this is bad as any election in my lifetime
Somehow the republic has survived similar idiots, but now it’s as bad as it’s ever been and the Democratic party is in unprecedented territory because even during the most horrible times there was some vestige of Democratic resistance in terms of political representation, but now especially for all POC, there will be heightened micro-aggressive hate in the most mundane actions of daily life. Many in TOP and here remember those days of early civil rights struggles, feminism, political tolerance, and we will be stepping back into those days, more open with Pence as another Cheney, and the first military test for the Trump administration an opportunity to use tactical nuclear weapons. And the FBI has simply made more obvious its political allegiances as civil liberties become more Russian, as will so many other things. And Trump will have an “enemies list” that will make Nixon’s musings even more unhinged. And as Trump promised 70% of regulation gone will screw the environment, perhaps forever.
But at my age, unemployed, no healthcare, and in debt, perhaps that won’t matter since I don’t have heirs, but I have always cared for and believed in a better America, and now it’s going to go back to something so very inhumane, so unfair, and so very anti-democratic.

Hate to add to the misery, but never too early to learn the new
I pledge allegiance to the Currency of the Corporate States of America, and to the Oligharcy that owns it (all rights reserved), one Media under greed and ratings, with liberty and justice for those who can afford the legal fees.
Our family just barely survived RayGunomics, we were young and could work then (when there was work). This will be worse.
Small wonder the Canadian immigration web sight crashed an hour ago.
21st Century America: The distracted, superficail perception of a virtual reality.
Hate to say it, but I think you could have said pretty much
the same pledge had Hillary won. Which is why Trump won.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
There's a lot of truth to your comment, however...
Having been a mid-level media staffer on the 1980 Carter-Mondale Re-Election Campaign (press sec'y for Michigan and on-the-ground media liaison with the UAW), I know, firsthand, there are a LOT of similarities between what happened tonight and what happened in 1980. Some significant differences, too, of course. But, many, many similarities.
And, Ronnie--for his time--was substantially more hardcore rightwing and, perhaps, even more racist--than The Donald.
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
This all hangs on the heads of Democrats.
All of the folks at risk, such as yourself, have been let down and abandoned by the Party that supposedly represented them. We now have a facist whack job as potus with brown shirts in Congress to salute his shit into law. All of the marginalized are at greater risk now than ever.
Now what ? I have no idea.
I disagree. This all hangs on the heads of Neoliberals, IMHO.
(Pretty much said everything I wanted to say in the headline, other than adding the words, "STATUS QUO," in there.)
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Fuck DWS
Fuck HRC. Fuck the DNC. This was their election to lose, and boy did they lose big. The DNC should be the laughing stock of the country. Flush the toilet, drain the swamp, whatever.
Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.
Shillary should've quit after 2008
But She wanted to be President so badly she could taste it, and She bullied and arm-twisted and lied and cheated and stole her way to the 2016 nomination.
Now this.
Buh-bye, SHills. Don't let the revolving door hit ya on the way out. And beware of the paddy wagon.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Vicious idiot kings....
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
George W. Bush was the Worst President Ever
But we have a new contestant who might take his place. Unbelievable.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
George W Bush
Had the support of his own party insiders, and an extended legacy power structure.
I personally see more gridlock in our capital under Trump as TPTB and his own party obstruct every move he attempts to make. We have to realize he scares the shit out of most sane republicans too!! Will the Senate Dems have the power to stonewall Supreme Court nominees as the GOP has??