Check out the Of Two Minds blog this morning
Submitted by Nastarana on Thu, 10/20/2016 - 9:45am
I have been reading Smith for a number of years now, and I think this is one of his best articles ever.
The elite have already, he claims, lost the consent of the governed.

Some excerpts, but do read it all
Musings My Books Archives Books/Films
The Ruling Elite Has Lost the Consent of the Governed
October 20, 2016
Brimming with hubris and self-importance, the ruling Elite and mainstream media cannot believe they have lost the consent of the governed.
Every ruling Elite needs the consent of the governed: even autocracies, dictatorships and corporatocracies ultimately rule with the consent, however grudging, of the governed.
The American ruling Elite has lost the consent of the governed. This reality is being masked by the mainstream media, mouthpiece of the ruling class, which is ceaselessly promoting two false narratives:
1. The "great divide" in American politics is between left and right, Democrat/Republican
2. The ruling Elite has delivered "prosperity" not just to the privileged few but to the unprivileged many they govern.
Both of these assertions are false. The Great Divide in America is between the ruling Elite and the governed that the Elite has stripmined. The ruling Elite is privileged and protected, the governed are unprivileged and unprotected. That's the divide that counts and the divide that is finally becoming visible to the marginalized, unprivileged class of debt-serfs.
The "prosperity" of the 21st century has flowed solely to the ruling Elite and its army of technocrat toadies, factotums, flunkies, apparatchiks and apologists. The Elite's army of technocrats and its media apologists have engineered and promoted an endless spew of ginned-up phony statistics (the super-low unemployment rate, etc.) to create the illusion of "growth" and "prosperity" that benefit everyone rather than just the top 5%.
The media is 100% committed to promoting these two false narratives because the jig is up once the bottom 95% wake up to the reality that the ruling Elite has been stripmining them for decades. As I have tirelessly explained, the U.S. economy is not just neoliberal (the code word for maximizing private gain by any means available, including theft, fraud, embezzlement, political fixing, price-fixing, and so on)--it is neofeudal, meaning that it is structurally an updated version of Medieval feudalism in which a top layer of financial-political nobility owns the engines of wealth and governs the marginalized debt-serfs who toil to pay student loans, auto loans, credit cards, mortgages and taxes--all of which benefit the financiers and political grifters.
The media is in a self-referential frenzy to convince us the decision of the century is between unrivaled political grifter Hillary Clinton and financier-cowboy Donald Trump. Both belong to the privileged ruling Elite: both have access to cheap credit, insider information (information asymmetry) and political influence.
The cold truth is the ruling Elite has shredded the social contract by skimming the income/wealth of the unprivileged. The fake-"progressive" pandering apologists of the ruling Elite--Robert Reich, Paul Krugman and the rest of the Keynesian Cargo Cultists--turn a blind eye to the suppression of dissent and the looting the bottom 95% because they have cushy, protected positions as tenured faculty (or equivalent).
They cheerlead for more state-funded bread and circuses for the marginalized rather than demand an end to exploitive privileges of the sort they themselves enjoy.
Consider just three of the unsustainably costly broken systems that enrich the privileged Elite by stripmining the unprivileged: healthcare (a.k.a. sickcare because sickness is profitable, prevention is unprofitable), higher education and Imperial over-reach (the National Security State and its partner the privately owned Military-Industrial Complex).
While the unprivileged and unprotected watch their healthcare premiums and co-pays soar year after year, the CEOs of various sickcare cartels skim off tens of millions of dollars annually in pay and stock options.
The system works great if you get a $20 million paycheck. If you get a 30% increase in monthly premiums for fewer actual healthcare services--the system is broken.
If you're skimming $250,000 as under-assistant dean to the provost for student services (or equivalent) plus gold-plated benefits, higher education is working great. If you're a student burdened with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt who is receiving a low-quality, essentially worthless "education" from poorly paid graduate students ("adjuncts") and a handful of online courses that you could get for free or for a low cost outside the university cartel--the system is broken.
If you exit the Pentagon, CIA, NSA, etc. at a cushy managerial rank with a fat pension and lifetime benefits and are hired at a fat salary the next day by a private "defense" contractor--the famous revolving door between a bloated state and a bloated defense industry--the system works great. If you joined the Armed Forces to escape rural poverty and served at the point of the spear somewhere in the Imperial Project--your perspective may well be considerably different.
Unfortunately for the ruling Elite and their army of engorged enablers and apologists, they have already lost the consent of the governed. They have bamboozled, conned and misled the bottom 95% for decades, but their phony facade of political legitimacy and "the rising tide raises all boats" has cracked wide open, and the machinery of oppression, looting and propaganda is now visible to everyone who isn't being paid to cover their eyes.
Brimming with hubris and self-importance, the ruling Elite and mainstream media cannot believe they have lost the consent of the governed. The disillusioned governed have not fully absorbed this epochal shift of the tides yet, either. They are aware of their own disillusionment and their own declining financial security, but they have yet to grasp that they have, beneath the surface of everyday life, already withdrawn their consent from a self-serving, predatory, parasitic, greedy and ultimately self-destructive ruling Elite.
Mary Bennett
One comment
"If you joined the Armed Forces to escape rural poverty and served at the point of the spear somewhere in the Imperial Project--your perspective may well be considerably different." But you are still better off than your brother who didn't join. Hence you continue as the system's muscle. That is until the day like at the Winter Palace, when you refuse to fire on the striking workers. Then all Hell breaks loose because the ruling elite NEEDS the soldiers and cops.
IIRC in the later Roman Empire, ambitious Generals, not of the upper elite, sometimes only one or two generations from barbarian immigrant status, used those Armed Forces to propel themselves onto the Imperial Throne.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Something we could very easily see, if
Some general officer balks at engaging in a dangerous, unwinable , and self destructive war insisted upon by Her Heinous.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Seven Days in May?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Without the happy ending
We might also see some general just decide that power was up for grabs - and grab it. That's how the Roman Republic finally became the Roman Empire: Julius grabbed, Augustus consolidated. (Diabolically clever bastard, Augustus - read up on him sometime. One of his niftiest tricks was allowing the people to keep the illusion of power, while he held the real thing behind his back.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
"Senators take this burden from me!"
Yeah right! First century political kabuki. BTW, the Caesars belonged to the Populares, the Roman equivalent of the Democratic Party.
The aristocratic party, the Optimates were very similar to our Republicans, believing in aristocracy and "old-fashioned values/morals".
I'm sure you know that, just posted for those who haven't studied ancient history. Really, except for technology, the ancients were people just like us.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Not Neo-Feudal, It's Neo-Colonial.
San Fran, LA, Houston, NYC, Atlanta, and a few more cities out there are neo-feudal, but the rest of the country is neocolonial, and to me, that's quite a bit more scary and dangerous.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I agree abour 'neo-colonial'.
Feudalism, as it developed in Western Europe, primarily England and France, I believe, was, at least in theory, a system of mutual obligations. You might be a serf, and tied to the land, but you couldn't be fired. Or deprived of customary "liberties", such as use of common land, certain kinds of gathering from forests, and so on. Furthermore, there was some opportunity for rise in status. Just as a responsibility of a lord's steward was to recruit young men for the lord's war band, so it was the responsibility of every parish priest to seek out exceptionally bright young men for education and entry into the church.
You had a claim on the Lord's justice and protection. Such as those might have been, you were hardly likely to get a better deal from the Vikings.
'Neo-colonial' appears to mean "Everything for me and none for thee."
Mary Bennett
You Can't Extract and Destroy Your Fiefdom. Well, You Could
but you wouldn't be a lord for very long, and you wouldn't be a powerful lord.
Healthy serfs and vibrant culture are an important feature of feudal society. For a colonial society they are roadblocks and pitfalls.
I used to think that we'd go neo-feudal, but a few years ago, while living in MI, I realized that it was really domestic or internal colonialism. It kind of freaked me out. That train is running right on time...
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
That's a helpful observation.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Ditto for the hockey stick charts
please make them stop! Stop This Crazy Thing
Jetsons cartoon theme with George on the space walkway saying "Jane! Stop this crazy thing!" But it is George himself that keeps the crazy going, after his cat and dog jump off.
Jump off! I did bookmark that link too, for the visuals.
Well maybe...
The natives are restless, hence the rise and now fall of other voices , Bernie Sanders, and The Thumped Trump. Still the debt serfs while anxious and getting more vocal don't quite want to upset the status quo just yet since their correct conclusion that this will bring wide spread misery and the end to the Ponzi. The coming Step Down (first financial and then climate and energy related) will hopefully be an opportunity to self organize something better...or not. Tracking Greece, Venuzuela, Argentina, and Nigeria there are at this point mixed results at best. Most of the simmering debt serfs like myself will prolly just go to work and vote and hope for ...well whatever we hope for. I like that blog too!
Thanks, will definitely give it a read.
They certainly earned the right to be ignored.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The linked blog pretty much nails it. The ruling elite are so
far removed from our experience that they cannot comprehend those whose destinies they control. Yet the vampire squid and other monsters of the ruling elite will continue to do what they do, oblivious to the suffering they cause.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Charles Hugh Smith
Mr. Smith is an interesting character. I've followed him since around '07 as he was one of the very few who warned correctly regarding the (then) coming Great Recession. While I don't always agree with him, his thought-provoking writing is recommended.
This article is indeed a good one. He has many good ones, actually.
He is somewhat geographically challenged,
having apparently spent all or most of his life in either Hawaii or California. He may never have paid a heating bill in his life. He worked his way through the U. of Hawaii, where, if you can't pay rent, you can likely sleep on the beach.
Mary Bennett
But does he ever know rent!
Of course, he could claim the rest of us are rather challenged also, as we have not had to face the astronomical property costs of the Golden State.
Bay area, no less
which is notorious for high prices of everything,
Mary Bennett
'turning and turning in the widening gyre
the falcon cannot hear the falconer.
things fall apart,
the center cannot hold,
mere anarchy is loosed upon the world'. Yeats
The sad state of our educational system
with the result of many, many strikes by teachers including those in higher education. Detroit teachers have gone on strike or sick outs to protest classrooms that are full of mildew and rats. Higher education instructors have gone on strike around the country to protest a number of issues. From one of my email newsletters apparently a huge number of college and university professors are now on strike in Pennsylvania.
From the email:
Having been instrumental in getting a raise for adjuncts at one college in New Mexico, I was banned from teaching there. In the end, students are being burdened by a debt for a less-than-quality education. Not because the instructors are not quality, but because of the onerous environment they have to teach in.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I want to second that
Chs. Hugh Smith is certainly correct in his general diagnosis. but he ought to take more care in the way he articulates it.
"If you're a student burdened with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt who is receiving a low-quality, essentially worthless "education" from poorly paid graduate students ("adjuncts") "
I am quite certain he has no data to back his claim that "adjuncts" provide "a low quality, essentially worthless education". And for damn sure he cannot back his claim that "adjuncts" are the equivalent of "graduate students".
I am one of those adjuncts - as an adjunct assistant professor of history and political science (yes, it's an actual title), I have been teaching for 16 years, ever since I got my doctorate in history from a prestigious university. Over that time I have taught as many or more courses on a per semester basis than my tenured colleagues. Yet for most of those years I have been poorly paid and benefited. This is not a consequence of my teaching: I know that my students are getting a quality education because that's what I very conscientiously deliver to them (and their work and evaluations show it). And since I have spent those 16 years not only learning how to teach my best, but also studying and researching in my field, I know a helluva lot more than any grad student. I am a master teacher - I employ the word 'master' here in the same sense as we mean in any craft - like "master carpenter" or "master plumber" - as are a great many of my "adjunct" colleagues (those who have managed to survive in the profession) who, like me, teach as a vocation and not as a "job". And there are a lot of us: "adjuncts" now comprise the majority of the faculty across the country, and teach over 50% of students and over 50% of the classes (we are 44% at my college, and growing).
Here's the important bit: the "elites" Smith describes are not constituted solely by the 1% of corporate CEOs and bankers surrounding the Dem and Republican parties: they are all around us in our daily lives. The high-salaried and useless administrators Smith mentioned in his article are elites, certainly. But so too, the tenured faculty are elites: their salaries, benefits, sabbaticals, offices, and tenure itself are all subsidized by the exploitation of a CLASS of laborers called "adjuncts" (serfs) who are routinely and systematically exploited for that purpose. Yet few of them are willing to lift a finger to support the cause of the adjuncts fighting for equity. What? Sacrifice one's own salary and benefits for those, those...adjuncts?
"Adjunct" is a word that needs to be banned - like "chick" or "baby" applied to a woman, or "boy" applied to a black man, it is a term of derision that signifies, and is meant to signify, inferiority and consequent 'natural' subordination. The word is a lie. But like its sexist and racist cognates, it will never disappear until the social order in which it is founded is destroyed and is replaced by an egalitarian one.
But THAT won't happen until all those of us who obtain our privileges in society at the expense of others wake up and recognize the fundamental injustice of that condition, and do something to change it besides whine about "those elites" out there like they are some alien pod entity that came from outer space. That is not where they came from.
I hear you. My b-i-l is an adjunct professor. Because he
hates workplace politics, he doesn't want tenure. He has three masters degrees and a PhD in aeronautical engineering--he is a rocket scientist. To supplement his income he also works for a private firm during the summer. He is a very good teacher.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
The Epiphany Is Upon Us
Good article.
I had to laugh this morning at MSM's faux outrage of Trump's refusal to say he will accept the election results. Even Dimwitted Trump sees a few things very clearly. And as a member of the ownership class himself, he was not supposed to let on that the entire system is rigged.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
He didn't make his point
He didn't show that the governed aren't still consenting.
That's tricky. They know something smells. They just keep
getting distracted by mainly circuses as bread is becoming ever more scarce.
Good-hearted people wind up being led back to Hillary through fear of TRUMP!!! Our meaner, angrier brethren (and they are our brothers and sisters in misery and oppression) are attracted to the dulcet tones of The Incredible Trump. He sounds like they feel.
We are more and more reluctant to have our consent manufactured, but TPTB are practiced at offering us two crappy choices with one being only slightly better. But each time policies get worse for the 99% and better for the 1%.
We're very close to the breaking point. Some of us have already reached it. It remains to be seen what ruses TPTB will use to keep the governed under their thumbs.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Well, that was the obvious part
The current election being the tacit context for his remarks. (On DN today one of the stories referenced a BBC poll of millennials in which large numbers of them professed a preference for seeing an asteroid destroy the earth rather than either candidate becoming president.)
But I agree with you, as my long comment above suggests: too many of us DO consent to the system as is, because 1. we benefit from it and 2. we often don't recognize our complicity - especially so long as we blame it all on "the elites" (thought there ARE elites - people with more power - and they DO bear more of the blame BECAUSE they have power).
Well, I just hung up on a political survey that offered only
Trump, Clinton, or undecided/other as choices. I refused to answer a survey that lumps me in with those who don't know their own minds.
I'm not sure how to break the power of but they're definitely pissing me off.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
2 things:
1. About the shit flinging the pundits have resorted in about Trump's refusal to admit that he will go quietly after Hillary steals the election - I'm slightly surprised that no one has mentioned that Kerry said the same thing in 2004. Maybe because Kerry wimped out.
2. I am reminded of Hannah Arendt's Crisis in the Republic, where a government that is based on lies and the governed know and say so with impunity, cannot survive. There is a difference between Swillery and Ronnie Ray-Guns - besides the fact that Ronnie was a common Elmer Gantry wannabee, while Killery is a true Lovecraftian horror. Ronnie was able to maintain his nation based on lies because the people wanted to believe - they wanted to believe that lower taxes were more important than the suffering that those lower taxed would generate, they wanted to believe that black and brown people were lazy and criminal, it made them feel better about themselves. Ronnie lied about what the people wanted to believe. We are on to Hillary's lies, they aren't working any more. We will turn on Hillary the minute she betrays our personal hobby horse.
On to Biden since 1973
Much appreciated your essay
Much appreciated your essay/comment/link!
Also found this entry on the same blog rather interesting, although far too much great stuff to quote from. Did want to repeat this essential message from it, though:
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.