It's tough getting a long-term writing gig, especially at his age. But it has to be tough associating with the likes of Kos and his Merry Band of Manipulators.
I've enjoyed the 'told you so' stuff, honestly. But I'm petty
They're still thick as ever. It's everybody and anybody else's fault. All those white women that voted for Trump are to blame. When it's not all those white men. If you're white and male, it's your fault, basically.
There isn't the least little bit of self-reflection. It's all "now isn't the time for 'I told you so' but for unity; what's past is past and we have a common enemy now." When it's not "fuck you white men you did this." They don't care. And they won't. "I told you so" will get boring soon enough. But they ain't gonna change. They won't until certain FPers and regular diarists leave. And that isn't happening soon, either.
Also, MB is an enabler. He only appears to be the adult in the room because of the low bar set by his colleagues. Seriously, whatever that guy did in the past it makes me sad he seems to have to do what he does now.
Sanders' supporters at DKos
embodied a hope, and a passionate desire for substantial political reform. That did seem, for a while, to be entirely within the realm of possibility. Clinton's supporters were far more cautious, and more invested in the political status quo. They tended to be more calculating and "pragmatic", than idealistic, believing themselves to have the more seasoned and mature political perspective. They were nearly certain that Clinton would beat Trump easily, with or without the support of the Party's left wing. They were arrogantly dismissive of what Sanders was saying, they were supremely confident of victory... and as it turned out, they were dead wrong on all counts.
You'd think that after their devastating defeat, after such a miserable failure of foresight, that a certain amount of introspection would be called for, no? Some sort of re-examination... of erroneous assumptions perhaps, or some basic re-ordering of strategic priorities? I suppose it is possible that this could yet occur. It might take a while. But it certainly doesn't help that many of its best and most objective writers have been hounded from the site.
hmmm ... "the Clinton campaign gravytrain --"
wonder how many of the felons on that gravytrain will be going to jail, now that The Donald (unthinkably!!) has been elected --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Unhappily, there might well be pardons for everyone, all round.
I left there LONG ago.
I wrote my GBCW and everything.
Oh I didn't post it THERE. I posted it here.
It was too good to post there.
They didn't deserve the attention.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Kos is full of regret and
the people on his site are still morons. Point and laugh but intelligent discourse is hard to find.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
“Point and laugh” liberalism
Actually, I gave up reading The New Republic decades ago because of Marty Peretz’s anti-Arab ethnic slurs, but this seemed worth noting:
The “deplorables” got the last laugh
Let's face it: Liberals helped stoke the rage that elected Donald Trump
I had hoped never to hear the name Peretz again but it is
a cautionary tale of how fragile public trust can be and how easily a villain like Peretz can trash decades of excellence. With the New Republic it was a quick kill; with The Nation, is a slow steady decline into being irrelevant because of toxic identity politics.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Don't go back
That would be rewarding bad behavior.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I don't care to go there, ever.
I was never banned or timed out, but I am not one to enjoy abuse, so I will stay away. C99p is the best place to be. All of you here are thoughtful, reality-based folks who don't throw your weight around in a bullying manner. They are not so disciplined at TOP, so no, not going there.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
They dug their grave
I'm ready to pour cement in it.
It's a website populated with authoritarian cliques
and a Benevolent (when he feels like it) Despot owner who are casting about now for some new victims to put in the village stocks when they commit thought against the Democratic Party.
The Party affiliation alone will keep me away basically forever. It's a website for More and Better Democrats Who Can Survive the Hazing and Sniff Tests of Self-Appointed Hall Monitor Trustee Posters
Have they stopped the anonymous flagging? The personal attacks? The fake umbrage? The false accusations of sexism, racism, and every other ism? Do they still deride Bernie Bros? Are they capable of admitting that elected officials should not conduct secretive business on private servers?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
As long a KOS is solely democrat focused I will not participate.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Please Boycott TOP. People going back are lining his pockets
The traffic is up there. Stop going there and bankrupt him.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho