Erica Garner Objects To Clinton Camp Emails About Her Father
"Why would you use my dad?" — Erica Garner blasts Clinton campaign over staffers' discussions in WikiLeaks emails
— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) October 27, 2016
From New York Daily News
Erica Garner blasts Clinton campaign over discussions staffers had about her father’s death in WikiLeaks emails
Erica Garner, the daughter of police chokehold victim Eric Garner, ripped the Hillary Clinton campaign in a series of tweets Thursday after new campaign emails released by WikiLeaks showed how the Democratic nominee's staffers discussed the death of her father.
“I’m troubled by the revelation that you and this campaign actually discussed ‘using’ Eric Garner … Why would you want to ‘use my dad?” Garner tweeted along with a link to emails released by WikiLeaks. “These people will co opt anything to push their agenda. Police violence is not the same as gun violence.
“I'm vey (sic) interested to know exactly what @CoreyCiorciari meant when he said ‘I know we have an Erica Garner problem’ in the #PodestaEmails19,” added Garner.
Links to the emails are in the above-linked article. Here's a portion of one:
I know we have Erica Garner issues but we don't want to mention > Eric at all? I can see her coming after us for leaving him out of the > piece.
Who better than Ms. Garner (and her father) to show exactly how much compassion the Clinton camp has for actual individuals and the plight of those who fall victim to state abuse and murder. There sure seems to be strong evidence that compassion is an abstraction to the woman who would be king and her posse.
Video posted in the article:
The article suggests that Erica Garner remains a Bernie supporter.

She is a protester, so is Bernie. Bernie helped Erica realize
that truth about herself.
My guess is she knows just like I do that having a protester on the inside is power for the protesters on the outside.
You will all be back on the Bernie bandwagon when Hill tries to privatize SS. You will realize you have no other power but Bernie and Warren.
Go Protesters go!
some of us never disembarked the Bernie bandwagon n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
right on MsGrin, I have had enough of the Bernie bashing
I'm pushing back if I see it, unless it is from a member of the Big Al wing of the community.
Bernie told everyone of us he would back Hill if she won. That is an unacceptable reason to bash him, it shows a flaw in former supporter NOT in Bernie.
He has also told folks to vote their conscience
I do believe that his chairmanship or minority leadership position was threatened to be removed if he did not toe the line of supporting Clinton until the election. As I have said here previously, I also suspect that more nefarious threats were also made which are unlikely to ever be confirmed.
There are a lot of Bernie diehards here.
I suspect we'll see the energized Bernie we recognize after the New Year when the deal he had to cut has been fulfilled. Perhaps I'm naive, but that's my prediction.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Actually I think he will find that they do NOT fulfill their end
of the bargain. Perhaps after he can get nothing done in the Senate any more because despite all, they consider him a "traitor," then we will see the energized Bernie when he realizes that giving in got him nothing in return.
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They have always seen him as an outsider
and always will.
As you've read, I think what they promised was to not carry out their threats, but it's extremely unlikely whatever that transaction was bargained will be revealed. I seriously doubt they've offered him much, if anything, other than perhaps to not obstruct the seniority he has earned and to not injure. He has made no claim of promises, and they are untrustworthy.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Bernie said other things that
Bernie said other things that he didn't follow through on. Pointed out to you before by others but you want to ignore that.
Protestors will be protestors and have power with or without Bernie.
I've never denied that Bernie cut short his run
pretty well stopped in his tracks.
He has always said that the ONLY way things will change is if extremely large groups of people protest.
He has never said that it is imperative that he be at the head of the protest.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
My reply was meant for darkle
My reply was meant for darkle. I apologize if I replied to the wrong comment. I haven't seen you be dismissive of criticisms of Bernie.
I've stayed on the Bernie bandwagon all along
I understand exactly what he's doing and why. He's one of the few trustworthy people left in DC.
Not sure why the criticism of him started up.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
Sanders gave up that power
the moment he conceded an election wrought with fraud and corruption to the witch. That's a signal that, when push comes to shove, he will bow his head.
You assume
a lot with those statements, If you haven't learned what happens when you assume shit you are in for a big let down.
In this political climate, it doesn't take assumptions to be let
down unless one assumes that political promises are worth the pieces of paper they are written on.
People can stand up for, work for and desire fairness and an even playing field - doesn't mean there's evidence we're likely to get it, nor that we are confused about that likelihood, but for many, to abandon the quest for fairness would be self-abuse and abandonment of our neighbors.
Quite unclear to which assumptions you are pointing.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Sorry MsGrin
reply was meant for Dakrie.
If you were with him then and not now let's hear why?
If you tell me his support for Hill then you were never really with him.
You make it sound like an all
You make it sound like an all or nothing choice. There are shades of support.
Your "happy clappy" cheer-leading is a turn off.
that is what they used to say at TOP to shade enthusiam
for Bernie.
Yes, and they also said that
Yes, and they also said that if you don't support Hillary, you're not really a Democrat.
You're saying that if I'm anything other than 100% behind Bernie now, I was never a supporter.
I'm fine with you being enthusiastic about Bernie. What I'm not fine with is you characterizing people who question some of his choices as somehow disloyal.
Depends on how you define "with him".
I was with him when we shared many policy positions. I think he probably still believes in those positions, but is staying silent because he wants to promote Clinton. I do not support Clinton. Bernie used to fight against Clinton. So I was with him then and not with him now, but he left me, I didn't leave him.
I'm also not mad at him or whatever. He is doing what he thinks is best. I am doing what I think is best.
If by "with him" you mean following him blindly, no, I don't do that for anyone. If you mean agree, then yes I did, and now I don't, at least not regarding who to support in this election (I'm with Jill). We probably still agree on policy, but somehow he thinks we will make progress under Clinton. I don't think we will.
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He does not want to support Clinton, he does it because that
is what he said he would do. And that is how he he will be untouchable from the left in his rebuke of Hills plans to war monger and privatize SS among other things.
He has leverage, he said it himself and Hill is weak. He is going to hound dawg her for 4 years. He will defend what we have at the minimum.
Bernie is very smart
If Anonymous fixes the voting machines like they claimed they did in 04Bernie will be able to oppose president Trump, and he will mop the floor with him politically, but he will need the MSM - they will have to cover it. He cannot have Hillary order him edited out of the media. ( ) On the other hand, if Hillary is appointed president, when she reneges on her promises he will be able to protest, and all she will be able to do is say, "So what can you do about it? I want poverty, bigotry and war, and if you don't like it you just might get 'mugged' some night." Where's that gonna get her?
On to Biden since 1973
Can we talk about Erica Garner?
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I had that thought, but
I had that thought, but participated in the thread jacking. My apologies.
You want to talk about Erica Garner in an essay about Erica Garner?!?! How cute!!!
We have learned today
That Hillary doesn't give a shit about Eric Garner, beyond how he can be used. That Obama doesn't give a shit about the Sioux beyond how their land can be used. And that the DAPL people and the Bundys will see no consequences for bulldozing native land and burial sites. I'm seeing a common thread, here, and I am a lot more pissed off than I was yesterday.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
We had it confirmed today.
Plenty of us knew she was just using Eric Gardner, Sandra bland etc & their mothers for her own purposes and that she didn't give 2 shits about any of them.
Hey B?
The common thread there is that people are greedy, manipulative, deceitful, mendacious, shortsighted and cruel.
Oh wait! That's $hillary! My bad.
Politicians using Other people's tragedies to 'prove' how 'compassionate' they are has always bugged the hell out of me. This instance is no exception.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
There was an exception
Well, the exception was that it was not used to demonstrate anything, because he doesn't roll that way. The exception was that Bernie was approached (at Union Station, if memory serves) by Sandra Bland's mother in the summer of 2015, and he promised he would 'say her name' at the debate. Which he did. And he did not reference the meeting. The ONLY reference of the meeting came on FB with a photo from Sandra Bland's mother's friend who took the photo Sandra's mother requested.
I remain in awe of his restraint and his respect.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
That proves my point
and is one reason I had, and continue to have, great respect for the man. He could have milked it, yet he didn't.
Class. That's what he has.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
That is the evil of identity politics
Eris Garner only matters to Hillary as much as he can be used to perpetuate the lie that he is a victim only and that his memory is only good for perpetuating the plan that black people must fear and hate whites. The same with her "feminism" and her dedication to "democracy", her crusade to bring it to the middle east. Don't solve a problem, perpetuate it. If you so;v a problem you can no longer present yourself as a white knight who must be supported by the poor victims.
On to Biden since 1973
Oh, yeah
He has so much leverage Hillary stole the nomination right from under him and there was nothing he could do except try to get us to vote for her.
I think his leverage will sound a lot like you endlessly yapping about how much leverage Bernie has.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
How did this turn into a Bernie good/bad thread?
from a reasonably stable genius.
Someone saw a chance to test their amateur hypnotist technique?
“You are getting sleepy . . . sleepy . . . you will hear only my voice . . . my voice . . .”
There is a connection between Erica Garner and Bernie
Lest we forget, Erica was a powerful spokesperson for Bernie, before Medusa cheated him out of the nomination. Her reaction to this recent Wikileaks release about HRC "using" her father must have truly infuriated her and with good reason. Hillary is nothing but a conniving bitch. No one should believe a single thing emanating from her oral orifice. Look at her lips closely when she has no lipstick on, they are colored brown from all the verbal crap emanating, just as the orifice at her other end is colored brown for alimentary reasons.
I would like to help Erica raise some hell
Her question should go viral--it's a perfect example of the depravity of those people. Anyone can relate to the horrible realization and subsequent anger, in the context of "you're using my dead relative to score political points"--no matter HOW that person died.
How can we help?
BLM gave women struck with the tragedy of police violence voice
The democratic party response was to use them as stage props for Hillary to solidify African American voters. Was revealed by Wikileaks, before this event, the committee to elect Congressional representatives sent out a memo to candidates on how to marginalize BLM in any encounter.