READ: James Comey Says No Change in Hillary Clinton Investigation Conclusion
Director James Comey said Sunday in a new letter to Congress.
The case was made active again in late October when new emails emerged on devices used by longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin. The emails were found during the FBI’s investigation into allegations that Abedin’s estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, sexted a teen girl.
Comey sent a letter to the Congressional committee investigating Clinton on October 28 notifying them of the new information.
In the new letter sent Sunday, Comey wrote, “Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation. During that process, we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.”
The WTF was all this crap about? And no big thing that is was found on some pervo pedophiles computer?

Without having yet read the entire article
Could his statement pertain only to criminal charges in connection with classified material? (Meaning, is this another of Comey's weasel letters -- to cover his own ass after the last one? Could other charges still be possible?)
I can't make heads nor tails anymore. I've also been on a forced internet hiatus since last Tuesday, visiting in-laws who don't have wifi, so I'm way behind on actual news as reported here. (On the other hand, non-stop MSM had me at the end of my rope. I've never been so glad to have cut the cable cord several years ago).
Two Noteworthy Points About What Comey Did NOT Say, Today
1.) ..."with respect to Secretary Clinton"...which leaves the door wide open with regard to future actions by the FBI relating to everyone else involved in this travesty.
2.) The ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation remains very much in place (Fox News just noted this in the past half-hour, as well); and, in fact, it may be "one of the"--if not "the"--most important/high priority investigations currently underway throughout the FBI. See (WaPo): "Fox News apologizes for falsely reporting that Clinton faces indictment." (Both Bret Baier and the Washington Post made a point of NOT walking this aspect of the story back in his public apology on Friday.)
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
To Add to your comment
It appears that in regard to these emails, the FBI (Comey) applied the same very narrow criteria that they did to the original emails turned over by Clinton. That criteria dictated the conclusions by Comey, or should I say it allowed Comey an excuse by which not to recommend charges.
In other words, if you use nothing burger criteria, the conclusion is a nothing burger.
I personally do not agree with either the criteria nor Comey's conclusion. But I do believe Comey was heavily pressured and/or threatened if he did not reach the same conclusion.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
So now they can move on, got a country to run....
... [into the ground].
Not quite out of the woods yet, though, are they?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Thanks for this essay, Amanda. Didn't see it, when
I posted an AP Tweet on the same topic a few minutes ago.
From the tone of today's Sunday Political Talk Shows, I'm not surprised about this turn of events. The 'Media/Political Elites' appear to be in a near panic that there's a slight possibility that Trump might pull off a win.
And, considering the fact that the PtB have every intention of dismantling what's left of the Social Safety Net, I 'suspect' that they decided to eliminate any possibility that FSC, if elected, would be subjected to endless investigations.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Did Comey send the letter from an underground bunker,
location unknown?
By the way, how is it that it took over a year to go through 55,000 pages of HRC emails and only a week to go through 650,000? What happened to the part where the emails were to be sent to appropriate agencies for determination if they were classified or not?
If not in hiding, has Comey been feeling abnormally depressed lately, unusually stressed?
If I remember correctly, the conclusion in July was that if it had been anyone else other than HRC, they would be swinging at the end of a short rope.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Smiled when I read these words:
"By the way, how is it that it took over a year to go through 55,000 pages of HRC emails and only a week to go through 650,000?"
Did ya' mean to ask "how much did he get for doing this?" I'm thinkin' ( dropped g in honor of Liar Donna Brazile) a high stack of millions might have done it? Or an off shore account? The new gold British dollar coins don't fit into any coin slots ( ya really can't make this stuff up) so they have to go somewhere.
Paper vs electronic
As I understand it, the 55,000 emails were print outs--paper--copies of the emails, not electronic.
This is actually pretty standard in lawsuits and investigations, to turn over stuff in giant binders of printed stuff. Takes a heck of a lot longer to process and analyze print outs than electronic copies.
In the new case, they had electronic versions from the computer, they were in her email program (e.g. Outlook, in the OST or PST file). Very easy to search, scan and correlate those. Particularly when you can isolate To/From/CC/BCC fields and search only ONLY To/From/CC/BCC HRC
That will knock the search down immensely.
Doing it with paper in binders is much much more difficult.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
Kinda sounds like Comey is cracking up.
If his colleagues and wife weren't speaking to him before, things must be really interesting now.
Sounds like he got really terrifying pressure to do this.
Slight correction
I do not have the cite, but I remember reading that the FBI had this batch for about four weeks. Still, it is amazing that they were able to sort through 650,000 + emails in even that short a time.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hitting "Select All, Delete"
goes a lot faster than actually reading the documents.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
At this point a lot of us
At this point a lot of us would like to punch "Control Alt Delete" and just start over this whole FUBAR of an election cycle. The American people deserve better than thi. s
Doesn't seem to matter how many unclassified computers
and people have access to classified information. Hillary will win because the Clintons will steal it. My only hope is that the GOP left hasn't been so gutted by Republicans changing sides that they are unable to obstruct and impeach her.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I want to know what exactly is Comey up to? He wanted to double
down that the Clinton creature was just a thoughtless moron, not a felonious, arrogant, lying idiot?
Here's the damn letter.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Weirder and weirder
Perhaps Comey is trying to save his job now? He really should be fired and the whole NYC FBI office raided, agents arrested and computers seized. Maybe on Wednesday morning. I wonder which Federal agency arrests FBI employees?
FBI agents
don't get fired.....they just 'disappear'.
BTW, watched all three Jason Bourne films this weekend....
Everything that happened in those films seemed very probable.
The DOJ figures heavily
in this internecine political pot boiler. Loretta and Big Dog's little plane chat? None of these federal agencies should be playing dirty partisan politics. They all should should be arrested, impeached, removed from public office, and deported to outer space. This includes the joke of a kangaroo supreme court.
Were in for endless mock investigations where nothing is revealed other then by-partisan complicity and the intrigues among the courtiers and their enforcers. Good God they have all colluded to interfere with our electoral process and destroy the rule of law, checks and balances and the separation of powers. Talk about subversive and abuse of power. This is not what democracy looks like. 'Were So Screwed-2016'.
This puts the court intrigues of The Forbidden City to shame. How freaking stupid do these arrogant psycho's think people are? Oh wait people believe the propaganda and kabuki. The Russian's, their tool Asssange, the FBI, the Republicans, the environmental terrorist's, they all colluded in a vast global conspiracy to interfere with the inevitable coronation of The Mad Bomber. Who as we all know are socially liberal and the victims here. Their arrogance is breath taking.
This comment is classic Shaz and I LOVE it!
Shaz, you have once again hit the nail on the head so squarely and decisively with this comment. It totally encapsulizes the corrupt mockery of a government we have.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
More like saving his life ,
More like saving his life , people that oppose them have the same life expectancy of a "Red Shirt" on Star Trek
From Hero, to Zero............... back to Hero!
That Comey.
And Clinton coasts to victory.
Well played everyone.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Maybe his wife or kid is planning to run for office in '18. Or
maybe he has his eye on a nice corner office somewhere in Justice or State.
He sure has worked double-triple overtime to clear her a second time. Was his big announcement that they were going to 'investigate' the new emails a way to divert attention from the fact their originated on her server and somehow got on that perv's computer. And has anyone else wondered where else they're stored?
Yeah, she's presidential material. President of the Pee Wee Herman fan club.
EDIT: We/Was
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Hey! I'm a member of the Pee Wee Herman fan club!
Just cut it out! /s
I actually do love Pee Wee, and decided, after the actor who plays him was busted for masturbating in an adult theater, that the types of cops who bust people for that sort of thing, are the actual perverts. Imagine that job for goodness sakes.
Hey I'm a Pee Wee fan
so don't be dissing his club or club house. I'd rather have Pee Wee in the WH then the Clinton's. As a bonus Gary Panter could decorate the WH and Chairy could greet the tourists and cheer us all up.
Let's see: two days ago
Comey was a Russian mole and Dems were screaming for his head.
Now he's covered for Her Royal Heinous again.
Following Dem 'logic' from two days ago, doesn't that now mean that Her Royal Heinous is in league with the Russians?
No, it means Comey is magically a Knight in Shining Armor again.
Do they actually HEAR the crap that falls out of their mouths?
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Comey wants his name on new FBI building
Comey wants his name on new FBI building.
Be a shame if he actually gets it now... but not unexpected.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
His greater problem is that a whole lot of information has come
out since July due to the emails being released, the FBI interview notes and even some decent reporting by a very few reporters. What we know now that we didn't know in July is stuff like Hillary deleting 1,000 emails from Petreaus, the fact that DOJ would not allow subpoenas or a grand jury, the fact that they dispensed immunity agreements in return for basically nothing, the fact that they allowed subjects to have multiple roles as both subject and attorney for another subject (!), and as late as the news today discovering Hillary telling her housekeeper to print classified material.
Comey initially made the wrong decision (IMO), then waffled, then unwaffled. He has managed at this point to pretty much lose all respect he had from anyone on either side at any time as far as I can tell. He also threw the reputation of the FBI down the tubes as collateral damage with all these machinations. I don't see how he recovers from this to regain credibility and probably he should step down simply for making such a hash of things.
What the public learned was that the DOJ under Lynch and the FBI under Comey were not capable of doing an investigation free from political influence. The second the stuff came out about the server, an independent prosecutor should have been appointed. The Clinton Foundation nexus with the State Department will also never be adequately investigated without an independent counsel. That's just the way it is.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Great summation! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
We also learned that
Obama KNEW about the since at least last spring, if not earlier, implicating him in the coverup. Perhaps the IRS office in Texas, working so diligently through the cesspool that is the Clinton Foundation, will take a stand. They got Al Capone and other crooks on tax evasion charges; perhaps they'll get Hill, Bill and Chelsea this way. On the other hand, perhaps they'll just destroy Foundation financial records and say "Nothing here folks", like the FBI allowed Hill's peeps to do after getting immunity. Now the Clintons have permission to take over the world, unimpeded, and Hoover up all the dirty narco/sex trafficker money, sovereign funds, petrodollars, and tax haven stashes for their own, personal use. Two to five% on the dollar is what this "charity" doles out.
An independant procecuter
or an independent consul 'free from political influence' is a oxymoron in a system that is nothing but a lawless sham of a democratic republic. Remember Fitzmass? Our entire government on every level is nothing but criminalized politics and internecine squabbling between the factions who are all run by the likes of the Podesta Group or the Koch Bros.
Meanwhile both sides have empowered and given free rein to the various spook agencies and the MIC, who are the enforcers for the owners of the place and work hard to reek havoc on humans and the planet. All our politics are owned by the powers that be and the shuffling of power among the players from team blue or red is just musical chairs for the next inevitable face of the global regime from hell.
Blue or red their is no justice or peace in sight. No independence at all. I highly disagree that this is just how it is. Politics are not static and neither is history. 'The way it is' is not inevitable and it's about time we as humans realized that we have power and this is not just the way it is. No justice will ever come out of the by-partisan cesspool that we call politics as it has nothing to do with democracy or the rule of law and everything to do with the puppets we elect who work for an nightmare global and dark agenda.
I look to the global movements of people from Standing Rock, the massive strike in India, Black Lives Matter, OWS and even Briexit which will continue and grow under our current global anti-democratic that 'rule the world' transnational 'oligarchical collectivist's'. They are not just the way it is unless you acquiesce to the nonsense that says this reality is real. It's not they created it and it should not stand. The system is broken and it's useless to turn to it to fix anything 'independent' of American politics or USA, USA, USA, global rule. It needs to go.
Excellent comment!
One small thing though, the FBI never had a good reputation to begin with, so there isn't one to lose. The list of criminal, shady, or political activities/interventions of the FBI since it started is too long to list here. It started with the Palmer raids, and has more or less functioned at that level ever since.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
So is he still
working for Trump and/or the Russians?
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
Lol, someone go to Orange State & find out n/t
TOP will be exploding
with praise for Comey being an honest, stand up guy.
In my little world of the occasional criminal defense cases, "intent" is proven by circumstantial evidence, and prosecutors have no problem with that.
Comey needs a sworn confession, a sincere apology, deep regret expressed with tears, of course, on video, given voluntarily.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
'To or From Hillary Clinton' weasel words
Another piece of careful phrasing in Comey's letter. It may be designed to exclude letters forwarded by Huma to herself that were originally to Clinton. It may also exclude emails on which HRC was CC'd. In any case it does not say that all the emails were reviewed, and seems to leave the door open. Also, recall that the original assessment was that HRC was grossly negligent, implying a lack of intent to share classified information. IANAL, but I thought I read that intent was not a requirement for a violation. I would truly welcome a more informed analysis of exactly what legal liability would arise from said negligence.
In any case, Huma cannot be feeling all too happy about this. she should probably avoid small planes, solitary walks in DC, showers, and a number of other 'risky' behaviors. Weiner and the kids should make sure the real life insurance premiums are up to date. Maybe even double down.
His original statement to Congress was that because HRC
lacked "intent", no reasonable prosecutor would indict.
He's now saying that nothing they found in the recent search changes that.
Supposedly they have a new search program that eliminates duplicate emails, so I suppose they could have processed the whole 650,000. And since they didn't find anything stating that she was selling classified information, she is clearly still innocent.
The bottom line here is that all the top appointees at DOJ and FBI are bought and paid for. They have blocked a real investigation, and no matter what they find, they will not allow HRC to be charged with anything.
Maybe something will come from the pedophile stuff, more likely will be 2 years of impeachment hearings run by morons in the House. sigh
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
Guess they missed the emails
Where she had her staff send their emails to her D.C. Housekeeper, then had her housekeeper print them out.
There will be a rebellion by some in the FBI...
This is going to set off a number of FBI agents who know Comey is full of it. Same for the DOJ. There are powerful forces at play. I wonder if this isn't Comey's way of forcing the ball back into the Senate's court?
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Forcing the ball
back to the senate's court is as useless as turning to the totally corrupt DOJ. What are either of these coroupt branches going to do except declare 60%= a majority and that enforcing any long lost semblance of the law is no longer illegal. It may be immoral but we legalized it.
The senate doesn't need the DOJ
to charge bad actors with obstruction, etc. Provided the senate remains a repub majority, they could take viable actions.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Psych !! . . . >:-( n/t
Misuse of charity money is real issue.
The real story here is how Hillary hid her e-mails that showed the Clintons committed charity fraud and used the Foundation to collect "bribe money" from foreign powers. That investigation hasn't yet been addressed by Comey, and looks like is much broader than just HRC. Just out at NY Post:
Sounds like inurement, which is prohibited
Whether it will be investigated properly is quite another matter. Frankly I'm not hopeful.
We'll get another "she didn't mean it so it's not criminal"
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Two sets of laws...
Can you say Pardon boys and
Can you say Pardon boys and girls? I knew you could
and she could do it herself curtailing any further investigations --all wrapped up neat and clean.
But a pardon means admission of guilt
Won't look good on her record. But she probably doesn't care, as it's not expressed in $$$.
A week ago i would have said there is no way Obama...
would destroy what little legacy he has left by pardoning Hillary. Today, after reading the Comey about face, I now fully believe Obama will pardon her before he leaves office in an attempt to put an end to any and all investigations. And I think that happens whether she prevails on Tuesday or not.
It seems pretty obvious to me that Obama and the DOJ have intervened and shut down this investigation and the new revelations about Hillary's maid having access to secure faxes and the SCIF make it even more obvious. Frankly, at this point, nothing would surprise me!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Paying for weddings
and wall lamps via The Clinton Foundation's money is nothing compared to the so called charity's donors pay to play for policy that destroys human life and is killing the planet. Saudi Arabia? Haiti? UBS? the Ukraine? Goldman Sachs? The Podesta Group? Weapons deals? Libya, Africa? The Clinton foundation is the personification of a "a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money". To call it a charitable foundation is obscene. It's donors invest and sponsor death to humans and the planet.
Genetic miracle: weasel transformed into RAT
Or maybe Comey was the same all along--a chimera: half corruptocRAT and half weasel. It will take a huge landslide for Trump to be elected, unless Hillary strokes out before Tuesday. Of course the perfect treatment for that would be RAT poison (Hey, NSA! Just kidding, I meant warfarin).
This election would make a great movie if we survive the Mad Bomber. Vote stealing in FL (Bush over Gore), vote stealing in 1960 (JFK over Nixon)--will pale in comparison.
“Spineless Comey lets ‘Hillary Rodham Felon’ off the hook AGAIN”