She told Wall Street, “Cut it out!” and took their millions because 9/11
How can anybody be sucked in by such shallow and deceptive swill? It's not like it is in any way convincing or genuine – or even rational. It's pure bullshit and obviously so. Someone wrote a diary that 'the democratic insiders' didn't think Bernie did well in the debate. Wait! What? The establishment doesn't like Bernie? The establishment is willing to tell any fucking lie at all on Bernie? No shit, Sherlock.
Who cares what 'the democratic insiders' think? They've been taking that billionaire money since way before 9/11. It's really no wonder that they don't like the guy who's kicking ass without it. Just as it is unsurprising that they quit serving the best interests of working class Americans long ago. Even more worrisome to the insiders of all stripes, is that Bernie wants to shut down the casino. He wants the big money out of politics. If that isn't enough to panic the greedheads and backstabbers, I don't know what would be.
“Sanders is a clear outlier in a generation that has forgotten what it means to be a public servant. The Times remarks upon his "grumpy demeanor." But Bernie is grumpy because he's thinking about vets who need surgeries, guest workers who've had their wages ripped off, kids without access to dentists or some other godforsaken problem that most of us normal people can care about for maybe a few minutes on a good day, but Bernie worries about more or less all the time.
I first met Bernie Sanders ten years ago, and I don't believe there's anything else he really thinks about. There's no other endgame for him. He's not looking for a book deal or a membership in a Martha's Vineyard golf club or a cameo in a Guy Ritchie movie. This election isn't a game to him; it's not the awesomely repulsive dark joke it is to me and many others.
And the only reason this attention-averse, sometimes socially uncomfortable person is subjecting himself to this asinine process is because he genuinely believes the system is not beyond repair.
Not all of us can say that. But that doesn't make us right, and him "unrealistic." More than any other politician in recent memory, Bernie Sanders is focused on reality. It's the rest of us who are lost.”Matt Taibbi
Read more:
Bernie wants to change the way the game is played in Washington DC. He wants public servants to be just that, not courtiers and prostitutes, jokers and thieves, war pigs and fascists. He wants the people to have fair representation in a truly democratic government and not just be the hapless marks in the world's biggest con game.
“That long hard slog will be even longer is we kill the excitement of young people who just so happen to be supporting and pushing for the same kind of platform democrats had before the Reagan democrats and the republican-lites screwed it up.
What are the odds of this effect lining up again? What are the odds of the people being able to finance a Sanders-type campaign again, especially if we get TPP which will outsource even more jobs, lowering the working class standard of living even more.
The Sanders campaign is the best hope that most young people see, that's why they are excited. And the ‘bipartisan' political establishment wants to nip that in the bud.”Mike Taylor @ Daily Kos
Sanders Would Come In With A Wave if Democrats Would Get Behind Him.
This shit is getting old. Why does anyone still fall for it? Why would progressives back Wall Street? Why would the victims of the ongoing class war support the 1% who started it and who are ruthlessly waging war on US? What kind of wacky Stockholm Syndrome bullshit is going on here?
Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department
Even by the standards of arms deals between the United States and Saudi Arabia, this one was enormous. A consortium of American defense contractors led by Boeing would deliver $29 billion worth of advanced fighter jets to the United States' oil-rich ally in the Middle East.
Israeli officials were agitated, reportedly complaining to the Obama administration that this substantial enhancement to Saudi air power risked disrupting the region's fragile balance of power. The deal appeared to collide with the State Department’s documented concerns about the repressive policies of the Saudi royal family.
But now, in late 2011, Hillary Clinton’s State Department was formally clearing the sale, asserting that it was in the national interest. At a press conference in Washington to announce the department’s approval, an assistant secretary of state, Andrew Shapiro, declared that the deal had been “a top priority” for Clinton personally. Shapiro, a longtime aide to Clinton since her Senate days, added that the “U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army have excellent relationships in Saudi Arabia.”
These were not the only relationships bridging leaders of the two nations. In the years before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia contributed at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, the philanthropic enterprise she has overseen with her husband, former president Bill Clinton. Just two months before the deal was finalized, Boeing -- the defense contractor that manufactures one of the fighter jets the Saudis were especially keen to acquire, the F-15 -- contributed $900,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to a company press release.
The choice couldn't be clearer: a public servant devoted to helping the people and fighting inequality versus an expert in feathering her own nest who is owned by Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex. If it were a contest to see who could hoover up the most money from special interests, which ironically is the way many of them think of it, she'd be a shoe-in. Our political system has become a plaything for billionaires. But we can't let it be that, not anymore, because if the casino wins, we lose. It's time for the people to assert themselves. Leaving it to the political insiders has proven to be a disaster.
Lobbyists for Monsanto, ExxonMobil Raise Money for Hillary Clinton
Registered lobbyists brought in more than $2 million in fundraising for the Clinton campaign, recent filings show.
The former secretary of state raised more than $2 million from 40 "bundlers"—fundraisers who get their contacts to give to campaigns—who were also lobbyists, according to financial forms released Wednesday by the Federal Election Commission. In all, the Clinton campaign raised $46.7 million between the beginning of April and the end of June.Bundlers, who are often wealthy or well-connected individuals, do more than donate to campaigns. They put their social networks to work for favorite candidates, persuading (often equally wealthy and well-connected) family members, friends, colleagues, and other contacts to donate as well, effectively bringing in far more money than they could under the current legal donation limits. Individuals can contribute $2,700 to candidate committees (as opposed to super PACS) for the primary election and the same amount for the general election, for a total of $5,400 in a campaign cycle. Campaigns don't have to disclose their bundlers—unless those bundlers are also lobbyists.
Clinton's bundlers include some familiar names: Jerry Crawford, an outside lobbyist to Monsanto and Iowa kingmaker, put together another $35,000 or so. Tony Podesta, a mega-lobbyist who co-founded the Podesta Group and is the brother of Clinton's campaign chair John, bundled almost $75,000.
“This campaign is sending a message to the billionaire class: Yes, we have the guts to take you on.”
Bernie Sanders
We need to support the ONLY anti-establishment candidate for the good of the country and the world.
And don’t tell me he is just another establishment pol. He has risen above that slur by courageously rejecting SuperPAC money, corporate money and billionaire money. That very emphatically sets him apart.
“But at the end of the day, if we are going to transform America, we’re not going to do it through establishment politics and establishment economics,” Sanders said. “It’s going to be a political revolution of millions of people rising up and reclaiming their government.”
Bernie Sanders
Just because we, or many of us, have embraced the lop-sided struggle for change and progress doesn't mean we should want it to remain a hopeless cause. If we support the Wall Street candidate, we're supporting those who will go to any length, stoop to any depth to stop us.
They use all these tired old memes to get us to vote against our own best interests. Ooh, those scary republicans. Who do you want picking our supreme court justices? Well, certainly not Exxon-Mobil, Monsanto or Goldman Sachs. And while the republicans are certainly scary, so are establishment dems.
Last year, the US military was running special operations in 147 countries, which represents roughly 75% of the entire planet. According to Special Operations Command spokesman Ken McGraw, the numbers are record breaking and represent a massive jump from the numbers seen during the Bush administration.
Read More:
Liberals, progressives and reality-based people who yearn for justice, peace and equality for all, should not be backing the Military Industrial Complex, Wall Street, the 1% and the people who fight all of our efforts to change for the better. If they weren't so good at obstructing and subverting progress, we'd have accomplished an enormous amount of it already. Look at all the courageous activists who have devoted their lives to it. Why do we never get anywhere? We've all heard those cries. It couldn't be more obvious. It's because both major parties have sold out the American people and, bewilderingly, people keep voting for them, giving them money, swallowing their lies and eating their shit sandwiches like they're mighty tasty. Don't ever criticize a republican for voting against their own interests if you're doing the exact same thing.
10 Economic Facts that Power the Sanders Insurgency
1. The Rich are Getting Richer, The Rest of Us are Not.
2. Wall Street/CEO Greed
3. The Biggest Banks are Getting Bigger
4. Students are Crippled with Debt.
5. We lead the developed world in child poverty
6. You can’t live on the minimum wage
7. The tax system favors the rich
8. The Rich Buy the Political System
9. “The American Dream” is Fading Away
10. The Largest Police State in the World
If you honestly care about righting the great wrongs, if you are troubled by our bombing of the world, if you don't want corporations deciding what we will or won’t do about climate change, if you are tired of being screwed by your own government and their bosses, you have a clear choice for the first time in ages, between those who will lie to you and those who will fight for you. It may be the only chance we ever get to set things right.

Thank you, OPOL
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Right the fuck on, OPOL...
I sense your anger and frustration, I share it. It's amazing that the youth vote is coming back at all after the con job of 2008, they need something to carry them forward and it isn't Hillary Clinton, and they realize that. I give them great credit for seeing through the fog of monied propaganda.
I admit I have reservations about Bernie's foreign policy. I hope to nudge him in an anti-war direction, but I will not refuse to vote for him because of that reason, even when it's against my core beliefs. IMHO refusing to back him for his foreign policy stances and attacking him for that reason is only helping to elect Hillary "911" Clinton and more status quo. Besides, isn't taking on Big Money also taking on the MIC, are they not joined at the hip?
Thank you, my friend.
I have some reservations myself.
I wish he were a more perfect peace candidate, but I think he at least sees the waste in the MIC and wants to avoid quagmires, as he puts it. That's infinitely better than any of the alternatives.
I agree. I too wish he didn't support Israel's treatment of the
In gaza, but he has stated that war should be the last choice and that he'd like to see the countries in the Middle East do more against Isis instead of the U.S.
But his economic stances, his plans to help the people in our country with college and his other ideas are more in line in what the democrats used to stand for
I really don't understand why Hillary appeals to so many people.
She's will follow Obama's defense of the banks and the elites.
But so many people on kos keep saying that he's the best president since Roosevelt.
I don't see why he's seen in that light. Income inequality has grown under his terms and hasn't been this bad since 1928.
His cabinet picks were all industry insiders. Holder came from a law firm that defended the banks and he's back there now
He fined the banks millions when they made billions in profits.
Duncan was another insider.
The deal he made with that for profit colleges defrauded the government $11 billion, yet they were only fined $100 million when they should have been fined $33 billion. And since he allowed them to admit no wrong doing, the students they defrauded can't get their loans discharged.
And since Bernie is represents what the dems used to stand for, why don't they at least vote for him? If Hillary wins then they can vote for her.
I'm especially glad that you wrote about her deals with countries that her state department sold weapons to and then they donated to her foundation. And then they paid Bill to give a speech.
That sounds very fishy to me.
But who is going to take on the Clinton regime!
Here's a great article about how people are seeing how DWS is trying to throw the election to Hillary. a
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
well said, opol...
seeing hillary channel rudy giuliani the other night was pretty disgusting. it would be funny if it weren't so emblematic of the way our entirely corrupt political process works.
About Bernie and about Professional Democrats.
I don't have a horse in this (primary) race. I really don't. My interests are in issues over which American Presidents have no real power to change or correct — immediate things like human rights, foreign murder-sprees, global warming, and the vast canyon of income inequality.
Admittedly, all those things are huge issues inside the US, but since 1973, no US President can do anything about them, except to make them worse. No blame. That's just the way the system is deliberately designed. As for domestic issues — like drug legalization, incarceration rates, or gay wedding cakes — they seem to be moving in the right direction, finally, thanks to wide-spread brain calcification on one hand, and a particularly worldly new generation (of voters) with a potential for conscious evolution, on the other.
I've confidently made my assumptions about the outcome of the 2016 elections, and have moved beyond it into the future.
HOWEVER, I've been sidetracked lately by a huge exposure to discussions about the elections and policies between ordinary folks and those who are political pros. I scan vast numbers of user comments across all online media across much of the world. I sample talk radio, as well.
And, that brings me to Bernie Sanders.
I don't think that the politically experienced folks, who closely identify with the Democratic Party, have any idea, this time around, about what is going on in the hearts and minds of everyday people who vote. There has been a change in people's attitudes and in the things they say about themselves. This surprised me. People are actually considering how politics, policies, and their votes immediately affect their lives and the wellbeing of each family member. They seem to realize that they are fragile. They seem to have parsed how policies actually have a direct life-or-death impact on them. Even the haters and "proud" gun owners sound tentative and insecure.
This goes for both parties. Team GOP! and Team Dem! thinking is on the wane. The drunken sports-bar atmosphere of the American mind has been toned down. Folks are not raging for foreign adventures; only the pundits and political pros are still sporting the big swinging dicks of war. Folks are not worshiping the successes of giant US corporations. The list of what they want and hope for sounds an awful lot like one of Bernie Sanders' stump speeches. Many Republican folk, too.
This trend does not fit my own narrative of how US politics work. And I know for sure that the political elite are missing the groundswell because it is totally not how the Party meat grinder works.
But, I just realized that change like this happens all the time in history. Suddenly and unplanned, the people rise up in coordinated acclaim for themselves and their own best interests.
Is it possible that Bernie Sanders could really sweep the table? Stranger things have happened. I remember the time a man with the middle name "Hussein" won the US Presidency.
This doesn't mean that the rogue US government will close down its global slaughterhouse and start investing in its own people. But two disappointments in a row could turn the whole place upside down.
it's because people feel burned in their lives
and they might start to "feel the bern" and hope it's a little less painful version of getting burned. It would be good, if it were so. Time for folks to vote and stand up for their own interests and not the powers of the government and their financiers. Otherwise insanity would become a chronic disease that can't be cured with a prescription drug, even if those were cheap and affordable.
Excellent analysis! Only one point that
I view somewhat differently.
I believe that the talking heads/strategists/analysts/political shills for the One Percent, and both major legacy parties, probably (generally) know, and even understand, what the American People feel and want--but they don't dare acknowledge it, lest they be expected to deliver something that is totally anathema to them--'populist solutions.'
I could be wrong--it wouldn't be the first time. But, I truly believe that they mostly 'play dumb.'
In their minds, doing so, lets them off the hook.
And, hey, it seems to work!
Have a good one!
"A real hero is that person who does good random deeds without expecting anything in return, only to have the satisfaction that he did something for us, for our planet."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
That sounds right, Mollie
Come to think of it.
I did this experiment during one of the Republican debates. I experienced it through Slate's live twitter feed of select, smart Democratic pros. It was pretty interesting. But you reminded me that their reactions to many of the GOP candidates sounded a lot more liberal (socialist and antiwar) than Hillary's established political views.
I remember thinking: "No Democratic candidate has an antiwar view. So, where are they they getting that?"
But the online chatter from regular folks, on both sides, has taken a decidedly antiwar view these days. Not out of a desire for peace, but because people feel ripped off by these bogus Neocon wars. They are angry about military MIC spending, while they have absolutely nothing to show for it.
So, of course the Professional Dems know. There is just no money for them outside the current status quo war-terror bubble. The big political bucks comes from the US defense cartel kickbacks.
It made me wonder about the Paris attack: Cui bono?
ISIS is very big business for the US war profiteers. We don't even have to send in the military anymore. They make big bucks either way.
Not long ago, the Saudis make the largest purchase of military murder weapons in human history. From US war profiteers, of course.
yes, it became clear to me this morning through this
Abdel Bari Atwan: Inside How the U.S. & Saudi Arabia Aided Growth of the Islamic State. I can't get the video to embed. There are tons of interview on youtube from this guy. So, I am already "on alert". How on earth should a lay person be able to distinguish what is propaganda driven and what not. As I heard this for the first time, my spontaneous reaction was that he is right. Here a salon article from him:
America enabled radical Islam: How the CIA, George W. Bush and many others helped create ISIS - We have tried to harness the power of radical Islam for our own interests for decades. ISIS is partially on America - ABDEL BARI ATWAN
Gosh, it's all quite a lot to grasp. May be I should get this book Islamic State and read it too.
Here you go mimi...
I got the embed code from the video by clicking the "Share" symbol, but it wouldn't allow the usual right click and copy, so I used the old Control/C keyboard trick and picked it up.
oh, thanks, then my brain just needs to learn to click right..
but it tends to click left ...
Using chrome browser I click the share symbol, highlight the embed code given, do the control / C thingy to grab it and the control/ V thingy to put it into the c99% comment. But it wouldn't show up. I tried it with the next video clip from today's Democracy Now show. Just didn't do it.
The only way I could embed video here so far is using the insert Video button on top of the comment box and then enter the video URL, but often I don't have the correct Video URL, the video URL given under the share button's display of the Democracy Now's site videos, doesn't do the trick. Still don't know what I do wrong. Most of the time (for example if I grab a video from youtube and use the code they give you under their share button) it works with your "Insert Video" button.
I feel I am a nuisance to you.
It could be the step you missed...
on the Democracy Now video was when you clicked the "Share" and went to the embed section, you have to click the "Select" button to the right to highlight the embed code, then Control/C will work.
no, not really, but I will try again
how do you make code visible in a comment?
Hmm, I stripped all characters to show the code I picked up from the code appearing under the share button at the Democracy Now site's video.
For "embed code":
For "video link":
Selected it and inserted it into the comment box. Didn't show. I bet I missed something very stupid, that's just how I tick. Is it possible that it doesn't show in the "preview" mode, but would show after it is posted?
ok, I post now what I did, if it shows, you are right, if not, I am the dummy.
Selecting the "embed code" - Does it show?
Selecting the "video link" code - Does it show?
wow, that's the problem, the embed code for the video
doesn't show the video in the "preview" mode and of course I then thought it wouldn't show too, once I post the comment.
Ah, how do I love the mysteries of "coding".
Preview mode
well, who would have thought that the preview mode doesn't let you view the video you want to embed, but it does show up, once you post ... Should I laugh or cry?
Well, it shows, what it's supposed to show, you just have to know that, even if it doesn't show in preview...
So funny...
Yes it showed...
video links always show up for me in preview mode, so I don't know why they don't for you.
Conspiracy against dummies - told you so - CT everywhere you
look around you in life...


You are right Pluto about president's not having any power to ch
Foreign policy, but it goes further back than 1973 according to this article.
It started when Eisenhower helped create the CIA.
The speech he gave at the end of his term about the growing power of the deep state was probably the only time he felt safe making it.
I think he initially wanted to call it the MICCC. Military industrial corporate congressional complex, but some one made him leave out corporate and congressional.
Dulles had too much power and was probably a sociopath.
He knew about the camps in Germany but never told Roosevelt about them. He didn't give a shit about Jewish people being murdered by the nazis
This article explains this part of my comment. I hope that many of you read it b
I read another one today about how the CIA introduced drugs into the music scene and how many musicians they assassinated when their songs were about taking down the establishment. I'll try to find the link to it.
Shupak Tupak,, Msrley, Corbain and many others were murdered by the CIA.
The CIA is any president's hit squad to take out anyone that gets in the way of the U.S.
They introduced heroin to many cities, but I don't remember why
The Taliban had wiped out close to 90% of the poppy fields but they are back to close to 100% and U.S. troops are guarding them.
The CIA also brought drugs from Vietnam and they use the proceeds to run their black ops.
We haven't had a representative government for decades if we actually ever did.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Ike gave the warning...
JFK threatened to scale back the war machine and paid the ultimate price. The series of political assassinations in the 60's sent a clear message to populist politicians, don't step too far over the line. It's been a steady march to the right since then.
When you decide to make a point,
nobody does it better. Hillarybots at dkos can't be real. Nobody can deny reality like they do and expect to be taken seriously.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks for reading, everybody.
I appreciate all your comments.
Thank you OPOL
Great diary and content as usual.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Thank you OPOL
for continuing to cross post here. I had read your diary over at dkos and recommended it there, but I do not comment often over there any more.
I have posted this before here and I will say it again, I do not think any President can reel in the MIC on his own. I think that is why Bernie has been pretty much avoiding foreign policy issues. Hillary does not avoid foreign policy because she is up to her eyebrows with the banksters/MIC and has a sociopathic desire to kill.
Yesterday, I watched Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales interview Nick Turse over the US special operations units all over Africa. Turse is soft spoken, so it made me pay even more attention to what he was saying. The arms of the US giant octopus are everywhere and are rapidly increasing their presence in Africa now. It is so frightening to think about because we are literally at war with the rest of the world.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you OPOL!
Great essay counterattack.
To thine own self be true.