They are no longer begging for my money, now just for me to go and
vote for them.
I received this in my email box from a failed primary challenger today.
Subject: We're not done
Dear Anthony,
I know that your inbox is filling up quickly with fundraising emails. That’s why I wanted to go ahead and let you know now that this is not one of those emails.
I’m not going to ask you to chip in to my campaign now before any “critical deadline,” nor am I going to ask you to help me unlock a triple match. Instead I want to share a personal story. It's a little long, but I think it's very important to let you know what I think truly matters right now.
I came to the United States when I was 17 years old, after my father was kidnapped by the FARC, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. Although my father was American, and had served in World War II and the Korean War as a U.S. Air Force Pilot, Colombia was the only home I had ever known, and Spanish the only language I was used to speaking.
It didn’t take long for me to realize that the English I had studied in school was not enough to make me fluent, as such, I struggled to get into college. But I was determined to get a college education, and prove that I was more capable than any test score made me appear.
I worked as a waitress to pay for non-credit English courses and worked as hard as I could in my classes to prove that I was worthy of going to college.
After two years, my work to prove myself succeeded, and I was accepted to the University of North Alabama -- you should have heard the combination of a southern accent with my Spanish. I ended my college career on the Dean’s List. I turned the negative of struggling with language into a positive by creating a business around translating languages.
I am sharing my story with you today because I want you to understand why I am not discouraged by our amazingly close primary loss, by just barely 700 votes. In fact, now, more than a month after our primary, I am more motivated than ever to continue our work to elect progressives, both here in Florida and across the country; including working non-stop to ensure Hillary Clinton becomes our next president.
I want our shared progressive values to be represented in our government, just like I wanted a college education all those years ago. I have never been afraid of hard work -- I thrive on it -- but I also know that it is teamwork that will make the dreamwork.
So that’s why I’m asking you now -- will you join me in working to help get strong progressives elected both here in Florida and across the country?
To which I penned this short reply:
Hillary Clinton and the malfeasance conducted by the Democratic Party in it's efforts to ensure that she would win the primary is the reason I just sent in my #demexit. and will never vote for a Democratic Party member again.
The Democratic Party has proven itself to be corrupt from the top down and if any real progressives want my vote they will need to find a third party to run with as the DNC has made it readily apparent that they will block or obstruct any candidate that really pushes for actual progressive change.
So in short, while you may not be done, I am absolutely done with you and the D.N.C.
If you really supported the values you lay claim to you would never find yourself capable of voting for, let alone endorsing Clinton or any war-mongering, fear pushing, regime changing, fracking selling, death penalty supporting so called "Progressive."
You should feel shame for sacrificing your moral positions for party fealty, that is if you ever truly possessed them to begin with.
Unsubscribe me.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Really? I wish I could say the same.
What did all my work and all my donating to Sanders get me? On each and every Democratic candidate's email list.
For instance, this morning, in addition to all the emails I had from Sanders, I had emails from Ellison, emails from someone named Margaret who works for Ellison's campaign and emails from a third person "bumping" Margaret's email to make sure I saw it. (FYI, whatever your name is: You can bump a post on a message board to make it more noticeable, but not an email. Welcome to unsubscribe.) It's a shame, because Ellison and Grijalva were the only two holding federal elective office to endorse Sanders, but I'm way over donating to anyone running as a Democrat.
When I unsubscribed from all three, I gave as my reason that, "Thanks to Hillary and DWS and other rightist Democrats, I had Demexited this summer and would not be donating to Democrats again. This country needs a real left."
Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley
Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley also endorsed Bernie, though my future support for him is unsure unless I hear him challenging DNC corruption.
Great reply!
I'm using it, Alphalop. You are a master of words!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
{Blush} Awww! Thanks RA! :)
I don't know if I would go that far but I appreciate the compliment, however all credit has to go to rage.
Seems to be my muse lately, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
My reply technique is not as eloquent as yours
but it is quick and easy: when I get an email, usually from Hillbots and usually asking for money, I send a reply: Hillary for Prison. And then I laugh when I get instant return email thanking me for my comment.
Says it all
If I knew a year ago what I know now, I never would have bothered contributing to and voting for Bernie Sanders. The only real, tangible function served by "progressive" candidates like Bernie is to delude like-minded voters into believing that the Democratic Party is the proper and appropriate vehicle for translating their beliefs and aspirations into public policy.
Since the real power brokers in the party have not the slightest intention of ever paying anything more than lip service to Bernie's agenda, the net effect of this is to ensure progressive-ism's continued impotency and irrelevance by channeling its adherents into supporting candidates whose policy prescriptions on almost all major issues are virtually the direct opposite of those espoused by "Sheepdog" Bernie and others of his ilk.
Truly, the term "progressive Democrat" is as much an oxymoron as "clean coal" or "environmentally responsible fracking." Personally, I am done with the whole rotten and corrupt lot of them forever. The challenge now is how to get more than a tiny sliver of the population to feel the same way, and act accordingly.
inactive account
Unfortunately, you may be finished with the whole rotten
corrupt bunch of them forever--but, believe me, they aren't finished with you or any of us. They will get their blood-sucking snouts into to your flesh as soon as they catch you.
Right on...add me to that letter.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I got a text from the Hillary campaign urging me to vote.
I sent back a text. I am a Bernie supporter who plans to vote for Trump because nothing would make me happier than for that corrupt, lying war monger and her husband to lose.
I have an absentee ballot, but I don't think I am going to use it. I can't decide if I want to vote for Trump or Stein. My good angel and my bad angel are at war.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Please seriously consider voting Stein.
She won't win, but getting over 5% of the national turnout will convert the Greens into a "real" party, giving them matching funds and better ballot access for next time. And maybe next time, more of a difference can be made.... That would be a better use of your vote than sending it to a landfill, anyway.
Polling's rigged, as you
Polling's rigged, as you probably know, and Jill's doing way better than claimed.
If everyone who actually wanted to survive and do so in a democracy voted for the only non-TPP/corporate coup-supporting candidate, the landslide would be too big for either of the literally deadly-to-life-on-the-planet corporate Party candidates, or the TPP-supporting Libertarian, to be cheated in.
With any of the other 3, this means not merely more military attack/invasion termed as 'war' but a nuclear holocaust (with a decade or so of global dimming and drought as well as radiation increases bringing not only global famine with crop/plant life failure but oxygen deficiency,) as TPTB will control them and they will all do their bidding even though it kills them too, and far faster than the several decades which it would take the unlimited global industrial/military pollution/destruction under absolute corporate/billionaire control to eradicate the life forming the life-support system of the planet, as the already snowballing ecological die-off, reduction and cessation of oxygen production and sequestering of industrial pollutants sped the process to extinction of oxygen/water/plant/meat-dependent life.
All for greed, and the world well lost!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I donated to Bernie this year and ever since I've noticed 3X as many robocalls to my phone. I don't answer unless I recognize the caller, so who knows how many are Dems looking for handouts. But suffice to say, I've Dem-exited and they will never get another dime from me.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
May I suggest instead of not answering, pick up the phone and
let them hear from you some of the deep dissatisfaction and anger that is coursing throughout this country.
I've been on both sides of that, those making and receiving the campaign's call. They need to hear from people, especially those they have on their sheets as potential supporters. On the other hand tactically not answering does keep them more occupied, and both thinking you could possibly be another vote and also from making other calls attempting to convince voters on the fence.
At the end of the day it's probably best to tell them honestly that you'd like to be convinced why to voter for Her. Then get into it by debating. Of course you'll easily be able to eviscerate the poor volunteer, but you can also draw it out in a way that makes them keep calling you (and therefore wasting resources on someone who will not be voting for Her). That's always fun. Did some of that during the 2012 election, the midterms and local elections.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I feel good!
Voted Green yesterday and said "no thanks "to:
2. Sen. John McCain
3. Rep. Trent Franks.
Also "enough already" to: County Attorney Bill Montgomery, Recorder Helen Purcell, and Sheriff Joe Arpaiao.
Voted up with pot and the minimum wage!
I wish I could do it again, and again, and again... and again...
The revolution is in need of heroes.
Stein - Baraka 2016
That's the message they need to hear.
And you put it well.
I got an Obama pitch
Today for zephyr. I support her, but I'll be damned if I'll act on a pitch from that sob.
And he had the nerve to say we needed zephyr so we could continue the progress of the last 8 years. He (well, some poor person on zephyrs staff) got an earful about my take on the "progress" the past 8 years.
me too
Did just the same as you. Unsubscribed and told them why.
Stein - Baraka 2016
Subtle shift you introduced
Up until now, all of the #demexit writing I've read hinged around the voters moving away from the Democratic party. I believe you've introduced the notion that the candidates have to move away from the Dems. As in, "yeah you seem to be a great candidate (didn't I vote for you back in 2012?) but as long as you've got that D next to your name it ain't gonna happen." I dunno, do they navel gaze after these unsubscribes? Would TPTB edit this quote out of a group discussion of the #demexit?
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Seems to me to be an
Seems to me to be an essential shift. Enough of the two-party trade-off scam - it's got really frackin' old, it's always been cold and it's so very obviously sold to the unwary and carefully disinformed... We do not have to fold - we can go Green, for the go-ahead for democracy.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I think that it is critical that we make it apparent that for
actual progressives candidates running that the (D) next to their name is as toxic as that (R) is to those of us that are on the "left" side of the spectrum.
We need to make this a dual campaign of both convincing progressive voters not to support nor progressive candidates to run on the Dem ticket if they want to get elected.
Any progressive running as a Democrat is either a sheepdog or a fool at this point because EVERYONE should be well aware by now that the Democrats do not support a progressive agenda and we are not going to be fooled by this anymore.
It's already entering the collective consciousness, we just need to use the media's trick of constantly massaging that message.
Should be an easier sell for us than them as unlike the media, we are not bold faced fucking liars.
Yeah, this election has served as a great example to me on how people become radicalized, because I am almost there myself and nobody blew up my family members wedding or school...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
. . . or funeral or hospital where they worked or were a patient
(No subject)