No I'm Not A "Hillary Hater"
I was reading an Article in Slate and that sort of simplistic cover all title really annoys me.
The title was "The Hillary Haters".
It might seem as though nothing much has changed in 20 years. Many people disliked Hillary Clinton when she first emerged onto the political scene, and many people dislike her now. She is on track to become the least popular Democratic nominee in modern history, although voters like Donald Trump even less.
When you read the article "Hillary Haters" cover the range from disagreement on policy through to actual spitting mad hate.
Hate :- to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest:
I distrust Hillary, then again the number of politicians that I trust is few and far between.
I couldn't care less about Hillary's and Bill's private lives and I have never met either and am really not sure that I would want to, we have zero in common.
I don't trust her and this is has been based in the long history of DADT and DOMA and subsequent reversals of that stance.
I don't trust her because of the C Street ties and the embedded nature of relationship with Wall Street. I don't trust the influence of religions or money.
I don't like her condescending attitude with respect to long term policy goals of the left with respect to education and health care.
Her stance on foreign policy and trade policy, whilst there is little deviation from standard US foreign policy is one thing that has annoyed me for decades and has at its roots have nothing to do with her. My problem is she is going to continue the exact same policies just as Obama has done. Obama deserves more direct criticism because he actually promised to change them, more fool me for believing him. One thing she is not promising to do is to change her world view.
"Hating Hillary" would require on my part some form of personal investment or sense of betrayal. I feel neither, disappointment of her being "just more of the same" would be closer to my actual feelings.
The fact I do not support her and will fight against her, I'm not a Democrat for a start, I'm a socialist that believes in the democratic process. Politically we are poles apart. I'm a pacifist, she sees nothing wrong with wars and overthrowing governments that stand in the way of US hegemony.
It's simple we don't have the same world view, on some things we agree [women's rights] yet still disagree [abortion rights], my body is my own and that is where some libertarianism on my part comes to the fore. My relationship and sexuality is nobodies business but my own [my partner says she has some interest in this however] and her speech on DOMA still rankles, it fucking hurt like hell at them time. Hillary however was not alone in that, many others were more vicious in their attacks and some of them I even knew, well. However, I expected more from Democrats as a whole.
Hillary encapsulates what I have been fighting against for a long time now, the "common wisdom" and the status quo, in this election she represents that fully. She is the establishments representative.
Trump is a sign of the times, spoilt, vicious and ignorant, he represents the rotting putrid core of the right. I wont be voting for him by the way.
Just because I wont vote for whom you select as the "least bad" does not mean I "hate them". I'm tired of this and now unwilling to help maintain this farce any longer.
So it's a "no" from me and don't dare try and count that twice.
I would guess I am not alone in this.

You left out her Endless Pointless Wars
which the cynic in me says actually did have a point: War Profiteering. So in honor of all the dead in her wake, you can put me down in the Hate column.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
For me that comes under the foriegn policy part
War on Drugs
War on Terror
Drone wars
Assisting overthrowing governments in Central America [Honduras]
Those are exactly the reasons why I do hate her.
I also hate her lawyer tactics against rape victims/survivors.
I hate her just like I hate other horrible people.
I've actually protested the warmonger in person.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
If you could group warmongers into a bag and throw it
metaphorically off a bridge I'd have no objections.
I'm a Liberal, I don't litter :)
But I would like to duct tape them to a carnival rotor spinner ride and leave them on that for all eternity... that would be swell
Or I could put them all in the worm compost bin!? Naw, they're too vile for worm poop.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Hmm methinks I was "hangry"
went out got something in my stomach...
Where were we again?
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I didn't think I "hated" hillary clinton. Then this.
I guess I hate least according to the definition....but take the hostile part out....keep the "dislike intensely and detest". OK, I kinda hate her....
I hate the policies, the person sometimes is irrelevant
if not her then another mock-up would be in place.
Same here,
I don't hate anybody. It goes against my instinct to hate individual people, even if I don't like them at all. It's possible stand up against a person, to forcefully oppose them, to get right in their face if necessary, without actually hating them personally.
Fine native, does not work in RL.
I cannot remove policy-promotion from the individual doing such, proselytizing. I am able to make distinctions between individuals and practice. Harder up the food chain to allow destruction by individual will.
-no hate of those who home-school, just suspicion and distrust.
-no hate of those inducted into Armed Services, just sadness.
-no hate of the multiple tax-collectors, doing their paid duty, just resignation. see sigline.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Maybe you're right,
I don't know. Certainly there are people who have ample reason to hate other people. Personally I am more inclined to hate evil that is done, than to hate people who do it. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” seems about right to me. However I would not be above punching an adversary in the mouth, rather than turning the other cheek, if the situation called for it.
I hate her.
I hate her for what she's done, what she's enabled to be done, and what I'm guessing she plans (to continue) to do.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I cant single her out from the crowd, more disdain than hate
on my part
There's a difference between hate and contempt
My own feelings about her are better characterized as "contempt." If she would retire from politics and enjoy her grandchild in her comfortable Chappaqua compound, I would happily never give her another thought. But she, her embarrassing husband, and her worthless daughter persist in pursuing the family business of industrial scale graft and influence peddling. The Clintons are preeminent practitioners of the latter-day subornation of our government by oligarchic interests.
They are contemptible. Hate implies a personal investment in them. Nothing could be further from the truth that to say I hate her. I wouldn't dream of bothering.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I would have a hard time letting her retire quietly just like
have with W Bush.
HRC is responsible for far too many deaths of innocents for me to not support her being held accountable for as long as it takes.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Slate is an Organ for Neoliberal Propaganda
I skimmed the article, wasn't worth my time to read it carefully. As far as I could tell, it's the same old straw man bullshit that is being frequently deployed in order to discredit anyone who dares oppose Hillary, particularly those on the left side of the political spectrum. The argument is that a deep and irrational hatred and distrust has been carefully nurtured by decades of sustained attacks by right-wing media outlets - the ever reliable vast right-wing conspiracy argument.
The idea that anyone could oppose her on the basis of her corporate-friendly, militaristic agenda, her deplorable public record or her haughty and grating personality is not taken seriously. No, her only sin is being an ambitious, high profile woman who has enraged the conservative media by her bold championing of liberal causes, and has refused to conform to the stereotype of how women in the public arena should conduct themselves. Poor Hillary - now reaping the bitter fruit of decades of unjust character assassination. Boo hoo.
inactive account
I know, now most of the so called progressive sites
have travelled down the same meme strewn path
By that definition, I hate her.
She has wielded her power in cruel and deadly manner. She didn't do it because everyone else did.
Nope, she showed them all how it was successfully done.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I might be tempted to look at the supporters because
without them she would be a lawyer somewhere I wouldn't give a damn about
You are definitely NOT alone n/t
I HATE being dumbed down during presidential campaigns
and HRC's year and a half long coronation has battered my brain and our entire democracy to a pulpy mess. We're all caught in her gaslit soup and everywhere we turn is another burning lie. And because we want to save ourselves/the planet from such we are humiliated and psychologically abused while forced to watch our neighbors/friends manipulated as armies of henchmen for a now victimized democracy. Boo that.
Yay to caucus99% tho!
Exceptional comment!
The premise is that if you hate Hillary's policies then you must
hate Hillary personally as well.
I think that sometimes happens and sometimes it doesn't and that it depends on how consistently and persistently you find yourself on the opposing side of someone's public stances. It also has to do with with the candidate's track record how much credibility you are willing to assign them when they take their public stances.
For instance, disliking just about every single thing GW Bush did in office, did translate into a personal dislike, at least it did for me. How could it not? I know I didn't go around talking about gee, I really disagree with W about torture, but he's still a great guy and I still would like to have a beer with him. No, because I found his policies repugnant, I found him repugnant. I really think I would have to be Mother Teresa to feel otherwise. And when you don't like someone, that often translates into ridicule - I know that lots of politically correct liberals came up with a lot of inventive nicknames and photoshops and jokes to vent their animus creatively concerning W. This is what happens naturally and organically when people oppose what people stand for.
Because that is what naturally happens in two-party bi-lateral us against them politics, a lot of liberals found themselves in a very tricky position when they got their first "uh oh" feelings about President Obama and his policies. President Obama presented a mixed bag, on one side was the underpinning to his Presidency that every American was and should always be proud of - his achieving the Presidency on his own merits in a massive wave election; he didn't win the Presidency because he was an African American, he won it because he was the best candidate. (A lesson totally lost on Hillary in her "glass ceiling" candidacy).
Because we did like the man initially while later coming to opposing many of his policies, Obama criticism on liberal or Democratic boards was always cloaked in a pre-emptive affirmation of personal approbation about what a great guy he was, as in "I like President Obama and I voted for him BUT . . ."
To be 100% accurate, this was also done in self-defense to inoculate oneself against the predictable storm of opposition that would arise at any criticism of PO as an expression of one's overt or covert racism. But as time as gone on, and more and more of Obama's policies have come to stand for positions we would have thought him to be against, he is losing his "nice guy" padding. Fewer if anyone preface their comments in that way currently because I think they no longer perceive him that way. Now he's just a politician instead of a symbol of America's renewal and optimism. Because his positions have been consistently bad as regards the issues concerning the 99%, like broad injustices committed in his administration, he is starting to reap some of the like kind of animus that was directed at Bush. Thems the breaks.
Now here comes Hillary. She starts off with a deficit in credibility. She has long been known as a windsock who follows polls, and someone who is capable of taking opposing stands at the same time. She's also seen as a tool of the oligarchs and speaks to them privately in speeches so god awful appalling she won't let us see them. She seems to like war and laughs about killing people people. She cloaks herself as a defender of women and children when a lot of women and children have been on the receiving end of some of her incredibly bad policies and actions. She is the absolute epitome of concealment of government activity while doing the people's business in her email. She has violated National Security. She and her campaign have never been shy about name calling people who are not in their camp as racist, or sexists, or "deplorable" or to do the worst kind of rumor-mongering. She possibly (probably) IMO used her public office for private gain in concert with her husband, and she could be a statue constructed in any corporate campus celebrating crony capitalism. Do we even know if she likes dogs?
Instead of anyone concerning themselves about whether people hate, dislike, mistrust, have concerns about, are hesitant of, or whatever politically correct frame you want to put it in, why not recognize that the real issue that there is little to like in a Hillary candidacy? She can say everything she needs to say to get elected, but most of know that she will immediately align with her real constituencies and the 99% will get austerity up the wazoo along with some token crumbs. I fervently hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Agreed substance not the trappings
I remember how in the 90s
she wasn't Hillary Rodham. I remember how many women were so excited to have such a "feminist" as first lady.
I was young, newly married with two young babies. One disabled. I wanted to belong to that growing group of women. But I soon found out that Hillary was not the type of woman I wanted to be or could even "like"
I remember the gut punch of Ms. Pantsuit saying, "well what do you want me to do? Stay home and bake cookies?" Instead of propping us up, she stepped on us.
I remember wanting to feel sorry for her because of the white house blow jobs. Then she started attacking women who came forward and not just in a "stand by your man" way. She went on full attack.
As if that is all we at home struggling moms did. She was a divider then.
It took me a long time to embrace my OWN feminism. For me it means strength and supporting all. Not being a nasty, mean, manipulating brat.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I have never heard of a feminist who says she should get
any position BECAUSE she is a woman. I think that is Hillary's basic misunderstanding and her supporters greatest misunderstanding and her campaign's greatest misunderstanding of how they are such tin ears in this election and how they are undermining and alienating voters.
Up thread I referred to Barack Obama winning his election on his own merits. Did he ever say, "Vote for me because I am an African American and it's my turn. African American children deserve to see a black President on diner placemats around the country". No. He didn't say that because he didn't have to. It was obvious to anyone that the guy was a black guy. But, he didn't run himself as an affirmative action candidate the way Hillary Clinton is doing. His race was a part of the substance and conversation about of his election nationally, but he himself did not make it the focus of his election.
I don't think any other woman leader in the world ran under "Elect me because I'm a woman and it's my turn and let's crack that glass ceiling". I don't think Golda Meier or Margaret Thatcher or Indira Gandhi or Angela Merkel or any other female leader has done that that I can recall. There must be someone somewhere, but most of them I feel confident ran on being the best person, not the best woman for the position.
Because Hillary's campaign is so gender-based, that is why they misconstrue much of her opposition as being gender-based or sexist, because that's the prism they chose in the first place.
I read the article that La Feminista linked to and it was very telling. All the people interviewed gave a wide range of reasons they personally didn't like Hillary. The writer did take exception to some of the reasons because they were illogical (to her) or were factually incorrect but mostly she couldn't understand the personal and sometimes visceral dislike some of the people had for Clinton. Although none of the people disliked Hillary on the basis of her gender, she concluded that gender bias had to be the underlying motivator! It's a tautology to them - if you don't like Hillary, it's because you don't like Hillary the Woman, and it seems that nothing will convince them that the truer statement is that you don't like Hillary the Person and her being a woman does nothing to alleviate that.
Hillary's campaign song should be Bonnie Raitt singing "I Can't Make You Love Me".
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I adore your writing.
Always makes me feel so not alone and also helps me think and grow.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Well I admire the hell out of you Damnit Janet
Didn't you post a picture of yourself in Code Pink? Or maybe it was Occupy. Anyway, I think you have street cred and have walked the walk. Not to mention I love your profile picture with the top hat and smile and the passion and humor you always display in your comments.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Shucks, thanks
I did a lot with Code Pink for about ten years - group and as an individual - and while my Mom was dying I had to cut back. I need to get back out and be an UNREASONABLE woman some more.
I had the pleasure of meeting Medea Benjamin several times, Col. Ann Wright, Ray McGovern, I'll never forget meeting Lt. Ehren Watada while he was giving himself up and even Sean Penn once. Yeah, I'm name dropping but whatevs. Sadly I have also met many many nasty people. Came face to face with Karl fucking Rove. Chased Condi Rice out of town and have two digital cameras killed by whatever the hell they spray that goes down the blocks.
We did a big Bird Dog Hillary campaign in the mid 2000s. She's just a warmonger, can't tell her voting record apart from GWs. She's truly heinous. But I've met so many wonderful people from Veterans for Peace and Courage to Resist.
What's funny is that I'm a big ass coward when it comes to marching or street action. I get so sick on my way to... especially if it will be on a bridge or outside a military base... But I still do it. I'm a big baby. But it came with a price... my kid has an FBI file now. LOL
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
My favorite pix
Me with Eman, a humanitarian and journalist... who risked so much to join other women from the Middle East to rise up against the wars. I was blown away when I helped escort her in Portland. She asked me to hold all her papers while she gave a speech.... all her papers.
I look silly but that's part of my "pink slip" slip. And it's an old photo.
Just another fucking war... that didn't need to be.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
So great !! ¯\ (^_^) /¯ ♡ n/t
(((lotlizard))) nt
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I supported the Clintons for a long time, but by 2008
the thrill was long gone. I didn't get involved in the primary because I couldn't see a dime's-worth of difference between Hillary and Obama. After the primary I was offered some lovely Kool-Ade which I drank because, I'll admit it, I hated Bush and his entire entourage.
I bought all the hype about Obama being a Constitutional scholar and a community activist offering hope and change. I began to realize that I had been right in the first place as progressives began calling out those on his transition team and later in his administration.
Still I worked as a volunteer to help enact the ACA. As the bill was working its way through Congress, reports in the news were that the public option was off the table, but I was told by Dem party members that that was not true. I assured people that I was calling on behalf of the Dem party for the ACA that there would be a public option. I foolishly passed on the party's lie because I was being a good little Democrat.
Well, I could see that this administration wasn't really progressive, but in the election against Romney at least Dems still talked like Dems.
Then came 2015-16 and suddenly Dems were talking like Republicans saying things like 47% of people wanted "free stuff" when Romney was pilloried for saying something similar just four short years before. I wrote a diary over at GOS with under whelming results.
I wasn't a Democrat because I prefer donkeys to elephants or because I like
the color blue better than any color there ever was. I was a Democrat
because I wanted the policies that Dems said they stood for. Now they say things I do not believe in. So I can't be a Dem anymore.
Bernie was saying things I believed in, but the Dems didn't want him. When they gave him up, I gave them up. And I hated the way they treated Bernie and those of us who supported him. So if there is any hatred, it was well earned by people acting hatefully.
Edited for clarity.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I know how you feel. I wasn't as active back then as you were,
but I voted for every Dem since Jimmy Carter and volunteered for Obama. Registered independent at first, but couldn't vote in the state primaries and always voted Dem so what the heck, changed my registration. And now here we are. I can't go along with the war plans, the continuation of the Obama years, the incrementalism, etc., etc. I think those of us who want Jill Stein should go ahead and vote for her, and let the chips fall where they may. If they were that concerned about Trump they never would have cheated for Hillary.
I also hate the way Bernie and we have been treated; but honestly, if I thought Hill had come around to his views genuinely, that poor treatment wouldn't matter to me. Issues first and always.
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I was active for McGovern in college, but then went dormant
until Obama. What I meant about the 08 primaries is that I did't follow them and couldn't choose between Tweedledee and Tweedledum so I didn't vote in the primary. I did get sucked into working on the general and then in the senate runoff, but Jim Martin lost to Saxby Chambliss.
And I agree that being treated like shit is better than being asked to vote for one of two shit sandwiches. I'm done "embracing the suck." I'm with you on issues.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Right on, Phoebe.
Your analysis of Barack Obama, the hope he inspired, and the gradual disillusionment that set in as his policies continued to betray his words, is eloquent. It sets the stage for the predicament we find ourselves in with this election. As you say... Now here comes Hillary. She's a self-styled Wonder-Woman... but whatever she might say, or promise to do, only the most credulous of partisans would be inclined to believe her.
I try to remember what my dear, departed Mom told me,
so many times,"Don't hate. You're only hurting yourself, the person you hate doesn't care." So I try not to hate Her. I think revulsion better describes my feeling, and it's because I'm a lifelong Democrat that I feel that way. I can no longer believe in the party of FDR. The Clintons did that.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
The "party of FDR" was an anomaly,
and it was as pure a case of "personality cult" as we have ever seen. He split the Democratic Party wide-open between Progressives and Boll Weevils, and managed to hold the breach together by sheer force of personality (and some face-saving double-talk).
Once he was gone, the Boll Weevils mutated into the Dixiecrat Party, then the American Independent Party, and then joined the Republican Party (those that hadn't done so already).
The "Progressives" increasingly paid lip service to his legacy in public while dealing it away in private, until there was nothing left but a phony pose.
In short, the Democratic Party is back to what it was in the Gilded Age: just the other head of the two-headed monster posing as "two separate" parties, whose differences were so minimal that we could and did have a revolving-door Presidency (Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland again).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Well said
I do hate Trump, but Hillary is disgusting.
The political revolution continues
Oh, I hate her alright.
Bah, began to explain the reasons but why tax my arthritic fingers on this rainy day?
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
If you really hated nothing would hold you back!
Just teasing btw,
I detest her.
She is a vile human being.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
The Democratic Party is the Clinton Party
Well said, Azazello. I am a lifelong Democrat and my loyalties were always to the party, not the person. Since the Democratic party is no longer the party of FDR/JFK/RFK, I do not have a sense of obligation to support the Democratic candidate and will vote 3rd party (Stein) for the first time. Seeing what the Dem elite did to Bernie Sanders because he attempted to pick up the mantle of FDR challenged my loyalties to the party. I will vote only for Progressive Democrats until the party returns to its roots. There are many of us that feel this way, too. The Democratic party crapped on a sizable part of their base during the 2016 primary and some of them will not vote for Clinton. The Progressives worked very hard to get President Obama elected and when he did not provide the "Hope and Change", there was much disappointment because it was apparent that the Clinton's still overshadowed the party.
I cannot imagine hating a person no one I know has met.
Someone would have to do something awful to a member of my immediate family (heaven forbid) before I could imagine hating.
You read enough first person
Narratives of people who have been tortured and/or have watched friends been tortured and killed (in Chile, for example) and you learn how to hate people you have only seen on the news.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I tend to distinguish between hating what a person in
power has done and hating that person "personally."
Oh, I hate them personally
Believe me. My only concern is to not be embittered but I hate them. I wish them plagues and long, painful deaths. But I am not bitter.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I don't hate her personally.
I just wish she'd take her bazillions, her fam family, the whole kit and kaboodle, and go enjoy a well-stolen retirement in some nice Caribbean island nation somewhere. (With full apologies to the Cayman Islanders)
I just don't want Her Heinous to have any rule over me and mine. That's all.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I would have settled for that
some time ago. Hell, I would take it right now. But then we would have Trump and if he becomes president we have to thank her for that too.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I guess a hundred or couple hundred million just don't stretch
as far as they used to so they need more. Bill spoke not that long ago about having to maintain the speaking circuit because "someone has to pay the bills" like they were down to their 4 last cans of baked beans.
It's mind boggling but when you consort with billionaires I guess it is still possible to feel "dead broke". The goal is to stockpile what qualifies as dynastic wealth, like the Borgias in the Middle Ages. I actually believe that is the end goal of many of the oligarchs. They are having problems spending the accumulated wealth before the moths eat it away
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Amen. Put her somewhere, where she can do no harm.
May they have nice lives. Nowhere near the White House.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Have you seen the videos
of Muammar Gaddafi's death? There we have an example of what pure, raw hatred looks like.
And she laughed. I hate her.
I have not watched any videos but have read enough descriptions
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I have watched the videos,
and they are not at all nice. I would just wish to caution people who use the word "hate" cavaierely, without understanding its full implications.
For me I hate what her policies have done
It was her heinous who made my vote not count, it was her heinous who was against gay marriage until, for the TPP until, for the banks until, against immigration until, for CU until, etc.etc.etc.
her heinous herself, MEH.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
There we can agree with no problems at all
I don't hate Mme. Clinton
because I refuse to invest emotion in her at all. Michelle Goldberg, on the other hand....I wonder what La Goldberg has been promised.
I have five words for Ms. Goldberg: Honduras, Haiti, Ukraine, Libya, Syria. Quite a record for one SOS term, and did that term even last the entire 4 years of Obama's first term? I don't remember right now.
Here are a few more phrases La Goldberg might want to check out before she starts name calling: failed health care initiative
undistinguished Senate career, incompetent 2008 presidential campaign, and, as I believe someone who knows Clinton has said, Never saw a war or weapons system she didn't love.
Anyone capable of saying something like We came, We saw, He died is beneath contempt. The fact that the most senior US diplomat would say such a thing, publicly, on TV for all the world to hear, and not be instantly ordered to resign, is unfreaking believable. I have known people making minimum wage and supporting children, be summarily dismissed from employment for excessive mouthiness, but Herself gets a pass.
Then, there is Mme. Clinton's unashamed promotion of genetic engineering. Has it not occurred to Ms. Goldberg that if you very publicly align yourself with the world's most hated corporation, some of the dislike is bound to rub off on you? But, of course, it is not allowed, somebody somewhere decided, to mention 'Clinton' and 'biotech' in the same article or even in the same book.
As for "likeability" almost everyone agrees that Minn. Senator Amy Klobuchar scores high in that particular category, but her job before running for the senate was being a prosecutor.... as in, putting bad guys in jail. In the civilian sector, it doesn't get much more tough than that, but I have not yet heard that she is resented by anyone other than those whom she helped incarcerate.
Ms. Goldberg wrote something to the effect that people don't like strong, competent women with loud voices. No, Michelle, what people don't like is incompetent, self-absorbed bossy cows who leave chaos and destruction behind them wherever they go. In the words of one of the Johnson/Weld adds, "and her, what a nightmare!"
Mary Bennett
"because I refuse to invest emotion in her at all"
fits with my line of thinking
Amy Klobuchar
Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar would have been a formidable team. However, since the Democratic party is the Clinton party, there has been no nurturing of other female candidates. (no nurturing of male candidates either.) This would be competition for Hillary Clinton and that is not allowed in the party. IMO, this has been the case since 1992 when we got "2 for the price of 1." It should be mentioned that there was a bit of a struggle in the Democratic party when the Daschle/Durbin/Kennedy/Biden wing supported Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton. Now it's definitely Her turn.
I hate her right now
and I'm struggling not to invest the emotion it takes to do that. Revulsion is probably a much better word. Her arrogance is what has finally done that for me. The bald faced arrogance of her lies and her attempts to spin them is the kicker. That and her manipulation of the Trump fear when she herself most likely set him out to run in the first place. And if she and Bill really did do that, then they're worse than Trump in my mind, For them to use the disgusting racism of the Repuke party that in many ways has been fueled by them and people like them to put forward their neo-liberal agenda disgusts me to my core.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Using the term "Hillary Haters" is an attempt to marginalize those of us who are not supporting her. It's a way of discounting our thoughts and opinions, because "You just hate her."
I've never considered myself a Hillary hater. I still don't hate her. I hate what she, Bill, and the other neoliberals have done and are likely to continue doing unless they are stopped from doing so.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Very good point. They want to marginalize progressives.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
The Democratic Party Has Become an Authoritarian Institution
There are no more cats to be herded, it's just sheep now. If you cannot be transformed into a sheep you're a wolf and hate Hillary, and therefore, America.
The authoritarian bent is everywhere today. It's a major tool of control and if you do not accept it, you are to be marginalized for not getting with the kool kids.
I'm having great difficulty dealing with this shit. It's overwhelming.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
//I'm having great difficulty dealing with this shit.//
You are so not alone in that.
And it *is* overwhelming.
I abhor the idea of what will become of the planet
with her a the helm. It depresses, scares and saddens me enormously!
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
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With the plutocrats/oligarchs in charge the planet is toast and
so are we and the other organisms at their so-called mercy.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I won't apologize for hating evil.
It is certainly not just a matter of her having different policies. What she did to Bernie and Jane and to all of us when she made our votes irrelevant and cheated her way to "winning" the primary is all by itself enough reason. Add to that all the dead in Honduras, the suffering in Haiti, the war dead and injured around the world, and on and on it goes, and it is nothing less than evil.
She out-evils the villains of telenovelas, of which I have watched many for Spanish practice and entertainment, and she comports herself like those villains, which I had thought were exaggerated and caricatures, until I watched Hillary in action. It is like saying House of Cards exaggerates, and then changing your mind about that as the Clintons outdo the Netflix version.
Barbara Marquardt
Personally I find the emotional arguments interesting
Think what it means that someone accuses you of "hate". It means that's how their mind works. It is a bluntly partisan viewpoint where you have the good guys and the enemies whom you hate.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Of all the names liberals have been called by the center
right, "Hillary Haters" has to be the most childish.
Yup. Her record's hateful to many of us, but her? Meh.
What I want from her (and Bill) is to leave the national stage now and stay gone. That means closing their highly questionable family foundation and its Global Initiative. They can keep their ill-gotten gains. They can live in comfort in Bubble-onia. They can strut and sneer and condescend--in private, where I don't have to see or hear them. They can pocket big checks for empty platitudes (wink wink). I don't care. I just want them out of politics and my daily media and my face. Their time has passed. Or should have.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I've decided to vote for Hillary and go back to Daily Kos
All the hate and talk about Clinton here is getting to me. Wait, that's why I left Daily Kos. Dammit.
Winston Smith, is that you?
I am beginning to wonder
if Clinton's cruelty and sociopathy are not part of the attraction for at least some of her rabid supporters. I have never been able to buy that, I am scaaared of the terrible Trump argument. IF the dem rank and file are so scared of the other side, why have they not exerted themselves to recruit a candidate who might easily win? Like, oh, Bernie Sanders, for example.
I am beginning to think that some Clintonistas are "with her" because they want to be able to take down their enemies too.
Mary Bennett
Too late for them to get a clue
What these anti-democrats fail to appreciate was that a vote for Clinton was a vote for Trump. They had their chance to vote "strategically" and blew it—not my fault!
So, to sum up the hack's article...
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I'm working on absence of hate.
I prefer Rick's approach from Casablanca:
Ugarte: You despise me, don't you?
Rick: If I gave you any thought I probably would.
Hillary has sought the national stage for over 20 years.
Clinton through her own volition has entered and stayed on the national stage as a major player. You know, democracy is a contact sport. Guess what, partisan politics happens and shit will come her way or anybody else seeking to be a major player. The whole tone of these attacks on Clinton critics is that somehow she should be immune from criticism, and that she is just some innocent by-stander who is unfairly attacked.
You know, that Truman quote about the kitchen applies here.
Hunter S. Thompson's eerily prescient 1972 observation
—Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72
From this 9/28 Counterpunch piece, for any who missed it:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Thanks for posting the link,
Thanks for posting the link, I'd missed it up until now. Gotta love a writer can place a humorous tinge on sense and sanity.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.