Response to TOP Story alleging Assange pedophilia
Posted this at TOP (h/t to Not Henry Kissinger for his original post on this) in response to the story posted over there yesterday alleging the sexual assault of a minor online by Assange. I understand it has since been taken down by the author, but I was incensed enough to post it at TOP anyway.
# # #
Yesterday, a story was posted here claiming that Julian Assange allegedly used the dating site to “groom an eight year old girl online,” i.e. to engage in acts of pedophilia. Specifically the claim was made that:
On September 28 this year a Canadian family holidaying in the Bahamas reported to the police that their 8-year-old daughter was “sexually molested online” by Assange on, including propositioning her “to perform oral and anal sex acts.” She was presumably accessing the site through her 22-year-old sister’s account. Whether these chats were recorded or not isn’t clear but the family claims they identified Assange.
The story also charges the Bahamian police with covering up Assange’s crime, and the UN for retaliating against ToddAndClare, which is owned by T&C Solutions (hereafter “T&C)” with the UN to “reconsider their support” for Assange, by wrongfully de-listing them from the UN Global Compact after T&C filed a court complaint in the United Kingdom regarding these matters.
The sole basis for these claims of criminal child sexual abuse by Assange employing T&C are a PR release which refers to the court filing in the UK, the report filed with the UN, a blog post and a Facebook post containing a letter allegedly sent to the Prime Minister of Canada about this “outage” against white Canadian citizens by the authorities in the Bahamas, all of which were produced solely by T&C or its agents. Neither Mr. Assange, nor any representative of Wikileaks was contacted by the author of the story posted here for comment prior to publication as far as I can tell.
Today, after this story was published at Daily Kos, Wikileaks released the following statement:
Here is the description of the plot from Mr Assange’s legal team, the investigative report into the front company and associated correspondence. An unknown entity posing as an internet dating agency prepared an elaborate plot to falsely claim that Julian Assange received US$1M from the Russian government and a second plot to frame him sexually molesting an eight year old girl.
The second plot includes the filing of a fabricated criminal complaint in the Bahamas, a court complaint in the UK and laundering part of the attack through the United Nations. The plot happened durring WikiLeaks’ Hillary Clinton related publications, but the plot may have its first genesis in Mr. Assange’s 16 months litigation against the UK in the UN system, which concluded February 5 (Assange won. UK and Sweden lost & US State Dept tried to pressure the WGAD according to its former Chair, Prof. Mads Andenas).
Timeline 2016
- May, when self-claimed dating agency "ToddAndClare" (T&C) approach saying they were contacted by the Russian government
- Sep 3, T&C email Assange’s Swedish lawyer Per Samualson offering one million dollars for Assange to appear in a video advertisement for the "dating agency" (See attachment). This is the first contact.
- Sep 15, email sent from a member of Mr. Assange’s defence team to hannah@toddandclare requesting further details (See attachment)
- Sep 19, emailed with elaborate bonafides, proposed agreement and the claim that the source of the million dollars is the Russian government The email states that T&C was approached by Russian representatives in May 2016 and that "The source of the $1,000,000 is the Russian government". The email then goes on to "verify" bonafides by giving a detailed description of the interior of the house and desk of his lawyer, Helena Kennedy, who is a member of the UK parliament, including a reference to a photo of Tony Blair (Kennedy states that the Blair reference is accurate although out-of-date).
- Sep 20, a representative of Mr. Assange’s defence writes to stating that the proposal appears to be an "elaborate scam designed to entrap Mr. Assange’s reputation into unwanted and unwarranted publicity"
- Sep 21, writes stating that "The offer expires at midnight, October 31st 2016."
- Late Sep, WikiLeaks announce a press conference for Oct 4 for its ten year anniversary.
- Late Sep, Press widely misreport that WikiLeaks is going to launch its "October Suprise" against Hillary Clinton on Oct 4, misinterpreting its press conference call
- Oct 4, T&C files its "Assange paedophile" libel through the UN’s Global Compact system alleging that there is an active criminal investigation in the Bahamas against Julian Assange for the abuse of an eight year old girl and claiming to have chat logs and photos. The allegation appears on the UN website with UN Gobal Compact letter head and is contextualised with a complex back story. The request targets the UN WGAD (part of the UN Human Rights system) which found that Assange is being illegally detained by the United Kingdom and Sweden.
- Oct 4, T&C files claim through the UK courts, apparently using it as a method to place the paedophile accusation into the public record. (See attachment).
- Oct 4, WikiLeaks holds press conference, where it becomes clear that its publishing of Clinton related documents will occur later
- Oct 5, T&C UK court claim arrives at Ecuadorian embassy in London
- Oct 7, Friday, WikiLeaks commenses release of the Podesta Emails
- Oct 11, T&C pushes out Assange paedophile claim through PRWeb newswire service
- Oct 12, UN Global Compact delists T&C, citing "integrity" issues
- Oct 12, T&C issues press release opposing UN delisting with an elaborate story, claiming that Julian Assange is threatening US citizens (T&C)
- Oct 17, Investigative report into prepared for Mr. Assange’s lawyers is concluded, finding "T&C Network Solutions exhibits the characteristics of a highly suspicious and likely fabricated business entity." (See attachment "FINAL REPORT T&C 17 Oct 2016").
- Oct 18, The paedophile part of the plot is launched through US democrat-aligned web site DailyKos and pushed by pro-Clinton twitter accounts
And here are selected excerpts from the investigative report prepared by Assange’s defence team:
A preliminary investigation of T&C Network Solutions was conducted to identify whether the business entity is a legitimate organization. Throughout the investigation, no official records for T&C Network Solutions were identified in any of the jurisdictions the company has claimed as their corporate headquarters. Additionally, all attempted contact with the company and its few identified associates currently remains unsuccessful -- all telephone numbers identified as being associated with this organization were either not valid or inoperative; none of the emails sent to the company’s customer support, domain administrator, press addresses or identified affiliated individuals were responded to.T&C Network Solutions is listed as the owner of, which purports tobe an online dating and cellphone messaging platform. Despite the online dating company’s pretension of being founded in 2011,’s online presence has only been identified as early as 1 September 2015. The social media presence for on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram indicates the utilization of “commercial zombie accounts” which can be purchased from a 3rd party to artificially inflate the perceived user activity. Noindependent website has been identified for T&C Network Solutions.[...]It is our conclusion that T&C Network Solutions exhibits the characteristics of a highly suspicious and likely fabricated business entity.T&C Network Solutions
T&C Network Solutions was investigated to identify business filings and the entity’s directors, with negative results.T&C Network Solutions is listed as the owner[2] A search of the ICANN WHOIS database results in a Registrant, Admin and Tech contact, which are all identical. The name of the contact is Julia Phillips. The organization is T&C Network Solutions.The mailing address is listed as 10685-B Hazelhurst Dr., Houston Texas 77043. The phone number is listed as 1.713.091.6111. The email address is listed domain was registered on 20 September 2015.[3]Google Street view of the address shows a large anonymous warehouse or storage depot, with noreferences to the company.[4] [MY Note: see image posted at the beginning of this story]A search for social media, press, local civil court records or other identifying information for Julia Phillips with relation to or T&C Network Solutions produced no results. A search of the mailing address listed indicates that it is located at the same address [5] of a commercial mail forwarding service called[6] The telephone number provided by T&C Network Solutions, 1.713.091.6111, is not a valid number in the United States. An email sent to theadmin@toddandclare.comemail address requesting a reply was not responded to.A search of business organizations in Texas was conducted with the Texas Secretary ofState.[7] Searches for T&C Network Solutions, T & C Network Solutions, ToddandClare, Todd and Clare, Todd & Clare, and resulted in no identified matches. A search of Texas taxable business entities was conducted with the Texas Comptroller ofPublic Accounts,[8] with no matching results.A search was conducted with the Better Business Bureau in the Houston and South Texas areas,[9] with no matching results.Searches were conducted with Texas’ Harris County Clerk for civil, probate, real property, Uniform Commercial Code, and assumed business name records,[10][11] with no matching’s homepage currently states that they are “The Leading SMS Dating Network” and that “This online dating site is a United Nations Global Compact member, with100,000+ female singles in the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, and RSA, seeking men.”[12] The homepage has a few pictures of women and a brief description of,including “We’re a real couple who started this in Indianapolis”. At the bottom of the homepage is a link to customer service with the email address At the bottom of the homepage, there is the disclaimer “TM & © Todd and Clare. All Rights Reserved.”A random selection of photos of the women on website were investigated to see if they correspond to legitimate users of the site. The investigation revealed that the photos have been obtained from other sites on the Internet, have been slightly cropped, and have been mirrored left to right, a known technique to prevent reverse image search services, such as Google's Reverse Image Search, from locating the true origin of an image.[...]An email was sent to requesting basic company information. No response has beenreceived.An Indiana business organizations search was conducted with the Indiana Secretary of State,[13] with no matching results.A trademark search was conducted with the United States Patent and Trademark Office’sTrademark Electronic Search System for any Word and/or Design Mark,[14] with no matching results.A trademark search was also conducted on the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Global Brand Database,[15] with no matching results. A trademarksearch was conducted with the Indiana Secretary of State’s Trademark Search,[16] withno matching results.A review on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine indicates the first capture was on 27 October 2015.[17] That page indicates Todd & Clare’s address as 645 7th St., San Francisco, CA 94103. A search for together with the above San Francisco address resulted in a match from[18] On that page, the name Todd Hammond was listed, as wellas the email address and telephone number 510.655.9219. An email sent to the provided email address was returned as “Undeliverable.” A telephone call to the number provided revealed that it is “not inservice.”A California business organizations search was conducted with the California Secretaryof State,[19]with no matching results.A search for fictitious businesses registered in San Francisco County was conducted,[20]with no matching results.A search for civil case information was conducted with the San Francisco Superior Court,[21]with no matching results.A California business organizations search was conducted with the California Secretary of State,[19] with no matching results.
A search for fictitious businesses registered in San Francisco County was conducted,[20] with no matching results.A search for civil case information was conducted with the San Francisco Superior Court,[21] with no matching results.A search for civil case information was conducted with the San Francisco Superior
Court,[21]with no matching results.A search for fictitious businesses registered in Alameda County was conducted with the Alameda Clerk,[22] with no matching results.
I recommend that everyone review the entire report prepared by Assange’s legal team, (Contacts: Lawyer Melinda Taylor (english-The Hague) +31 611566009 email: melindataylor@gmail.comand and Per E Samuelson (swedish/english-Sweden ). I encourage those of you who have any doubts of the authenticity of the their report to perform the same review of the public records listed in the report.
I would be surprised, however, if anyone will find information establishing the legal existence or validity of T&C, or any other iteration of said business. In my opinion, this looks like a classic scam performed for the purpose of destroying the reputation of Mr. Assange to discredit the Wikileaks disclosures and pressure the Ecuadorian Embassy to stop providing him asylum, and to also pressure the United Nations from taking the position they did regarding the other allegations against Mr. Assange.
Regardless of your personal views on Assange or Wikileaks, claims alleging criminal conduct of this order of magnitude ought to be vetted before they are posted, especially If the only source of the information for that claim is a company that no one can identify as a viable, existing business. Under such circumstances as these, the story charging Assange with sexual assault of a minor should not have been published unless and until other independent sources supporting the allegations that the author of the story published here at this site were provided.

Okay, I went over there
and recommended your diary because it served as a reminder of what dkos once claimed to be. That was it and I am not going back again.
Good rebuttal.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Sorry to jump in here
but this is trending over at K4S. It appears at first glance that the clinton surrogates are behind this bullshit...
They're behind everything that smells or leaves a bad
taste in your mouth.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You beat me to it
But it definitely looks like the Clintonites are behind this smear, surprise, surprise.
Qui bono?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Can you please give us a direct link to the story?
I don't want to have to visit a single page more of that place than I absolutely, positively have to, every little bit gives him more money.
Economic: -9.13, Social: -8.56
They took the original down
somewhere around here (I think in notHenryKissingers post of yesterday about this), he provides the archived-screenshot-cached-page link to that piece of shit DailyKos hit piece.
Good job
Thanks. I'd recommend it but I've been bojo'd for no apparent reason. Funny but there was a time when that wouldve horrified me. Now I view those skull and cross bones as a badge of honor.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
That little Bahstad uses
a Jolly Roger for a bojo alert? Silly shitstain.
Edit to add moniker.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
The place is a fucking dump
Not in the least surprising. I consider my bojo a badge of honor too.
Did you read the utterly disgusting comments in there
about C99?
Orange State is one dank disgusting sewer pit.
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
I'm flattered they elevated us
To feelings of vitriol. I remember a time when ridicule was all they could muster calling this place a ghost town of tumbleweeds with the only stories netting more than 3 comments the ones that "fixated" about TOP.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
DK is a pathetic shadow of its former self
now it's nothing more than a putrid stinkhole of a mouthpiece for the corrupt "Democratic" party...
The shrill robots of CtR rule now
Its all tribal, in a very contrived sort of way.
TOP is a perfect reflection of the Democratic party... filled with people with no ideas or ideals, just us vs them and identity politics.
Of course they hate wikileaks: the leaks proved the lie of her progressiveness, and thus their own.
She thinks environmentalist should get a life and is eager to champion fracking; she thinks the best people to police wall street is themselves, they are smarter than the rest of us; she thinks the costs of social security should be cut; she flouts the law and grubs at the feet of bankers and dictators for millions of dollars and who knows what they expect of her.
Dang it Steven D
I was feeling smug, having gone to Whois and Google for some quick info, and while I was puttering around you did some real work. Well done, and thanks.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Apparently, Todd Hammond and his wife Clare
have a 'book' for sale on Amazon:
Self-published of course:
They seem to be conservative, anti-big government types, so why they got involved with a UN enterprise is......... odd.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Thanks for the Amazon link
I went and looked, and it's really just too sad! Apparently Todd and Clare have published a 21-page book that they're trying to sell for $4.99, (e-book), or $9.99, (paperback).
Their "book", (pamphlet!!), has garnered one hilarious comment: "I don't trust Todd nor Clare".
Oh, for crying out loud!!
"Stand Up! Keep Fighting!" - Paul Wellstone
According to a post on their 'blog'
They spent thousands of dollars training their staff (of around twelve) to comply with UN directives..... or something.
from a reasonably stable genius.
But not US law.
I so hope the GOP destroy's them once and for all.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I saw thie allegation on FB a couple
Of days ago.
Google "Reddit joins WikiLeaks and follows the money". Another wR front opened against Clinton. It goes all the way to Frank Rich and his Bill Clinton pardon. Who is President doesn't matter. People just want to destroy Clinton and the Dem PRty.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
"Marc" Rich.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Sorry - me and names... but you know that.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
GCHQ monitors everything
GCHQ just admitted it's been logging everything on everyone for the last 17 years.
Throw in the RSA bribe that we know about.
So if Assange did this online, his security might be tight but GCHQ has the tools to crack any civilian machine.
But Todd & Clare between 80 & 280 in SOMA San Francisco came up with this starting in September 2015. They go to Gen Con.... it's only a matter of hours before they are outed. Be interesting to see who they tie back to.
I smell CIA
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
no problems with Assange pedophilia, just follow (fixed typo)
Indonesian castration law and all will be over. May be there is a new book under the title "The Penis-Clenis Wars" is in the making, who knows...
Well once upon a time I was a chemist and that made me pay attention ... We should chemically castrate that law.
With apologies to Steven D, chemists and Indonesians.
That site is definitely a right wing site now.
No doubt about it. Goes hand in hand with the Dem party and war criminal Clinton, not to mention war criminal Obama.
So I'm not sure why you'd be incensed. Would you be incensed if that same story was printed at RedState? Maybe you would based on it being sick false accusations that shouldn't be printed anywhere without evidence. But I sense part of being incensed is because it's Daily Kos and the democratic party and like they should know better or something.
No, that place is the opposition to the real people's revolution as is the democratic party. And as illustrated by the constant discussions over whether Trump would be better than Clinton, neocons and Bush supporting Clinton, etc., it is a right wing party now.
Daily Koch
C'mon, people, you KNOW why they're using THIS smear!
Two words: "Lolita Express".
Classic Rovian malfeasance: accuse your adversary of something that you yourself have done, are doing, or are going to do.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Good point. (nm)
That's why the Trump Foundation is being investigated, why his taxes were investigated, and any number of things I can't remember right now...because I can't stop thinking about the Clinton bus dumping sewage on the street. I don't think Trump has done that. Not literally, anyway.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Hazmat had to come
How could anyone be this stupid? DNC claims it was a mistake. I bet this won't help the Clinton campaign in Georgia.
Shit happens (sorry)
As an RV owner for the last 17 years or so, I can see several possibilities here.
a) the driver is a thoughtless, evil piece of work. This is actually my least-favored scenario.
b) the driver was inadequately trained, and he really thought he was doing something else and panicked when the effluent flew.
c) simple carelessness + panic (see b)
d) someone with some authority over the driver went into the bathroom on the RV, discovered that it wasn't usable because the black tank was too full, and ordered the driver to empty it "right now" or else. The more I think about it, the more this passes the smell test as a possibility, but remember that without a statement from the participants this is only idle speculation.
The "lever" to dump the black tank is NEVER on the outside of the big units such as in the picture, it's in a compartment that must be opened to reach the levers, and the end of the waste pipe has a cover that must be removed before dumping. If you pull the lever before removing the cover, and THEN remember to remove the cover, you have at least a foot or two of waste in the pipe waiting for you when you do remove the cover. Usually you only do that once in your RV lifetime, as it's a very memorable experience. If the cover wasn't there at all, then someone failed to replace it the last time it was dumped. Usually it's attached with a cord so you don't lose it.
I CAN imagine one possibility: A warning light (incorrectly) told the driver that the black tank drain was open. He pulled over and in a bit of a panic (running down the road with the black tank open is one of an RVer's nightmare scenarios), opened the sewer compartment and threw the black tank lever; unfortunately in his panic (and lack of training) he opened it instead of closing it. The cover was off the drain pipe, and THAT is just plain sloppy, so he's responsible for that. I don't know if that model is fitted with drain status lights, so I can't swear to this, but it's possible.
One unanswered question is "why didn't he turn the lever back when he realized what was happening?" The tank on a unit that size can hold over a hundred gallons, and it takes a few minutes to empty out. He had plenty of time to limit the damage. The charitable conclusion is panic, or maybe that he was distracted somehow and didn't notice, but it's hard to believe that he didn't notice what would have been splashing on his feet.
Of course, if he actually did it knowingly, then "a" is in play and Lawrenceville should throw the book at him.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
lol@ as it's a very memorable experience
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Never occurred to me
In my wildest dreams I never saw this one coming. They thought that the tank was leaking, and the obvious solution was to pull over and dump the tank in the street. A-f'ing-mazing.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Fucking unbelievable, and actually quite hilarious b/c
that's a perfect image for what they're doing to the country with their campaign.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
You may remember in the late 90s
when Princess Cruise Lines (aka The Love Boat) was fined a quarter of a million dollars for throwing trash overboard off the coast of Florida.
If they had just asked nicely I would have left on my own volition.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Holy shit
I mostly read the headlines at TOP, but did read one diary several days ago, and I remember was it just one or several commentators referred to Assange as a pedophile. I just thought "sick fucks" and moved on. And no, ain't talking no CT accusations, but now these posters don't look like sick fucks, but deliberating lay the ground work for pedophile accusations at TOP, and then spreading into the mass media is my bet.
Awesome work. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I remember that line of bull shit..
I also remember "better", then "more and better", and now anyone they tell me to.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa:
I do post the occasional comment and [very] rare diary, mostly on astronomy, climate change and other hard science that I find of interest.
TOP Political diaries I never (+/-) comment.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
so assange is a paedophile kitten-raping baby eater, a syphillitic, plague-spreading sociopath that exists only to tear the wings off of flies. a truly sick piece of shit.
is anyone refuting wikileaks' dumps yet? because i give three point five shits about assange, the person.
They couldn't do that--
so they retaliated with their own dump, in Georgia for some reason. LOL
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
They did the same thing to James O'Keefe
In that case, he actually is a dirtball, but that doesn't change the validity of his most recent videos.
It's not as if Foval, Creamer and others didn't say the things they said.
The Clintons' whole strategy is to shoot the messenger, and hope nobody notices. That will give them big legitimacy problems should she win, because these stories will never die.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Wow. Good for you for wading into that. And maybe the site
has enough integrity left that they insisted the false or unproven allegations be taken down. You even still have your mojo. You managed to walk that fine line, despite multiple nasty comments. Well done!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Check out this reddit thread, SF addy connection?
Yes, SF is a small place. But...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Didn't see this when I posted the same link plus one more. Pretty interesting stuff.
here is a bit of a summary:
From the Light House.
Guess who is behind Todd and Claire??
I am not a fan of Reddit but some people there, and elsewhere have connected TomandClaire to all sorts of high level Democrats and shenanigans... a bit difficult to summarize as new info is coming out by the minute but: Also at 4ch
Premise Data Corporation!
By linking addresses and phone numbers and buildings and boards of directors we have the apparent perpetrator (Director of Premise) nicely pictured with his arm around Eecchh Clinton... and there are even some USAID and other government grants involved for what amounts to a private spy company (Premise) at the same address and phone number. If I have this right, Neera Tanden and Larry Summers are board members at Premise. I like the threads because there is no (or very little) Trump trolls posting.
From the Light House.
I'm starting to seriously wonder...
whether the Salicylic essay was actually a Markos home brew job.
It's probable he was coordinating with T&C for Dkos placement, but I wouldn't be surprised to find he had hired (or at least recommended) the writer.
Just a hunch.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I'd never doubt it for a minute
I can't imagine how to actually prove it, but markos has been currying favor ever since he got tossed off MSNBC that time.
Fucking toady. Even if he didn't provide input, his site still published it, and you know goddamn well they knew it was bullshit when they hit "publish" Their removal is to cover their gross asses.
Here's hoping they went too far this time and screwed themselves. Stupid arrogant fuckwads.
But they didn't remove it.
It wasn't deleted, either by the writer or the admins.
Instead they leave up the redacted notice and all the heinous comments on a completely debunked smear job for all to see. It's like they're still trying to get mileage out of the post without appearing to.
Either that or Kos feels like he can't delete it because then it would look like the they had a hand in putting it up.
Or something.
BTW: The essay now says:
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
DKos has been very close to all of the recent
smear jobs, whether Assange, Trump, or previously... Bernie.
They were among the first to promote the ideas of Assange being a Russian spy and a pedophile, per Assange, but they were also one of the first to promote the idea that Trump rallies were violent, dangerous places, and that it was the Trump supporters starting trouble. They were also one of the first to try and connect Trump with Russia. It seems whenever a dirty trick needs publicity, Orange State is there to help flog the story.
I wonder now about those stories of "violent Bernie supporters" starting trouble at Trump rallies, remember those about May or so? Hillary's provocateurs likely had more to do with that than they would ever admit.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
None of this makes any sense. It's like an idiot put this
frame job out there.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Orange State is a prime mover of planted propaganda, IMO
I think a lot of stuff starts there. They flogged that "chair throwing" lie with everything they had.
What a vomitous, traitorous cretin that webmaster over there is. I wouldn't cry if a rogue drone bomb fell on his office. Karma has a serious series of dates with those sick fuckers...
Wow! That's an MSOC level rant/comment
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
For the record, here are the
For the record, here are the names of the 93 users who recommended the diary, thus enabling it to get more widespread attention:
Tommy Aces TJoz Alalea dksbook indie17 Herticalt gross144 gramofsam1 VickiL Loose Fur howabout Betsrutan TrixieB Yami Bertrand81 Vega jasan fcvaguy sgtfishy Little Mac mrules Ray Radlein ryeland polecat Bulldawg dreamweaver1 tomjones AllanTBG phoenixdreamz soms Jon Sitzman nice marmot ArchidamusR Kittenwhip sawgrass727 vcmvo2 chimene Lava20 elginblt OldGrammy TiltedWings statsone Tortmaster debaseTheBase LefseBlue allm Tria MacLeod Black Max LohsPadre Cali Scribe snazzzybird Tom Anderson dallasdave Zacapoet jwinIL14 MikePhoenix pademocrat chalatenango Yahzi jan4insight Joyce in Reno ColumbusLib LittleCatFeet RealRick joyous oldhippiedude terrypinder MufsMom jodygirl broths badu catwho FiveOfSix Emerson quaoar 1toughlady FreeandClear Xeno of Elia subtropolis souvarine MTmofo MargaretPOA anotherdemocrat SBE yankeegrl jabberwoky Raven John Campanelli MariaSquared sunbro pixxer sethtriggs thickasabrick
Guess how many times this Daily Kos shit has been shared on Facebook ... according to TOP, that number is now at 14,354. And all of it is vile propaganda.
Oh, and guess what else? Listen to how the user who posted the diary responded to a certain comment made on Daily Kos today:
Holy shit. Looks like there is a major defamation law suit in the making here. Hope Kos and hell who knows, some of the posters could be sued for spreading the defamation.
In fact it was Wikileaks who first brought the entire thing to the public’s attention one week ago.
and then they also provided a copy of this tweet put out by WikiLeaks:
Let's take this more slowly.
Step 1: WikiLeaks sends out a tweet on Oct 12 to notify the world that a false plot has been made against Assange
Step 2: Diarist becomes aware of said tweet, waits five days, and then spreads all the juicy allegations made in the false plot on Daily Kos on Oct 17.
Did they include the fact that they had learned of the case from WikiLeaks itself, who had denounced it as an
Of course not, silly. That would be telling!
STEP 3: And now, after the damage has been done using the powers of Daily Kos (14,354 shares on facebook), the author posts a weak-tea retraction:
Maybe they could have fucking picked up on the fact that the evidence was fabricated when WikiLeaks denounced it as an
I hope that Assange does move forward with a suit against kos for defamation. Hit him where it hurts most, his fucking pocket book.
The response by the OP that almost made me laugh was
this one, where they basically think no harm was done and it's all good now:
Salicylic Older and Wiser Now Oct 19 · 07:35:26 PM
Look at it this way: The scam surfaced a week ago and was clearly designed to drop bits of information around the internet until someone picked up the story. Yay, lucky me. The diary has been linked all over everywhere, which is great because now when people click on the link they can see the amended diary saying it’s bogus.
If not me, it would’ve been someone else.
When that someone else wrote about it first instead of me, it would now be linked all over the internet with no retraction at the original link.
I accept your scolding, I deserve it. But all’s well that ends well.
Recommended 0 times
That last sentence says volumes. Is the fact that he propaganda got spread far and wide the 'ends well' part?
(That's where I quit reading the responses. Those people are insane and will believe anything and even worse, spread it like it was gospel.)
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
You caught that too? That reply to me just floored me!
They paint themselves as a victim, and think by deleting words off the page makes the boo-boo go away?
The supporters of Lady Loose Lips Walmart are even scarier than she is herself.
Sure did. First response was to laugh (sort of) because of
how bullshit that post was. That was a really sad attempt to slide out from under an underhanded and dishonest post. Actually, I think that it's an actionable post. You can say a lot of things about public figures and get away with it, but I don't think that spreading the lie that someone tried to commit any form of sex crime on an 8-year old child is one of them.
And my second thought was that sadly most of the nimrods over there will let it go and call that an 'apology'. Funny how their ethics took a hike when old Shillary came down the pike. They must not have been too attached to them in the first place.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Delay from 10/12 - 10/17
They had to wait for the check to clear.
Every now and then
I guess it's useful to get a reminder every now and then about how vile TOP has become. The comments there are a hate-fest. Yuck.
Love is my religion.