Government Documents - How Hillaryland Works I
These are government documents ( AKA E-mails) and Americans have every right to vet them for corruption, bribery, pay-to-play and any other illegal acts which may have been committed by our employees.
Here, for example, is Madeline Albright going to great lengths to get a meet together between Echh Clinton and the new Spanish Foreign Minister January 31, 2012...
Fast forward to the Iran Nuclear Treaty and the day after sanctions are lifted the same foreign minister signs off on a deal for an Iranian oil refinery to be built in Spain.
"Following the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the nuclear program of Iran in 2015, Margallo led a high-level government and business delegation to Iran, joining other countries drawn to Tehran by the possibility of lucrative opportunities that could be unlocked by a nuclear deal.[8] A day after sanctions against Iran were lifted in January 2016, Margallo entered into negotiations with the Iranian government over the construction of an Iranian-owned oil refinery at the Gibraltar strait.
What businesses were in the delegation? This whole thing is giving me a headache...There is a clear pattern of the "Hillaryland" Club all trading jobs and favors and making huge amounts of profit (or declaring bankruptcy after sucking up huge resources for speculative deals)...
I think in part we are looking for a smoking gun, instead of the overall pattern and the way the players in the Hillaryland Club fit together and how they work.
HERE IS ABOUT "HILLARYLAND" and "JOBS" : Quote from document ---
"STEINBERG IS SAID TO BE MOST UNHAPPY THESE DAYS AND THE CHATTER IS THAT HE AND THE SECRETARY ARE NOT ESPECIALLY CLOSE, so the betting is he'll move on in the not-too-distant future. At that point, Sherman would be positioned for a policy portfolio. Sherman is considered very smart and an extremely hard worker, though some say she can be abrasive. Still, she's probably one of the few people in Hillaryland who haven't gotten a Foggy Bottom job yet."
Here is another bit of how Hillaryland works:
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05775528 Date: 08/31/2015 RELEASE IN FULL From: H
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 10:15 AM To: ' ' Cc: Huma Abedin Subject: Call list
Pls send Gen. Shalikashvili's numbers to Bill's staff because he asked me to have Bill call him.
Send all of Ron Dellums' numbers also to Bill.
Did I write Kris Durmer? If so, pls remove.
Pls add to list: Susan Berger
Mark Weiner Pls take off
Albright, Lavrov, Spindelegger
Clark (ask Amb. Morningstar to call him to discuss oil shale in Europe),
Saudabayev, Holbrooke
Fast forward to "Clark"
"January 19, 2016 — 7:00 PM EST
Some Bankrupt Oil and Gas Drillers Can't Give Their Assets Away -- Oil is in free fall and Terry Clark couldn’t be happier.
In mid-2014, when the crude price topped $100 a barrel, Clark made an offer to buy properties from Dune Energy Inc., a small driller with money trouble. Dune turned him down. A year later, as oil plunged to $60 a barrel, Dune filed for bankruptcy and Clark’s White Marlin Oil & Gas Co. picked up the assets at auction at a deep discount."
Ok, so Terry Clark is on Echh Clinton's mailing list/donation list, Was Dune Energy?
Ok, this is in an email, apparently a quote from a Washington Post columnist named Al Kamen: Oh boy! Selling Ambassadorships!
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05785221 Date: 09/30/2015 That may make up for a likely falloff in smaller donors —especially students —who may not be so forthcoming this time around. Looks good on paper, but this will present a real challenge, in part because there are only so many embassies available for sale. At last count, there were 187 ambassadors to countries and international organizations, and most of those go to career Foreign Service people. Historically, the percentage available to political backers is around 30 percent, and there would be a huge uproar from the Foreign Service folks if Obama went much above that number. It's pretty hard to increase the number of ambassadors, though there are a few countries without them. Most are not ones some fat-cat contributor would raise $500,000 for. Maybe Havana if both Castros die and democracy blooms, or • maybe Burma, if the murderous thug regime there collapses. Certainly not North Korea. (A two-state settlement between the Israelis and Palestinians would open up one new embassy opportunity. ) Given the laws of supply and demand, it's going to cost you a lot more this time for that lovely manse in Madrid
And finally for a bit of humor from the Nasty House (White Bordello?) which even includes Chelsea's cat ( or dog???) and the religion coumnist from the Washington Post, "Sally Sterling Quinn (born July 1, 1941) is an American author and journalist, who writes about religion for a blog at The Washington Post"
ITAV co-author flap in which Sally Quinn spread rumors that HRC had not written the book. Quinn said that HRC had denied credit to the book's collaborator, Barbara Feinman, a friend of Quinn. HRC said Feinman had withdrawn from the project.
Branch notes that the White House had draft chapters in HRC's handwriting. (Branch turned this to be about him and how it affected him as a ghostwriter.) From this HRC said that Quinn and her friends launched a rumor that HRC and a female veterinarian of Socks' were " flagrante on a bedroom floor in the White House."
Oh the tangled webs we weave . . .
Thanks for the insight.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
This selection from Wikileaks was relatively tame
but the Amassadorial pay-to-play acknowledgment I ever heard or read in such an undisguised, almost statistical manner. Good job, Alex
That part is a cut 'n' paste...
from Al Kamen's In The Loop/WaPo column of 27 May 2011, is it not? It's not Millz/Hillz/et al discussing the ambassadorships, correct? It is Kamen claiming (likely correctly) that that's what's going on for Obama raising campaign funds for his 2012 reelection.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Its a cut and paste from the Washington Post from within a Clinton email. I noted that in the intro. The document was sent to point out that Cheryl Mills was in the article... Clinton is only mentioned as being the place where big donors from 2008 will fill the gap of small donors abandoning Obama... and one place they could find donors was selling ambassadorships.
From the Light House.
Hillary's email address in the Albright email is "", not "" (her state email).
And the Albright email isn't from early 2009, when Hillary would have been migrating from her campaign email to state email, it's from 2012.
Does anyone recall what her campaign email was? Hrod17 isn't ringing a bell, but there are so many details to keep straight. And anyways, wasn't her campaign email shut down, maybe even the server? Huma discussed the switch from campaign to state emails/servers in her deposition.
How it works... tame?
I decided that looking for a smoking gun was a waste of time so I started looking for general patterns.
1. Foreign policy based on how much profit high level businesses can profit
2. Everyone in "Hillaryland" has a govt. job except poor Wendy.
3. Be sure to have her nasty husband contacts a certain oil magnate who reaps huge profits from buying up dead fracking companies.
4. Obama trying to switch from small donors to big money donations and joking inside the establishment press about selling ambassadorships.. ha ha ha the Castros die and we get another big donor.
5. A possible cover-up of more nasty sexual scandals in the White House, this time involving Echh Clinton having sex with a woman on the floor... all while Bill (elsewhere) claims she is naturally homophobic.
6. I haven't posted yet, but State Dept. under Echh Clinton running foreign policy right out of the corporation penthouses through PNB, NED, MMC etc. This is more complicated but here is a hint:
Follow this PNB shit up and you end up with the Heritage Foundation, NED and people like Wolfowicz running USA foreign policy for the profit of corporations/war industry. Thats how it works. The political faces are not spreading "democracy" around the world, they are spreading global corporatism around the world. Could that be called world domination from the boardrooms?
Should I be wearing a tinfoil dunce cap? Or is Coca Cola, Exxon-Mobil, Morgan-Stanley running foreign policy (war and economic policy) via organizations like the PNB indicative of corporate world domination?
From the Light House.
I think you have it just right
The Clintons didn't invent this reality, but they do fit very comfortably in it and exercise their power by facilitating the powerful gaining more power. Just what we need.
Thanks for bringing these documents to light. They confirm everything I've always believed about them.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I agree with D'doc
You seem to have it right. Though as I pointed out in a comment above, the Ambassadorship discussion is a cut 'n' paste from a WaPo blog "speculating" (I think accurately), not a discussion between HillzHenches. (maybe you weren't claiming it was and I just took it that way??)
PS: That would be a Reynolds brand foil hat, right?
PPS: I just assume Reynolds, being a big, old corp has weaseled it's way into all this stuff what with aluminum tubes for rockets and such.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Clinton Cash book
As regards 5 above, sex scandal...
In the book "Clinton Cash" there was a story about a cat. Something about the vet having to come to the WH on an emergency basis and then trying to find the cat..opening closed bedroom doors looking for it and accidently opened one on Hillary and a female. In this version of the story the lover was not the vet, but the one who found them.
In the book, Bill alledgedly tells one of his women that Hillary has an interest in women.
Who knows which version is closer to the truth.
I made the above comment into an essay and shared it in groups on FB... Here is another post, from "This Week" essay here that shows the only solution to USA corporate world domination: Its called the general strike and it needs to be a sustained effort in the belly of the beast.
From the Light House.
I have seen you on FB, that group I believe
to be non-denominational as far as party affiliation. Just trying to piece things together that should have been done by investigative reporting, a craft that seems gone now. Citizen investigation.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yes, I cross post to my FB timeline and some groups
and some interested individuals. I also do some hurricane posting, nature posting and some things about the lighthouse.
From the Light House.