Election NewsFlash: The Wicked Witch is Dead
American Voters turned down and rejected the corrupt Corporatist, Wall-Street agent, and reckless Neocon-Warmonger that was constantly promoted by and pushed out in front of the public as "the most qualified candidate in history" (despite her record of colossal failure) by The Establishment.
Hillary Clinton was always a bad candidate, who had no compelling message, or inspirational policy perspective. That was true in 2007-2008, and that was true once again in 2015-2016. She could not campaign on her record, because there was no track record of any success -- and only one of cronyism, abject failure, and corruption (Glass-Steagal repeal, Iraq War, Libya War, Syria, The Clinton Foundation, State Dept deals with Saudi Arabia, etc.).
The only thing that she could ever campaign on was mere phony marketeering slogans: "I'm ready for Hillary", "I'm With Her" (with an arrow pointed rightward), and "Together we're stronger" .... whatever the hell any of that was supposed to mean. It meant nothing. It did nothing.
But this represents a great opportunity for The Democratic Party to now totally realign itself, and for the Bernie Sanders-Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party to assert control and take over, and say to their Party: No more Corporatists and Neocons at the top of our ticket. Without a real message and a real candidate, there is no motivation for people to vote Democratic.
It was Bernie Sanders who proved that you could draw massive crowd sizes of 25,000 by having a compelling, anti-Establishment, progressive message. Hillary Clinton and the DNC had to cheat in order to overcome that. That was their mistake. But while they had the power to control and intimidate Bernie Sanders (who was too much of a gentleman), they could not control the more volatile, and loose canon that Donald Trump was. Trump did care about her god damn Emails, and also about a whole lot more -- and it was that kind of aggression that was what it took to bring down and defeat The Establishment candidate. Trump took out both of The Chosen Ones: Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. Good Riddance!
I frankly don't know what Donald Trump really is, or what he will do. But his Economic message as an outsider who seeks to "drain the swamp" and put an End to the corrupt and destructive NAFTA/China Trade/TPP Trade deals (which Clinton promoted as "the Gold Standard"). and bring back native American Manufacturing within our own Country once again -- at least gave him a real message, and a rationale for the working class to take a look at.
The Democratic Party is now forced into reevaluating itself, and forced into a realignment. That is good thing. Perhaps one day, they will realize you have to have something to beat something. The Democratic Party needs a new voice, and a new (and real) message, and real bold Leadership. And the Corporatist "ObamaCare" is neither a good legacy, nor a good message -- nor is War with Syria and Russia. You gotta come up with better stuff than that.
This is a big F-You to all The Pollsters, Corporatism, Neocons, The DailyKos, The DNC, and The Establishment -- who all lost today.
All eyes now are on The Democratic Party. How will they react? Will they face up to the fact that you need a real message, and real integrity to break the glass ceiling?
(No subject)
We are coming
to sweep away the elites.
In November has come the spring rain that loosens the fallow ground for the plough.
To those who persist until the end is the victory.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
Bye Bye Hillary
Trump was the Exorcist
As for the rest of us .. .
I'm not convinced.
Especially of this part:
They'll make something up to maintain the Clintons and their associates in power, power over their minds and bodies, just as they made up a whole bunch of stuff to justify their vast overevaluation of Trump's ability to govern badly, Clinton's supposed virtues, and the notion of the supposed (yet in fact purely imaginary) power inherent in the Democratic Party platform. Why should a loss inspire the Democrats to do anything besides invent more fantasy to justify what has so far been a pointless subservience to a bunch of neoliberals?
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
You're so right.
Even if we could somehow take over the Democratic party, people, this is what a failed brand looks like. Time to build something new.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Hey, Cass. Didn't you say Trump couldn't win?
I honestly figured the fix was in, and that he couldn't. Guess we were wrong. Or we were right, and the PTB decided they wanted Him more than Her. With the GEMS software and "fraction magic", anything is now possible.
Agree with you that the Great Donkey will NOT learn any lessons from this, other than to try to cheat even better the next time.
I remember you were on about starting a new party. I see what you were talking about now. I could have voted straight Green, but they didn't even run a candidate against a Repub incumbent who needs to go. -My lone Dem vote.
OTOH, after watching "Fraction Magic" last Saturday at blackboxvoting.org, I am so convinced that my vote is basically useless on at least the national level. I think I voted at all out of simple habit, and a vague thought that it might help down-ballot candidates that may not have their races rigged. I always suspected that computerized voting could be used to shave or pad a few points here and there, but now I know the results can be absolutely manufactured, anywhere from a squeaker to a landslide.
So how will a new party help, in a system that counts votes using proprietary software, in secret, with ZERO transparency? Where ANY race can be rigged? If we returned to paper ballots and hand-counts, I wouldn't worry about it, but we can't seem to force that discussion into the open.
Meanwhile, we still talk politics like we have actual, proportional input. It's like the habits of living in a democracy are so deeply ingrained that we can't wrap our heads around the idea that it's not working anymore.
Anyway, though the idea of a new party appeals greatly to me, it seems that the first thing we need is some kind of propaganda campaign to force this issue into the light, and some way to get back to trustworthy elections. Without that, all the other trappings of participatory democracy are an exercise in self-delusion. First things first and all that.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
Go to your city council meetings, or county council, or whoever decides the voting mechanism in your district. Bring them facts. Bring them proposals. Bring them the fear of a future opponent with real issues. Find other people who feel much the same and bring them, too. Find out what it takes to get on the ballot and get there. Don't wish that someone would do it. Do it.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
We need new parties because people need to hang together
i.e. to avoid hanging separately, to paraphrase Ben Franklin.
Let's be honest here, folks. We already have a party. Sure, some of the folks here don't like the Dems and would rather jeer from the bleachers, but nobody in power cares about the folks in the bleachers, nor do they care much about the folks who recognize the corruption in the whole system and have decided to stop participating. And as my diaries have pointed out in spades, our party sure isn't the Green Party. The Green Party scored a 1% vote in this election. If you beg to differ, I'm sure we'd all like to see your Green Party resume. Please adorn it, if you can, with a list of the Green campaigns you've run and the plenaries and retreats you've attended. What's obvious at this point is that the Green Party of California no longer has it together enough to list its locals -- no, instead you go to the website and there's a list of county entities, and I'm not going to drive into El-Ay just to claim to be a participating Green. And CA is the only state that's really organized Green in any serious sense.
So yeah we still have the Democrats. It's still our party. We still haven't gotten to the point where we're willing to discard it, and neither, for that matter, were almost all of Sanders' partisans after Sanders defected upon them and endorsed Clinton. Me not us, y'know, but we're still Democrats. If you want to disturb that, you could do worse than to create a new party with a new identity. The name of the game is STILL "Tribes."
Okay so if you don't like parties, please just go back to your job, pay your bills, and be the good servant of empire that serves as the default position for humanity in the 21st century. When the orders come to slaughter everyone somewhere down the line, maybe you'll complain loudly or something. But if you can't be part of a party at all, you won't be part of a resistance at all.
Moreover, there's no requirement that a party be an electoral entity. They had Communist Parties in the 19th century in places where there was no democracy, no free elections or free speech, nothing but dictatorship. Sure, they rather unfortunately had to meet in secret if they wanted to accomplish anything at all, and to a significant extent this requirement was their undoing. But they still HAD Communist Parties. If you want an example of a party that has rejected electoral participation in a modern pseudo-democracy, start with the Zapatistas.
Sure, we were wrong to assume a win for Clinton. But I guess the reach of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz only extends to the primaries or something like that, and Clinton couldn't break out of her delusional stance that all she really needed to do was to raise money from rich people and the Presidency was hers? And didn't Clinton indeed win the popular vote anyway? So what does "Tribes" look like now? Doug Henwood's analysis of the election results seems accurate:
Do you want an alternative to this?
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione