Another Sunday Morning Open Thread - Contemporay Fascism

Good Morning. I am missing a place where I can dump my thoughts. And I don't remember anymore, if Morning Open Threads are scheduled on Sundays. So, foregive me if I allowed myself to make me one. I just wanted to point you to an article I thought was pretty good. It's an article of the German weekly News Paper "Die Zeit" on their online website
I have to admit that I think googling for that we get pretty much the same melange of trash and some better articles as we get on There is nothing that you can't read in German about what happens in the US. So, this article I will point to, is an example that everything is interconnected and just because I found it on the German website of "Die Zeit" doesn't mean it's a German article.
The author is Fred Turner.
is Professor of Communication at the University of Stanford. His most recent publication The Democratic Surround: Multimedia and American Liberalism from World War II to the Psychedelic Sixties.
So, I guess that's an American author and the article was originally written in English. I found the German version translated by Matthias Schulz:
Donald Trump: Ein zeitgemaesser Faschist and the google translated English version (which needs to be heavily edited to make sense):
Donald Trump - A Contemporary Fascist
Medial modern, politically extreme right: the toxic cocktail of Donald Trump - By Fred Turner
I liked this article, because it compares how the good old Europeam fascists of the 20th century spread propaganda to the ways a contemporary fascist like Trump uses social media to do the same.
That should give you a taste:
At first glance, Donald Trump as an authoritarian, but not as a fascist . He does not have stormtroopers, does not hold mass meetings with torchlight, and he also does not use any symbols from ancient Rome. The masses, he attracts run crisscross through the stages and wearing brightly colored T-shirts. So far Trumps followers have committed none of the calculated acts of violence that were typical of the rise of fascism in Europe in the last century. And Trump has not even presented a coherent political program, quite the contrary: He jumps back and forth between talk show and Twitter feed , caresses his friends attacked his opponents, sometimes furious, sometimes admiringly (mostly for himself).
It's still tempting to dismiss Donald Trump as brutish Narcissus, as a businessman, which it has accidentally landed in the political arena. But while his popularity is growing again and it dangerously approaches the White House, it is important to remember that Trump is actually a fascist , and one that fits perfectly in the era of social media.
There are just Trumps individualism and his claim to be a unique person, coupled with the ability to communicate through individualized media such as Twitter with his followers, which account for its popularity. Trump has the racist and xenophobic worldview of fascism and its fixation on charismatic leaders connected with the ideals and medial mechanisms of American individualism. So a thoroughly American form of authoritarianism has developed that still might prove itself as contagious.
The article goes on to describe how few american journalists have tried to search for how Trumps ideas are rooted in the fascism of the 20th century and why it is not much known in the US. A historical view back of how close Americans came to Authoritarianism starting with the 1930ies follows and describes propaganda efforts in the US via photo exhibitions, psychedelia and finally twitter.
Leading American intellectuals were of the view that Hitler came to power mosly because he had used the possibilities of modern mass media to reach the soul of the people. All these media - film, newspaper, radio - are applied to one-way communication, in which one voice is speaking to many, and in Germany this one voice the was voice of Hitler. If America's leadership really wants to go against the Axis powers, the thinking goes, that they have to use new forms of propaganda which doesn't aim at the masses, but at individuals, but individuals united as Americans.
The author goes on to describe the psychedelia and the introduction of the laptop as tool for propaganda.
Then in the 1960s the museum exhibits from the Second World War were used as a model for multimedia projects of hippie culture, especially in the Greater San Francisco: projections of images, colors and sounds should liberate the viewers. Such psychedelia brought figures such as the Apple founder Steve Jobs to propagate the laptop as a tool of personal empowerment and the Internet as a system that would lead to a more democratic America. Even today social networks such as Craigslist, Facebook and Twitter from the Greater San Francisco raise the same claim.
Like Hitler and Mussolini Trump celebrates the myth of greatness.
This is the historical irony of the candidacy of Donald Trump: He has used the media technologies that have been developed to combat during WWII totalitarianism and to strengthen individualism, and transformed them into tools to promote those fascist ideals against which the United States once fought.
The author goes on to describe some twitters from Trump and Clinton and comes to the conclusion that
For traditional media Trumps tweets were the purest stimulants. He now dominates the television so much that one might think that a propaganda minister for the media was conducting the play in the background. But there is nothing of that sort. Trump has only his television compatible personality, and thanks to the social media, he has the opportunity to present himself as a star in an endless American Drama of personal struggle and for professional success. By playing the main role in this story, it seems to prove that he is a man of action, a man who can reach for the Americans what they themselves can not achieve.
There have been such men in earlier times. Only a few were as successful as Trump, to use the forces of individualism, which form the basis of democracy, for their own, antidemocratic purposes. Trump is a media figure - and a fascist - of our times. His rise to the Republican presidential candidates shows that a charismatic leader, in the age of social media, can build up an apparently personal and direct relationship to millions of people. In short: a fascist has not to use the power of weapons at gunpoint to come to power.
I liked this article because it made me think in how far our own use of social media is part of the propaganda that brings fascists to power. I guess I better keep my head down. I had to say that though, because I can't stop my mind from thinking about it.
Ok. That's all I wanted to say. This is an Open Thread, so talk about whatever comes to your mind.
Enjoy your Sunday, in my corner of the woods, it's getting a bit cooler. Yeah!! And I am going out to enjoy a fresh breeze. Talk to you later, may be ...

hi, mimi
detroitmechworks was doing Sunday OTs, but he hasn't posted one since August.
"Fascism" has become a perfectly useless word, because everyone has their own definition, all hotly asserting theirs is the Only, Real, True, Correct one.
What is known, is that The Hairball is a racist dumbass motherfucker. And that those who support him, as billmon (who does believe The Hairball is a fascist) has pointed out, are either racist dumbass motherfuckers, or people willing to be led by racist dumbass motherfuckers.
In other news:
—some of the monekys have blue testicles. No one knows why.
—the GPS people can't keep up with Australia, because it keeps moving around.
—fish off San Francisco sing, because they're blissed out on melatonin.
—someone needs to give Stephen Hawking melatonin, because he's still all a-fret that extraterrestrials are Bad and Mean.
—the Jordanian writer Nahed Hattar has been shot and killed outside a courthouse where he was facing criminal charges for posting to his Faceborg a true-life documentary cartoon depicting a man abed with two women commanding a deity to bring him wine and cashews.

Racist white supremacist.
He's basically a fascist relative to being a "radical authoritarian nationalist". It's pretty simple for some to grasp, others can't quite seem to get there with Trump because he does send cross signals. But the signals of racism, xenophobia, supremacism, authoritarianism, etc. are clear.
Ya, those that really believe his shtick are what they are. In that sense, Clinton was right.
hi hecate, back here after "Schlepp"-work made me tired,
anyone knows what happened to detroitmechworks?
oh well, people research blue testicles of monkeys, because they want to know more about themselves and think monkey behaviorism is the clue to mankinds meany attitudes. What a pity, blue testicles is fine by me, better though are the red ones. I am less attracted to blue ones, what does that say about my political instincts? Are the red ones communist monkeys or redneck monkeys? So, all mandrills are true blue democrats and liberals? That's kind of attractive, sort of...
Australia is not quite where we think it is? So we are also not where we think we should be. What's more dangerous, floating around or being more stationary? I think the latter is. Floating is necessary. Changes must be.
I am confused now. I want to be a nocturnal fish then. I would like rather to be blissed out by Melatonin than put to sleep.
Hmm, if I were Hawkings, I would be scared of aliens too. I hope they don't visit us. Luckily my melatonin makes me sleepy and I don't have nightmares over aliens who might treat me like dogs.
ah, yes, I read the Nahed Hatter story this morning too. No comment. It's too disturbing.
Thanks for your comment, hecate.
I love you, mimi!
You almost always make me smile. And when you don't, I'm usually in agreement with your outrage at whatever has pissed you off.
Off topic P.S. I spent the last two days conversing with my friend in Munich. What a wonderful two days. Back to work tomorrow, but nice memories for the week!
Thanks, mimi. That was interesting but somewhat akin to
those discussions over the correctness of applying the term Fascist or Fascism to this that or the other person, place, government or condition. Usually involving both proponents and naysayers, they revolve around discussions of how well the facts fit some one or more stipulated definitions in terms of assorted characteristics and properties, of which, none can ever be truly determinative. Thus the author concedes a lack of stormtroopers, as if that were relevant. Though often asserted by naysayers, there is no stormtrooper requirement. Surely Mussolini postulated none, nor did his philosophical predecessors.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
There's the people who agree with Mussolini
and view corporatism as fascism. I'm one of them.
Then there's those who think only Nazism is fascism.
Then there's those who think it's only fascism if the Nazis currently have storm troopers marching through the streets and death camps outside of town.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Splitting hairs over the definition of a word
Reminds me of an essay here about white privilege. And another on community. And one at TOP about regional bigotry or state hate.
I don't get it. I don't think wingers do it, but I don't really hang out online with them. I think it might be our own little curse as lefties.
hi, el, I think the contemporary equivalent to Storm Troopers
is the militarized police force, who can't handle their guns and pepper spray professionally and in ethically acceptable manners. They induce fear in civilians pretty much the same way just more haphazardly, which make it more scary. Unpredictable behavior is worse to handle than the Stormtrooper. With the latter you knew what you got. Now we have to figure out if the Cop in front of us is our "friend" or our "enemy". I kind of don't like that.
I admit I didn't follow discussions about the various opinions what fascism is. I should read up on it.
A picture to ponder
Somewhat creepy to me. She seems happy for her husband's
end of term. I hope she has no interest in a political future.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I propose that anyone that shakes Bush's hand should be
made to write "I apologize to humankind for my egregious affront to the million people killed by that bastard" 10,000 times on a chalkboard at Freedom Plaza.
For those that hug and consort with him, it will have to be much worse.
Yale Owes The World An Apology
For granting Shrub a legacy admission and allowing him to graduate with "gentleman" C's
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
oh my, not enough freedom plazas in all over the US
to have enough space for all those "I shall not shake hands with political murderers" lines written by the nice people, who think GWBush was a nice man. He looks cute, thought, right and Michelle too. Give them that, Big AL.
Hillary claims Lesser Bush deceived her into voting for the Iraq
War, a war Obama called the wrong war. You'd think people would hold more of a grudge over an effing war, wouldn't you? But not our Democratic leaders! Bless their little hearts.
Collaborator. Perpetual War Is Good For Business. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
It's also good for re-electing Presidents.
America has never voted a war-time President out of office. Supposedly, Johnson chickened out of running because LBJ won the NH primary by "only" 7%,less than LBJ thought he should have won by. However, a 7% win in the NH primary is not exactly proof that, if LBJ had run, he would have lost the general. Besides, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and suspicions that LBJ had been involved somehow in JFK's assassination may have had something to do his popularity among certain segments of the Democratic base.
Anyway, no war time incumbent has ever been voted out. So, perpetual war may be seen as some assurance of re-election, at least until the public becomes numb to war.
though they killed the six million
in the ovens they fried
the Germans now too have God on their side
Bush good
Powell good
Daddy Bush good
someone posted here the other day that while 40% of Trump's supporters are racist idiots only 31% of Hillary's are so.
Anyway, this is more evidence (as if we didn't have enough) that "they" are the same thing.
3 out of ten vs 4 out of ten.
I guess it makes sense when ya think about. I think it's worse than that for Hillary's supporters though because I include U.S. imperialism and the wars as racist policies and actions, therefore those that support them must be racists too.
Twelve million, of whom six million were Jews.
in 2016 the Germans *are* the good guys, compared to the US
and thanks to atomic weapons no one in the world seems to want to stop us.
as to 12 million or 6 million, that leads us to a discussion of Israel/Palestine. I know this is an open thread but I'll need a whole lot more coffee before I can handle that!
(redacted) - because nobody loves me and I am wrong
Not sure why nailing the total number
of those Hitler had killed leads to anything else, but Hitler/the Nazis had many more than six million people killed in death "camps."
Saying Hitler had 6 million Jews killed is correct. Saying Hitler had 6 million people killed, or putting the total death toll at six million, however, ignores the millions of non-Jews Hitler had killed. When citing the total death toll, I don't know of a reason to ignore millions of his victims who were not Jews.
Apparently, though, the total number of victims is squishier than I realized. I was raised with the 12 million figure as a total, but apparently it's somewhere between 11 and 20 million people, of whom six million were Jews.
I'd wager they're using a relatively narrow definition of
racist idiot. Anybody who doesn't see the racism in Hillary Clinton's political machine is fooling himself.
I think it's the mercenary motive, the indifference to race which underlies the racism of the Clintons, that actually covers up the fact that they are racists.
In other words, Hillary is on whatever side of the race war is profitable for her at the moment. So, more or less, is Bill, although he carries some racism in attitude and word possibly from his upbringing. But as far as actions go--he will be on whatever side accrues most money and power to him.
People like the KKK and white supremacist groups are not indifferent to race; they seethe with hatred. The Clinton form of racism is more...cold and mechanistic.
But any politician who called me a firewall would see me giving them a weird look; what exactly does it mean if you imagine human beings to be your firewall? And Hillary has obviously, and recently, been on both sides of the race war. In '08, she was running against a Black man, so she was on the white side of the race war--in hopes of getting a bump in the polls. in '16, she's running against white men, and needs the support/endorsement of a Black man, so she's on the POC side of the race war. [EDIT: she's *sort of* on the POC side of the race war. Right up to the point where it would cost her or her donors something.]
What's completely creepy is my sense that Hillary vs Trump was engineered precisely to pour gasoline on the fire of the race war, expand it, and hopefully generalize it to the whole population.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Your last sentence
That is a creepy thought. If true, a very hateful act.
I really want to be wrong.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
That was called "Helter Skelter" once before.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
How do you mean?
I know the song, and I know a little about the does it apply here?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
the difference between Hillary and Manson
Manson wanted black people to be blamed for his killings in order to start a race war. Hillary doesn't want an all-out war but, according to this theory, wouldn't mind high tensions and its effects and aftermath if it would help her in an election.
And a means for more state control of all citizens
She loves the control.
After Bernie's (and Trump's) social media success, to which she answered with paying people to pretend to love her (online prostitutes), she will be hell bent on a more N. Korea style Internet. Beware, people!
to pour gasoline on the fire of racial emotions to incite the
race based wars is nothing new. What is new is that people believe it just relates to certain politicians or folks and that they don't want to admit that racial emotions as it relates to "not liking those people" are everywhere around in all the people of the world and in all races and ethnicities. Those emotions are part of who we are, it's in our dna. There is nothing easier than use race-based emotions to create wars and power struggles between races and ethnicities.
I think discussing racism is a completely futile endeavour, as long as the racial emotions don't result in instituionalized racist laws and actions. I see that happening in the US today. It's crossing the lines between unspoken or silently hidden racist emotions and outspoken racist behaviour in institutions of the government and its laws.
The question is not who is more and who is less racist. The question is who will end up agreeing or enabling racist behaviour in the governmental institutions and its laws more likely. I think that is a big unknown if you compare Trump to Clinton. I see both capable of being able to restrain themselves or being able, purposefully or as unintended consequences of their actions, to create a terribly racist governmental system. I think you are on the way for the latter already, no matter who sits in the White House.
two-thirds to three-quarters of the people of The Hairball are demonstrably dumbass racist motherfuckers. The Mad Bomber actually misunderestimated the true number.
And all of the people, supporting The Hairball, are knowingly supporting an authoritarian racist xenophobic white-supremacist knuckle-dragging-nationalist dumbass motherfucker.
Damn, Hecate,
Don't hold back, you're amongst friends here. Tell us how you Really feel!
Let it out, my freind.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
(redacted) - because thoughts about racism are verboten
I am very disappointed that nobody is interested in my musings
about racism. Completely frustrated and discouraged I will redact this comment later on. You stil get a chance to comment for a couple of hours, but after that, rien ne va plus.
This is an open thread, right?
I'd like to recommend a new-ish reddit thread, r/economicjustice.
One of the moderators is my go-to person when I become discouraged in the campaign and I'd like to see her project take off. It could possibly grow into a good educational tool.
Most of the posting so far is made of articles about income disparity. I've started posting paragraphs about local/regional self-reliance as a means of unhooking from the blood sucking international Capitalism, although I don't say that.
Your input would be most welcome.
As they say in the IPO business, "Get in on the ground floor."
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Trump is a fascist
The 14 Characteristics of Fascism by Lawrence Britt (in bold)
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Gunatanamo, torture, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
Mexicans, Muslims, etc.
4. Supremacy of the Military
Military spending, etc.
5. Rampant Sexism
"She had blood coming out of you know where"
6. Controlled Mass Media
He already controls the largest TV network i.e. Fox
7. Obsession with National Security
Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. War on terraahh!
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
The theocratic evangelicals, including Ted Cruz, love him.
9. Corporate Power is Protected
Specially Trump Corp. He will be the 1st rich fascist leader.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed
It will happen. He does it instinctively.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
He only buys paintings of himself.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
The largest cop union already endorsed him.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
He is good at this.
14. Fraudulent Elections
Wait 'til he has the power.
The political revolution continues
Petty distinctions about "true" fascism is a childish game to derail the genuine threat posed by Trump, Hillary, the Two Party System, Neoliberalism and the M$M.
America is a fascist nation state. Neoliberalism is a fascist ideology.
Case closed.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
That is one of a handful of lists that have no independent
merit and are not determinative. Failure to hit all or even most of those "targets" doesn't mean something or somebody is not Fascist.
Here's how it works. Long after the fact, a self-styled expert looks at one or more nation states that were contemporaneously perceived or declared to be fascist by most of the world. Said expert then extracts, using hindsight, a selected set of more or less common characteristics and declares them to be the characteristics or hallmarks of Fascism. My simple one liner by Roosevelt is just as good and just as valid, in fact, possibly more so.
For instance, item 10 - Mussolini (pictured below that list) would greatly disagree. He famously asserted that Fascism could just as well be called corporatism, but "corporates", as used by him, theoretically had a very powerful and even central role for labor. If we look to what the Fascists themselves claimed to be the principles and goals, that list is all out of whack, and hence, is not determinative at all, though somebody or something meeting all of those characteristics would definitely be considered to be fascist.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Now fill in the list with HRC's actual policies and you will
come to the same conclusion about her. In fact even more so as she has enacted her policies. You might even just fill in the list with US policies for the last 20 years or so and you will come up with the same thing.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
A fascist regime requires a bully at the top
Or a "führer" or "Il Duche" or Peron or Pinochet or Franco.
Hillary is disgusting in many ways. And after reading some of her email exchanges thanks to Wikileaks and Guccifer 2.0 I realize her leadership/management style is authoritarian. But externally she does not have the bully style. Like I always say, HRC is like a slap on the face, Trump is like a kick on the balls.
The political revolution continues
She seems already to make up laws for herself.
Rumor has it that FBI agents assigned to the email (and Foundation emails) were unhappy about Comey's conclusion, he was not intimately connected and they felt stonewalled.
All the way to the top.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"Trump is like ..." oh no ;-D
Hah! Idiocracy achieved. Could be shown during "debate" breaks.
Apparently some people want that. Clintons kick my guts. Am I wearing a sign (Kick Me)? Nah.
Poisson d'Avril.
I was lectured/warned by a friend Who caved to Fear and a random human at the same time, same wording. I said that conscience is higher than fear. For me. No guilt if Trump wins, he will likely become bored and wander off.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
That is the heart of the disagreement.
My side of the argument believes that what defines fascism is the system, not the face of the system. The interests of corporations and the wealthy merging with the State to the point that there is no longer daylight between them. That's fascism, in my book. Was in Mussolini's too.
The Big Bully at the top frequently happens, but is not necessary. It was necessary in the 30s because their understanding of propaganda was much more limited than that of propagandists today. The big gesture from the big dramatic charismatic and bullying leader was their way of getting their message across. Today, there are many, many ways to do their marketing other than having a big, obvious Bully at the top. In fact, people have learned to recognize the presence of the Bully as one of the signs of fascism--so it benefits modern-day fascists to present themselves otherwise.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Not on her Kill List are you?
Those who are on it may beg to differ with you regarding that "slap." By the way, a person who believes that laws do no apply to them is a bully.
Another way to look at it would be that the 1% is the "leader." It does not have to be a single person. After all, we won't only be getting HRC if she is elected. We will also be getting Kissinger, Negroponte, Wall St., Exxon, Monsanto and Big Pharma.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Hillary (and her actual record) is far worse ...
[video: width:640 height:480]
I never saw a Trump ad before...
But the daisy girl ad has been my favorite for decades and I suppose I agree with the message (not the vote for part) against nuclear holocaust.
I also have never heard Trump speak, except at the debates where I agreed with his assessment of his opponents. I wasn't planning on it, but maybe I will tune in tomorrow see if he can make Clinton collapse on stage.
Actually all I have heard about Trump is the manure MSM puts out everyday. So, I have no idea whats true, whats spin and whats lies.
From the Light House.
Her heinous is a fascist
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
"USA USA USA..." at the DNC convention
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Gunatanamo, torture, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
Muslims, Muslims, ISIL, Qadaffi, Hussein,etc.
4. Supremacy of the Military
Military spending, etc.
5. Rampant Sexism
Don't vote for me you're misogynist, Bernie Bro. a place in hell for women who won't vote for her etc.etc.
6. Controlled Mass Media
David Brock CTR, MSNBC, CNN etc.etc.
7. Obsession with National Security
Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. War on terraahh!
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
Here I'm stumped.
9. Corporate Power is Protected
GS, CITI, Google, Buffett.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed
Bill Clinton He did it instinctively.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
I'm good with you if you're better for me
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Super Predator and again WJC crime bill
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
He is good at this, Clinton Foundation.
14. Fraudulent Elections
Shes been there and done it right Bernie.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I just read through my orders at hospital release.
Radiologist said of my morning CT that I have cholecystitis, plus a normal bunch of other organs, atherosclerotc aorta but no aneurisms, an old uterus and a nice pancreas. I am supposed to call a surgeon's office tomorrow to schedule gall bladder removal and see my PCP in the first half of the week, if possible, she is still part-time after childbirth. My age is showing internally. At least no suspicious masses! Bloodwork was normal, except a slightly low Na. That has been persistent for a year. lol, I have been reducing salt. So a low-fat diet, eat more fruits and veggies and cut down significantly on fatty meats. I will probably be given a list of good stuff. I am supposed to ask someone. There are gall stones, I am going to ask if I can get some. To take home. I am weird like that, and oxycodone is not doing a full relief of pain. So I am mildly high.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.