"Extremely Careless" Hillary, the woman HERSELF, is a DANGEROUS THREAT to our National Security --> the Safety of All Americans. Please Share.
In about two weeks, America will once again visit polling stations and participate in a soon-to-be archaic ritual called voting. As a tiny reward, and also to remind others to participate in the ritual, those who do it old-style - in a booth - will be given a tiny oval-shaped sticker that says "I Voted". I have often asked for a second sticker to bring home for the kiddo, and a weird feeling of pride has always come over me when I gave it to her. I fantasized that I was making an imprint on her young psyche, that she would grow up to fully understand that voting is important, it is how free people who live under democracy make important decisions and choose their leaders. Now I almost want to cry, considering the state of our "democracy". On the day we vote, many of us will also pause for a moment to reflect on our love for our country; this has always also somehow been part of the ritual. Visions of the Fourth of July, hamburgers, fireworks, a flag with 50 stars and 13 stripes, and stories of how our country came to be will dance inside our heads. And many if not most of us will also remember, quietly, the many soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf in order to keep America safe.
I recently found a website, Surfnetkids.com, that tries to explain the Declaration of Independence in a way that children can understand. Cool. Tell me, what adult on earth does not appreciate the beauty and the power of the words Jefferson strung together on that particular piece of parchment? And who could have possibly guessed all that would follow after he penned those words?
As people that have founded this land we believe certain truths and those should not be questioned: we believe that everyone is created equal in the sight of God; God has given us certain rights; the rights of each person need to be respected and cannot be taken from them. We believe in the right to Life; the right to Liberty; and the right to pursue our own happiness. We also believe that governments are formed to protect these certain rights and that the power of the government comes from the power of the people.
We also believe that if the government fails to protect the rights of its people that they have the right to change the government. The government can be totally changed if it needs to be. This happens so that everyone can be happy and safe.
Notice in the text above, I have emboldened a few phrases. Why? I want to make two key points:
- Americans disagree about many serious issues today. But just like the founding fathers - who could not agree about one of the most serious issues of all, slavery – most of us agree that keeping our country safe is perhaps government’s most important role.
In fact, a key reason why the Constitution was even written in the first place involved a matter of national security. Did you know that? England continued to pose a dangerous threat for many years after the American Revolution, and the infant country knew that it urgently needed an army in order to defend itself. But armies cost money, and our forefathers soon discovered that their ability to raise funds for one was seriously compromised by certain glaring problems in the Articles of Confederation, which defined the first version of our government. Under America's "first Constitution", each state had much more political power than it does today; each state was almost its own little kingdom. The net result was that instead of raising funds, the states primarily squabbled among themselves over who exactly should be picking up the tab. The situation was dire; if funds had not been raised, it is highly doubtful that America would even exist today. And so state leaders convened for a long summer in a hot room in Philadelphia, to make a second attempt at drafting an architecture for a government. The rest, as they say, is history. Think about the enormity of what they did, and why they did it. Each of "the kingdoms" made huge sacrifices in order to SURVIVE as a country because they knew they had no choice. The moral of the story: keeping a country safe is a fundamental objective, we would be wise to remember the struggle and the deeds of those who came before us; if we forget this basic truth, our way of life shall certainly perish. I worry that in all of the recent discussions about emails and hackers, many voters have lost track of the fundamental concepts behind the words "extremely careless with classified information." Instead, they simply hear buzzwords devoid of meaning, the equivalent of "blah, blah, blah".
- When words such as national security, national defense, classified information, etc., are used, the discussion involves a gravely important topic, namely one related to America's ability to keep "we the people" safe from our enemies. We live in a strange time. We are currently at war and have been so engaged for many years now; however those proceedings have been so compartmentalized and sanitized by our leaders that the reality of war is not evident in the lives of many or most of us. We don't mean to, but we often forget we are at war and even what war is. We must remember that the lives of living, breathing human beings are often literally at stake when the above words are used, and also that courageous field agents may have died in service to their country to obtain precious knowledge that might help us win. The matter is extremely serious and NEEDS TO BE treated as such. To be sloppy with information related to such a matter, to be reckless with it, or even to make an innocent mistake with it is ... how do I say this? It is similar to a child who insists on playing with matches against their parent's stern warnings, and ends up burning the house down. What does one say to such a child? "It's okay sweetie, we're just glad you weren't hurt"? Only the situation is actually much worse ... imagine that the child has not just burned their own family's home, they have also burned down the entire city ... or the entire state ... or the entire country. Now what does one say to such a child? And how do you respond to them if they say, "Well, I've said I'm sorry, what else do you expect me to do?"
I recently put certain puzzle pieces together and realized that Hillary Rodham Clinton actually has a long history of being sloppy and careless over matters that affect national security. I am talking about Email-gate, yes, but that is merely one example. I can and will describe at least five others. Taken one at a time, perhaps some voters are willing to forgive and overlook what they see as a "mistake". However, when all of these examples are taken together, a very shocking and dangerous picture begins to emerge. I humbly submit that the very idea of someone being "extremely careless" over matters of NATIONAL SECURITY bothers me tremendously. How do I say this? As a country, how on earth could we allow a soul who has a record of not only playing with matches, but also of BURNING THINGS DOWN and then BLAMING OTHERS for it, to lead our country? To do so seems insane.
A scandal known as Email-gate is upon us. The FBI recently concluded an investigation into Hillary's use of a private email server in the basement of her home for official government business while she served as Secretary of State. I have many comments on this example, but I am saving most of them for another essay. Today I want to focus on the bigger and more dangerous picture of which Email-gate is simply one piece, but in order to do that, I will start by discussing key elements of this scandal.

On July 7, 2016, FBI Director James B. Comey read a now infamous statement to announce the FBI's findings. To better understand those words, one needs to understand what exactly was being examined by the FBI. In an early report, the Washington Post described the investigation as "looking into the security of Hillary Clinton's private e-mail setup"; it began after the inspector general from the intelligence agencies, I. Charles McCullough III, did a quick test and found troubling stuff. Can we step back for a moment and really think about what this means? An inspector general is a watchdog position designed to ensure that federal agencies operate with the kind of integrity we all expect from them; the watchdog for the agencies that have the responsibility to collect information about actors who might want to seriously harm America had seen a bright red flag, and was taking the proper steps that was expected from him, as defined by law, when he filed a referral to the FBI. What exactly was the bright red flag?
[McCullough] had found information that should have been designated as classified in four e-mails out of a “limited sample” of 40 that his agency reviewed. As a result, he said, he made the “security referral,” acting under a federal law that requires alerting the FBI to any potential compromises of national security information.
“The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government’s possession,” McCullough said in a statement, which was also signed by the State Department’s inspector general, Steve A. Linick. — link
I want to spell this out so that everyone can understand. Classified information is not supposed to be stored ANYWHERE outside of the government's control. Why? As I tried to explain earlier,
"The lives of living, breathing human beings are often literally at stake ... and courageous field agents may have died in service to their country to obtain precious knowledge that might help us win. In other words, the matter is extremely serious and NEEDS TO BE treated as such."
It is a FUCKING BIG DEAL to find classified information in a place where classified information should not be, and it is even MORE OF A FUCKING BIG DEAL when that place happens to be a computer stored in the basement of a person who is four heartbeats away from the presidency. McCullough's face probably turned white when he found those four emails, the situation is so horrific. I worry that many voters do not truly comprehend the magnitude of the seriousness of McCullough's discovery. And after the WikiLeaks scandal, every American should now hopefully realize that ALL OF THE INFORMATION that was stored on Clinton's privately owned machine in her basement must surely now be in the hands of our enemies: her computer system was not in the hands of qualified persons who had the knowledge or ability to keep the information on her system properly secure.
This situation is bad, folks, it is very very bad. How do I explain Clinton's recklessness and naivete in terms most persons can understand? Imagine that you have purchased a brand new laptop and decided to connect it to the Internet and run it without bothering to set up anti-virus software or a firewall ... imagine you aren't sophisticated enough to even know what those are or what they do, so you don't bother with them. Sure, plenty of people don't understand computers, but they also realize that they need help from persons who do; they seek out folks who can help them set them up the way they need to be set up. What happens if a computer is used on the Internet but is not properly safeguarded? It quickly becomes infected with "viruses" and "mal-ware." Most of us understand that the Internet is a dangerous place where hackers lurk, so we need to take steps to keep ourselves safe.
Now let's consider what Clinton did: she INTENTIONALLY DECIDED to use a special computer in her basement for her emails INSTEAD OF using the SAFE solutions provided by her IT department. Does this sound more than a little strange to you? Why would she do that? Is she secretly an ace computer programmer on the side? No, of course not. Was it common for others in the state department to set up and use computers in THEIR basements for THEIR emails? No. So why did she, especially when she was a person who continues to be tremendously unskilled with computers? Why indeed. Those who understand computers can read the famous report issued on May 26, 2016 by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for the State Department and see that Clinton was in fact HIGHLY UNCOOPERATIVE with the IT Department that she SHOULD HAVE been working with, the folks who had an actual job responsibility to keep all computers in the State Department safe.
BTW, for those who might be interested: I also wrote an essay called Email and Cybersecurity for Dummies: a Primer to help w/OIG report about Hillary's Private Server (caucus99percent.com).
OIG found no evidence that the Secretary requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business via a personal email account on her private server. According to the current CIO and Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security, Secretary Clinton had an obligation to discuss using her personal email account to conduct official business with their offices, who in turn would have attempted to provide her with approved and secured means that met her business needs. However, according to these officials, DS and IRM did not—and would not—approve her exclusive reliance on a personal email account to conduct Department business, because of the restrictions in the FAM and the security risks in doing so.
During Secretary Clinton’s tenure, the FAM also instructed employees that they were expected to use approved, secure methods to transmit SBU information and that, if they needed to transmit SBU information outside the Department’s OpenNet network on a regular basis to non- Departmental addresses, they should request a solution from IRM. However, OIG found no evidence that Secretary Clinton ever contacted IRM to request such a solution, despite the fact that emails exchanged on her personal account regularly contained information marked as SBU. (p. 37)
Before moving on, I want to mention that recent complaints by those in the DNC about being hacked by "the Russians!" ring completely false; they remind me of the homeowner who always leaves their front-door wide open and unlocked, and then screams loudly when they are robbed. Reasonable people understand that if they themselves fail to take reasonable precautions, then they themselves bear a great deal of responsibility if certain harms come to them. In the year 2009, a person who spoke regularly with the President of the United States should have comprehended that any computer they might use would be a highly attractive target to hackers. Curiously, evidence has emerged that Clinton did in fact have awareness of this risk, because as the head of the State Department, she actually lectured all department employees on their 'special duty' to maintain cyber security in an internal video.
'The bureau of diplomatic security and IT staff work around the clock to defend us against cyber attacks, but the real key to cyber security rests with you.
'Complying with department computing policies and being alert to potential threats will help protect all of us.'
Failing to take proper precautions to safeguard America's secrets is nothing short of dereliction of duty. And in the year 2016, trying to escape political consequences for one's own poor decisions by blaming others (Russia!) in ways that increase the likelihood that America might go to war, is both horrifically irresponsible and also the act of a person who views American troops like a plaything to be used and abused for their own personal amusement. If you don't want to be robbed, lock your doors. If you don't want to be hacked, secure your computer system. If you don't actually know how to secure your computer system, don't arrogantly ignore the advice and warnings of those who do.
NSA Whistleblower Says DNC Hack Was Not Done By Russia, But By U.S. Intelligence (investmentwatchblog.com)
The "Fact" That 17 Intelligence Agencies Confirmed Russia is Behind the Email Hacks Isn’t Actually…A "Fact" (zerohedge.com)
Now that you have a better idea of what the investigation was about, we can move on to the FBI's findings. But before we do, let me remind you that when Comey testified before Congress, he mentioned that the investigation was VERY NARROWLY focused on McCullough's referral, and that referral alone. So hypothetically speaking, if the team of FBI agents happened to come across evidence of any kind of misdeed that was not explicitly mentioned on the referral (for example, oh, how about something completely random, like maybe an attempt to avoid FOIA requirements, or even perjury maybe?) they essentially said to themselves "Woah, look at that. That sure does looks funny. Hey Joe! Come over here! Can you even believe this? Wow. Oh well, since THAT ISSUE IS NOT EXPLICITLY MENTIONED ON THE REFERRAL we will just completely ignore it, just like we always do for every other citizen that we investigate!" Wink wink, nudge nudge. Do you think that the FBI ignores issues in this way for average citizens who are not on speaking terms with the president? Me neither.
The video below (6.33 min) shows Comey explaining the narrow focus of the investigation, and Jason Chaffetz being shocked and amazed at what Comey was saying. FYI, in the intro from the guy who made it, Bravo Von Muller, which comes before the congressional testimony (at the 2:40 mark), I think Bravo might be "saying" what Chaffetz is "thinking", but would of course never say. The combination of the two is surprisingly enjoyable. So Bravo to Bravo!
Published on Jul 7, 2016
Everybody knows that Hillary Clinton created a secret hidden computer server to evade the "Freedom of Information Act". James Comey knows she violated that Federal Law but he did not even look in to it. Plus he did not even look in to her lying to Congress ! Bravo to Congressman Jason Chaffetz drilling Comey
Ha, ha, just kidding, since today is late October and Comey spoke in early July, I suspect you already know what Comey said in his statement; in a nutshell, his never-ever-to-be-forgotten words were "no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case" against Clinton. But since his statement was ever-so-carefully crafted in legalistic weasel words intended to bamboozle the public, I strongly suspect that most listeners didn't actually "hear" what Comey "was saying." Here is my best translation (paraphrased): Comey told us that America's system of Justice has a deeply engrained double-standard that allows those in the elite class to escape prosecution. Because no elites have EVER before been prosecuted in the past for Clinton's same alleged crimes, at least that he could find (and he looked very hard, believe me, he looked VERY VERY hard, pinky-swear), in his view all of those lack of prosecutions establishes a SOLID LEGAL PRECEDENT, which is a very important "law thing", as we all know. Based on that precedent, Clinton should not be prosecuted either, neiner neiner, because if SHE were prosecuted, that wouldn't be fair to HER. Got that? Everyone else in her social circle (except for Martha Stewart, of course, but EVERYONE hates her because she's so Little Miss Perfect) gets off free, so she should get off free too. Did you hear all of that? If you did, then of course you now understand why "no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case" against Clinton. Guilt or innocence under the law? Ha ha ha, that's funny. That has NOTHING to do with it, baby. Nothing.
Ok, so like one or two or maybe seventy-thousand-kajillion other citizens, I was a bit miffed by Comey's words; so I wrote an essay: One Law for Thee, and Another for Me - Comey actually said it out loud: if Clinton had been someone else, his decision would likely have been different (caucus99percent.com)
Below is a clip where Comey says (paraphrased): "Hey you, Peons! Just because Hillary got this super duper great once in a lifetime get-out-of jail-free card, does not mean that YOU or ANYONE ELSE YOU KNOW will get it too. If your last name ain't Clinton, you NEED to UNDERSTAND that YOU WILL BE SEVERELY PUNISHED if you try to pull the same stunt that she pulled. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200." Clip is 17 seconds ... go on, watch it a few times, and remember: "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others"
FBI Director James Comey Just Explained Why America Doesn’t Prosecute The Rich And Powerful
The Rich Are Different From You and Me: They Don’t Care About Jobs and Their Money Buys Politicians
Ok, now let me tell you a funny story. I have no idea how it happened, but the Clinton machine watched the exact same episodes of "Comey Speaks Live!" but they reached an entirely different conclusion about what happened. Isn't that wild? They are all saying that the FBI found Clinton to be innocent. Innocent! And apparently that is because ... I think this is how it goes ... she wasn't found "guilty", so ... ipso facto, she must be INNOCENT! Ta-dah!
The machine didn't seem to notice a few things that other alert viewers did, however. To save time, let me just quote from this handy-dandy article written by the National Review:
"Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie: The Quick List of Clinton’s Eight E-mail Lies" :
Actually, a truly quick list is not possible, because she told so many, so often.
James Comey, the FBI director, said in a statement Tuesday that the FBI would not recommend Hillary Clinton for indictment for using a private e-mail address and server for work communication while secretary of state. But he also detailed the findings of the FBI investigation into Clinton’s private server — disproving several of eight major lies she has told multiple times since the investigation into her private server began.
1. Lie: She didn’t send or receive any e-mails that were classified “at the time.” ...
2. Lie: She didn’t send or receive any e-mails “marked classified” at the time. ...
3. Lie: She turned over all of her work-related e-mails. ...
4. Lie: She wanted to use a personal e-mail account for convenience and simplicity, streamlining to one device. ...
5. Lie: Clinton’s use of a private server and e-mail domain was permitted by law and regulation. ...
6. Lie: All of Clinton’s e-mails were immediately captured by @.gov addresses. ...
7. Lie: There were numerous safeguards against security breaches and “no evidence” of hacking. ...
8. Lie: Clinton was never served a subpoena on her e-mail use. ...
Have to admit, at first I thought that some items on this list sounded a little "bad". But kindhearted Comey explained before Congress (very gently, you could tell, he was using his best "compassionate and understanding" voice) that his team had concluded that Clinton was not actually quote unquote "LYING" when she made certain claims, especially the bits about never ever ever sending or receiving CLASSIFIED messages. Some of us remember hearing Hillary say those words, over and over quite a lot, so we heard Comey's words and said to each other, "What?!?!?". For those who might have forgotten, here is a video montage of Hillary making claims that are "false" but "not lies", according to the FBI. Links and partial transcripts appear below.
First, when I got to work as secretary of state, I opted for convenience to use my personal email account, which was allowed by the State Department, because I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two.
Looking back, it would’ve been better if I’d simply used a second email account and carried a second phone, but at the time, this didn’t seem like an issue.
Third, after I left office, the State Department asked former secretaries of state for our assistance in providing copies of work- related emails from our personal accounts. I responded right away and provided all my emails that could possibly be work-related, which totalled roughly 55,000 printed pages, even though I knew that the State Department already had the vast majority of them. We went through a thorough process to identify all of my work- related emails and deliver them to the State Department. At the end, I chose not to keep my private personal emails — emails about planning Chelsea’s wedding or my mother’s funeral arrangements, condolence notes to friends as well as yoga routines, family vacations, the other things you typically find in inboxes.
“In meeting the record keeping obligations, it was my practice to email government officials on their state or other ‘dot-gov’ accounts, so that the emails were immediately captured and preserved,” Clinton explained.
And what I did was to direct, you know, my counsel to conduct a thorough investigation and to err on the side of providing anything that could be connected to work. They did that, and that was my obligation. I fully fulfilled it, and then I took the unprecedented step of saying, “Go ahead and release them, and let people see them.”
CLINTON: Well, the system we used was set up for President Clinton’s office. And it had numerous safeguards. It was on property guarded by the Secret Service. And there were no security breaches.
QUESTION: Were you ever — were you ever specifically briefed on the security implications of using — using your own email server and using your personal address to email with the president?
CLINTON: I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.
So I’m certainly well-aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.
Again, Comey testified before Congress and said that his organization concluded that HRC DIDN'T LIE AT ALL about the sending and receiving of the classified messages. And then he went on to explain why her many outrageously false statements (which is a judgement on my part, I suppose, using things like "facts" to evaluate the "accuracy" of her "words"), were not lies.
Are you ready for this? Are you sitting down? What I am going to share now is almost unbelievable. It is also closely related to another example which shows that "extremely Careless" Hillary is a DANGEROUS THREAT to the safety of all Americans, that is, if what Comey said under oath before Congress was "true".
Comey tried to be as tactful as he could when he explained that the FBI's judgement was that
So in the FBI's view, Hillary was simply mistaken, not lying, when she made multiple demonstrably false statements. I encourage you to go back and watch the previous video again, and take a close look at what Hillary's face and voice look like when she is "mistaken" but not "lying".
Speaking with Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.), Comey disputed the Republican lawmaker’s assumption that Clinton was well-versed in the world of classification levels and related information.
"I don't think that our investigation established she was actually particularly sophisticated with respect to classified information and the levels and treatment," Comey said.
"Isn't she an original classification authority though?" DeSantis asked, to which Comey responded, "Yes, Sir, yes, Sir."
DeSantis exclaimed, “Good grief.”
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, the alleged reasoning behind the FBI's recommendation "that no charges are appropriate in this case": Hillary was not "particularly sophisticated" when it came to classified information. As Maxwell Smart might say, "Ah yes, it's the old, she wasn’t lying, she was just stupid" defense. The woman who served as Secretary of State, the head of the federal organization that is responsible for all international relations involving the United States, did not fully comprehend all details related to "the levels and treatment" of highly sensitive information that affects the national security of all Americans.
FBI releases Hillary Clinton email report
Washington (CNN) - Hillary Clinton repeatedly told the FBI she couldn't recall key details and events related to classified information procedures, according to notes the bureau released Friday of its July interview with the Democratic presidential nominee, along with a report on its investigation into her private email server.
Clinton told the FBI she "could not recall any briefing or training by State related to the retention of federal records or handling classified information," according to the bureau's notes of their interview with Clinton. The documents indicate Clinton told investigators she either does not "recall" or "remember" at least 39 times — often in response to questions about process, potential training or the content of specific emails.
Well, duh, I guess that would explain how Hillary could have repeatedly made false claims about sending and receiving classified information, even to the FBI, and not have committed perjury while doing so. On all of those occasions, she didn't actually know what the fuck she was talking about.

Friends, please spend time to think about the implications of what Comey is saying. Hillary was interviewed by the FBI in 2016. She served as Secretary of State between 2009 and 2012. If Hillary was not "particularly sophisticated with respect to classified information and the levels and treatment," in July 2016 when she was interviewed by the FBI,
it means that during her entire tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary also lacked this understanding.
Now some might say that Hillary is clearly not a stupid woman, and that she merely SAID she "could not recall any briefing or training by State related to the retention of federal records or handling classified information" because that is a bit of a legal trick to avoid admitting under oath something a defendant would prefer not to admit. Of course, if that is true, then apparently Hillary would be guilty of lying to the FBI, which is a crime.
On the other hand, there may be an explanation as to why Clinton lacks a proper understanding of classified information for someone in her position: according to Richard Pollock, a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation, there is no evidence that Clinton completed all required security training mandated by the State Department for all employees. DCNF made a FOIA request to obtain evidence that Hillary and her top aides had "completed required training on the handling of “Special Compartmented Information” (SCI) when they entered the department". Only after a federal judge ordered the State Department to begin producing the relevant information did they turn over signed documents from Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin; however, no such document was provided for Hillary herself. According to Pollock,
Classified documents in the SCI category cover some of the nation’s most deeply guarded secrets, including material obtained by U.S. intelligence agencies through signals intelligence, human intelligence and satellite intelligence.
He goes on to quote retired Col. Jim Waurishuk, a former member of the White House National Security Council staff,
“It’s hard to believe, particularly as it was her first year in office as Secretary of State,” he said. “The standard process is you will get all your security indoctrination done immediately upon taking office,” he said. “I don’t care if you’re a GS-1 or a private or a four-star general or President of the United States. You’re going to go through your security indoctrination, particularly in the position of Secretary of State.”
Pollock also quotes James Comey, who said that the FBI investigation produced
“evidence that the security culture of the State Department in general, and with respect to use of unclassified e-mail systems in particular, was generally lacking in the kind of care for classified information found elsewhere in the government.”
Assuming that Comey and Clinton are being truthful on this matter, which might be an overly big assumption, if Hillary did indeed fail to take the SCI- level security training, it might explain some of Clinton's "I don't remember" answers to the FBI. However, it also provides additional evidence of Hillary being "extremely careless" regarding classified information and America's national security. I'm having more than a little difficulty comprehending
To borrow a phrase from Clinton herself, "I mean, who does that?" And adding insult to injury, from the time when she was responsible for the training and the work of all of her underlings in the State Department, we actually have video, shown earlier, of Hillary saying:
'The bureau of diplomatic security and IT staff work around the clock to defend us against cyber attacks, but the real key to cyber security rests with you.
'Complying with department computing policies and being alert to potential threats will help protect all of us.'
How could she utter these words ... furthermore, how could she have accepted the critically important responsibilities of Secretary of State, and not bothered to gain the understanding about handling sensitive information that is REQUIRED to do her job? The mind boggles. I can almost literally feel my blood pressure rising just thinking about this negligence on her part; but then I am the child of a career military officer, and actually cringe at the thought of a hero's blood being spilled needlessly (especially when a spouse or a child might be left behind). To be careless with matters of national security is to blatantly disrespect the lives of those who are willing to give so much for all of us. Not bothering to learn the various "levels and treatment" of classified information is merely yet another example of her extreme carelessness. Close your eyes for a moment and think about all of the brave men and women who have died in the service of our country. Tell me, how is Hillary's decision to skip mandatory security training any different from spitting on all of their graves? Seriously, WHAT KIND OF PERSON WOULD DO THAT? What kind of person would be so thoughtless regarding information that can affect whether other human beings live or die?
Combine Clinton's history of being careless with the fact that one of Hillary's former aides (and a member of her inner circle) has said "Almost no one knows better me that her instincts can be terrible," one needs to seriously ask themselves the question: should a person with bad instincts and a track record of being less than fully thoughtful regarding matters affecting the safety of millions and millions of people ... what might happen if such a person becomes the leader of the entire free world?

Time is short and this essay grows long, so I will discuss one last example and leave the rest for another day. This example has nothing to do with emails, security training, or leaks of any kind. In fact, it is almost guaranteed to get your mind off of those subjects, which is rather the entire point. The Clinton machine doesn't want anyone to spend time thinking about what she may have done or continue to be doing; no, the Clinton machine wants to shut down all of those thoughts using a nifty trick that almost always works. All that is necessary is to invoke our childhood fears and memories of the scary monsters that WE STILL KNOW are alive and well under the bed.
Notice how the media's been diverted into arguing over Russia's alleged role in the leaks, rather than the corruption revealed in the leaks
— Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled) July 30, 2016
I'd like to ask Glenn Greenwald, at The Intercept, to get the party started here ... Glenn, what can you tell us about monsters?
In the Democratic Echo Chamber, Inconvenient Truths Are Recast as Putin Plots
Donald Trump, for reasons I’ve repeatedly pointed out, is an extremist, despicable, and dangerous candidate, and his almost-certain humiliating defeat is less than a month away. So I realize there is little appetite in certain circles for critiques of any of the tawdry and sometimes fraudulent journalistic claims and tactics being deployed to further that goal. In the face of an abusive, misogynistic, bigoted, scary, lawless authoritarian, what’s a little journalistic fraud or constant fearmongering about subversive Kremlin agents between friends if it helps to stop him?
But come January, Democrats will continue to be the dominant political faction in the U.S. — more so than ever — and the tactics they are now embracing will endure past the election, making them worthy of scrutiny. Those tactics now most prominently include dismissing away any facts or documents that reflect negatively on their leaders as fake, and strongly insinuating that anyone who questions or opposes those leaders is a stooge or agent of the Kremlin, tasked with a subversive and dangerously un-American mission on behalf of hostile actors in Moscow.
Hmmm ... you sound a tad anti-monster, Glenn. What makes you so sure that the Podesta Emails are actually legitimate and that the Kremlin isn't involved with them, Mr. Smarty-Pants?
On Friday, WikiLeaks published its first installment of emails obtained from the account of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta. Despite WikiLeaks’ perfect, long-standing record of only publishing authentic documents, MSNBC’s favorite ex-intelligence official, Malcolm Nance, within hours of the archive’s release, posted a tweet claiming — with zero evidence and without citation to a single document in the WikiLeaks archive — that it was compromised with fakes.
Well, maybe you have a bit of a point there, Glenn. Myself, I don't care for claims made with zero evidence, and you say that WikiLeaks has a perfect record? I didn't know that, thanks. I guess I'll maybe need to look into it a little more.
I'm starting to think that what we have here might be an attempt to smear the messenger. I suppose that politicians have tried to demonize their opposition since the dawn of time. But modern Americans seem to embrace this approach with special gusto. The net result is a tribalistic kind of competition. Identity politics is used heavily to attract members to Team Red or Team Blue, and once one realizes which side they are on, one picks up the cues from their preferred dear leaders and then behaves accordingly. "We" of course are the good guys who stand for everything that is reasonable, good, and holy, and "They" of course are nothing less than children of the devil. I yearn for a day when "we the people" are perhaps smart enough to recognize when we are being played like rubes by crafty men and women who are operating out of THEIR OWN best interests instead of OURS. Ok, now that I've gotten that bit of sermonizing out of the way, I guess I'll move on.
Former UK Ambassador Craig Murray (more about Ambassador Murray), would you like to say a few words?
I left Julian after midnight. He is fit, well, sharp and in good spirits. WikiLeaks never reveals or comments upon its sources, but as I published before a fortnight ago, I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is not any Russian state actor or proxy that gave the Democratic National Committee and Podesta material to WikiLeaks. The claim is nonsense. Journalists are also publishing that these were obtained by “hacking” with no evidence that this was the method used to obtain them.
The control of the Democratic party machinery deliberately to unfairly ensure Clinton’s victory over Bernie Sanders is a matter of great public interest. The attempt by the establishment from Obama down to divert attention from this by a completely spurious claim against Russia, repeated without investigation by a servile media, is a disgrace.
The over-close relationship between the probable future President and Wall Street is also very important. WikiLeaks has done a great public service by making this plain.
The attempts by the mainstream media to portray WikiLeaks as supporters of Trump and Putin because they publish some of Clinton’s darker secrets is completely illogical and untrue in fact. The idea we must pretend Clinton is a saint is emetic.
But the key point is that WikiLeaks is a publisher. It is a vehicle for publishing leaks, and is much more of a vehicle for whistleblowers than for hackers. It does not originate the material. I have often seen comments such as “Why has WikiLeaks not published material on Israel/Putin/Trump?” The answer is that they have not been given any. They publish good, verifiable material that they are given by whistleblowers. They are not protecting Israel, Putin, or Trump. Nobody has given them viable material.
So Craig, it sounds like you pretty much feel the same way as Glenn, huh? You don't think that a monster actually exists, and if I get up out bed to get a glass of water, I'll be okay? I guess I'd like to believe you, but I'm still not sure ... I wish I could find more information to help me decide what is actually true ... oh look ...
Votes | Date Submitted | Submitter to WotB | Comments? | Submitter to KFS | Comments? |
100 | NSA Whistleblower Says DNC Hack Was Not Done By Russia, But By U.S. Intelligence (investmentwatchblog.com) | ||||
10/16/2016 | 10gauge | 15 comments | |||
222 | NSA Whistleblower: US Intelligence Worker Likely Behind DNC Leaks, Not Russia. CIA and NSA had access to all of Clinton's emails. (zerohedge.com) | ||||
10/23/2016 | TheMysteriousFizzyJ | 43 comments | |||
58 | The "Fact" That 17 Intelligence Agencies Confirmed Russia is Behind the Email Hacks Isn’t Actually…A "Fact" (zerohedge.com) | ||||
10/21/2016 | TheMysteriousFizzyJ | 3 comments | |||
8 | How Hackers Broke Into John Podesta and Colin Powell’s Gmail Accounts (motherboard.vice.com) | ||||
10/20/2016 | SpudDK | 7 comments |
AMY WALTER: She's been able to ignore this because we have talked about Donald Trump. How does she talk about this in the debate when she is directly asked about what went on in these emails?
SIMENDINGER: What we get back to is the Russians. Since the convention, the campaign has been talking about the Russians' desire to override the will of the American people, and that the Russians want Donald Trump to be president, and this is massive intereference in the American election to keep her from the presidency.
She is making herself a victim of Russian interference, and kind of sidestepping around what she did as a political candidate who couldn’t figure out how to apologize for her emails, and did a flip-flop on trade, and, you know, all the things politicians do.
Caitlin Johnstone, you've become one of my absolute favorite writers. Would you please weigh in with your thoughts, and then I'll try to wrap this thing up?
Are You Willing To Gamble All Life On Earth Over Hillary's Beef With Russia? (inquisitr.com)
The drums of war are beating. Hillary Clinton isn’t telling everyone that she’s going to establish a no-fly zone in Syria in order to win votes, Hillary Clinton is telling everyone that she’s going to establish a no-fly zone in Syria because she’s going to establish a no-fly zone in Syria. That’s one thing she’s said that we can trust, because while she is (as usual) saying it to manipulate the public narrative, she isn’t saying it in order to win our approval. She’s saying it to get the war drums beating. [...]
A standoff between Clinton and Putin cannot possibly end well. They’re the two biggest egos in world politics, after the fat guy in North Korea. Since going through a lot of these new leaked emails, it’s become clear that Hillary only has one position: she is never wrong, and it’s never her fault. Everything else is just figuring out the most politically advantageous thing to say, but everyone in her campaign is acutely aware that she will never, under any circumstances, humble herself and back down, and they’ve learned to conduct themselves accordingly.
There will be no guiding wisdom involved in the event of escalation. In the driver’s seat will be ego, and only ego, interested only in mental stories and stupid political agendas. If we fail this test and slip into extinction like so many other species before us, it will likely be because of these very aspects of humanity.
Or maybe I’m wrong about all this.
Are you prepared to take that gamble?
Near the beginning of this piece I shared the moral of a very important story ... Do you remember?
The moral of the story: keeping a country safe is a fundamental objective, we would be wise to remember the struggle and the deeds of those who came before us; if we forget this basic truth, our way of life shall certainly perish.
I humbly submit that a president that beats the drums of war against a country in order to distract Americans from her own sloppy deeds, careless acts, or dare I say it, crimes ... such a president is not making it her priority to keep her citizens safe. Such a president is playing a game of cowboy in the same exact way that President George W. Bush once did when he invaded Iraq under false pretenses.
Have we so soon forgotten the enormous price we have paid for Iraq, both in blood and treasure? Are we actually going to stupidly and blindly enter into another war based on hearsay and propaganda, a war that the 99% will pay for with both their taxes and their lives? To be followed by another war, and another, and another? Is that what we honestly want for our future?
The FBI investigated Hillary, and proclaimed that she was "extremely careless with classified information." I hope that I have helped you see that the FBI's verdict was not an isolated incident. Hillary, the woman HERSELF, repeatedly acts in ways that show that she does not give much thought to the consequences of her actions on THE LIVES of everyday Americans. Those who do not move in her golden circle are merely pawns, to be used and discarded as she wills. Those who vote for her will soon have blood on their hands, and they will have to live with themselves forever after. I only hope that "we the people" can recognize this truth before it is too late.
WikiLeaks: A vote today for Hillary Clinton is a vote for endless, stupid war - by Julian Assange
Hillary didn't just vote for Iraq. She made her own Iraq. Libya is Hillary's Iraq and if she becomes president she will make more.
I have had years of experience in dealing with Hillary Clinton and have read thousands of her cables. Hillary lacks judgement and will push the United States into endless, stupid wars which spread terrorism. Her personality combined with her poor policy decisions have directly contributed to the rise of ISIS.
Pentagon generals objected to destroying the Libyan state. They felt Hillary did not have a safe post-war plan. Hillary Clinton went over their heads. Libya has been destroyed. It became a haven for ISIS. The Libyan national armory was looted and hundreds of tons of weapons were transferred to jihadists in Syria. Hillary's war has increased terrorism, killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians and has set back women's rights in the Middle East by hundreds of years. Having learned nothing from the Libyan disaster Hillary then set about trying do the same in Syria.
Hillary publicly took credit for the destruction of the Libyan state. On hearing that the country's president had been killed by her handiwork, she became wild-eyed and gloated "We came, we saw, he died!". In the momentary thrill of the kill, she had aped, of all people, Julius Ceaser.
Hillary's problem is not just that she's war hawk. She's a war hawk with bad judgement who gets an unseemly emotional rush out of killing people. She shouldn't be let near a gun shop, let alone an army. And she certainly should not become president of the United States.
Thank you, Julian Assange, for all you've done to help normal, everyday Americans avoid stupid, endless war.
Friends, I wrote this with a fervent hope that it might be shared. If you know of someone who is on the fence leaning for Hillary, or is even more solidly committed to that vote, please consider and feel free to share this document with them, if you think it might help. We are living in strange times. Let's all do what we can, and hope and pray for the best, okay?
Think about what Julian Assange has publicly done because he knows that Hillary as President would be a disaster that would cause pain and even death for so many people. Let's fight this thing to the end. Thank you.

I am bookmarking this for long patient slow study.
Thank very much for taking the time to put this seminal commentary.
And, I could not agree more!!!!
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Thank you for reading, and for your nice comment!
It was either 3 or 4 days ago when I had this "aha" moment that felt very profound to me. I've actually been busy working on this for most of that time. One of the problems with sites like c99p and the reddit subs is that its hard to "catch up" on what you've missed, and depending on when and how often you visit, you might miss quite a bit. So I wanted to provide more of a complete picture, especially for persons who don't "live on these sites" night and day, if you know what I mean.
I was actually working on another project, a way to "capture" the best of the reddit sites because I realized that I could do a certain something that I knew how to do. And while I was working the kinks out of that, all of a sudden I realized that at the heart of my fears about Hillary is my belief that she will be very dangerous for the country, and that idea is really what national security is all about. It completely kills me that she is blaming this or that on Russia - geez, you just reminded me, I left an important bit out, yikes, I think I'll try to do that right now. But thanks again. I know it is long, I seem to have a habit of writing encyclopedias, and those can be a bit hard to read, I know.
FYI, the parts I had left out were about "Environmentalism is a Russian Hoax.”"
Apart from everything else,
Apart from everything else, (and there's a hell of a lot!) the point where she admitted that she'd been, and still was, unqualified to act as Secretary of State, self-disqualified her right there and then from the Presidency or any other position of public service.
If she really can't still even remember basic security procedure essential to and, indeed, forming a major portion of national security responsibilities, while running for the Presidency - WTF???
That makes her nothing more than a greed-blinded, useful idiot for this horrific continuation of the Nazi fascist global take-over, in which she's so eagerly partaken for massive personal enrichment, as shown in the depressingly accurate comment and link posted on another thread by Pluto's Republic and copied below:
Sat, 10/29/2016 - 10:20pm — Pluto's Republic
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I so agree with you, I go a little bit crazy at the idea that
she "doesn't remember" basic security issues, and the response from the FBI was so, "poor baby, ok now I understand why you said what you did". I find it to be completely SHOCKING that she is not getting much harsher treatment from both FBI and Justice. Being sloppy with classified information is a HUGE deal, if these folks think that they can slide on this ... it's just incredibly shocking to me.
A.B.C. =Anybody But Clinton
President Donald Trump.
Great essay. TY, O&WN
That sums it up.
But, actually, you did a much better job of summing it up. Thank you for putting all these FACTS and EVIDENCE, and LOGICAL ARGUMENTS in one nice package.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Hi Bibonian, thank you for dropping by.
It is rather nice having all of these snips and snails together in one place. I am rather proud of this collection of video clips, seems like most of the "greatest hits" are all here.
It's an astounding
It's an astounding compilation, really impressive!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thank you, you are very kind
I feel the exact same way, Caerus. Trump is horrific, but he is
so very much better than Clinton. And the way I see it, if Trump wins, he will be ousted in 4 years, and maybe, hopefully, we'll get a shot at voting for someone who is actually progressive.
If Clinton wins, her zombies will never be open to primary-ing her. If she wins in 2020, we shall have had eight years of crap from her, and most likely in 2024 it will be a republican who wins, so 8 becomes 12 years without a progressive in the WH. If she loses in 2020, it will be to an R (because folks on the right think all liberals are the same, they don't understand that all progresssives hate her as much as THEY do). So that's at least 8 years without a prog, and if the R wins a second term then 8 becomes 12 years there too without a progressive in the WH.
My firm view is that a Trump win would be best for progressives (that is, of course, after Stein, but I don't think she has a chance this time around). Because a Trump win will only be 4 years of hell, if Clinton wins, we shall have 12 years of hell.
And then I get depressed because we COULD have and SHOULD have had BERNIE TODAY. We don't have Bernie because of Clinton, and I find it deeply upsetting to think that she might be "rewarded" with the presidency after the crap she pulled this year. She has actually been BLACKMAILING the voters this year - she deserves jail, not the WH. Grrrrr ....
We may actually have only a few months of hell with Hillary,
if she goes to war with Russia, as she is slavering to do. We may all be put out of our misery fairly quickly.
Or a "lucky" few of us may miserably struggle on in a Mad Max post apocalyptic world. If that isn't a long time in hell, it will sure seem long.
By My Count, in 2024, It Will Be 61 or 79 Years Since We've Had
a Progressive President.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Maybe It's 56, LBJ Prolly Qualifies. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Just going to repost this,
Just going to repost this, since a number of people seem to be unaware of much of the information on what voting for Trump really involves.
I'm afraid that Trump is a billionaire who has been buying politicians/political favours and that, as President, he'd be cutting out the middleman to increase his own personal profit.
(All bolding mine.)
Trump has no idea of what life is like for people in America nowadays. - he thinks he's had it rough in having to pay back a loan from his father.
As President, of course, how much 'no' would he have to tolerate - unless profiting richly from the results himself?
And Trump thinks a democratic government ought to be run like a corporation - can citizens be fired from a corporation?
He's also a pathological liar whose word means nothing, even when under contract; he publicly bragged about breaking a contractual agreement with a company he knew was desperate in order to put the squeeze on them to further enrich himself, seeing this type of behaviour in himself as clever deal-making.
There is a strong possibility that he's running as the Official Greater Evil to help Hillary get cheated in, this supported by the fact that he received billions in free publicity from the corporate media so industriously propagandizing for Hillary and against other candidates, such as Bernie and Jill, dismissed as fringe candidates and with outright lies promoted about them when they're mentioned at all. Trump spent almost nothing to become widely known without an actual campaign, at least until repulsion for Hillary made him into a serious candidate. He may have decided to aim for the Presidency himself, but his Republican running mate would likely act/substitute as President, should he win.
Whether as Trump's VP, or as alternative President, Pence would bring the billionaire Koch brother influence directly into the White House, not to mention the Tea Party, evangelicals, anti-gay-rights, anti-abortion and other reminders of the Bush Administration - including his support of the Iraq attack-for-oil 'war' and the fact that he's '... trusted by pro-Israel conservatives. ...' Among everything else, some of which is mentioned below. (Very much a Mini-Me-Me-Me to Bush/Hillary, it would seem.)
(Bolding mine)
So, why did Trump pick Pence, if they honestly disagreed on such relatively few but essential issues as were mentioned above? Were they not important to Trump, merely something he said because it sounded good at the moment?
Does Trump either agree with or not care about the appalling policies Pence supports and is this also why Pence agreed to be running mate to him? Was this VP choice perhaps a condition of TPTB in any consideration of allowing him to win if Hillary could not be plausibly cheated in, despite all Clinton/corporate efforts?
In any event, either corporate party candidate supplies what the corporate interests/billionaires want - all for their love of absolute power and profit - and the world of life and all hope of democracy well lost.
Never vote for evil.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Hi Ellen, I've replied to your comment down below at
http://caucus99percent.com/comment/199499#comment-199499, if you wish to reply could you do so there? I'd rather not have a trump discussion in the middle of the comments. Thank you!
The first half of this
I was laughing my ass off yelling 'YES! YES!'
Then I came down to earth. All this work to compile THE DEFINITIVE tale of her emails and it comes down to too late. My wife mailed in her ballot for her, as did the daughter. The boughts won't budge, all this will come out after the election and people will whine 'but I didn't knooowwww. . .'
And her will be the first potus ever to face impeachment on Day 1! thanks to a repuke congress and senate. The dems hopes of taking the senate I believe are way overblown, and Whatever they're smoking to Dream of taking the house I want no part of( a little green is fine but That shit will kill an elephant).
Which is a long winded way to say thanks for the read, very well done. I hope it makes a difference but I fear not.
You feel better though getting this out, right?
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Well I'm glad you enjoyed reading it, TBU
Sometimes I'm not sure if my little jokes are going to hit the mark or not. You make good points, but I've decided I have to ignore what you wrote, lol. I just realized I started writing on Tues (because I first started with "In two weeks we shall vote, blah blah blah", and then I had to go back to revise that. So I think I"ve spent 5 DAYS writing this, and to think of all of that as a waste of time doesn't help my depressive nature, if you know what I mean, lol. I just caught a video of Rachel Maddow crying because the investigation ha opened up again ... that gives me a bit of hope. This has all been such a wild ride, with propaganda being pushed out there to discourage voters ... I'm just going to focus on what I can do, and hope for the best. I taught my daughter that if you don't try, you are 100% guaranteed not to win the prize, so if you want it, you just have to put yourself out there, even though there are no guarantees.
I recall the the HRC voters tend to mail in their ballots early ... but, hey, we can just do what we can do, right? And I think educating folks on HRC's habit of blaming Russia is a good thing to do, hopefully we can nip that crap in the bud a bit instead of marching obediently off to war. I do almost feel sorry for her on day 1, she shall have no honeymoon whatsoever. But then I think again ... I think she is a bit of a sociopath, so she might not care one tiny little bit. Thanks again for you note.
Nay nay,
I didn't mean to imply it was a waste of time. Far, far from it! Is it a lot to digest? Hell yeah! But this is the most concise and cohesive account out there. My only point is that I fear it may be to late to have an effect.
If I was a social media guy, I'd put this out everywhere in the blogosphere, but alas, I'm not.
Again, very well done and I will be working through it at leisure for awhile.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
We're good regardless
I'm about to call it a day, my brain is for sure very tired. I do agree with your key point: it would have been nice if I could have written this earlier. Only problem was I didn't have my aha moment until recently ... I've actually been trying to push myself to get it done, all the while wondering if anyone else would even "get" what I was trying to say. It is very nice to have gotten such a nice reception here, but the c99p crowd is the greatest, I always knew that
And I do know that it is rather "rich" so it it's not really a quick read. But thank you for the kind words, and again, no worries!
That's what's wrong with early voting!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Yes, indeed. Actually, there are even a few more.
I am specifically talking about absentee ballots. While on the one hand they are very convenient, they eliminate the "privacy of the voting booth". So who's to prevent a boss, for example, forcing employees to vote absentee, and also forcing them to show their completed and signed ballots to the boss, who will then go on to mail them?
For example ... just something to consider ...
The precinct captain used to bring it to my grandmother's house
She would sign it and hand the blank ballot back to him "for mailing".
Chicago, South Side.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Amazing, and horrific. Wow. Clearly she must have both trusted
and respected him, but that certainly does not seem right.
I'm pretty sure she knew the score.
She was born in New Orleans.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Yikes, that is so awful
Thanks O&WN. That was thorough and convincing.
I think the subtext to all of this hinges on where one gets his/her information, and to what degree one is wrapped up in the mainstream news media as their main, if not total, source.
I remember driving back from Philadelphia where we participated in some of the protest marches at the Dem Convention (and had the first c99 Meetup on the East Coast) so I could play a gig that night. When I arrived there I was giddy with the ramifications of the #DNCLeaks that had just been published by Wikileaks, and was eager to talk about with a liberal-voting guitarist friend of mine. I said, "did you see the DNC leaks? Man, there's proof they colluded to take down Bernie Sanders." The first thing he said was, "isn't Russian behin that?" I was crestfallen and indignant. "No! That's bullshit propaganda," I yelled. Then, I thought, he watches mainly MSNBC for his news and in doing so considers himself a "liberal Democrat" watching his side of the story, the opposite of Fox. I told him MSNBC is just as bad as Fox, that they both serve to keep this charade up of Red vs. Blue. He didn't understand the gravity of the leaks, because it just wasn't in his capacity to do. It's out of the realm of sources he's comfortable with. And therein, to me, lies the problem.
The PTB have done such a hit job on Wikileaks from the beginning, and know that if they disparage them enough they can conflate these true whistleblowers/guardians of the truth/freedom fighters with being traitors, conspirators and generally people to be feared. They've done the same with all the brave and magnanimous whistleblowers such as Manning, Snowden, Drake, Jeremy Hammond. In part they frame it as a simplistic matter of Law and Order, along with fear-mongering that these revelations can put people at harm and need to be punished. People tend to buy the L&O bullshit pretty quickly in this fascist country (see how so many reacted to the police murdering Eric Garner and Michael Brown).
So we have a populace who are confused about what it means to leak documents, the very nature of what being a whistleblower means, which is without a doubt, the lifeblood of vigilant democracy. Because that's an obstacle we're vulnerable to these pathetic and sophomoric attacks by the protectors of the vindictive dictator-in-eating.
I think you're on to something about the leaks coming from U.S. intelligence, ala Snowden. Wonder if Comey's stomach-churning defense of Hillary's email debacle was the catalyst?
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I agree 100% Mark, today everything rests on where one gets
their information. It is pretty scary to think of innocent folks trusting their news sites, and being completely misled by them.
Your story reminded me of something that happened to me just a few days ago, I was with my daughter, 17, who was face-timing with a college friend and I suddenly realized that HER FRIEND COULD VOTE ... I think I became a little bit unhinged trying to explain to her in TWO MINUTES why she must not vote for HRC! They were in a goofy mood, and we kind of tease each other, so my DD thought it was hysterical watching me, and I realized that I pretty much sounded ilke a lunatic ("she doesn't care about the environment, seriously, you won't be able to live on the planet anymore in 30 years!"). It all sounds so NUTSO, but it's TRUE, aye yay yay. Re your friend, the folks that drive me insane are the ones who look down on "both sides" for fighting instead of trying to reach a compromise. It's easy to have that attitude when you are ignorant to the reality of how the 99% are being so exploited ... then to have that attitude is practically moronic. I'm a huge fan of being civil and kind, make no mistake, but when some elite person is doing something that is going to threaten the SURVIVAL of other human beings ... then I don't think that "being polite" is such a great virtue anymore. I guess I'm rambling a bit, I'm most trying to say that if being polite means "making it easy for you to be ignored", then I say no thank you very much.
Apparently Bill Clinton was involved with a Telecommunications Act in 1996, that basically enabled the flood of propaganda to come out instead of truth. I'm tired so I'm not going to google to get it exactly right. But I believe that part of the responsibility for the "different versions of truth" situation that we have today belongs with the Clintons, and I am not going to forget that soon.
I think the intelligence folks are always trying to see what they can see, it's just the nature of the job. I do hope that some of this Russia! crap will be smothered a bit, it's awful to watch folks being slowly whipped into a frenzy over nothing.
Brilliantly done, OAWN
She knew it was against every law to have her private server in her home and received classified information on it. And she knew that many of the people she was sending and receiving emails from didn't have the security clearance for them to read, especially Sidney Bluementhal.
The emails that Comey found on Huma's computer falls in the same category. Classified information not properly stored.
As mentioned, Comey said that anyone else who did or does what Hillary did would be charged. That's the smoking gun IMO. What she did warranted being charged.
The ex navy member had classified documents or pictures at his home and he is in prison.
But Petraeous who gave his mistress CI so that she could write a f'cking book wasn't charged under the espionage act. He was fined $100,000 and put on probation. And he gets to keep both his rank and pension and rumors are he may have a position in Hillary's cabinet.
Meanwhile, Manning has over 33 more years in prison, Snowden is a wanted man, Assange who isn't even a US citizen can't leave the embassy or he will be snatched up and brought to the USA. If he isn't outright killed.
There is the two justice systems that Edwards spoke about.
I agree with you that everyone who votes for Hillary is going to be responsible for the upcoming deaths in the wars she not only continues but starts.
The people on DK refused to read any links we provided that showed that she is a warmonger as is Obama.
I don't remember any protests against his use of drones, his invasion and destruction of Libya or the illegal war in Syria like there was against the Iraq war.
As you mentioned, Hillary is responsible for the Libyan war even though many members of the military and the pentagon were against it.
Hillary's warmongering didn't start with her
Iraq vote which they accept her saying that her vote for it was a mistake. She repeated the same propaganda about WMDs, Saddam meeting with AQ and everything else they said was the reason why Iraq had to be invaded and Saddam removed.
she urged Bill to bomb the Serbians as well as being in favor of other military intervention.
And now she is calling for a no fly zone over Syria which many people know that it will need up to 70,000 troops on the ground and risks a war with Russia.
But they continue to say that she isn't a F'CKING warmonger. SMDH!
MarkfromQueens, I agree with everything you wrote too about how everyone is buying into the propaganda that Russia is interfering with the election.
I was talking with a person I see on my walks about the election and he too said "isn't it Russia that is doing the hacking?"
No one has shown any evidence that they did anything, but people don't question it.
And wilileaks doesn't hack, they release information that was given to them.
I sure wish that this information would have come out while Bernie was still in the picture.
Instead we are going to have either Hillary or Donald for president.
If Hillary wins, then God help the people in this world because she is a threat to humanity.
This article from the wilileaks website is off topic, but it shows the inhumanity of our government and our allies when they decide that they are going to bomb countries or put sanctions on other country's leaders knowing damned well that it isn't going to affect the leaders but their citizens.
I have seen two pictures of what the Saudi Arabia blockade and sanctions on Yemen are doing to the people there.
An old man and a young child are skin and bones because they are starving to death. The pictures of these two people are worse than the pictures of the people from the Nazi concentration camps.
How in the hell can these things still be happening?
I guess the NEVER AGAIN was a false promise.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Never again will be true when the people WILL it to be so
Unfortunately, the common citizen, i.e., one that does not pay attention to things or if they do try to be educated, are fed propaganda instead of reality by the MSM. One important step is to reverse media consolidation--it will take a trust buster to accomplish this. We had one who was cheated out of the nomination--and can we really count on Warren?
Thanks, OaWN, for your excellent analysis of emails and Hillary's delight in watching people get killed--just like the old Roman Emperors but on a grander scale. She would also enjoy small acts of murder: "Can't we just drone him?"
Bisbonian had it right:
This is truly a vomit-worthy statement about a truly disgusting humanoid.
Atta 'gator
You call her "Medusa" - I'm considering taking it one step farther and using the Irpino word "Merdusa" - which means "that sh!tty woman". (RAI Italian is "merdosa" - south Italian and especially Sicilian dialects tend to elide the "o" into a "u".)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Awwe, thank you SnoopyDawg.
You have guessed Example 3, Allowed many persons who lacked appropriate security clearances to access her email and private email server. I just thought it would be better to send this part out and hopefully resonate with some persons before I had the entire thing finished.
One thing that really rings with me is the link to Julian Assanges essay at the very end. He knows her well, he knows that she has been creating terrororists instead of bringing peace in the world, he wanted to prevent not just ENDLESS wars, but STUPID wars. And the bottom line for all of that, is that Hillary will bring us pain and suffering as a nation, instead of keeping us safe. She is a THREAT, and we need to treat her like one.
I think one of my biggest motivations these past few years has been the growing realization that so many of the "haves" are completely indifferent to the well-being of the "have nots". I used to be much more solidly a "have", I was always happy to pay my taxes, I bought civilization with it as some wit said. That wealthy folks would rather have a bigger number in their own bank account than to allow the poor in their community to have access to healthcare ... I just completely don't get it. Especially when so many of them consider themselves Christian, it breaks my heart and disgusts me. It is difficult to see how flawed and dark the human soul can be ...
Thanks so much for your comment. I'm excited to see that it apparently touched some kind of chord with you! Sounds like you are having the same kind of Aha! moment that I did.
There is a physics experiment to explain you perplexity
Since TPTB objectifies all of us 99ers, it is only proper that we objectify the 1%. Let us make an analogy of wealth being like air: the more wealth you have, the more air you have.
Experiment: take 2 balloons of initially the same size, then inflate one to a larger size than the other, while keeping the air entrapped in the respective balloons. Got that? Now let's put the openings of both balloons together so that the air in them can mix together. Release the clamp on the orifices of the balloons. What happens?
The smaller balloon gets even smaller (poorer) while the larger balloon gets even larger (richer).
You might say this is the Hot Air Theory of Economics--I call it a Blow-job.
Arghh, I replied but hit the wrong link
My track record in this essay is pretty consistent, I pretty much am hitting that wrong link every time.
I Blame The Republicans
If they had ANY suitable candidate who resonated with the voters, Hillary would be headed to the stockade immediately after the election was concluded. She'd lose, and what protection being a presidential candidate offers would disappear.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
You do have a point
Though it was enjoyable in a cringe-inducing way to see their primaries this year ...
Sun, 10/30/2016 - 2:48am —
Sun, 10/30/2016 - 2:48am — neoconned
Both corporate parties promote corporate candidates - and you have to be either a reality-detached psychopath and/or very ignorant, greed-blinded and reality-detached indeed to go with any of their agenda, so of course none of them will resonate with the voters. Especially after Bernie's informative and consciousness-raising, movement-stirring electoral campaign.
Now more people have a better idea of what could and should be, as well as what really is going on, and that little bit of knowledge is very dangerous indeed to those operating the closing jaws of the global hostile corporate takeover.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I'm not sure that I understand what you just said, but all I
can say is that I'm totally laughing right now ... I believe that YOU know what you are talking about though, and I find that oddly reassuring
I think that some of the 1%ers (not all, some are good people) just get so competitive, they just want to be as high as possible on that damn Forbes ranking list. They don't think of it in terms of the impact on other people in the world, it is all just a game to them.
Comey also said HRC would be in BIG trouble if she worked at FBI
How could she be in BIG trouble at FBI but not unquailified to be POTUS??????
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
Thank you and WOW!!
Fascinating read this morning for me. Putting it all together makes my stomach turn -- to think that she will be/may be leading our country.
I haven't voted yet (Oregon) and I knew I would never check the box for Clinton, but I sure am leaning toward a vote to maybe/hopefully stop Clinton.
I have bookmarked this to read again and to share with my hubby.
Yours is the best kind of comment of all, Grandma
I am certainly NOT yearning for Mr. T, it is sickening to be "rooting" for him ... but the thought of her in the WH is completely terrifying to me, for the same reasons that John McCain terrified me. I never thought 1984 would become real in my lifetime, but here we all are.
Posted to Facebook where I haven't been for months
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
You cut right through all the spin
Excellent review of HRCs actions through the years and the national security reasons she is totally unfit to hold any position in government . Watching this sociopath with demonstrated piss poor judgment being fawned over by "liberal" celebrities, all main stream media, democrats, people like Bernie Sanders and Josh Fox just makes me ill. Im not usually a praying person, but Im praying now. If there is a god or gods, please give America some help here before more innocent people, Americans and others die at her hand
Ellen, I've written this comment elsewhere, so let me repeat my
thinking for you here.
Very sadly, we WILL BE EATING A SHIT SANDWICH come January, 2009. We shall either have shit sandwich #1, or shit sandwich #2. As much as I would love to have Jill be our president, I don't think she will have the numbers to do it.
If the race is tight, I will vote for Trump, fully knowing how awful a man he is. He is made of the same stuff as Hillary, it's just she is an EXPERT and he is more of a NOVICE. He is bad, he is very bad, and it is unthinkable to vote for him ... and yet in my heart and in my mind he is less of a danger than Clinton. He is a buffoon, but Clinton is Machiavelli. If Machiavelli takes the reigns, heaven help us all. Look how much mud is on her name right now, and yet she is still standing. She is a powerful, powerful woman, that must not be forgotten.
If the race is not tight, I will vote for Stein in order to help the Green party for next time. But my heart and mind tell me that a vote for Jill may leave us with Clinton as president, and I don't think we can afford to take that chance. Think of all that Julian Assange has done to tell the entire world how horrible Clinton is and how she must not become president. I agree with him wholeheartedly, and am trying to be as strategic as possible to ensure that does not happen.
I do respect everyone's right to vote, and I completely understand the appeal of those who wish to vote for Jill. I believe in the "wisdom of crowds", and know that many of us are struggling greatly when deciding how to cast their votes.
I do see your point, but I
I do see your point, but I suspect that one way another, that that warmongering far right-wing Republican VP Pence will wind up actually running the show, whether as an outright replacement for Trump as President or as his Dick Cheney, since Bush 3 fortunately failed to work out for TPTB. And I cannot imagine voting for and supporting that myself.
Indies outnumber both the Dem and Republican voters and if only they'd cohesively vote against the TPP/global hostile corporate coup to vote for her, there could be no claim of 'legality' or of a 'mandate' made to stick by the corporate/manipulable candidates.
Edited to add that both corporate candidates are running with anti-abortion VPs, which strikes me as an ominous sign of to-be-imposed policies in either case.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I pretty much agree with most everything you have said here.
It pisses me off that CLINTON stole the election from Bernie, because he would have won against Trump in a complete landslide.
Again, I respect everyone's right and duty to think long and hard about how they vote. I keep noticing how the mainstream republicans are going crazy against Trump, and most of the warmongering crowd has actually already come out to endorse Clinton. That old phrase, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" comes to mind, and I've been thinking about it a lot. If THEY hate HIM so much, and I hate THEM ... that's a bit of an encouraging thought in all of the gloom.
I do think there will be a huge reaction against WHOEVER is elected, and since most voters are ignorant and tend to want to "throw the bums out", I'd rather have "the bums" have little R's at the end of their name than a little D. If that happens, maybe just maybe we could have Bernie in 2020.
I think we shall all be watching very carefully to see what happens over the next week, a part of me is hoping that Bernie will somehow end up stealing the show, even though my rational brain thinks that is overly wishful thinking.
It was very hard to me to come to terms that a horrible person will be president in 2016, but I honestly think that unless something happens in the next week, that is exactly what is going to happen. And I am rather desperate that that person not be named Clinton.
I still have faint hopes of a
I still have faint hopes of a last-minute Bernie save myself - he did keep that option open in not conceding or releasing his delegates to Clinton, but President Bernie forms the biggest fear of TPTB.
My personal take on this runs pretty much as that TPTB running both of the two-party trade-offs most want the Clintons and it seems likely to me that they're still trying to use The Official Greater Evil Trump to scare voters to Hillary.
Only it also seems likely that Trump has seen a chance of gaining the Presidency to milk for himself and is going for it. I'd doubt that he'd be allowed to actually take it as more than the appearance of the Presidency, though, although a pretense might be made, using his 'Cheney' as the actual Presidentin' guy.
Only the Clintons are even more scary than their bogeyman, so it's backfiring on them.
But any of the 3 other-than-Jill candidates currently running will support the TPP et al corporate coup, which illegally and unconstitutionally (using a mechanism of 'legalized' extortion and a novel 'legal' theory of the only essential being the maximized self-anticipated future profits of involved corporations and billionaires, at no matter what cost to unwittingly-betrayed and thereby rapidly doomed people, their various to-be-extinct-even-in-concept democracies and countries and the environment globally,) off-shores law from the people of each involved country to a corporate/billionaire-only court, and a majority-corrupt Supreme Court will continue to bald-facedly declare the obviously illegal and unconstitutional to be constitutional, legal and binding when this is challenged, meaning that all betrayed countries/publics will then be fighting domestically enacted off-shored 'law' - which does not give standing to the public interest - for any hope of survival...
I can't see that elections will matter after this, since government will have been reduced to corporate management. It then comes down to a very bloody revolution which many of us are neither emotionally nor physically equipped to engage in.
But that's assuming that we won't be nuked, as the military take-over/destruction of countries not to be economically captured will proceed, using the human and other resources of the traitorously 'trade-deal'-betrayed countries, irrespective of which corporate/TPP-supporting candidate is given the Presidency.
Once the Clinton's/the DNC had won a sufficient number of the big Republican donors for whom both parties were competing and billions were to be invested in Hillary, the label on either of the corporate brands ceased to matter, as they're both fascist, you see...
In both corporate parties, all pretense is gone of democracy or of any respect for law and order applied equally to all for the public good; it's all for the (top fraction of the) 1% and the (top fraction of the) 1% against all of us world-wide now.
I can hope to be mistaken in any/all of these assumptions, but I very much fear that I'm not.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Again, I am pretty much in agreement in all that you say
My biggest issue is TPP, corporations have the personality of psychopaths, and if they rule the world ... heaven help everyone who will have to live with that.
One silver lining with a Trump presidency ... remember how Obama started to embrace Republican ideas, only to have the Republicans drop those ideas like a hot potato? The GOP is in a weird state these days, and I think that many R politicians will purposely oppose Trump because getting along with Trump is politically toxic for them, just as getting along with Obama was politically toxic to them. Do you follow what I am trying to say? Because of that phenomenon, it will be more difficult than you think in order for Trump to "get things done". And I don't think that Trump is particularly motivated to get ANYTHING done, he simply wants to live the live as the mostest head honcho in the land. He is not as politically savvy as the other folks, who try to get certain things done as a way to keep their political careers alive. I don't really seem him as being overly committed to any agenda - he's simply made certain comments that he thinks "politicians need to say" in order to get elected. Also, it's looking like Democrats are going to possibly win the Senate, and if that happens, there will be even less of a chance that he'll get anything done. I seriously don't believe Trump will change so very much, our fears about him are part real, and part the hyped-up fantasies of "the boogeyman" that the Clinton machine has been painting him to be FOR THEIR OWN REASONS. We have to realize that we are having a certain pavlovian response to some of the actions of the Dems, they've been training us and shaping us so very long.
As I said before, our choices sadly are shit sandwich number 1 or shit sandwich number 2. That is hard to accept, but I believe it to be the truth. If Jill or Bernie could win, I would vote for them in a heartbeat. But I personally don't want my vote for Jill to result in a victory for Clinton. I personally just could not stand that outcome. If a miracle happens and it looks like she actually has a chance to win ... I would 100% vote for her. I hope that makes sense.
I hear ya!
I hear ya!
But Pence, Trump's selected VP, is a far-right anti-abortionist who's pro-TPP, anti-Russia and pro-war-crimes... and (among many other things) Trump covered his support of the Iraq invasion by lying and claiming to never have done that...
Hillary and Trump have very similar VPs, which I rather suspect were likely recommended by TPTB as providing desired psychopathic qualities... once I'm done chewing off my fingernails, I'll start working on the nails embedded in the ceiling I'll probably be clinging to by then.
The polls are, as I'm sure you've heard, rigged and there's a reason that Jill's remarkable increase in donor/voter-attracting success is scaring the Dems to the point of smear-campaigning someone who their corporate media preferred not to mention at all, very much as was done with Bernie, who actually won the Dem nomination despite all this.
Never forget that Indies outnumber both corporate party voters and that a candidate could easily win with them alone. So there's hope yet.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I regret that I read very little of this
(so far), because of this:
I absolutely do NOT agree with that. As far as I'm concerned, that attitude is a capitulation to the fascist mentality that seeks to make everyone fearful - and willing, nay, eager, to surrender their freedom to the "protection" of the state. (Remember the refrain "He kept us safe"? Arrant bullshit, yet eagerly gobbled up by many).
In that respect, Clinton simply takes it as a given that she can use that attitude to facilitate her ascendancy to the Presidency, while Trump fervently shouts it from the rooftops as a core component of his candidacy. Barring actual all-out nuclear war, I feel a soul-shaking fear of Humanity's ecocide far more than I do anything those two will do. But playing on that fear wouldn't exactly fit in with the intentions of either one of them, now would it?
Which is why I voted for Jill Stein last week.
It sounds like you are very flexible, then, and don't mind
whatever changes might come our way. I imagine that by not worrying about losing a little something called "democracy," you must have much less stress then many of do right now.
I am very happy for you, that sounds like an enviable attitude to be having right now.
Well, I do feel obliged to
Well, I do feel obliged to point out that democracy involves people freely voting for whoever best serves your/the public interest, so this actually best preserves democracy, as voting for any evil, even if presented as a lesser one, provides us with the current situation which is decidedly undemocratic.
If everyone did that as a matter of routine, we wouldn't all looking at radioactive pickling right now.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
FYI, the comment you just replied to was intended for tie, I am
completely inept at using the reply function here correctly. I seem to prove that over and over again.
I believe that if Clinton wins, we shall experience endless, stupid wars, just as Julian Assange predicts. And the oligarchy will work behind the scenes to snuff out any chance of someone like Bernie being able to win in future elections, if we even have future elections. For example, kiss the open internet goodbye, so places like this site will essentially be shut down.
The replies wind up all over
The replies wind up all over and unfortunately don't automatically contain any information as to who any reply is directed toward. Personally, I almost never remember to put in the name/post I'm replying to, although if I do, it generally winds up directly underneath the pertinent post, lol.
I believe that you're unfortunately and painfully right regarding your above predictions, but also that the same situation will obtain with with the other corporate party's offering and with any unlikely win of the TPP-supporting Libertarian.
This is why Jill appears to me to be the only 'out' offered from voting for a rapidly fatal evil.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Early Clinton voters with buyer's remorse in some states can
change their votes, allegedly:
"List of states allowing you to change your vote in light of Hillary's federal investigation": http://truthfeed.com/breaking-list-of-states-allowing-you-to-change-your...
Big thank you for the effort in putting this together. Like others, I'll save it to reread more thoroughly and to share.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Thanks for posting this!
Thanks for posting this! Please do that all over the universe!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thank YOU 2andfro, that information is so very lovely for
everyone to be aware of, under the circumstances. I'm glad you have enjoyed the essay so far.
Was wondering about this today and
you gave me an answer. Thanks. Looks like seven early voting states allow this, including my state of New York. So far, there have been fifteen million voters casting early ballots - a significant number.