The HRC Apologia Making The Rounds "The Real Clinton Email Scandel Is That A Bullshit Story Has Dominated The Campaign" Is In Itself Bullshit
I guess some media are concerned enough about the consequences of the Clinton email story having an effect on the election outcome that they have dropped the circumspection of calling "BS" and reverted to its fully enunciated form - BULLSHIT, thus signalling the highest level of outrage they are capable of allowing themselves. They are manning the battle stations and doing their level best to continuing tamping the story and its consequences to it's most contained level.
To that end Matthew Yglesias of Vox has provided Clintonites a last comfort providing Readers Digest apologia perfectly designed and constructed to defuse the entire Clinton "scandal" as trumped up bullshit, which they can share with friends and family over social media this weekend. He seems to be completely unaware that within the paragraphs of his defense, he has provided the perfect identification of both her guilt and intent.
First, his article : The real Clinton email scandal is that a bullshit story has dominated the campaign
Yglesias starts off with the common deflection about why all the fuss about a "personal email account". He defaults unbelievably to the first defense deployed by Clinton of not wanting to carry two devices and looking like a dork, conveniently ignoring the fact that she is commonly surrounded by human pack mules whose sole role in life is to cosset HRC and to shield her from any unnecessary stress or burden. Let's not forget that HRC once emailed someone to tell someone else to bring her ice tea. So, I doubt very much whether concerns about room for another device on the mule train was really the impetus for setting up her alternate communications channel. This defense has always been and always will be nothing but sad.
Now to the really fun part of MY's article where he addresses the Server and the deletions:
Now, is it possible that Clinton’s legal team simply decided to entirely disregard the law and delete work-related emails?
In some sense, sure. But there’s no evidence that this happened. Generally speaking, in life we assume it would be moderately difficult to hire a well-known law firm to destroy evidence for you without someone deciding to do the right thing and squeal.
Besides which, it would be almost comically easy to catch Clinton in the act of systematically destroying relevant emails. The vast majority of the work-related email correspondence of an incumbent secretary of state, after all, is going to be correspondence with other government employees. Maybe she shoots a note to the Pentagon about Benghazi, or circulates ideas for a speech draft with her communications team. Any message like that, by definition, would exist on a government server as well as on her private one. This means it would be fully accessible via FOIA and also means that if Clinton’s copy were found to not be in the pile of emails she turned over, she’d be caught red handed.
Thank you for spelling that out so clearly, Mr. Y. Because, you see, Hillary and her cohorts did exactly what you define as catching her red-handed. To wit:
1,000 Clinton-Petraeus emails missing from records sent to State, FBI files show This is an article by Catherine Herridge and Pamela K. Brown for Fox News published on October 22, 2016.
In a heavily redacted FBI interview summary from Aug. 17, 2015, a State Department employee from the Office of Information and Programs and Services (IPS), which handles Freedom of Information Act requests, discussed how Petraeus’ records apparently were not among the work-related emails provided by the former secretary's team.
"CENTCOM records shows approximately 1,000 work-related emails between Clinton's personal email and General David PETRAEUS, former Commander of CENTCOM and former Director of the CIA," said the employee, whose name is redacted, according to the summary. "Most of those 1,000 emails were not believed to be included in the 30,000 emails that IPS was reviewing. Out of the 30,000 emails, IPS only had a few emails from or related to PETRAEUS as well as a few related to Leon PANETTA, former Secretary of Defense."
So what do you think Mr. Yglesias? How about you, Director Comey? I'm assuming that 1,000 between the Secretary of State and the Commander of CENTCOM are work-related and do not involve weddings or yoga. I would also bet that a number of them are "sensitive" to say the least. I also think that them all mysteriously disappearing, being deleted or not being provided to State shows some level of intent to not provide them.
To me, the real scandal is that this story that was broken by FOX on October 22 and which is of the highest import has BEEN IGNORED by the media. Google "Clinton Petraeus emails" or any variation thereof and see what you find - virtually nothing. To me, it looks like a media blackout, because I do not see any possible positive spin on this story for anyone involved. How did Comey not know this and not see intent not only to mislead, but to cover up unbelievable malfeasance?
So, let's give a big hand to Matthew Ylesias for providing his criterion for email illegality and BULLSHIT.

You site Vox
You do know who is a co-owner of that?
A proud DNC stooge and TOP Shill-bot... MARKOS
It isn't just a coincidence that VOX and FOX are separated by just one letter
Kinda like how Red State and Orange State are just a slight shade apart
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
I did know that
but I think Vox is trying to present itself as a quasi-legitimate source, which idiotic stories like this will make short work of. This article by Yglesias is on the same level as that of Kevin Drum at Mother Jones. I used to love Mother Jones and I will never take them seriously again after reading his drek.
My greater concern is supposed gold standard outlets like The New York Times and the Washington Post ignoring this Clinton Petreaus story which is sourced from the FBI's own work files and which is spelled out as clearly and concisely as it is possible to do.
(edit for typo)
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
On his twit feed... I mean twiiter... I don't
dandole duro!
Stein- Baraka
Can someone explain this Markos tweet?
I don't get it.
Is he saying that the Constitution protects bias in the press? I mean, I guess it does, but still. Bizarro, imo. But then, it IS from Little Napoleon himself - a self-appointed press guy who only allows pro Killary shill and spin on his little Orange State site.
Speaking of Markos here is the complaint against Daily Floss
Stein/Baraka campaign slams Daily Kos blog site for publishing false claims and attacking a young woman of color
The Stein/Baraka Green Party presidential campaign responded today to false claims circulated on blog site Daily Kos that the Green Party and the Stein campaign had endorsed Donald Trump.
“The Green Party has endorsed Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, and any claims that the Green Party has endorsed or otherwise encouraged support for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or any other representative of the two predatory corporate political parties is a bald-faced lie,” said Stein/Baraka campaign manager David Cobb. “In a year when record numbers of Americans consider both corporate party nominees to be untrustworthy due to their documented history of lying, it’s not unsurprising that many of their supporters would resort to this sort of dishonesty. Sadly, this just makes the political process even more toxic and divisive.”
The false claim has been debunked by the popular fact-checking website, which rated the article’s headline and central claim false (along with similar claims from other sources).
Read the rest, but for those that won't bother to look THIS part is also spot on...
"...“Daily Kos is notorious for censoring and removing anyone who questions Democratic Party orthodoxy. They even censored Bernie Sanders supporters,” said Cobb. “But to create such a patently false headline to deceive and manipulate people into voting against a party that has received less than 0.1% the media coverage the corporate party candidates have received is beyond the pale. What is especially reprehensible is the personal attack leveled against the author of the piece, Stein/Baraka social media director Jillian Thomas. Read the original piece yourself here and you will see that Jillian merely says that she is less afraid of the Trump-like racism she has experienced her whole life than the violent systemic racism that persists whether Democrats or Republicans are in power.”
Wow! KosShills TERRIFIED of Jill Stein lol
Obviously they are scared shitless. Why the hit piece, if not?
Lololo! Go Jill!
I read the links but they did not answer my central question -
was this a front pager or a community post? Perhaps it doesn't make a great deal of difference since the focus of the effort there is to facilitate the coronation regardless of the origin of the post. And, it follows with the general strategy of demonization that was set at the top and faithfully fulfilled by the rank and file.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Is Markos trying to act progressive?
I've been trying to make "fauxgressive" happen as the word to describe that.
In re: Mother Jones. There are quite a few periodicals and
columnists who are soiling themselves this election year. It's easier to list the ones who are not than to list those who are.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Tweeted this out just now
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Thank you, Steven D!
I don't tweet myself - I think I'm afraid I'd get addicted.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
There are addicts
I did a lot of tweets during my work for the People's Convention. Now I go there much less often, but I do try to tweet good stuff from c99 when I see it.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I see names in this subthread who were around TOP
long enough to remember Kos, Duncan, Drum, Yglesias, etc. In those days, that crowd played a pass-the-link game that rivaled Tinkers to Evers to Chance.
Some things never change.
Got the reference, wonder who else did :-)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I got the reference too, TheOtherMaven, if it matters.
I guess it dates us - like remembering dial phones.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Those players are long gone but Cubs are World Series champs
At last, but ironically the chant was written by a Giants fan lamenting the infield skills of Tinkers, Evers and Chance. I read about them many years ago in a collection of baseball stories by great sportswriters like Ring Lardner.
I've been a baseball fan all my life and certainly wish I still had some of my baseball cards or better yet what I got when I wrote to the New York Yankees in 1958.
I have no memory of how I, an eight year old kid living in Texas got that address but one day a big envelope came in the mail from the Yankee organization and inside was a history of the Yankee club, along with a team photo with signatures of the players shown like Mickey Mantle, Whitey Ford,Yogi Berra, Elston Howard, Don Larsen (who pitched the 'perfect WS game 2 years earlier), Tony Kubek and a few other Hall of Fame members.
My Uncle told me he doubted each one signed it but I'll never know,it was another of those lost things of childhood.
A few years later in 1961, when I was eight,
I was at old Municipal Stadium in Kansas City. The A's, who were little more than a farm club for the Yankees at that time, were playing the famous '61 Yanks. Late in the ballgame, Maris hit on of his 61 homers to put New York ahead, but in the ninth, my favorite ballplayer, former Yankee Norm Siebern, hit a ball that was misplayed in deep center by Hector Lopez. Norm, who was anything but speedy, made it an inside-the-park home run and tied the game. Then, as lightning flashed all around and a light rain began to fall, Wes Covington hit a towering fly to left. It was as if the baseball at its apex ripped open a cloud, and a cloudburst hit just as Covington's fly made it over the left field wall to give the poor A's the win.
I've been hooked on baseball ever since.
OMG! Muni Stadium and the KC A's!
Don't remember the year, but the first MLB game I ever attended was KC A's vs Yankees at old Municipal Stadium! I wonder -- Maris and Mantle were there. Whitey Ford was there. Berra, too. I got many of their autographs after the game. The Yanks stopped to talk to the kids (even though as KC fans we "hated" them) on the way to the locker room. I still have those autographs in an old cedar box.
I remember the Queen Mary horns, the cop-car lights across the back of the outfield wall - all of which were turned on when KC hit a home run. The automatic jet-air home plate duster -- and the pink rabbit who emerged from a trapdoor behind the home plate ump to provide new baseballs to the ump. Old Father Time with his flock of (real) sheep behind center field... Memories.
Yep, I remember that rabbit.
Baseball Reference's records of each game are available, so if you remember a few details about the game, you can probably find the box score there.
It was a few years later that Finley bought them from the Mack family. Green and Gold. Charley O, the mule. He did end the A's status as a handy Yankee farm club, and before long, there were Campy, Reggie, Catfish and Blue Moon (many "named" by Finley for marketing purposes). Just as they were getting ready to win three world championships in a row, Finley moved them to Oakland.
The Royals came as compensation, and I was at Municipal Stadium for their second game. I've been a Royals fan ever since.
Think of it as a game of "Simon says"
Hillary says stick your head up your ass and off they go to buy lubricant.
There's also an email where Podesta says to 'dump' the emails
when they are tipped off about the investigation. The only place I've seen anything about the email dumps from WikiLeaks is on
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
"dump" is ambiguous here, I think.
You can them every benefit of the doubt, and they still stink.
"the time is now."
stein - baraka
Vox is irrelevant.
Like TOP it went dark at the time of the edict and survives only on koolaid.
Vox is hillbot central, and matty is a hillbot stenogragher
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
They're all getting paid to dummy up, or they are afraid.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
So the choice is cowardism or corruption?
The Clinton Petraeus story is BIG. It's hard to believe it was so comprehensively ignored by so many outlets.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
We'll have to depend on Republicans to be a real opposition
The electoral cake looks baked, and Herself's coronation appears to draw nigh. Once the election is over and she
Stealswins office, the captured media are going to do their best to bury all this election-season unpleasantness. Concern about leaked emails or Clinton Foundation pay for play will be portrayed as akin to Obama birtherism, as only the right wing outlets will natter on about it.The House will have to step up and conduct a real, serious investigation with the sobriety required to bring impeachment charges. Trey Gowdy should be put in charge of Veterans Affairs or something. Jason Chaffetz is already being vilified, but he's going to have to find some inner Lincoln in order to prevent these investigations turning into yet another
Republican shitshow.
These idiots are going to have to turn themselves into actual legislators pursuing the country's best interest in order to save us from terminal corruption and neoliberal authoritarianism. The press is already dead. How fucked are we that we will have to depend on the House Republicans?
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A Hillary win will be the biggest political pyrrhic victory ever
And I would bet that she and Bill in the future will wonder why they didn't just ride off into the sunset with their retirement millions.
The Democrats have alienated vast numbers of their previous reliables, the FBI is seem as tainted by both sides, the DOJ is looked at with a jaundiced eye, as is the State Department and the media is perceived to be one big David Brock Hillary support system. Quite a haul in negatives simply to give Hillary her turn and her picture on the diner place mat.
In addition, Hillary will enter office with a large percentage of the electorate thinking she is corrupt on her first day. It's conceievable that her election will actually precipitate some disturbing and scary civil unrest ( I hope not and think the people talking like that are all hat and no cattle).
The House Republicans will not ever stop having hearings on all the legitimate issues that have already risen around her tenure at State. It's Hillary World and welcome to it, but its the rest of us who will have to inhabit it.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Last January at TOP
I wrote a diary about Clintonian corruption right before the Iowa caucuses. Somebody a few weeks ago mentioned something to me, so I went over there to investigate. It's still the seventh most recommended diary over there for 2016. In it I made a prediction about the general election campaign, which also holds for a Clinton II administration:
And that's the happy ending we have in view. I'm thinking of visiting France this summer to shop for a place to retire.
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Hillary Clinton is the Titanic
but a Titanic sent out by a modern Cruise Line with all the weather satellites and prediction modelling software that one could hope for, all flashing DISASTER and still they launched her into an ocean with an iceberg every 50 yards ahead. And they'll be shocked, shocked, when she hits one and sinks.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Paris is our fav, but wouldn't want to live there.
We have been there more than any other world capital, the latest a stopover in June on way back from Africa. Have British friends who sold their home in the UK and retired there.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Sat, 11/05/2016 - 10:48am —
Sat, 11/05/2016 - 10:48am — Dallasdoc
I've actually been wondering if various (potentially allied under the corporate coup?) TPTB have possibly switched tactics and been using Hillary to make the Republicans (other than Trump, despite his recent cursory grooming with the recent brilliant if unTrump-like speechwriting) look relatively sane, and to con the left/liberals/progressives/pick preferred label into trusting the 'right-wing' propaganda over the 'left-wing' propaganda, while they're running both, in both cases...
I do personally believe that the main point of all this is to get the corporate coup through by whichever side, with some aura of spurious 'legality' and some remaining hope of eventual improvement, so that the people will be lulled/discouraged/conned into accepting a heavily-polluted serfdom under global corporate overlords without even a fight.
But it's easier to manage the 'great unwashed' (I washed my hands in fracking water, but they didn't come clean) with both a 'good' and a 'bad' cop arrangement, where people still believe that voting for one or another corporate candidate might do them some good. Although that's gotten kinda old, post-Bernie.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I think you've described the status quo
The corporate coup is already well entrenched -- it's their country we're living in. The mass media is all corporate propaganda all the time. Both parties are part of the structure of oligarchy.
The powers that be had to deal with one very unexpected development in this election cycle: Bernie Sanders. Trump, I believe, was the planned outlet for populist outrage, and was meant to make populist feelings illegitimate in the propaganda narrative. Bernie wasn't planned for, and his message was much harder to devalue. He had to be beaten down by cheating and brute force. His message is still out there, an explicit challenge to the phony duopoly of the two parties.
People already aren't buying the two party charade. That's why almost half of us are independents. I expect that number to rise significantly after this election. Hillary Clinton's administration is going to be one long festival of scandal, and I'm hoping idiot Republicans can illegitimize her and the Wall Street Dems she rode in on. That would go a long way toward helping Democratic voters figure out how the game is rigged. Plenty of Republicans have already understood this, and the Democratic voters are behind.
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Line 'em up, lock 'em up
Feed them shit sandwiches which they have been trying to foist on us
I wonder how long it will take
For the Vox article to be changed. Can't be saying no bad things about you know who.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
It's a riot that he defined the precise circumstances
that have already occurred.
But what's up with Comey saying he couldn't see intent when his own field reports let him know that she had this correspondence and she attempted to hide it?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Yeah, I saw that title.
When I saw it was on vox I wondered if markos wrote it. No; the other vox shill, yglesias. I guess markos lost the coin flip.
Useful Idiots
A blog called "Jammie Wearing Fools" published this interesting piece last week:
Latest Wikileaks Email Dump Names More Useful Media Idiots to Help Team Clinton
Apparently little Mattie deleted something on the order of 30,000 tweets, which presumably would have somewhat undermined the image he likes to project as a crusading, tough-minded independent journalist. Fortunately, some of his "fans" have preserved a sampling of some of the more memorable ones for posterity. The article linked to some rather amusing little gems, such as one recommending doing away with age restrictions on voting, and another that seemed to be a vaguely racist swipe at Bobby Jindal.
Matty Yglesias is nothing more than a pathetic little attack poodle for Hillary and the DNC, and Vox is Attack Poodle Central.
inactive account
I read that Hillary doesn't even carry a phone
Huma carries it, and answers when someone calls Hillary.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
"In some sense, sure"
Oh, I love that... definition of which is, "absolutely, but... (wait for it...) SQUIRREL!!!!!!!" (or, "allow me the opportunity to keep a straight face while I shit in your glass of iced tea without breaking eye contact so you miss what I'm doing" - I'll henceforth refer to this as a 'sleight of butt maneuver')
Gawd, these folks are paying for the doctorates in communications studies with their very souls.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
This is the part that struck me....
Generally speaking, in life we assume it would be moderately difficult to hire a well-known law firm to destroy evidence for you without someone deciding to do the right thing and squeal.
In what universe is he existing? That's what law firms do. Or at least the big ones that have other lawyers like Hillary for clients Anybody that might squeal would be skewered on a pike.
Yup, a media blackout mostly
This approach is to try to create a media blackout of the emails. it must be getting hot as an issue to raise it. I usually scan a number of sites and daily headlines to get a sense of daily talking points. And from what I can tell, Wikileaks has been totally blacked out off the front pages over the last week and a half. At TOP looks like a doubling down on Trump/Putin.
I think Wikileaks will be blacked out for awhile as not to remind Clinton supporters they just elected Mitt Rommey in a pants suit. It would be fun to see the gopers to resurrect them.
That comment is HIGHLY unfair to Romney!
Now if you said "Boss Tweed in a pantsuit", you'd be nearer the mark. (But how many people remember Boss Tweed and why he was infamous?)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Now I know where my friendly neighbor Hillbot got her
talking points. She stopped by today and I reminded her we had already voted so there was no chance of a last minute conversion to HER (not that there ever was hah!). She whipped out her phone and asked if I had seen this "information." It was basically what was in this article in list form. I spent maybe five seconds perusing it and told her all that currently mattered to me was what Hill and her family have done. THX for posting. Apparently the list form is on some Hillbot FB site, and being used to try and swing any undecideds. Sheesh! Who is the world is undecided?