Open Thread Sunday 11-29-15

Good morning 99percenters!
As promised, the aggregated list of suggestions for a new name for c99p. For those wishing to participate, make a list of your favorite(s) to help narrow down the selection and post them in the comments.

This is a long list so take it slow and try to visualize each suggestion otherwise the copious selections may make it too easy to skip over some deserving ones. Some take a little thought to grok the esoteric meaning. I made every attempt to suss out all of the suggestions made in all the OTs and EBs since I posted the original call for contributions. If you noticed that one or more were missed that you had made, let me know in the comments and I'll add them to the list. Or if you have new ones I'll also add them to the list. We'll keep this active for a few days and later in the week the final decision will be made. We have until Dec. 5 to decide, that's next Saturday. Thanks to all that have participated.

OK, here goes:

bluehighway (already in use so would need to be a variant)
Bread and Roses (already in use so it would have to be a variant)
Guthrie'sGuitar (This Machine Kills Fascists)
PFLUS (Popular Front for the Liberation of the US)
Bell Bottom Blues
Talkin' Bell Bottom Blues
Talkin' Blues
Out of the Blue
The Blue Train
Code Blue Caucus
Blue Horizons
Blue Note Saloon
Walk on the Blue Side
The Blue Tide Rising
The Deep Blue
The Band of Blue
Gathering Blue
Blue Flame Blues
Blue Cheer
Blue on Blue
The Blue Door
Blue Crossroads
Liberal Blues
Radical Blues
dance lessons with emma
emma's dance parlor
heretics on ice
ageless mutant ninja protesters
blue beyond
blue hotel
mr. blue's house of mystery
Nobodies Blues
Nobodies Blues Party
blue shifted galaxy
blue kitten com-mew-nity
blue earth
feel welcome union
blue way bridge
tent of the blues
ageless mutant ninja protesters
[the Something (99th?) ] Intelligencer
Division-99 (Div99)
The Last Hurrah
The Last Laugh
The Blue Light Lounge
Bluestar Observatory
The Blues Train
Platform 99
The Cobalt Express
Blues Canyon Flyer
Second Thought Special
The Mainstreeter Special
The Indigo Flyer
Big Tent Blues
end of the earth bar and grill
antelope zephyr
blue comet special
black hawk flyer
lost city daylight rocket
east wind express
fisherman's arrow
meteor midnight express
north star marksman
royal blue rocket
speed merchant streamliner
twin star turboliner
she caught the katy
a mule to ride
Ghostly Blue Beacons
Lighthouse Blues
Lighthouse 99
Blue Rays at Lighthouse 99
Rhythms in Blue
99 Blue-Spotted Sting Rays
Blue Sting Rays
Blue Hawks
Blue Flames of Discontent
Left Out Blues
Blues for Reds
ditching demockery
Long Day's Journey into Night
Pulp politics blues
Left Town News and Blues (or some derivative thereof, namely change the word Left to something else)
Juke Joint News and Blues
News and Blues on the Rocks
News and Blues Express
News and Blues on Ice99
ICE99 News and Blues Express
left-handed news and blues
leeward / windward news and blues
News and Blues on the Rocks

Here's a little music by Sugar Ray Norcia & The Bluetones to help you decide.

Sugar Ray & the Bluetones - Union Hall

Sugar Ray & The Bluetones - I Wanna Marry You Girl

Billy Branch & Sugar Ray Norcia - Route 66

Sugar Ray and the Bluetones w/ Kid Bangham - She's Blued and Broken

Sugar Ray Norcia & Sonny Jr. - Jammin' On A Sunday Afternoon

Sugar Ray and the Bluetones - Things Could Be Worse

This is an open thread so talk the talk.

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that list makes the mind boggle, no?

Whadda' ya' think of this one?

Left Town News and Blues (or some derivative thereof, namely change the word Left to something else)

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gulfgal98's picture

I have some favorites, but there may not be ten in all. I am shocked at just how long the list is now.

Still thinking them over and considering how easy they will be to use in spreading the word. Thanks for aggregating them for us. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

10 was just a suggestion, list as many or as few as you like. Yes, the list is daunting, but there are some great ideas there.

Comment update: I changed that in the OT to reflect what ever amount of favorites that you'd like to list.

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JayRaye's picture

Juke Joint News and Blues?

Anyway, I like news and blues in there because this is the home of the evening blues where we meet to listen to some great blues and discuss the news of the day.

Blue Moon Rising is still at or near the top of my list... but am I the only one that likes the name that we already have? The name could just be C99, short and sweet.

I'm from MN where we have precinct caucuses which in South Minneapolis was practically the same as a socialist labor farmer party meeting. The Democratic Party of MN has a name that recalls our radical past: Democratic Farmer-Labor Party (DFL). I almost always went to the District Convention as either a delegate or an alternate. Alternates almost always got seated some time in the afternoon whenever the early risers wanted to go home. Those were great times.

There were sub-caucuses and sub-sub-caucuses based on issues.

It was real grass roots democracy. Don't think we had much influence on national elections, but at the local level we could make a difference.

Wellstone received the nomination, in part, with the support of delegates who came up through the precinct caucuses.

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

Juke Joint News and Blues has been added to the list. Certainly c99p can be your pick, if enough folks voice their preference for it, I will definitely listen.

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a serious crime

Just over a week after Cumhuriyet Editor-in-Chief, Can Dündar, represented the Turkish daily news outlet in receiving a press freedom award, he and another top editor were arrested and jailed on charges of espionage. In question was a controversial article exposing arms shipments from Turkish intelligence to Syrian extremist rebels.

“We have been arrested,” tweeted Dündar on Thursday. “Don’t worry, these are medals of honor for us.”

He explained further: “We are accused of ‘spying.’ The president said ‘treason.’ We are not traitors, spy [sic], or heroes; we are journalists. What we have done here is an act of journalism,” said Dündar before testifying on Thursday. “Of course, this prosecution will help enlighten how these incidents took place, rather than how we covered this story.”

Now a third Turkish journalist has been arrested, according to local reports. Ertuğrul Özkök, a reporter for Turkish daily Hüriyet, has been arrested for a slanderous criticism of who is presumed to be Erdoğan — even though the president wasn’t explicitly named anywhere in Özkök’s article. As if more evidence of Turkey’s quashing free press and free speech were needed , Özkök potentially faces five years and four months in prison for expressing this opinion.

Dündar and Ankara correspondent, Erdem Gül, if found guilty on charges of spying, as well as aiding a terrorist organization, could spend the rest of their lives in a Turkish prison — for doing their job. There is a painfully ironic undercurrent in the charges considering the subject of the article is the Erdoğan administration’s complicity in arming Syrian extremists (read: terrorists).

Erdoğan himself sued Dündar and accused Cumhuriyet of releasing false information and spying when the story first exploded, stating at the time the journalist responsible would “pay a heavy price,” as the Wall Street Journal reported.

Despite Cunhuriyet’s recent honor from Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF, or Reporters Without Borders), under the paranoid, watchful eye of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, journalists — and dissenters — have faced sweeping general censorship. Dündar and Gül might be the most prominent recent examples of Erdoğan’s attempt to keep “state secrets” concealed from public scrutiny, but they’re not the first journalists to poke this particular sore spot.

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lotlizard's picture

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Edward Snowden should have stayed in the US and "faced the music" — like so many Dems and GOP deriders bray — because treason.

Like the speakers of truth to power in Turkey, Snowden would be caged in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. Or, even killer — because USA number one.

Is there anyone in the world who doesn't know Turkey has been running guns to Sunni terrorists since Chris Stevens met with Turkey in Benghazi with keys to the Libyan armory? It's certain not a secret that every single fighter who joins ISIS from anywhere in the world — including the US, France and the UK — all get there by flying to Turkey.

Of course, both Turkey and the US follow the rule of their best friends, the Saudis, who crucify journalists, after they behead them. The three, together, created ISIS and pretend-bomb them frequently.

But, I don't think Americans will ever see that, even though they know they are sliding into violent state repression. They are terrified of information that changes everything.

“We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”  - William Casey, CIA Director 1981.

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triv33's picture

a little different, made for my honey, who keeps trying to buy it from me so that he may deface it is some way. Does this art make his ass look fat? No, that's his guitar!

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I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~


Even as foreign powers step up pressure against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, the militant group has expanded in Libya and established a new base close to Europe where it can generate oil revenue and plot terror attacks.

Since announcing its presence in February in Sirte, the city on Libya’s Mediterranean coast has become the first that the militant group governs outside of Syria and Iraq. Its presence there has grown over the past year from 200 eager fighters to a roughly 5,000-strong contingent which includes administrators and financiers, according to estimates by Libyan intelligence officials, residents and activists in the area.
This burgeoning operation in Libya shows how Islamic State is able to grow and adapt even as it is targeted by Russian, French and U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria as well as Kurdish and Iraqi ground assaults in Iraq.

In Libya, Islamic State has fended off challenges from government-aligned militias, crushed an uprising in Sirte and called for recruits who have the technical know-how to put the nearby oil facilities into operation.

Libyan officials said they are worried that it is only a matter of time before Islamic State attempts to take over more oil fields and refineries near Sirte to boost its revenue—money that could fund attacks in the Middle East and Europe.

Sirte is a gateway to several major oil fields and refineries farther east on the same coast and Islamic State has targeted those installations over the last year.

“They have made their intentions clear,” said Ismail Shoukry, head of military intelligence for the region that includes Sirte. “They want to take their fight to Rome.”

NY Times

Of those, by far the most important is based in Surt, a Libyan port city on the Mediterranean about 400 miles southeast of Sicily. Western officials familiar with intelligence reports say it is the only affiliate now operating under the direct control of the central Islamic State’s leaders. In Libya, residents of Surt and local militia leaders say the transformation of the Islamic State group here has been evident for months.

“Libya is the affiliate that we’re most worried about,” Patrick Prior, the Defense Intelligence Agency’s top counterterrorism analyst, said at a recent security conference in Washington. “It’s the hub from which they project across all of North Africa.”

The leadership of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, is now clenching its grip on Surt so tightly that Western intelligence agencies say they fear the core group may be preparing to fall back to Libya as an alternative base if necessary, a haven where its jihadists could continue to fight from even if it was ousted from its original territories.
In Libya, where a NATO bombing campaign helped overthrow Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi four years ago, there is no functional government. Warring factions are far more focused on fighting one another than on taking on the Islamic State, and Libya’s neighbors are all too weak or unstable to lead or even host a military intervention.

The Islamic State has already established exclusive control of more than 150 miles of Mediterranean coastline near Surt, from the town of Abugrein in the west to Nawfaliya in the east. The militias from the nearby city of Misurata that once vowed to expel the group completely have all retreated. Only a few checkpoints manned by one or two militiamen guard the edge of the Islamic State’s turf, where its fighters come and go as they please.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

And end this forever.

We could have done that back in 2001. So far, they've won and the American people have lost.

They only want one very simple thing that will cost nothing.

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lotlizard's picture

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lotlizard's picture

There's Dean Obeidallah (here's his Wikipedia page) and Amer Zahr, who also has a book out called Being Palestinian Makes Me Smile.

And then there's a Lebanese-American stand-up comic: Nemr Abou Nassar

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lotlizard's picture

The courageously political one went on an Axis of Evil Comedy Tour.

The strictly apolitical one is exemplified by Nemr Abou Nassar's motto "No Religion, No Politics, One Love" and makes him "safe" enough for an endorsement marketing setup with Red Bull and a glowing review in the Saudi-controlled media outlet Arab News.

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That is one daunting list. I have two
"picks" from my first read-through, but
need to go through the list at least a
couple more times . . .

Thanks for putting this together. I'll be
back later.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

we'll be here when you're ready.

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mimi's picture

"News and Blues on the Rocks."
"News and Blues Express"
"News and Blues on Ice99"
"ICE99 News and Blues Express"
(btw, "ICE" (Inter-City Express) is the name of speed train in Germany)
"left-handed news and blues"
"leeward / windward news and blues"

Seems we don't get the list sized down ... Smile
I foresee an authoritarian decision made by our leaders... /ducking

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for the new suggestions. Yeah, I doubt we'll come to a consensus this way, I suspect it will come down to final decision by Joe and myself.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

I thought you two were going to narrow down this page to a manageable size.

But no matter. I scanned the list and weighted and synthesized the names. Behold:

House of the Rising Tide.

That's all I got.

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mimi's picture

It's green, it's blue, it's a home, it's rising up and if it does it engulfs everyone.

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joe shikspack's picture

i threw all the names into the blender of my mind, set it on puree and this came out:

"little blue number"

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Climate change
Ersatz democracy
Broken promises
Swept by forces of change
Loss or original vision — "immigrants are strength"
Big ass tide
Rebellious, defiant, change or die

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

be awesome in a signature line!

Postscript: Just heard FSC in a stump speech (XM Radio) blathering on about 'tax breaks for everyone,' while rattling off a laundry list of new, free programs.

Simpson-Bowles, anyone? (referencing 'cutting taxes,' not implementing new social/economic programs)


"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown

"To Thine Own Self Be True, And It Must Follow, As The Night The Day, Thou Canst Not Then Be False To Any Man."
--William Shakespeare

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.


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Unabashed Liberal's picture

and would take a bit of time to peruse. I'm pretty lousy at naming blogs, so will leave that to greater minds.

But, I do have a suggestion or two to share. (probably rather obvious ones, at that)

Oh, is the plan to keep the tagline "Home Of The Evening Blues?" I hope so. Wink

I would try to make the title 'all inclusive.' Otherwise, one may narrow the audience, right off the bat.

The shorter the title, the better. (emptywheel, Unclaimed Territory, Naked Capitalism, etc.)

Stay away from too much 'insiderism' in the title. Again, it narrows the potential audience, and can be downright confusing to potential readers/members.

Attempt to state/hint at the 'purpose' of the blog in the title.

(I finally hit on the 'right' name for my blog, which had alluded me for weeks. Even though the title (2 words) is somewhat self-explanatory, I decided to further explain it, by including the dictionary definition of the expression (blog title) at the very top of the sidebar.)

And, last but not least, if it were me, I would not repeat words in the blog title, that are in the blog tagline. Which is 'why' I asked whether you intend to keep the current tagline.

Once you narrow the list down, I may have to put my 2 cents in--at this point, my heavy favorite is a title that JtC has recently come up with.

Good luck!

This is fun and interesting to watch . . .


"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

which one would that be?

Once you narrow the list down, I may have to put my 2 cents in--at this point, my heavy favorite is a title that JtC has recently come up with.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

if you keep the tagline for EB, which I, personally, would be inclined to do.

Left Town News (And Blues)

Of course, the full title is a bit lengthier than I usually favor, but it sounds good (IMO). Frankly, I have nothing against 'Left.' OTOH, as you suggest, maybe there's another word that would work well in this title. So far, I've not thought of a better one.

And, if "Blues" is left in the main title, it would violate my other suggestion of not duplicating words in the title and the tagline. (*Sigh*)

Still--I like it!

Of course, you Guys have come in with beaucoup excellent potential titles. So many, it's really hard to narrow them down. There are several other proposed titles, here, that are very striking. However, I like the 'descriptive' nature of this title--stating the blog purpose, that is. And, I think it would peak potential readers' interest.

IMHO, it might be a good idea to somehow imply that this blog is not just about 'opinion,' but that it is very much about good reporting, or 'news.'

I just hope that the new logo is as easy as the current one, to include in a signature line.


I'll be very interested to see the outcome.

Good luck to you and Joe!



"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

mimi's picture

Berlin, Germany:
Cameroon: Wow, that makes me happy and hopeful ...

Washington DC:

And I sit here like an idiot in front of the "puter"...

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mimi's picture

ha. you decide, it looks good to me, whatever you call it.
50,000 people attend #ClimateMarch in London

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Yes, it lives on

Although Congress then trimmed the bill down to $607 billion, the cuts did not affect the $300 million aid to the Ukrainian government, or the “zombie” surveillance blimp program that has cost nearly $3 billion so far. It also left almost $500 million dedicated to arming and training “moderate rebels” in Syria – a program the Pentagon had already abandoned.


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ISIS propaganda article

That said, perhaps the larger question here is this: how is it that a movement with only 30,000 estimated fighters who have supposedly been the target of intense US airstrikes and counter-terrorism ops for 14 months is able to control and govern cities with populations that number in the millions virtually unimpeded? Remember, Saddam had around 400,000 troops and his army held up for about three weeks in the face of a "serious" effort by the US.
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lotlizard's picture

From the New Eastern Outlook, an online journal published by the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

Why the West won't hit ISIS where it hurts

· · ·

Reuters also claims (emphasis added):

The area where the operations would take place is now controlled by the radical Islamists. The United States and Turkey hope that by sweeping Islamic State, also frequently called Daesh, from that border zone they can deprive it of a smuggling route which has seen its ranks swell with foreign fighters and its coffers boosted by illicit trade.

Under a long-discussed joint U.S.-Turkish plan, moderate Syrian rebels, trained by the U.S. army, would be expected to fight Islamic State on the ground and help coordinate air strikes by the U.S. coalition, launched from Turkish air bases, under the strategy drawn up by Washington and Ankara.

Diplomats familiar with the plans have said cutting off one of Islamic State’s lifelines could be a game-changer in that corner of Syria’s complex war. The core of the rebels, who number less than 60, would be highly equipped and be able to call in close air support when needed, they say.

The “Islamic State’s lifelines” leading from where? The question is never fully answered in Reuters’ report, nor in Kerry’s comments, nor in any statement made by Western politicians, policymakers, or pundits since the Syrian conflict began in 2011. The answer is obvious, however. The Islamic State’s lifelines run from Turkey, into Syria. Looking at any map of the conflict shows clearly that it is in no way a “civil war,” but rather an invasion from NATO territory.


From the Guardian:

Sharri Markson: journalist at the Australian in run-in with Israeli security

News Corp reporter was taken aside during press visit for collecting personal details of Syrian fighters being secretly treated in Israeli hospital

· · ·

Markson, who is back in Sydney, made a statement on Twitter. “The Syrian fighters gave me theirs too. Israeli security were a bit heavy-handed, demanding I delete the details from my phone and notebook,” she wrote.

“The Syrian fighters took my details to keep in touch with a journalist when they return to Syria, where they’re at war with Assad and Daesh.”

At war with Assad and Daesh? Well, the fighters could be at war almost exclusively with Assad and only tokenly with Daesh, and the statement would still be technically true.

Bearing in mind that Sharri Markson's employer is Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. (Fox News, National Geographic) . . .

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lotlizard's picture

Another article from New Eastern Outlook:
NATO’s Terror Convoys Halted at Syrian Border

Daily Sabah’s report also reveals that the Turkish-Syrian border crossing of Oncupinar is held by what it calls “rebels.” The border crossing of Oncupinar should be familiar to many as it was the scene of Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle’s (DW) investigative report where DW camera crews videotaped hundreds of trucks waiting at the border, bound for ISIS territory, apparently with full approval of Ankara.

The report was published in November of 2014, a full year ago, and revealed precisely how ISIS has been able to maintain its otherwise inexplicable and seemingly inexhaustible fighting capacity. The report titled, “‘IS’ supply channels through Turkey,” included a video and a description which read:

Every day, trucks laden with food, clothing, and other supplies cross the border from Turkey to Syria. It is unclear who is picking up the goods. The haulers believe most of the cargo is going to the “Islamic State” militia. Oil, weapons, and soldiers are also being smuggled over the border, and Kurdish volunteers are now patrolling the area in a bid to stem the supplies.

The report, and many others like it, left many around the world wondering why, if the US is willing to carry out risky military operations deep within Syrian territory to allegedly “fight ISIS,” the US and its allies don’t commit to a much less riskier strategy of securing the Turkish-Syrian border within Turkey’s territory itself — especially considering that the United States maintains an airbase, training camps, and intelligence outposts within Turkish territory and along the very border ISIS supply convoys are crossing over.

Ideally, NATO should have interdicted these supply convoys before they even crossed over into Syria — arresting the drivers and tracking those who filled the trucks back to their source and arresting them as well. Alternatively, the trucks should have been destroyed either at the border or at the very least, once they had entered into Syria and were clearly headed toward ISIS-occupied territory.

That none of this took place left many to draw conclusions that the impunity granted to this overt logistical network was intentional and implicated NATO directly in the feeding of the very ISIS terrorists it claimed to be “fighting.”

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News and Blues on the Rocks

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I like that one, a lot!

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shaharazade's picture








Second Thought Special


Juke Joint News and Blues ? hummm nah

As you can see the blue is a turn off for me. However as much as I love the Evening Blues I'm not really a blues fan. Rhythm and blues is a whole other matter. So either way you cut the blue's musically or politically I feel it's a limiting description of what this site is about. Just my 2 cents I'll be happy with whatever it's called . A rose by any other name ..... say there's a good name. lol quite a mouthful.

About trying to make the name avoid the spook filters and people who are too chicken to go to a site that might be on the 'list' what a crock. Too late now folks! 'You better run run run away from my bullet.' Paranoia is nothing I care to cater to. How about 99%Leaks. Face it's published on the public side of the internet even with joining up etc. your under the big spooky eyeball. Personally anyone who is that tied into being safe and secure is just useless. I realize you want to grow the site but at what price? I've learned the hard way it's better to be what you are and fuck them if they can't take a joke. Even in marketing it's better to stand and be creative behind what you are instead of trying to be safe and harmless.

I'm not interested in participating in some kind of blog that wants to alter it's content or name so that it appeals to an audience that is afraid to speak out. Seems kind of like defeating the whole point of blogging if your not buying it. The world online needs more bogs and sites willing to buck the intimidation from the spooks. Look at FB at least there you have your choice stay safe or pick your own poison. Lets face it it's all poison to the 'filters' unless you hide your intent behind some useless camouflage. Who wants new members who are too afraid to embrace the 99% or any other keyword that wakens the spooks of intimidation?

Sorry for the rant but paranoia runs deep and it only empowers the evil fucks. I come here to read unfiltered news from diverse sources, to hear great music and to chat with open minded unafraid people of good spirit.

So what ever name you and Joe pick keep in mind that anyone who can't come here because it's name might set off the spooks or is too radical is nobody I have any interest in talking to. I had enough of dealing with this shit. For me this site is an oasis of sanity where I can hear voices that differ from mine but are above all not afraid. I also have come to hate the blue and red breakdown. I don't want a site that is uselessly rad but I do want this site to remain a place where paranoia of the spooks filters is not even considered. It's absurd they already have our number and most of us are on lists that date back to the Bushies.

There that's my rant and I hope you take it in the spirit it was intended. Sure your the boss you can do whatever you want. Trying to fool the fucking machine the spooks use seems silly. They already have our number. Once again who want's to converse with paranoid idiots too afraid to set off word filters that just might just what ????? come and getcha? Wreck your life? WTF? Better to go down talking some truth. I have no interest in convincing the keepers of the gates or the fearful that everything is secure because it's not. Get a grip. People need to stop being intimidated from free speech because of the filters of Big Brother. Let it rip!

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shaharazade's picture

I don't know why this one comes to mind.....

She hid around corners...

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

that you've listed, Ice99 is the most appealing to me.

(Might could use an 'aside' in the sidebar, though. Unless, of course, I'm the only person who didn't get it. And that could be.)

Your comments gave me another 'quote' for my signature line. As 'Bill' said many moons ago,

"To Thine Own Self Be True, And It Must Follow, As The Night The Day, Thou Canst Not Then Be False To Any Man."
----William Shakespeare

Thanks for the idea . . .


"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

shaharazade's picture

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lotlizard's picture

“Celsius 99: Boiling Point”

Which evokes echoes of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11, and “boiling point” as in the 99% being really steamed and almost ready to blow their top.

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lotlizard's picture

Bringing to mind “revolution(s)” (since “rpm” = revs per minute) without actually saying the word.

Or thinking of water or clouds whirling at 99 rpm, and “whirl / whirled” as suggesting “world”:

Blue Whirl
Blues Whirl
Blue Whirl 99 rpm
Whirled 99 rpm Blues
Whirled Blues: RPM99
Whirled Blues World News

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lotlizard's picture

Lawrence Davidson on Rob Kall's OpEdNews:
          Who is right in Syria? An analysis
          (posted originally to Davidson's own website)

Robert Parry on Consortium News, back on April 15:

Did Money Seal Israeli-Saudi Alliance?

Special Report: The odd-couple relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel may have been sealed with more than a mutual desire to kiss-off Iran. According to an intelligence source, there was a dowry involved, too, with the Saudis reportedly giving Israel some $16 billion.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

I've known you, like, forever. But you are really expressive now. And you are nearly as out there as I am. I pay special attention to your comments because your perspective is geopolitical. You are looking at things from the outside in, no? Plus, you fly in the same virtual timezone as me.

So glad you're here.

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lotlizard's picture

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mimi's picture

feel like you are like a "soul sister" to me. You help me a lot. Thank you. And please don't say again that your last ten years of political activism was all wasted time. Being depressed is a curse and I try to find people to help me out of my depressions and you did. So, no such thing as "wasted time". I frantically search for reasons and arguments to convince a loved one from not feeling to have wasted a life. It's so hard to find them.

So far I used this here as the last buoy 99, a moored buoy that is. I cling to that.

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gulfgal98's picture

I am going to try to narrow this down. In no particular order, here are my favorites.

ditching demockery
Juke Joint News and Blues

I have listed eight. The ones with the * are my top four favorites among those eight.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy