Another Day in the Land of the Free
and the home of the terrorized:
Two children and a teacher have been injured in a shooting at a primary school in Townville, South Carolina.
A teenage suspect is in custody, and police say that all children are now safe. The students have been relocated to a nearby church.
Since no one died, I'm guessing it won't make the Nightly News, or not for long much like this shooting in Houston by the man with a fascination for Nazi memorabilia:
Armed with a handgun and submachine gun and using his car to stockpile ammunition and a tree for cover, Desai was firing at innocent people and police. It happened right outside his condominium complex on Law Street around 6:30am. [...]
The problems started August 4th, when Desai confronted roofers with a gun. He told police he thought someone was breaking into his condo, but Elmore says it was a long-term project and residents were properly notified.
"They [roofers] were scared for their life. They called their boss and said somebody pointed directly at them, yelled something they didn't know what it was, but they felt like they were going to get shot," Elmore said.
Second amendment remedies my friends. Got to love 'em. Unless you're the person a man with a gun considers constitutes an illness that must be snuffed out. Come on down, Washington (State of)!
SEATTLE — Assaults on his parents and inappropriate sexual behavior at school led judges to order mental health treatment for the young man charged with killing five people at a Washington state department store, but weekly counseling sessions failed to help him. [...]
A court first ordered Cetin into treatment after he attacked his mother two years ago. He was following a program designed to erase that assault charge when he made unwelcome sexual advances toward two girls in his math class in 2015 and then punched his stepfather soon afterward, the documents say.
Jim Follman, an addiction counselor, wrote in January that there was "a strong likelihood of similar future violations" unless Cetin received treatment for his mental health and substance abuse disorders. [...]
When officers arrested Cetin near his apartment Saturday night after a nearly 24-hour manhunt, they say he confessed to shooting the victims ranging from a 16-year-old girl to a woman in her 90s. He was charged with five counts of first-degree murder, but prosecutors said they still don't know what motivated him.
They don't know what motivated him? He had a gun, you idiots. That's all a violent prone individual needs as motivation to shoot and kill people. Which leads to the question, who are the crazy people in these tragedies: the shooters or the people who defend their right "to the death" to own weapons of mass murder?

The state demands all these regulations and such
on the marijuana industry. You can only purchase one low dose edible, like a caramel, a day. But you can buy a whole shit load of guns at Wal-Mart.
Remember, people who smoke or medicate with marijuana are BAD. People who hoard guns and ammo are GOOOOOD.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
But they're coming to take away my gun show!
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Votes taken - silence. GUNS GUNS GUNs
Yup, if someone had taken a gun from my home, there'd be news vans outside my house. They took our right to vote, NOTHING.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
The Guardian has been running a series of stories
on guns in America.
If I remember correctly, 50% of guns are owned by just 3% of gun owners. Gun ownership has been falling, but certain individuals have enough weaponry to take over their local hamlet/town/City.
And you're right, DJ, the whole marijuana 'debate' is ridiculous. I still can't believe how inanely difficult the Feds are about genuine, agricultural hemp cultivation (we had a story about it locally). I'm beginning to think that the Federal Government is the silliest human construct ever devised.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Their -ahem- War on
Drugs depends on marahooch remaining illegal so they can continue to lock up black bastids in privatized prisons. Legal marahooch pretty much kills their "war on drugs."
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Feds and State are starting to demolish MMJ
they are making it harder for medical patients. Takes even longer to get your OMMP card. Most wait 3 months now as opposed to 3 weeks. They are dropping the mgs in medibles for OMMP cardholders and as of Oct 1st they will be raising the recreational edible amount.
And as of oct 1, patients will not be allowed to have a Concealed Carry Permit or buy guns.
I could go on and on about the stupidity of this country when it comes to a fucking plant.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
It is so hard to grow up at 63 (for me)
It has been a Baaad month (at least) for us all awake, and the hits keep coming.
And there is part of it, WTH are we doing on this planet and to this planet?
So I see a small problem (cynic) that we can all come up with ideas for change, environmental or governmental, to make the former less sick and the latter more responsive. Roadblocks by our government, all the way down.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Hi Steven
How are you feeling? It is nice to see you back in the saddle more or less. Lots of troubled people with guns out there. As a gun owner, I want them locked up, not attached to some Yahoo!'a hip while he's out in public, drunk, or enraged.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon