Third Party Report: The Cost of Ballot Access

One of our ongoing conversations here at c99 is choosing between joining an existing national party and starting another. As an aid to the conversation, I wanted to share this bit of data from the Green Party that appeared in my inbox today:

We were blessed and honored to have the ability to spend a total of around $580,000 for legal defenses, ground game, and paid petitioners.

That is just the cost in money. The cost in time is that it took until the second week of September before they could start in on the actual campaign:

What if we had been able to use those resources for campaigning instead? How much more we could have accomplished? How much more visibility and press we could have garnered!

With the first debate only a week away, we can see just how absurdly tilted the system is against other voices at the national level.

This is also why it is so important for a national third party to get that magic 5% number. Of course, 5% is even harder when you don't have media coverage - and everyone in the two major parties is telling you that you are being everything from childish to evil if you want to demonstrate even that minimal level of support by merely voting, let alone advocating publicly.

So not only is running a national third party hard, but there are all sorts of obstacles in the way, some of which may not be obvious. So be prepared to raise a few million a year ahead of time for access and media presence of some kind. I think it can be done, but it will not be easy.

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Lenzabi's picture

It needs to be done so we can drop the illusion of choice and actually have a choice.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

snoopydawg's picture

of the debates. They pulled out when the DNC and RNC started muscling in on the rules.
How silly is it that a candidate has 60 seconds to answer a question and the other candidate has 30 to rebutt it?
There were many other things that they objected to and since they stopped being in charge of the debates, notice how no serious questions are asked of the candidates.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Regardless of what happens eventually, vote Jill Stein in November.

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Bollox Ref's picture

that if you can come up sufficient funds for a deposit in a parliamentary constituency, you're on the ballot and you can run.

Screaming Lord Sutch, may he rest in peace.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Alphalop's picture

candidate is on the ballots in enough states that there is a feasible path to enough electoral college votes to win the election that the debates MUST include the candidate.

Anything less is a mockery of democracy....

I am so tired of this rigged system.

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

hellinahandcart's picture

it's completely antiquated and not necessary. It is now just another form of rigging.

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