Open Tummler 10/04/16

So some Science Men made a study, to determine why the humans kill one another. And it seems like they've decided to blame squirrels.
They went all the way back into human history, did these Science Men, and then into the ways and means of the other primates, and then into the lives and loves of other mammals, and, or so they say, they found there some other mammals, that are sometimes about killing each other, and so, they Concluded, that some distant mammal, somewhere back there, must have been the one, that Invented the Killing.
However, this study, it appears, to contain, Libel.
The researchers found that some species, like bats and whales, hardly ever kill each other. Others, like ground squirrels and tree shrews, do so relatively often.
No. There are ground squirrels all over the place here. They never kill each other. I think, that this study, maybe, it is just shit, made up.
Meanwhile, now that the Science Men have established that the oldest continuous civilization on the planet, at 50,000 years, is that of the Aborigines (which renders previous claimants, like the Indians and the Chinese, mere infants); and that the Chinese, they are actually Egyptians; now, the Science Men, they are having a re-think, about the first humans, to invade the Americas.
Previously, it was Science Man-believed, that the first humans to infest the Americas, they trudged over from Siberia, across an icy land bridge, into Alaska. Where they commenced to glumly sit around, for a pretty thousands-of-years long while, until a corridor opened up between a couple of ice sheets in Canada, allowing them to then spread their humanness into all the Americas everywhere.
But now they've tossed that theory out the Science Man window. Deciding instead that the first ur-Americans came down the Pacific coast, either by boat, or along "a coastal walkway." The snow-sitters, up there in Alaska, they still glumly sat in the snow. But by the time they moped though their corridor, well, the water people, they had already been Americaning, for a couple thousand years.
When once they met up, the water people, they called the snow-sitters "losers"; the snow-sitters, they damned the water people as "haters." They all had a Mean twit-storm, and then, when they noticed the squirrels, shooting each other, they decided they might as well have the Killing, too.
The these-days Americans, they will be voting in 30 days or so, and upwards of 40 percent of them, they do not know who are the major candidates for vice-president.
These unknown would-be veepers, they will be debating tonight, and I really don't care, unless the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, he is introduced and addressed as Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, and is made to identify his three favorite whiskeys, and also to sing "I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen"; and unless Sixpence, he is made to explain how and why he frightened his hair bone-white, and just how come in the sam-hill he stands at the edge of the woods, scratching his balls, and inviting children to come inside to "get some candy."
I suppose Sixpence could also be confronted with some words from the opinion of the Seventh Circuit Court Of Appeals, which Monday dismissed him as a racist and a xenophobe—just like his master, The Hairball, and all of their people—in blocking the Sixpence attempt to debar Syrian refugees from the state of Indiana.
The governor of Indiana believes, though without evidence, that some of these persons were sent to Syria by ISIS to engage in terrorism and now wish to infiltrate the United States in order to commit terrorist acts here. No evidence of this belief has been presented, however; it is nightmare speculation . . . .
[Sixpence] argues that his policy of excluding Syrian refugees is based not on nationality and thus is not discriminatory, but is based solely on the threat he thinks they pose to the safety of residents of Indiana. But that's the equivalent of his saying (not that he does say) that he wants to forbid black people to settle in Indiana not because they're black but because he's afraid of them, and since race is therefore not his motive he isn't discriminating. But that of course would be racial discrimination, just as his targeting Syrian refugees is discrimination on the basis of nationality.
The Americans, they do a bit better, in correctly identifying the presidential candidates. Roughly 70 percent ID the Republican candidate as "the orange fuck," and the Democratic candidate as "the dead woman."
I just need the election, to be over.
I am with billmon:
As disillusioned & cynical as I am about USA, even I'm still a little astonished it produced a candidate so thoroughly monstrous & vile. Really want this to be over so The Hairball won't be on TV blowing out my blood pressure 24/7 & I can go back to despising the Clintons in peace.
I also want to get past it, this election, without any of my karass, going into the jail.
Sunday J came up to visit; we went to the market, for supplies. Unfortunately, the doofus arrived, to do the bagging. J had gone in the line before me; as the cashier was ringing me up, I heard that—good god—J, amid the bagging, had somehow entered into a political conversation, with the doofus. And I heard the doofus say, "anything would be better than what we have now." And then the doofus got that true-believer look in his eyes, and he said, "but all that will change, in November."
As J and I were walking through the parking lot, towards the car, he suddenly stopped.
"What?" I asked.
"I need to go back in there," he said.
"I need to break that guy's fingers."
"So he can't vote for Chump." (Chump is J's name for The Hairball; everyone has some sort of name, for the creature.)
"Don't you think that's a little extreme?" I asked.
"Look," I said, "that store hires the handicapped; that's why he's in there. And breaking his fingers won't work; he's a true believer; he'll just punch out his vote with a pen in his mouth, like Christy Brown. Why don't you come back on election day, and rope him; stash him behind the store till the polls close, then turn him loose."
J liked that idea. He is an interesting fellow: a working cowboy, and also a guy who, back in the day, was a stop on the underground railroad, for lefties who had gone to the bombs, and such. He is a champion roper, and very proud of this skill. When The Hairball came through here, J wanted to go to the event, and rope the freaky geek right off the stage. But, and with the aid of many whiskeys, I talked him out of it.
J has, in his life, roped many creatures, far more dangerous, than The Hairball. Once, atop his horse, he roped a badger . . . which then spent the next six hours furiously trying to climb up the rope, to rip J's lungs out.
My favorite of his roping stories involves when he was a-rest at home, one day, out in the yard, happily roping his young children. See, and like with most everything else, once you really get into roping, you can't stop. Even when you should. And, so, his wife, she detected a certain look in his eye, and she said to him, "J, don't you rope me. I mean it. I'm telling you. Don't do it." J avowed that yes, no, he wouldn't rope her. Then, later, that evening, in the house, he just couldn't help himself; and, as she passed by, he roped her. She said nothing, just smiled thinly, and slipped out of the rope. J, he thought that was the end of it. Until the next morning. When he awoke, walked through the front room, and saw, there in front of the wood stove, all laid out, his nice new special rope, cut into one-inch-long pieces.
"She said not to do it," he always concludes, admiringly. "She was the best woman who ever was."
It is not only the Americans, who do strange and unusual things, with their votes.
In Colombia, the humans, they have long been following the squirrels, in engaging in the Killing, and for many years. Recently the government, and the mainline Outsiders, they negotiated a peace agreement: no more, of each other, or anyone else, the Killing. This peace agreement, it was placed, as plebiscite, before the Colombian people. Who voted it down.
The Killers, they are completely flummoxed.
Both sides vowed they would not go back to fighting.
When a people vote for war, generally the result is not good. In May of 1870, the French voted overwhelmingly for war with Prussia. In January of 1871, the Prussians were in Paris.
In Hungary, the pants-wetting white people, in their last throes, fear-decided to be governed by a huffing and puffing Hairball—Viktor Orban. Who has vowed that he will not allow to remain in the nation icky, scary brown people. And placed before the Hungarians, a referendum, that would defy EU migrant quotas—stuff the icky, scary brown people, right out of the nation.
But it appears that only the semi-humans, whose knuckles drag right on to the ground, went to the polls. The Sane, the Normal, the Evolved humans, they stayed home. And so, although 98.3 percent of the grunters and hooters were said to have voted "yes," this mattered not a whit, because the referendum could not take effect, without a vote of 50 percent of all Hungarians. And only 40 percent, showed.
The Orban Hairball, he is now howling, that he will fashion a constitutional amendment, to keep the Other, at bay.
The Orban Hairball, he is a loser. And a hater. And he is over. And so, are all, of his people.
In Spain, the people are having an interesting experience: they have no government. There has not been a government, for 290 days.
The people, they are not suffering.
Budget money is still flowing. Government ministries are functioning. Social service recipients and civil servants are being
paid. Even if no new government has been formed when the 2016 national budget expires this fall, the old budget will simply become the new budget for 2017.
The two traditional parties—the conservative Popular Party and the Socialist Party—could have agreed on a new government, but they refused to talk to each other.
"Negotiating or giving concessions is perceived as weakness," said Antonio Roldán, a lawmaker from the upstart Ciudadanos party.
Manuel de la Rocha Vázquez, an economic adviser in the Socialist Party, said Spain was so polarized that politics had turned almost into a brawl. "There are only insults and blame and arrogance," he said.
The impasse has dragged on so long that "it's like Groundhog Day every day," said Pedro Rodríguez, an assistant professor of international relations at a private university in Madrid.
Many people in Spain, of course, experienced a period when there was no government, during the Spanish Civil War. It all worked quite well. You can read about it here. It: was: anarchism. Which couldn't be allowed to last, of course. And so the fascists of Franco, and the fascists of Stalin, they shut it down.
For a while.
The humans, they are increasingly disfavoring, the way of the squirrels; increasingly, not having, the Killing.
We know this, even from the Science Man squirrel study.
From 50,000 years ago to 10,000 years ago, when humans lived in small groups of hunter-gatherers, the rate of killing was "statistically indistinguishable" from the predicted rate of 2%, based on archaeological evidence, Gómez and his colleagues report today in Nature.
Later, as human groups consolidated into chiefdoms and states, rates of lethal violence shot up—as high as 12% in medieval Eurasia, for example. But in the contemporary era, violence is lower than our evolutionary heritage would predict, hovering around 1.3% when combining statistics from across the world.
Now, maybe, this is shit just made up. But, maybe it's not. And, let us, believe it, to be so. For believing, can make it, so.
And we know it, from the American boy, who wrote to The Kenyan, about the Syrian boy.
Dear President Obama,
Remember the boy who was picked up by the ambulance in Syria? Can you please go get him and bring him to my home? Park in the driveway or on the street and we will be waiting for you guys with flags, flowers, and balloons.
We will give him a family and he will be our brother.
Catherine, my little sister, will be
collecting butterflies and fireflies for him.
In my school, I have a friend from Syria, Omar, and I will introduce him to Omar. We can all play together. We can invite him to birthday parties and he will teach us another language. We can teach him English too, just like my friend Aoto from Japan.
Please tell him that his brother will be Alex who is a very kind boy, just like him. Since he won't bring toys and doesn't have toys Catherine will share her big blue stripy white bunny. And I will share my bike and I will teach him how to ride it. I will teach him additions and subtractions in math. And he can smell Catherine's lip gloss penguin which is green. She doesn't let anyone touch it.
Thank you very much. I can't wait for you to come.
6 years old
Now, maybe, this is just shit made up. Except that it isn't. Because it is the way that it is. The humans, without the Killing, without the Other. One whole indivisible world, without borders, without separateness; and, also, each, individual, human, being. Quantum. And all of the humans, brown. All the colors, bled into one. Already happened. It's just, now, a matter. Of waiting. For the time. To catch up.

Thx. for your last sentences. Here another story
that reflects "life as it is".
Masoud's Revenge:
Syrian Refugee Helps Germans Hunt Down IS =
As a prisoner of Islamic State in Syria, journalist Masoud Aqil suffered torture and death threats. Now in Germany, he is helping law enforcement officials hunt down former IS members who came to Europe as refugees. - By Jonas Breng
Can't make a comment. You just have to read it. All.
That orange fuck
and the dead woman; perfect.
'morning h, whiskeys(several) are necessary when contemplating this election.
What happened to this country?
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
the country
has always been wrong. It astounds me, that people do not see, know, understand, this.
Let's take, just as an example, FDR, the alleged risen Christ, of these days "progressives."
Who shoved two million brown people, back across the border into Mexico, without due process. Who concentrated-camped yellow people, meanwhile allowing white people, to steal all of their land, and all of their personal property. Who explicitly and intentionally excluded black people from his New White Deal; who actually allowed black people to continue to be lynched, so that white people, could, maybe, here and there, get another dollar. Who deliberately killed his own New White Deal, in order to accommodate the defense people he needed for his WWII. Who succeeded, in his Supreme Court, with the legal argument that there could be "enemy combatants," who could be treated, and in his cases, executed, without due process, of international law.
Dead man. Whiskey. Contemplating. What happened.
Yeah, but
they won't teach that, or acknowledge that in the schools. You(we) must go and find this on our own, and then what? No powers that be will apologize, or acknowledge it. Most people will laugh and say so what? Or refuse outright to believe, or ask why do you hate 'murika so much? BLM, Occupy, DaPL, this is not my country anymore when militarized thugs. . .
Fuck! Has it ever been my country?
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
of course
it's never been your country. It was founded by slave-owners freaking that Britain was moving towards abolishing the slave trade, and figuring seperation would gain them a few more decades of building their fortunes on black bodies. Which it did.
Humans, are not nations. You are a free human being, alive on this earth. Let go, of all that "country" shit. It has nothing, to do, with you.
Be, instead, an animal. ; )
After all,
We're just animals, looking for a home.
...looking for a hoooooo-ome.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
That's a good one!
Thanks for adding that.
May be you have to pay me to watch this,
I am still thinking, if I should. May be I pass. Tell me, if it was "good".
I watched it and was underwhelmed.
comedy has come to the end of the tunnel
and have seen no light. I feel a bit insulted by the comedian's attempts to be funny about serious issues.
Whatever, it's over.
really seeming to have such a downer grumpiness lately, mimi.
Here. Try some Richard.
Or. Maybe. Not.
yes, I have /nt
SNL proving once again it is bought out by TPTB.
And they couldn't help themselves but to include a tired joke about Green Party vote being a wasted vote. Wonder if Loren Michaels got some Ca-Ching from Hellery for these skits.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
May be this is better? Tell me if it was good,
I am not sure I will watch it.
I googled 'Assange' this morning.
Apparently NO October surprise came out of this. Assange said they'll be releasing stuff over the next 10 weeks and characterized what's coming as "interesting". I'll wait til the newies summarize this video, but not expecting to hear any earth shattering news from it.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
in recent weeks and days, experienced two problems:
(1) people just made shit up, about what he might have to say.
(2) he had nothing, really, to say.
Well he did say this...
“There’s been a lot of misquoting of me and WikiLeaks publications,” he said. “In this particular case, the misquoting has to do with that we intend, or I intend, to harm Hillary Clinton or that I don’t like Hillary Clinton. All those are false. They come about as a result it seems of this campaign and those who are trying to personalize our publications.”
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I am still listening and can't understand
what for. He will release something in the future and other than that it shows just how dangerous it is to do so.
Well, I am against all wars, especially the ones that come up. And because wars are fought now on social media and the intertubes, I am outta here and hide somewhere in the non-digital spaces.
Have a good day, all.
two trades or business opportunities for the future
1. sound technicians (to bring the truth audible to all the people)
2. self-storage facilities (to help the homeless keeping their living necesseties, as long as they can pay for storage fees. It's a booming business with all people who lose their homes)
So, all I get out of this broadcast is that Wikileaks will release something within this weeks and ongoing til november 8th. Please proceed, Wikileaks.
How parasites commandeer and change our neurocircuits
Wow! The poor crab ends up caring more for the invading barnacle’s young than for its own kind.
What a fantastically fascinating video.
How alien some of these practices are, but how effective. Taking over another's body through their brain. And the humour. Thanks for that.
Science has always had theories about how we got to the Western hemisphere. I frankly am more likely to believe the stories of the tribes which are fairly similar. Science has discounted these as creation myths but they have discounted other parts of our oral history the same way only to be proven wrong when evidence turns up.
The majority of tribes have a belief that they are survivors of the end of the last world. In short that civilization has been destroyed 3 times before our present one leaving enough people in far flung places to start over. Which makes perfect sense from a natural perspective on a planet where a species that grows to large often gets thinned by disease or starvation. We are just far more challenging to deal with than deer or lemmings.
The first people in Mexico appear to be Olmecs who were, based on their pictographs, african. They appear to have collapsed as a society due to some kind of disease or genetic issue that left them with twisted and undeveloped limbs. Their possible descendants still live on the west coast in round houses made of thatched grass almost identical to those commonly built in Africa.
My own personal theory about humans and killing is that we've
genetically selected for killers. Those predisposed to peacefulness have been killed off by those who like killing. Then those killers rape conquered women forcing them to give birth to little killers. This goes on Ad nauseum until we come to today with Thing 1 and Thing 2 both telling us how they're gonna be the best Commander-in-Chief ever because they know the right people to kill and the best way to do it. Of course there is no mention of the other two people in this election, one of whom really is against killing (recessive genes I guess).
So the meanest SOBs have contributed disproportionately to the gene pool, thus selecting for meanness and killing. Also, apparently willful stupidity since we're cooking the planet so effectively that we'll kill off ourselves and any other life unable to adapt to the hellish conditions we've created. How's that for killing?!
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
The Bering strait argument reached the current conclusion
belatedly due to an evidentiary problem and a premature assertion. As water levels rose from the melting ice, physical evidence along the inland path remained discoverable, was discovered, and was declared to be the answer. Physical evidence along coastal routes was, of course, submerged and or destroyed. The lack of confirmatory evidence to support the coastal migration hypothesis was taken as being indicative of a lack of any such migration.
To complicate matters, some misinterpreted evidence led to a premature claim of proof of such a route. When the error was discovered, the rejection of the coastal hypothesis became hardened. Midwesterners exploring Oregon discovered seeming hominid fossils with webbed feet which they named homo totipalmatus. These they asserted were the result of generations of wading along the southern edge of Beringia and then down the pacific shore. Much to their chagrin, these turned out to be modern burials of modern Oregonians who had developed webbed feet as a method of coping with the local climate. (Why did you think they were called the Oregon Ducks??) It was decades before anybody could even mention the idea of a coastal migration again.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Kayaks, along the edge of the ice.
made of bits of driftwood, seal skin, and sinew. Evidence is gone.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Sixpence is equal to half a shilling. Coincidence? n/t
I think NOT.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I have theory about the age of the human mind
there is a certain kind of human whose mind advances to a 12 year old level. That person can shop, drive, work, seem to be a grownup but is still interested in cops and robbers, cowboys and injuns. The meanest of 'em push their way to the top and get to run wars or police departments.
I think many years ago the average mind was about a 6 year old level. That's when all that mythology evolved. In certain "heroic ages"(1) the average mind might have been at 10.
Perhaps someday we, as a society, will grow up past our teens.
(1) - heroic age: society where killing or being killed is a fun sport, where poets get paid by the killers
I don't think the human race has that long. We're running
ourselves out of time.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
How does one prepare for the adolescent phase?
At least if we were evolving from adolescence into adulthood we'd have a chance.
Thanks hecate,
Too bad there weren’t any of these Science Men around 50,000 years ago, or even 20,000, observing and reporting their study. Now that would be even more fascinating than the ground squirrels, though I can imagine how fascinating you find them ; ).