Ohio Gov. John Kasich to join President Barack Obama in bipartisan push to promote TPP deal
Ohio Gov. John Kasich to join President Barack Obama in bipartisan push to promote TPP deal
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Ohio Gov. John Kasich will join President Barack Obama and others Friday at the White House for a "bipartisan strategy session" to promote passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership – a trade deal that has become a key issue in this year's election.
Kasich is the most notable Republican on the guest list.
Others attendees will include:
Democratic Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards
Democratic Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a political independent
Henry Paulson, who served as treasury secretary under Republican President George W. Bush
IBM Chief Executive Virginia Rometty
Retired Admiral and NATO Supreme Allied Commander James Stavridis
Quite the line-up there with old President Hopey-Changey

Is there any way that us citizens
Can sue Obama over this 'trade' agreement? It takes away our national sovereignty and let's the corporations over ride any ban against fracking that the people in those states voted against. Or they voted for a rise in the minimum wage.
If this passes then the pharmaceutical and alcohol industries that are fighting against the legalization of pot could possibly sue Colorado or any other state that has legalized it because it cuts into their profits.
How is it legal or constitutional for our government to pass legislation that overrides our regulatory agencies? Or state laws? Does this go against state's rights?
This is the biggest betrayal by Obama or any president ever.
And we thought that NAFTA was bad!
Best president since FDR, my ass
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
He'll be so proud--legacy, you know
First, people need to find out about it. Obama is so slick and so dirty, he and Willy make a good pair. As if they had not hurt people enough yet. When O arrived, things were bad and have only worsened. I just don't know what to say.
My Personal hope is that Obama's legacy will consist of just one
I hope he becomes remembered as nothing more than the LAST Democratic Party President.
That corrupt organization needs to die, and it needs to do so soon...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
He *will* still be remembered as the first black President
but when, if ever, we will see another is highly open to question. (We have never had another Catholic president, after having broken that barrier just once.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
yeah, and that is because of the Americans not being able
to vote on issues, but their apparently unsatisfiable need to have to vote on the identity of the candidate. What the fuck is so important about being "the first "black", the "first catholic", the "first Jewish", the "first woman" President? Really, has nobody seen in his life miserable "blacks" , "catholics', "Jewish" or "female" persons in political power? Was that due to their "blackness", "catholicism", "jewishness" or "female dna"? If your answer is yes to this question, think about what you are yourself. (not you, TheOtherMaven, you in general).
It's rather sad, to wind up being
no more than the answer to a Trivia question. Lots of potential, mostly wasted (or worse).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Well, Bush did initiate the
Well, Bush did initiate the hostile corporate take-over - but of course it's neither Constitutional nor legal to take public office and conspire to betray it by handing over the country and people to hostile forces. That's the definition of a traitor in even the narrowest sense - and this is true even if war has not been officially declared, if such a quibble arises. Had America and a sizeable group of other countries been handed over to the Nazis in a top-secret private agreement made between them and top public servants of these countries even prior to war being declared, would this not have been considered a traitorous conspiracy?
The ISDS is a mechanism illegal in itself; who has any right to make private agreements stating that self-interests can sue other uninvolved parties for guaranteed profits they claim to expect to prevent the other uninvolved parties from protecting themselves or their properties or that corporations can force people to even unknowingly buy and consume their products/toxins whether they want to or not, to increase specific corporate/billionaire profits? Nobody. We, the actual people of the world, do not exist to suffer and die under corporate rule to maximize the profits of their sick fantasies and neither does the other life on the planet forming our life support system.
And the country, government, public money and public properties belong to the public and not to whomever may happen to be holding public office existing to serve the public interest at the time.
Our public services are staffed by transitory public servants who we pay to protect our public/national interests - they have and can claim no authority to claim ownership of us or of our countries to hand us and them over to what can only be viewed as enemies, or to anyone/anything else, come to that.
Democracy, on the other hand, is entailed for perpetuity; it belongs not only to us but is held in trust for those to come. It cannot be 'legally and bindingly' altered by anyone into fascism to profit themselves or for any reason.
But the ultimate point of these Trojan horse 'trade deals' is to illegally and unconstitutionally remove the power of protective domestic law for the public good and basic human rights from various free peoples - while suing them into bankruptcy - and to allow destructive self-interests to use offshored corporate-serving 'law' in their own private global court to do as they please to the people, their country and ecology in each betrayed country for their own maximized anticipated future profits. To me, this equals slavery, intended to extend around the globe.
Could any of us privately sign an agreement stating that your unwitting smaller-sized neighbours and properties belonged to another group for them to use and abuse to death and destruction to profit themselves - and hope to have it held up in court as 'legal and binding' on them? This is why the corporate law court is to be off-shored, staffed by corporate lawyers and serving only the maximized anticipated profits of involved corporations and billionaires, with the public interest having no standing. Because only the most corrupt and stupid judges - rather like too many of the US Supreme Court passing nonsense such as 'Citizens United' to allow outright corporate purchase of government - could possibly agree to have the administration of law pass out of the country to be used only against the people thereafter.
But however corrupt the system has become, any such private agreement of betrayal - and such as these are certainly not trade agreements falling within government mandates - cannot be accepted by the people of any country as being 'legal and binding' as they are claimed to be because under the law of the land, this is legal in no country but a high crime. And those conspiring at this are nothing but traitors.
Illegal aspects of this have already been set into place in other Trojan Horses, such as NAFTA - but nobody has any right to control the legal choices of any free people or to subject them to reckless endangerment for industry profits by 'law' or make any bizarre claim of having promised corporations and billionaires their fellow-citizens perpetual responsibility for providing the greedily anticipated future profits of corporations or billionaires until they all die trying in an industrially polluted and ruined world. Nothing of this nature that impinges on/interferes with our lives and rights can be binding upon us, based upon a traitors signature or schemes.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Great comment, Ellen
I agree that the TPP is a treasonous agreement and anyone who votes for giving away our sovereignty over to the corporations is committing treason as do a lot of constitutional scholars.
I remember over at DK when Bush and Cheney were taking or creating powers that were outside the scope of their office, there were discussions about how the next president is going to have those powers and will continue to abuse them.
And that is exactly what Obama has done during his abuse of the AUMF.
He states that it gives him the authority to use drones in 7 or more countries that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. But he says that he's going after terrorists.
Remember during the 06 elections when Pelosi and the democrats told us that if we put them in power then they would roll back the Bush/Cheney abuses? So we did and the first thing Pelosi said was that " Impeachment was off the table ".
And since then we have watched as Obama has abused the powers of the office of the president and said that he had the authority to kill 3 Americans without due process. As well as invade Libya without getting approval from congress. They have abdicated their duties of holding the office of the president in check and many of them have said that he hasn't been aggressive enough in regards to ISIL and putting troops into Syria.
This is a great article from Bill Myers from 07 where he and his guests talk about how Cheney was basically in charge of the foreign policy decisions and why they felt that congress needed to bring articles of impeachment against him and Bush.
If you go to the link, click on the plus sign to read the transcript of the program.
These two guys were right when they said that if congress doesn't impeach them then the next president will take the powers that Cheney shouldn't have had and expand them.
We the people need to find a way to hold out government responsible and make them represent us instead of the corporations. Which will happen if the TPP is passed.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
From the must-read (in full
From the must-read (in full at source, if at all possible - it's very lengthy and in a small space probably difficult to read on mobile devices, if well-worth the time) transcript of a brilliant and heart-lifting discussion (which should wallpaper the internet) specified at your link - and thanks so much for providing it, snoopydawg! This is the language and these are the terms we must use, rather than accept the propaganda and pathological worldview we are fed - and we must read such things to refresh not only our fighting spirits but our memories as to what democracy really is and what life in an affluent democracy ought to be for all people.
(The claiming of some bizarre ownership right by public servants in illicitly handing over control of domestic law from their own countries and people, which they are sworn to serve, for their brutal and rapidly fatal rapine by thousands of pathologically greedy, ruthless corporations and billionaires involves even greater '...assertions of power that affect the individual liberties... (and everything else) ...of every ... citizen ...' of every country so betrayed. Hillary, as we recall, uses the criminal Bush Administration as precedent for her own actions.)
(As with Fast Track for all of the other corporate coups in train behind the TPP, with some of the most obviously worst things evidently packed into these, which can be auto-passed by a single person without discussion or public awareness, if the TPP gets through and corporations become the law over serf-states. Only now it's that ruthless hostile powers - thousands of them - can do whatever they like to free citizens and everything within their countries, being not only above the law but becoming a law unto themselves over the people. Corruption - including election fraud - always gets worse when it's left to stand 'as a done deal'... '... if George Bush and Dick Cheney are not appropriately held to account this administration will hand off a toolbox with more powers than any president has ever had, more powers than the founders could have imagined. ...' The Founders had specific concerns about government/corporations gaining undue power over the people and did their best to protect against this in some remarkable documents more politicians should read.)
(Recall the shift to 'I'm with her' introduced by Hillary's campaign - placing loyalties to personalities and gender over everything else. I suspect that the slavish covering up for Hillary and her actions as Secretary of State may be due more to her protection by TPRB and to fear/greed relating to these than to any personal devotion to her.)
('... BRUCE FEIN: Certainly with regard to the one example of the abuse of presidential authority, seeking to obstruct a legitimate congressional investigation by a preposterous assertion of executive privilege. ...' How about quietly using Clinton/corporate/TPTB privilege to do so - even when not in public office at the time? This is evidently how the Clintons evade the repercussions anyone else would suffer for their toxic acts in hiding beneath equally toxic Teflon everyone notices but is supposed to think themselves unable to do anything about due to the level of corrupt ever-increasing because it's 'left to stand as a done deal?.)
('... I think it's less on the idea he's covering up for Cheney or Bush than the indication that Bush is totally heedless of any honor for law and accountability. That he has special rules for him and his cabinet. ...'
Her Royal Coronation has not yet occurred, but the Clintons have invariably demonstrated: '...a pattern of behavior that says that the... (Clintons are) ... superior not merely to Congress but to the laws of the land, to the rules of law. ...' And please note that Hillary uses the Bush Admin as precedent for various dirty things she's done/does, whether they'd actually gone as far as she has or not and regardless of circumstances, even in a public debate, as though this makes it acceptable to the public and US Constitution that she thereby risks/cheats/betrays. Heck, she's been promoting doing away with the rule of domestic law entirely and letting corporations and billionaires freely 'legalize' whatever they want to do to others - with no middle-men such as herself any longer necessary. Just corporate management and enforcers.)
(And, as has been pointed out by others, people become conditioned over time to accept a high level of corruption which shocks much of the rest of the world - and 'socially engineered' into learned helplessness.)
(Hillary, the corporate candidate, to whom rules and laws do not apply, eagerly portraying herself to big donors as being, against smaller, weaker countries/individuals, tougher than dirt and far dirtier. But: '
BILL MOYERS: But read that prologue of the Constitution. The first obligation is to defend the people, to defend their freedom, to defend their rights. ...' Not to promote to Americans and those in multiple other countries that their leaders can hand over their law, rights and freedoms and tell them to frack off into oblivion.)
(This was in 2007 - do believe I recall reading/seeing video of Bernie speaking up about a number of such issues but not being covered by media, or am I mistaken about this?)
(Nobody, not even the 'trustworthy, should have unchecked power over others; it's been said that even a saint, if never gainsaid or restricted in any way, will become a tyrant over time.)
(This is a way to avoid a violent revolution, one TPTB don't want the people to have - duh, they're corrupt and think they have the people convinced of their powerlessness. But they Bern.)
(This was in 2007. I don't think such as the Clintons can be convinced to try living within the law - although Obama might well have been happy to have had that option when he entered office.)
(The Clintons, the corporations, billionaires, TPTB [and shouldn't be at all,] have been learning this for a very long time and are now willing to destroy civilization and life on the planet within decades for more personal profit now.)
(Saying the words and getting off scott-free likely won't change a psychopath from '... after which he boasted that when the president does it it's legal. ...' to '... "Oh, yeah, I just remembered, you're the boss. You are the bosses. Not me. And that I am not a king." ...'. Bush 2, for example, went to another age in another country - against which America had rebelled to throw off its colonial status and monarchy for democracy - to take a grossly outdated 'The King can do no wrong' law from centuries back so that he could (if I recall correctly) ignore the EPA to allow industrial pollution of rivers with impunity and to carry on from there as though he owned the place and people his office was meant to serve. Congress did what? to stop him? In a democracy, nobody is or can be 'above the law' - and nobody, in or out of public office, can 'legally and bindingly' dispose of the law of their land to give control of the country and people away either.)
Please, vote against - not for - evil of any stripe, or we'll all get what nobody deserves, barring those seeking to inflict it on the world. If enough people vote Green, guess who gets the most votes - especially with Indies forming the largest voting group in the US?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I wish you could drill this into the Clinton troglodytes thick
"But the ultimate point of these Trojan horse 'trade deals' is to illegally and unconstitutionally remove the power of protective domestic law for the public good and basic human rights from various free peoples - while suing them into bankruptcy - and to allow destructive self-interests to use offshored corporate-serving 'law' in their own private global court to do as they please to the people, their country and ecology in each betrayed country for their own maximized anticipated future profits. To me, this equals slavery, intended to extend around the globe."
Can't explain it any better than that.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
so well formulated comment, thank you,
so now I want to keep it for further use and always am lost how I can have my own archive of "good comments" other than those darn bookmarks that are not doing the job for me, when I have hundreds and hundreds of them...
Anyway, great comment and clear to understand.
Crapheads--all of 'em. . . N/T
They'll probably have to open another wing
To hold all the ones afraid to show their faces. Paulson must be super-excited, Shill will do something about Social Security and now to be a part of such a grand bargain. I'm sure that with what he pulled off with Bush in 2008, it takes more and bigger stuff to really excite him. Maybe Obama was finally persuaded to cut his vacation golf game short and get down to LA in the latest flood to recruit another believer. I'm sure the MSM will show all of their smiling faces to the folks back home, the ones they're screwing again. I wonder if Obama is being paid by the day or if he has to pull it off to get anything more. Poor guy is obviously under a lot of pressure. But the payoff will make the Clinton Foundation look like child's play. Hopey-changey alright.
TPP=Total Power for Plutarchs
TPP=Total Power for Plutarchs.
It really shows that Obama is a corporate puppet and serves the Oligarchy to such a degree it can no longer be hidden.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
He is finishing the long journey to the new world order
That started over a century ago.
I remember when Bush Sr. spoke about the NWO during his SOTA and I wonder how many people missed what he said and meant?
After the banks got away with crashing the global economy, I knew that the oligarchs had finally removed their masks because the takeover was almost completed.
We saw Hillary, the DNC and the democrats blatantly steal the election from us and knowing that there wasn't anything we could do about it.
If the TPP gets passed, then the corporate coup will be completed.
And how many of you have tried to discuss this with your friends and they have no idea what you are talking about?
In this article that talks about impeaching Bush and Cheney, one of the guests speaks about how the media is supposed to be the 4th power of the government and keep the citizenry informed about the abuses of our government.
We learned that the New York Times had known about the illegal spying on us but didn't expose it until after the election.
Now they are nothing but stenographers for the WH and our government.
Look at the things happening that they don't bother informing us on.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
That 4th power, that media, is all owned by the same people that
will come out smelling like a rose when the corporate takeover has become reality.
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America
Who Owns the Media
Like all reliable watchdogs, the media are expected to bark, but when its many-faceted voice is owned by a small number of corporate masters, concerns about its willingness to keep barking arise.
The trend of media conglomeration has been steady. In 1983, 50 corporations controlled most of the American media, including magazines, books, music, news feeds, newspapers, movies, radio and television. By 1992 that number had dropped by half. By 2000, six corporations had ownership of most media, and today five dominate the industry: Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany and Viacom. With markets branching rapidly into international territories, these few companies are increasingly responsible for deciding what information is shared around the world.
There are also major news organizations not owned by the “big five.” The New York Times is owned by the publicly-held New York Times Corporation, The Washington Post is owned by the publicly-held Washington Post Company and The Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times are both owned by the Tribune Company. Hearst Publications owns 12 newspapers including the San Francisco Chronicle, as well as magazines, television stations and cable and interactive media.
But even those publications are subject to the conglomerate machine, and many see the “corporatizing” of media as an alarming trend. Ben Bagdikian, Pulitzer-prize winning journalist, former Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley and author of The New Media Monopoly, describes the five media giants as a “cartel” that wields enough influence to change U.S. politics and define social values.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
And of course good ole Bill
And of course good ole Bill Clinton helped the monopoly enormously by changing the law. jamess had a great, if older, page of info including that which I came across some time back, although I'm too tired to look it up now...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
“Anti-fake news alliance”? — Or “approved narratives cartel” ?
Facebook, Twitter join network to tackle fake news
We Control Your News
So Siddown, Shaddup and STOP QUESTIONING That, Stupid Prole!
Bush and the new world order
Others talking about it
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Anyone from labor or third
Anyone from labor or third party candidates attending? probably not. We don't count.
Go Bernie !!

"The Constitution is just a piece of paper"
Dubya handed the country over to the CIA his pappies dream.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
If only dear Dubya was
If only dear Dubya was learning as a children (to paraphrase some Bushisms) he'd have been able to read words and understand what an actual legal document was before he became President. But then I suppose he'd never have been cheated in...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
That would be the equivalent
of the known unknowns or the unknown knowns.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
If I may be so bold
as to suggest that there might be more to this than just supporting TPP?
After all, getting Kasich's name out there and showing him looking all POTUS-like next to that Other Guy who most GOP despise? It could help them out of the Trump Jam they're in now, what with Clinton's campaign cratering...
Way too late for that. His supporters will go batshit crazy if
Obama tries a stunt like that. And Republican's don't give a damn about Obama, who's screwing us with this stunt.
I am so sick of Obama I'd like to exile him and the Clinton creature to a desert island surrounded by pirhanha's, barbed wire, trip wires and explosives, and gun boats trolling the water all day, every day, all year long.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Actually, there are pre
Actually, there are pre-existing work camps very much like that in China, from which some of those all-important American business interests profit. Only I suspect that the workers would probably eat the piranha's, given a chance - conditions there sound like the sort of thing civilized countries should be boycotting over.
But sending them and their ilk there would work for a lot of us. Or there's always still Gitmo, isn't there? Trade them for the innocents still languishing there.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
It's the elites against the 99%
Karl Marx is saying "I told you so"
Well, I guess we know what Obama hopes
his legacy to be - complete corporate power and complete destruction of the country and globe. Damn him. His legacy will be that of a broken country and I for one hope his own kids see that and question him relentlessly for the rest of his life about doing it. I know, idealistic as both daughters are now firmly ensconced in .01% land, but I hope for it every day. Maybe his grandkids will be the ones to look at him and ask WTF, but I sure hope someone in his personal life rips him a new asshole for doing this. And I know it isn't his legacy alone, but the betrayal by that man just makes my ass hurt every damned day. That said, I also know it was my own belief in him that makes it a betrayal to me, and for that I kick myself too.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
How long will his grandkids
How long will his grandkids survive an entirely unregulated everything run by psychopaths (who probably have no need of them and problems of their own by then,) with unlimited industrial pollution, no safe food/water/outside air and by then likely reliant on glitching artificial life support systems in a lifeless, earthquake-riven world with monster storms, no oxygen production and rather a lot of methane billowing around? Long enough to have sickly, miserable great-grandkids? Maybe - what a joy! Won't take long for total collapse of the ecosystem under global corporate law, that's for sure - imagine all countries just like China, or nuked for resisting the corporate claws. What a wonderful life...
I suspect that we all bear our own butt-bootprints over Obama...
There are chains upon your children...
The Brothers Bright - Awake O Sleeper
Edit: in case anyone's wondering why I'm posting a video from the above place, following my next CCleaner use, I'll be attempting a boycott of Youtube due to Google now removing everything to which corporations advertising there object and in the meantime am searching other places for music I like.
I do hope that actual news shows such as Redacted Tonight will at least twin somewhere else where the corporate censorship will not yet affect them so that people can actually see them, since a lot of those 'sensitive' episodes - if not all - will be removed by unpopular oligarch demand. And am rather surprised not to hear of others boycotting in protest and also to avoid corporate-filtered news control. If we go along with this internet corporate control test case and do not 'YouTubeExit' in enough numbers, we're sending a message that we'll take anything in any orifice they care to deliver it through.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.