The Raw Irony of A Full-On Campaign to Prove HRC is NOT "Establishment"

From US Uncut (two days old)

New Leaks Show Clinton Campaign Coordinated with Journalists to Smear Bernie Sanders

The gist of this begins with Sanders having said that Clinton and some of the groups supporting her including Planned Parenthood were 'establishment,' and the pushback was to frame Sanders as being insensitive to women's and social justice issues (rather Rovian of them to condemn him on areas where he's actually much stronger than she is as a candidate).

The first email linked in this piece gives us this information about that statement from Sanders:

I think Sanders has handed us a rare and significant gift with his comments. Per our tracking, there have been 11,000 tweets on this (you can't track Facebook chatter easily because the vast majority of accounts are private) just since late last night, and the pace is actually picking up. For reference, our Alzheimer's rollout generated fewer than 15,000 tweets over the course of a few days -- so this has nearly equaled that in a little more than 12 hours.

LP is going to send around some notes on what else we are cooking up to keep this going.

The campaign sees this as a score for them:

I agree with Teddy—this is one of the first Bernie hits that seems to really be resonating and picking up traction online.


Here's our quick rundown of what is in the works in digital and digital comms land right now, keeping in mind that we are trying to do a few bigger campaign things (such as amplifying any remarks the candidate makes) and possibly sending an email, while also working with HRC, Planned Parenthood, and people who can help push this behind the scenes without our fingerprints. · Amplifying remarks Hillary makes on the trail or in the media today—will keep an eye out for these · Continuing to work with NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and HRC to amplify and respond (note that PP's response is coming from the independent side, not coordinated, so they have told us they are planning to do more but can't tell us what)

They pushed it on Twitter:

· Pushing #ImSoEstablishment behind the scenes through HRC, Planned Parenthood, NARAL, a diverse array of bloggers, and progressive people out in the world

Not looking very establishment, is it? They got celebrities to tweet. They created a meme of 'Bernie Backlash' to be pushed by bloggers. And there was a campaign of photos to disprove that they didn't have any grassroots support.

I love this tag line from a piece in The Guardian (which the campaign knew was being written, so they likely helped to shape it) to smear Bernie: "Women voters aren’t looking for talking points in 2016: we want candidates who will fight back against any and all restrictions on reproductive health." It's been written here several times before by Older and Wiser Now and myself - Clinton has said repeatedly that she'd be A-OK if the Republicans want to impose more limits on late-term abortions, and Sanders is clear that health emergencies which lead to such devastating decisions should be left to the discernment of women and their doctors. Clinton absolutely is NOT the more pro-choice candidate of the two (and it turns out that while Planned Parenthood does not advertise this, I've seen it strongly suggested that PP is not averse to such restrictions, as well).

Hard to remember back to July of 2015 when the email in this tweet was published:

Here's the full text:
Date: 2015-09-07 13:12
Subject: Washington Post story

As I expected it took 24 hours for the Post to pick up the story, and say HRC has surrogates to "her dirty work" (the Post's phrase) and attack Bernie, quoting the same suspects. It would have been much better for the story to had a sentence that when she heard about it Hillary told her campaign to tell all surrogates to be preach her cause and not attack Bernie.....

Here is the key point, and you know I have been warning about this for months: Hillary is not running against Bernie, she is running against herself, against the perception that she is calculating and lacks principles and causes and a higher purpose to be president and that she is too beholden to inside powers that give her money and an insider system that voters detest in this election, in both parties.....

Attacking Bernie doesn't help her win this campaign against herself, it hurts her, stories about others doing "her dirty work" only dirty her and lower her level of trust, and the attacks against Bernie only help him, making him look like the fighter against a corrupt politics of which Hillary appears to part of.....

The Obama consultants who are now Hillary consultants will never understand this, in fact much of the Bernie support from the grassroots is a reaction against what they see as Obama and Democrats in Washington letting them down....Bernie is fighting an asymmetrical political war from the bottom up, Hillary is fighting an old fashioned conventional war from the top down in a political year when the top is terribly disliked and the bottom is in revolt....

The way for Hillary to win the political war is not for her or her surrogates to do anything that is "dirty work", it is for her and all of her surrogates to champion a positive vision of her and her presidency, to make her a champion for those on the bottom to lift the bottom up, not to look like a defender or even worse the leader of the top fighting to keep their birthright to have power....

Praising Bernie and even more praising those who support Bernie for idealistic reasons and seizing as many leading progressive issues as possible is how she wins the campaign against herself to win the campaign against Bernie....attacking Bernie helps Bernie and hurts is vital to understand the dynamics of the anti-insider sentiment dominating this campaign which hurts Hillary and Jeb for exactly the same reasons and to understand the asymmetrical politics of outsiders against insiders fueled by social media that has far more power this year than what Chuck Todd says on Meet the Press.....

My difference with the campaign's approach is not tactical, is it ideological and strategic and I rarely say this but my warnings over the last 6 months have been proven 100% right.....

She should support bringing back some version of Glass Steagall because it is right, because ending Glass Steagall was Bill's worst mistake in an otherwise highly successful presidency that I have lavishly praised, and because Hillary is almost universally seen as far too entrenched with Wall Street players who paid her money to speak and give money to her campaigns.....ask Jeb Bush how much his money has lifted his support....and if she won't do it, she has to compensate twice as hard elsewhere.....

Joe Biden can sound like Elizabeth Warren on Labor Day, but he won't take one vote from Bernie if he runs because it's a little late in the game for him to discover this, Hillary won't win one vote by attacking "robber barons" unless she backs it up with substance which doesn't mean talking class warfare, but does mean taking some policy positions that do not require approval from Wall Street donors....

I don't worry about the latest polls, polls can change if candidates do the right thing, but I worry like hell that I was at a university day with thousands of students on Saturday where Bernie had a booth with a long line of people signing up to support him, and Hillary did not have any booth and I did not see even one Hillary button or t-shirt from even one student who cared to support the candidate who would be the first woman president----not even one!!!

And on Bernie's major issues, whether they are "left" or not, most of them are majority positions, and she would defeat Bernie by co-opting as many of these issues as possible and not using "surrogates" to do "dirty work" against him which helps him, and hurts her......Brent

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sojourns's picture

particularly "and she would defeat Bernie by co-opting as many of these issues as possible"

The day I'm convince that Her Royal Chicken-shit is not establishment is when she trades her jet in for a single engine Cessna 150, paints it purple and puts Led Zeppelin or Nine Inch Nails or both -- stickers all over and pilots it herself. That would be a start.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

lotlizard's picture

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At times she can barely stand, poor dear. And still the health issues, which must have predated her wikileaked 2014 thoughts about another run (strut, swagger, stumble?) at the White House, remain unanswered.

The idea of Hillary Clinton as other than ruling class and establishment insider is so laughable it would endanger a hernia repair if I had one.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

Bollox Ref's picture

Regularly drives still.

Is Hillary incapable, or just too important.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

sojourns's picture

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

Hillary seems a passenger in oligarchy's limo, a place sitter not a decision maker, watching and talking, setting neither the destination nor the route. JFK sailed, Ron rode horses, W biked, Obama basket-balled.Is there anything HRC does herself?

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Lily O Lady's picture

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

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only then it was things like copying his "Change" and "Yes, we can" slogans.

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for about a minute (coopting Bernie's ideas), but couldn't stay the course for long and got extra insurance: Trump, dirty tricks, voter disenrollments, voting machine hacks, surrogates, MSM turned into Clinton machine central, DNC shenanigans, entire Obama administration to cover for her, lies and more lies, and "be very afraids" (Russians-Putin, nuclear codes, misogynists, Trump will end abortion, bimbo eruptions). In other words, she did her own thing, as usual. Great instincts.

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Bollox Ref's picture

Wife of Arkansas AG.
First Lady of Arkansas
First Lady of the United States
United States Senator
United States Secretary of State
Chosen One for 2016.....................

Not much 'outsider' there.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Her time on their board helped shape the destruction of Mom & Pops all over the nation. How much more establishment (as we now know it) can Her be?

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

So Hillary has a public and private face. Obviously her staff was trying to give her public face a progressive make over. But in reading what Wikileaks revealed about her private policy persona, did she every praise or take a progressive position? hell, even ones that sorta sounded liberal? Maybe, but what I read so far the answer is no. For example, praised Simpson-Bowles in private even after it was soundlly rejected by the democratic party base--and guess what Simpson-Bowles called for social security cuts, but Hillary says she will protect social security in public. She believes Wall Street can regulate itself. It goes on-and-on.

At this point, anybody who has read what Wikileaks revealed, and who thinks Clinton is even "left of center" is seriously self-deluded. Hell, is she even a centrist? You know who else is deluded at this point? People like Cenk who thinks that after the election Clinton can be magically transformed through I suppose through political pressure is just fooling themselves.

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MsGrin's picture

She likely feels that by slashing Social Security she is saving it.

Cenk is smarter than that, isn't he? But there are many who are so ill about the idea of a Trump presidency that they actually think Clinton can be stomached and survived. Some of us will not survive her administration - I don't give myself high odds.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

entrenched liars.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver