There is no Open Thread this morning - That scares me - So, take this one!
Submitted by mimi on Wed, 09/21/2016 - 11:08am

Well, I can't write anything. I am too scared of this site, the people. the country, the internet blogs and about more or less everything. There is no trust in anything anymore. And the internet is the biggest threat and danger to mankind. You fight on the same meadows the forces that will destroy you and the planet are playing their games. Ain't gonna work.

Well, I can't write anything. I am too scared of this site, the people. the country, the internet blogs and about more or less everything. There is no trust in anything anymore. And the internet is the biggest threat and danger to mankind. You fight on the same meadows the forces that will destroy you and the planet are playing their games. Ain't gonna work.
There is too much hating. Can't stand it. But if you insist on it, please proceed. Your choice.
In order to say that, I had to have an Open Thread. So I got myself one.
You can ask the admins to erase it. I had my say. I feel sick. How about you? You think you are normal healthy human beings?

"The Nation" says a Stein vote is a wasted vote
Scratch another "progressive" outlet from what is left of the dwindling list.
Your Vote for Jill Stein Is a Wasted Vote
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Counterpunch punches
All the Democratic leaning so called liberal 'progressive' media online and off are busy punching millennials or any protest voters as dangerous. Meanwhile they are also busy pumping the fear of HitlerTrump.This site has become a zoo of persona politics, identity politics, idiocracy abounds. Body doubles, wandering eyeballs, Killary is dead and generational finger pointing brouhaha's along with the ever popular PC shaming straight off dkos and wall to wall Hillary/Trump hysteria and meanwhile there really are places left online that do address the non reality were living in.
Politics on this level of who said what and delusional Bernie worship along with kabuki and endless courtier intrigues that have nothing to do with the underlying voter discontent were seeing is just freaking boring. This may not be dkos but it's becoming a mirror reverse.
Sorry to go off here but I'm kind of sad that my fb feed is far more liberal, productive has more news, more worthy issues, more left advocacy and more decent opinion.. I'm taking a break until the election is over. Hope this site does not continue for The Mad Bomber's entire term to be wall to wall HRC and the latest scandal that's going down that will hopefully bring back Bernie. why bring him back he's part of the freaking elitist machine and a bloody endless warrior to boot.
Here's 3 excellent electoral political articles that are intelligent about this farce of an election. I found them morning. They did not have gruesome pics of Killary, or pundirts from MSNBC bs or WaPo articles by that moron cris cazzillio. actually addressed the electoral screw were dealing with. Why dance to the tune provided by the propagandist corporate Democratic media including Bernie. I don't care about his intentions the excuses endlessly given for his kissing the ring. Why not have a site that deals with making the world better for the 99% instead of wallowing in the mud pit of current partisan politics with no party, the latest hottest newspeak.
btw Philosophy is part of the humanities and a needed one at this point. When a science man tells me on this site that it's irrelevant it's a good sign I'm in the wrong place. Enough is enough. It's hurting my head and heart and it just goes around in useless circles. Where is Jaye Raye for that matter we could use some real progressive labor history about now? Sustainable living would be good as god knows we're going to need some sustaining with the inevitable global rule featuring endless austeritian+ bloody endless war Gerit?
The Myth of the Spoiler: Why the Machine Elites Fear Democracy
If You’re a Democrat Bashing Bernie Voters, You’re Supporting Trump
and finally here's Bernie..
The ‘Protest Vote’ Once Again Has The Liberal Establishment In a Frenzy
One last article regarding Putin did it.
Hillary Clinton and the Russian Specter
So I guess I'll see you all in November once nothing has been resolved and the beat goes on.
amen, the question is why I am back here and
not on "vacation" as announced and claimed, Shaharazade?
Let's take the "vacation" together.
Just for the fun of it, don't you think all of it is CT and the site has been taken over to prove that the good folks can't have it their way? I am leaving you in style on that CT thought.
It all started with the mass exodus. Not everyone has the nerves of a Joe or Johnny to handle it calmly.
Hopefully, it's mostly just growing pains
and we will pass through the terrible twos to establish our independence in equally innocent, but more productive ways ; )
I do get your point. But whose fault is it?
You just brought a slew of erstwhile reading to the site and dumped it collectively into an OT instead of writing them up and presenting them individually as you might have if this was ToP. In an OT, they are not as likely to be seen and/or clicked on. As an individual essay with some introduction and analysis, it would have contributed to c99 what you lament as missing.
I don't mean to criticize you. I do the very same thing. I read something on FB that I think really belongs here and then meh. I think the reason I don't do it is the ease of posting to FB vs here. On FB, you drop in an URL, and it is instant links, pictures, and pretty much the whole introduction all in one fell swoop. We are creatures of technology and instant gratification.
Another area where i fall short is in promoting the good stuff that is here on FB and Twitter, the SM tools I am somewhat familiar. So lately, I've been trying to figure out how to do it so that it is more than a title and at least a little appealing. I don't know where the snafu's are. If I figure out, I plan to write a "how to" essay for writers and those who would like to help promote this place.
While I'm confessing to my shortcomings, let's talk volunteering to do an OT. We need a Wednesday person. The only requirement is that you do one a week and get it up in the am. It can be serious, silly, long, short, even just a phrase. So why don't we have long lines of volunteers?
So please do not take this as a swipe at you. It is a swipe at me and the people like me who don't take the time or make the effort to contribute to c99 to make it better place. It is the sum of its parts, and we are the parts. Once summer is over, I am hoping that I will have more time and will make the effort. The proof is in the pudding.
Again, no offense meant. Hope I didn't piss you off. Maybe c99 is what it is because that is what we want it to be.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
No problem dkmich
I think your right. There are some great writers and essays here that should be promoted but once a lefty type gets here it's mainly the same hysterical electoral crap based on or playing to the mainstream so called progressive propagandist's 'frame' message or story line. Cass has a essay up about building a new party which is interesting. Most are rehashing the latest village elitist machine rumor's or calls for meme's and messages that don't offend the underestimated public which are insulting to ordinary people who by and large do not believe any of this bullshit.
All of this is fine and dandy but I'm just not into it anymore. Once you have seen behind the curtain with your own lying eyes what's going on why dance to a tune that is pointless and feeds the beast. I also find it insulting to people who supported Bernie to act like he revealed what everybody but the pig ignorant ass backward RW and the cowardly so called progressive 'moderates' already knew. Bernie simply gave them a false flag political presence in the duopoly. Hard to admit you've been had and led into another dead end with veal and protest pens awaiting.
Why lend credibility to the lies that say most progressive platform ever, third parties are impossible or without a party people are powerless. It took 16 years for me to get back where I started and now I'm once again 'radicalized', 'rebellious' and an 'extremist' as the PR con men and women who sell this insanity. People here seem addicted me included to this deadly political game of consenting to this American and global madness.
Might be Stockholm Syndrome wherein you believe Putin is the devil, Trump is a lesser evil then Clinton and Bin Laden was not long dead when the assassination squad or special forces killed him and threw his carcass in the ocean. Yeah right How about gory mayhem unleashed on Libya and the mutilated carcass of Qaddafi that was necessary or even humanitarian. People do have power but as long as they consent to this reality and refuse to even consider another 'way forward' nothing will change nothing at all even in Der Homeland.
As you can see I'm riled up and with good reason. Whether or not the Mad bomber or Trump wins this is not the reality I care about.. I get the hopies from reading and seeing the Indian nations at Standing Rock or Black Lives Matter signs in my neighborhood. Global solidarity and coalitions outside the gates of DC interest me. How come nobody asks where all these immigrants and refugees people are so freaked about came from? Why is decentralization of the global 1% bankster economy racist? Do they not consider that the USA,USA, USA has created a nightmare world with it's so called genocidal foreign policy? Putin my ass.
Why does no pol including Bernie not call for trust busting but instead pussy foots around this appalling takeover of the planet by the outrageous anti-democratic banksters and Davos/ Goldman Sachs austerity oligarchical collectivists? Robotics and incrementalism that's the ticket, that's going to help the jobless the people fleeing from our bombs and a just economy. I'm just pissed off so ignore my feeble contrarian ranting. It's a fine site but maybe not for me at this point. Too conservative by half, too hung up on a false reality people are not willing to let go of.
I'm not judgemental about it I used to think politics we're the answer. That's no longer the case so why would I stick around a site where I may be free to not self censor but have to wade through garbage that does nothing but wallow in it. I agree I should write essays that do promote what I really do not believe in. However if not ignored I will get a raft of shit saying yes but that message will not resonate with the fictitious Joe Sixpack or the dreaded Republicans or centrist cowardly greedy sycophants.
It's no one here's fault I just don't give a shit. So I'm a bad cc99% as this is not what I want it to be? I do however respect this site's commitment to democratic freedom to be whatever the members want it to be so carry on. I need a break and it's nobody's fault but my own. I really like what you have to say and what many others here write. It's my own personal disgust with accepting the politics that dictate and monopolize the dialog.
But hey that applies to most of the net so I'll just lay low and ride it out. I hate no pol I love no pol. I hate no one on here I just don't buy the storyline either side. I'm off partisan politics for a now or maybe forever. Hope this isn't construed as GBCW. I've just had enough of this for now. Jeeze I feel like a big headed eyeball contender who's snitting out from lack of attention but as I said enough is enough. Why enter a fray that has no interest in giving up what you think is the monkeys paw.
I appreciate the passion
and clarity and sincerity you express yourself with.
me too, shaharazade expresses what I feel but can't
put in words.
I agree with much that you say.
I agree about Bernie, politics, and the protests. The number of people, black unarmed people, getting killed by cops is mind blowing. The public reaction to the state of our world is comatose, and the political response is pure theater.
The difference may be that I also enjoy the water cooler chatter. A small part of me is still hoping that the Clintons or Trump will end up in jail. I said before that I am having a hard time accepting the idea that one of them will indeed be president. I keep waiting for something to change the reality.
I still say it is up to us to make "it" what we want it to be, and may dog bite me for saying that. I hope you enjoy your break and come back with new stories to tell.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I simply ignore anything that looks remotely like it might be
that stuff and certain posters. Then I make my daily vow to start writing other stuff, or reposting some from TOP and then go and work on projects around the house instead (my bad). However, as I write this, I see several things in the side bad that look like they are about something other than the coming electiona and all that; Charlotte & Brazil & Dakota Access, for instance.
As to classical fallacy being irrelevant, that is a question of confusing the container for the thing contained. Platos "ideals" are irrelevant, but his works are not, IMO.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Don't know what happened to it this am....
Thank you for plugging the hole mimi...
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Where is martianexpatriot?
S/he hasn't been around for a couple of weeks. Anybody know?
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
if you
read through this thread you can get a sense of where is martianexpatriate. Martian has not posted here since that exchange.
That's really to bad
I consort with a lot of my kind. This includes Navajos and Hopis who have raised food in very hot arid places for centuries. I could have told him how to overcome the wind and weather issues to gardening and put him in touch with people who would have given him some 96 their land race seed. That is seed of plants raised so long in one place it has adapted to the climate like a weed.
Always looking for people who would like to do a scheduled OT.
If anyone is interested, please let JtC know.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
scheduled OTs
yeah, because Wednesday rolls around and I know we need to do an OT for Thursday and we think, "oh no...well, better knock something out". But if we have a bunch of people then we can have more ideas, more time to work on them, better quality OTs.
We need Wed & Thurs???
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
no, we don't need Thursday
I've got one planned for tomorrow morning....but I wouldn't mind taking a month or two off. Shaz and I split the Thursday one so it's not too taxing. She'll be back soon with another installment of her people's art series.
After we quit traveling between our house up north & down below
I'll send JtC an email and offer to pick up one of the days. You should probably let JtC know your preferences too. I should be ready sometime the middle/end of October.
I have the internet up north, but it is satellite and has limited data. Doesn't take much to run through it. I had an OT done and ready to be saved. It was not a time-sensitive piece. Then I lost the whole damn thing. I decided to wait til I go home to redo it. I have cable internet below with no data limits.
How about you and I continue to recruit new OT writers as we stroll about?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
He's right you know
but in no way is electing Clinton going to change his and the whole worlds desperate plight. Who yelled at him? I truly wish that Clinton winning will at least keep people like Maritain alive but it won't. Degrees of killing and harm to people are not measurable in the damage done when both sides offer no humanity, no relief, other then rhetorical shots across the brow of humanity. Both parties refuse to offer any of reverence for life, liberty and all that jazz. Lesser evils my ass. It's the same damn evil with no redeeming value that will help Martian or any human make it though this madness of inhumanity.
Too bad Martain thinks that somehow the Democrat's will help/save him or anyone who is suffering under the system we all live under. So Trump or Putin are to blame eh hecate? You think the Democrat's are the lesser evil? Forget about it they could careless about Martian's plight or people of colors plight or even poor white people in your community's fate.
Does either side care about life on this planet? No. They offer nothing but death, misery and destruction. Misplaced fear one way or another is useless. We are all fucked as humans and so is the earth we all have to live on regardless of who gets elected or which party wins. Martian's response is to his plight is understandable considering what our society has done with to people ho need help. Good God why is this any better then what Trump is purposing to do. What misplaced insane fear all based on a factious story line.
I love people and the world. I have empathy. And yet somehow because I don't fear ever constant constant 25% of ass backward, pig ignorant right wing Neanderthals I'm somehow responsible for empowering if I don't vote against Trump. People like Martians deplorable intolerable situation being blamed on people who won't toe the line just keeps the game at play.
Do not look to the Democrat's people quit blaming or shaming those of us who don't fall for the if the racist fascist Republican's win we're screwed mentality. Sorry Maritain and I mean this sincerely your fear is justified and righteous but there is no hope nor resolution via the Democrat's winning. Why leave because people here don't fall for the frightener's Democratic or Republican. They are really one and the same.
Love you. love you...and in the end
They offer nothing other then the same damn thing as as lunatic RW only they call their evil 'victories for compromise'. Just exactly who and what are they reaching across the aisle to accommodate Nothing hecate that's going to help the people of color or the rest of humanity and nature you care about and want to keep out of harms way.
I'm with you 200%, shaz.
Just lost a comment I spent an hour typng out on my cell phone. Is It Down tells me it's not just me, c99p is down. This has benn happening intermittently all day.. Just as well. I was being intemperate again. Too much of what passes for "content" on this site pisses me off these days.
I miss Martian, too. And a lot of other.people who have given up.on this xite, a group.I have been joining.
Thanks for your comments, shaz. And thanks, mimi, for this Open Thread. I'll be reading, off and on, but there are way better sites to.spend my time on.
It's a damn shame. c99p.seemed like such a good.idea . . .
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I'm with you 200%, shaz.
Just lost a comment I spent an hour typng out on my cell phone. Is It Down tells me it's not just me, c99p is down. This has benn happening intermittently all day.. Just as well. I was being intemperate again. Too much of what passes for "content" on this site pisses me off these days.
I miss Martian, too. And a lot of other.people who have given up.on this xite, a group.I have been joining.
Thanks for your comments, shaz. And thanks, mimi, for this Open Thread. I'll be reading, off and on, but there are way better sites to.spend my time on.
It's a damn shame. c99p.seemed like such a good.idea . . .
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I'm with you 200%, shaz.
Just lost a comment I spent an hour typng out on my cell phone. Is It Down tells me it's not just me, c99p is down. This has benn happening intermittently all day.. Just as well. I was being intemperate again. Too much of what passes for "content" on this site pisses me off these days.
I miss Martian, too. And a lot of other.people who have given up.on this xite, a group.I have been joining.
Thanks for your comments, shaz. And thanks, mimi, for this Open Thread. I'll be reading, off and on, but there are way better sites to.spend my time on.
It's a damn shame. c99p.seemed like such a good.idea . . .
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
i don't know
why you're addressing me here, shah. ; ) I just linked to martian's comments. Upon which I passed no opinion.
hecate I addressed you simply
because you posted his comment which took me back to his freak out. I've been worrying about him and stewing about his predicament which is like so many human stories so sad and cruel. I never mean't my comment to you. You did not express any opinion and have never expressed an opinion that was cruel or disrespectful to the plight of humans or living creatures or life itself. I guess i just get to emotional about what going on and when confronted with stories like his feel there is no point to all the bs. of politics or a society that makes a person like Martian so frightened and so trapped. Sorry I just hung it on your comment.
not in a good place, he's scared, and he feels like people aren't really hearing, feeling, him. And, really, a lot of them, aren't. He's discouraged. I want him to be okay.
Don't Despair... More Comments Coming Soon
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
What do we do when we run out of words? (edited)
Redacted offensive butt image.
We must have Open Thread 7x24
Here is something to discuss;
Obama: 50 countries to take in 360,000 refugees this year
I wonder what the trumpers will say...naahhh!!
The political revolution continues
Where does the US stand with regard to refugee intake per
100 000 local US population or per square mile?
Migrant crisis: Migration to Europe explained in seven charts
Looks like

EU average is 260. US average is ???
According to my math we are the bottom at 3.23 per 100,000
According to the Wash Times rag;
U.S. accepts record number of Syrian refugees in June despite terrorist screening worries
There are 21 million refugees around the world according to the UN Refugee Agency. And 63 million "forcibly displaced" people.
I am afraid that this is the beginning. Given global warming and increased tensions in the Middle East and Africa, I expect 1 billion refugees and displaced people by 2050, or worse. This century going forward is indescribable in my mind.
The political revolution continues
so, how much at fault for the refugee crisis is
to blame on the US, percentage wise, compared to other nations ? Has there been made an appraisal of that, a fair one, not a self-flagellation type?
Not sure if correct.
Graphic above talks about "Asylum Applications" while your data seems to be for "Accepted Applications".
Not sure if equivalent.
I am beyond happy that my hamlet of about 30k has agreed to take 51 refugees next year when the refugees are designated by State Dept. Fifty-one is the minimum number a host city can take.
They had a public prelim planning meeting the other night. The hamlet council passed an ordinance or whatever it was called, (resolution?) designating town as refugee taker, scratch that, "sanctuary city" for refugees. I freaking love my town.
I'm thinking I might volunteer to teach English classes. I'll teach them "freaking" the first day, and how that word can be used to describe conservatives and GOP.
My county has some, mostly on farms, learning local ways.
Into sheep, cheese-making, etc. Very warlike Not.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thanks for stepping up, mimi, very good. Speaking of CT,
Whiskey and Wednesday both start with the letter W. Coincidence? I think not.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
W word is Wanking. Also no coincidence.
Is it me or does Elvis look cross eyed
in that video? hahaha
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Did you say W ?
Put away the phone Weiner. Daily Mail
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I miss the "Moon of Alabama" - I have lost my Mama
and now I must say Good Bye.
Thank You for Mama and the Whisky.
Barflies haning around in the Open Thread now.
W words War and Weapons, definitely CT /nt
if you remove that pound sign ( # ) from your "Open Thread" tag, then this OT will automatically appear in the Open Thread space in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
Here is another article of righteous indignation aimed at CF
ouch! We are angry today.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thanks riverlover
that link was worth reading. My 'vacation' seems to be mimi style, brief and not being able to pack my bags and get my ass out of the house. I did manage to go to take a trip to the grocery store before turning on the computer and coming straight to c99%. I came home and Shah told me about Cassie's essay and I was curious so I'm back. I guess I'm shameless.
"righteous indignation" is right!
And so clearly and calmly stated. Great read, thanks.
"Vacation"? Ferien?
Liebe Mimi, wass meint dass?
Actually, I hadn't had a real "vacation" for ages until this year -- too much responsibility at the Uni lab at first and then at my (Kanadische) sg "Landesministerium fuer Notfallvorsorge und -bekaempfung."
Even now that I've "officially" retired, I still get 'urgent' questions from there. Still, this gives me more time for ... reading, writing, stargazing, etc. Unfortunately, I'm becoming disabled with a progressive and incurable motor disease which means that we're looking into motorised wheelchairs.
Anyone have some experience with same? I've been looking at the EZ Lite Cruiser Personal Mobility Aid?
Thanks for any help, my friends.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
so, you are in Canada then?
Vacation, I never had real vacation when I worked and that was almost all the time. The vaction days I got here in the US were used to travel back to Germany to see family when they were still alive. Sorta good, but no vacation.
Now, I retired two years ago, and that was another big mistake. I should have continued to work. I just was so tired. Now I suffer, because I have too much time to sleep.
Wheelchairs. My niece, who had so much cancer in her body and brain, she finally needed a wheelchair in the end. She had two, a motorized one and a hand pushed one. The motorized one was too bulky for a NYC apartment, she couldn't get into the kitchen and bathroom with it. So she needed a smaller one, which she had to push by hand. She was also too weak to push the chair in the end, but luckily had a loving SO partner, who took care of her til the end. Unfortunately I don't remember if her electric wheelchair was foldable, I don't think so.
Thanks mimi. The open threads
are the places here that I enjoy the most. Even if I don’t comment, I read most of them happily, and am always informed and entertained by them.
Some more Leonard for you, especially since it is his birthday today. Happy birthday Leonard!
Did you hear that Cohen announced another LP release
for his 82nd birthday?
Hear Leonard Cohen's Mesmerizing New Song 'You Want It Darker' Veteran releases title track from new LP on 82nd birthday
You can only listen.
No, I didn't know mimi
Thank you so much for letting me know.
I will prepare myself, in some deserving, for Leonard, way to listen.
Many thanks
Meanwhile, all hell is breaking loose in Charlotte
for those who care about anything besides the spectacle of USA, USA, USA politicians.
Crap's going down in Tulda, too. People are protesting cops killing people all over this country, but let me not interrupt discussion at c99p about Hillary Clinton. USA, USA, USA!!!
Only connect. - E.M. Forster