What happens in Vegas stays in
our clothes and our bed sheets and lingers in our nostrils like the stinking storm drains of Georgia after a Clinton tour bus parked there. And why shouldn't it carry the same stench of wretched refuse? Same shit different location...ahhh, the Clinton movement. It wasn't merely Clinton fouling up the air with words that sounded pretty yet turned into farts the moment the listener stopped paying attention. Trump was also there fouling up the air with words that did not sound pretty yet never pretended to be anything other than farts in the first place. It was at that point I said a silent prayer of thanks that our culture has not yet mastered smell-o-vision.
The moderator [who not a lot of people realize was an upperclassman at the Howard Cosell School of Nasal Modulation] introduced the candidates with less than enthusiastic applause. Play it back. You will realize my assessment was more than gracious.
Topic: Supreme Court Nomination pick. [this sounds like some sports or game show thing]. If you win this round you get to choose which one has the deciding vote for our most contested issues. Was Survivor on tonight? Did someone find hidden immunity?
One of the top arguments we ALT-Voters hear is "...because the Supreme Court..." First off, that's not a complete sentence and second off, after responding to the first-off neither candidate made any commitment to who the second-off would be. Clinton promised to appoint a pro-women, pro-lgbt, anti citizens united. blah blah [hello public hillary, you're the one we expected to show up. Any chance the private Hillary might show? Yeah, I didn't think so. See the real you tomorrow -Chelsea] Trump said. I have twenty. I haven't decided, but I have lots of choices. [Isn't that what a losing poker player says as a bluff?] Note: anything in square brackets has not been fact checked and should be considered for entertainment purposes only, you know...the same scrutiny you apply to Trump's policies.
At this point Trump started lulling me into a dream like state with his moderate and low energy vocal tone. I was expecting an 'unshackled' Trump. Maybe Trump is like the hulk. You have to make him angry first. Alphalop suggested it might be drug induced. I am inclined to agree. I think the moment the drugs started losing power was when he said Hillary wants us to allow a woman to "take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb...on the final day."
Clinton called him on his disgusting use of scare rhetoric. And, when it come to scare rhetoric...she's an expert.
It's almost as if both campaign managers have a random scandal generator which uses the comments from Breitbart and Daily Kos as it's sole input and neither manager can resist clicking on the 'create new' button. It's this type of management strategy which brought us Cheetos Chicken Fries and the Whopperito. But! it's Vegas Baby!!!!!! It's time to 'raise the stakes' and 'double down'. It's time for the candidates to focus on "playing their cards right" and "playing the hand they're dealt'. And whether Trump has an 'ace in the hole' or Clinton will 'hit the jackpot' it's clear we Americans won't be going big but instead relegated to going home.
Topic Climate Change: [crickets chirping]
Topic Immigration:
Trump's answer is so out of character. He's has a convincing sound of empathy. But it's still nothing more than a veiled xenophobic dog whistle.
But then Hillary went full coffee house open mike night Godwin. She described a plan that would required "a lot of police going around" and asking people questions and eventually "putting people on trains." I admit I was riveted at this point. It was as if Stephen Spielberg had written this passage specifically for this moment. She delivered it well but her eye movement betrayed that she was reading from index cards. Yes, no matter how much money she spends to [hire Hollywood writers] she will always have that tell.
At this point I think the drugs wore off. [Trump must have such a high tolerance at this point.] Duhn Duhn Duh....THE UNSHACKLED TRUMP. He said some grunt. Sorry. I was unable to translate.
Clinton responded that the Russian government is engaged in spying on Americans, hacking websites, etc. and then gives it to Wikileaks. She asks will Trump admit to and condemn these acts of the Russians?
Hillary is not being interrupted during this entire time.
Moderator - Topic Immigration: "This could end up getting out of control."
I have to go into shorthand at this point because the lobs and volleys are going at lighting speed. The only two things I can compare this to is the Hindenberg Disaster and WWF Championship Match. Ohhhh...the humanity.
Clinton: Admit it...you're a puppet.
Trump: I'm not a puppet. You're the puppet. [translation: I'm rubber you're glue...aka the Pee Wee Defense] "Putin has outsmarted her at every turn"
Moderator: not answering the question.
Trump: Yes, I condemn the interference of Putin. But Putin has outsmarted her.
Moderator: Too far off the immigration question.
Clinton comes to the rescue by reminding all of us who we elect will hold the nuclear arsenal key. Fear Fear Fear!!!
Topic Experience:
Trump: Clinton has political experience. But, not political success. [Clinton retorted that he is the classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. Donald has a lot of business experience but not any of it was 'success' either. Yay! said Clinton. "We're both abject failures.]
WHAT ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE???? [crickets gasping for oxygen]
And then it happened. Clinton pointed out religions that push gays off buildings. That's when I knew that this essay was done. I've vented. I've used comedy as a homeopathic form of medicine. But, there is another essay that needs to be written so I'll wrap this one up.
Climate change? Seriously? Anyone? Not even crickets at this point because they died during the hottest Summer ever. Which is what we call each new Summer.
My Summary:
Clinton looks good in beige. It matches her morals. Nancy Reagan looked good in Houndstooth. Same difference.
Trump: Obamacare will die under it's own weight. Wrong...Americans will die under their own weight. and it's because just like the Whopperito, it smells like freedom but still feels like death.
That being said I have two questions.
1) Should the Whopperito and the Cheetos Chicken Fries come with a free defibrillator?
2) Is there an equivalent defibrillator for the heart of America?
Tonight on the season finale of the Apprentice the power now switches to you the voter. You have a chance to vote one of these two deplorables into the presidency. Your decision is important and should in no way be influenced by any of the other candidate also running for this post who will inexplicably be blamed by the candidate who loses for their loss.

Can i get that defibrillator to go?
Depends. Which healthcare plan do you have?
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The name of the color
is 'cream', not beige, and it is one of the best colors for ladies whose style of looks can be most accurately described as Caucasian insipid.
Mme. C. doesn't do beige, which is a neutral color for smart people who don't court attention. She also doesn't do neutral. I begin to think that she has not yet outgrown high school.
I do admire your fortitude for listening through this.
Mary Bennett
Once a Goldwater Girl...
Always a Goldwater Girl.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Beautiful n/t
Beware the bullshit factories.
I don't know...
I think the Mac n' Cheetos should make a resurgence, with an adrenaline filled syringe to be injected directly into the heart. Also, they should have a 10 piece option.
Oh, about the candidates? What do I care, we're all dead anyway no matter which one we get. At least with Mac n' Cheetos, I can choose a more tasty death than nuclear Armageddon or in-land hurricanes blowing in off the great lakes.
Great snark!
You really should write more often.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
LOL, I just posted this essay on FB as an invitation to read
more of c99. I asked all to sit a spell.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Which liar is more pernicious?
The WWF Carnival Barker's incompetence shines through his neck deep bullshit, unwittingly providing cover for our Smirking Mad Bomber, she who presents us with the painstakingly reconstructed veneer of deception and faux compassion while planning the fulfillment of the PNAC wet dream of Global American Empire.
Holding my tongue for the duration, I somehow managed to sit through the entire performance. I listened to the clicks and grunts of agreement or disgust expressed by those in the room who were also actually watching the screen (my eyes were locked on my tablet game of Solitare, desperately clinging to that shard of rationality).
My hope for the future of humanity has never been thinner. I will vote Green, the only sane option on the ballot, in spite of their current political impotence and disarray.
Because our future, and life as we know it, depends on maintaining a habitable planet.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
shard of rationality: solitaire
superb comment, especially the preference to playing alone against a machine, i.e. no humans and their shit
I still have my maternal grandmother's sewing table.
A fold-away model with a yardstick in one long edge. It worked nice for Solitaire, which she taught me in several forms. Solitaire is fun with a Pinochle deck. Said table is now in my entry area, covered with things awaiting transport to the sun or another dimension. I have not seen that yardstick for years.
Is there a card game called Shards? Should be.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Solitaire w/Pinochle deck?
I thought Pinochle decks were reserved for Go Fish.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
this election could be our salvation,
it could be our undoing. vote green!
It's stein time!
(unpaid political announcement)
Ebay - Original Debate Ticket For Sale
Finger not included.
Starting bid: Z$ 100,000,000,000 "Zimbabwe will print its own version of the US dollar." (CNN)
From the Light House.
Hey! Leave Pee Wee out of this!
He's far more intelligent and empathetic that either of these two jamokes.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Pee Wee would be better
as a bonus maybe he would hire Gary Panter to redecorate the Whitehouse. Chairy could greet visitors and it would cheer everybody up.
We watched..
and boy is our country in the shitter.
We watched not because of curiosity. Our daughter watched with her boyfriend's family. His mother escaped corruption and tragedy. Every member of her nuclear family was brutally murdered. She escaped here with another cousin to America as a young teenager.
We watched not because we wanted to blog about it. But because at the last minute we decided we'd better watch in order to brace for Trump Shit or Clinton Shit.
It's going to be a horrible 4 years... if we survive it at all.
If only I could have heard from Jill Stein. If only my fucking vote actually had been able to be counted. If any of ours actually mattered.
Apparently America has no fight left in her. No one won the debate.
Prepare for the worst. Be kind.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Hugs to you Janet
I could not watch, I'm a coward. It's just to much to watch. At least with Obama 'bait and switch' election I thought maybe the Dems. will stop or at least curb this insanity. But no, it is and was a duopoly screw where either way ..
This was not a debate it was a wrestlin' match, a mud one at that. I followed it here for awhile and it was too depressing to even give a shit. Your vote is totally useless as it's rigged from every which way. It's irrelevant who wins or losses as we the peoplle globally and here all lose. Hey, we just need to not believer that this is inevitable and as communities on line and off not give our consent via our vote or acquiescence to the mad world they tell us is inevitable, dangerous and the only choice we have.
I'm looking for a word
to describe this election. Is clusterfuck one or two words?
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Way better than any "coverage' of the debate I refused to watch.
or read anything about.
That's some good stuff.
Very well done, clever and witty WaveyDavey, thanks! Yes, I second GG; please do write some more.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
You got it MarkfromQueens
the best summary of this mud wrestlin' debate I have read yet. Thanks for the giggle and the snorts. Thank you Wavey Davey and everyone else here who summarized the Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas mockery of a debate.
Trump's quiet voice
At the first debate I remarked that Ivanka appeared to be completely coked-out, and Trump's braggadocios interruptions were in line with that state of mind. I described his actions to my sister by describing the typical coked out conversation as being either a egoistic game of one-upmanship, or a hushed it's-after-six-a.m.-and-even-we-can-note-the-stillness voice.
I think Trump's advisors told him to be more respectful for this debate and he responded with the only other voice he has in his repertoire.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”