Open Thread 11-01-15
Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by Merle Travis.
With War Now Displacing 60 Million, Time for World to 'Reaffirm Its Humanity'
In rare joint call, head of both UN and International Red Cross say human conflict is reaching unprecedented proportionsCiting nearly unprecedent levels of conflict and instability across the world, the heads of both the United Nations and the International Red Cross on Saturday issued a rare joint call warning that nations and global leaders must dramatically step up efforts to scale back wars and miltary actions that are causing massive human suffering while ripping apart families, communities, entire nations, and regions.
"Rarely before have we witnessed so many people on the move, so much instability, so much suffering," said Peter Maurer, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). "In armed conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere, combatants are defying humanity’s most fundamental norms. Every day, we hear of civilians being killed and wounded in violation of the basic rules of international humanitarian law, and with total impunity. Instability is spreading. Suffering is growing. No country can remain untouched."
Citing figures that are the highest they've been since the Second World War, the two agencies said that sixty million people around the world have now been displaced from their homes because of conflict and violence. What's more, they say, today's conflicts have become more protracted, meaning that many displaced people face years away from their homes, communities and livelihoods.
'No Survivors' After Russian Airliner with 224 Aboard Goes Down Over Egypt
Authorities are not yet publicly speculating on what may have caused the disasterA Russian passenger airliner with 224 hundred on board has crashed in Egypt on Saturday with early reports indicating no survivors.
Adel Mahgoub, chairman of the state company that runs Egypt's civilian airports, has said that all 217 passengers and the seven crew members were all Russian citizens. Later reports indicate that nationals from Ukraine and Belarus may also have been on board.
Though an armed militant group in the Sinai has reportedly claimed responsibility for downing the airliner, there has been no confirmation the crash resulted from an onboard explosion or by a surface-to-air missile. Both the Russian and Egyptian governments were quick to dismiss those claims.
Ban Ki-Moon Condemns the American Stand on Syria, Endorses Putin’s
In an interview with Spanish newspapers that was published October 31st, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon condemned U.S. President Barack Obama’s demand that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad be removed from office, and Moon said: “The future of Assad must be determined by the Syrian people.”
Here is the entire quotation: “The future of President Assad must be decided by the Syrian people. Now, I do not want to interfere in the process of Vienna, but I think it is totally unfair and unreasonable that the fate of a person [diplomatese here for: U.S. President Barack Obama’s demand that Assad be removed from the Presidency of Syria] to paralyze all this political negotiation. This is not acceptable. It’s not fair. The Syrian government insists that Assad should be part of the transition. Many Western countries oppose the Syrian government’s position. Meanwhile, we lost years. 250,000 people have been killed. There are 13 million refugees or internally displaced. Over 50% of hospitals, schools and infrastructure has been destroyed in Syria. You must not lose more time. This crisis goes beyond Syria, beyond the region. It affects Europe. It is a global crisis.”
The U.N. Secretary General is here implicitly blaming all of this — lots of blood and misery — on U.S. President Obama, and on the “many Western countries” who ally with him and have joined with him in demanding regime-change in Syria.
Untangling America from the American Empire
The Status Quo would have us believe that America and its Empire are one entity. This is handy for those with Imperial designs but it is false: America could be untangled from its Empire, and many of us believe it is essential that America untangles itself from its Imperial structures and ideologies.
What I call The Imperial Project was cobbled together in the aftermath of World War II, when the Soviet Union and America posed an existential threat to each other’s ideologies and systems. It may be hard to believe, but the U.S. did not have a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other espionage/intelligence gathering agency prior to World War II.
America had no spy agency and no Black Operations/Special Forces capabilities. The National Security State as we know it today did not exist.
Though the Deep State has long been an essential feature of the American power structure, the post-war Deep State extended its reach globally in ways that the pre-war Deep State could not.
Obama Keeps Pentagon Spigot Open
The Pentagon just won another small skirmish in its long war with Social Security and Medicare. That is the unstated message of the budget deal just announced gleefully by congressional leaders and President Barack Obama. To understand why, let’s take a quick trip down memory lane.
Last January, President Obama submitted Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 budget to Congress, and he proposed to break the spending limits on both defense and domestic programs. These limits are set by the long-term sequester provisions of the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA), which, for better or worse, is the law of the land, and Obama was asking Congress to change the law.
Mr. Obama wanted to finance his ramped up spending proposals by increasing taxes. Of course, he knew that the Republican-controlled Congress lusted for defense increases but hated domestic spending, particularly entitlements, such as Social Security and Medicare.
More US Boots Coming to Europe?
The US Army (separately from NATO) is reviewing its own readiness to counter phantom 'Russian aggression' in Europe - especially in the BalticsThe U.S. Army is reviewing its force structure in Europe, measuring everything from crisis-response capabilities to its mix of armor and infantrymen, as the service adapts to counter a revanchist Russia, the Army chief of staff said.
Gen. Mark Milley, who was at U.S. Army Europe headquarters in Wiesbaden this week to confer with more than 30 European army generals, signaled that an era of steadily drawing down in Europe should be halted.
“We don’t need Cold War-levels of forward-deployed forces or anything like that,” Milley said in an interview on Tuesday. “But at the same time, you want to make sure you have sufficient capabilities to deter further aggression by Russia.”
'Unlawful and Fatally Flawed': U.S. Navy to Conduct Dangerous War Games Over National Forest
"The Navy has an astonishing sense of entitlement to public lands and waters," said retired U.S. Fish & Wildlife biologist Karen Sullivan.The U.S. Navy aims to begin conducting electromagnetic warfare training across much of Washington State's Olympic Peninsula soon.
Meanwhile, it is being accused of breaking federal laws in order to secure the permits necessary to move forward with its training operations.
Karen Sullivan worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for 15 and a half years, and is an expert in the bureaucratic procedures the Navy is supposed to be following.
She is now part of the West Coast Action Alliance, one of two large multistate and international citizen groups who have tasked themselves with watchdogging the Navy, due to what they believe are ongoing violations of the law, blatant acts of disrespect toward human and environmental health, and ongoing bellicose behavior by the military branch in their areas.
How Will We Reach an Ecological Civilization and Who Will Build It?
We are now officially living amid the sixth great extinction, according to scientists, but the global economy has still not shifted to prevent climate change's existential threat to human civilization and much of the biosphere.
Will transnational corporations and the political leaders that cater to them realize that it is in their own interest of self-preservation to address the problem of global climate change by halting the unrelenting use of fossil fuels? What would it take for the capitalist economy to prioritize ecological concerns? Perhaps, when 10 of the largest oil and gas companies sign a letter calling on world leaders to sign an effective deal at the international climate negotiations in Paris in December, progress is being made. In a statement that will likely surprise many, the CEOs of these 10 giant fossil fuel corporations state that, "we will continue in our efforts to help lower the current global emissions trajectory," as they apparently commit themselves to ensuring a "20C future."
Yet Exxon, the biggest oil company, has been busily undermining its own climate research for the last two decades, and sowing doubt in the reality of climate change at every opportunity. Similarly, fossil fuel corporations consistently underplay the growth of renewables and talk up demand. One of the signers of the statement, Shell, predicted in their most recent annual report to shareholders that by 2040 demand for oil and gas would be greater than today by 14 to 55 percent, thus justifying expansion of drilling in the Arctic. Can the very corporations that are rushing to every corner of the world to find and extract more fossil fuels be the answer to reducing fossil fuel production? In the words of Josu Jon Imaz, CEO of Repsol, "We could be part of the problem, but we are convinced we are part of the solution."
Climate Denialism: A Brief History
In the late 1970s, scientists first came to a consensus that global warming was likely to result from increasing greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil fuels. This idea had been around since the turn of the century, but the development of computer models made it possible to make quantitative predictions. Almost immediately, a small group of politically connected and conservative scientists began to question this consensus. As empirical scientific data mounted up, their attacks became more unprincipled. These conservative scientists used data selectively and often misrepresented the conclusions of many studies undertaken by the scientific community.
In 1992, world leaders gathered in Rio de Janeiro to sign the United Nations Framework on Climate Change. President George W Bush promised to translate the written document into "concrete action". Three years later, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) declared that the human impact on the earth's climate was no longer a prediction but an observable fact.
In the early 1990s, a group of skeptics claimed that Roger Revelle, one of the first climate scientists, had changed his mind about global warming and no longer believed it was a serious problem. The claim was repeated through several news outlets, including the Washington Post. When a graduate student named Justin Lancaster - who had worked closely with Revelle before his death in 1991 - tried to insist that Revelle had not changed his view, he was sued for libel. Lancaster was obliged to settle out of court. The claim was repeated again and again, and even today, exists on the Internet.
Exposing the climate denial lies: Bill McKibben, the truth and the fight against the fossil-fuel industry
The fossil-fuel lobby would cook us all off the earth if given the chance. One man has stood up to it for decadesIn October, a month before a show at the Orpheum, I drove up to Burlington, Vermont, on Bill McKibben’s and 350’s home turf, to attend the “dress rehearsal” for the national “Do the Math” tour, set to launch in Seattle the day after the election. On assignment for Grist magazine, I’d been invited to spend some time “backstage” with the team, watch their run-throughs for the evening’s production, and chat with McKibben and the others. And though I was on assignment, everyone knew (including of course my editor at Grist, Scott Rosenberg) that I was hardly there to cover it as a conventional reporter. Earlier that year I’d helped launch 350 Massachusetts, the independent grassroots network started by’s allies at Better Future Project, a young nonprofit in Cambridge (on whose board I served until late 2014). And I was getting involved with other alumni in the nascent, student-led Divest Harvard campaign. You could say my assignment in Burlington was an inside job.
Perhaps this is where I should pause and explain that Bill McKibben and I have been acquainted for many years, having worked together occasionally when I was an editor at the Atlantic and the Boston Globe. As I dove deeper into the climate movement, we developed a kind of collaboration as fellow writers and activists. Not that Bill and I have ever really become close friends—we don’t hang out with each other, we’ve never shared much about our personal lives—but we have a warm, collegial relationship.
I say all of this not only for the sake of transparency, but because Bill McKibben has had a significant impact on my own thinking about climate. That doesn’t mean I’m incapable of stepping back and giving my honest view of his work. Much of what I write here he’ll probably appreciate; some of it he may feel compelled to argue with. I don’t know. But I’m sure I’ll find out.
Merle Travis - Smoke Smoke Smoke
Merle Travis - John Henry
Chet Atkins, Merle Travis - Is Anything Better Than This
Merle Travis - Sixteen Tons (original version) from 1947
Merle Travis - Nine Pound Hammer 1951
Merle Travis - Cannonball Rag

Morning folks...
anyone else feel like we're on the cusp of WWIII, the eve of destruction? Or is it just me?
Good Morning, Johnny and 99%'ers
You asked the question and my own thoughts are that we are careening out of control toward self destruction. The only question is by what means? There are far too many in Washington DC who are just itching for an all out war with Russia but then perhaps we will all continue to march onward to our suicidal extinction via climate change. For the life of me, I simply cannot fathom how these people sleep at night, including our current President.
To be honest, I have problems myself in accepting it too. It is all so big and I have no power myself alone. I am but an infinitesimal drop in the ocean and far too many people, particularly in the United States just do not seem to give a damn.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning gg...
we still have the power of our voices, the PTB want us all to shut up. In a world of repetitive talking points that sink in with constant bombardment, we need to say it over and over and over again. We should speak our minds while we still can, ideas are dangerous to those who want to keep the status quo.
What blows me away
is how ordinary people Democrat's liberals and even conservatives have accepted this. During the Bush regime people had more courage and pushed back on this coup d'etat by the neocons and their flaunting of all universal law. When I canvased for Obama in 2007 Republican voters would come up to me on the street and apologize for voting for Bush as they said they had no idea that this horror show was going to happen. After 2006 -08 it became apparent to me that this was not a RW coup but a by-partisan one on every level. Even Bernie seems in the bag for endless bloody war,. I hear nothing from him about the restoration of the rule of law here in der Homeland. The AUFM and the odious Patriot Act need to be gone. Yet no one with any power speaks up.
If they do they are 'extremists' and unpatriotic Dr. Commie Rats to boot. Not electable because they are fringe? I fully understand why and how we got here but I do not understand why people of good spirit and we are legion, accept this madness. It's easy to blame the Obama administration I do often. But come on what is wrong with people that they give their consent to be governed to a bunch of evil fucks who not only want to set the world on fire but rob the populace blind globally. Democrat's are not better then they are worse then because they hide behind the insanity of the constant lunatic 30%, pig ignorant and belligerent that now wield power way beyond their numbers.
They sleep fine at night because they really are evil fucks. Not to go Godwin but I'm sure those evil fucks slept great as they believed they were destined to rule the world. Take a look at the ideology behind Hillary's 'church' The Family or the foundation or whatever. They believe they are powerful because of god's will. Manifest Destiny carried to it's elitist extreme. Sorry for the rant but I've about had it with both sides of these evil fucks who own the place. They won't get my consent to be governed they are just psycho killers on a global scale. Then their is their grand plan to starve everybody for the profit of a Ponzi scam they call the race to the top, the Free Market. Why do the people in the 'free world' go along with this shit? Can't people see evil when it bites them?
Don't touch it
no, being bitten by evil is not enough to see it,
it must kill you, then at least a couple of people surrounding you understand what is evil and see it as such.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Happy November
Did you enjoy your extra hour or are you in the part of IL that does not abide?
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Morning Tim...
Yes I did enjoy the extra hour. As far as I know, all of Illinois recognizes the time change, you may be thinking of Indiana.
Doc Watson & Merle Travis meet for the first time - a special moment in American music history
My bad
Yeah, Indiana. I did a job in Burr Oak, south of Kalamazoo, Indiana was just down the street and behind by an hour. Actually, there are parts of Indiana that are decades behind the time.
Comparing IL to IN is like comparing NC to SC. Wanna bet on whether the Anonymous KKK dump has more people from Indiana or NC? SC is the odds on favorite.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
is not all that different than Indiana when you take Chicago out of the equation. The further south you go from Chicago the redder it gets, Bruce Rauner was elected Governor after all and he's about as much of a 1% asshole as they get.
Illinois has a very large contingent of KKK also, there was the famous rally in Skokie in the 70s and there have been large rallies in some small towns in central and southern Illinois in the not too distant past. But, all in all, I think you're right about SC.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
maybe. But Albert "The King" sings "Goin' back to Iuka, back where I belong", so I don't know.
that made me smile, I hope all those Nazis jumping the bridge
couldn't swim and drowned. Boy, those feelings of revenge and hate haunt you from generation to generation, don't they? Do you know a good trick of how to bury the ghosts from the past for good?
I hate Pegida Nazis. And I especially "LOVE" how Breitbart messes around differentiating Nazis and Pegida demonstrators. NEO-NAZIS CLASH WITH POLICE – MERKEL IMPLICATES PEGIDA AND ANYONE PROTESTING MASS IMMIGRATION. What's Breitbart business in Germany messing around?
What's not to hate about this: PEGIDA wants Muslims, refugees in Nazi camps? Feels pretty much like pre-wwwIII / end of Weimar times, I think.
Oh, btw, I always wanted to ask you about one of your textual smiley, the one that reads "new russian"
What are the hand gestures supposed to mean?
About the "new russian" smiley, mimi...
heck if I know.
heck, so I am not alone, that's encouraging... :-) /nt
That might be close. I am betting that Indiana is still a big stronghold for the KKK.
Good Morning Tim
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
"Watch Your Step"...
I've read that John Lennon used this as the basis for "I Feel Fine". Maybe. It sounds more like a guitar interpretation of a Ray Charles song.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
The 16 times Obama said "no boots on the ground"
yeah but
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
He's either...
a neocon in sheep's clothing, OR, has no control over foreign policy. I think it's the former, with a smidgen of the latter.
I think it is both
The powers that be had pre-vetted him and he has had neocon leanings all the way. Regardless, I honestly believe that there is little the president can do to reel in the military. It is going to take Congress to cut the behemoth off at its head by severely cutting funding. And I do not see that happening.
Also, I have been thinking a little more about all this. When Congress passed the AUMF, it was the last link to making our government enmeshed in perpetual war. Congress abdicated their Constitutional responsibility for declaring war and handed it over to a single individual, the President which makes the perpetuation of war much easier as the last check has now been bypassed, and few in Congress care. Consolidation of power into the hands of a few or even one individual allows for the abuse of that power.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
the concepts of boots on the ground
Personally I have no problem with boots on the ground. There might be some in far away places who are poor and are walking around either shoeless or maybe using cornstalks wrapped around their feet. So sending boots is a nice gesture.
However, since that's not what it means in this context I find it an interesting euphemism. How'd they come up with it? Did they think that "shoelaces on the ground" was too obvious? "Socks on the ground" or "cufflinks on the ground" not macho enough? "Belts on the ground" sounds like there could be ammunition involved so that was right out. "Berets" or "helmets" brings to mind faces which implies actual people. I think maybe "boots" was chosen specifically because it's far away from the head, making us think of anonymous marchers.
In any case, although I absolutely disagree with the war-mongering, 1% loving President and his apparent replacement, Flying Spaghetti Clinton, I recognize that they have to say and do these things as politicians and therefore everyone should shut up about it and admire both of them.
That last sentence was a "salute" to Turkana's losing his mind.
Israel: 1) Truman did, we might too. 2) What occupation? 3) Gas.
Shurat HaDin / Israel Law Center transcript:
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon: Closing Address and Q & A at "Towards a New Law of War" (PDF)
October 30, Common Dreams: “We will gas you until you die”
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
Greetings! A 'must see' Newsmakers segment of 'likely' Ways &
Means Committee Chair replacement (for Paul Ryan)--Texas US Representative Kevin Brady.
Too pushed for a 'detailed' summary. But, here's the interview with Susan Swain and two reporters. Bring your crying towel, if you choose to watch it.
[Newsmakers, C-Span, November 1, 2015]
So, a couple of points:
Most worrisome comment was about substituting a VAT Tax, in place of Social Security payroll taxes and federal income taxes.
(I'm planning on posting From's video and clips when I get time to make the clips. Hopefully, during the Dem Party Primary.)
And, of course, the main objective of all of this is to completely disassociate 'earnings' from one's Social Security benefit.
And, this sets up the scenario for going to a 'flat' benefit for Old Age Social Security, which is what The Hill reporter (I'll post his video after our trip) reported is being done to SSDI in the current Budget Act to be signed tomorrow.
Plus, there is one other Bowles-Simpson reform proposal that paves the way for a 'flat' benefit. I'll go into it at a later date. It parallels the SSDI reform that was just passed--by implementing a benefit based upon the FPL.
BTW, Brady also stated that he and Ranking Member Sandy Levin (and other Dems) will likely work well together on Social Security, Medicare. and Tax Reform.
(Brady appears to think that the 'Big Enchilada' of a major tax reform [overhaul] will likely be passed in the first year of a new Administration. Which is not to say that they won't continue piecemeal, to effect reform--my opinion.)
His goal (like corporatist Dems) is a "pro-growth" and flat(er) tax code. IOW, one that reduces taxes for corporations and 'the wealthy.'
And, the ticket to accomplishing this is to abolish payroll taxes, replace our federal tax with a flat, or much, much flatter tax, or no income tax at all (ultimately), and replace them with the regressive VAT and carbon tax.
I may repost this video later next week at EB, so that those members who are mostly 'Bluesters' won't miss it. I love the 'Newsmakers' series, in that it is very instructional (regarding lawmakers' activities, etc.).
I haven't posted anything at DKos for a couple years or more, IIRC. But, I am considering posting the video, and video clips about the recent SSDI reform.
The only thing that worries me, is that it could start an all out 'war,' and I'm not sure that I have the stomach for that. (I'm considering a "post and split" scenario.)
Thanks for today's OT, JtC! And, Everyone have a good rest of the day!
Chris Hedges, Journalist/Author/Activist, Truthdig, 9/20/2015
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Afternoon Mollie...
I turn 62 next March and this all has me quite concerned, although I don't plan on collecting until age 66, thanks for all your information.
You're very welcome--'thank you' for the excellent venue! I'm
really looking forward to posting the approximately 20-minute interview with the reporter about the SSDI reform (when we return).
I may ask for some feedback from you Guys, if anyone has some to offer, in order to determine 'how risky' it would be to post at DKos. I'm not over there much, at all; but, I'm not especially looking to be banned.
Plus, I hate to post the C-Span video, if all it does is lead to a hateful thread war, that accomplishes nothing. It is wonderful to have a venue like this one, where serious matters can be discussed in a mature manner.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
A Vat tax is regressive
There is a big brouhaha in England about Vat taxation and cutting tax credits Cameron and Osborn are putting in place a tax credit? an austerity measure which is going to totally devastate lower income people's economic situation. It seems to be part of a 12bln. cut to social services. The Tory government is however getting push back from both the House of Lords and Labour under Corbyn. Strange bedfellows indeed. Every time I see the words Bowles- Simpson it pisses me off at the Third Way'ers disguised as Democrats that own and run our party. What a bunch of useless wimps the so called Dem. progressives including the Progressive Caucus are. I may not like Bernie's 'foreign policy' stances or beliefs but this flat tax and messing with SS makes me willing to re-register as a Dem. and vote for Bernie. He may not be Corbyn but he would be 'better then' about austerity and dismantling the social system. HRC would pass this so quick it will make our collective heads spin. Why is this SS, Vat tax 'issue' not part of the Democratic primary? What a farce our two party system is when both parties are complicit in every aspect of dismantling our democratic system.
Corbyn serves up tax credit question six times – but Cameron will not bite
Jeremy Corbyn asked David Cameron about tax credits six times at prime minister’s questions, using each occasion to ask whether cuts to working tax credits would leave some families worse off.
Hey, Shaz--since all of the Dems, and Bernie and Angus
King, both Independents from Vermont, voted for the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015--we're pretty much waiting until all of the Dem Party Primary Debates are over, before we decide what we're going to do (about voting).
Anyhoo, when I post the videos about SSDI, and the House blurb about the closing of the Social Security 'loopholes'--funny how corporatist neoliberal politicians love to through that word around, when the want to ax what were once just considered decent benefits--I was going to post the roll call vote for the bill. It was disappointing to me, to say the least.
Only Republicans voted nay; one lawmaker, a Republican, Vitter (who's running for Governor of Lousiana) didn't vote at all.
Now, some Repubs--either 63 or 64 in the Senate, and a whole slew of them in the House--can hang these 'entitlement' cuts around the necks of Democrats when they run against them.
And it would be true.
We're more and more convinced that unless we can clean the house (no pun intended) of the corporatists in Congress--in both parties--it won't really matter who's elected President.
I wish that Dem candidates would get some tough economic questions. Heck, even the nutty Repubs are getting some pretty direct economic questions, especially on entitlements. Looking at the debate schedule, somehow I doubt that it will happen. So, we'll probably all have to go to the polls without getting any explanation for this piece of cr*p legislation.
Totally agree about the VAT tax.
I heard some of the British Parliament's discussion on C-Span, on replay, this evening, that you're referring to (or so it seemed). It struck me how much they sounded like American politicians when they were discussing austerity measures and/or the deficit.
Have a good one.
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
HI Mollie, just wanted to say
it's sometimes a bit difficult for me to follow through your thoughts in your comments, but I am always so happy, if I tried and read them to the end, because your sig line is always a sweet reward.
Heh, my SS is so small that I can't live off it anyhow. When I made the decision to withdraw at age 65 instead of 66, the tables told me that it's just something like 11 dollar less, so I said "fuck it" and withdrew. Without ever having had an employer with a 401 K for longer than a couple of four years or so, I said "fuck it" to my 401 K as well. Not worth to lose my mind over. I hate the whole set up. Had to roll-over the 401K into IRA and Roth IRA CDs and then bought something I didn't real understood what it was. Supposedly something very secure as retirement income ... for my son. I am sure the guy who sold it to me, didn't understand himself what he really was selling. He couldn't explain it, and my rule of thumb is, when someone can't explain something to someone in clear and simple words, and I can't understand it therefore, it must be a bad thing. Out of the goodness of my heart I thought I make him happy and don't say anything critically disappointing to him and just buy the damn thing.. So, I just throw that money also away in my mind.
I saved into something in Germany, it works, but I think I have to be resident in Germany to actually really have it "legally" correctly. I hate that too. Have to have a German residency status. I also have to have a US residency status. So, I am getting sour muscles with the balancing act I am supposed to live with. I have a small retirement payment from my German working years. It can pay for my electricity bill and my internet access. Big deal. Heh.
I do not even believe it's worth to lose my mind over, because I don't believe that we will get away without a major collapse of currencies, be it US dollar or the Euro. My guts tell me that, because my mind is hibernating. I am tired of life these days and my brain doesn't want to work anymore.
I love to chat though. Thanks for listening.
Thank you, Mimi. I will try to work on
my presentation a bit more, since it can be unclear.
Sometimes, even if the policy is not difficult to understand, I have a hard time putting it into words. Part of the problem is figuring out how much background information is too much (or, not enough). I know several folks here follow the 'GB' pretty closely, but I'm sure that this topic is not on the top of everyone's list. Therefore, I'm usually at a loss regarding how much I need to go into everything. *Sigh*
Anyhoo, thanks for reading it. I'm going to try to follow the 'Grand Bargain' machinations through the 2016 election cycle; but, I must admit that sometimes I get sorta tired of it, since it seems that there is really nothing that we can do about it.
I'm glad you like the 'sayings.' Here's a quote from a Saturday Night Live comedienne, the late Gilda Radner. She was always one of my favorites on that show.
I second that!
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
oh no, your presentations are not unclear at all, I am just
a lousy case of a female vox populus, that is foreign, unread, whiny and tired of life. So, don't take anything I say for real, please.
Oh yes, dogs are amazing creatures, still can't get over my idiocy to give my dog away for adoption, because I thought I will not be able to provide her with a permanent and good home with all my anticipated moves. I miss her so. Can't forget her last look she had at me, while I put her in the car of her new home owner. She understood in a second and was quietly suprised about what I did. Feels so bad, when I just think of it. Should never have given my dog away.
- I know her new mom is a good person and she is on a farm. So, I hope she has forgotten me, though I don't forget her. Such a great dog and very sensitive.
Ok, bedtime. Good Night.
I'd bet she won't forget you--she'll carry you in her heart,
And I say this from firsthand experience about 'being remembered.' (by a dog)
It wasn't 'my' dog. Let me explain. A friend of mine got a smooth hair Fox Terrier puppy, and I saw her (and him) 4-5 days a week for about a year. I often volunteered to walk the dog--he was such a delight! Well, she moved, and although we talked occasionally, I didn't see her, or her dog.
Until almost 13 years later. I popped in her business (in another town), and she had crated him in a huge crate--I didn't even see him. Anyway, we were talking, and he began raising a ruckus. She look at me, then him, and said, "he's going nuts because of you." I said, "are you serious?" She said, "looks that way to me." She went over and opened the crate door, and that little fellow--almost 14 years old--ran over to me like a streak of lightening. I was overwhelmed (and highly flattered, since I'm such a big dog lover) that he even knew me, much less seemed to happy to see me.
Anyway, after that experience, I've always figured that dogs--especially if you know them when they're a pup, or in their formative years, must have super memories. And, I'm sure that her memories of you are wonderful.
One of the things that I love most about dogs, is that they seem to live totally in the moment.
"A real hero is that person who does good random deeds without expecting anything in return, only to have the satisfaction that he did something for us, for our planet."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
When my friend's Seeing Eye dog was no longer able to work,
she was forced to retire it. She gave it to a couple she knew who had a farm. One Sunday years later, the couple and my friend were both dinner guests at the home of the parents of the man of the couple.
Not only did the dog want to stay by her side or under her feet at the dinner table; when it grew late the dog tried to lead her in the direction of the door. "She was asking, 'When are we going to go home, mommy?'…" my friend told me, her eyes full of tears.
Also, this:
They do remember, don't they?
thank you both, your words are so kind ...
the lion story is amazing. My son told me I shouldn't try to visit my dog, it would be bad for her and for me. I guess he is right. May be one day I get a new little one, more like a dog for old ladies...
Two VERY different sources named "masdar" (Arabic for "source")
Al Masdar at is a creation of The Israel Project, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Jerusalem and Washington DC that "works tirelessly to help protect Israel by improving Israel's image." In Arabic for an Arab audience.
Al Masdar Al-'Arabi – The Arab Source at, on the other hand, is the place to go for news in English from the perspective of the Syrian government (and, presumably, ordinary non-rebel Syrians still looking to it to restore order).
U.S. backed moderate rebels put Alawite women in cages to protect themselves from airstrikes
Inept and foolish Syrian army leadership lost Idlib and Palmyra
Apparently The Arab Source is independent enough to decry Syrian army incompetence on occasion.
September 1: The Syrian Army’s collapse in Idlib and Palmyra: based on strategy not manpower
In contrast to Saudi media fawning over their rulers and military to a degree even the Kims in North Korea might find overdone.
Saudi prince's Telegraph op-ed: stop criticizing & muzzle Corbyn
Saudi ambassador to the U.K., Prince Mohammed bin Nawwaf bin Abdulaziz in the Telegraph:
How Saudi Arabia helps Britain keep the peace
The vital strategic partnership between Britain and its Gulf ally is suddenly under threat
Wow. An open threat: shut up, stop telling the truth about conditions inside Saudi Arabia, and find a way to muzzle Corbyn or else.
The Saudis act as if they were the master and have Britain on a leash.
Hey I thought
Cameron, Blair, Brown or all the Brit/English leaders we're our poodles. Osborne is as thick as thieves with the Prince or whatever the creepy Saudi ruler title is. In a similar vein Obama threatened the Brit's with sanctions if they left the EU. Good on Corbyn I wish Bernie we're half as liberal as he is, especially on 'foriegn policy. I find it odd that the Brits are not as enamored with showing respect to their pols and seem to in the house of Commons speak their minds and dare to shout and argue openly. Whereas in the US the loyal opposition party at this point the Dems. rolls over and calls it pragmatic victories for compromise. Corbyn took Cameron to task vocally during the House asking him forcefully 5 times if the tax credit debacle was going to hurt workers/ people financially. Not a weasel or a parser which even our left wing candidate Bernie is unwilling to do. I'm sick of our press calling any deviation from being polite to Clinton is sexist and will hurt his chances. This country seems more monarchic and in awe of the 'aristocracy' of wealthy/ political family dynasties.
Rise Up
Most excellent...
and inspiring! Thanks for posting that, g.
What a murderous little weasel that Tony Blair turned out to be!
U.K. Mail on Sunday:
Burn it, destroy it:
Pressure builds on Blair over Chilcot report as it's revealed ministers were told to destroy key evidence on eve of conflict which showed Iraq War was ILLEGAL
The Guardian:
Tony Blair denies ministers were told to 'burn' Iraq war legal advice
Ministers instructed to destroy attorney general’s report that legality of war could be challenged, according to Mail on Sunday
(via Democratic Underground)