She wants to explore and discover things.
Submitted by PriceRip on Wed, 09/21/2016 - 10:05pm
Several months ago I printed up some sheets of paper containing rows and columns of rectangular boxes for my granddaughter to play with as she wished. Today as her mother was otherwise occupied my granddaughter decided to start filling the boxes of one of those sheets with numbers. After a bit of time my granddaughter approached my daughter:
Granddaughter said, "I have a discovery."
Daughter asked, "What's the discovery?"
Then my granddaughter took my daughter over to her paper . . .

Wonderfully open minds,
have the ability to save all life on earth.
Why were so few listening when there was so little time left? That will be the subject for the next batch of star hopping archeologists who fall upon our ruins.
Kudos to your granddaughter.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Very impressive! n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I'm even impressed that she knows the word "discovery" so well.
Out of the mouths of babes
What a doll. You have to be proud of that one PR!
She has already learned that most "data" is very similar to her analysis. Put it in chart form, throw in a few colors and fancy words...VOILA!!! You become a Harvard trained economist, a pollster, or a politician
My kids went through a discovery phase lying on the dock, facing
down. I did not disturb them unless questions. 'what's THAT' being mostly what I got. I answered truthfully, something a biologist can do.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
This is so neat to see a child make a discovery on her own. We have so much potential in our children and by "our" children, I mean all the children of this earth. Instead of nurturing that potential for good, our systems are dumbing down our children and using them to feed the system. I want to overthrow the system so that all of "our" children will have a hope for a future in Peace. Thank you for sharing this uplifting video, PriceRip.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I taught University for 35 years . . .
Every day I had the pleasure of watching "adults" become childlike as they explored. I was amazed by the number of people that would start a semester thinking they couldn't learn. I think that is a sad commentary on the state of our educational system.
River Of No Return
I watched the video a few minutes ago and as it ended this appeared:
Every time I come across a reference to the "River Of No Return" I remember the first time I saw the movie. I was young and one scene was burned into my memory. And now every time I here this I am transported back to that time. I learned, only recently, that she didn't think she would be taken seriously singing this song. Apparently there are people that think she didn't actually sing this song because of their image of what or who she was, or something, something, something . . .
This thought not only makes me sad, it makes me angry (or, as we used to say, "spitting nails angry"). That's why I prefer to self-identify as a radical feminist I suppose. I could say much more about this but then I would spiral into a rant. So, to change the tone . . .
A few years later I discovered a new hero. A local outdoorsman TV show told the story of how Alan Dale Victor designed a boat so that he and Elwyn Towers could be the first to run the Salmon River upstream from its mouth to Salmon, Idaho and back. My dad made a point that Dale's true accomplishment was to design a way to do something inherently dangerous in a way to make it not only safer, but safe enough for the "stunt" to eventually become routine. Conquering the River Of No Return is one thing, what Dale did was much more . . .
This is what our educational system needs to embrace: It must encourage each person to become explorers that want to discover ever more things about themselves as well as about the universe.