Spin Cycle

I worked in radio a couple of decades ago, in a great big state with a tiny population, during the emergence of monolithic RW rage-ee-o. RWradio was clearly going to be a powerhouse, I could tell from the tension it awoke in my stomach. It was also clear that it was going to be overlooked by the young folks, my age and younger. I mean, who listens to talk radio? Who? Well, the listeners were people my parents' ages. The listeners were just our old folks, who were raised on radio and who always vote. As FauxNews arose, I quit radio and went back to college and studied STEM stuff, and missed the whole Reagan-inspired initiation into our new age of hyper-capitalism: the dot com boom day trader repeal of Glass Steagall thing. Remember when Bill Clinton embraced Reaganomics and Phil Graham while the old folks were calling him Satan cuz WhiteWater? Then. During the entire 90s, I thought the Reagan-era changes in the hearts and minds of American voters were reversible, but now all I can say is that I want my country back.

I suppose everyone knows by now how President Trump is winning the horse race this week. How can that be?

Looks like RedState is still locked in to the anti-Trump. Frankly, I'm amazed. This is a genuine sea change, puts Erickson in a new light. Perhaps he's always run his site according to genuinely-held conservative values, which were indistinguishable from gotprwnj crazy-time values until the emergence of this brave new world-o-Trump. These days, credit where it's due, Erickson doesn't want to be associated with the crazy, but in the old days he sure didn't mind.

Freepistan is pro-Trump on the surface, but really those folks are mainly locked into rabid anti-Hillary sentiment. She's a murdress, doncha know, remember the Benghazi !!! (heh). In reality, she's their best bet! Fair warning: after November freepers are still gonna want their country back, and they are still gonna want bunches-o-guns. And they are gonna want more rights for themselves, and fewer rights for people who don't think or look like they do. And they are still gonna want those other people to not think less of them when they display their prejudices. And when the other people DO think less of them for that, they are gonna claim those other people are driven by PC and they are gonna want the rest of us to be OK with that because wink wink all they want is for the rest of us to recognize the pain they experience when other people get some rights is genuine pain.

Huffpo is still strongly anti-Trump / pro-Hill. It is a tiny bit amusing, how they've had to cover the new great orange satan after plugging him into their entertainment section during the primaries. Speaking of orange satans, the GOS is freaking out about the latest polling. Good. I hope they have a rough ride into November, perhaps they can take a lesson about cutting off their allies' noses to herd some cats. I don't know about you, but I enjoy metaphors that are shaken not stirred, when I understand them. Which isn't always.

Sam Wang is still predicting a big democratic win.

There really is no viable candidate for the most powerful office in the known universe. How did we get here?

Edited to correct a typo and again to correct a typo about my typo, and to figure out if these blog entries are editable. heh

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Alligator Ed's picture

Hillary courting Republicans. Ain't gonna work except on the Wall Street types (and big donors)
RedRape, er...RedState ditching Trump. Ain't gonna work. NFRWEVFR (Just made that up--a prize to anybody who solves this before....this: No Fucking Republican Will Ever Vote For Hillary) [Mr. Chairman, I move this acronym be officially endorsed by the Committee on Acronymia. Without objection, so ordered)

Mr. Trump is gathering momentum, spurred by voracious deplorables, which eat like locusts. No analogy intended except perhaps to the Glorious Orangehead.

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Hillbilly Dem's picture

manufacture its small cars in the U.S. None. Off to Mexico! Whether by accident or design, yet another opportunity for Trump to say "See? I told you so!" Plus, if Her Heinous stays off the campaign trail for the next 4-5 weeks, or says she's too sick to debate, she could even be in Electoral College trouble. She could lose the whole shooting match.

IMO, if the election was held today, she would win the E.C., but not the popular vote. But it's not today, is it? By November, she could screw around and lose both. She is now, and has always been, a horrible campaigner/candidate. Whatta mess. Courtesy of the unbridled greed, hubris and ambition of Hillary Clinton (with a lotta help from her friends).

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

. . . we wouldn't be hearing that the jobs building small cars would be replaced with jobs building pickups and SUVs. Our local Los Angeles CBS affiliate, KCBS, reported this morning that the UAW apparently agrees that no jobs will be lost.

Ford will move the production of other vehicles into the Wayne., Mich., plant where the Focus is currently made, Ford spokeswoman Kelli Felker said. The automaker has said previously that the new Mexican plant will not result in any U.S. job losses.

Meanwhile, where was the outrage when Fiat Chrysler announced they were moving ALL auto manufacturing out of the USA? I only just found this looking for Ford links.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

orlbucfan's picture

So will be the comment thread. Thanks and REC'D!!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

Inch by inch, dollar by dollar. As an old person officially last birthday, I have no idea what is the matter with them. Even worse are the young people that buy into religion and Republicans. As least old people are old.

I don't want Billary or Trump. If I had to pick one, I would pick Trump in order to destroy the Clintons and Dem neoliberals and piss ToP off. Hillarybots are either employees or fools.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

I'd still be betting on Hillary. Anybody know what odds the bookmakers are giving her now? I think Americans in general are too conservative, too cautious a people, to vote en masse for a creature as bizarre as TJ Trump. A part of me wishes they would - just to show some spunk, some initiative, some effective discontent with the PTB - but I don't think it's likely that they will. Likely being the operative word. A Clinton victory is far from certain. And if Trump were to win, almost nothing would be certain.

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travelerxxx's picture

If you bet now, the show is between Trump and Hillary. The show may change, depending upon how well Hillary's dopamine performs while she's in front of cameras.

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I wonder if the DNC people are on pins and needles.

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Hawkfish's picture

270towin this morning still had Clinton with about 248 electoral votes and Trump 100 behind. Her numbers never go up, but she's still got a lot of headroom, despite the latest tie.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

They usually release only national popular vote polling.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

IMHO they massively underestimate support for Trump in certain areas - Texas isn't going Dem this round, and I don't think it's ready for Libertarianism (and certainly not Green!) either. So that takes a big fat bite out of Shill's lead.

I think it's going to be a squeaker, and something as simple as New Hampshire and/or Maine-2 going one way or the other could make the difference...or result in a deadlock.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.