Open Thread 11-14-15
Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by The Mule Newman Band
Paris terror attacks: Islamic State says France is 'key target' for actions in Syria
President says France will defend itself after at least 128 people killed in series of gun and bomb attacks across ParisIslamic State has claimed responsibility for a deadly wave of bombings and shootings across Paris that has left nearly 130 people dead and which the French president, François Hollande, denounced as an “act of war”.
Paris police reported that at least 128 people had been killed and 180 more injured – including 80 seriously – in the six attacks, the deadliest in Europe since the 2004 Madrid railway bombings. Eight militants also died.
Isis said it had dispatched jihadis wearing suicide bomb belts and carrying machine guns around the French capital on Friday night in a coordinated series of attacks intended to show that France would remain one of its main targets as long as its present policies continued.
Islamic State claims Paris attacks that killed 127
Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for a coordinated assault by gunmen and bombers that killed 127 people at locations across Paris that President Francois Hollande said amounted to an act of war against France.
In the worst attack, a Paris city hall official said four gunmen systematically slaughtered at least 87 young people at a rock concert at the Bataclan concert hall before anti-terrorist commandos launched an assault on the building. Dozens of survivors were rescued, and bodies were still being recovered on Saturday morning.
Some 40 more people were killed in five other attacks in the Paris region, the official said, including an apparent double suicide bombing outside the Stade de France national stadium, where Hollande and the German foreign minister were watching a friendly soccer international.
Paris attacks: Hollande blames Islamic State for 'act of war'
The near-simultaneous attacks in Paris that killed nearly 130 people were an "act of war" organised by the Islamic State (IS) militant group, French President Francois Hollande says.He said the attacks, carried out by eight gunmen and suicide bombers, were "organised and planned from outside".
The targets included bars, restaurants, a concert and a high-profile football match. IS claimed the attacks.
Mr Hollande has declared three days of national mourning.
He raised the security threat level to its highest point and imposed a nationwide state of emergency. Hospital officials now put the number of injured at 300. Eighty are in a critical condition.
By David Swanson
We are all France. Apparently. Though we are never all Lebanon or Syria or Iraq for some reason. Or a long, long list of additional places.We are led to believe that U.S. wars are not tolerated and cheered because of the color or culture of the people being bombed and occupied. But let a relatively tiny number of people be murdered in a white, Christian, Western-European land, with a pro-war government, and suddenly sympathy is the order of the day.
“This is not just an attack on the French people, it is an attack on human decency and all things that we hold dear,” says U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham. I’m not sure I hold ALL the same things dear as the senator, but for the most part I think he’s exactly right and that sympathy damn well ought to be the order of the day following a horrific mass killing in France.
I just think the same should apply to everywhere else on earth as well. The majority of deaths in all recent wars are civilian. The majority of civilians are not hard to sympathize with once superficial barriers are overcome. Yet, the U.S. media never seems to declare deaths in Yemen or Pakistan or Palestine to be attacks on our common humanity.
Attack in France = State Sponsored Terror, But Which State?
Reports indicate an unprecedented terrorist attack has unfolded in France, with over 150 dead, many more injured and reports still trickling in regarding the full-scale of the violence. The BBC in its report, "Paris attacks: Bataclan and other assaults leave many dead," stated:
France has declared a national state of emergency and tightened borders after at least 120 people were killed in a night of gun and bomb attacks in Paris.
Eighty people were reported killed after gunmen burst into the Bataclan concert hall and took dozens hostage.
The siege ended when security forces stormed the building.
People were shot dead at bars and restaurants at five other sites in Paris. Eight attackers are reported to have been killed.The BBC has also released a graphic indicating at least 5 separate locations where the attacks unfolded, while other media organizations have reported that both bombs and small arms were employed, including military rifles.
Bush and Cheney were warned. Bush and Cheney yawned. And then 9/11 happened
Bombshell new interviews with CIA officials make clear what we've always suspected: Their negligence is horrifyingDocumentarian Chris Whipple has some new bombshell revelations about how the Bush administration ignored the advance warnings of 9/11 in story for Politico, “‘The Attacks Will Be Spectacular,’” a spin-off of his documentary, “The Spymasters,” set to air this month on Showtime, in which he interviews all 12 living former CIA directors.
Whipple’s most stunning revelations revolve around a July 10 meeting that’s been mentioned by others in books before—Bob Woodward, George Tenet, Condi Rice—but always in a manner that drastically underplays the urgency of CIA’s warnings, and how much they had to go on, according to Whipple’s new information:
By May of 2001, says Cofer Black, then chief of the CIA’s counterterrorism center, “it was very evident that we were going to be struck, we were gonna be struck hard and lots of Americans were going to die.” “There were real plots being manifested,” Cofer’s former boss, George Tenet, told me in his first interview in eight years. “The world felt like it was on the edge of eruption. In this time period of June and July, the threat continues to rise. Terrorists were disappearing [as if in hiding, in preparation for an attack]. Camps were closing. Threat reportings on the rise.”
Contractors That Defraud the Government the Most Also Spend the Most on Lobbying
A relatively small handful of federal contractors are responsible for the lion’s share of the $92 billion in fines, settlements, and court judgements assessed for defrauding taxpayers and other forms of contractor misconduct since 1995, according to a newly updated database published by the Project on Government Oversight (POGO).
An analysis by The Intercept finds that the companies responsible for the most instances of misconduct are also at the top of another list: They are among the biggest spenders on money in politics.
Boeing, an aircraft manufacturing firm that supplies the government with military equipment, has paid over $1.4 billion in penalties since 1995, according to POGO. Boeing’s misdeeds include overbilling the government on the KC-10 aerial refueling tanker, falsifying invoices, and an assortment of environmental crimes such as contaminating local waterways and spilling jet fuel. POGO has identified over 60 resolved instances of Boeing committing fraud or violating the law, topped only by Exxon Mobil, Lockheed Martin and BP.
U.S. Demands There Be No Democracy in Syria
All of the available polling that has been done by Western polling firms in Syria has indicated strongly that the current President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, would easily win any free and fair election in that country. In fact when the question was directly put to Syrians by a Western polling organization, Assad got 55%, which wouldn’t leave much for each of the opposing candidates in any election, the candidates who would be splitting the residual 45%. And this poll was taken shortly after the Arab Spring demonstrations against him — those demonstrators actually possessed little support from most Syrians.
So, the United States Government demands that Assad be simply removed from office, and not allowed on the ballot, if an election for President is to be held at all in Syria.
U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have repeatedly stated that the ouster of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad is a prerequisite for stopping the invasion of Syria by U.S. bombers, and by other forces from the U.S. coalition. That’s a coalition of (besides the U.S.) Sunni Islamic regimes (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey) that are likewise demanding removal of the Shiite President Assad of Syria, before they will cease their invasions of Syrian territory, and their supplies of weapons to the jihadist fighters who are trying to take over Syria.
Carpetbagging ‘Crony Capitalism’ in Ukraine
By Robert Parry
Last December, before being named Ukraine’s Finance Minister, American-born Natalie Jaresko accepted Ukrainian citizenship as a prerequisite for getting the job, but – in almost one year since – she has not renounced her U.S. citizenship, according to U.S. records and a Ukrainian official.
The Ukrainian Constitution allows for only “single citizenship,” meaning that a foreigner who is granted Ukrainian citizenship must terminate his or her previous citizenship and must submit a document attesting to that renunciation “within two years from the date of granting of Ukrainian citizenship,” said Mariia Budiakova, press secretary of the Ukraine Embassy in Washington.
The U.S. government publishes quarterly the names of Americans who have renounced their U.S. citizenship and those names — printed in the Federal Register since last December — do not include Jaresko, who has chosen to remain a U.S. citizen, a fact confirmed by Budiakova.
Jaresko appears to be exploiting the two-year period for submitting proof of renouncing her prior citizenship so she can hold her powerful Ukrainian position for two years with the option of then dropping her Ukrainian citizenship and keeping her U.S. citizenship.
Why the New Boss Is Just like the Old Boss
Candid Academic Admits Democracy Thwarted By Unseen Security EliteMany people have been confused and even angered that the military and foreign policies of the Bush administration — policies of which the current president and administration were once so critical — have been adopted by them, almost in full.
Has President Obama simply changed course, or is someone else setting our national security policy?
In this week’s WhoWhatWhy podcast, Prof. Michael Glennon argues that somebody else is calling the shots, members of what he calls the “Double Government.” Initially created under the Truman administration, this unelected layer has grown into a hyper-secret and difficult to control network with over 46 separate federal departments and agencies, and over 2,000 private companies engaged in classified national security operations that costs roughly a trillion dollars a year.
It all started, Glennon argues, with the National Security Act of 1947 that created the CIA, the NSA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The result is a “second government,” that has no oversight, no checks and balances, and is incentivized to perpetuate itself.
Will Obama Give Israel Even More American Weapons and Dollars to Kill Palestinians?
This blind backing for whatever Israel does and providing the weapons to do it is dangerous for the U.S. and for Israel.President Obama met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on November 9 in the White House and is considering the Israeli request to give a 50% increase of nearly $1.5 billion in U.S. military funding bringing the U.S. donation to the killing of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza to $4.5 billion a year.
As it stands now, more that half of the U.S. foreign military spending for 2016 goes to Israel. As in all things, Israel gets special treatment by the U.S. allowing Israel to spend 25% of its gift from the U.S. to pay itself for buying weapons from its own weapons industry!!!
According to a recentcongressional report, Israel has received $124.3 billion in military assistance from the US since its founding in 1948.
The report states that “strong congressional support for Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits not available to any other countries; for example, Israel can use U.S. military assistance both for research and development in the United States and for military purchases from Israeli manufacturers.
As US Special Operations Forces Enter Syria, Growing Presence in Africa Goes Unnoticed
The recent US deployment of special operations forces to Syria expands a global US battlefield that is at a historic size. This year, special ops have been sent to a record 147 countries - 75 percent of the nations on the planet. It's a 145 percent increase from the days of George W. Bush. And it means that on any given day elite US forces are on the ground in 70 to 90 countries. Those shocking numbers are revealed by our guest, the journalist Nick Turse. For years, Turse has been tracking the expansion of global US militarism for the website TomDispatch and other outlets. His latest book, Tomorrow's Battlefield: US Proxy Wars and Secret Ops in Africa, focuses on one particular American military battlefield that often goes unnoticed. Turse says the US military is now involved in more than 90 percent of Africa's 54 nations.
Transcript here.
Report: Neglected Railways Increase Risk of Exploding Oil "Bomb Trains"
With the White House's recent rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline, oil and gas energy analysts are already projecting a modest boost for the crude-by-rail business, despite the fact that US State Department officials indicated on November 6 that the extent to which railways may become a major form of transport for Canadian tar sands crude oil into the United States still "remains uncertain."
But according to a new report out this week from Waterkeeper Alliance, ForestEthics and Riverkeeper, since 2008, oil train traffic has increased more than 5,000 percent along routes "leading from oil fields in central Canada, the Great Plains and the Rockies to refineries and crude oil hubs along our nation's coasts." The environmental advocacy groups' report describes the significant threat posed by explosive crude oil "bomb trains" traveling across aging and neglected US rail infrastructure.
This dramatic increase in oil train traffic has come with an accompanying uptick in tank car derailments, oil spills, fires and explosions across the United States and Canada. The July 6, 2013, oil train derailment and explosion in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, was among the deadliest of these incidents, killing 47 people. According to the report, more oil has spilled from tank car trains in 2013 than in the previous 40 years combined.
In Turning Point, Carbon Emissions Fall Among G20
Greenhouse gas emissions per capita are falling in 11 of the Group of 20 major economies, a turning point for tackling climate change, a study showed.
The report, by a new organization of scientists and other experts called Climate Transparency, also said 15 of the G20 members has seen strong growth in renewable energy in recent years.
"Climate action by the G20 has reached a turning point, with per capita emissions falling in 11 members, and renewable energy growing strongly," the group said in a statement. The G20 accounts for about three-quarters of world greenhouse gases.
It said G20 members "must all urgently decarbonize their economies" to meet a U.N. goal to limit average temperature rises to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels to limit heat waves, floods and rising seas.
Paris Climate Pact Could Leave Forests Vulnerable
Efforts to foster forests and slow deforestation, which is one of the leading causes of global warming, are largely being glossed over by most nations as they prepare for a historic round of climate negotiations.
It remains unclear whether any agreement struck during the upcoming U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change session, which begins in Paris at the end of this month, will explicitly mention forestry. But forestry and farming are “implicitly” going to play roles in a climate pact “no matter what,” said Chris Meyer, who works on Amazon rainforest issues for the Environmental Defense Fund.
Perhaps most importantly, forest practices could play key roles in helping nations achieve their individual climate pledges — pledges that would underpin the hoped-for Paris climate agreement.
Analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists throughout the year has highlighted the scant attention being paid to forests under most of those national pledges. That’s despite forest loss being blamed for more than 10 percent of climate-changing pollution being released globally every year.
The Mule Newman Band - Sea Of Blues
The Mule Newman Band - Somethin' On My Mind
The Mule Newman Band - Once Upon a Time
The Mule Newman Band - She Call Me Papa
The Mule Newman Band - Summerland
The Mule Newman Band - Move Me to My Soul

Today's Peace vigil
Today's Peace vigil will be a difficult one, I am sure. Far too many people believe that we must extract revenge for attacks such as the one in Paris. Our French allies are on the receiving end of revenge for our wars of aggression in the Middle East. How long will it be before we see similar attacks in the US and elsewhere? I am probably in the minority, but I believe it is upon us, the people of the United States, to demand an end to all these wars which have terrorized, killed, and maimed millions of people all over the world, particularly in the Middle East. We must break our own cycle of violence against other human beings all over the world.
Thank you for this Saturday Open Thread, JtC!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning gg...
you're welcome. Unfortunately, I think this is just the start and it will spread further into Europe, resulting in authoritarian regimes taking power, then all hell will break loose. Your peace vigil is needed more now than ever. Thank you for your activism.
I am not sure how much longer the peace vigil will last
We are down to three human beings and one dog. Both of the guys are in their 80's. Bill has had some physical problems but will probably continue to come until prevented from doing so. Don who is 85 is doing well physically, but you never know. So we will continue as long as we can.
We need people speaking out loudly and clearly against all these wars. When we wage war on the world, eventually it will come home to roost. I am afraid that time is very near.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I think...
one thing it may be with the younger generation not protesting war is they haven't lived through the horror of a major conflict like WWII, Korea or Vietnam. I know that's painting with a broad brush as there is certainly younger folks that are ant-war, but I think in general there may be something to it.
also, most college kids today
don't even have parents that have
fought in a meat-grinder like Vietnam.
Grandparents maybe.
I have a friend who recently lost her
Vietnam vet brother. He had enlisted
in the Marines, served as a grunt in
Vietnam, then went on to retire as a
full-bird colonel 30+ years later. No
mean feat for a black man.
He had been diagnosed with PTSD
post-retirement, because he became
unable to "stop the voices (from
Vietnam) in his head."
His last words to his daughter as she
tried to keep him on the phone as she
raced to his house were that suicide
was "the only way to stop the voices."
She arrived shortly after the police whom
she had called when he hung up on
her and quit answering his phone -
just in time to witness him blowing his
head off.
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I look at it this way
Today, Saturday November 14, 2015, twenty-two formerly deployed veterans blew their brains out.
Yesterday, also, 22 of them did the same thing. And tomorrow, I guarantee that 22 more of them will do so. And this will be the case the day after that, and each and every day — until further notice.
Those veterans who have not yet blown their brains out, are working as police on the streets of America and in the very place you call home. The DOJ pays the police departments of America to hire them. These formerly deployed, mentally broken, police now kill an impossibly-high-and-growing number of American citizens every day, whom they see as "Enemy Combatants" due to their damaged minds.
Thus, is this not what the American people as a whole richly deserve for allowing their military to inflict a continuous and deadly global atrocity for the past 15 years?
Is this not the true karma of justice?
Does this not feel right and natural and divinely just to you?
Cause and effect
and Karma or perhaps, you reap what you sow. I almost gagged at Obomber's sick comment about an assault on our values or whatever hypocritical garbage he spouted. Meanwhile I went nuts reading dkos especially kos's sickening partisan political pronunciations. As a Salvadorian I think he and his fore bearers were on the wrong side of page. He freely admits he applied and washed out of the CIA. He joined the military and was a Republican. Do people like kos or other comfortable well off Americans suffer from what has gone down? No. They prosper, They flourish they make some good money. On veterans day my comfortable neighbors white, prosperous, liberals?, invested, and Democratic all thanked the vets for their service on fb. and flew the freakin flag.
I don't know if the American people who take the brunt of the damaged vet psychotic cops deserve this. Most of the people targeted by 'law enforcement' do not get to allow or disallow anything other then living lives of desperation and misery. The truly insulated complacent American enablers are safe except when the pigs or they step out of line. I was so angry and so sad yesterday I turned off the net. I could not bear to hear the ignorant brainwashed violent reactions to the tragedy in Paris. Damaged brains seems to be a matter of degrees. So much easier to paint the 'enemy' as devoid of humanity and a worthy kill.
One time I asked the neighbor who fly's the flag erratically even though he's a 'liberal' Democrat why? His reply was just to show the Republicans they don't own it. How can we get ordinary people in America to face what both the D and R evil fucks do in our name? Hard to admit that your own country is the monkey's paw. His wife, a 35 year old environmental biologist, on veterans day posted a tribute and thanks to the vets from Viet Nam including picture of the infamous wall. So sad that many people believe, violence and killing both humans and the planet is necessary and normal. Madness prevails stirred by the evil fucks who make a buck of killing and destruction and are the next in line to rule the world. Same as it always was.
The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
recruit at local college or Bernie movement meet ups
here in central ohio at a private college, they have a socialist club. I met them at a meeting of Working America which is an AFL/CIO affiliated union that anyone can join.
also, the Bernie movement possibly has a peace advocate
at some time, by necessity, peace will become a big deal, but not yet
even in the Vietnam war, my mom, in a town of 400,000, Long Beach, stood on corner with a few each week with peace signs
also the Friends church might be a source although your current members might already be from that small group
and, maybe you could make up a sign to ask for volunteers to join
good luck!
Look among Unitarian Universalists as well
I've found UUs here to be quite open to peace actions such as vigils and letter-writing campaigns, so maybe that can be fertile ground to plow.
But regardless, thank you, gulfgal. We need that public presence for peace now more than ever.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
The future of the US was set in Afghanistan
The day we we invaded and began carpet bombing these innocent hillbillies — who, to this day, have no idea what the World Trade Center or 911 is(!) — is when I knew with certainty that Americans would end up in total lock down in a police state before it was over. Hysterical murder and mayhem has consequences.
If you want revenge, dig two graves first — as they say. It's a law of physics in a binary universe.
Good morning JtC
I've seen you around more lately, and it is nice. I know you have big work demands that take up much of your time. I just hope you forget about not participating in your own blog. The only thing you withdrawing has accomplished imo is another lost voice. Given all the refugees and terrorists attacks, wonder if Europe will wise up and tell the US to kiss off. Need to drive a wedge in the global cabal.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Morning dk...
things are finally winding down so, yeah, I'll be around more. I don't consider this as solely "my blog", it's "our", "your" blog, I just try to maintain the beast.
I think that slowly but surely Europe is wising up, we just don't hear much about it in the 'Merikan Mass Media.
Right now, i am pretty upset
The United States has been the prime force behind the war on the Middle East and the attendant war of terror for decades. The result is that our European allies are now bearing the brunt of the back lash from our foreign policies with the great influx of refugees and the acts of retaliatory terrorism. It is past time for Europe to cut us off.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I didn't mean your blog quite so literally.
It is yours and ours, and it is nice to have.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
It's a rough morning.
I'm angry. I'm sad. I'm afraid.
I'm angry about the attacks in Paris.
I'm sad because of the loss of life, the loss of a sense of security, and the fact that someone will escalate beyond the point of no return. Maybe we were always beyond some point of no return and never knew it. I awoke this morning holding back tears. And I hate crying.
I'm afraid that some semblance of peace will never be known in our collective lifetimes. Maybe peace never existed and cannot possibly exist.
My friends and family in Paris are okay. There is that. Small victories in an infinitely enormous conflict. That's all we have now.
On to the news...
I am absolutely furious about the reports that BushCo ignored any and all warnings of 9/11. We all knew they ignored the warnings, and it feels like that story is an ass-covering move by the Villagers who knew all along that they screwed up. George W. Bush and his cabal of idiots are war criminals. Unfortunately they passed the statute of limitations in the public eye. What pisses me off even more is that they got away with it. They broke the planet and got away with it.
Oh, the USA (well, the current neoliberal administration anyway) does not believe in democracy. In any sane world, Assad would be placed back in power because that's what the majority of Syrians want. It's better than ISIS running around causing all manners of havoc.
Every now and then, because of my professional background, I get emails of job offers promising great riches and benefits if I take a contracting job in Sub-Saharan Africa. Then I realize that the USA loves the chaos in Sub-Saharan Africa and it's probably a good idea to stay away. Neo-colonialism is one helluva drug. Lots of natural resources down there.
In my crazy life, I have a very small circle of friends. Hell, a lot of them don't even know where I live. I kinda like it that way. To some of them, I'm this mysterious guy who pops in, parties his arse off, and disappears into the night on a pedi-cab into the shadows of the streets. Not really sure why that is, but that's who I am. Never stick around too long, never get too attached. Because if I do, maybe I lose it all in an instant.
I've really got to stop typing my thoughts with a hangover. Perhaps.
Morning cs...
hangover or not your thoughts are cogent and right on and I think you are wise making a phantom of yourself, I used to be like that too.
Glad that all your friends and family are safe, I share your angst.
Talk about timing....
The Paris attacks will bury the news about Bush.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Good Day, cybrestrike, please don't go to
sub-Saharan Africa. It won't help. You would get burned emotionally, if not literally. It's just not going to work.
I have a cousin by marriage who went to Afghanistan to work
for a contractor (construction, I believe, but not military) because of the money and benefits they offered, both of which his family desperately needed at the time. Things went well, fairly routine (once he got used to dealing with the security around) until one day, drinking coffee with some fellow workers at an outdoor cafe, a car bomb went off a few blocks away. The "boom" was loud. Very loud.
And he quit the next day and headed back to his wife and two daughters here in the States.
The money may be good, cyberstrike, but it will never be enough for your risk of losing life and limb thanks to U.S. foreign policy.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
thanks for the blog this morning
so many things that have been going on for too long and typically ignored
You link David Swanson who has been a peace advocate but few have ever heard of him. I go to his twitter occasionally but don't follow on a regular basis. He was in Columbus on a book tour some years back and is tireless in working for the unpopular topic of PEACE. David makes the point that we don't care about others, for example brown people, as they get murdered, but whites and attacks in western countries are as Obama said (I only heard a little bit) an attack on WESTERN CIVILIZATION (and thus, need to redouble our War on Terror - or GWOT - or I don't even know the name for it now)
Then the politico article that Bush & Cheney were warned - in a way that is old news. Not only were they warned, but Thomas Drake in his investigation right after 9/11 found out that it could have been prevented. And look what happened to him threatened with decades in prison, the first Espionage act trial since WWI, plea bargain with less cause than the Hillary emails, loss of pension, wrecked his life, to tell the truth. Now that the GWOT has gone to France (maybe, too early to know what was going on - it could have been pissed off gypsies, but probably not) -- Mao used guerrilla war and we have not figured out the game in all these decades and we stir up trouble around the world. You also link to Nick Turse interview. His book "Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam" lays out the case that we are murder INC. Murder. Destruction. And now we are getting military infrastructure in Africa. We can quote that great scholar, Condoleezza Rice "no one could have known"
I was so pissed at Israel that I even posted a comment in BNR this morning on the topic. It was off topic to put in a diary about Bernie movement efforts, but the elephant in the room is the military and since the debate this evening will be on Paris I thought that a look at what our "friend" in the middle east is doing to indigenous people was worth knowing about. Might get some hide recs for that but ....
here is the link
Youth uprising in Israel/Palestine — looking beyond Paris
Morning Don...
I've read Swanson for years too, one of the very few that stands for peace, no matter what, I admire his tenacity.
Yeah the article about Bush/Cheney being warned is old news, but it needs to be repeated as often as possible given the short attention span of the Americans. And it's also pertinent as Dub's brother is running for King of the World.
Shout it loud about Israel/Palestine, brother!
Another magic indestructable passport
Suicide bomber takes passport on mission; passport survives explosion:
Whoever is orchestrating these "terrorist" attacks is way overdue for new scriptwriters.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Morning dr...
the problem is, it works! How freaking dumb can humans be.
Maybe we should start
making airplanes out of passport
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Heh, that might work...
as an aside, about your problem with youtube heavy essays eating your bandwidth that we were discussing the other night. Is your smart phone an Android device?
my "smartphone" is an Android.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Have you tried this?...
Turn off flash in Android. If you disable flash the youtubes wont load and will use lots less bandwidth and can be easily enabled if you want to view a particular flash video (youtube).
yeah, have flash turned off - /nt
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
It's a gift to the right-wing in Europe
Now all refugees are terrorists.
The refugee crisis was going to come to a head anyway (as I wrote about just a few days ago), but this has moved up the clock by several months.
The passport had a serial number that was traced
to Greece, October 4, 2015. It's a genuine passport but it may not belong to the assassins, it could have been stolen by them. This investigation is being followed by the world, it won't be easy to screw it up or falsify it.
To thine own self be true.
"if won't be easy to falsify it"
You may be right.
::: cough ::: 9/11 ::: cough, cough :::
The other day when (the brand new and diplomatically inexperienced) Saudi King Salman was being interviewed, the interviewer suggested that global intel intimates that Saudi Arabia was behind the 9/11 attacks. King Salman said "Oh no we didn't! Mossad was responsible for 9/11. Everybody knows that."
Mossad and PNAC are one. Ergo, the obvious.
This extraordinary statement didn't make US news, of course. But the rest of the world news carried it. I even saw it mentioned in the Jerusalem Post. I didn't see anybody disagree or react. It was received with a global shrug: "Yeah. So what else is new?"
Americans live in the cone of silence. Their blank brains are the devil's workshop.
You are right but expand that cone of silence
to include Canada. They believe what they are told and the truth is being smothered by many layers of lies and propaganda.
To thine own self be true.
ongoing slide into authoritarianism in Turkey
Evening Blues has had ongoing links on Turkey
The Gulen related todayszaman has spoken out strongly against what is happening. It is only a matter of time that it will be shut down and journalists will be arrested, fired, tortured, or who knows what else. As one pointed out they have more journalists in jail than ISIS terrorists.
Here is an article by a man who is a journalist and thinks that the paper and possibly even his college will be shut down
here is the first paragraph in bold - like a sub title, and the next paragraph
The next article is
Turkey’s apartheid regime under the Islamists
and once again the first paragraph is in bold as a sub title, then the first paragraph
some more on Turkey and Syria
I didn't mention that the over 2 million refugees in Turkey are the bargaining chip that keeps the EU from putting pressure on Turkey's attack on civil liberties
And this article just out about how the world's super power messed up Syria.
WikiLeaks Reveals How the US Aggressively Pursued Regime Change in Syria, Igniting a Bloodbath
double standard Paris vs Beriut
Re coverage of terrorism victims Paris v. Beirut
DonMidwest, your link to the writer at Global Voices is so spot on and so very damning, I felt compelled to bring these quotes to c99%:
Thank you for bringing this to our attention while so many are only mourning lives lost to terrorism in "the West."
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Gotta' head out for awhile folks...
be back later this afternoon.
Posted this on Obama is Wonderful diary at DK
this shakes the shit out of our government policies and what Obama could do. I don't think that there is a snowball's chance in hell that he will do this right after the world is focused on Paris
the link followed by the title of the article
Will pigs fly?
Obama is no more capable of the truth or doing the right thing than Cheney or Kissinger.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
5 minute video on Syrian civil war
It's pretty good
Assad calls out the western countries
I hate to agree with Assad, but he has a good point.
That's funny...
I've always agreed with Assad, the popular democratically re-elected (in 2014) President of Syria.
You are aware that the US proxy attack on Syria was kicked off with Chris Stevens gun-running through Benghazi? You did put that together, right?
It’s going to take a lot more coke than even the CIA can get their hands on for the neo-cons to snort themselves into the delusion they’ve pulled this one off.
yes, good video, I liked it, thanks /nt
Hi Johnny and all of y'all C99ers,
It's been a sad morning, thanks for the OT, Johnny, it couldn't have been easy to put together.
My heart goes out to the victims, their families and the whole French nation.
Johnny I tried sending you a message and a copy to myself. Seems like it didn't take so I'm sending you one at that other place. I need some help with Hellraisers.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Greetings! Regarding the Dem Party Debate tonight,
I had planned to post policies stances of 3 candidates before the Debate, but am too 'puny' due to a stomach virus to hassle with it today. Hopefully, before the third Debate.
Anyhoo, if there are any substantive Q&A's, I may put the old Truth-O-Meter test to them. See below.
So, if this shows up, it means that I'm taking a 'quote' and putting it to a "Truth Test."
Thanks, JtC (and, dr) for posting WD's piece from Cafe Babylon. She was always one of FDL's best writers.
Just lost about five paragraphs--no real loss, actually, mostly just blather--due to a 'time out' (I guess it's called).
Anyhoo, Everyone have a great evening watching the second Debate!
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"The standard of living of the average American has to decline. I don't think you can escape that." Paul Volcker, The New York Times, October 18, 1979, Page 1.
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Interesting Piece--Was tonight's Debate deliberately scheduled
so that it would receive 'low viewership?'
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . .
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." --Helen Keller
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Watched the debate at a Bernie meet-up event,
nothing too exiting, I would say. HRC heavily used the Paris attack to promote her agenda that sounded her usual hawkish ways. She also used her wanting to be the first female President to fight for the women in this country again. Both things I don't like. The women in the meet-up just ignored it and say she is can't be trusted.
Bernie was not too successful, I would say. Basically he had no "major moment" the media would quote ad nauseam. His points are known and most of the younger people support him independently from being registered as Democrats or not. They register just for this vote as Democrat to be able to vote for Sanders. Ideology is not an issue.
I hope O'Malley will drop out and support Sanders. I think the debates don't help much, as it looks as if most people have already made up their mind and won't change it.
It was more or less boring.
I think this Mother Jones article
describes the worst clips of HRC. I can't listen to that anymore.
This Was the Most Important Exchange of the Democratic Debate - Watch Hillary Clinton say she supports Wall Street because of 9/11.
shorter version for HRC being hawkish
My jaw became unhinged at the "I take money from
Wall Street because 9/11" comment from her. I mean sweet jeebus!
Here's the money quote:
(The women thing was pretty shabby too I thought, but the women here on this forum can correct me if they so feel the need.)
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
This woman (me)
despises Hillary playing the woman card. I think it is insulting to any critical thinking woman. My vote will not be based upon gender, but will be based upon policy. And there is no way that I will ever vote for Hillary (the hawk) Clinton.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Sorry! That's part of what 'ate my comments' (I think). ;-) NT
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Good Afternoon, JtC and Bluesters,
which news outlets for the "bare news" (not opinions) were you following? I watched Deutsche Welle and France24. Stood away from anything else so far. Their "security expert guy" of France 24 was imo pretty decent. Can't find his interview though. As it seems, whoever says whatever, it's all not "the right thing to say" or "propaganda", I like to say nothing.
I hope tonight's debate HRC, Sanders, O'Malley will not completely piss me off, as I can't stand all the "words of wisdom" which are usually thrown around after such terror attacks.
heh, WHY THE NEW BOSS IS JUST LIKE THE OLD BOSS, had no nerves to read through the whole article, because I was already miffed about the top image of the NSA building from Fort Meade, saying in the caption: "National Security Agency with White House reflected in windows. Photo credit: NSA.GOV / Wikimedia, Carol M. Highsmith / Library of Congress. First the link goes nowhere, second it's impossible for the White House being "reflected" in the windows. Such image manipulation pretending its "serious" is off-putting to me. I know, not important, but I don't like it. Fort Meade is my "friendly" neighbor, so please be so kind and respect my neighbor as you would like respected by your neighbor. /s
and as you would not believe me that France24 can be
a good source to watch at times, may be this guy you would take more seriously than me?
That's what I thought as well.
CNN apparently ran France24
for some time yesterday and a lot of
people on Twitter were remarking on
the dramatic difference from CNN's
hysterical "reporting" of rumors,
"unconfirmed reports" (that turned out
to be bs), etc.
Pluto is right about citizens in the US
living in a media "cone of silence."
There's no reason US cable companies
can't include English-language news
channels from countries besides the
UK (BBC) - except to "shield"
Americans from alternative viewpoints
on world events.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
even if not alternative viewpoints, but just some
calmer and I think also somewhat better questions and comments. But then, it's just my taste.
Today's Peace vigil
I left the house for the Peace vigil in tears this morning. I was so depressed over the latest events and some of the stuff I had read on Facebook. So I was dreading what we would encounter today. Surprisingly, today's Peace vigil went very well. We were not hit with any nasty anti Muslim comments. Only one person who looked at my sign that reads "No More Wars ... Try PEACE!" commented that perhaps ISIS needed to do that. And he walked on. We had several stop and say they supported what we were doing. Folks driving by gave us two fingers (peace sign) instead of one, so it ended up positive.
Perhaps the good will was in large part due to several things. The weather was cool and beautiful, many people were shopping and buying stuff (yes, we have a real downtown!), and the folks from food pantry drive were about 15 feet away so everyone was in a giving mood.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm not surprised the Peace Vigil went well
Or that so many passers-by were
flashing you the 60s-era "peace sign."
I've been seeing references to various
60s-era peace and antiwar song lyrics
sprinkled throughout comment threads
and Twitter all day.
A German pianist even rolled a grand
piano to outside the concert venue where
so many had died and proceeded to play
John Lennon's "Imagine".
For an uplifting news story today, you
can read about it below.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Thank you! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks, Johnny. Been busy around the house (still am), hence
the lack of participation. Have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --