The Evening Blues - 10-20-16
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features blues and soul singer and songwriter Cash McCall. Enjoy!
Cash McCall - The Blues Just Won't Let Me Be
"The 2016 Republican presidential primary was rigged. It wasn’t rigged by the Republicans, the Democrats, Russians, space aliens, or voters. It was rigged by the owners of television networks who believed that giving one candidate far more coverage than others was good for their ratings. ... The 2016 Democratic presidential primary was rigged. It wasn’t rigged by bankers, misogynists, Russians, Republicans, or computer hackers. It was rigged by the Democratic National Committee and its co-conspirators in the media, many of whom have helpfully confessed (in case it wasn’t obvious) in emails leaked from the DNC and from John Podesta. The DNC chose Hillary Clinton and worked hard to make sure that she “won.” Nobody has produced a hint of evidence as to who leaked the emails that added unnecessary confirmation of this rigging, but they should be thanked for informing us, whoever they are."
-- David Swanson
News and Opinion
Hillary Clinton: Putin, WikiLeaks, Trump Plot to Hack the Election
It didn’t take long for the final presidential debate in the US to be shifted to the Clinton campaign’s favorite topic: accusing the Trump campaign of being involved in a Russian plot to hack the US election to his benefit. Indeed, it didn’t even wait until the brief foreign policy segment.
During questions about immigration, the moderator asked a question of Hillary Clinton regarding her comments at a closed-door speech to a Brazilian bank about open borders. Clinton quickly and dramatically changed focus, noting that the quote came from WikiLeaks and declaring “what’s really important about WikiLeaks is that the Russian government has engaged in espionage against Americans.”
She went on to declare that it was “clearly” Russian President Vladimir Putin behind the WikiLeaks releases, and insisted that the entire intelligence community had confirmed Putin was doing so “to influence our election.” She then demanded Republican nominee Donald Trump “admit” to it.
The Democrats’ Joe McCarthy Moment
The Democrats, who bore the brunt of the Red-baiting during the earlier Cold War, are now playing the roles of Senators Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon in smearing anyone who won’t join in the Russia-bashing as “stooges,” “traitors” and “useful idiots.”
When Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has one of his few lucid moments and suggests that the U.S. should cooperate with Russia rather than provoke more confrontations, he is denounced from many political quarters. But these attacks against Trump are most feverish from Democrats looking to give Hillary Clinton a boost politically and a diversionary excuse for her Wall Street speeches that she tried so hard to keep hidden until they were released by WikiLeaks from hacked emails of her longtime adviser John Podesta.
The Obama administration’s intelligence community has claimed, without presenting evidence, that Russian intelligence was behind the Democratic Party hacks as a way to influence the U.S. election, a somewhat ironic charge given the long history of the U.S. government (and its intelligence community) engaging in much more aggressive actions to block the election of disfavored politicians abroad and even to overthrow democratically elected leaders who got in Washington’s way.
Rather than seeking to explain Clinton’s paid speeches to Wall Street bigwigs and other special interests, Podesta and other Democrats have simply piled on the Russia-bashing with suggestions that Trump is consorting with America’s enemies. In Wednesday night’s debate, Clinton referred to Trump as Vladimir Putin’s “puppet.” ...
While the Democrats may consider this strategy very clever ... by whipping up a new set of whipping boys – the “evil” Russians and their “ultra-evil” leader Vladimir Putin – the Democrats are setting in motion passions that could spin out of control and cause a President Hillary Clinton to push the two nuclear powers into a crisis that – with a simple misjudgment on the part of either nation – could end life on the planet.
It’s Russia & RT! Team Clinton knows who’s to blame for Podesta leaks
If the US hacks Russia for revenge, that could lead to cyberwar
What’s the CIA’s brilliant plan for stopping Russian cyber-attacks on the US and their alleged interference with the US election? Apparently, some in the agency want to escalate tensions between the two superpowers even more and possibly do the same thing right back to them.
NBC News reported late last week that the CIA is working up blueprints for an “unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia”, and it sounds a lot like they’re planning on leaking documents on Vladimir Putin, just as the Russians are accused of doing to the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. ...
Hacking foreign governments – including political parties – is a US pastime, as even the former ex-NSA chief Michael Hayden openly admitted this week. ... It’s the leaking of documents that is relatively new. The US, of course, has a long history of interfering in foreign elections as well, as Washington Post’s Ishaan Tharoor detailed last week. That’s not to excuse Russia’s alleged actions, but everyone feigning shock and horror over this needs to take a deep breath because we are rapidly spiraling towards not just a digital cold war, but perhaps something far worse.. ...
Assuming the CIA plans are real, why on earth do all these national security geniuses think this is a good idea? Countless politicians have spent the last four months saying how “unprecedented” and “dangerous” Russia’s actions are, so now the magic solution is to do it back to them? Who thinks that once the US leaks some documents back on Putin that he’ll suddenly be like ‘oh, you got me, I guess we’ll stop!’ The more likely scenario is that this half-baked idea will escalate the cyber tensions rather than act as a deterrent.
Air Force Chief Sees Decades More of US Wars
In comments today at a spouse and family forum, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein discussed the growing number of airmen being deployed abroad for longer periods of time, saying that this problem is going to continue for decades to come.
“We’ve been deploying now for 15 years, we’ve probably got 15, 20 years to go,” Gen. Goldfein warned. This wasn’t just about the current wars, either, as the general laid out some of the new deployments against new enemies, citing a “resurgent Russia and China” as driving future deployments. ...
Top military brass have regularly talked up long wars in the future as part of their efforts to get more funding for future conflicts. The difference in today’s comments were very specific timetables, and setting out Russia and China as potential targets in those future conflicts.
Iraqi and Kurdish forces close in on Mosul after making quick gains
Kurdish peshmerga and Iraqi special forces have advanced to within around six miles of the city of Mosul, after launching a major three-pronged attack early on Thursday against dug-in Islamic State militants.
Hundreds of armoured vehicles including tanks and humvees began a large-scale offensive at around 6am local time, the Kurdish peshmerga general command said in a statement. Their target was a series of villages to the north and north-east of Mosul held by Isis fighters.
Heavy guns and artillery trundled towards the frontline village of Nawaran, nine miles north of Mosul, which the peshmerga seized within an hour. ...
On Wednesday, Maj Gen Gary Volesky, the commander of the US 101st Airborne Division in charge of land forces involved in counter-Isis operations, said there were signs that Isis leaders in the city were starting to flee.
“We have seen movement out of Mosul,” he said, speaking to the Pentagon from Iraq. “We’ve got indications that leaders have left. A lot of foreign fighters we expect will stay as they’re not able to exfiltrate as easily as some of the local fighters or local leadership, so we expect there will be a fight.”
The media are misleading the public on Syria
For three years, violent militants have run Aleppo. Their rule began with a wave of repression. They posted notices warning residents: “Don’t send your children to school. If you do, we will get the backpack and you will get the coffin.” Then they destroyed factories, hoping that unemployed workers would have no recourse other than to become fighters. They trucked looted machinery to Turkey and sold it.
This month, people in Aleppo have finally seen glimmers of hope. The Syrian army and its allies have been pushing militants out of the city. Last week they reclaimed the main power plant. Regular electricity may soon be restored. The militants’ hold on the city could be ending.
Militants, true to form, are wreaking havoc as they are pushed out of the city by Russian and Syrian Army forces. “Turkish-Saudi backed ‘moderate rebels’ showered the residential neighborhoods of Aleppo with unguided rockets and gas jars,” one Aleppo resident wrote on social media. ...
This does not fit with Washington’s narrative. As a result, much of the American press is reporting the opposite of what is actually happening. Many news reports suggest that Aleppo has been a “liberated zone” for three years but is now being pulled back into misery.
Washington-based reporters tell us that one potent force in Syria, al-Nusra, is made up of “rebels” or “moderates,” not that it is the local al-Qaeda franchise. Saudi Arabia is portrayed as aiding freedom fighters when in fact it is a prime sponsor of ISIS. Turkey has for years been running a “rat line” for foreign fighters wanting to join terror groups in Syria, but because the United States wants to stay on Turkey’s good side, we hear little about it. Nor are we often reminded that although we want to support the secular and battle-hardened Kurds, Turkey wants to kill them. Everything Russia and Iran do in Syria is described as negative and destabilizing, simply because it is they who are doing it — and because that is the official line in Washington.
Clinton Reaffirms Commitment to No-Fly Zone in Syria
Iran 'wanted Egypt at Syria talks' as Middle Eastern alliances shift
The Iranian foreign minister personally requested that Egypt attend last weekend’s key Syria talks – a move that has sparked concerns that Cairo is being wooed away from its traditional pro-western stance in the region.
Talks convened by the US secretary of state, John Kerry, in the Swiss city of Lausanne last Saturday evening failed to agree on a common strategy with Russia to end the conflict in Syria, now in its sixth year.
The Guardian has seen emails indicating that the Iranian foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, asked Kerry for Cairo’s team to attend the Lausanne talks. When the US secretary of state proposed six-nation talks to “see if a new reasonableness can manifest itself” in Syria, Zarif replied: “Why not Egypt too?”
Iran agreed to attend the talks only once it had secured places for the foreign ministers of Egypt and Iraq at the discussions. Both countries back the pro-Assad stance of Iran but Egypt is seen as significant because it is the most populous Sunni Arab nation in the Middle East.
Iran was also keen not to be outnumbered by an anti-Assad coalition – comprising Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United States – at the Lausanne talks.
Russia tells UN it will pause bombing of eastern Aleppo
Russia has told the UN it will stop bombing eastern Aleppo for 11 hours a day over four days, but the proposal was described as insufficient to bring about a wider deal to make militants leave the besieged city.
As a unilateral ceasefire was declared by the Syrian military in Aleppo on Thursday, the UN Syria envoy, Staffan de Mistura, said he welcomed the daily pauses to allow medical evacuations.
However, he said the ceasefire package required militants from the banned Jabhat Fateh al-Sham group to agree to leave and the Syrian government to guarantee that the local administration would remain in charge.
The UN humanitarian adviser Jan Egeland said he hoped the first of “several hundred” sick and wounded people would be brought out on Friday to government-held western Aleppo or rebel-held Idlib, according to their choice. ...
State media earlier said the Syrian army had opened exit corridors in two designated areas in the Bustan al-Qasr quarter and near the Castello Road in northern Aleppo, where waiting green buses were shown on state television.
Turkey claims air raid killed up to 200 Kurdish fighters in Syria raid
A Turkish air raid killed as many as 200 Kurdish militia members north of the Syrian city of Aleppo on Wednesday, according to the Turkish military.
Turkish military officials say they hit 18 targets with 26 airstrikes in the areas under the control of Kurdish militia, destroying their headquarters, ammunition dumps and shelters.
The statement said one Free Syrian Army fighter died and another one was injured in a series of clashes with the PYD/PKK.
ACLU Wants 23 Secret Surveillance Laws Made Public
the ACLU has identified 23 legal opinions that contain new or significant interpretations of surveillance law — affecting the government’s use of malware, its attempts to compel technology companies to circumvent encryption, and the CIA’s bulk collection of financial records under the Patriot Act — all of which remain secret to this day, despite an ostensible push for greater transparency following Edward Snowden’s disclosures.
The opinions were written by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. On Wednesday, the ACLU and the Yale Law School Media Freedom Clinic filed a motion with the court requesting that those opinions be released.
“The people of this country can’t hold the government accountable for its surveillance activities unless they know what our laws allow,” said Patrick Toomey, a staff attorney with the ACLU’s National Security Project. “These secret court opinions define the limits of the government’s spying powers. Their disclosure is essential for meaningful public oversight in our democracy.”
NYPD admits 'we failed' in police shooting of mentally ill Bronx woman
New York police department officials have conceded that something went wrong in the lead-up to a sergeant fatally shooting a mentally ill 66-year-old black woman in her own home in the Bronx Tuesday night. ...
The woman, Deborah Danner, had schizophrenia and police had visited her home on prior occasions for disturbances. According to police, they were responding to a call from a neighbor that Danner was acting in an “irrational manner” when the shooting occurred.
Danner was holding a pair of scissors when sergeant Hugh Barry entered her residence, police said. Barry was able to convince Danner to put down the scissors and leave the home with him when she allegedly picked up a bat and began swinging it at the Sergeant’s head.
Barry fired two shots from his service weapon, and Danner was taken to a nearby hospital where she was pronounced dead.
Police said that Barry was equipped with a less-lethal Taser weapon, which he did not deploy. Barry has been placed on modified duty, and was stripped of his gun and badge while the incident is investigated by the NYPD’s force investigation division.
Halloween Comes Early as Bloomberg Tries to Scare Kids With Debt Monster
Bloomberg (10/14/16) decided to get into the Halloween spirit by warning our kids about the national debt. The piece is headlined “A Child Born Today Comes Into the World With More Debt Than You.” Bloomberg was going to headline the piece, “Kids Worried That Universe Is Closer to Destruction Than When Parents Were Born,” but they decided it would be too scary.
[Bloomberg says]:
Under current law, US inflation-adjusted debt per person is expected to reach the $66,000 milestone by April 2026, based on Bloomberg calculations of Congressional Budget Office and Census Bureau data.
It adds that the debt would be considerably larger as a result of Donald Trump’s tax cuts and slightly larger as a result of Hillary Clinton’s tax and spending programs.
OK, folks, you should be able to guess why this Bloomberg piece is a silly joke. That’s right, it only takes the debt side of the ledger. It’s almost impossible to exaggerate how absurd this is.
It is an absurdity that no business would ever engage in. I suspect that Microsoft has much more debt than the restaurant down my street. If Bloomberg business coverage was like this piece, it would be highlighting Microsoft’s massive debt. Furthermore, it would be warning that Microsoft’s debt is likely to be even larger in a decade. Fortunately, Bloomberg doesn’t report on Microsoft this way, because it has serious business reporters. They would report on Microsoft’s debt in relation to its assets, and its debt service in relation to its revenue or profits. Bloomberg could report on the government debt in this way, but it wouldn’t have the same effect for Halloween.
With Debate Framed for Chopping Safety Net, Lawmakers Denounce 'Measly' Social Security Increase
Described even in corporate media stories as "measly" and "tiny," Social Security's 2017 cost of living adjustment for the over 65 million Americans who rely on the benefits will be a 0.3 percent increase, the federal government announced Tuesday. For the average recipient, that will amount to an increase of less than $4 per month, the Associated Press notes. ...
Nancy Altman, founding co-director of Social Security Works, like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), says the way the cost-of-living adjustment is figured, using the Consumer Price Index from the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, is flawed. Many organizations who seek to expand Social Security say the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E) would be a better measure.
Reacting to Tuesday's adjustment announcement, Sanders said, "Seniors and disabled veterans need more help than a few extra dollars in their monthly checks." ...
As for the presidential candidates' "starkly different views of the program," that's likely to come up Wednesday evening for the third and last presidential debate of 2016.
That's because "entitlement and debt" is among the six topics chosen by debate moderator Chris Wallace.
"While this has a clear meaning to policy wonks," argues economist Dean Baker, "it is likely that most viewers won't immediately know that 'entitlements' means the Social Security and Medicare their parents receive. It's a lot easier for politicians to talk about cutting wasteful 'entitlements' than taking away seniors' Social Security and Medicare."
According to Baker, "Those organizing the debate want to see Social Security and Medicare cut, so they are framing the topic in a way that cuts to these programs will seem like the only reasonable answer."
Worth a full read...
Goldman Sachs Top Lawyer Is Part of a Secret Banking Cabal as CEO Blankfein Denies One Exists
There’s a new mantra making the rounds of Washington and Wall Street. No matter how big the lie you’re caught in, no matter how much documented evidence exists against you, just deny, deny, deny. That’s how Democratic National Committee Interim Chair Donna Brazile handled the email released by WikiLeaks showing that she leaked a debate question to Hillary Clinton; that’s how Hillary Clinton handled revelations about sending classified government material over an unclassified server in the basement of her home; and that’s how Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein is handling the widespread public perception that there’s a banking cabal meeting in secret to plot its continued dominance over the interests of the average U.S. citizen.
Yesterday, CNBC’s David Faber interviewed Blankfein and asked about the suggestion that Donald Trump had made on October 13 in a speech in West Palm Beach, Florida that there is an international banking conspiracy undermining the sovereignty of the United States. Faber asked Blankfein: “So am I to take it that you weren’t meeting in secret with international banks and Hillary Clinton to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty?” Blankfein responded: “We could parse that clause by clause, but to every clause, the answer is no, we weren’t doing it. We weren’t meeting in secret and we certainly weren’t plotting destruction.”
The first half of Blankfein’s answer is flatly false and he knows it. The big Wall Street banks do meet in secret and have been doing it for decades. His own General Counsel, Gregory Palm, part of the Management Committee at Goldman Sachs, is part of the secret cabal.
Just five days before Blankfein made his false denial, Bloomberg News’ reporters Greg Farrell and Keri Geiger had landed the bombshell report that the top lawyers of the biggest Wall Street banks had been meeting secretly for two decades with their counterparts at international banks. ... The Bloomberg report indicates that the meetings are secret and that this is the first time their existence has been reported to the public. ... Secret summits that are by invitation-only, have no boards or bylaws, no public minutes would certainly appear to be both violations of anti trust law as well as fueling the public perception of conspiratorial meetings.
Wells Fargo under criminal investigation in California over sales practices scandal
California’s attorney general is conducting a criminal investigation into whether employees at San Francisco-based Wells Fargo bank committed identity theft in the sales practices scandal that has rocked the bank, documents released on Wednesday show.
A search warrant and supporting affidavit released by the California department of justice show that agents sought evidence related to allegations that bank employees created up to 2m bank and credit card accounts without customers’ approval in order to meet sales goals. ...
Copies obtained by the Associated Press under a public records request show her office sought the names of customers who had accounts opened without their permission, the names of employees who opened the accounts and their managers, and fees associated with the improperly opened accounts.
Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer Says Top Priority for Next Year Is Giant Corporate Tax Cut
New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, likely to be majority leader next year if Democrats take back the Senate, told CNBC Tuesday that one of his top two 2017 priorities would be an enormous corporate tax cut.
Speaking of himself in the third person, Schumer said that “we’ve got to get things done. … The two things that come, that pop to mind — because Schumer, Clinton, and Ryan have all said they support these — are immigration and some kind of international tax reform tied to a large infrastructure program.” ...
Revenue-starved Democratic leaders have broadly hinted they are prepared to cave, either for a “holiday” period or permanently. ...
Hillary Clinton has not publicly supported such a plan. However, during a private October 13, 2014, speech to the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers, Clinton told the audience that “A number of business leaders have been talking to my husband and me about an idea that would allow the repatriation of the couple trillion dollars that are out there. And you would get a lower rate — a really low rate — if you were willing to invest a percentage in an infrastructure bank.”

A Peek Into the Clinton Campaign in Damage Control Mode, From the Podesta Emails
When Hillary Clinton ame under attack last February for her 2001 vote in favor of a bankruptcy bill that made it more difficult for poor people to discharge their debts, she defended herself by saying she did it for women and children. ...
[Clinton responded to being confronted by a 2004 Bill Moyers video interview with Elizabeth Warren]:
“I was deluged by women’s groups and children’s advocates groups to do everything I could to make sure that child support and women’s precarious financial situation in case of divorce or not being able to get the kind of funding they needed from a partner or a spouse in bankruptcy would not be endangered,”she said. “So I did go to work on behalf of all these women’s groups and children’s groups because they needed a champion. And I got that bill changed.”
But behind the scenes, her campaign soon discovered they had a problem on their hands: They couldn’t find evidence of pressure from women’s and childrens’ groups in favor of the bill — because there was none. Those groups were in fact ferociously opposed. So the Clinton team went into damage control mode, trying to back the candidate up — without compounding the mistake, but without admitting it, either.
The emails that describe their response are among thousands of emails posted by Wikileaks over the past week from Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s Gmail account.
[See article for discussion of email chain. - js]
Marco Rubio Warns Republicans: Don't Talk About Wikileaks
Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida is warning his fellow Republicans not to talk about the Wikileaks dump of emails stolen from Hillary Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta, breaking with the example set by Donald Trump.
"I will not discuss any issue that has become public solely on the basis of Wikileaks," said Rubio in a statement to NBC News. "As our intelligence agencies have said, these leaks are an effort by a foreign government to interfere with our electoral process and I will not indulge it." ...
"I want to warn my fellow Republicans who may want to capitalize politically on these leaks," he said. "Today it is the Democrats. Tomorrow it could be us."
Early voting lines are so long, people are fainting.
To the surprise of few and the consternation of many, thousands of voters in Georgia waited for hours to cast their vote during the state’s first two days of early voting. Is this a harbinger of the voting difficulties to come in this election?
In four of the most populous counties in the state, Fulton, Gwinnett, DeKalb and Cobb, Georgians have been forced to wait for over two hours to vote, and in Gwinnett County at least three people collapsed while waiting in line due to heat exhaustion. ...
In 2011, Georgia reduced early voting from 45 days prior to the election to only 21. And in this election cycle Gwinnett County currently has only one early voting location. Cobb County has only two voting locations. As we get closer to the election more polling locations are supposed to open up. But, until then, no one should be surprised about the large turnout of early voters. Especially considering that early voting days have been cut by more than half and that polling locations are few and far between.
These new voting regulations and restrictions are anti-democratic. The images of Georgians waiting for hours to vote three weeks before the election demonstrates not only the significance of this election, but the effectiveness of Georgia’s voter suppression methods.
Madonna pledges oral sex for Clinton voters
“If you vote for Hillary Clinton,” Madonna told the crowd at Madison Square Garden, “I will give you a blow job.”
“And I’m good,” the 58-year-old “Like a Virgin” singer, an outspoken supporter of the Democratic presidential nominee, said to cheers from the audience.
“I’m not a tool. I take my time,” Madonna boasted.
Feds: Only Those Committed to Destroying Planet Can Bid on Fossil Fuel Leases
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on Wednesday rejected land leases purchased at public auction in February by climate activist and author Terry Tempest Williams, refunding William's payment and revoking the leases because the environmentalist publicly vowed to keep fossil fuels in the ground.
"We are disappointed in the agency's decision to hold us to a different standard than other lessees," Williams and her husband, Brooke Williams, responded to the BLM's decision in a statement. "The agency claims that it cannot issue the leases because we did not commit to developing them. The BLM has never demanded that a lease applicant promise to develop the lease before it was issued. In fact, a great many lessees maintain their leases undeveloped for decades, thereby blocking other important uses of the lands such as conservation and recreation."
Williams payed $2,500 ($1,680 plus a $820 processing fee) for 1,120 acres of federal land in rural Utah back in February as part of a climate action in which 100 environmentalists disrupted a fossil fuel auction, calling attention to the Obama administration's continued leasing of public lands for oil and gas drilling even as the climate crisis worsens.
Officers Withdrawn from North Dakota Following Arrest of Madison Elected Official
Alliance of 600,000 British Doctors Calls for 'Imperative' Coal Phase-Out
A coalition representing Britain's 600,000 doctors and health workers on Wednesday called for a rapid phase-out of coal, saying it was an "imperative" measure and that climate change and air pollution were both "major health threats."
"Ending the use of coal is a simple, no-regrets public health intervention. The rapid phase-out of coal fired stations is an imperative first step. Coal is the most carbon-intensive source of power generation, and is a key focus for reducing the risks of climate change," the U.K. Health Alliance on Climate Change said in a report.
"Climate change and air pollution are both major health threats," the report, A Breath of Fresh Air, states. "They share a common driver: the combustion of fossil fuels. Pollution from coal plants alone costs the U.K. as much as £3.1bn [roughly $3.8bn] each year in human health impacts."
Pollution also disproportionately impacts children and can cause diseases ranging from lung cancer to stroke, killing 40,000 people a year in the country. In a press release (pdf) for the report, Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health fellow Jonathan Griggs calls it the "silent killer," and notes that the phasing out of coal would constitute a "double win for tackling the twin health threats of air pollution and climate change."
Although the U.K. government promised almost a year ago that it would phase out coal by 2025, the groups raised concerns over the seeming lack of preparation to do so, with no consultation documents published since the plan was announced, the groups note.
The Debates Are Over, and No One Asked About Climate Change
Climate change—or, more accurately, climate disruption—is the greatest existential threat of our time. It threatens the economy, national security and health, exacerbates poverty and racism, and threatens to undermine or compound virtually all other issues discussed on the stage tonight. ...
Despite this, and despite the fact that the world has endured 16 consecutive months of record-breaking heat, not one of the debate moderators saw fit to ask about it in any of 2016’s general election debates.
Making this omission even worse: In the 2012 presidential debates, there were zero questions about climate change as well. Indeed, it was not even mentioned by either Mitt Romney or President Barack Obama. In over eight hours of presidential debates spanning four years, there were only four utterances of the term “climate change” on the most important political stage. All by Hillary Clinton, all in passing. All entirely unsolicited.
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
WikiLeaks says Kerry pressured Ecuador on leaks; State Dept. denies
Extreme Unction: Illusions of Democracy in Vegas
A Perpetual Killing Field in the Worst Place on Earth
How war dehumanises everyone it touches
The sharing economy is creating a Dickensian world
Inside the Secret Society of Wall Street's Top In-House Lawyers
A possible ninth planet may be the reason for a tilt in our solar system
Even Stephen Hawking is unsure about what AI means for us
A Little Night Music
Cash McCall - We've Come A Long Way Together
Cash McCall - You Mean Everything To Me
Cash McCall - That Lucky Old Sun
Cash McCall - You Ain't Too Cool
Cash McCall - It's Wonderful (To Be In Love)
Cash McCall - Let's Try It Over
Cash McCall - I Can't Quit You Baby
Cash McCall - S.O.S.
Cash McCall - When You Wake Up
Cash McCall - Don't Change on Me

No questions about climate change in debates is disturbing
Then again the "Energy Voters" (ie. the fossil fule mafia) spend a lot of money in TV advertising.
“I Am an Energy Voter”
That's 4 straight debates without a single question on climate change. Good job, everyone
Climate change took a backseat to scandal at the presidential debates
Five Minutes and 27 Seconds on Climate Change
Hillary Clinton 'dropped climate change from speeches after Bernie Sanders endorsement'
Why has climate change been ignored in the US election debates?
We'll soon see what she does. Certainly this will give Jill Stein many votes given climate change is a big issue for many. Then again, according to Pew, the environment is not the top issue but clearly it is the most dividing issue between Trump and Hillary supporters together with institutional racism.
The political revolution continues
evening shockwave...
apparently, discussing climate change might have cut into the mudslinging time.
Calling out Kamala Harris B.S!
Going after little people because they can't afford defense lawyers like the Bigs, easy pickings. Disgusting AG behavior if you ask me. And she will sit aside Dianne Feinstein in the Senate, both voting in favor of any war that supports the status quo? Please, no. Nothing like the evening blues at 1pm. Good thing it is always 4:20 somewhere.
Thanks Joe. From your linked article:
Are they talking about upper management and CEOs? I don't think so. Sacrificial lambs to slaughter is more like it, bosses will get a wrist slap and one less yacht or similar. Thanks
Oh yeah while Wikileaks burns , 50 terabytes goes missing from the NSA.
50 terabytes!
That photo of the NSA looks like a friggin' Las Vegas casino. A bunch of assholes populate the NSA.
evening eyo...
well, the obama administration has spent the last 8 years immunizing the upper management class of banksters, so you can hardly expect a democrat on the make to break the pattern. after all, where will her contributions come from?
Good afternoon everybody ...
This is the best Keiser Report ever. I usually just watch the first half with Max and Stacy but Vladimir Vladimirovich said I should watch the whole thing this time and, you know, kind of catapult the propaganda. The second half guest is Michael Hudson.
[video: width:500 height:300]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
The Kaiser Report you linked was one of the best HRC takedowns
Reminds us just how far gone the lapdog, complicit media is in this country and been shown to be for all time during this disgusting and farcical electoral season. They covered most all of the deceit, blackmail, quid pro quo Foundation dealings, etc that we've all ben reading about in the independent/alternative press while the masses have been fed relentless Russians!!/nothing to see here/Conspiracy Theory swill. Leave it to a RT show, from Britain, to give us the truth. Must look into those ABC investigative journalism bits. ABC News, doing some honest reporting, what's behind that?
Thanks for posting this Azazello.
Watched the first half in awe. Looking forward to the next half with Michael Hudson.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
evening azazello...
thanks for posting this. i saw it earlier, but didn't have the time to watch it.
have a great evening!
Thanks Azazello - not something I generally look at; I'll
obviously have to start.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
If the Keiser Report would be produced and broadcasted out of
the US, you think they could be as good as they are out of London? Both segments were great.
With Democrats like Chuck Schumer, who needs Republicans?
It looks like party realignment is nearly complete. We seem to be moving to a one-party state with a puppet fringe wacko party formerly known as the GOP. All other parties need not apply.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
If Schumer is a Democrat who would want to be a Democrat?
One can only hope Big Capital's overreach will fail, as it usually does, and maybe something better will emerge.
Poxy Lips.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
evening duckpin...
not just a democrat, not some crazy uncle that the party shunts off into a corner to investigate insignificant issues, but a democratic party leader.
Exactly, joe s. It shows the rot goes all the way to the
top, or should I say, from the top. I've heard the fish rots from the head.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
evening lol...
frankly, i can't think of any use for either democrats or republicans anymore. sure, there are a few outliers that are good on some issues, but sooner or later they sell you out on something important. it's just not worth keeping them around.
Evening, joe s,
It's like the Star Trek episode where two crew members gained god-like powers. The stronger their powers became, the less they had in common with the rest of the crew, an thus more dangerous to the mere humans.
It's a good metaphor for the growing gulf between us and TPTB. They can barely see us from their Olympian heights what with them being all puissant and everything.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Good evening, joe and bluzerz!
Another beautiful day in the Land of Enchantment - although a bit chilly.
Such news - more revelations every day - secret bankster meetings - not surprising because they are rich and making us more broke by the day ~ by design, no less! Chuck Schumer who is bent over for the corporations - no wonder he has that I love taking it in the ass-expression on his face while he's eating shit and trying to force feed it to us. Finally - I was appalled by what's happening in North Dakota. Everyday I'm hearing of how law enforcement is humiliating the people while protecting the 1%. I'm disgusted to be an American.
Great tune selection, joe. At least I have that to keep my spirits up!
Have a beautiful evening, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
evening ra...
glad to hear that the weather is cooperating out there. we've had a bit of an indian summer here this week, but it's about to cool off and drench us a bit, too for a couple of days.
sorry about the news. i hope that you enjoy the music.
Hola, Joe Et al! NYT Ed Board admits that FSC may cut Social
Security benefits "for high-income recipients. This fix can be made simply by adjusting the formula used to calculate benefits for high earners."
Whew! Wonder if FSC is aware that The Board is 'helping her' this way.
Here's the link, and an excerpt from today's Editorial Page,
Although the Editorial is mostly propaganda, the entire piece is worth a read, I suppose.
As usual, thanks for the excellent edition of News & Blues, Joe. I'll be back later this evening to take it all in. We're getting ready to make a quick trip to town before the Credit Union closes (luckily, the drive-through is open until 5:30/6:00, depending).
One more thing--hope Folks notice the new SOSD 'Available Adoptee' in my signature line.
Taro is a very special fellow. He was near dead, requiring multiple transfusions after he was brought in to Save Our Street Dogs. More than 1,000 maggots were removed from a gaping head/neck wound. His medical situation was so dire, SOSD literally asked folks to pray for him, since they were not sure that he could be stabilized in time to operate--he had lost so many pints of blood.
But, as Folks can see--today, Taro is a happy, healthy and very handsome boy. The Folks at (SOSD) do such wonderful work! I am in total awe of this organization, and its wonderful, dedicated staff and volunteers.
[Edit: typo, changed 'is' to 'if']
Hey, Everyone have a nice evening!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
evening mollie...
i'm pretty sure that if hillary is elected, pete peterson (bill's best friend ever) will be directing the alterations of social security. it's a daunting prospect.
on the other hand, i doubt that trump would do any better.
if we want to preserve social security, it's going to be an uphill battle.
I agree Joe
But the boomers were a big generation. There are probably enough boomers to raise heck and save, hopefully expand it. The boomers paid extra since Reagan years, to pay for their own retirement, as well as their parents'. At least that is my understanding. On that one issue, we can win, I think. And it is worth the fight. Win one battle, and it will generate positive energy for another one.
I could be wrong, but I think they will have a hard time smearing grandmas and grandpas. And they would be stupid to try.
Hey brother. David Swanson saying both Primary's were rigged
is spot on. Good to see at least some folks who are unafraid to get down to the heart of the matter, especially in this epoch of manic cowardice, avarice and fear-mongering that must make 911 flunkies Bush, Cheney, Giuliani et al red with envy. Another one is the great piece by Charles Hugh Smith linked today by Nastarana called "The Ruling Elite Has Lost the Consent of the Governed." I'm glad to know these folks are out there.
Was listening to WBAI in the car while shopping this afternoon and heard Gary Null interviewing Harvey Wasserman, who works closely with Bob Fritakis. He just wrote this, "Trump's Racist "Rigged Election" Attack Is as Old as America."
The best outcome this year is that a majority of voters actually begin to see just how rigged the system truly is, not only by virtue of the utterly horrendous and farcical nominees of the two-party duopoly, but all the other shenanigans such as voter suppression and electoral fraud, combined with the collusion of the media and political parties to bring us this disaster. All the while they continue to pillage and distract. I'm not too confident in the abilities of the masses to be able to discern all this, but I'm sure they feel it intuitively. They can smell a rat. But the real question remains, will it be enough for we proles to be able to pinpoint it to a ruling class running the greatest scam of all, and unite together under it to do something about it?
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
"lost the consent of the governed"
Like to hear people talking about that. We do have more of a say in this whole thing than just voting for politicians.
evening al...
yes, it's a good thing for us to discuss. also, given that most of us experience our polity as a juggernaut in which we have little influence much to our detriment, we need to discuss means to express our lack of consent effectively.
evening mark...
i highly recommend david swanson's article from which tonight's quote was extracted; it details the many ways that 99%ers experience a rigged america.
it's here: Rigged
heh, i seriously doubt that the trump hordes could begin to match the antics of the know-nothings or the plug uglies, though i'm sure that they will manage to make a mess somewhere.
World Food Program Information Request
I give to them sometimes to help feed refugees, and people impacted by disasters. It is a United Nations program. Does anyone know anything about the organization, pro or con? Money is too hard to come by for me to be giving it to con men when I want it to buy food for hungry people.
evening granma...
i don't know much about the world food program, but if you have concerns about it, you might consider donating locally where you can see your gifts in action so to speak.
I don't really have concerns
And my understanding of how they work makes good sense. They buy food as close to places of distribution as possible rather than shipping it in. They are the ones feeding Syrians and others in refugee camps. Not so many people care about them. And people forget so fast. People in Nepal are still trying to recover from that earthquake. It makes sense to me to give for the people many don't care about. I get appeals for money from them and just wondered. There are so many cheaters and liars...
We have a lot of hungry people in Oregon, but our food banks get a lot of publicity.
Meals on Wheels in Oregon
My husband rides for them twice one week, once the next. He does Meals on TWO wheels as he rides his bicycle to do it. Gets the food to them faster and hotter.
Both my kids help once a month with the Oregon Food Bank and my daughter helps with Elsie Stuhr Center (Meals on Wheels people here in my burb) in the kitchen during the summer months when it's hot as hell.
WFP is decent folks. I responded to you downthread by accident
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
This site has a list of food pantries by state
After you click on your state, you're directed to a list of cities. For example, the city of Philadelphia has 12 listed by name and a web site you can click on for address, phone number, etc.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
See their report from Charity Navigator
CN is the respected organization that fought with the Clinton Foundation over their ratings, although they were eventually bought off/pressured/threatened/whatever to give the Clintons their highest ratings.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Thank you, EC
They look pretty good. Over 90% of the money they receive goes to the purpose it was raised for.
Only international charity I found fit to give to is UNICEF.
So far. I am eager to hear some feedback on WFP as well. (((Gramma))
I do know that the Red Cross can just pound sand. I will never give to them. Lost my trust a while ago.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
evening dj...
i agree with you about red cross. i had felt for years that they had become a bureaucratic boondoggle, but operation sandy really drove home how dysfunctional red cross is and how much better it is to put your efforts into a community action than handing things over to "professionals" to do for you.
Hello Joe :)
I didn't hear about Operation Sandy. After Hurricane Katrina, American Red Cross lost so many millions of donations... it was apparent that they were corrupt. I don't even give them blood anymore.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Exactly the state of our government today
Jesse's Café Américain
"If at the start this cancerous growth in the nation was not particularly noticeable, it was only because there were still enough forces at work that operated for the good, so that it was kept under control. As it grew larger, however, and finally in an ultimate spurt of growth attained ruling power, the tumor broke open, as it were, and infected the whole body." Die Weiße Rose, 2nd Leaflet, Munich, 1942
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
evening ggersh...
heh, the corporations have festered and captured the government. they now stand poised to take over the entire body politic.
evening joe
agree and that the corporations and the politicians do this in such a blatant manner leaves little room for what the result will be, IMO
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Good evening, Joe. Thanks.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
evening el...
have a good one!