of her heinous diaries! She is the talk of the town! She is the celeb we all want to gather 'round! She is the woman on the move we all aspire to be like! She is the only candidate to vote for so we can keep on being mindless sheeple! We don't hate her, we LOVE her!
More hrc! Let's hear it folks!
More hrc!
More hrc!
More hrc!
Thanks for this, Al - you've given us yet ANOTHER opportunity to throw our love her way!
Have a beautiful afternoon!
0 users have voted.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
We are all Lewis Carroll fans now. Even all 13 who never read them (but have by now, ahem).
0 users have voted.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
You can keep your Marxist ways , for it's only just a phase!
0 users have voted.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
it wasn't about Hillary. I might as well post it in my diary about Hillary.
Are Cops Justified in their Fears?
(Warning: This is not about the election. Or Hillary. Or Daily Kos.)
Another human, a black human, was killed by the cops in San Diego this week. The cops blamed it on the black man pointing a vaping device at them, which they said they mistook for a gun. The man had been acting erratically for about an hour before the cops showed up and it took less than a minute for the man to to be dead.
According to the mayor of San Diego,
"I saw a man who was distraught, and a man acting like he was in great pain," Wells said. "And I saw him get gunned down and killed. If he was my son, I would be devastated."
Sounds like the now dead man was having some trouble with drugs that affected his mental capacity. So the cops shot him, shot him dead.
It reminds me of an old police video I came across a few years back. A police training video from the early 60's on how to deal with the mentally ill.
So what has changed for the cops since 1962? It has been over 50 years since that training video and cops and law enforcement organizations are now armed to the hilt with hair trigger responses to any wrong movement including simple failure to obey orders. If you're a black person in this country, you're taught that if you don't follow the orders of the cops, you might get killed. Hell, any color person could get killed. Is it more dangerous now to be a cop then in 1962? Or say compared to 1980?
"There's a widespread perception in the American public, and particularly within law enforcement, that officers are more threatened, more endangered, more often assaulted, and more often killed than they have been historically," says Seth Stoughton, a law professor at the University of Southern Carolina and former policeman.
"I think it's a very strong perception. People truly believe it. But factually, looking at the numbers, it's not accurate," he says."
Statistically the evidence indicates that cops are less likely to be murdered (as opposed to killed on duty) then they were in 1980 and 1962. The number of cops killed by non law enforcement humans has stayed fairly consistent over the years while at the same time the number of police officers has increased dramatically in the US. There are a quarter of a million more police officers working today than there were three decades ago.
"So when you consider the number of officers killed per 100,000, there has been a dramatic decrease. The annual per capita number of officers killed has dropped from 24 per 100,000 in the 10 years to 1980 to 7.3 per 100,000 in the 10 years to 2013 (the last year for which there is good data)."
So if cops are less likely to be killed now than 1980, why the massive increase in forces and equipment including the militarization of law enforcement in this country? Why the hair trigger responses to acts that in 1962 would have typically been handled differently, i.e., by not killing the person? Why all the violence and tanks and drones and faceless masks? Has violent crime increased to the point that while not more lethal to cops, the overall work environment is more dangerous because of it?
The answer to that is no also. There has been a overall reduction in crime, including homicides and violent crimes since 1980. Cops and cop supporters don't like to hear this and most will try to dispute the facts. But it's true, violent crime is down, all crime is down and if you took out the bogus War on Drugs, crime would be about the same as early (white man) America when there were no police forces. Take away the War OF Terror and the War OF Drugs and we can get rid of over half the cops in this country without blinking an eye.
It's like with the military industrial complex (MIC) and war, the Law Enforcement/Prison industrial, which has basically merged with the MIC and the Intelligence/Homeland Security industrial complex relative to being connected global corporation driven, drives the train. Selling more police gear, more tanks, more drones, more tazers, more body armor, more Startrooper uniforms, etc., requires selling fear. Fear to the cops and fear to the public. The war OF terror has added greatly to the fear and to the police state buildup we're experiencing. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security enables the ruling class to bring all law enforcement in the country under one umbrella, and in a state of emergency, under the President's authority. The United States is in a perpetual state of emergency.
Look at your city and country law enforcement budgets. The total cost of "defense", (nod, nod, wink, wink), intelligence and security programs at the national level is above one trillion per year, encompassing over 60% of the national discretionary budget. Law enforcement and prison budgets across the country have shown similar steady increases over the decades also encompassing larger portions of city, state and country budgets. Add of the total cost of all state, city and county law enforcement and prison programs in the country, and personnel involved, and we're talking another out of control system. A veritable police state.
We're in a perpetual state of war, a perpetual state of emergency, a perpetual state of propaganda and lies, a perpetual state of militarization, a perpetual state of oligarchy, a perpetual state of police state, spying, wealth inequality, you name it. The Perpetual States of the United States of America. Round and round we go, where we stop, nobody knows.
There's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear.
There's a man with a gun over there, telling me I've got to beware
I think it's time we stop children, what's that sound, everybody look what's going down.
over half of police on-duty deaths were traffic related, ie. car accidents. i'm not going to claim that that proves anything about the safety of the job, but if we're talking about cops being killed by "perps" then you've got a profession that is far less dangerous than, say, working in a restaurant.
jimmy dore has a lot to say about how police, by their training, are prone to escalate rather than defuse any given situation based on perceptions of slights toward their authority. noncompliance in general is not a reason for a cop to fear for his life.
bear in mind i'm pretty sure this clip bases its numbers on bureau of labor statistics numbers, which include traffic related fatalities.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The only thingdeescalatemeans to 2010's US civilian police is the way one gets from Elm Wood Suburban Emporium Mall level II to Elm Wood Suburban Emporium Mall level I without using the stairs or elevator.
Question: How many unarmed white people have been shot by police? How many white children have been shot by police? One would think the numbers would be higher than those of blacks being shot given the disparity in population numbers. That is not to say that spreading the misery is the solution.
0 users have voted.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The quote you attributed to the mayor of San Diego (Kevin Faulconer), was actually made by Bill Wells, the mayor of El Cajon, the city where the shooting took place.
0 users have voted.
I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.
Bayes' principle in statistics can tell you that the likelihood is almost zero that in any given encounter a police officer will be shot dead by anyone (other than friendly fire from another officer), except in the following situations:
A. The individual has already fired the gun at someone or something before the officer has even confronted the individual.
B. The individual ambushes the cop, in which case the cop is usually shot before even realizing the individual is there.
C. The individual is CLEARLY brandishing a firearm AND verbally threatening to shoot the cop.
I'm more likely to die in a car accident driving to work than is a police officer to be shot dead by ANYBODY the officer has stopped for a routine traffic incident. If the police officer thinks the driver is reaching for a gun, the police officer is almost certainly wrong, has been inadequately trained, and needs to be removed from duty until such time as a driver can reach into the glove compartment without triggering the officer's fight or flight response. If the police officer sees a gun on the front seat, the officer is almost certainly mistaken, and even if not the driver is almost certainly not planning to lunge for the gun and shoot the officer.
Based on such data as are available, I believe (I'm not absolutely certain) that Bayesian inference tells us that the likelihood of an african american teenager observed playing in a park shooting a police officer is, in fact, identically 0. For that matter, not that I follow these statistics, but I don't know whether any police officer has ever been shot dead by an African American teenager who wasn't either in the middle of a violent crime when the officer arrived on the scene, or fleeing after perpetrating a violent crime that the officer had actually witnessed, or, in other words, in some circumstance where doubt about the risk to the officer simply wasn't in play.
The fact is that the number of officers who are shot dead each year, other than under the circumstances I listed -- an ambush, or a shootout in which the person doing the shooting has had the opportunity to fire from cover -- is almost 0.
The bottom line is simple: Out of all of the hundreds of thousands of police officers at work in the US, only a few dozen will ever be confronted by a situation where they are in real danger of being shot at by someone they have confronted, other than someone who is already very conspicuously carrying out a violent crime and/or explicitly threatening to shoot them. The conclusion is simple: No police officer should ever shoot anyone who isn't in the actual process of physically harming someone, and/or actually firing a gun, and/or pointing a gun at someone after clearly and unmistakenly brandishing the gun, because outside of those circumstances the odds are about 1 in 10000 that the person is both armed with a gun and willing, intending, and capable of shooting anybody with it; or if armed with some other weapon (e.g. a knife) willing, intending, and capable of harming the police officer with that weapon.
On the other hand, if the problem is not that the officers are afraid of being shot dead, but rather of being hurt in a violent confrontation with an uncooperative citizen, all I can say is, lots of people have jobs where they're at risk of getting hurt. Mostly they do the jobs nonetheless, and without killing anyone else out of fear for their own physical safety. However, it's crystal clear that the single most effective thing officers can do to avoid serious injury on the job is to treat their patrol cars like Batmobiles, and every suspect as a Joker-level criminal worthy of a 100 mph chase through residential streets.
0 users have voted.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
My therapist, who by coincidence is a strong Hillary Clinton supporter, thinks it will do wonders for my self-esteem and self-confidence if I resolve to eschew any further involvement in radical left-wing politics, embrace the sensible centrist progressive candidate who gets things done (Hillary, in case you didn't recognize the description), and attempt to mend fences with my estranged former soulmates at Daily Kos. Before doing anything hasty, and running the risk of alienating myself still further, I decided to do a trial run and post a draft copy of my apology / mea culpa diary here. So here goes:
Hooray For Hillary! or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace My Inner NeoLiberal
After regrettable and ill-advised flirtations with the execrable Senator Bernard Sanders, as well as the pathetically irrelevant Doctor Jill Stein, I want all my fellow Kossnians to know that I have finally come to my senses and got fully on board the unstoppable Hillary Victory Train. I have many complex, subtle, and in some cases contradictory reasons for doing so, some of which I will touch on in this diary.
But first I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all those folks here who never stopped believing in me (assuming there were any), and even those who did. Because now I know full well that even as you heaped scorn, ridicule, contempt and disdain upon my head, there was always a great deal of love, compassion and understanding behind the angry, bitter, vituperative and often obscene words. Or at least, so I would like to believe.
I could easily think of several dozen compelling reasons to vote for Hillary in the short period of time between wakefulness and rolling out of bed in the morning - and in the even shorter time between rolling out of bed and emptying my bladder, several more. But allow me to just touch on a few which I think would be most effective in swaying those voters who still - a mere five and a half weeks before the election - remain perched on the proverbial fence, as it were.
Hillary Has Experience! Hillary's fantastic resume boasts a stint as unofficial Co-President, Senator from New York, Secretary of State, and Toastmaster Par Excellance, building valuable and essential bridges between government and the private sector during her years on the speaking circuit. No candidate has ever come forward who is as qualified as Hillary - even President Obama says so, and we all know that President Obama is easily the most popular and beloved president since "Honest" Abe Lincoln. And it's widely recognized that Lincoln's approval numbers were artificially boosted by his unfortunate assassination.
She's a Progressive, but She's a Progressive Who Makes a Difference! Yes, it's always easy to run around the country making speeches, or second guess and backseat drive from the sidelines, but the fact remains that only Hillary has been fighting in the trenches for over thirty years, trying all the while to make things better for the little folk whose love and support she has always depended on. That's why she supported the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which made poor neighborhoods safer by removing so many super-predators from the streets. That's why she supported the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, which fostered renewed self-respect and self-reliance amongst the poor, by breaking the cycle of dependence between people of limited means and the government. And that's why she supported the North American Free Trade Agreement, which helped the American work force become leaner and meaner by fostering a spirit of healthy competition between American workers and their foreign counterparts.
Well, I could go on, but to tell the truth I'm getting all teary-eyed, and am starting to blubber a bit, just thinking of the sheer awesomeness of Hillary, and all she has done to help this great country of ours, and all she will surely do in the future. It's all a bit overwhelming... I think I need to go take my meds and lie down for awhile. Meantime, I ask again from the bottom of my heart for all you generous folk to forgive me my prior follies and heresies, and welcome me back into your fold with strong yet loving and compassionate arms, just like the ones Hillary has. Thank you.
Okay, maybe a little rough around the edges, but they'll easily be able to see that my heart's in the right place, no?
What I wouldn't dream of being spat at in the face!
(in keeping with the Python theme.)
0 users have voted.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Hillary Clinton is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life
0 users have voted.
Hillary: Making sure women get a bigger piece of the middle-class pie that her neoliberal, DLC, pro-Wall Street, pro-Pentagon, pro-TPP, Republican-lite economic policies are designed to shrink.
I have a friend who -- back when people used to try to engage him in thoughtful political debate, until it became undeniably clear that he owned the biggest pair of HRC Blinders -- describe her as ... wait for it ... tender.
The long term poster there, Lying eyes, beat you too this back in 2008. She was nasty Obama hater and grand scale PUMA who left the site in fits of rage, angst and hate. She came sniveling back a few months later begging to be accepted back into the club. I wasn't going to link to her diary, but since I was there to look it up anyway... PUMA no more - I'm coming home
0 users have voted.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
if the government doesn't give them a bailout, then they can opt for a bailin.
In this case the c99p management refuses to give Al a 6 week timeout, so he must opt for a timein. Which means Al must write a Hillary Clinton diary, essay, every day for 6 weeks.
If anyone can do it, you can - I have faith in you!
Besides, she's done and said enough horrendous/disgusting stuff to fill probably about the same number of diaries as she's had dollars in corporate 'speaking fees'/donations/in-kind contributions from persons other than regular Americans/entities/SuperPacs, etc. - even if her half of the multi-billion-dollar Fundation were to be included, which we won't here.
How you'd get through this without the use of recreational substances, I've no idea, but I believe that the subject matter makes it medicinal/therapeutic.
0 users have voted.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I have an inner ear problem that makes going down stairs without having a handrail to steady me scary. But I have no problem going up the stairs. And I regularly walk four or more miles nearly every day.
0 users have voted.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It would be an HONOR to help you balance to walk down steps. Any steps. I'm sorry if my comments in any way offended you.
As for Her Heinious, maybe we could have a raffle to see who gets to push( oops, I meant) her? There is no chance we'll ever get to learn all the things which are wrong with her.
Noticing the Debate folks are now saying, in fact, there was something wrong with Trump's microphone.
Meniere's. Vertigo symptoms that would kidnap me at any moment, usually at least once or twice a month for almost five years. All due to NSAIDs. Now that I'm off arthritis meds.... no vertigo. But the damage to my ear was done. 4 blow outs in just one ear has left me with hearing issues and... still some sense of vertigo while going down stairs. I go slow at the hockey arena to my seats LOL. Up no problem, down big one.
I've noticed that I developed out of the blue a horrible fear of heights. I feel like I'm literally being pulled. But worst is that I freak out over my kids or any kid near an a high edge. It's like I can't breath, like I'm about to die. It's hard for me to hike but I do it and keep my eyes forward. But at one area, there were all these brats running around without supervision and I literally fuhreaked. I had to sit down and cry. I was not myself.
Still learning how to cope. Thanks big pharm for nothing.
Edit; I've noticed the same feeling as falling while in my kayak out in a deep lake. But I know it's due to my ear and I try to "shake it off".
Your balance is controlled mostly by your inner ear. If there are inner ear issues, you use your eyes to compensate. I have noticed that in low light or dark conditions, my balance issues are far worse. And in reading, I saw that descending is worse than ascending simply because your eyes work better that way. It is frustrating, but not the end of the world. I have been doing some exercises that seem to help.
Thank you for your kind words, Janet and I hope you will be able to cope with your inner ear problems too. (((hugs)))
Edit: I am not on any medications, but attribute my probs to old age! Ugh.
0 users have voted.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
to find a sympathetic physical therapist with balance training. As gg says, eyes are important, and after some weeks of eye retraining I got over my (newish) fear of descending stairs. It has begun again, and I have my little short focus toys to help. But I am scared again.
0 users have voted.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
FBI Director James Comey says Hillary can't remember basic protocols. She has full command of the facts during #debates. #ComeyHearings
And the list that follows is pretty telling, even if she's just claiming senility... and still wants to attack myriad other countries to keep all those promises literally of the world to big donors. Of course, senility might explain the whole thing.
(Edit for forgotten block quotes.)
0 users have voted.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I love that we just can't get enough
of her heinous diaries! She is the talk of the town! She is the celeb we all want to gather 'round! She is the woman on the move we all aspire to be like! She is the only candidate to vote for so we can keep on being mindless sheeple! We don't hate her, we LOVE her!
More hrc! Let's hear it folks!
More hrc!
More hrc!
More hrc!
Thanks for this, Al - you've given us yet ANOTHER opportunity to throw our love her way!
Have a beautiful afternoon!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
C99 could have a theme song, maybe with the tune of
Spam by Monty Python. "Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, HIllary. " We could form a committee to write the lyrics.
just for the record,
this works too.
I still prefer Joel and the
I still prefer Joel and the Bots' version. https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=fXkMfyjo7PU
Yes! Brilliant idea!
A theme song! I soooooooooooooooooo wish I would have thought of that!!!
edited for typos hrc would have my head for!!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Another Queen of Hearts reference, bow to Her Heinous!
We are all Lewis Carroll fans now. Even all 13 who never read them (but have by now, ahem).
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I came here looking for an argument ...
No, you didn't.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Yes I did!
Shakes head.
No, you didn't.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Abuse is down the hall
second door on your left........ no right......
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Ah, the classics.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
You did?
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Python song about Hillary?
How about "The Money Song"
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Trump could have a theme that just repeats his name to the beat of the 'A-Team'.
Trump-Trump-Trump....Trump-Trump-Trump....TRRRRupm-Trump-Trump, Trump-Trumpa-Trump....
very late to this thread, but I have to say
That's exactly what one of my kitties sounds like when he's hocking up a hairball. Onomatopoeia suddenly makes sense!
Think off-center.
George Carlin
Cain't say as I knows her. Is she one o'them Fox wimminz? Seems like she's on there a bunch!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
i used to be a bernie supporter
before his supporters' diaries' brevity made it clear to me that they were all racists.
Here's the "Essay" I was going to post until I realized
it wasn't about Hillary. I might as well post it in my diary about Hillary.
Are Cops Justified in their Fears?
(Warning: This is not about the election. Or Hillary. Or Daily Kos.)
Another human, a black human, was killed by the cops in San Diego this week. The cops blamed it on the black man pointing a vaping device at them, which they said they mistook for a gun. The man had been acting erratically for about an hour before the cops showed up and it took less than a minute for the man to to be dead.
According to the mayor of San Diego,
"I saw a man who was distraught, and a man acting like he was in great pain," Wells said. "And I saw him get gunned down and killed. If he was my son, I would be devastated."
Sounds like the now dead man was having some trouble with drugs that affected his mental capacity. So the cops shot him, shot him dead.
It reminds me of an old police video I came across a few years back. A police training video from the early 60's on how to deal with the mentally ill.
Here's a recent police training video of how to deal with mentally ill people in 21st century police state Amerika.
So what has changed for the cops since 1962? It has been over 50 years since that training video and cops and law enforcement organizations are now armed to the hilt with hair trigger responses to any wrong movement including simple failure to obey orders. If you're a black person in this country, you're taught that if you don't follow the orders of the cops, you might get killed. Hell, any color person could get killed. Is it more dangerous now to be a cop then in 1962? Or say compared to 1980?
Statistically the evidence indicates that cops are less likely to be murdered (as opposed to killed on duty) then they were in 1980 and 1962. The number of cops killed by non law enforcement humans has stayed fairly consistent over the years while at the same time the number of police officers has increased dramatically in the US. There are a quarter of a million more police officers working today than there were three decades ago.
So if cops are less likely to be killed now than 1980, why the massive increase in forces and equipment including the militarization of law enforcement in this country? Why the hair trigger responses to acts that in 1962 would have typically been handled differently, i.e., by not killing the person? Why all the violence and tanks and drones and faceless masks? Has violent crime increased to the point that while not more lethal to cops, the overall work environment is more dangerous because of it?
The answer to that is no also. There has been a overall reduction in crime, including homicides and violent crimes since 1980. Cops and cop supporters don't like to hear this and most will try to dispute the facts. But it's true, violent crime is down, all crime is down and if you took out the bogus War on Drugs, crime would be about the same as early (white man) America when there were no police forces. Take away the War OF Terror and the War OF Drugs and we can get rid of over half the cops in this country without blinking an eye.
It's like with the military industrial complex (MIC) and war, the Law Enforcement/Prison industrial, which has basically merged with the MIC and the Intelligence/Homeland Security industrial complex relative to being connected global corporation driven, drives the train. Selling more police gear, more tanks, more drones, more tazers, more body armor, more Startrooper uniforms, etc., requires selling fear. Fear to the cops and fear to the public. The war OF terror has added greatly to the fear and to the police state buildup we're experiencing. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security enables the ruling class to bring all law enforcement in the country under one umbrella, and in a state of emergency, under the President's authority. The United States is in a perpetual state of emergency.
Look at your city and country law enforcement budgets. The total cost of "defense", (nod, nod, wink, wink), intelligence and security programs at the national level is above one trillion per year, encompassing over 60% of the national discretionary budget. Law enforcement and prison budgets across the country have shown similar steady increases over the decades also encompassing larger portions of city, state and country budgets. Add of the total cost of all state, city and county law enforcement and prison programs in the country, and personnel involved, and we're talking another out of control system. A veritable police state.
We're in a perpetual state of war, a perpetual state of emergency, a perpetual state of propaganda and lies, a perpetual state of militarization, a perpetual state of oligarchy, a perpetual state of police state, spying, wealth inequality, you name it. The Perpetual States of the United States of America. Round and round we go, where we stop, nobody knows.
There's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear.
There's a man with a gun over there, telling me I've got to beware
I think it's time we stop children, what's that sound, everybody look what's going down.
last time i checked
over half of police on-duty deaths were traffic related, ie. car accidents. i'm not going to claim that that proves anything about the safety of the job, but if we're talking about cops being killed by "perps" then you've got a profession that is far less dangerous than, say, working in a restaurant.
jimmy dore has a lot to say about how police, by their training, are prone to escalate rather than defuse any given situation based on perceptions of slights toward their authority. noncompliance in general is not a reason for a cop to fear for his life.
bear in mind i'm pretty sure this clip bases its numbers on bureau of labor statistics numbers, which include traffic related fatalities.
Apparantly, I type slower than you do, but
we think alike. = ) His piece was based on a Time magazine article. the article can be found here: The Most Dangerous Jobs in America.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The only thing deescalate means to 2010's US civilian police is the way one gets from Elm Wood Suburban Emporium Mall level II to Elm Wood Suburban Emporium Mall level I without using the stairs or elevator.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Jimmy Dore had a good piece on this:
Question: How many unarmed white people have been shot by police? How many white children have been shot by police? One would think the numbers would be higher than those of blacks being shot given the disparity in population numbers. That is not to say that spreading the misery is the solution.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Al, just wanted to let you know
The quote you attributed to the mayor of San Diego (Kevin Faulconer), was actually made by Bill Wells, the mayor of El Cajon, the city where the shooting took place.
I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.
Thanks for that. Guess it's just a well I made it a
comment instead of an essay.
anyone with a basic understanding of
Bayes' principle in statistics can tell you that the likelihood is almost zero that in any given encounter a police officer will be shot dead by anyone (other than friendly fire from another officer), except in the following situations:
A. The individual has already fired the gun at someone or something before the officer has even confronted the individual.
B. The individual ambushes the cop, in which case the cop is usually shot before even realizing the individual is there.
C. The individual is CLEARLY brandishing a firearm AND verbally threatening to shoot the cop.
I'm more likely to die in a car accident driving to work than is a police officer to be shot dead by ANYBODY the officer has stopped for a routine traffic incident. If the police officer thinks the driver is reaching for a gun, the police officer is almost certainly wrong, has been inadequately trained, and needs to be removed from duty until such time as a driver can reach into the glove compartment without triggering the officer's fight or flight response. If the police officer sees a gun on the front seat, the officer is almost certainly mistaken, and even if not the driver is almost certainly not planning to lunge for the gun and shoot the officer.
Based on such data as are available, I believe (I'm not absolutely certain) that Bayesian inference tells us that the likelihood of an african american teenager observed playing in a park shooting a police officer is, in fact, identically 0. For that matter, not that I follow these statistics, but I don't know whether any police officer has ever been shot dead by an African American teenager who wasn't either in the middle of a violent crime when the officer arrived on the scene, or fleeing after perpetrating a violent crime that the officer had actually witnessed, or, in other words, in some circumstance where doubt about the risk to the officer simply wasn't in play.
The fact is that the number of officers who are shot dead each year, other than under the circumstances I listed -- an ambush, or a shootout in which the person doing the shooting has had the opportunity to fire from cover -- is almost 0.
The bottom line is simple: Out of all of the hundreds of thousands of police officers at work in the US, only a few dozen will ever be confronted by a situation where they are in real danger of being shot at by someone they have confronted, other than someone who is already very conspicuously carrying out a violent crime and/or explicitly threatening to shoot them. The conclusion is simple: No police officer should ever shoot anyone who isn't in the actual process of physically harming someone, and/or actually firing a gun, and/or pointing a gun at someone after clearly and unmistakenly brandishing the gun, because outside of those circumstances the odds are about 1 in 10000 that the person is both armed with a gun and willing, intending, and capable of shooting anybody with it; or if armed with some other weapon (e.g. a knife) willing, intending, and capable of harming the police officer with that weapon.
On the other hand, if the problem is not that the officers are afraid of being shot dead, but rather of being hurt in a violent confrontation with an uncooperative citizen, all I can say is, lots of people have jobs where they're at risk of getting hurt. Mostly they do the jobs nonetheless, and without killing anyone else out of fear for their own physical safety. However, it's crystal clear that the single most effective thing officers can do to avoid serious injury on the job is to treat their patrol cars like Batmobiles, and every suspect as a Joker-level criminal worthy of a 100 mph chase through residential streets.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Please allow me to introduce myself
My therapist, who by coincidence is a strong Hillary Clinton supporter, thinks it will do wonders for my self-esteem and self-confidence if I resolve to eschew any further involvement in radical left-wing politics, embrace the sensible centrist progressive candidate who gets things done (Hillary, in case you didn't recognize the description), and attempt to mend fences with my estranged former soulmates at Daily Kos. Before doing anything hasty, and running the risk of alienating myself still further, I decided to do a trial run and post a draft copy of my apology / mea culpa diary here. So here goes:
Hooray For Hillary! or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace My Inner NeoLiberal
After regrettable and ill-advised flirtations with the execrable Senator Bernard Sanders, as well as the pathetically irrelevant Doctor Jill Stein, I want all my fellow Kossnians to know that I have finally come to my senses and got fully on board the unstoppable Hillary Victory Train. I have many complex, subtle, and in some cases contradictory reasons for doing so, some of which I will touch on in this diary.
But first I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all those folks here who never stopped believing in me (assuming there were any), and even those who did. Because now I know full well that even as you heaped scorn, ridicule, contempt and disdain upon my head, there was always a great deal of love, compassion and understanding behind the angry, bitter, vituperative and often obscene words. Or at least, so I would like to believe.
I could easily think of several dozen compelling reasons to vote for Hillary in the short period of time between wakefulness and rolling out of bed in the morning - and in the even shorter time between rolling out of bed and emptying my bladder, several more. But allow me to just touch on a few which I think would be most effective in swaying those voters who still - a mere five and a half weeks before the election - remain perched on the proverbial fence, as it were.
Hillary Has Experience! Hillary's fantastic resume boasts a stint as unofficial Co-President, Senator from New York, Secretary of State, and Toastmaster Par Excellance, building valuable and essential bridges between government and the private sector during her years on the speaking circuit. No candidate has ever come forward who is as qualified as Hillary - even President Obama says so, and we all know that President Obama is easily the most popular and beloved president since "Honest" Abe Lincoln. And it's widely recognized that Lincoln's approval numbers were artificially boosted by his unfortunate assassination.
She's a Progressive, but She's a Progressive Who Makes a Difference! Yes, it's always easy to run around the country making speeches, or second guess and backseat drive from the sidelines, but the fact remains that only Hillary has been fighting in the trenches for over thirty years, trying all the while to make things better for the little folk whose love and support she has always depended on. That's why she supported the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which made poor neighborhoods safer by removing so many super-predators from the streets. That's why she supported the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, which fostered renewed self-respect and self-reliance amongst the poor, by breaking the cycle of dependence between people of limited means and the government. And that's why she supported the North American Free Trade Agreement, which helped the American work force become leaner and meaner by fostering a spirit of healthy competition between American workers and their foreign counterparts.
Well, I could go on, but to tell the truth I'm getting all teary-eyed, and am starting to blubber a bit, just thinking of the sheer awesomeness of Hillary, and all she has done to help this great country of ours, and all she will surely do in the future. It's all a bit overwhelming... I think I need to go take my meds and lie down for awhile. Meantime, I ask again from the bottom of my heart for all you generous folk to forgive me my prior follies and heresies, and welcome me back into your fold with strong yet loving and compassionate arms, just like the ones Hillary has. Thank you.
Okay, maybe a little rough around the edges, but they'll easily be able to see that my heart's in the right place, no?
inactive account
The scary thing is there are people like that.
They remind me of this guy:
What I wouldn't dream of being spat at in the face!
(in keeping with the Python theme.)
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I know just how you feel.
Hillary Clinton is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life
Hillary: Making sure women get a bigger piece of the middle-class pie that her neoliberal, DLC, pro-Wall Street, pro-Pentagon, pro-TPP, Republican-lite economic policies are designed to shrink.
I have a friend who -- back when people used to try to engage him in thoughtful political debate, until it became undeniably clear that he owned the biggest pair of HRC Blinders -- describe her as ... wait for it ... tender.
I almost peed my pants when I read it.
You come frighteningly close
to being actual campaign literature in places.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Suggest you get a new therapist
Too late!!! It's already been done!
The long term poster there, Lying eyes, beat you too this back in 2008. She was nasty Obama hater and grand scale PUMA who left the site in fits of rage, angst and hate. She came sniveling back a few months later begging to be accepted back into the club. I wasn't going to link to her diary, but since I was there to look it up anyway... PUMA no more - I'm coming home
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Excessive sarcasm
Beware the bullshit factories.
Hmm, there's an idea. That would bring us just
past the election. Gracias!
Al is like a banker...
if the government doesn't give them a bailout, then they can opt for a bailin.
In this case the c99p management refuses to give Al a 6 week timeout, so he must opt for a timein. Which means Al must write a Hillary Clinton
diary, essay, every day for 6 weeks.That'll fix his ass.
That's just cruel man.
There's only so many ways to call someone a war criminal serial killer.
If anyone can do it, you can
If anyone can do it, you can - I have faith in you!
Besides, she's done and said enough horrendous/disgusting stuff to fill probably about the same number of diaries as she's had dollars in corporate 'speaking fees'/donations/in-kind contributions from persons other than regular Americans/entities/SuperPacs, etc. - even if her half of the multi-billion-dollar Fundation were to be included, which we won't here.
How you'd get through this without the use of recreational substances, I've no idea, but I believe that the subject matter makes it medicinal/therapeutic.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I love this diary! All of the content, none of the verbiage.
Can't think of a better way to express our devotion to Her Heinous.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
And while on your time out penalty
You have to help Her walk down stairs:
To be fair
I have an inner ear problem that makes going down stairs without having a handrail to steady me scary. But I have no problem going up the stairs. And I regularly walk four or more miles nearly every day.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
hugs to gulfgal98
It would be an HONOR to help you balance to walk down steps. Any steps. I'm sorry if my comments in any way offended you.
As for Her Heinious, maybe we could have a raffle to see who gets to push( oops, I meant) her? There is no chance we'll ever get to learn all the things which are wrong with her.
Noticing the Debate folks are now saying, in fact, there was something wrong with Trump's microphone.
Dear Caerus
No offense taken whatsoever. (((hugs))) back at ya!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Something similar for me as well
Meniere's. Vertigo symptoms that would kidnap me at any moment, usually at least once or twice a month for almost five years. All due to NSAIDs. Now that I'm off arthritis meds.... no vertigo. But the damage to my ear was done. 4 blow outs in just one ear has left me with hearing issues and... still some sense of vertigo while going down stairs. I go slow at the hockey arena to my seats LOL. Up no problem, down big one.
I've noticed that I developed out of the blue a horrible fear of heights. I feel like I'm literally being pulled. But worst is that I freak out over my kids or any kid near an a high edge. It's like I can't breath, like I'm about to die. It's hard for me to hike but I do it and keep my eyes forward. But at one area, there were all these brats running around without supervision and I literally fuhreaked. I had to sit down and cry. I was not myself.
Still learning how to cope. Thanks big pharm for nothing.
Edit; I've noticed the same feeling as falling while in my kayak out in a deep lake. But I know it's due to my ear and I try to "shake it off".
Be well GG
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I have been reading a little
Your balance is controlled mostly by your inner ear. If there are inner ear issues, you use your eyes to compensate. I have noticed that in low light or dark conditions, my balance issues are far worse. And in reading, I saw that descending is worse than ascending simply because your eyes work better that way. It is frustrating, but not the end of the world. I have been doing some exercises that seem to help.
Thank you for your kind words, Janet and I hope you will be able to cope with your inner ear problems too. (((hugs)))
Edit: I am not on any medications, but attribute my probs to old age! Ugh.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I would suggest to all of (with insurance, OMG)
to find a sympathetic physical therapist with balance training. As gg says, eyes are important, and after some weeks of eye retraining I got over my (newish) fear of descending stairs. It has begun again, and I have my little short focus toys to help. But I am scared again.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
In a nutshell!
Great read. Thanks. Have you cross-posted over at The Daily Cackle?
from a reasonably stable genius.
You made me laugh! :) (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Came across this:
Came across this:
And the list that follows is pretty telling, even if she's just claiming senility... and still wants to attack myriad other countries to keep all those promises literally of the world to big donors. Of course, senility might explain the whole thing.
(Edit for forgotten block quotes.)
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Great post, Big Al!
I am informed, ripping ready to vote!
Keep 'em coming, dude!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981