The internet stole my life and my death
So, basically I can't die on the internet, right? My words have been indefitnitely stolen from my control, my mind has been manipulated and I can't escape it, if I want to die, I live on. If I say, I don't want to live anymore on the internet, it doesn't care, ignores me and lets me live forever. So, I become immortal.
If I kill myself and my body is gone, my words remain and they will hurt my loved ones. They will suffer for my words. And I can't do anything about it.
So, I have to come to hate the internet. I do not want to be part of it. I love the peoples struggles, but I hate the fact that they wil never win the battle over the internet. We are all slaves now. Mental slaves. We will not be able to free ourselves. Why do we always invent things that kill us? Is there something more stupid than us? Now we have managed to have invented something that kills us and makes us immortal. What a horror.
I am just saying I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to be immortal. Because if you can't die, you can't live. I remember vaguely something written by Sartre that describes the horrors of people not dying and living for ever.
I am too dead already to look for that book. Can you ban me from here and erase my existence on the internet? Someone told me to die on the internet costs a lot of money. I have to hire people to kill traces of my existence on the intertubes. And that's not completely so either. They stole my right to be forgotten, to my words disappearing, to my emotions being private. They make money out of me beyond my death.
They kill my mind because I need to talk as much as I need to breathe. And when I talk on the intertubes, I will not die. How much more cruel could it get?
Have a good life on the internet, nevertheless. May be we find a way to die humanely here as well. I would appreciate it.

Everyone is immortal in some way or other.
A picture of a loved one might remain somewhere. No one may know who that is, but there they are. A letter written may someday be read by a complete stranger. No one ma know who that is, but there are their words for all to read. The body may die, but the spirit lives on - in some manner or other. Peace to you, mimi.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Neal Stephenson, one of the avatars of the internet, has come to realize: the intertubes, they, are, cannibalism. As is expliclty set forth, in his most recent novel, seveneves.
But, Stephenson, he also sees, a window:
Your title, on both ends, is false. Because, the intertubes, they are not Real.
Your corporeal container, however, and the soul, that lives within it: these, are, Real.
And you can neither Live, nor Die, in the intertubes. Any more than you can Live, or Die, in your television, or your refrigerator, or your lawnmower, or your toilet.
The tubes, they are just a tool. And a sick motherfucking one, at that.
The tubes, they are not You. And never. Will they be. Not even a hint, of the true you. Have you ever laced. Into a tube.
I am the exact opposite of you. I want to live forever and never
be forgotten. The tragedy to me, not to worry to you, is that so much is written every day that eventually we are just needles in a haystack. No one will see unless they persistently go searching.
So write kindly knowing your words last forever, as you always do Mimi, you never know what ripples you will make in the pond. But while you may be immortal, you will be one of billions, hidden in the ocean, difficult to find.
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Some suggestions
I recognize your passive aggressive feelings about the Internet in myself. Many times I think that posting anonymously on blogs is simply indulging vanity on my part and is in whole a giant waste of everyone's time, mine included. And yet, I find myself addicted. Here are the solutions I have come up with for a sort of Blogger's Anonymous therapy for withdrawing in a controlled manner. Be warned, I haven't tried either of these methods yet.
1. Every morning, write a missive about your opinion of the days events. Wear latex gloves to avoid fingerprints and don't used monogrammed stationary. Put the essay in a carefully wiped bottle and throw it in the ocean. If no ocean is available, leave it at a bus stop or train station. So that the gloves don't look odd in public, carry a bottle of disinfectant as well to imply you are part of the janitorial staff.
2. Start your own blog. Make it private with no other members. Compose your thoughts. Throw away all restraints and write everything you've ever wanted to write. Now, provide the comments to your thoughts. Create your own following. Perhaps some of your commenters will witty, bright and supportive of your insights. Others might be abrasive "abominables" who violate the terms of your blog and you can ban them.
Sidenote, IRL I am trying to channel my energies into creative writing which I hope to publish at some point. Mostly short stories so far. Maybe that would also work for you.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
As the overused saying goes
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?". All we're doing is leaving a whole bunch of 1s and 0s on a magnetic storage device. Even if we do manage to have a future with actual archaeologists, they're never going to find any of our 1s and 0s. Maybe some aliens will find your 1s and 0s. I would find that kind of cool myself.
Beware the bullshit factories.
And if some future
And if some future archaeologist or alien explorer did find some miraculously-preserved server or storage device, they would have to have the digital technology to "decode" it. Maybe they wouldn't use that technology. Or maybe they would be so advanced in their digital technology that they would look at our 1s and 0s on a thumb drive and say, "Good gawd, how primitive those people were."
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Nothing is forever Mimi
The words on the Internet are vast ocean; there are millions of people babbling trillions of words. Your words here are just a few tiny drops in that ocean, as are mine.
One day, perhaps before too long, civilization as we know it is going to collapse. Electricity will stop flowing and computers will be useless blocks of metal and plastic. One day, no humans will live who can read any of these words. One day, our sun will expand into a red giant and nothing will live upon this rock. Eventually the sun will supernova and earth itself will be demolished into space dust, back to where it started.
Writing does not make any of us immortal.
The most brilliant words ever written by anyone will disappear, although with all the useless drivel, and the harmless daily chatter that makes life here more bearable in the meantime.
Humans need to communicate. It is vital to our wellbeing. Being able to do so in this way is a gift. We are some of the most fortunate domesticated primates who have ever lived, to be here at this moment in time when global communication is at our fingertips. Try to appreciate that, if you can.
I enjoy your words here a lot Mimi, and I know that others feel that way too. You sparkle and shine. I can't think of anything you've said that would hurt your loved ones. If they love you, they would be proud of the smiles and thoughtfulness you bring to the world, for the brief time we have to enjoy it.
Actually, mimi, there are online tools one can erase oneself
with, or your executor (or designate person) can do an erasure post-mortem. It's a complicated series of processes, and I', not sure one can scrape up every iota of the evidence that shows you existed, but I think the scrub can be pretty thorough.
I ran across a list, with instructions, posted for women who had been cyber-stalked so severely that they had to move across country and change their names to tryo to escape persistent and frightening sexist harassment (like from 4chan & GamerGate guys). If you really want to do this, I can go look for those instructions again. Let me know if you want them.
I hear you mimi
I keep unplugging the computer in fits of despair and anger and the I go and do something real. I come back to my office studio and the first thing I do is hit the on button on my PC. Then I remember that I unplugged the damn thing. At least I get some exercise twisting myself under the desk to plug it in again. When I'm not half crazy with the politics I look at commenting and writing in a Zen kind of way. I'm just creating words and putting them out there which will or will not be read and understood. Like the performers in Franny and Zoe I'm doing it for the fat lady or nonexistent skinny man.
Sunday I got so riled up here I threw a tantrum in the 'progressive' grocery store because they did not have whole wheat toritta's and have now started offering god damn Wonder Bread. Then I bought some 'medicine' which further riled me up and yelled at Shah till 1:30 in the morning. Yesterday I left it off all day. This morning I'm back. It's an addiction and allows me to be a anti-social, introvert because it gives me the illusion of community. Or is it an illusion?
I don't think you can die on the internet, although look at jobu did the internet kill him? He once said that dkos burned your time. Life seems to me to burn your time regardless of which way you fire it up. As for your words hurting people I don't believe that for one minute. Your words are not painful or damaging. They are interesting, honest and very human.
Immorality is not available even to Michelangelo or the Beatles. Their works may live on but they are dead. Once as a kid in a moment of enlightenment I looked at a drawing by Michelangelo and realized that centuries later I could feel his life force. The internet is a fast moving stream and it's not a media that remains for a day let alone for eternity. Sure I can bookmark some brilliant writing or pictures but then my computer melts down and where are they? Gone into the ether of debris that humans deposit all kinds of their brilliance and garbage into. I find that thrilling in a strange way.
I just may up and throw the machine out my upstairs window one of these days. This would require me to get a real not virtual life and that's a scary proposition. Meanwhile you mimi transcend the pixels as do many people I have met and love on the internet. So while this is not reality and it is often filled with garbage it also is a stream that carries love, life, creativity. It offers if nothing else at least away to communicate, hear see and read what people globally are up to and maybe get some truth.
is completely immortal. This will Live. So long as there is a human heart.

Blake sold nothing, during his lifetime. That doesn't matter. All the politics people, of his time, no one remembers their names. But: Blake. He: Lives.
None of it matters. But the Will. The Idea.
The force. That through the green fuse. Drives the flower.
And riding that. Best. You can.
I'm begining to think
that the human heart has gone dark in these times. It often does but it never seems to die and the light somehow comes back. Shah got me a mood ring for a present it goes dark but when the light is right it is beautiful and blue.
Apparently you tube does not recognize the immortality of this song as they monetized the artists work. So all I can post is a copy. Elliot does a decent job but there is no substitute for the voice, words or hand of the artist's who made it.
absolutely the human heart has not gone dark
Here is something sent me, just the other day. Fresh. Old. New. Blood.
And I. Am even in the church. All the way. Into the human heart. Which shall never. Go dark.
Hi all, thank you for hearing me and all your responses,
of course I am too stupid to have something smart to say. Theoretically I still believe one is immortal on the intertubes, but as hecate said, not for real.
I love you guys. And I will try:
. Which made me laugh out.
I know I should be grateful to communicate here with you. And I guess I am.
Somehow real life sometimes comes like a bitch interfering with my nice chatty unreal world.
Now let in the words of Neil Stephenson "get me back to work doing interesting and useful things." Ha, I don't even have the choice anymore.
Hugs to all.
The Police recommend
the bottle in the ocean before you fall into despair.
Then here's another way to handle despair using the ocean
no kidding ... the ocean, I don't want the ocean either /nt
I enjoy doing genealogy. It
I enjoy doing genealogy. It would be wonderful to come across an ancestor that left a lot of writings. So you may not be immortal but you may be remembered in the centuries to come.
I cherish my Bootlegger ancestors, not so much the slave owners, my dis mou Quaker ancestors who gave a big middle finger to the Quaker leadership. An ancestor who hired a replacement for duty in the local Ohio militia in 1812 and was caught because the hired man deserted and so on.
I have researched direct line, aunts uncles cousins.
From what I have read of your posts someone centuries or maybe millennias from now will very much enjoy getting to know who you were.
The internet is almost certainly neither permanent nor
perpetual. Don't know if that is reassuring or not.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Take solace in the fact that the universe will come to an end.
Heat death may take trillions and trillions and trillions of years, but it'll get there immediately. Time flies.